path: root/Tools/iExploder/iexploder-1.7.2/src/iexploder.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Tools/iExploder/iexploder-1.7.2/src/iexploder.rb')
1 files changed, 792 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/iExploder/iexploder-1.7.2/src/iexploder.rb b/Tools/iExploder/iexploder-1.7.2/src/iexploder.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34e4666
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/iExploder/iexploder-1.7.2/src/iexploder.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,792 @@
+# encoding: ASCII-8BIT
+# iExploder - Generates bad HTML files to perform QA for web browsers.
+# Copyright 2010 Thomas Stromberg - All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+require 'cgi'
+require 'yaml'
+require './scanner.rb'
+require './version.rb'
+# Used to speed up subtest generation
+# Media extensions to proper mime type map (not that we always listen'
+$MIME_MAP = {
+ 'bmp' => 'image/bmp',
+ 'gif' => 'image/gif',
+ 'jpg' => 'image/jpeg',
+ 'png' => 'image/png',
+ 'svg' => 'image/svg+xml',
+ 'tiff' => 'image/tiff',
+ 'xbm' => 'image/xbm',
+ 'ico' => 'image/x-icon',
+ 'jng' => 'image/x-jng',
+ 'xpm' => 'image/x-portable-pixmap',
+ 'ogg' => 'audio/ogg',
+ 'snd' => 'audio/basic',
+ 'wav' => 'audio/wav'
+# These tags get src properties more often than others
+$SRC_TAGS = ['img', 'audio', 'video', 'embed']
+class IExploder
+ attr_accessor :test_num, :subtest_data, :lookup_mode, :random_mode, :cgi_url, :browser, :claimed_browser
+ attr_accessor :offset, :lines, :stop_num, :config
+ def initialize(config_path)
+ @config = YAML::load(
+ @stop_num = nil
+ @subtest_data = nil
+ @test_num = 0
+ @cgi_url = '/iexploder.cgi'
+ @browser = 'UNKNOWN'
+ @claimed_browser = nil
+ readTagFiles()
+ return nil
+ end
+ def setRandomSeed
+ if @test_num > 0
+ srand(@test_num)
+ else
+ srand
+ end
+ end
+ def readTagFiles
+ # These if statements are so that mod_ruby doesn't have to reload the files
+ # each time
+ data_path = @config['mangle_data_path']
+ @cssTags = readTagsDir("#{data_path}/css-properties")
+ @cssPseudoTags = readTagsDir("#{data_path}/css-pseudo")
+ @cssAtRules = readTagsDir("#{data_path}/css-atrules")
+ @htmlTags = readTagsDir("#{data_path}/html-tags")
+ @htmlAttr = readTagsDir("#{data_path}/html-attrs")
+ @htmlValues = readTagsDir("#{data_path}/html-values")
+ @cssValues = readTagsDir("#{data_path}/css-values")
+ @headerValues = readTagsDir("#{data_path}/headers")
+ @protocolValues = readTagsDir("#{data_path}/protocols")
+ @mimeTypes = readTagsDir("#{data_path}/mime-types")
+ @media = readMediaDir("#{data_path}/media")
+ end
+ def readTagsDir(directory)
+ values = []
+ Dir.foreach(directory) { |filename|
+ if File.file?(directory + "/" + filename)
+ values = values + readTagFile(directory + "/" + filename)
+ end
+ }
+ return values.uniq
+ end
+ def readMediaDir(directory)
+ data = {}
+ Dir.foreach(directory) { |filename|
+ if File.file?(directory + "/" + filename)
+ (base, extension) = filename.split('.')
+ mime_type = $MIME_MAP[extension]
+ data[mime_type] = + "/" + filename)
+ end
+ }
+ return data
+ end
+ def readTagFile(filename)
+ list =
+ { |line|
+ line.chop!
+ # Don't include comments.
+ if (line !~ /^# /) && (line.length > 0)
+ list << line
+ end
+ }
+ return list
+ end
+ def generateHtmlValue(tag)
+ choice = rand(100)
+ tag = tag.sub('EXCLUDED_', '')
+ if tag =~ /^on/ and choice < 90
+ return generateHtmlValue('') + "()"
+ elsif tag == 'src' or tag == 'data' or tag == 'profile' and choice < 90
+ return generateGarbageUrl(tag)
+ end
+ case choice
+ when 0..50 then
+ return @htmlValues[rand(@htmlValues.length)]
+ when 51..75
+ return generateGarbageNumber()
+ when 76..85
+ return generateGarbageValue()
+ when 86..90
+ return generateGarbageNumber() + ',' + generateGarbageNumber()
+ when 91..98
+ return generateGarbageUrl(tag)
+ else
+ return generateOverflow()
+ end
+ end
+ def generateMediaUrl(tag)
+ mime_type = @media.keys[rand(@media.keys.length)]
+ return generateTestUrl(@test_num, nil, nil, mime_type)
+ end
+ def generateGarbageUrl(tag)
+ choice = rand(100)
+ case choice
+ when 0..30
+ return generateMediaUrl(tag)
+ when 31..50
+ return @protocolValues[rand(@protocolValues.length)] + '%' + generateGarbageValue()
+ when 51..60
+ return @protocolValues[rand(@protocolValues.length)] + '//../' + generateGarbageValue()
+ when 60..75
+ return @protocolValues[rand(@protocolValues.length)] + '//' + generateGarbageValue()
+ when 75..85
+ return generateOverflow() + ":" + generateGarbageValue()
+ when 86..97
+ return generateGarbageValue() + ":" + generateOverflow()
+ else
+ return generateOverflow()
+ end
+ end
+ def generateCssValue(property)
+ size_types = ['', 'em', 'px', '%', 'pt', 'pc', 'ex', 'in', 'cm', 'mm']
+ choice = rand(100)
+ case choice
+ when 0..50 then
+ # return the most likely scenario
+ case property.sub('EXCLUDED_', '')
+ when /-image|content/
+ return 'url(' + generateGarbageUrl(property) + ')'
+ when /-width|-radius|-spacing|margin|padding|height/
+ return generateGarbageValue() + size_types[rand(size_types.length)]
+ when /-color/
+ return generateGarbageColor()
+ when /-delay|-duration/
+ return generateGarbageValue() + 'ms'
+ else
+ return @cssValues[rand(@cssValues.length)]
+ end
+ when 51..75 then return generateGarbageNumber()
+ when 76..85 then return 'url(' + generateGarbageUrl(property) + ')'
+ when 85..98 then return generateGarbageValue()
+ else
+ return generateOverflow()
+ end
+ end
+ def generateGarbageColor()
+ case rand(100)
+ when 0..50 then return '#' + generateGarbageValue()
+ when 51..70 then return 'rgb(' + generateGarbageNumber() + ',' + generateGarbageNumber() + ',' + generateGarbageNumber() + ')'
+ when 71..98 then return 'rgb(' + generateGarbageNumber() + '%,' + generateGarbageNumber() + '%,' + generateGarbageNumber() + '%)'
+ else
+ return generateOverflow()
+ end
+ end
+ def generateGarbageNumber()
+ choice = rand(100)
+ case choice
+ when 0 then return '0'
+ when 1..40 then return '9' * rand(100)
+ when 41..60 then return '999999.' + rand(999999999999999999999).to_s
+ when 61..80 then return '-' + ('9' * rand(100))
+ when 81..90 then return '-999999.' + rand(999999999999999999999).to_s
+ when 91..98 then return generateGarbageText()
+ else
+ return generateOverflow()
+ end
+ end
+ def generateGarbageValue()
+ case rand(100)
+ when 0..30 then return rand(255).chr * rand(@config['buffer_overflow_length'])
+ when 31..50 then return "%n" * 50
+ when 51..65 then return ("&#" + rand(999999).to_s + ";") * rand(@config['max_garbage_text_size'])
+ when 66..70 then
+ junk = []
+ 0.upto(rand(20)+1) do
+ junk << "\\x" + rand(65535).to_s(16)
+ end
+ return junk.join('') * rand(@config['max_garbage_text_size'])
+ when 71..99 then
+ junk = []
+ chars = '%?!$#^0123456789ABCDEF%#./\&|;'
+ 0.upto(rand(20)+1) do
+ junk << chars[rand(chars.length)].chr
+ end
+ return junk.join('') * rand(@config['max_garbage_text_size'])
+ end
+ end
+ def generateOverflow()
+ return rand(255).chr * (@config['buffer_overflow_length'] + rand(500))
+ end
+ def generateGarbageText
+ case rand(100)
+ when 0..70 then return 'X' * 129
+ when 71..75 then return "%n" * 15
+ when 76..85 then return ("&#" + rand(9999999999999).to_s + ";") * rand(@config['max_garbage_text_size'])
+ when 86..90 then return generateGarbageValue()
+ when 91..98 then return rand(255).chr * rand(@config['max_garbage_text_size'])
+ else
+ return generateOverflow()
+ end
+ end
+ def isPropertyInBlacklist(properties)
+ # Format: [img, src] or [img, style, property]
+ blacklist_entries = []
+ if @config.has_key?('exclude') and @config['exclude']
+ blacklist_entries << properties.join('.')
+ wildcard_property = properties.dup
+ wildcard_property[0] = '*'
+ blacklist_entries << wildcard_property.join('.')
+ blacklist_entries.each do |entry|
+ if @config['exclude'].has_key?(entry) and @browser =~ /#{@config['exclude'][entry]}/
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+ def generateCssStyling(tag)
+ out = ' style="'
+ 0.upto(rand(@config['properties_per_style_max'])) {
+ property = @cssTags[rand(@cssTags.length)]
+ if isPropertyInBlacklist([tag, 'style', property])
+ property = "EXCLUDED_#{property}"
+ end
+ out << property
+ # very small chance we let the tag run on.
+ if rand(65) > 1
+ out << ": "
+ end
+ values = []
+ 0.upto(rand(@config['attributes_per_style_property_max'])) {
+ values << generateCssValue(property)
+ }
+ out << values.join(' ')
+ # we almost always put the ; there.
+ if rand(65) > 1
+ out << ";\n "
+ end
+ }
+ out << "\""
+ return out
+ end
+ def mangleTag(tag, no_close_chance=false)
+ if not no_close_chance and rand(100) < 15
+ return "</" + tag + ">"
+ end
+ out = "<" + tag
+ if rand(100) > 1
+ out << ' '
+ else
+ out << generateOverflow()
+ end
+ attrNum = rand(@config['attributes_per_html_tag_max']) + 1
+ attrs = []
+ # The HTML head tag does not have many useful attributes, but is always included in tests.
+ if tag == 'head' and rand(100) < 75
+ case rand(3)
+ when 0 then attrs << 'lang'
+ when 1 then attrs << 'dir'
+ when 2 then attrs << 'profile'
+ end
+ end
+ # 75% of the time, these tags get a src attribute
+ if $SRC_TAGS.include?(tag) and rand(100) < 75
+ if @config.has_key?('exclude') and @config['exclude'] and @config['exclude'].has_key?("#{tag}.src")
+ attrs << 'EXCLUDED_src'
+ else
+ attrs << 'src'
+ end
+ end
+ while attrs.length < attrNum
+ attribute = @htmlAttr[rand(@htmlAttr.length)]
+ if isPropertyInBlacklist([tag, attribute])
+ attribute = "EXCLUDED_#{attribute}"
+ end
+ attrs << attribute
+ end
+ # Add a few HTML attributes
+ for attr in attrs
+ out << attr
+ if rand(100) > 1
+ out << '='
+ end
+ if (rand(100) >= 50)
+ quoted = 1
+ out << "\""
+ else
+ quoted = nil
+ end
+ out << generateHtmlValue(attr)
+ if quoted
+ if rand(100) >= 10
+ out << "\""
+ end
+ end
+ if rand(100) >= 1
+ out << "\n "
+ end
+ end
+ if rand(100) >= 25
+ out << generateCssStyling(tag)
+ end
+ out << ">\n"
+ return out
+ end
+ def nextTestNum()
+ if @subtest_data
+ return @test_num
+ elsif @random_mode
+ return rand(99999999999)
+ else
+ return @test_num + 1
+ end
+ end
+ def generateCssPattern()
+ # Generate a CSS selector pattern.
+ choice = rand(100)
+ pattern = ''
+ case choice
+ when 0..84 then pattern = @htmlTags[rand(@htmlTags.length)].dup
+ when 85..89 then pattern = "*"
+ when 90..94 then pattern = @cssAtRules[rand(@cssAtRules.length)].dup
+ when 95..100 then pattern = ''
+ end
+ if rand(100) < 25
+ pattern << " " + @htmlTags[rand(@htmlTags.length)]
+ end
+ if rand(100) < 25
+ pattern << " > " + @htmlTags[rand(@htmlTags.length)]
+ end
+ if rand(100) < 25
+ pattern << " + " + @htmlTags[rand(@htmlTags.length)]
+ end
+ if rand(100) < 10
+ pattern << "*"
+ end
+ if rand(100) < 25
+ pseudo = @cssPseudoTags[rand(@cssPseudoTags.length)].dup
+ # These tags typically have a parenthesis
+ if (pseudo =~ /^lang|^nth|^not/ and rand(100) < 75 and pseudo !~ /\(/) or rand(100) < 20
+ pseudo << '('
+ end
+ if pseudo =~ /\(/
+ if rand(100) < 75
+ pseudo << generateGarbageValue()
+ end
+ if rand(100) < 75
+ pseudo << ')'
+ end
+ end
+ pattern << ":" + pseudo
+ end
+ if rand(100) < 20
+ html_attr = @htmlAttr[rand(@htmlAttr.length)]
+ match = '[' + html_attr
+ choice = rand(100)
+ garbage = generateGarbageValue()
+ case choice
+ when 0..25 then match << ']'
+ when 26..50 then match << "=\"#{garbage}\"]"
+ when 51..75 then match << "=~\"#{garbage}\"]"
+ when 76..99 then match << "|=\"#{garbage}\"]"
+ end
+ pattern << match
+ end
+ if rand(100) < 20
+ if rand(100) < 50
+ pattern << '.' + generateGarbageValue()
+ else
+ pattern << '.*'
+ end
+ end
+ if rand(100) < 20
+ pattern << '#' + generateGarbageValue()
+ end
+ if rand(100) < 5
+ pattern << ' #' + generateGarbageValue()
+ end
+ return pattern
+ end
+ def buildStyleTag()
+ out = "\n"
+ 0.upto(rand(@config['properties_per_style_max'])) {
+ out << generateCssPattern()
+ if rand(100) < 90
+ out << " {\n"
+ end
+ 0.upto(rand(@config['properties_per_style_max'])) {
+ property = @cssTags[rand(@cssTags.length)].dup
+ if isPropertyInBlacklist(['style', 'style', property])
+ property = " EXCLUDED_#{property}"
+ end
+ out << " #{property}: "
+ values = []
+ 0.upto(rand(@config['attributes_per_style_property_max'])) {
+ values << generateCssValue(property)
+ }
+ out << values.join(' ')
+ if rand(100) < 95
+ out << ";\n"
+ end
+ }
+ if rand(100) < 90
+ out << "\n}\n"
+ end
+ }
+ return out
+ end
+ # Build any malicious javascript here. Fairly naive at the moment.
+ def buildJavaScript
+ target = @htmlTags[rand(@htmlTags.length)]
+ css_property = @cssTags[rand(@cssTags.length)]
+ css_property2 = @cssTags[rand(@cssTags.length)]
+ html_attr = @htmlAttr[rand(@htmlAttr.length)]
+ css_value = generateCssValue(css_property)
+ html_value = generateHtmlValue(html_attr)
+ html_value2 = generateGarbageNumber()
+ mangled = mangleTag(@htmlTags[rand(@htmlTags.length)]);
+ mangled2 = mangleTag(@htmlTags[rand(@htmlTags.length)]);
+ js = []
+ js << "window.onload=function(){"
+ js << " var ietarget = document.createElement('#{target}');"
+ js << "{css_property} = '#{css_value}';"
+ js << " ietarget.#{html_attr} = '#{html_value}';"
+ js << " document.body.appendChild(ietarget);"
+ js << "{css_property2} = #{html_value2};"
+ js << " document.write('#{mangled}');"
+ js << " document.write('#{mangled2}');"
+ js << "}"
+ return js.join("\n")
+ end
+ def buildMediaFile(mime_type)
+ if @media.has_key?(mime_type)
+ data = @media[mime_type].dup
+ else
+ puts "No media found for #{mime_type}"
+ data = generateGarbageText()
+ end
+ # corrupt it in a subtle way
+ choice = rand(100)
+ if choice > 50
+ garbage = generateGarbageValue()
+ else
+ garbage = rand(255).chr * rand(8)
+ end
+ if "1.9".respond_to?(:encoding)
+ garbage.force_encoding('ASCII-8BIT')
+ data.force_encoding('ASCII-8BIT')
+ end
+ garbage_start = rand(data.length)
+ garbage_end = garbage_start + garbage.length
+ data[garbage_start..garbage_end] = garbage
+ if rand(100) < 15
+ data << generateGarbageValue()
+ end
+ return data
+ end
+ # Parse the subtest data passed in as part of the URL
+ def parseSubTestData(subtest_data)
+ # Initialize with one line at 0
+ if not subtest_data or subtest_data.to_i == 0
+ return [@config['initial_subtest_width'], [0]]
+ end
+ (lines_at_time, offsets_string) = subtest_data.split('_')
+ offsets = offsets_string.split(',').map! {|x| x.to_i }
+ return [lines_at_time.to_i, offsets]
+ end
+ def generateTestUrl(test_num, subtest_width=nil, subtest_offsets=nil, mime_type=nil)
+ url = @cgi_url + '?'
+ if subtest_width
+ if subtest_offsets.length > @config['subtest_combinations_max']
+ url << "t=" << test_num.to_s << "&l=test_redirect&z=THE_END"
+ else
+ url << "t=" << test_num.to_s << "&s=" << subtest_width.to_s << "_" << subtest_offsets.join(',')
+ end
+ else
+ url << "t=" << test_num.to_s
+ end
+ if @random_mode
+ url << "&r=1"
+ elsif @stop_num
+ url << "&x=" << @stop_num.to_s
+ end
+ if mime_type
+ url << '&m=' + CGI::escape(mime_type)
+ end
+ url << "&b=" << CGI::escape(@browser)
+ return url
+ end
+ def buildBodyTags(tag_count)
+ tagList = ['body']
+ # subtract the <body> tag from tag_count.
+ 1.upto(tag_count-1) { tagList << @htmlTags[rand(@htmlTags.length)] }
+ # Lean ourselves toward lots of img and src tests
+ for tag, percent in @config['favor_html_tags']
+ if rand(100) < percent.to_f
+ # Don't overwrite the body tag.
+ tagList[rand(tagList.length-1)+1] = tag
+ end
+ end
+ # Now we have our hitlist of tags,lets mangle them.
+ mangled_tags = []
+ tagList.each do |tag|
+ tag_data = mangleTag(tag)
+ if tag == 'script'
+ if rand(100) < 40
+ tag_data = "<script>"
+ end
+ tag_data << buildJavaScript() + "\n" + "</script>\n"
+ elsif tag == 'style'
+ if rand(100) < 40
+ tag_data = "<style>"
+ end
+ tag_data << buildStyleTag() + "\n" + "</style>\n"
+ elsif rand(100) <= 90
+ tag_data << generateGarbageText() << "\n"
+ else
+ tag_data << "\n"
+ end
+ if rand(100) <= 33
+ tag_data << "</#{tag}>\n"
+ end
+ mangled_tags << "\n<!-- START #{tag} -->\n" + tag_data + "\n<!-- END #{tag} -->\n"
+ end
+ return mangled_tags
+ end
+ def buildHeaderTags(tag_count)
+ valid_head_tags = ['title', 'base', 'link', 'meta']
+ header_tags = ['html', 'head']
+ 1.upto(tag_count-1) { header_tags << valid_head_tags[rand(valid_head_tags.length)] }
+ header_tags << @htmlTags[rand(@htmlTags.length)]
+ mangled_tags = []
+ header_tags.each do |tag|
+ mangled_tags << mangleTag(tag, no_close_chance=true)
+ end
+ return mangled_tags
+ end
+ def buildSurvivedPage(page_type)
+ page = "<html><head>"
+ page << "<body>Bummer. You survived both redirects. Let me go sulk in the corner.</body>"
+ page << "</html>"
+ return page
+ end
+ def buildRedirect(test_num, subtest_data, lookup_mode, stop_num=nil)
+ # no more redirects.
+ if lookup_mode == '1' or stop_num == test_num
+ return ''
+ end
+ if subtest_data
+ width, offsets = parseSubTestData(@subtest_data)
+ else
+ width, offsets = nil
+ end
+ # We still need a redirect, but don't bother generating new data.
+ if lookup_mode
+ redirect_url = generateTestUrl(test_num, width, offsets)
+ if lookup_mode == 'test_redirect'
+ redirect_url << "&l=test_another_redirect"
+ elsif lookup_mode == 'test_another_redirect'
+ redirect_url << "&l=survived_redirect"
+ else
+ redirect_url << "&l=#{lookup_mode}"
+ end
+ else
+ # This is a normal redirect going on to the next page. If we have subtest, get the next one.
+ if subtest_data
+ width, offsets = combine_combo_creator(@config['html_tags_per_page'], width, offsets)[0..1]
+ end
+ redirect_url = generateTestUrl(nextTestNum(), width, offsets)
+ end
+ redirect_code = "\t<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Refresh\" content=\"0;URL=#{redirect_url}\">\n"
+ # use both techniques, because you never know how you might be corrupting yourself.
+ redirect_code << "\t<script language=\"javascript\">setTimeout('window.location=\"#{redirect_url}\"', 1000);</script>\n"
+ return redirect_code
+ end
+ def buildPage()
+ if @lookup_mode == 'survived_redirect'
+ return self.buildSurvivedPage(@lookup_mode)
+ end
+ tag_count = @config['html_tags_per_page']
+ if $TEST_CACHE.has_key?(@test_num)
+ (header_tags, body_tags) = $TEST_CACHE[@test_num]
+ else
+ header_tags = buildHeaderTags(3)
+ body_tags = buildBodyTags(tag_count - header_tags.length)
+ end
+ required_tags = {
+ 0 => 'html',
+ 1 => 'head',
+ header_tags.length => 'body'
+ }
+ if @subtest_data and @subtest_data.length > 0
+ if not $TEST_CACHE.has_key?(@test_num)
+ $TEST_CACHE[@test_num] = [header_tags, body_tags]
+ end
+ (width, offsets) = parseSubTestData(@subtest_data)
+ lines = combine_combo_creator(tag_count, width, offsets)[2]
+ all_tags = header_tags + body_tags
+ body_start = header_tags.length
+ header_tags = []
+ body_tags = []
+ # <html> and <body> are required, regardless of their existence in the subtest data.
+ 0.upto(tag_count) do |line_number|
+ tag_data = nil
+ if lines.include?(line_number)
+ tag_data = all_tags[line_number]
+ elsif required_tags.key?(line_number)
+ tag_data = "<" + required_tags[line_number] + ">"
+ end
+ if tag_data
+ if line_number < body_start
+ header_tags << tag_data
+ else
+ body_tags << tag_data
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ header_tags << "<!-- subtest mode: #{offsets.length} combinations, width: #{width} -->"
+ end
+ htmlText = header_tags[0..1].join("\n\t")
+ htmlText << buildRedirect(@test_num, @subtest_data, @lookup_mode, @stop_num)
+ htmlText << "<title>[#{@test_num}:#{@subtest_data}] iExploder #{$VERSION} - #{generateGarbageText()}</title>\n"
+ if @claimed_browser and @claimed_browser.length > 1
+ show_browser = @claimed_browser
+ else
+ show_browser = @browser
+ end
+ htmlText << "\n<!-- iExploder #{$VERSION} | test #{@test_num}:#{@subtest_data} at #{} -->\n"
+ htmlText << "<!-- browser: #{show_browser} -->\n"
+ htmlText << header_tags[2..-1].join("\n\t")
+ htmlText << "\n</head>\n\n"
+ htmlText << body_tags.join("\n")
+ htmlText << "</body>\n</html>"
+ return htmlText
+ end
+ def buildHeaders(mime_type)
+ use_headers = []
+ banned_headers = []
+ response = {'Content-Type' => mime_type}
+ 0.upto(rand(@config['headers_per_page_max'])) do
+ try_header = @headerValues[rand(@headerValues.length)]
+ if ! banned_headers.include?(try_header.downcase)
+ use_headers << try_header
+ end
+ end
+ for header in use_headers.uniq
+ if rand(100) > 75
+ response[header] = generateGarbageNumber()
+ else
+ response[header] = generateGarbageUrl(header)
+ end
+ end
+ return response
+ end
+# for testing
+if $0 == __FILE__
+ ie ='config.yaml')
+ ie.test_num = ARGV[0].to_i || 1
+ ie.subtest_data = ARGV[1] || nil
+ mime_type = ARGV[2] || nil
+ ie.setRandomSeed()
+ if not mime_type
+ html_output = ie.buildPage()
+ puts html_output
+ else
+ headers = ie.buildHeaders(mime_type)
+ for (key, value) in headers
+ puts "#{key}: #{value}"
+ end
+ puts "Mime-Type: #{mime_type}"
+ puts ie.buildMediaFile(mime_type)
+ end