path: root/WebCore/platform/android/nav/CachedHistory.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'WebCore/platform/android/nav/CachedHistory.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 196 deletions
diff --git a/WebCore/platform/android/nav/CachedHistory.cpp b/WebCore/platform/android/nav/CachedHistory.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 589b64a..0000000
--- a/WebCore/platform/android/nav/CachedHistory.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright 2007, The Android Open Source Project
-** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-** You may obtain a copy of the License at
-** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-** limitations under the License.
-#include "CachedPrefix.h"
-#include "CachedFrame.h"
-#include "CachedNode.h"
-#include "CachedRoot.h"
-#include "CachedHistory.h"
-namespace android {
-CachedHistory::CachedHistory() {
- memset(this, 0, sizeof(CachedHistory)); // this assume the class has no virtuals
- mLastMove = CachedFrame::UNINITIALIZED;
- mPriorMove = CachedFrame::UNINITIALIZED;
-void CachedHistory::addToVisited(const CachedNode* node, CachedFrame::Direction direction)
- memmove(&mVisited[1], &mVisited[0], sizeof(mVisited) - sizeof(mVisited[0]));
- mVisited[0].mNode = node;
- mVisited[0].mDirection = direction;
-bool CachedHistory::checkVisited(const CachedNode* node, CachedFrame::Direction direction) const
- // if the direction is unchanged and we've already visited this node, don't visit it again
- int index = 0;
- while (index < NAVIGATION_VISIT_DEPTH - 1) {
- if (direction != mVisited[index].mDirection)
- break;
- index++; // compare with last direction, previous to last node (where the arrow took us from)
- if (node == mVisited[index].mNode)
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-void CachedHistory::pinMaxMin(const WebCore::IntRect& viewBounds)
- if (mMinWorkingHorizontal < viewBounds.y() ||
- mMinWorkingHorizontal >= viewBounds.bottom())
- mMinWorkingHorizontal = viewBounds.y();
- if (mMaxWorkingHorizontal > viewBounds.bottom() ||
- mMaxWorkingHorizontal <= viewBounds.y())
- mMaxWorkingHorizontal = viewBounds.bottom();
- if (mMinWorkingVertical < viewBounds.x() ||
- mMinWorkingVertical >= viewBounds.right())
- mMinWorkingVertical = viewBounds.x();
- if (mMaxWorkingVertical > viewBounds.right() ||
- mMaxWorkingVertical <= viewBounds.x())
- mMaxWorkingVertical = viewBounds.right();
-void CachedHistory::reset()
- memset(mVisited, 0, sizeof(mVisited));
-// mLastScroll = 0;
- mPriorBounds = mFocusBounds = WebCore::IntRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
- mDirectionChange = false;
- mFocusIsInput = false;
- mPriorIsInput = false;
- mDidFirstLayout = false;
- mPriorMove = mLastMove = CachedFrame::UNINITIALIZED;
- mMinWorkingHorizontal = mMinWorkingVertical = INT_MIN;
- mMaxWorkingHorizontal = mMaxWorkingVertical = INT_MAX;
-void CachedHistory::setWorking(CachedFrame::Direction newMove,
- const CachedNode* focus, const WebCore::IntRect& viewBounds)
- CachedFrame::Direction lastAxis = (CachedFrame::Direction) (mLastMove & ~CachedFrame::RIGHT_DOWN); // up, left or uninitialized
- CachedFrame::Direction newAxis = (CachedFrame::Direction) (newMove & ~CachedFrame::RIGHT_DOWN);
- bool change = newAxis != lastAxis;
- mDirectionChange = change && mLastMove != CachedFrame::UNINITIALIZED;
- if (focus != NULL || mLastMove != CachedFrame::UNINITIALIZED) {
- mPriorMove = mLastMove;
- mLastMove = newMove;
- }
- const WebCore::IntRect* navBounds = &mNavBounds;
- if (focus != NULL) {
- WebCore::IntRect focusBounds;
- focus->getBounds(&focusBounds);
- if (focusBounds.isEmpty() == false && focusBounds != mFocusBounds)
- mNavBounds = mFocusBounds = focusBounds;
- mPriorIsInput = mFocusIsInput;
- mFocusIsInput = focus->isInput(); // focus->localName() == "input";
- } else
- mFocusBounds = WebCore::IntRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
- if (change) { // uninitialized or change in direction
- if (lastAxis != CachedFrame::LEFT && navBounds->height() > 0) {
- mMinWorkingHorizontal = navBounds->y();
- mMaxWorkingHorizontal = navBounds->bottom();
- }
- if (lastAxis != CachedFrame::UP && navBounds->width() > 0) {
- mMinWorkingVertical = navBounds->x();
- mMaxWorkingVertical = navBounds->right();
- }
- } else if (mPriorIsInput) {
- if (newAxis == CachedFrame::UP_DOWN) {
- if (mPriorBounds.x() == mMinWorkingVertical && mPriorBounds.right() == mMaxWorkingVertical) {
- mMinWorkingVertical = navBounds->x();
- mMaxWorkingVertical = navBounds->right();
- }
- } else {
- if (mPriorBounds.y() == mMinWorkingHorizontal && mPriorBounds.bottom() == mMaxWorkingHorizontal) {
- mMinWorkingHorizontal = navBounds->y();
- mMaxWorkingHorizontal = navBounds->bottom();
- }
- }
- }
- pinMaxMin(viewBounds);
-#define DEBUG_PRINT_BOOL(field) \
- DUMP_NAV_LOGD("// bool " #field "=%s;\n", b->field ? "true" : "false")
-#define DEBUG_PRINT_RECT(field) \
- { const WebCore::IntRect& r = b->field; \
- DUMP_NAV_LOGD("// IntRect " #field "={%d, %d, %d, %d};\n", \
- r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height()); }
-CachedHistory* CachedHistory::Debug::base() const {
- CachedHistory* nav = (CachedHistory*) ((char*) this - OFFSETOF(CachedHistory, mDebug));
- return nav;
-const char* CachedHistory::Debug::direction(CachedFrame::Direction d) const
- switch (d) {
- case CachedFrame::LEFT: return "LEFT"; break;
- case CachedFrame::RIGHT: return "RIGHT"; break;
- case CachedFrame::UP: return "UP"; break;
- case CachedFrame::DOWN: return "DOWN"; break;
- default: return "UNINITIALIZED";
- }
-void CachedHistory::Debug::print(CachedRoot* root) const
- CachedHistory* b = base();
- DUMP_NAV_LOGD("// Visited mVisited[]={\n");
- for (size_t i = 0; i < NAVIGATION_VISIT_DEPTH; i++) {
- const Visited& visit = b->mVisited[i];
- const CachedNode* node = visit.mNode;
- int index = root != NULL && root->CachedFrame::mDebug.validate(node) ?
- node->index() : -1;
- DUMP_NAV_LOGD(" // { 0x%p (%d), %s },\n", node, index, direction(visit.mDirection));
- }
- DUMP_NAV_LOGD("// };\n");
-// DUMP_NAV_LOGD("// int mLastScroll=%d;\n", b->mLastScroll);
- DEBUG_PRINT_RECT(mFocusBounds);
- DEBUG_PRINT_RECT(mPriorBounds);
- DEBUG_PRINT_BOOL(mDirectionChange);
- DEBUG_PRINT_BOOL(mFocusIsInput);
- DEBUG_PRINT_BOOL(mPriorIsInput);
- DUMP_NAV_LOGD("// CachedFrame::Direction mLastMove=%s, mPriorMove=%s;\n",
- direction(b->mLastMove), direction(b->mPriorMove));
- int max = b->mMaxWorkingHorizontal;
- DUMP_NAV_LOGD("static int TEST_MAX_H = %d;\n", max);
- int min = b->mMinWorkingHorizontal;
- if (min == INT_MIN)
- min++;
- DUMP_NAV_LOGD("static int TEST_MIN_H = %d;\n", min);
- max = b->mMaxWorkingVertical;
- DUMP_NAV_LOGD("static int TEST_MAX_V = %d;\n", max);
- min = b->mMinWorkingVertical;
- if (min == INT_MIN)
- min++;
- DUMP_NAV_LOGD("static int TEST_MIN_V = %d;\n", min);
- DUMP_NAV_LOGD("\n");