path: root/LayoutTests/fast/js/resources/JSON-stringify.js
diff options
authorSteve Block <>2010-02-25 10:58:37 +0000
committerSteve Block <>2010-02-25 11:17:52 +0000
commitcfb0617749a64f2e177386b030d46007b8c4b179 (patch)
tree033b0b4e1b1eaa96831b52fc1ec6675132f33035 /LayoutTests/fast/js/resources/JSON-stringify.js
parent4175d59b46f96005f0c64978b1a94e3fe60f1e8e (diff)
Adds layout tests for HTML5 features
The following layout tests should all pass on Android, as they are for recently implemented HTML5 features ... - fast/dom/Geolocation - storage - http/tests/appcache This change adds these tests to the Android tree, at the current WebKit revision r54731. This is so that we can easily keep track of which tests should always be green, and so that we can add Android-specific test results. We also add the following paths ... - fast/js/resources - used by the Geolocation tests - http/conf - used by the Appcache tests Tests that are currently failing are added to the DumpRenderTree skipped list temporarily, to keep all tests green. Change-Id: Id96c05e3746ed64e4e4c40c99567b8def688f90a
Diffstat (limited to 'LayoutTests/fast/js/resources/JSON-stringify.js')
1 files changed, 508 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/LayoutTests/fast/js/resources/JSON-stringify.js b/LayoutTests/fast/js/resources/JSON-stringify.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d58b5fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LayoutTests/fast/js/resources/JSON-stringify.js
@@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
+function createTests() {
+ var simpleArray = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
+ var simpleObject = {a:"1", b:"2", c:"3"};
+ var complexArray = ['a', 'b', 'c',,,simpleObject, simpleArray, [simpleObject,simpleArray]];
+ var complexObject = {a:"1", b:"2", c:"3", d:undefined, e:null, "":12, get f(){ return simpleArray; }, array: complexArray};
+ var simpleArrayWithProto = ['d', 'e', 'f'];
+ simpleArrayWithProto.__proto__ = simpleObject;
+ var simpleObjectWithProto = {d:"4", e:"5", f:"6", __proto__:simpleObject};
+ var complexArrayWithProto = ['d', 'e', 'f',,,simpleObjectWithProto, simpleArrayWithProto, [simpleObjectWithProto,simpleArrayWithProto]];
+ complexArrayWithProto.__proto__ = simpleObjectWithProto;
+ var complexObjectWithProto = {d:"4", e:"5", f:"6", g:undefined, h:null, "":12, get i(){ return simpleArrayWithProto; }, array2: complexArrayWithProto, __proto__:complexObject};
+ var objectWithSideEffectGetter = {get b() {;}};
+ var objectWithSideEffectGetterAndProto = {__proto__:{foo:"bar"}, get b() {;}};
+ var arrayWithSideEffectGetter = [];
+ arrayWithSideEffectGetter.__defineGetter__("b", function(){;});
+ var arrayWithSideEffectGetterAndProto = [];
+ arrayWithSideEffectGetterAndProto.__defineGetter__("b", function(){;});
+ arrayWithSideEffectGetterAndProto.__proto__ = {foo:"bar"};
+ var result = [];
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(1);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(1.5);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(-1);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(-1.5);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(null);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify("string");
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(new Number(0));
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(new Number(1));
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(new Number(1.5));
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(new Number(-1));
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(new Number(-1.5));
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(new String("a string object"));
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(new Boolean(true));
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ var value = new Number(1);
+ value.valueOf = function() { return 2; }
+ return jsonObject.stringify(value);
+ });
+ result[result.length - 1].expected = '2';
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ var value = new Boolean(true);
+ value.valueOf = function() { return 2; }
+ return jsonObject.stringify(value);
+ });
+ result[result.length - 1].expected = '2';
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ var value = new String("fail");
+ value.toString = function() { return "converted string"; }
+ return jsonObject.stringify(value);
+ });
+ result[result.length - 1].expected = '"converted string"';
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(true);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(false);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(new Date(0));
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify({toJSON: Date.prototype.toJSON});
+ });
+ result[result.length - 1].throws = true;
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify({toJSON: Date.prototype.toJSON, toISOString: function(){ return "custom toISOString"; }});
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify({toJSON: Date.prototype.toJSON, toISOString: function(){ return {}; }});
+ });
+ result[result.length - 1].throws = true;
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify({toJSON: Date.prototype.toJSON, toISOString: function(){ throw "An exception"; }});
+ });
+ result[result.length - 1].throws = true;
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ var d = new Date(0);
+ d.toISOString = null;
+ return jsonObject.stringify(d);
+ });
+ result[result.length - 1].throws = true;
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ var d = new Date(0);
+ d.toJSON = undefined;
+ return jsonObject.stringify(d);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify({get Foo() { return "bar"; }});
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify({get Foo() {"wibble"; return "bar"; }});
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ var count = 0;
+ jsonObject.stringify({get Foo() { count++; return "bar"; }});
+ return count;
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ var count = 0;
+ return jsonObject.stringify({get Foo() { count++; delete; return "bar"; }, bar: "wibble"});
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ var count = 0;
+ return jsonObject.stringify({a:"1", b:"2", c:"3", 5:4, 4:5, 2:6, 1:7});
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ var allString = true;
+ jsonObject.stringify({a:"1", b:"2", c:"3", 5:4, 4:5, 2:6, 1:7}, function(k,v){allString = allString && (typeof k == "string"); return v});
+ return allString;
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ var allString = true;
+ jsonObject.stringify([1,2,3,4,5], function(k,v){allString = allString && (typeof k == "string"); return v});
+ return allString;
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ var allString = true;
+ var array = [];
+ return jsonObject.stringify({a:"1", b:"2", c:"3", 5:4, 4:5, 2:6, 1:7}, array);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ var allString = true;
+ var array = ["a"];
+ return jsonObject.stringify({get a(){return 1;array[1]="b";array[2]="c"}, b:"2", c:"3"}, array);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ var allString = true;
+ var array = [{toString:function(){array[0]='a'; array[1]='c'; array[2]='b'; return 'a'}}];
+ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObject, array);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ var allString = true;
+ var array = [{toString:function(){array[0]='a'; array[1]='c'; array[2]='b'; return 'a'}}];
+ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObjectWithProto, array);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ var allString = true;
+ var array = [1, new Number(2), NaN, Infinity, -Infinity, new String("str")];
+ return jsonObject.stringify({"1":"1","2":"2","NaN":"NaN","Infinity":"Infinity","-Infinity":"-Infinity","str":"str"}, array);
+ });
+ result[result.length - 1].expected = '{"1":"1","2":"2","NaN":"NaN","Infinity":"Infinity","-Infinity":"-Infinity","str":"str"}';
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ var allString = true;
+ var array = ["1","2","3"];
+ return jsonObject.stringify({1:'a', 2:'b', 3:'c'}, array);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ var allString = true;
+ var array = ["1","2","3"];
+ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleArray, array);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleArray, null, " ");
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleArray, null, 4);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleArray, null, "ab");
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleArray, null, 4);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObject, null, " ");
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObject, null, 4);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObject, null, "ab");
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObject, null, 4);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObject, null, 10);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObject, null, 11);
+ });
+ result[result.length - 1].expected = JSON.stringify(simpleObject, null, 10);
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObject, null, " ");
+ });
+ result[result.length - 1].expected = JSON.stringify(simpleObject, null, 10);
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObject, null, " ");
+ });
+ result[result.length - 1].expected = JSON.stringify(simpleObject, null, 10);
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(complexArray, null, " ");
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(complexArray, null, 4);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(complexArray, null, "ab");
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(complexArray, null, 4);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(complexObject, null, " ");
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(complexObject, null, 4);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(complexObject, null, "ab");
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(complexObject, null, 4);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ var allString = true;
+ var array = ["1","2","3"];
+ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleArrayWithProto, array);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleArrayWithProto, null, " ");
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleArrayWithProto, null, 4);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleArrayWithProto, null, "ab");
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleArrayWithProto, null, 4);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObjectWithProto, null, " ");
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObjectWithProto, null, 4);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObjectWithProto, null, "ab");
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObjectWithProto, null, 4);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObjectWithProto, null, 10);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObjectWithProto, null, 11);
+ });
+ result[result.length - 1].expected = JSON.stringify(simpleObjectWithProto, null, 10);
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObjectWithProto, null, " ");
+ });
+ result[result.length - 1].expected = JSON.stringify(simpleObjectWithProto, null, 10);
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObjectWithProto, null, " ");
+ });
+ result[result.length - 1].expected = JSON.stringify(simpleObjectWithProto, null, 10);
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(complexArrayWithProto, null, " ");
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(complexArrayWithProto, null, 4);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(complexArrayWithProto, null, "ab");
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(complexArrayWithProto, null, 4);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(complexObjectWithProto, null, " ");
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(complexObjectWithProto, null, 4);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(complexObjectWithProto, null, "ab");
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(complexObjectWithProto, null, 4);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(objectWithSideEffectGetter);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(objectWithSideEffectGetterAndProto);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(arrayWithSideEffectGetter);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(arrayWithSideEffectGetterAndProto);
+ });
+ var replaceTracker;
+ function replaceFunc(key, value) {
+ replaceTracker += key + "("+(typeof key)+")" + JSON.stringify(value) + ";";
+ return value;
+ }
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ replaceTracker = "";
+ jsonObject.stringify([1,2,3,,,,4,5,6], replaceFunc);
+ return replaceTracker;
+ });
+ result[result.length - 1].expected = '(string)[1,2,3,null,null,null,4,5,6];0(number)1;1(number)2;2(number)3;3(number)undefined;4(number)undefined;5(number)undefined;6(number)4;7(number)5;8(number)6;'
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ replaceTracker = "";
+ jsonObject.stringify({a:"a", b:"b", c:"c", 3: "d", 2: "e", 1: "f"}, replaceFunc);
+ return replaceTracker;
+ });
+ result[result.length - 1].expected = '(string){"a":"a","b":"b","c":"c","3":"d","2":"e","1":"f"};a(string)"a";b(string)"b";c(string)"c";3(string)"d";2(string)"e";1(string)"f";';
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ var count = 0;
+ var array = [{toString:function(){count++; array[0]='a'; array[1]='c'; array[2]='b'; return 'a'}}];
+ jsonObject.stringify(simpleObject, array);
+ return count;
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ var allString = true;
+ var array = [{toString:function(){array[0]='a'; array[1]='c'; array[2]='b'; return 'a'}}, 'b', 'c'];
+ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObject, array);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ var count = 0;
+ var array = [{toString:function(){count++; array[0]='a'; array[1]='c'; array[2]='b'; return 'a'}}, 'b', 'c'];
+ jsonObject.stringify(simpleObject, array);
+ return count;
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify({a:"1", get b() { this.a="foo"; return "getter"; }, c:"3"});
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify({a:"1", get b() { this.c="foo"; return "getter"; }, c:"3"});
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ var setterCalled = false;
+ jsonObject.stringify({a:"1", set b(s) { setterCalled = true; return "setter"; }, c:"3"});
+ return setterCalled;
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify({a:"1", get b(){ return "getter"; }, set b(s) { return "setter"; }, c:"3"});
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(new Array(10));
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify([undefined,,null,0,false]);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify({p1:undefined,p2:null,p3:0,p4:false});
+ });
+ var cycleTracker = "";
+ var cyclicObject = { get preSelf1() { cycleTracker+="preSelf1,"; return "preSelf1"; },
+ preSelf2: {toJSON:function(){cycleTracker+="preSelf2,"; return "preSelf2"}},
+ self: [],
+ get postSelf1() { cycleTracker+="postSelf1,"; return "postSelf1" },
+ postSelf2: {toJSON:function(){cycleTracker+="postSelf2,"; return "postSelf2"}},
+ toJSON : function(key) { cycleTracker += key + "("+(typeof key)+"):" + this; return this; }
+ };
+ cyclicObject.self = cyclicObject;
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ cycleTracker = "";
+ return jsonObject.stringify(cyclicObject);
+ });
+ result[result.length - 1].throws = true;
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ cycleTracker = "";
+ try { jsonObject.stringify(cyclicObject); } catch(e) { cycleTracker += " -> exception" }
+ return cycleTracker;
+ });
+ result[result.length - 1].expected = "(string):[object Object]preSelf1,preSelf2,self(string):[object Object] -> exception"
+ var cyclicArray = [{toJSON : function(key,value) { cycleTracker += key + "("+(typeof key)+"):" + this; cycleTracker += "first,"; return this; }},
+ cyclicArray,
+ {toJSON : function(key,value) { cycleTracker += key + "("+(typeof key)+"):" + this; cycleTracker += "second,"; return this; }}];
+ cyclicArray[1] = cyclicArray;
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ cycleTracker = "";
+ return jsonObject.stringify(cyclicArray);
+ });
+ result[result.length - 1].throws = true;
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ cycleTracker = "";
+ try { jsonObject.stringify(cyclicArray); } catch(e) { cycleTracker += " -> exception" }
+ return cycleTracker;
+ });
+ result[result.length - 1].expected = "0(number):[object Object]first, -> exception";
+ function createArray(len, o) { var r = []; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) r[i] = o; return r; }
+ var getterCalls;
+ var magicObject = createArray(10, {abcdefg: [1,2,5,"ab", null, undefined, true, false,,],
+ get calls() {return ++getterCalls; },
+ "123":createArray(15, "foo"),
+ "":{a:"b"}});
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ getterCalls = 0;
+ return jsonObject.stringify(magicObject) + " :: getter calls = " + getterCalls;
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(undefined);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(null);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify({toJSON:function(){ return undefined; }});
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify({toJSON:function(){ return null; }});
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify([{toJSON:function(){ return undefined; }}]);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify([{toJSON:function(){ return null; }}]);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify({a:{toJSON:function(){ return undefined; }}});
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify({a:{toJSON:function(){ return null; }}});
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify({a:{toJSON:function(){ return function(){}; }}});
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify({a:function(){}});
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ var deepObject = {};
+ for (var i = 0; i < 2048; i++)
+ deepObject = {next:deepObject};
+ return jsonObject.stringify(deepObject);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ var deepArray = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < 2048; i++)
+ deepArray = [deepArray];
+ return jsonObject.stringify(deepArray);
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ var depth = 0;
+ function toDeepVirtualJSONObject() {
+ if (++depth >= 2048)
+ return {};
+ var r = {};
+ r.toJSON = toDeepVirtualJSONObject;
+ return {recurse: r};
+ }
+ return jsonObject.stringify(toDeepVirtualJSONObject());
+ });
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ var depth = 0;
+ function toDeepVirtualJSONArray() {
+ if (++depth >= 2048)
+ return [];
+ var r = [];
+ r.toJSON = toDeepJSONArray;
+ return [r];
+ }
+ return jsonObject.stringify(toDeepVirtualJSONArray());
+ });
+ var fullCharsetString = "";
+ for (var i = 0; i < 65536; i++)
+ fullCharsetString += String.fromCharCode(i);
+ result.push(function(jsonObject){
+ return jsonObject.stringify(fullCharsetString);
+ });
+ return result;
+var tests = createTests();
+for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {
+ try {
+ debug(tests[i]);
+ if (tests[i].throws)
+ shouldThrow('tests[i](nativeJSON)');
+ else if (tests[i].expected)
+ shouldBe('tests[i](nativeJSON)', "tests[i].expected");
+ else
+ shouldBe('tests[i](nativeJSON)', "tests[i](JSON)");
+ }catch(e){}
+successfullyParsed = true;