path: root/Source/WebCore/editing/SelectionController.cpp
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authorSteve Block <>2011-05-06 11:45:16 +0100
committerSteve Block <>2011-05-12 13:44:10 +0100
commitcad810f21b803229eb11403f9209855525a25d57 (patch)
tree29a6fd0279be608e0fe9ffe9841f722f0f4e4269 /Source/WebCore/editing/SelectionController.cpp
parent121b0cf4517156d0ac5111caf9830c51b69bae8f (diff)
Merge WebKit at r75315: Initial merge by git.
Change-Id: I570314b346ce101c935ed22a626b48c2af266b84
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/WebCore/editing/SelectionController.cpp')
1 files changed, 1802 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Source/WebCore/editing/SelectionController.cpp b/Source/WebCore/editing/SelectionController.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eca0711
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/WebCore/editing/SelectionController.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1802 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2004, 2008, 2009, 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "SelectionController.h"
+#include "CharacterData.h"
+#include "DeleteSelectionCommand.h"
+#include "Document.h"
+#include "Editor.h"
+#include "EditorClient.h"
+#include "Element.h"
+#include "EventHandler.h"
+#include "ExceptionCode.h"
+#include "FloatQuad.h"
+#include "FocusController.h"
+#include "Frame.h"
+#include "FrameTree.h"
+#include "FrameView.h"
+#include "GraphicsContext.h"
+#include "HTMLFormElement.h"
+#include "HTMLFrameElementBase.h"
+#include "HTMLInputElement.h"
+#include "HTMLNames.h"
+#include "HitTestRequest.h"
+#include "HitTestResult.h"
+#include "Page.h"
+#include "Range.h"
+#include "RenderLayer.h"
+#include "RenderTextControl.h"
+#include "RenderTheme.h"
+#include "RenderView.h"
+#include "RenderWidget.h"
+#include "SecureTextInput.h"
+#include "Settings.h"
+#include "TextIterator.h"
+#include "TypingCommand.h"
+#include "htmlediting.h"
+#include "visible_units.h"
+#include "WebViewCore.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <wtf/text/CString.h>
+#define EDIT_DEBUG 0
+namespace WebCore {
+using namespace HTMLNames;
+const int NoXPosForVerticalArrowNavigation = INT_MIN;
+SelectionController::SelectionController(Frame* frame, bool isDragCaretController)
+ : m_frame(frame)
+ , m_xPosForVerticalArrowNavigation(NoXPosForVerticalArrowNavigation)
+ , m_granularity(CharacterGranularity)
+ , m_caretBlinkTimer(this, &SelectionController::caretBlinkTimerFired)
+ , m_caretRectNeedsUpdate(true)
+ , m_absCaretBoundsDirty(true)
+ , m_isDragCaretController(isDragCaretController)
+ , m_isCaretBlinkingSuspended(false)
+ , m_focused(frame && frame->page() && frame->page()->focusController()->focusedFrame() == frame)
+ , m_caretVisible(isDragCaretController)
+ , m_caretPaint(true)
+ setIsDirectional(false);
+void SelectionController::moveTo(const VisiblePosition &pos, bool userTriggered, CursorAlignOnScroll align)
+ setSelection(VisibleSelection(pos.deepEquivalent(), pos.deepEquivalent(), pos.affinity()), true, true, userTriggered, align);
+void SelectionController::moveTo(const VisiblePosition &base, const VisiblePosition &extent, bool userTriggered)
+ setSelection(VisibleSelection(base.deepEquivalent(), extent.deepEquivalent(), base.affinity()), true, true, userTriggered);
+void SelectionController::moveTo(const Position &pos, EAffinity affinity, bool userTriggered)
+ setSelection(VisibleSelection(pos, affinity), true, true, userTriggered);
+void SelectionController::moveTo(const Range *r, EAffinity affinity, bool userTriggered)
+ VisibleSelection selection = r ? VisibleSelection(r->startPosition(), r->endPosition(), affinity) : VisibleSelection(Position(), Position(), affinity);
+ setSelection(selection, true, true, userTriggered);
+void SelectionController::moveTo(const Position &base, const Position &extent, EAffinity affinity, bool userTriggered)
+ setSelection(VisibleSelection(base, extent, affinity), true, true, userTriggered);
+void SelectionController::setSelection(const VisibleSelection& s, bool closeTyping, bool shouldClearTypingStyle, bool userTriggered, CursorAlignOnScroll align, TextGranularity granularity, DirectionalityPolicy directionalityPolicy)
+ m_granularity = granularity;
+ setIsDirectional(directionalityPolicy == MakeDirectionalSelection);
+ if (m_isDragCaretController) {
+ invalidateCaretRect();
+ m_selection = s;
+ m_caretRectNeedsUpdate = true;
+ invalidateCaretRect();
+ updateCaretRect();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!m_frame) {
+ m_selection = s;
+ return;
+ }
+ Node* baseNode = s.base().node();
+ Document* document = 0;
+ if (baseNode)
+ document = baseNode->document();
+ // <>: Infinite recursion at SelectionController::setSelection
+ // if document->frame() == m_frame we can get into an infinite loop
+ if (document && document->frame() && document->frame() != m_frame && document != m_frame->document()) {
+ document->frame()->selection()->setSelection(s, closeTyping, shouldClearTypingStyle, userTriggered);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (closeTyping)
+ TypingCommand::closeTyping(m_frame->editor()->lastEditCommand());
+ if (shouldClearTypingStyle)
+ clearTypingStyle();
+ if (m_selection == s)
+ return;
+ VisibleSelection oldSelection = m_selection;
+ m_selection = s;
+ m_caretRectNeedsUpdate = true;
+ if (!s.isNone())
+ setFocusedNodeIfNeeded();
+ updateAppearance();
+ // Always clear the x position used for vertical arrow navigation.
+ // It will be restored by the vertical arrow navigation code if necessary.
+ m_xPosForVerticalArrowNavigation = NoXPosForVerticalArrowNavigation;
+ selectFrameElementInParentIfFullySelected();
+ notifyRendererOfSelectionChange(userTriggered);
+ m_frame->editor()->respondToChangedSelection(oldSelection, closeTyping);
+ if (userTriggered) {
+ ScrollAlignment alignment;
+ if (m_frame->editor()->behavior().shouldCenterAlignWhenSelectionIsRevealed())
+ alignment = (align == AlignCursorOnScrollAlways) ? ScrollAlignment::alignCenterAlways : ScrollAlignment::alignCenterIfNeeded;
+ else
+ alignment = (align == AlignCursorOnScrollAlways) ? ScrollAlignment::alignTopAlways : ScrollAlignment::alignToEdgeIfNeeded;
+ revealSelection(alignment, true);
+ }
+ notifyAccessibilityForSelectionChange();
+static bool removingNodeRemovesPosition(Node* node, const Position& position)
+ if (!position.node())
+ return false;
+ if (position.node() == node)
+ return true;
+ if (!node->isElementNode())
+ return false;
+ Element* element = static_cast<Element*>(node);
+ return element->contains(position.node()) || element->contains(position.node()->shadowAncestorNode());
+void SelectionController::nodeWillBeRemoved(Node *node)
+ if (isNone())
+ return;
+ // There can't be a selection inside a fragment, so if a fragment's node is being removed,
+ // the selection in the document that created the fragment needs no adjustment.
+ if (node && highestAncestor(node)->nodeType() == Node::DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE)
+ return;
+ respondToNodeModification(node, removingNodeRemovesPosition(node, m_selection.base()), removingNodeRemovesPosition(node, m_selection.extent()),
+ removingNodeRemovesPosition(node, m_selection.start()), removingNodeRemovesPosition(node, m_selection.end()));
+void SelectionController::respondToNodeModification(Node* node, bool baseRemoved, bool extentRemoved, bool startRemoved, bool endRemoved)
+ bool clearRenderTreeSelection = false;
+ bool clearDOMTreeSelection = false;
+ if (startRemoved || endRemoved) {
+ // FIXME: When endpoints are removed, we should just alter the selection, instead of blowing it away.
+ clearRenderTreeSelection = true;
+ clearDOMTreeSelection = true;
+ } else if (baseRemoved || extentRemoved) {
+ // The base and/or extent are about to be removed, but the start and end aren't.
+ // Change the base and extent to the start and end, but don't re-validate the
+ // selection, since doing so could move the start and end into the node
+ // that is about to be removed.
+ if (m_selection.isBaseFirst())
+ m_selection.setWithoutValidation(m_selection.start(), m_selection.end());
+ else
+ m_selection.setWithoutValidation(m_selection.end(), m_selection.start());
+ } else if (m_selection.firstRange()) {
+ ExceptionCode ec = 0;
+ Range::CompareResults compareResult = m_selection.firstRange()->compareNode(node, ec);
+ if (!ec && (compareResult == Range::NODE_BEFORE_AND_AFTER || compareResult == Range::NODE_INSIDE)) {
+ // If we did nothing here, when this node's renderer was destroyed, the rect that it
+ // occupied would be invalidated, but, selection gaps that change as a result of
+ // the removal wouldn't be invalidated.
+ // FIXME: Don't do so much unnecessary invalidation.
+ clearRenderTreeSelection = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (clearRenderTreeSelection) {
+ RefPtr<Document> document = m_selection.start().node()->document();
+ document->updateStyleIfNeeded();
+ if (RenderView* view = toRenderView(document->renderer()))
+ view->clearSelection();
+ }
+ if (clearDOMTreeSelection)
+ setSelection(VisibleSelection(), false, false);
+enum EndPointType { EndPointIsStart, EndPointIsEnd };
+static bool shouldRemovePositionAfterAdoptingTextReplacement(Position& position, EndPointType type, CharacterData* node, unsigned offset, unsigned oldLength, unsigned newLength)
+ if (!position.anchorNode() || position.anchorNode() != node || position.anchorType() != Position::PositionIsOffsetInAnchor)
+ return false;
+ if (static_cast<unsigned>(position.offsetInContainerNode()) > offset && static_cast<unsigned>(position.offsetInContainerNode()) < offset + oldLength)
+ return true;
+ if ((type == EndPointIsStart && static_cast<unsigned>(position.offsetInContainerNode()) >= offset + oldLength)
+ || (type == EndPointIsEnd && static_cast<unsigned>(position.offsetInContainerNode()) > offset + oldLength))
+ position.moveToOffset(position.offsetInContainerNode() - oldLength + newLength);
+ return false;
+void SelectionController::textWillBeReplaced(CharacterData* node, unsigned offset, unsigned oldLength, unsigned newLength)
+ // The fragment check is a performance optimization. See
+ if (isNone() || !node || highestAncestor(node)->nodeType() == Node::DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE)
+ return;
+ Position base = m_selection.base();
+ Position extent = m_selection.extent();
+ Position start = m_selection.start();
+ Position end = m_selection.end();
+ bool shouldRemoveBase = shouldRemovePositionAfterAdoptingTextReplacement(base, m_selection.isBaseFirst() ? EndPointIsStart : EndPointIsEnd, node, offset, oldLength, newLength);
+ bool shouldRemoveExtent = shouldRemovePositionAfterAdoptingTextReplacement(extent, m_selection.isBaseFirst() ? EndPointIsEnd : EndPointIsStart, node, offset, oldLength, newLength);
+ bool shouldRemoveStart = shouldRemovePositionAfterAdoptingTextReplacement(start, EndPointIsStart, node, offset, oldLength, newLength);
+ bool shouldRemoveEnd = shouldRemovePositionAfterAdoptingTextReplacement(end, EndPointIsEnd, node, offset, oldLength, newLength);
+ if ((base != m_selection.base() || extent != m_selection.extent() || start != m_selection.start() || end != m_selection.end())
+ && !shouldRemoveStart && !shouldRemoveEnd) {
+ if (!shouldRemoveBase && !shouldRemoveExtent)
+ m_selection.setWithoutValidation(base, extent);
+ else {
+ if (m_selection.isBaseFirst())
+ m_selection.setWithoutValidation(m_selection.start(), m_selection.end());
+ else
+ m_selection.setWithoutValidation(m_selection.end(), m_selection.start());
+ }
+ }
+ respondToNodeModification(node, shouldRemoveBase, shouldRemoveExtent, shouldRemoveStart, shouldRemoveEnd);
+void SelectionController::setIsDirectional(bool isDirectional)
+ m_isDirectional = !m_frame || m_frame->editor()->behavior().shouldConsiderSelectionAsDirectional() || isDirectional;
+void SelectionController::willBeModified(EAlteration alter, SelectionDirection direction)
+ if (alter != AlterationExtend)
+ return;
+ Position start = m_selection.start();
+ Position end = m_selection.end();
+ if (m_isDirectional) {
+ // Make base and extent match start and end so we extend the user-visible selection.
+ // This only matters for cases where base and extend point to different positions than
+ // start and end (e.g. after a double-click to select a word).
+ if (m_selection.isBaseFirst()) {
+ m_selection.setBase(start);
+ m_selection.setExtent(end);
+ } else {
+ m_selection.setBase(end);
+ m_selection.setExtent(start);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // FIXME: This is probably not correct for right and left when the direction is RTL.
+ switch (direction) {
+ case DirectionRight:
+ case DirectionForward:
+ m_selection.setBase(start);
+ m_selection.setExtent(end);
+ break;
+ case DirectionLeft:
+ case DirectionBackward:
+ m_selection.setBase(end);
+ m_selection.setExtent(start);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+TextDirection SelectionController::directionOfEnclosingBlock()
+ Node* enclosingBlockNode = enclosingBlock(m_selection.extent().node());
+ if (!enclosingBlockNode)
+ return LTR;
+ RenderObject* renderer = enclosingBlockNode->renderer();
+ if (renderer)
+ return renderer->style()->direction();
+ return LTR;
+VisiblePosition SelectionController::positionForPlatform(bool isGetStart) const
+ Settings* settings = m_frame ? m_frame->settings() : 0;
+ if (settings && settings->editingBehaviorType() == EditingMacBehavior)
+ return isGetStart ? m_selection.visibleStart() : m_selection.visibleEnd();
+ // Linux and Windows always extend selections from the extent endpoint.
+ // FIXME: VisibleSelection should be fixed to ensure as an invariant that
+ // base/extent always point to the same nodes as start/end, but which points
+ // to which depends on the value of isBaseFirst. Then this can be changed
+ // to just return m_sel.extent().
+ return m_selection.isBaseFirst() ? m_selection.visibleEnd() : m_selection.visibleStart();
+VisiblePosition SelectionController::startForPlatform() const
+ return positionForPlatform(true);
+VisiblePosition SelectionController::endForPlatform() const
+ return positionForPlatform(false);
+VisiblePosition SelectionController::modifyExtendingRight(TextGranularity granularity)
+ VisiblePosition pos(m_selection.extent(), m_selection.affinity());
+ // The difference between modifyExtendingRight and modifyExtendingForward is:
+ // modifyExtendingForward always extends forward logically.
+ // modifyExtendingRight behaves the same as modifyExtendingForward except for extending character or word,
+ // it extends forward logically if the enclosing block is LTR direction,
+ // but it extends backward logically if the enclosing block is RTL direction.
+ switch (granularity) {
+ case CharacterGranularity:
+ if (directionOfEnclosingBlock() == LTR)
+ pos =;
+ else
+ pos = pos.previous(true);
+ break;
+ case WordGranularity:
+ if (directionOfEnclosingBlock() == LTR)
+ pos = nextWordPosition(pos);
+ else
+ pos = previousWordPosition(pos);
+ break;
+ case SentenceGranularity:
+ case LineGranularity:
+ case ParagraphGranularity:
+ case SentenceBoundary:
+ case LineBoundary:
+ case ParagraphBoundary:
+ case DocumentBoundary:
+ // FIXME: implement all of the above?
+ pos = modifyExtendingForward(granularity);
+ }
+ return pos;
+VisiblePosition SelectionController::modifyExtendingForward(TextGranularity granularity)
+ VisiblePosition pos(m_selection.extent(), m_selection.affinity());
+ switch (granularity) {
+ case CharacterGranularity:
+ pos =;
+ break;
+ case WordGranularity:
+ pos = nextWordPosition(pos);
+ break;
+ case SentenceGranularity:
+ pos = nextSentencePosition(pos);
+ break;
+ case LineGranularity:
+ pos = nextLinePosition(pos, xPosForVerticalArrowNavigation(EXTENT));
+ break;
+ case ParagraphGranularity:
+ pos = nextParagraphPosition(pos, xPosForVerticalArrowNavigation(EXTENT));
+ break;
+ case SentenceBoundary:
+ pos = endOfSentence(endForPlatform());
+ break;
+ case LineBoundary:
+ pos = logicalEndOfLine(endForPlatform());
+ break;
+ case ParagraphBoundary:
+ pos = endOfParagraph(endForPlatform());
+ break;
+ case DocumentBoundary:
+ pos = endForPlatform();
+ if (isEditablePosition(pos.deepEquivalent()))
+ pos = endOfEditableContent(pos);
+ else
+ pos = endOfDocument(pos);
+ break;
+ }
+ return pos;
+VisiblePosition SelectionController::modifyMovingRight(TextGranularity granularity)
+ VisiblePosition pos;
+ switch (granularity) {
+ case CharacterGranularity:
+ if (isRange())
+ pos = VisiblePosition(m_selection.end(), m_selection.affinity());
+ else
+ pos = VisiblePosition(m_selection.extent(), m_selection.affinity()).right(true);
+ break;
+ case WordGranularity:
+ case SentenceGranularity:
+ case LineGranularity:
+ case ParagraphGranularity:
+ case SentenceBoundary:
+ case ParagraphBoundary:
+ case DocumentBoundary:
+ // FIXME: Implement all of the above.
+ pos = modifyMovingForward(granularity);
+ break;
+ case LineBoundary:
+ pos = rightBoundaryOfLine(startForPlatform(), directionOfEnclosingBlock());
+ break;
+ }
+ return pos;
+VisiblePosition SelectionController::modifyMovingForward(TextGranularity granularity)
+ VisiblePosition pos;
+ // FIXME: Stay in editable content for the less common granularities.
+ switch (granularity) {
+ case CharacterGranularity:
+ if (isRange())
+ pos = VisiblePosition(m_selection.end(), m_selection.affinity());
+ else
+ pos = VisiblePosition(m_selection.extent(), m_selection.affinity()).next(true);
+ break;
+ case WordGranularity:
+ pos = nextWordPosition(VisiblePosition(m_selection.extent(), m_selection.affinity()));
+ break;
+ case SentenceGranularity:
+ pos = nextSentencePosition(VisiblePosition(m_selection.extent(), m_selection.affinity()));
+ break;
+ case LineGranularity: {
+ // down-arrowing from a range selection that ends at the start of a line needs
+ // to leave the selection at that line start (no need to call nextLinePosition!)
+ pos = endForPlatform();
+ if (!isRange() || !isStartOfLine(pos))
+ pos = nextLinePosition(pos, xPosForVerticalArrowNavigation(START));
+ break;
+ }
+ case ParagraphGranularity:
+ pos = nextParagraphPosition(endForPlatform(), xPosForVerticalArrowNavigation(START));
+ break;
+ case SentenceBoundary:
+ pos = endOfSentence(endForPlatform());
+ break;
+ case LineBoundary:
+ pos = logicalEndOfLine(endForPlatform());
+ break;
+ case ParagraphBoundary:
+ pos = endOfParagraph(endForPlatform());
+ break;
+ case DocumentBoundary:
+ pos = endForPlatform();
+ if (isEditablePosition(pos.deepEquivalent()))
+ pos = endOfEditableContent(pos);
+ else
+ pos = endOfDocument(pos);
+ break;
+ }
+ return pos;
+VisiblePosition SelectionController::modifyExtendingLeft(TextGranularity granularity)
+ VisiblePosition pos(m_selection.extent(), m_selection.affinity());
+ // The difference between modifyExtendingLeft and modifyExtendingBackward is:
+ // modifyExtendingBackward always extends backward logically.
+ // modifyExtendingLeft behaves the same as modifyExtendingBackward except for extending character or word,
+ // it extends backward logically if the enclosing block is LTR direction,
+ // but it extends forward logically if the enclosing block is RTL direction.
+ switch (granularity) {
+ case CharacterGranularity:
+ if (directionOfEnclosingBlock() == LTR)
+ pos = pos.previous(true);
+ else
+ pos =;
+ break;
+ case WordGranularity:
+ if (directionOfEnclosingBlock() == LTR)
+ pos = previousWordPosition(pos);
+ else
+ pos = nextWordPosition(pos);
+ break;
+ case SentenceGranularity:
+ case LineGranularity:
+ case ParagraphGranularity:
+ case SentenceBoundary:
+ case LineBoundary:
+ case ParagraphBoundary:
+ case DocumentBoundary:
+ pos = modifyExtendingBackward(granularity);
+ }
+ return pos;
+VisiblePosition SelectionController::modifyExtendingBackward(TextGranularity granularity)
+ VisiblePosition pos(m_selection.extent(), m_selection.affinity());
+ // Extending a selection backward by word or character from just after a table selects
+ // the table. This "makes sense" from the user perspective, esp. when deleting.
+ // It was done here instead of in VisiblePosition because we want VPs to iterate
+ // over everything.
+ switch (granularity) {
+ case CharacterGranularity:
+ pos = pos.previous(true);
+ break;
+ case WordGranularity:
+ pos = previousWordPosition(pos);
+ break;
+ case SentenceGranularity:
+ pos = previousSentencePosition(pos);
+ break;
+ case LineGranularity:
+ pos = previousLinePosition(pos, xPosForVerticalArrowNavigation(EXTENT));
+ break;
+ case ParagraphGranularity:
+ pos = previousParagraphPosition(pos, xPosForVerticalArrowNavigation(EXTENT));
+ break;
+ case SentenceBoundary:
+ pos = startOfSentence(startForPlatform());
+ break;
+ case LineBoundary:
+ pos = logicalStartOfLine(startForPlatform());
+ break;
+ case ParagraphBoundary:
+ pos = startOfParagraph(startForPlatform());
+ break;
+ case DocumentBoundary:
+ pos = startForPlatform();
+ if (isEditablePosition(pos.deepEquivalent()))
+ pos = startOfEditableContent(pos);
+ else
+ pos = startOfDocument(pos);
+ break;
+ }
+ return pos;
+VisiblePosition SelectionController::modifyMovingLeft(TextGranularity granularity)
+ VisiblePosition pos;
+ switch (granularity) {
+ case CharacterGranularity:
+ if (isRange())
+ pos = VisiblePosition(m_selection.start(), m_selection.affinity());
+ else
+ pos = VisiblePosition(m_selection.extent(), m_selection.affinity()).left(true);
+ break;
+ case WordGranularity:
+ case SentenceGranularity:
+ case LineGranularity:
+ case ParagraphGranularity:
+ case SentenceBoundary:
+ case ParagraphBoundary:
+ case DocumentBoundary:
+ // FIXME: Implement all of the above.
+ pos = modifyMovingBackward(granularity);
+ break;
+ case LineBoundary:
+ pos = leftBoundaryOfLine(startForPlatform(), directionOfEnclosingBlock());
+ break;
+ }
+ return pos;
+VisiblePosition SelectionController::modifyMovingBackward(TextGranularity granularity)
+ VisiblePosition pos;
+ switch (granularity) {
+ case CharacterGranularity:
+ if (isRange())
+ pos = VisiblePosition(m_selection.start(), m_selection.affinity());
+ else
+ pos = VisiblePosition(m_selection.extent(), m_selection.affinity()).previous(true);
+ break;
+ case WordGranularity:
+ pos = previousWordPosition(VisiblePosition(m_selection.extent(), m_selection.affinity()));
+ break;
+ case SentenceGranularity:
+ pos = previousSentencePosition(VisiblePosition(m_selection.extent(), m_selection.affinity()));
+ break;
+ case LineGranularity:
+ pos = previousLinePosition(startForPlatform(), xPosForVerticalArrowNavigation(START));
+ break;
+ case ParagraphGranularity:
+ pos = previousParagraphPosition(startForPlatform(), xPosForVerticalArrowNavigation(START));
+ break;
+ case SentenceBoundary:
+ pos = startOfSentence(startForPlatform());
+ break;
+ case LineBoundary:
+ pos = logicalStartOfLine(startForPlatform());
+ break;
+ case ParagraphBoundary:
+ pos = startOfParagraph(startForPlatform());
+ break;
+ case DocumentBoundary:
+ pos = startForPlatform();
+ if (isEditablePosition(pos.deepEquivalent()))
+ pos = startOfEditableContent(pos);
+ else
+ pos = startOfDocument(pos);
+ break;
+ }
+ return pos;
+static bool isBoundary(TextGranularity granularity)
+ return granularity == LineBoundary || granularity == ParagraphBoundary || granularity == DocumentBoundary;
+bool SelectionController::modify(EAlteration alter, SelectionDirection direction, TextGranularity granularity, bool userTriggered)
+ if (userTriggered) {
+ SelectionController trialSelectionController;
+ trialSelectionController.setSelection(m_selection);
+ trialSelectionController.setIsDirectional(m_isDirectional);
+ trialSelectionController.modify(alter, direction, granularity, false);
+ bool change = shouldChangeSelection(trialSelectionController.selection());
+ if (!change)
+ return false;
+ }
+ willBeModified(alter, direction);
+ bool wasRange = m_selection.isRange();
+ Position originalStartPosition = m_selection.start();
+ VisiblePosition position;
+ switch (direction) {
+ case DirectionRight:
+ if (alter == AlterationMove)
+ position = modifyMovingRight(granularity);
+ else
+ position = modifyExtendingRight(granularity);
+ break;
+ case DirectionForward:
+ if (alter == AlterationExtend)
+ position = modifyExtendingForward(granularity);
+ else
+ position = modifyMovingForward(granularity);
+ break;
+ case DirectionLeft:
+ if (alter == AlterationMove)
+ position = modifyMovingLeft(granularity);
+ else
+ position = modifyExtendingLeft(granularity);
+ break;
+ case DirectionBackward:
+ if (alter == AlterationExtend)
+ position = modifyExtendingBackward(granularity);
+ else
+ position = modifyMovingBackward(granularity);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (position.isNull())
+ return false;
+ if (isSpatialNavigationEnabled(m_frame))
+ if (!wasRange && alter == AlterationMove && position == originalStartPosition)
+ return false;
+ // Some of the above operations set an xPosForVerticalArrowNavigation.
+ // Setting a selection will clear it, so save it to possibly restore later.
+ // Note: the START position type is arbitrary because it is unused, it would be
+ // the requested position type if there were no xPosForVerticalArrowNavigation set.
+ int x = xPosForVerticalArrowNavigation(START);
+ switch (alter) {
+ case AlterationMove:
+ moveTo(position, userTriggered);
+ break;
+ case AlterationExtend:
+ // Standard Mac behavior when extending to a boundary is grow the selection rather than leaving the
+ // base in place and moving the extent. Matches NSTextView.
+ if (!m_frame || !m_frame->editor()->behavior().shouldAlwaysGrowSelectionWhenExtendingToBoundary() || m_selection.isCaret() || !isBoundary(granularity))
+ setExtent(position, userTriggered);
+ else {
+ if (direction == DirectionForward || direction == DirectionRight)
+ setEnd(position, userTriggered);
+ else
+ setStart(position, userTriggered);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (granularity == LineGranularity || granularity == ParagraphGranularity)
+ m_xPosForVerticalArrowNavigation = x;
+ if (userTriggered)
+ m_granularity = CharacterGranularity;
+ setCaretRectNeedsUpdate();
+ setIsDirectional(alter == AlterationExtend);
+ return true;
+// FIXME: Maybe baseline would be better?
+static bool absoluteCaretY(const VisiblePosition &c, int &y)
+ IntRect rect = c.absoluteCaretBounds();
+ if (rect.isEmpty())
+ return false;
+ y = rect.y() + rect.height() / 2;
+ return true;
+bool SelectionController::modify(EAlteration alter, int verticalDistance, bool userTriggered, CursorAlignOnScroll align)
+ if (!verticalDistance)
+ return false;
+ if (userTriggered) {
+ SelectionController trialSelectionController;
+ trialSelectionController.setSelection(m_selection);
+ trialSelectionController.setIsDirectional(m_isDirectional);
+ trialSelectionController.modify(alter, verticalDistance, false);
+ bool change = shouldChangeSelection(trialSelectionController.selection());
+ if (!change)
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool up = verticalDistance < 0;
+ if (up)
+ verticalDistance = -verticalDistance;
+ willBeModified(alter, up ? DirectionBackward : DirectionForward);
+ VisiblePosition pos;
+ int xPos = 0;
+ switch (alter) {
+ case AlterationMove:
+ pos = VisiblePosition(up ? m_selection.start() : m_selection.end(), m_selection.affinity());
+ xPos = xPosForVerticalArrowNavigation(up ? START : END);
+ m_selection.setAffinity(up ? UPSTREAM : DOWNSTREAM);
+ break;
+ case AlterationExtend:
+ pos = VisiblePosition(m_selection.extent(), m_selection.affinity());
+ xPos = xPosForVerticalArrowNavigation(EXTENT);
+ m_selection.setAffinity(DOWNSTREAM);
+ break;
+ }
+ int startY;
+ if (!absoluteCaretY(pos, startY))
+ return false;
+ if (up)
+ startY = -startY;
+ int lastY = startY;
+ VisiblePosition result;
+ VisiblePosition next;
+ for (VisiblePosition p = pos; ; p = next) {
+ next = (up ? previousLinePosition : nextLinePosition)(p, xPos);
+ if (next.isNull() || next == p)
+ break;
+ int nextY;
+ if (!absoluteCaretY(next, nextY))
+ break;
+ if (up)
+ nextY = -nextY;
+ if (nextY - startY > verticalDistance)
+ break;
+ if (nextY >= lastY) {
+ lastY = nextY;
+ result = next;
+ }
+ }
+ if (result.isNull())
+ return false;
+ switch (alter) {
+ case AlterationMove:
+ moveTo(result, userTriggered, align);
+ break;
+ case AlterationExtend:
+ setExtent(result, userTriggered);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (userTriggered)
+ m_granularity = CharacterGranularity;
+ setIsDirectional(alter == AlterationExtend);
+ return true;
+int SelectionController::xPosForVerticalArrowNavigation(EPositionType type)
+ int x = 0;
+ if (isNone())
+ return x;
+ Position pos;
+ switch (type) {
+ case START:
+ pos = m_selection.start();
+ break;
+ case END:
+ pos = m_selection.end();
+ break;
+ case BASE:
+ pos = m_selection.base();
+ break;
+ case EXTENT:
+ pos = m_selection.extent();
+ break;
+ }
+ Frame* frame = pos.node()->document()->frame();
+ if (!frame)
+ return x;
+ if (m_xPosForVerticalArrowNavigation == NoXPosForVerticalArrowNavigation) {
+ VisiblePosition visiblePosition(pos, m_selection.affinity());
+ // VisiblePosition creation can fail here if a node containing the selection becomes visibility:hidden
+ // after the selection is created and before this function is called.
+ x = visiblePosition.isNotNull() ? visiblePosition.xOffsetForVerticalNavigation() : 0;
+ m_xPosForVerticalArrowNavigation = x;
+ } else
+ x = m_xPosForVerticalArrowNavigation;
+ return x;
+void SelectionController::clear()
+ m_granularity = CharacterGranularity;
+ setSelection(VisibleSelection());
+void SelectionController::setStart(const VisiblePosition &pos, bool userTriggered)
+ if (m_selection.isBaseFirst())
+ setBase(pos, userTriggered);
+ else
+ setExtent(pos, userTriggered);
+void SelectionController::setEnd(const VisiblePosition &pos, bool userTriggered)
+ if (m_selection.isBaseFirst())
+ setExtent(pos, userTriggered);
+ else
+ setBase(pos, userTriggered);
+void SelectionController::setBase(const VisiblePosition &pos, bool userTriggered)
+ setSelection(VisibleSelection(pos.deepEquivalent(), m_selection.extent(), pos.affinity()), true, true, userTriggered);
+void SelectionController::setExtent(const VisiblePosition &pos, bool userTriggered)
+ setSelection(VisibleSelection(m_selection.base(), pos.deepEquivalent(), pos.affinity()), true, true, userTriggered);
+void SelectionController::setBase(const Position &pos, EAffinity affinity, bool userTriggered)
+ setSelection(VisibleSelection(pos, m_selection.extent(), affinity), true, true, userTriggered);
+void SelectionController::setExtent(const Position &pos, EAffinity affinity, bool userTriggered)
+ setSelection(VisibleSelection(m_selection.base(), pos, affinity), true, true, userTriggered);
+void SelectionController::setCaretRectNeedsUpdate(bool flag)
+ m_caretRectNeedsUpdate = flag;
+void SelectionController::updateCaretRect()
+ if (isNone() || !m_selection.start().node()->inDocument() || !m_selection.end().node()->inDocument()) {
+ m_caretRect = IntRect();
+ return;
+ }
+ m_selection.start().node()->document()->updateStyleIfNeeded();
+ m_caretRect = IntRect();
+ if (isCaret()) {
+ VisiblePosition pos(m_selection.start(), m_selection.affinity());
+ if (pos.isNotNull()) {
+ ASSERT(pos.deepEquivalent().node()->renderer());
+ // First compute a rect local to the renderer at the selection start
+ RenderObject* renderer;
+ IntRect localRect = pos.localCaretRect(renderer);
+ // Get the renderer that will be responsible for painting the caret (which
+ // is either the renderer we just found, or one of its containers)
+ RenderObject* caretPainter = caretRenderer();
+ // Compute an offset between the renderer and the caretPainter
+ bool unrooted = false;
+ while (renderer != caretPainter) {
+ RenderObject* containerObject = renderer->container();
+ if (!containerObject) {
+ unrooted = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ localRect.move(renderer->offsetFromContainer(containerObject, localRect.location()));
+ renderer = containerObject;
+ }
+ if (!unrooted)
+ m_caretRect = localRect;
+ m_absCaretBoundsDirty = true;
+ }
+ }
+ m_caretRectNeedsUpdate = false;
+RenderObject* SelectionController::caretRenderer() const
+ Node* node = m_selection.start().node();
+ if (!node)
+ return 0;
+ RenderObject* renderer = node->renderer();
+ if (!renderer)
+ return 0;
+ // if caretNode is a block and caret is inside it then caret should be painted by that block
+ bool paintedByBlock = renderer->isBlockFlow() && caretRendersInsideNode(node);
+ return paintedByBlock ? renderer : renderer->containingBlock();
+IntRect SelectionController::localCaretRect()
+ if (m_caretRectNeedsUpdate)
+ updateCaretRect();
+ return m_caretRect;
+IntRect SelectionController::absoluteBoundsForLocalRect(const IntRect& rect) const
+ RenderObject* caretPainter = caretRenderer();
+ if (!caretPainter)
+ return IntRect();
+ IntRect localRect(rect);
+ if (caretPainter->isBox())
+ toRenderBox(caretPainter)->flipForWritingMode(localRect);
+ return caretPainter->localToAbsoluteQuad(FloatRect(localRect)).enclosingBoundingBox();
+IntRect SelectionController::absoluteCaretBounds()
+ recomputeCaretRect();
+ return m_absCaretBounds;
+static IntRect repaintRectForCaret(IntRect caret)
+ if (caret.isEmpty())
+ return IntRect();
+ // Ensure that the dirty rect intersects the block that paints the caret even in the case where
+ // the caret itself is just outside the block. See <>.
+ caret.inflateX(1);
+ return caret;
+IntRect SelectionController::caretRepaintRect() const
+ return absoluteBoundsForLocalRect(repaintRectForCaret(localCaretRectForPainting()));
+bool SelectionController::recomputeCaretRect()
+ if (!m_caretRectNeedsUpdate)
+ return false;
+ if (!m_frame)
+ return false;
+ FrameView* v = m_frame->document()->view();
+ if (!v)
+ return false;
+ IntRect oldRect = m_caretRect;
+ IntRect newRect = localCaretRect();
+ if (oldRect == newRect && !m_absCaretBoundsDirty)
+ return false;
+ IntRect oldAbsCaretBounds = m_absCaretBounds;
+ // FIXME: Rename m_caretRect to m_localCaretRect.
+ m_absCaretBounds = absoluteBoundsForLocalRect(m_caretRect);
+ m_absCaretBoundsDirty = false;
+ if (oldAbsCaretBounds == m_absCaretBounds)
+ return false;
+ IntRect oldAbsoluteCaretRepaintBounds = m_absoluteCaretRepaintBounds;
+ // We believe that we need to inflate the local rect before transforming it to obtain the repaint bounds.
+ m_absoluteCaretRepaintBounds = caretRepaintRect();
+ if (RenderView* view = toRenderView(m_frame->document()->renderer())) {
+ // FIXME: make caret repainting container-aware.
+ view->repaintRectangleInViewAndCompositedLayers(oldAbsoluteCaretRepaintBounds, false);
+ if (shouldRepaintCaret(view))
+ view->repaintRectangleInViewAndCompositedLayers(m_absoluteCaretRepaintBounds, false);
+ }
+ return true;
+bool SelectionController::shouldRepaintCaret(const RenderView* view) const
+ ASSERT(view);
+ Frame* frame = view->frameView() ? view->frameView()->frame() : 0; // The frame where the selection started.
+ bool caretBrowsing = frame && frame->settings() && frame->settings()->caretBrowsingEnabled();
+ return (caretBrowsing || isContentEditable());
+void SelectionController::invalidateCaretRect()
+ if (!isCaret())
+ return;
+ Document* d = m_selection.start().node()->document();
+ // recomputeCaretRect will always return false for the drag caret,
+ // because its m_frame is always 0.
+ bool caretRectChanged = recomputeCaretRect();
+ // EDIT FIXME: This is an unfortunate hack.
+ // Basically, we can't trust this layout position since we
+ // can't guarantee that the check to see if we are in unrendered
+ // content will work at this point. We may have to wait for
+ // a layout and re-render of the document to happen. So, resetting this
+ // flag will cause another caret layout to happen the first time
+ // that we try to paint the caret after this call. That one will work since
+ // it happens after the document has accounted for any editing
+ // changes which may have been done.
+ // And, we need to leave this layout here so the caret moves right
+ // away after clicking.
+ m_caretRectNeedsUpdate = true;
+ if (!caretRectChanged) {
+ RenderView* view = toRenderView(d->renderer());
+ if (view && shouldRepaintCaret(view))
+ view->repaintRectangleInViewAndCompositedLayers(caretRepaintRect(), false);
+ }
+void SelectionController::paintCaret(GraphicsContext* context, int tx, int ty, const IntRect& clipRect)
+ if (m_frame && !android::WebViewCore::getWebViewCore(m_frame->view())->shouldPaintCaret())
+ return;
+ if (!m_caretVisible)
+ return;
+ if (!m_caretPaint)
+ return;
+ if (!m_selection.isCaret())
+ return;
+ IntRect drawingRect = localCaretRectForPainting();
+ if (caretRenderer() && caretRenderer()->isBox())
+ toRenderBox(caretRenderer())->flipForWritingMode(drawingRect);
+ drawingRect.move(tx, ty);
+ IntRect caret = intersection(drawingRect, clipRect);
+ if (caret.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ Color caretColor = Color::black;
+ ColorSpace colorSpace = ColorSpaceDeviceRGB;
+ Element* element = rootEditableElement();
+ if (element && element->renderer()) {
+ caretColor = element->renderer()->style()->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyColor);
+ colorSpace = element->renderer()->style()->colorSpace();
+ }
+ context->fillRect(caret, caretColor, colorSpace);
+ UNUSED_PARAM(context);
+ UNUSED_PARAM(clipRect);
+void SelectionController::debugRenderer(RenderObject *r, bool selected) const
+ if (r->node()->isElementNode()) {
+ Element* element = static_cast<Element *>(r->node());
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s%s\n", selected ? "==> " : " ", element->localName().string().utf8().data());
+ } else if (r->isText()) {
+ RenderText* textRenderer = toRenderText(r);
+ if (!textRenderer->textLength() || !textRenderer->firstTextBox()) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s#text (empty)\n", selected ? "==> " : " ");
+ return;
+ }
+ static const int max = 36;
+ String text = textRenderer->text();
+ int textLength = text.length();
+ if (selected) {
+ int offset = 0;
+ if (r->node() == m_selection.start().node())
+ offset = m_selection.start().deprecatedEditingOffset();
+ else if (r->node() == m_selection.end().node())
+ offset = m_selection.end().deprecatedEditingOffset();
+ int pos;
+ InlineTextBox* box = textRenderer->findNextInlineTextBox(offset, pos);
+ text = text.substring(box->start(), box->len());
+ String show;
+ int mid = max / 2;
+ int caret = 0;
+ // text is shorter than max
+ if (textLength < max) {
+ show = text;
+ caret = pos;
+ } else if (pos - mid < 0) {
+ // too few characters to left
+ show = text.left(max - 3) + "...";
+ caret = pos;
+ } else if (pos - mid >= 0 && pos + mid <= textLength) {
+ // enough characters on each side
+ show = "..." + text.substring(pos - mid + 3, max - 6) + "...";
+ caret = mid;
+ } else {
+ // too few characters on right
+ show = "..." + text.right(max - 3);
+ caret = pos - (textLength - show.length());
+ }
+ show.replace('\n', ' ');
+ show.replace('\r', ' ');
+ fprintf(stderr, "==> #text : \"%s\" at offset %d\n", show.utf8().data(), pos);
+ fprintf(stderr, " ");
+ for (int i = 0; i < caret; i++)
+ fprintf(stderr, " ");
+ fprintf(stderr, "^\n");
+ } else {
+ if ((int)text.length() > max)
+ text = text.left(max - 3) + "...";
+ else
+ text = text.left(max);
+ fprintf(stderr, " #text : \"%s\"\n", text.utf8().data());
+ }
+ }
+bool SelectionController::contains(const IntPoint& point)
+ Document* document = m_frame->document();
+ // Treat a collapsed selection like no selection.
+ if (!isRange())
+ return false;
+ if (!document->renderer())
+ return false;
+ HitTestRequest request(HitTestRequest::ReadOnly |
+ HitTestRequest::Active);
+ HitTestResult result(point);
+ document->renderView()->layer()->hitTest(request, result);
+ Node* innerNode = result.innerNode();
+ if (!innerNode || !innerNode->renderer())
+ return false;
+ VisiblePosition visiblePos(innerNode->renderer()->positionForPoint(result.localPoint()));
+ if (visiblePos.isNull())
+ return false;
+ if (m_selection.visibleStart().isNull() || m_selection.visibleEnd().isNull())
+ return false;
+ Position start(m_selection.visibleStart().deepEquivalent());
+ Position end(m_selection.visibleEnd().deepEquivalent());
+ Position p(visiblePos.deepEquivalent());
+ return comparePositions(start, p) <= 0 && comparePositions(p, end) <= 0;
+// Workaround for the fact that it's hard to delete a frame.
+// Call this after doing user-triggered selections to make it easy to delete the frame you entirely selected.
+// Can't do this implicitly as part of every setSelection call because in some contexts it might not be good
+// for the focus to move to another frame. So instead we call it from places where we are selecting with the
+// mouse or the keyboard after setting the selection.
+void SelectionController::selectFrameElementInParentIfFullySelected()
+ // Find the parent frame; if there is none, then we have nothing to do.
+ Frame* parent = m_frame->tree()->parent();
+ if (!parent)
+ return;
+ Page* page = m_frame->page();
+ if (!page)
+ return;
+ // Check if the selection contains the entire frame contents; if not, then there is nothing to do.
+ if (!isRange())
+ return;
+ if (!isStartOfDocument(selection().visibleStart()))
+ return;
+ if (!isEndOfDocument(selection().visibleEnd()))
+ return;
+ // Get to the <iframe> or <frame> (or even <object>) element in the parent frame.
+ Element* ownerElement = m_frame->document()->ownerElement();
+ if (!ownerElement)
+ return;
+ ContainerNode* ownerElementParent = ownerElement->parentNode();
+ if (!ownerElementParent)
+ return;
+ // This method's purpose is it to make it easier to select iframes (in order to delete them). Don't do anything if the iframe isn't deletable.
+ if (!ownerElementParent->isContentEditable())
+ return;
+ // Create compute positions before and after the element.
+ unsigned ownerElementNodeIndex = ownerElement->nodeIndex();
+ VisiblePosition beforeOwnerElement(VisiblePosition(ownerElementParent, ownerElementNodeIndex, SEL_DEFAULT_AFFINITY));
+ VisiblePosition afterOwnerElement(VisiblePosition(ownerElementParent, ownerElementNodeIndex + 1, VP_UPSTREAM_IF_POSSIBLE));
+ // Focus on the parent frame, and then select from before this element to after.
+ VisibleSelection newSelection(beforeOwnerElement, afterOwnerElement);
+ if (parent->selection()->shouldChangeSelection(newSelection)) {
+ page->focusController()->setFocusedFrame(parent);
+ parent->selection()->setSelection(newSelection);
+ }
+void SelectionController::selectAll()
+ Document* document = m_frame->document();
+ if (document->focusedNode() && document->focusedNode()->canSelectAll()) {
+ document->focusedNode()->selectAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ Node* root = 0;
+ if (isContentEditable())
+ root = highestEditableRoot(m_selection.start());
+ else {
+ root = shadowTreeRootNode();
+ if (!root)
+ root = document->documentElement();
+ }
+ if (!root)
+ return;
+ VisibleSelection newSelection(VisibleSelection::selectionFromContentsOfNode(root));
+ if (shouldChangeSelection(newSelection))
+ setSelection(newSelection);
+ selectFrameElementInParentIfFullySelected();
+ notifyRendererOfSelectionChange(true);
+bool SelectionController::setSelectedRange(Range* range, EAffinity affinity, bool closeTyping)
+ if (!range)
+ return false;
+ ExceptionCode ec = 0;
+ Node* startContainer = range->startContainer(ec);
+ if (ec)
+ return false;
+ Node* endContainer = range->endContainer(ec);
+ if (ec)
+ return false;
+ ASSERT(startContainer);
+ ASSERT(endContainer);
+ ASSERT(startContainer->document() == endContainer->document());
+ m_frame->document()->updateLayoutIgnorePendingStylesheets();
+ // Non-collapsed ranges are not allowed to start at the end of a line that is wrapped,
+ // they start at the beginning of the next line instead
+ bool collapsed = range->collapsed(ec);
+ if (ec)
+ return false;
+ int startOffset = range->startOffset(ec);
+ if (ec)
+ return false;
+ int endOffset = range->endOffset(ec);
+ if (ec)
+ return false;
+ // FIXME: Can we provide extentAffinity?
+ VisiblePosition visibleStart(startContainer, startOffset, collapsed ? affinity : DOWNSTREAM);
+ VisiblePosition visibleEnd(endContainer, endOffset, SEL_DEFAULT_AFFINITY);
+ setSelection(VisibleSelection(visibleStart, visibleEnd), closeTyping);
+ return true;
+bool SelectionController::isInPasswordField() const
+ Node* startNode = start().node();
+ if (!startNode)
+ return false;
+ startNode = startNode->shadowAncestorNode();
+ if (!startNode)
+ return false;
+ if (!startNode->hasTagName(inputTag))
+ return false;
+ return static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(startNode)->isPasswordField();
+bool SelectionController::caretRendersInsideNode(Node* node) const
+ if (!node)
+ return false;
+ return !isTableElement(node) && !editingIgnoresContent(node);
+void SelectionController::focusedOrActiveStateChanged()
+ bool activeAndFocused = isFocusedAndActive();
+ // Because RenderObject::selectionBackgroundColor() and
+ // RenderObject::selectionForegroundColor() check if the frame is active,
+ // we have to update places those colors were painted.
+ if (RenderView* view = toRenderView(m_frame->document()->renderer()))
+ view->repaintRectangleInViewAndCompositedLayers(enclosingIntRect(bounds()));
+ // Caret appears in the active frame.
+ if (activeAndFocused)
+ setSelectionFromNone();
+ setCaretVisible(activeAndFocused);
+ // Update for caps lock state
+ m_frame->eventHandler()->capsLockStateMayHaveChanged();
+ // Because CSSStyleSelector::checkOneSelector() and
+ // RenderTheme::isFocused() check if the frame is active, we have to
+ // update style and theme state that depended on those.
+ if (Node* node = m_frame->document()->focusedNode()) {
+ node->setNeedsStyleRecalc();
+ if (RenderObject* renderer = node->renderer())
+ if (renderer && renderer->style()->hasAppearance())
+ renderer->theme()->stateChanged(renderer, FocusState);
+ }
+ // Secure keyboard entry is set by the active frame.
+ if (m_frame->document()->useSecureKeyboardEntryWhenActive())
+ setUseSecureKeyboardEntry(activeAndFocused);
+void SelectionController::pageActivationChanged()
+ focusedOrActiveStateChanged();
+void SelectionController::updateSecureKeyboardEntryIfActive()
+ if (m_frame->document() && isFocusedAndActive())
+ setUseSecureKeyboardEntry(m_frame->document()->useSecureKeyboardEntryWhenActive());
+void SelectionController::setUseSecureKeyboardEntry(bool enable)
+ if (enable)
+ enableSecureTextInput();
+ else
+ disableSecureTextInput();
+void SelectionController::setFocused(bool flag)
+ if (m_focused == flag)
+ return;
+ m_focused = flag;
+ focusedOrActiveStateChanged();
+bool SelectionController::isFocusedAndActive() const
+ return m_focused && m_frame->page() && m_frame->page()->focusController()->isActive();
+void SelectionController::updateAppearance()
+ ASSERT(!m_isDragCaretController);
+ bool caretRectChanged = recomputeCaretRect();
+ bool caretBrowsing = m_frame->settings() && m_frame->settings()->caretBrowsingEnabled();
+ bool shouldBlink = m_caretVisible
+ && isCaret() && (isContentEditable() || caretBrowsing);
+ // If the caret moved, stop the blink timer so we can restart with a
+ // black caret in the new location.
+ if (caretRectChanged || !shouldBlink)
+ m_caretBlinkTimer.stop();
+ // Start blinking with a black caret. Be sure not to restart if we're
+ // already blinking in the right location.
+ if (shouldBlink && !m_caretBlinkTimer.isActive()) {
+ if (double blinkInterval = m_frame->page()->theme()->caretBlinkInterval())
+ m_caretBlinkTimer.startRepeating(blinkInterval);
+ if (!m_caretPaint) {
+ m_caretPaint = true;
+ invalidateCaretRect();
+ }
+ }
+ // We need to update style in case the node containing the selection is made display:none.
+ m_frame->document()->updateStyleIfNeeded();
+ RenderView* view = m_frame->contentRenderer();
+ if (!view)
+ return;
+ VisibleSelection selection = this->selection();
+ if (!selection.isRange()) {
+ view->clearSelection();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Use the rightmost candidate for the start of the selection, and the leftmost candidate for the end of the selection.
+ // Example: foo <a>bar</a>. Imagine that a line wrap occurs after 'foo', and that 'bar' is selected. If we pass [foo, 3]
+ // as the start of the selection, the selection painting code will think that content on the line containing 'foo' is selected
+ // and will fill the gap before 'bar'.
+ Position startPos = selection.start();
+ Position candidate = startPos.downstream();
+ if (candidate.isCandidate())
+ startPos = candidate;
+ Position endPos = selection.end();
+ candidate = endPos.upstream();
+ if (candidate.isCandidate())
+ endPos = candidate;
+ // We can get into a state where the selection endpoints map to the same VisiblePosition when a selection is deleted
+ // because we don't yet notify the SelectionController of text removal.
+ if (startPos.isNotNull() && endPos.isNotNull() && selection.visibleStart() != selection.visibleEnd()) {
+ RenderObject* startRenderer = startPos.node()->renderer();
+ RenderObject* endRenderer = endPos.node()->renderer();
+ view->setSelection(startRenderer, startPos.deprecatedEditingOffset(), endRenderer, endPos.deprecatedEditingOffset());
+ }
+void SelectionController::setCaretVisible(bool flag)
+ if (m_caretVisible == flag)
+ return;
+ clearCaretRectIfNeeded();
+ m_caretVisible = flag;
+ updateAppearance();
+void SelectionController::clearCaretRectIfNeeded()
+ if (!m_caretPaint)
+ return;
+ m_caretPaint = false;
+ invalidateCaretRect();
+void SelectionController::caretBlinkTimerFired(Timer<SelectionController>*)
+ ASSERT(m_caretVisible);
+ ASSERT(isCaret());
+ bool caretPaint = m_caretPaint;
+ if (isCaretBlinkingSuspended() && caretPaint)
+ return;
+ m_caretPaint = !caretPaint;
+ invalidateCaretRect();
+void SelectionController::notifyRendererOfSelectionChange(bool userTriggered)
+ m_frame->document()->updateStyleIfNeeded();
+ if (!rootEditableElement())
+ return;
+ RenderObject* renderer = rootEditableElement()->shadowAncestorNode()->renderer();
+ if (!renderer || !renderer->isTextControl())
+ return;
+ toRenderTextControl(renderer)->selectionChanged(userTriggered);
+// Helper function that tells whether a particular node is an element that has an entire
+// Frame and FrameView, a <frame>, <iframe>, or <object>.
+static bool isFrameElement(const Node* n)
+ if (!n)
+ return false;
+ RenderObject* renderer = n->renderer();
+ if (!renderer || !renderer->isWidget())
+ return false;
+ Widget* widget = toRenderWidget(renderer)->widget();
+ return widget && widget->isFrameView();
+void SelectionController::setFocusedNodeIfNeeded()
+ if (isNone() || !isFocused())
+ return;
+ bool caretBrowsing = m_frame->settings() && m_frame->settings()->caretBrowsingEnabled();
+ if (caretBrowsing) {
+ if (Node* anchor = enclosingAnchorElement(base())) {
+ m_frame->page()->focusController()->setFocusedNode(anchor, m_frame);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (Node* target = rootEditableElement()) {
+ // Walk up the DOM tree to search for a node to focus.
+ while (target) {
+ // We don't want to set focus on a subframe when selecting in a parent frame,
+ // so add the !isFrameElement check here. There's probably a better way to make this
+ // work in the long term, but this is the safest fix at this time.
+ if (target && target->isMouseFocusable() && !isFrameElement(target)) {
+ m_frame->page()->focusController()->setFocusedNode(target, m_frame);
+ return;
+ }
+ target = target->parentOrHostNode();
+ }
+ m_frame->document()->setFocusedNode(0);
+ }
+ if (caretBrowsing)
+ m_frame->page()->focusController()->setFocusedNode(0, m_frame);
+void SelectionController::paintDragCaret(GraphicsContext* p, int tx, int ty, const IntRect& clipRect) const
+ SelectionController* dragCaretController = m_frame->page()->dragCaretController();
+ ASSERT(dragCaretController->selection().isCaret());
+ if (dragCaretController->selection().start().node()->document()->frame() == m_frame)
+ dragCaretController->paintCaret(p, tx, ty, clipRect);
+ UNUSED_PARAM(clipRect);
+PassRefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> SelectionController::copyTypingStyle() const
+ if (!m_typingStyle || !m_typingStyle->style())
+ return 0;
+ return m_typingStyle->style()->copy();
+bool SelectionController::shouldDeleteSelection(const VisibleSelection& selection) const
+ return m_frame->editor()->client()->shouldDeleteRange(selection.toNormalizedRange().get());
+FloatRect SelectionController::bounds(bool clipToVisibleContent) const
+ RenderView* root = m_frame->contentRenderer();
+ FrameView* view = m_frame->view();
+ if (!root || !view)
+ return IntRect();
+ IntRect selectionRect = root->selectionBounds(clipToVisibleContent);
+ return clipToVisibleContent ? intersection(selectionRect, view->visibleContentRect()) : selectionRect;
+void SelectionController::getClippedVisibleTextRectangles(Vector<FloatRect>& rectangles) const
+ RenderView* root = m_frame->contentRenderer();
+ if (!root)
+ return;
+ FloatRect visibleContentRect = m_frame->view()->visibleContentRect();
+ Vector<FloatQuad> quads;
+ toNormalizedRange()->textQuads(quads, true);
+ // FIXME: We are appending empty rectangles to the list for those that fall outside visibleContentRect.
+ // It might be better to omit those rectangles entirely.
+ size_t size = quads.size();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
+ rectangles.append(intersection(quads[i].enclosingBoundingBox(), visibleContentRect));
+// Scans logically forward from "start", including any child frames.
+static HTMLFormElement* scanForForm(Node* start)
+ for (Node* node = start; node; node = node->traverseNextNode()) {
+ if (node->hasTagName(formTag))
+ return static_cast<HTMLFormElement*>(node);
+ if (node->isHTMLElement() && static_cast<HTMLElement*>(node)->isFormControlElement())
+ return static_cast<HTMLFormControlElement*>(node)->form();
+ if (node->hasTagName(frameTag) || node->hasTagName(iframeTag)) {
+ Node* childDocument = static_cast<HTMLFrameElementBase*>(node)->contentDocument();
+ if (HTMLFormElement* frameResult = scanForForm(childDocument))
+ return frameResult;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+// We look for either the form containing the current focus, or for one immediately after it
+HTMLFormElement* SelectionController::currentForm() const
+ // Start looking either at the active (first responder) node, or where the selection is.
+ Node* start = m_frame->document()->focusedNode();
+ if (!start)
+ start = this->start().node();
+ // Try walking up the node tree to find a form element.
+ Node* node;
+ for (node = start; node; node = node->parentNode()) {
+ if (node->hasTagName(formTag))
+ return static_cast<HTMLFormElement*>(node);
+ if (node->isHTMLElement() && static_cast<HTMLElement*>(node)->isFormControlElement())
+ return static_cast<HTMLFormControlElement*>(node)->form();
+ }
+ // Try walking forward in the node tree to find a form element.
+ return scanForForm(start);
+void SelectionController::revealSelection(const ScrollAlignment& alignment, bool revealExtent)
+ IntRect rect;
+ switch (selectionType()) {
+ case VisibleSelection::NoSelection:
+ return;
+ case VisibleSelection::CaretSelection:
+ rect = absoluteCaretBounds();
+ break;
+ case VisibleSelection::RangeSelection:
+ rect = revealExtent ? VisiblePosition(extent()).absoluteCaretBounds() : enclosingIntRect(bounds(false));
+ break;
+ }
+ Position start = this->start();
+ ASSERT(start.node());
+ if (start.node() && start.node()->renderer()) {
+ // FIXME: This code only handles scrolling the startContainer's layer, but
+ // the selection rect could intersect more than just that.
+ // See <rdar://problem/4799899>.
+ if (RenderLayer* layer = start.node()->renderer()->enclosingLayer()) {
+ layer->scrollRectToVisible(rect, false, alignment, alignment);
+ updateAppearance();
+ }
+ }
+void SelectionController::setSelectionFromNone()
+ // Put a caret inside the body if the entire frame is editable (either the
+ // entire WebView is editable or designMode is on for this document).
+ Document* document = m_frame->document();
+ bool caretBrowsing = m_frame->settings() && m_frame->settings()->caretBrowsingEnabled();
+ if (!isNone() || !(m_frame->isContentEditable() || caretBrowsing))
+ return;
+ Node* node = document->documentElement();
+ while (node && !node->hasTagName(bodyTag))
+ node = node->traverseNextNode();
+ if (node)
+ setSelection(VisibleSelection(Position(node, 0), DOWNSTREAM));
+bool SelectionController::shouldChangeSelection(const VisibleSelection& newSelection) const
+ return m_frame->editor()->shouldChangeSelection(selection(), newSelection, newSelection.affinity(), false);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+void SelectionController::formatForDebugger(char* buffer, unsigned length) const
+ m_selection.formatForDebugger(buffer, length);
+void SelectionController::showTreeForThis() const
+ m_selection.showTreeForThis();
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+void showTree(const WebCore::SelectionController& sel)
+ sel.showTreeForThis();
+void showTree(const WebCore::SelectionController* sel)
+ if (sel)
+ sel->showTreeForThis();