/* * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 SVOX AG, Baslerstr. 30, 8048 Zuerich, Switzerland * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @file picoapi.c * * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 SVOX AG, Baslerstr. 30, 8048 Zuerich, Switzerland * All rights reserved. * * History: * - 2009-04-20 -- initial version */ #include "picodefs.h" #include "picoos.h" #include "picodbg.h" #include "picorsrc.h" #include "picoctrl.h" #include "picoapi.h" #include "picoapid.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* ****************************************************************************/ /* System-level API functions */ /* ****************************************************************************/ #define MAGIC_MASK 0x5069636F /* Pico */ #define SET_MAGIC_NUMBER(sys) \ (sys)->magic = ((picoos_uint32) (sys)) ^ MAGIC_MASK #define CHECK_MAGIC_NUMBER(sys) \ ((sys)->magic == (((picoos_uint32) (sys)) ^ MAGIC_MASK)) /* *** Auxiliary routines (may also be called from picoextapi.c) **************/ int is_valid_system_handle(pico_System system) { return (system != NULL) && CHECK_MAGIC_NUMBER(system); } picoos_Common pico_sysGetCommon(pico_System this) { if (this != NULL) { return this->common; } else { return NULL; } } /* *** System initialization and termination functions ************************/ pico_Status pico_initialize_priv( void *memory, const pico_Uint32 size, pico_Int16 enableMemProt, pico_System *system ) { pico_Status status = PICO_OK; PICODBG_INITIALIZE(PICODBG_LOG_LEVEL_INFO); PICODBG_ENABLE_COLORS(0); /*PICODBG_SET_OUTPUT_FORMAT((PICODBG_SHOW_LEVEL | PICODBG_SHOW_SRCNAME));*/ if (memory == NULL) { status = PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS; } else if (size == 0) { status = PICO_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } else if (system == NULL) { status = PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS; } else { byte_ptr_t rest_mem; picoos_uint32 rest_mem_size; pico_System sys; picoos_MemoryManager sysMM; picoos_ExceptionManager sysEM; sys = (pico_System) picoos_raw_malloc(memory, size, sizeof(pico_system_t), &rest_mem, &rest_mem_size); if (sys != NULL) { sysMM = picoos_newMemoryManager(rest_mem, rest_mem_size, enableMemProt ? TRUE : FALSE); if (sysMM != NULL) { sysEM = picoos_newExceptionManager(sysMM); sys->common = picoos_newCommon(sysMM); sys->rm = picorsrc_newResourceManager(sysMM, sys->common); if ((sysEM != NULL) && (sys->common != NULL) && (sys->rm != NULL)) { sys->common->em = sysEM; sys->common->mm = sysMM; sys->engine = NULL; picorsrc_createDefaultResource(sys->rm /*,&defaultResource */); SET_MAGIC_NUMBER(sys); status = PICO_OK; } else { status = PICO_EXC_OUT_OF_MEM; } } else { status = PICO_EXC_OUT_OF_MEM; } } else { status = PICO_EXC_OUT_OF_MEM; } *system = sys; } if (status != PICO_OK) { if (system != NULL) { *system = NULL; } PICODBG_TERMINATE(); } return status; } /** * pico_initialize : initializes the pico system private memory * @param memory : pointer to a free and already allocated memory area * @param size : size of the memory area * @param system : pointer to a pico_System struct * @return PICO_OK : successful init, !PICO_OK : error on allocating private memory * @callgraph * @callergraph */ PICO_FUNC pico_initialize( void *memory, const pico_Uint32 size, pico_System *system ) { return pico_initialize_priv(memory, size, /*enableMemProt*/ FALSE, system); } /** * pico_terminate : deallocates the pico system private memory * @param system : pointer to a pico_System struct * @return PICO_OK : successful de-init, !PICO_OK : error on de-allocating private memory * @callgraph * @callergraph */ PICO_FUNC pico_terminate( pico_System *system ) { pico_Status status = PICO_OK; if ((system == NULL) || !is_valid_system_handle(*system)) { status = PICO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; } else { pico_System sys = *system; /* close engine(s) */ picoctrl_disposeEngine(sys->common->mm, sys->rm, &sys->engine); /* close all resources */ picorsrc_disposeResourceManager(sys->common->mm, &sys->rm); sys->magic ^= 0xFFFEFDFC; *system = NULL; } PICODBG_TERMINATE(); return status; } /* *** System status and error/warning message retrieval function *************/ /** * pico_getSystemStatusMessage : Returns a description of the system status or errors * @param system : pointer to a pico_System struct * @param errCode : pico_System error code * @param outMessage : memory area where to return a string * @return PICO_OK : successful * @return PICO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE, PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS : errors * @callgraph * @callergraph */ PICO_FUNC pico_getSystemStatusMessage( pico_System system, pico_Status errCode, pico_Retstring outMessage ) { pico_Status status = PICO_OK; if (!is_valid_system_handle(system)) { status = PICO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; if (outMessage != NULL) { picoos_strlcpy((picoos_char *) outMessage, (picoos_char *) "'system' not initialized", PICO_RETSTRINGSIZE); } } else if (outMessage == NULL) { status = PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS; } else { if (picoos_emGetExceptionCode(system->common->em) == PICO_OK) { if (errCode == PICO_OK) { picoos_strlcpy((picoos_char *) outMessage, (picoos_char *) "system ok", PICO_RETSTRINGSIZE); } else { /* exceptionManager was not informed yet; produce default message */ picoos_setErrorMsg((picoos_char *) outMessage, PICO_RETSTRINGSIZE, errCode, NULL, NULL, NULL); } } else { picoos_emGetExceptionMessage(system->common->em, (picoos_char *) outMessage, PICO_RETSTRINGSIZE); } } return status; } /** * pico_getSystemStatusMessage : Returns the number of warnings * @param system : pointer to a pico_System struct * @param *outNrOfWarnings : pointer to location to receive number of warnings * @return PICO_OK : successful * @return PICO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE, PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS : errors * @callgraph * @callergraph */ PICO_FUNC pico_getNrSystemWarnings( pico_System system, pico_Int32 *outNrOfWarnings ) { pico_Status status = PICO_OK; if (!is_valid_system_handle(system)) { status = PICO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; if (outNrOfWarnings != NULL) { *outNrOfWarnings = 0; } } else if (outNrOfWarnings == NULL) { status = PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS; } else { *outNrOfWarnings = picoos_emGetNumOfWarnings(system->common->em); } return status; } /** * pico_getSystemWarning : Returns a description of a warning * @param system : pointer to a pico_System struct * @param warningIndex : warning index * @param *outCode : pointer to receive the warning code * @param outMessage : pointer to receive the output message * @return PICO_OK : successful * @return PICO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE, PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS : errors * @callgraph * @callergraph */ PICO_FUNC pico_getSystemWarning( pico_System system, const pico_Int32 warningIndex, pico_Status *outCode, pico_Retstring outMessage ) { pico_Status status = PICO_OK; if (!is_valid_system_handle(system)) { status = PICO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; if (outMessage != NULL) { picoos_strlcpy((picoos_char *) outMessage, (picoos_char *) "'system' not initialized", PICO_RETSTRINGSIZE); } } else if (warningIndex < 0) { status = PICO_ERR_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE; } else if ((outCode == NULL) || (outMessage == NULL)) { status = PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS; } else { *outCode = picoos_emGetWarningCode(system->common->em, warningIndex); picoos_emGetWarningMessage(system->common->em, warningIndex, (picoos_char *) outMessage, (picoos_uint16) PICO_RETSTRINGSIZE); } return status; } /* *** Resource loading and unloading functions *******************************/ /** * pico_loadResource : Loads a resource file into the Pico system * @param system : pointer to a pico_System struct * @param *lingwareFileName : lingware resource file name * @param *outLingware : pointer to receive the loaded lingware resource memory area address * @return PICO_OK : successful * @return PICO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE, PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS : errors * @callgraph * @callergraph */ PICO_FUNC pico_loadResource( pico_System system, const pico_Char *lingwareFileName, pico_Resource *outLingware ) { pico_Status status = PICO_OK; if (!is_valid_system_handle(system)) { status = PICO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; } else if ((lingwareFileName == NULL) || (outLingware == NULL)) { status = PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS; } else { PICODBG_DEBUG(("memory usage before resource loading")); picoos_showMemUsage(system->common->mm, FALSE, TRUE); picoos_emReset(system->common->em); status = picorsrc_loadResource(system->rm, (picoos_char *) lingwareFileName, (picorsrc_Resource *) outLingware); PICODBG_DEBUG(("memory used to load resource %s", lingwareFileName)); picoos_showMemUsage(system->common->mm, TRUE, FALSE); } return status; } /** * pico_unloadResource : unLoads a resource file from the Pico system * @param system : pointer to a pico_System struct * @param *inoutLingware : pointer to the loaded lingware resource memory area address * @return PICO_OK : successful * @return PICO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE, PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS : errors * @callgraph * @callergraph */ PICO_FUNC pico_unloadResource( pico_System system, pico_Resource *inoutLingware ) { pico_Status status = PICO_OK; if (!is_valid_system_handle(system)) { status = PICO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; } else if (inoutLingware == NULL) { status = PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS; } else if (!picoctrl_isValidResourceHandle(*((picorsrc_Resource *) inoutLingware))) { status = PICO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; } else { PICODBG_DEBUG(("memory usage before resource unloading")); picoos_showMemUsage(system->common->mm, FALSE, TRUE); picoos_emReset(system->common->em); status = picorsrc_unloadResource(system->rm, (picorsrc_Resource *) inoutLingware); PICODBG_DEBUG(("memory released by resource unloading")); picoos_showMemUsage(system->common->mm, TRUE, FALSE); } return status; } /* *** Resource inspection functions *******************************/ /** * pico_getResourceName : Gets a resource name * @param system : pointer to a pico_System struct * @param resource : pointer to the loaded resource memory area address * @param outName : pointer to the area to receuive the resource name * @return PICO_OK : successful * @return PICO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE, PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS : errors * @callgraph * @callergraph */ PICO_FUNC pico_getResourceName( pico_System system, pico_Resource resource, pico_Retstring outName) { if (!is_valid_system_handle(system)) { return PICO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; } else if (NULL == outName) { return PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS; } return picorsrc_rsrcGetName((picorsrc_Resource)resource, (picoos_char *) outName, PICO_RETSTRINGSIZE); } /* *** Voice definition functions *********************************************/ /** * pico_createVoiceDefinition : Creates a voice definition * @param system : pointer to a pico_System struct * @param *voiceName : pointer to the area to receive the voice definition * @return PICO_OK : successful * @return PICO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE, PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS : errors * @callgraph * @callergraph */ PICO_FUNC pico_createVoiceDefinition( pico_System system, const pico_Char *voiceName ) { pico_Status status = PICO_OK; if (!is_valid_system_handle(system)) { status = PICO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; } else if (voiceName == NULL) { status = PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS; } else if (picoos_strlen((picoos_char *) voiceName) == 0) { status = PICO_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } else { picoos_emReset(system->common->em); status = picorsrc_createVoiceDefinition(system->rm, (picoos_char *) voiceName); } return status; } /** * pico_addResourceToVoiceDefinition : Adds a mapping pair to a voice definition * @param system : pointer to a pico_System struct * @param *voiceName : pointer to the area containing the voice definition * @param *resourceName : pointer to the area containing the resource name * @return PICO_OK : successful * @return PICO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE, PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS : errors * @callgraph * @callergraph */ PICO_FUNC pico_addResourceToVoiceDefinition( pico_System system, const pico_Char *voiceName, const pico_Char *resourceName ) { pico_Status status = PICO_OK; if (!is_valid_system_handle(system)) { status = PICO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; } else if (voiceName == NULL) { status = PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS; } else if (picoos_strlen((picoos_char *) voiceName) == 0) { status = PICO_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } else if (resourceName == NULL) { status = PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS; } else if (picoos_strlen((picoos_char *) resourceName) == 0) { status = PICO_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } else { picoos_emReset(system->common->em); status = picorsrc_addResourceToVoiceDefinition(system->rm, (picoos_char *) voiceName, (picoos_char *) resourceName); } return status; } /** * pico_releaseVoiceDefinition : Releases a voice definition * @param system : pointer to a pico_System struct * @param *voiceName : pointer to the area containing the voice definition * @return PICO_OK : successful * @return PICO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE, PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS : errors * @callgraph * @callergraph */ PICO_FUNC pico_releaseVoiceDefinition( pico_System system, const pico_Char *voiceName ) { pico_Status status = PICO_OK; if (!is_valid_system_handle(system)) { status = PICO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; } else if (voiceName == NULL) { status = PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS; } else if (picoos_strlen((picoos_char *) voiceName) == 0) { status = PICO_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } else { picoos_emReset(system->common->em); status = picorsrc_releaseVoiceDefinition(system->rm, (picoos_char *) voiceName); } return status; } /* *** Engine creation and deletion functions *********************************/ /** * pico_newEngine : Creates and initializes a new Pico engine * @param system : pointer to a pico_System struct * @param *voiceName : pointer to the area containing the voice definition * @param *outEngine : pointer to the Pico engine handle * @return PICO_OK : successful * @return PICO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE, PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS : errors * @callgraph * @callergraph */ PICO_FUNC pico_newEngine( pico_System system, const pico_Char *voiceName, pico_Engine *outEngine ) { pico_Status status = PICO_OK; PICODBG_DEBUG(("creating engine for voice '%s'", (picoos_char *) voiceName)); if (!is_valid_system_handle(system)) { status = PICO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; } else if (voiceName == NULL) { status = PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS; } else if (picoos_strlen((picoos_char *) voiceName) == 0) { status = PICO_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } else if (outEngine == NULL) { status = PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS; } else { picoos_emReset(system->common->em); if (system->engine == NULL) { *outEngine = (pico_Engine) picoctrl_newEngine(system->common->mm, system->rm, voiceName); if (*outEngine != NULL) { system->engine = (picoctrl_Engine) *outEngine; } else { status = picoos_emRaiseException(system->common->em, PICO_EXC_OUT_OF_MEM, (picoos_char *) "out of memory creating new engine", NULL); } } else { status = picoos_emRaiseException(system->common->em, PICO_EXC_MAX_NUM_EXCEED, NULL, (picoos_char *) "no more than %i engines", 1); } } return status; } /** * pico_disposeEngine : Disposes a Pico engine * @param system : pointer to a pico_System struct * @param *inoutEngine : pointer to the Pico engine handle * @return PICO_OK : successful * @return PICO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE, PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS : errors * @callgraph * @callergraph */ PICO_FUNC pico_disposeEngine( pico_System system, pico_Engine *inoutEngine ) { pico_Status status = PICO_OK; if (!is_valid_system_handle(system)) { status = PICO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; } else if (inoutEngine == NULL) { status = PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS; } else if (!picoctrl_isValidEngineHandle(*((picoctrl_Engine *) inoutEngine))) { status = PICO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; } else { picoos_emReset(system->common->em); picoctrl_disposeEngine(system->common->mm, system->rm, (picoctrl_Engine *) inoutEngine); system->engine = NULL; status = picoos_emGetExceptionCode(system->common->em); } return status; } /* ****************************************************************************/ /* Engine-level API functions */ /* ****************************************************************************/ /** * pico_putTextUtf8 : Puts UTF8 text into Pico text input buffer * @param engine : pointer to a Pico engine handle * @param *text : pointer to the text buffer * @param textSize : text buffer size * @param *bytesPut : pointer to variable to receive the number of bytes put * @return PICO_OK : successful * @return PICO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE, PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS : errors * @callgraph * @callergraph */ PICO_FUNC pico_putTextUtf8( pico_Engine engine, const pico_Char *text, const pico_Int16 textSize, pico_Int16 *bytesPut) { pico_Status status = PICO_OK; if (!picoctrl_isValidEngineHandle((picoctrl_Engine) engine)) { status = PICO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; } else if (text == NULL) { status = PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS; } else if (textSize < 0) { status = PICO_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } else if (bytesPut == NULL) { status = PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS; } else { picoctrl_engResetExceptionManager((picoctrl_Engine) engine); status = picoctrl_engFeedText((picoctrl_Engine) engine, (picoos_char *)text, textSize, bytesPut); } return status; } /** * pico_getData : Gets speech data from the engine. * @param engine : pointer to a Pico engine handle * @param *buffer : pointer to output buffer * @param bufferSize : out buffer size * @param *bytesReceived : pointer to a variable to receive the number of bytes received * @param *outDataType : pointer to a variable to receive the type of buffer received * @return PICO_OK : successful * @return PICO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE, PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS : errors * @callgraph * @callergraph */ PICO_FUNC pico_getData( pico_Engine engine, void *buffer, const pico_Int16 bufferSize, pico_Int16 *bytesReceived, pico_Int16 *outDataType ) { pico_Status status = PICO_OK; if (!picoctrl_isValidEngineHandle((picoctrl_Engine) engine)) { status = PICO_STEP_ERROR; } else if (buffer == NULL) { status = PICO_STEP_ERROR; } else if (bufferSize < 0) { status = PICO_STEP_ERROR; } else if (bytesReceived == NULL) { status = PICO_STEP_ERROR; } else { picoctrl_engResetExceptionManager((picoctrl_Engine) engine); status = picoctrl_engFetchOutputItemBytes((picoctrl_Engine) engine, (picoos_char *)buffer, bufferSize, bytesReceived); if ((status != PICO_STEP_IDLE) && (status != PICO_STEP_BUSY)) { status = PICO_STEP_ERROR; } } *outDataType = PICO_DATA_PCM_16BIT; return status; } /** * pico_resetEngine : Resets the engine * @param engine : pointer to a Pico engine handle * @param resetMode : reset mode; one of PICO_RESET_FULL or PICO_RESET_SOFT * @return PICO_OK : successful * @return PICO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE, PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS : errors * @callgraph * @callergraph */ PICO_FUNC pico_resetEngine( pico_Engine engine, pico_Int32 resetMode) { pico_Status status = PICO_OK; if (!picoctrl_isValidEngineHandle((picoctrl_Engine) engine)) { status = PICO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; } else { picoctrl_engResetExceptionManager((picoctrl_Engine) engine); resetMode = (PICO_RESET_SOFT == resetMode) ? PICO_RESET_SOFT : PICO_RESET_FULL; status = picoctrl_engReset((picoctrl_Engine) engine, (picoos_int32)resetMode); } return status; } /** * pico_getEngineStatusMessage : Returns the engine status or error description * @param engine : pointer to a Pico engine handle * @param errCode : error code * @param outMessage : pointer to a memory area to receive the output message * @return PICO_OK : successful * @return PICO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE, PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS : errors * @callgraph * @callergraph */ PICO_FUNC pico_getEngineStatusMessage( pico_Engine engine, pico_Status errCode, pico_Retstring outMessage ) { pico_Status status = PICO_OK; PICODBG_DEBUG(("got error code %i", errCode)); if (!picoctrl_isValidEngineHandle((picoctrl_Engine) engine)) { status = PICO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; if (outMessage != NULL) { picoos_strlcpy((picoos_char *) outMessage, (picoos_char *) "'engine' not initialized", PICO_RETSTRINGSIZE); } } else if (outMessage == NULL) { status = PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS; } else { picoos_Common common = picoctrl_engGetCommon((picoctrl_Engine) engine); if (picoos_emGetExceptionCode(common->em) == PICO_OK) { if (errCode == PICO_OK) { picoos_strlcpy((picoos_char *) outMessage, (picoos_char *) "engine ok", PICO_RETSTRINGSIZE); } else { /* exceptionManager was not informed yet; produce default message */ picoos_setErrorMsg((picoos_char *) outMessage, PICO_RETSTRINGSIZE, errCode, NULL, NULL, NULL); } } else { picoos_emGetExceptionMessage(common->em, (picoos_char *) outMessage, PICO_RETSTRINGSIZE); } } return status; } /** * pico_getNrEngineWarnings : Returns the number of warnings * @param engine : pointer to a Pico engine handle * @param *outNrOfWarnings: pointer to a variable to receive the number of warnings * @return PICO_OK : successful * @return PICO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE, PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS : errors * @callgraph * @callergraph */ PICO_FUNC pico_getNrEngineWarnings( pico_Engine engine, pico_Int32 *outNrOfWarnings ) { pico_Status status = PICO_OK; if (!picoctrl_isValidEngineHandle((picoctrl_Engine) engine)) { status = PICO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; if (outNrOfWarnings != NULL) { *outNrOfWarnings = 0; } } else if (outNrOfWarnings == NULL) { status = PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS; } else { picoos_Common common = picoctrl_engGetCommon((picoctrl_Engine) engine); *outNrOfWarnings = picoos_emGetNumOfWarnings(common->em); } return status; } /** * pico_getEngineWarning : Returns a description of a warning * @param engine : pointer to a Pico engine handle * @param warningIndex : warning index * @param *outCode: pointer to a variable to receive the warning code * @param outMessage: pointer to a memory area to receive the warning description * @return PICO_OK : successful * @return PICO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE, PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS : errors * @callgraph * @callergraph */ PICO_FUNC pico_getEngineWarning( pico_Engine engine, const pico_Int32 warningIndex, pico_Status *outCode, pico_Retstring outMessage ) { pico_Status status = PICO_OK; if (!picoctrl_isValidEngineHandle((picoctrl_Engine) engine)) { status = PICO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; if (outMessage != NULL) { picoos_strlcpy((picoos_char *) outMessage, (picoos_char *) "'engine' not initialized", PICO_RETSTRINGSIZE); } } else if (warningIndex < 0) { status = PICO_ERR_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE; } else if ((outCode == NULL) || (outMessage == NULL)) { status = PICO_ERR_NULLPTR_ACCESS; } else { picoos_Common common = picoctrl_engGetCommon((picoctrl_Engine) engine); *outCode = picoos_emGetWarningCode(common->em, warningIndex); picoos_emGetWarningMessage(common->em, warningIndex, (picoos_char *) outMessage, (picoos_uint16) PICO_RETSTRINGSIZE); } return status; } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* end */