path: root/WebCore/platform/android/nav/CacheBuilder.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'WebCore/platform/android/nav/CacheBuilder.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 251 deletions
diff --git a/WebCore/platform/android/nav/CacheBuilder.h b/WebCore/platform/android/nav/CacheBuilder.h
deleted file mode 100644
index de5d153..0000000
--- a/WebCore/platform/android/nav/CacheBuilder.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-/* libs/WebKitLib/WebKit/platform/bridge/android/CacheBuilder.h
-** Copyright 2006, The Android Open Source Project
-** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-** You may obtain a copy of the License at
-** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-** limitations under the License.
-#ifndef CacheBuilder_H
-#define CacheBuilder_H
-#include "CachedDebug.h"
-#include "CachedNodeType.h"
-#include "IntRect.h"
-#include "PlatformString.h"
-#include "TextDirection.h"
-#include "wtf/Vector.h"
-namespace android {
- class CachedFrame;
- class CachedNode;
- class CachedRoot;
-namespace WebCore {
-class Document;
-class Frame;
-class FrameAndroid;
-class InlineTextBox;
-class Node;
-class PlatformGraphicsContext;
-class RenderFlow;
-class RenderObject;
-class RenderLayer;
-class Text;
-class CacheBuilder {
- enum Direction {
- UP,
- UP_DOWN = UP & DOWN, // mask and result
- RIGHT_DOWN = RIGHT & DOWN, // mask and result
- };
- enum FoundState {
- };
- CacheBuilder();
- void allowAllTextDetection() { mAllowableTypes = android::ALL_CACHEDNODETYPES; }
- void buildCache(android::CachedRoot* root);
- static bool ConstructPartRects(Node* node, const IntRect& bounds,
- IntRect* focusBounds, int x, int y, WTF::Vector<IntRect>* result);
- Node* currentFocus() const;
- void disallowAddressDetection() { mAllowableTypes = (android::CachedNodeType) (
- mAllowableTypes & ~android::ADDRESS_CACHEDNODETYPE); }
- void disallowEmailDetection() { mAllowableTypes = (android::CachedNodeType) (
- mAllowableTypes & ~android::EMAIL_CACHEDNODETYPE); }
- void disallowPhoneDetection() { mAllowableTypes = (android::CachedNodeType) (
- mAllowableTypes & ~android::PHONE_CACHEDNODETYPE); }
- static FoundState FindAddress(const UChar* , unsigned length, int* start, int* end);
- Node* findByCenter(int x, int y) const;
- static void GetGlobalOffset(Frame* , int* x, int * y);
- static void GetGlobalOffset(Node* , int* x, int * y);
- bool outOfDate();
- void setLastFocus(Node* );
- bool validNode(void* framePtr, void* nodePtr) const;
- enum AddressProgress {
- PLUS_4,
- };
- struct NodeWalk {
- NodeWalk() { reset(); }
- int mStart;
- int mEnd;
- Node* mFinalNode;
- InlineTextBox* mLastInline;
- bool mMore;
- void reset() { mMore = false; }
- };
- struct BoundsPart {
- IntRect mRect;
- int mStart;
- int mEnd;
- };
- struct Bounds {
- typedef bool (*FindText)(BoundsPart* result, InlineTextBox* , const String& match);
- IntRect mNodeBounds;
- BoundsPart mPart;
- WTF::Vector<BoundsPart> mParts;
- android::CachedNodeType mStoreType;
- int mPartIndex;
- Node* mNode;
- Node* mFinalNode;
- void reset() { mNode = NULL; }
- };
- struct FindState {
- int mStartResult;
- int mEndResult;
- const UChar* mCurrentStart;
- const UChar* mEnd;
- AddressProgress mProgress;
- int mNumberCount;
- int mLetterCount;
- unsigned mWordCount;
- int mLineCount;
- const UChar* mFirstLower;
- const UChar* mZipStart;
- const UChar* mBases[16]; // FIXME: random guess, maybe too small, maybe too big
- const UChar* mWords[16];
- const UChar* mStarts[16]; // text is not necessarily contiguous
- const char* mStates;
- int mEndWord;
- int mStateWord;
- int mZipHint;
- int mSectionLength;
- unsigned mNumberWords; // must contain as many bits as mWords contains elements
- char* mPattern;
- UChar* mStorePtr;
- UChar mBackOne;
- UChar mBackTwo;
- UChar mCurrent;
- bool mUnparsed;
- bool mZipDelimiter;
- bool mOpenParen;
- bool mInitialized;
- bool mContinuationNode;
- };
- struct ClipColumnTracker {
- IntRect mBounds;
- Node* mLastChild;
- Node* mNode;
- WTF::Vector<IntRect>* mColumns;
- int mColumnGap;
- TextDirection mDirection;
- bool mHasClip;
- };
- struct Tracker {
- int mCachedNodeIndex;
- Node* mLastChild;
- Node* mParentLastChild;
- bool mSomeParentTakesFocus;
- };
- void adjustForColumns(const ClipColumnTracker& track,
- android::CachedNode* node, IntRect* bounds);
- static bool AddPartRect(IntRect& bounds, int x, int y,
- WTF::Vector<IntRect>* result, IntRect* focusBounds);
- static bool AnyIsClick(Node* node);
- static bool AnyChildIsClick(Node* node);
- void BuildFrame(FrameAndroid* root, FrameAndroid* frame,
- android::CachedRoot* cachedRoot, android::CachedFrame* cachedFrame);
- bool CleanUpContainedNodes(android::CachedFrame* cachedFrame,
- const Tracker* last, int lastChildIndex);
- static bool ConstructTextRect(Text* textNode,
- InlineTextBox* textBox, int start, int relEnd, int x, int y,
- IntRect* focusBounds, const IntRect& clip, WTF::Vector<IntRect>* result);
- static bool ConstructTextRects(Text* node, int start,
- Text* last, int end, int x, int y, IntRect* focusBounds,
- const IntRect& clip, WTF::Vector<IntRect>* result);
- static FoundState FindPartialAddress(const UChar* , const UChar* , unsigned length, FindState* );
- static FoundState FindPartialEMail(const UChar* , unsigned length, FindState* );
- static FoundState FindPartialNumber(const UChar* , unsigned length, FindState* );
- static FoundState FindPhoneNumber(const UChar* chars, unsigned length, int* start, int* end);
- static void FindReset(FindState* );
- static void FindResetNumber(FindState* );
- static FrameAndroid* FrameAnd(CacheBuilder* focusNav);
- static FrameAndroid* FrameAnd(const CacheBuilder* focusNav);
- static CacheBuilder* Builder(Frame* );
- static Frame* HasFrame(Node* );
- static bool HasOverOrOut(Node* );
- static bool HasTriggerEvent(Node* );
- static bool IsDomainChar(UChar ch);
- bool isFocusableText(NodeWalk* , bool oldMore, Node* , android::CachedNodeType* type,
- String* exported) const; //returns true if it is focusable
- static bool IsMailboxChar(UChar ch);
- static bool IsRealNode(Frame* , Node* );
- int overlap(int left, int right); // returns distance scale factor as 16.16 scalar
- bool setData(android::CachedFrame* );
- Node* tryFocus(Direction direction);
- Node* trySegment(Direction direction, int mainStart, int mainEnd);
- Node* mLastKnownFocus;
- IntRect mLastKnownFocusBounds;
- android::CachedNodeType mAllowableTypes;
- class Debug {
- void frameName(char*& namePtr, const char* max) const;
- void init(char* buffer, size_t size);
- static int ParentIndex(Node* node, int count, Node* parent);
- void print() { frames(); }
- void print(const char* name);
- void wideString(const String& str);
- void attr(const AtomicString& name, const AtomicString& value);
- void comma(const char* str);
- int flowBoxes(RenderFlow* flow, int ifIndex, int indent);
- void flush();
- FrameAndroid* frameAnd() const;
- void frames();
- void groups();
- bool isFocusable(Node* node);
- void localName(Node* node);
- void newLine(int indent = 0);
- void print(const char* name, unsigned len);
- void renderTree(RenderObject* , int indent, Node* , int count);
- void setIndent(int );
- void uChar(const UChar* name, unsigned len, bool hex);
- void validateFrame();
- void validateStringData();
- void wideString(const UChar* chars, int length, bool hex);
- char* mBuffer;
- size_t mBufferSize;
- int mIndex;
- const char* mPrefix;
- int mMinPrefix;
- } mDebug;