path: root/V8Binding/v8/test/cctest/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'V8Binding/v8/test/cctest/')
1 files changed, 467 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/V8Binding/v8/test/cctest/ b/V8Binding/v8/test/cctest/
index 5b04b2c..806e711 100644
--- a/V8Binding/v8/test/cctest/
+++ b/V8Binding/v8/test/cctest/
@@ -1266,6 +1266,38 @@ THREADED_TEST(InternalFields) {
+THREADED_TEST(InternalFieldsNativePointers) {
+ v8::HandleScope scope;
+ LocalContext env;
+ Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> templ = v8::FunctionTemplate::New();
+ Local<v8::ObjectTemplate> instance_templ = templ->InstanceTemplate();
+ instance_templ->SetInternalFieldCount(1);
+ Local<v8::Object> obj = templ->GetFunction()->NewInstance();
+ CHECK_EQ(1, obj->InternalFieldCount());
+ CHECK(obj->GetPointerFromInternalField(0) == NULL);
+ char* data = new char[100];
+ void* aligned = data;
+ CHECK_EQ(0, reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(aligned) & 0x1);
+ void* unaligned = data + 1;
+ CHECK_EQ(1, reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(unaligned) & 0x1);
+ // Check reading and writing aligned pointers.
+ obj->SetPointerInInternalField(0, aligned);
+ i::Heap::CollectAllGarbage();
+ CHECK_EQ(aligned, obj->GetPointerFromInternalField(0));
+ // Check reading and writing unaligned pointers.
+ obj->SetPointerInInternalField(0, unaligned);
+ i::Heap::CollectAllGarbage();
+ CHECK_EQ(unaligned, obj->GetPointerFromInternalField(0));
+ delete[] data;
THREADED_TEST(IdentityHash) {
v8::HandleScope scope;
LocalContext env;
@@ -5024,6 +5056,236 @@ THREADED_TEST(InterceptorLoadICWithOverride) {
+// Test the case when we stored field into
+// a stub, but interceptor produced value on its own.
+THREADED_TEST(InterceptorLoadICFieldNotNeeded) {
+ CheckInterceptorLoadIC(InterceptorLoadXICGetter,
+ "proto = new Object();"
+ "o.__proto__ = proto;"
+ "proto.x = 239;"
+ "for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {"
+ " o.x;"
+ // Now it should be ICed and keep a reference to x defined on proto
+ "}"
+ "var result = 0;"
+ "for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {"
+ " result += o.x;"
+ "}"
+ "result;",
+ 42 * 1000);
+// Test the case when we stored field into
+// a stub, but it got invalidated later on.
+THREADED_TEST(InterceptorLoadICInvalidatedField) {
+ CheckInterceptorLoadIC(InterceptorLoadXICGetter,
+ "proto1 = new Object();"
+ "proto2 = new Object();"
+ "o.__proto__ = proto1;"
+ "proto1.__proto__ = proto2;"
+ "proto2.y = 239;"
+ "for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {"
+ " o.y;"
+ // Now it should be ICed and keep a reference to y defined on proto2
+ "}"
+ "proto1.y = 42;"
+ "var result = 0;"
+ "for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {"
+ " result += o.y;"
+ "}"
+ "result;",
+ 42 * 1000);
+// Test the case when we stored field into
+// a stub, but it got invalidated later on due to override on
+// global object which is between interceptor and fields' holders.
+THREADED_TEST(InterceptorLoadICInvalidatedFieldViaGlobal) {
+ CheckInterceptorLoadIC(InterceptorLoadXICGetter,
+ "o.__proto__ = this;" // set a global to be a proto of o.
+ "this.__proto__.y = 239;"
+ "for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {"
+ " if (o.y != 239) throw 'oops: ' + o.y;"
+ // Now it should be ICed and keep a reference to y defined on field_holder.
+ "}"
+ "this.y = 42;" // Assign on a global.
+ "var result = 0;"
+ "for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {"
+ " result += o.y;"
+ "}"
+ "result;",
+ 42 * 10);
+static v8::Handle<Value> Return239(Local<String> name, const AccessorInfo&) {
+ ApiTestFuzzer::Fuzz();
+ return v8_num(239);
+static void SetOnThis(Local<String> name,
+ Local<Value> value,
+ const AccessorInfo& info) {
+ info.This()->ForceSet(name, value);
+THREADED_TEST(InterceptorLoadICWithCallbackOnHolder) {
+ v8::HandleScope scope;
+ v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> templ = ObjectTemplate::New();
+ templ->SetNamedPropertyHandler(InterceptorLoadXICGetter);
+ templ->SetAccessor(v8_str("y"), Return239);
+ LocalContext context;
+ context->Global()->Set(v8_str("o"), templ->NewInstance());
+ v8::Handle<Value> value = CompileRun(
+ "var result = 0;"
+ "for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {"
+ " result = o.y;"
+ "}");
+ CHECK_EQ(239, value->Int32Value());
+THREADED_TEST(InterceptorLoadICWithCallbackOnProto) {
+ v8::HandleScope scope;
+ v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> templ_o = ObjectTemplate::New();
+ templ_o->SetNamedPropertyHandler(InterceptorLoadXICGetter);
+ v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> templ_p = ObjectTemplate::New();
+ templ_p->SetAccessor(v8_str("y"), Return239);
+ LocalContext context;
+ context->Global()->Set(v8_str("o"), templ_o->NewInstance());
+ context->Global()->Set(v8_str("p"), templ_p->NewInstance());
+ v8::Handle<Value> value = CompileRun(
+ "o.__proto__ = p;"
+ "var result = 0;"
+ "for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {"
+ " result = o.x + o.y;"
+ "}");
+ CHECK_EQ(239 + 42, value->Int32Value());
+THREADED_TEST(InterceptorLoadICForCallbackWithOverride) {
+ v8::HandleScope scope;
+ v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> templ = ObjectTemplate::New();
+ templ->SetNamedPropertyHandler(InterceptorLoadXICGetter);
+ templ->SetAccessor(v8_str("y"), Return239);
+ LocalContext context;
+ context->Global()->Set(v8_str("o"), templ->NewInstance());
+ v8::Handle<Value> value = CompileRun(
+ "fst = new Object(); fst.__proto__ = o;"
+ "snd = new Object(); snd.__proto__ = fst;"
+ "var result1 = 0;"
+ "for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {"
+ " result1 = snd.x;"
+ "}"
+ "fst.x = 239;"
+ "var result = 0;"
+ "for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {"
+ " result = snd.x;"
+ "}"
+ "result + result1");
+ CHECK_EQ(239 + 42, value->Int32Value());
+// Test the case when we stored callback into
+// a stub, but interceptor produced value on its own.
+THREADED_TEST(InterceptorLoadICCallbackNotNeeded) {
+ v8::HandleScope scope;
+ v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> templ_o = ObjectTemplate::New();
+ templ_o->SetNamedPropertyHandler(InterceptorLoadXICGetter);
+ v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> templ_p = ObjectTemplate::New();
+ templ_p->SetAccessor(v8_str("y"), Return239);
+ LocalContext context;
+ context->Global()->Set(v8_str("o"), templ_o->NewInstance());
+ context->Global()->Set(v8_str("p"), templ_p->NewInstance());
+ v8::Handle<Value> value = CompileRun(
+ "o.__proto__ = p;"
+ "for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {"
+ " o.x;"
+ // Now it should be ICed and keep a reference to x defined on p
+ "}"
+ "var result = 0;"
+ "for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {"
+ " result += o.x;"
+ "}"
+ "result");
+ CHECK_EQ(42 * 7, value->Int32Value());
+// Test the case when we stored callback into
+// a stub, but it got invalidated later on.
+THREADED_TEST(InterceptorLoadICInvalidatedCallback) {
+ v8::HandleScope scope;
+ v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> templ_o = ObjectTemplate::New();
+ templ_o->SetNamedPropertyHandler(InterceptorLoadXICGetter);
+ v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> templ_p = ObjectTemplate::New();
+ templ_p->SetAccessor(v8_str("y"), Return239, SetOnThis);
+ LocalContext context;
+ context->Global()->Set(v8_str("o"), templ_o->NewInstance());
+ context->Global()->Set(v8_str("p"), templ_p->NewInstance());
+ v8::Handle<Value> value = CompileRun(
+ "inbetween = new Object();"
+ "o.__proto__ = inbetween;"
+ "inbetween.__proto__ = p;"
+ "for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {"
+ " o.y;"
+ // Now it should be ICed and keep a reference to y defined on p
+ "}"
+ "inbetween.y = 42;"
+ "var result = 0;"
+ "for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {"
+ " result += o.y;"
+ "}"
+ "result");
+ CHECK_EQ(42 * 10, value->Int32Value());
+// Test the case when we stored callback into
+// a stub, but it got invalidated later on due to override on
+// global object which is between interceptor and callbacks' holders.
+THREADED_TEST(InterceptorLoadICInvalidatedCallbackViaGlobal) {
+ v8::HandleScope scope;
+ v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> templ_o = ObjectTemplate::New();
+ templ_o->SetNamedPropertyHandler(InterceptorLoadXICGetter);
+ v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> templ_p = ObjectTemplate::New();
+ templ_p->SetAccessor(v8_str("y"), Return239, SetOnThis);
+ LocalContext context;
+ context->Global()->Set(v8_str("o"), templ_o->NewInstance());
+ context->Global()->Set(v8_str("p"), templ_p->NewInstance());
+ v8::Handle<Value> value = CompileRun(
+ "o.__proto__ = this;"
+ "this.__proto__ = p;"
+ "for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {"
+ " if (o.y != 239) throw 'oops: ' + o.y;"
+ // Now it should be ICed and keep a reference to y defined on p
+ "}"
+ "this.y = 42;"
+ "var result = 0;"
+ "for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {"
+ " result += o.y;"
+ "}"
+ "result");
+ CHECK_EQ(42 * 10, value->Int32Value());
static v8::Handle<Value> InterceptorLoadICGetter0(Local<String> name,
const AccessorInfo& info) {
@@ -5108,6 +5370,192 @@ THREADED_TEST(InterceptorCallIC) {
CHECK_EQ(42, value->Int32Value());
+// This test checks that if interceptor doesn't provide
+// a value, we can fetch regular value.
+THREADED_TEST(InterceptorCallICSeesOthers) {
+ v8::HandleScope scope;
+ v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> templ = ObjectTemplate::New();
+ templ->SetNamedPropertyHandler(NoBlockGetterX);
+ LocalContext context;
+ context->Global()->Set(v8_str("o"), templ->NewInstance());
+ v8::Handle<Value> value = CompileRun(
+ "o.x = function f(x) { return x + 1; };"
+ "var result = 0;"
+ "for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {"
+ " result = o.x(41);"
+ "}");
+ CHECK_EQ(42, value->Int32Value());
+static v8::Handle<Value> call_ic_function4;
+static v8::Handle<Value> InterceptorCallICGetter4(Local<String> name,
+ const AccessorInfo& info) {
+ ApiTestFuzzer::Fuzz();
+ CHECK(v8_str("x")->Equals(name));
+ return call_ic_function4;
+// This test checks that if interceptor provides a function,
+// even if we cached shadowed variant, interceptor's function
+// is invoked
+THREADED_TEST(InterceptorCallICCacheableNotNeeded) {
+ v8::HandleScope scope;
+ v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> templ = ObjectTemplate::New();
+ templ->SetNamedPropertyHandler(InterceptorCallICGetter4);
+ LocalContext context;
+ context->Global()->Set(v8_str("o"), templ->NewInstance());
+ call_ic_function4 =
+ v8_compile("function f(x) { return x - 1; }; f")->Run();
+ v8::Handle<Value> value = CompileRun(
+ "o.__proto__.x = function(x) { return x + 1; };"
+ "var result = 0;"
+ "for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {"
+ " result = o.x(42);"
+ "}");
+ CHECK_EQ(41, value->Int32Value());
+// Test the case when we stored cacheable lookup into
+// a stub, but it got invalidated later on
+THREADED_TEST(InterceptorCallICInvalidatedCacheable) {
+ v8::HandleScope scope;
+ v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> templ = ObjectTemplate::New();
+ templ->SetNamedPropertyHandler(NoBlockGetterX);
+ LocalContext context;
+ context->Global()->Set(v8_str("o"), templ->NewInstance());
+ v8::Handle<Value> value = CompileRun(
+ "proto1 = new Object();"
+ "proto2 = new Object();"
+ "o.__proto__ = proto1;"
+ "proto1.__proto__ = proto2;"
+ "proto2.y = function(x) { return x + 1; };"
+ // Invoke it many times to compile a stub
+ "for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {"
+ " o.y(42);"
+ "}"
+ "proto1.y = function(x) { return x - 1; };"
+ "var result = 0;"
+ "for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {"
+ " result += o.y(42);"
+ "}");
+ CHECK_EQ(41 * 7, value->Int32Value());
+static v8::Handle<Value> call_ic_function5;
+static v8::Handle<Value> InterceptorCallICGetter5(Local<String> name,
+ const AccessorInfo& info) {
+ ApiTestFuzzer::Fuzz();
+ if (v8_str("x")->Equals(name))
+ return call_ic_function5;
+ else
+ return Local<Value>();
+// This test checks that if interceptor doesn't provide a function,
+// cached constant function is used
+THREADED_TEST(InterceptorCallICConstantFunctionUsed) {
+ v8::HandleScope scope;
+ v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> templ = ObjectTemplate::New();
+ templ->SetNamedPropertyHandler(NoBlockGetterX);
+ LocalContext context;
+ context->Global()->Set(v8_str("o"), templ->NewInstance());
+ v8::Handle<Value> value = CompileRun(
+ "function inc(x) { return x + 1; };"
+ "inc(1);"
+ "o.x = inc;"
+ "var result = 0;"
+ "for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {"
+ " result = o.x(42);"
+ "}");
+ CHECK_EQ(43, value->Int32Value());
+// This test checks that if interceptor provides a function,
+// even if we cached constant function, interceptor's function
+// is invoked
+THREADED_TEST(InterceptorCallICConstantFunctionNotNeeded) {
+ v8::HandleScope scope;
+ v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> templ = ObjectTemplate::New();
+ templ->SetNamedPropertyHandler(InterceptorCallICGetter5);
+ LocalContext context;
+ context->Global()->Set(v8_str("o"), templ->NewInstance());
+ call_ic_function5 =
+ v8_compile("function f(x) { return x - 1; }; f")->Run();
+ v8::Handle<Value> value = CompileRun(
+ "function inc(x) { return x + 1; };"
+ "inc(1);"
+ "o.x = inc;"
+ "var result = 0;"
+ "for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {"
+ " result = o.x(42);"
+ "}");
+ CHECK_EQ(41, value->Int32Value());
+// Test the case when we stored constant function into
+// a stub, but it got invalidated later on
+THREADED_TEST(InterceptorCallICInvalidatedConstantFunction) {
+ v8::HandleScope scope;
+ v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> templ = ObjectTemplate::New();
+ templ->SetNamedPropertyHandler(NoBlockGetterX);
+ LocalContext context;
+ context->Global()->Set(v8_str("o"), templ->NewInstance());
+ v8::Handle<Value> value = CompileRun(
+ "function inc(x) { return x + 1; };"
+ "inc(1);"
+ "proto1 = new Object();"
+ "proto2 = new Object();"
+ "o.__proto__ = proto1;"
+ "proto1.__proto__ = proto2;"
+ "proto2.y = inc;"
+ // Invoke it many times to compile a stub
+ "for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {"
+ " o.y(42);"
+ "}"
+ "proto1.y = function(x) { return x - 1; };"
+ "var result = 0;"
+ "for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {"
+ " result += o.y(42);"
+ "}");
+ CHECK_EQ(41 * 7, value->Int32Value());
+// Test the case when we stored constant function into
+// a stub, but it got invalidated later on due to override on
+// global object which is between interceptor and constant function' holders.
+THREADED_TEST(InterceptorCallICInvalidatedConstantFunctionViaGlobal) {
+ v8::HandleScope scope;
+ v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> templ = ObjectTemplate::New();
+ templ->SetNamedPropertyHandler(NoBlockGetterX);
+ LocalContext context;
+ context->Global()->Set(v8_str("o"), templ->NewInstance());
+ v8::Handle<Value> value = CompileRun(
+ "function inc(x) { return x + 1; };"
+ "inc(1);"
+ "o.__proto__ = this;"
+ "this.__proto__.y = inc;"
+ // Invoke it many times to compile a stub
+ "for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {"
+ " if (o.y(42) != 43) throw 'oops: ' + o.y(42);"
+ "}"
+ "this.y = function(x) { return x - 1; };"
+ "var result = 0;"
+ "for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {"
+ " result += o.y(42);"
+ "}");
+ CHECK_EQ(41 * 7, value->Int32Value());
static int interceptor_call_count = 0;
static v8::Handle<Value> InterceptorICRefErrorGetter(Local<String> name,
@@ -5768,6 +6216,7 @@ THREADED_TEST(NestedHandleScopeAndContexts) {
THREADED_TEST(ExternalAllocatedMemory) {
v8::HandleScope outer;
+ v8::Persistent<Context> env = Context::New();
const int kSize = 1024*1024;
CHECK_EQ(v8::V8::AdjustAmountOfExternalAllocatedMemory(kSize), kSize);
CHECK_EQ(v8::V8::AdjustAmountOfExternalAllocatedMemory(-kSize), 0);
@@ -7081,3 +7530,21 @@ THREADED_TEST(ReplaceConstantFunction) {
obj_clone->Set(foo_string, v8::String::New("Hello"));
+// Regression test for
+THREADED_TEST(Regress16276) {
+ v8::HandleScope scope;
+ LocalContext context;
+ // Force the IC in f to be a dictionary load IC.
+ CompileRun("function f(obj) { return obj.x; }\n"
+ "var obj = { x: { foo: 42 }, y: 87 };\n"
+ "var x = obj.x;\n"
+ "delete obj.y;\n"
+ "for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) f(obj);");
+ // Detach the global object to make 'this' refer directly to the
+ // global object (not the proxy), and make sure that the dictionary
+ // load IC doesn't mess up loading directly from the global object.
+ context->DetachGlobal();
+ CHECK_EQ(42, CompileRun("f(this).foo")->Int32Value());