; ; x86 format converters for HERMES ; Some routines Copyright (c) 1998 Christian Nentwich (brn@eleet.mcb.at) ; This source code is licensed under the GNU LGPL ; ; Please refer to the file COPYING.LIB contained in the distribution for ; licensing conditions ; ; Most routines are (c) Glenn Fiedler (ptc@gaffer.org), used with permission ; BITS 32 %include "common.inc" SDL_FUNC _ConvertX86 SECTION .text ;; _ConvertX86: ;; [ESP+8] ConverterInfo* ;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ConverterInfo (ebp+..) ;; 0: void *s_pixels ;; 4: int s_width ;; 8: int s_height ;; 12: int s_add ;; 16: void *d_pixels ;; 20: int d_width ;; 24: int d_height ;; 28: int d_add ;; 32: void (*converter_function)() ;; 36: int32 *lookup _ConvertX86: push ebp mov ebp,esp ; Save the registers used by the blitters, necessary for optimized code pusha mov eax,[ebp+8] cmp dword [eax+4],BYTE 0 je endconvert mov ebp,eax mov esi,[ebp+0] mov edi,[ebp+16] y_loop: mov ecx,[ebp+4] call [ebp+32] add esi,[ebp+12] add edi,[ebp+28] dec dword [ebp+8] jnz y_loop ; Restore the registers used by the blitters, necessary for optimized code popa pop ebp endconvert: ret %ifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,elf section .note.GNU-stack noalloc noexec nowrite progbits %endif