# JavaScriptCore - qmake build info CONFIG += building-libs include($$PWD/../WebKit.pri) include(JavaScriptCore.pri) TEMPLATE = lib CONFIG += staticlib # Don't use JavaScriptCore as the target name. qmake would create a JavaScriptCore.vcproj for msvc # which already exists as a directory TARGET = $$JAVASCRIPTCORE_TARGET DESTDIR = $$JAVASCRIPTCORE_DESTDIR QT += core QT -= gui CONFIG += depend_includepath contains(QT_CONFIG, embedded):CONFIG += embedded CONFIG(QTDIR_build) { # Make sure we compile both debug and release on mac when inside Qt. # This line was extracted from qbase.pri instead of including the whole file win32|mac:!macx-xcode:CONFIG += debug_and_release } else { !CONFIG(release, debug|release) { OBJECTS_DIR = obj/debug } else { # Release OBJECTS_DIR = obj/release } # Make sure that build_all follows the build_all config in WebCore mac:contains(QT_CONFIG, qt_framework):!CONFIG(webkit_no_framework):!build_pass:CONFIG += build_all } # WebCore adds these config only when in a standalone build. # qbase.pri takes care of that when in a QTDIR_build # Here we add the config for both cases since we don't include qbase.pri contains(QT_CONFIG, reduce_exports):CONFIG += hide_symbols unix:contains(QT_CONFIG, reduce_relocations):CONFIG += bsymbolic_functions CONFIG(QTDIR_build) { # Remove the following 2 lines if you want debug information in JavaScriptCore CONFIG -= separate_debug_info CONFIG += no_debug_info } # Pick up 3rdparty libraries from INCLUDE/LIB just like with MSVC win32-g++* { TMPPATH = $$quote($$(INCLUDE)) QMAKE_INCDIR_POST += $$split(TMPPATH,";") TMPPATH = $$quote($$(LIB)) QMAKE_LIBDIR_POST += $$split(TMPPATH,";") } *-g++*:QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE -= -O2 *-g++*:QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE += -O3 # Rules when JIT enabled (not disabled) !contains(DEFINES, ENABLE_JIT=0) { linux*-g++*:greaterThan(QT_GCC_MAJOR_VERSION,3):greaterThan(QT_GCC_MINOR_VERSION,0) { QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -fno-stack-protector QMAKE_CFLAGS += -fno-stack-protector } } wince* { SOURCES += $$QT_SOURCE_TREE/src/3rdparty/ce-compat/ce_time.c } include(pcre/pcre.pri) SOURCES += \ API/JSBase.cpp \ API/JSCallbackConstructor.cpp \ API/JSCallbackFunction.cpp \ API/JSCallbackObject.cpp \ API/JSClassRef.cpp \ API/JSContextRef.cpp \ API/JSObjectRef.cpp \ API/JSStringRef.cpp \ API/JSValueRef.cpp \ API/OpaqueJSString.cpp \ assembler/ARMAssembler.cpp \ assembler/ARMv7Assembler.cpp \ assembler/MacroAssemblerARM.cpp \ bytecode/CodeBlock.cpp \ bytecode/JumpTable.cpp \ bytecode/Opcode.cpp \ bytecode/SamplingTool.cpp \ bytecode/StructureStubInfo.cpp \ bytecompiler/BytecodeGenerator.cpp \ bytecompiler/NodesCodegen.cpp \ debugger/DebuggerActivation.cpp \ debugger/DebuggerCallFrame.cpp \ debugger/Debugger.cpp \ interpreter/CallFrame.cpp \ interpreter/Interpreter.cpp \ interpreter/RegisterFile.cpp \ jit/ExecutableAllocatorFixedVMPool.cpp \ jit/ExecutableAllocator.cpp \ jit/JITArithmetic.cpp \ jit/JITArithmetic32_64.cpp \ jit/JITCall.cpp \ jit/JITCall32_64.cpp \ jit/JIT.cpp \ jit/JITOpcodes.cpp \ jit/JITOpcodes32_64.cpp \ jit/JITPropertyAccess.cpp \ jit/JITPropertyAccess32_64.cpp \ jit/JITStubs.cpp \ jit/ThunkGenerators.cpp \ parser/JSParser.cpp \ parser/Lexer.cpp \ parser/Nodes.cpp \ parser/ParserArena.cpp \ parser/Parser.cpp \ profiler/Profile.cpp \ profiler/ProfileGenerator.cpp \ profiler/ProfileNode.cpp \ profiler/Profiler.cpp \ runtime/ArgList.cpp \ runtime/Arguments.cpp \ runtime/ArrayConstructor.cpp \ runtime/ArrayPrototype.cpp \ runtime/BooleanConstructor.cpp \ runtime/BooleanObject.cpp \ runtime/BooleanPrototype.cpp \ runtime/CallData.cpp \ runtime/Collector.cpp \ runtime/CommonIdentifiers.cpp \ runtime/Completion.cpp \ runtime/ConstructData.cpp \ runtime/DateConstructor.cpp \ runtime/DateConversion.cpp \ runtime/DateInstance.cpp \ runtime/DatePrototype.cpp \ runtime/ErrorConstructor.cpp \ runtime/Error.cpp \ runtime/ErrorInstance.cpp \ runtime/ErrorPrototype.cpp \ runtime/ExceptionHelpers.cpp \ runtime/Executable.cpp \ runtime/FunctionConstructor.cpp \ runtime/FunctionPrototype.cpp \ runtime/GCActivityCallback.cpp \ runtime/GCHandle.cpp \ runtime/GetterSetter.cpp \ runtime/GlobalEvalFunction.cpp \ runtime/Identifier.cpp \ runtime/InitializeThreading.cpp \ runtime/InternalFunction.cpp \ runtime/JSActivation.cpp \ runtime/JSAPIValueWrapper.cpp \ runtime/JSArray.cpp \ runtime/JSByteArray.cpp \ runtime/JSCell.cpp \ runtime/JSFunction.cpp \ runtime/JSGlobalData.cpp \ runtime/JSGlobalObject.cpp \ runtime/JSGlobalObjectFunctions.cpp \ runtime/JSImmediate.cpp \ runtime/JSLock.cpp \ runtime/JSNotAnObject.cpp \ runtime/JSNumberCell.cpp \ runtime/JSObject.cpp \ runtime/JSObjectWithGlobalObject.cpp \ runtime/JSONObject.cpp \ runtime/JSPropertyNameIterator.cpp \ runtime/JSStaticScopeObject.cpp \ runtime/JSString.cpp \ runtime/JSValue.cpp \ runtime/JSVariableObject.cpp \ runtime/JSWrapperObject.cpp \ runtime/LiteralParser.cpp \ runtime/Lookup.cpp \ runtime/MarkStackPosix.cpp \ runtime/MarkStackSymbian.cpp \ runtime/MarkStackWin.cpp \ runtime/MarkStack.cpp \ runtime/MathObject.cpp \ runtime/NativeErrorConstructor.cpp \ runtime/NativeErrorPrototype.cpp \ runtime/NumberConstructor.cpp \ runtime/NumberObject.cpp \ runtime/NumberPrototype.cpp \ runtime/ObjectConstructor.cpp \ runtime/ObjectPrototype.cpp \ runtime/Operations.cpp \ runtime/PropertyDescriptor.cpp \ runtime/PropertyNameArray.cpp \ runtime/PropertySlot.cpp \ runtime/PrototypeFunction.cpp \ runtime/RegExpConstructor.cpp \ runtime/RegExp.cpp \ runtime/RegExpObject.cpp \ runtime/RegExpPrototype.cpp \ runtime/RegExpCache.cpp \ runtime/RopeImpl.cpp \ runtime/ScopeChain.cpp \ runtime/SmallStrings.cpp \ runtime/StringConstructor.cpp \ runtime/StringObject.cpp \ runtime/StringPrototype.cpp \ runtime/StructureChain.cpp \ runtime/Structure.cpp \ runtime/TimeoutChecker.cpp \ runtime/UString.cpp \ wtf/Assertions.cpp \ wtf/ByteArray.cpp \ wtf/CurrentTime.cpp \ wtf/DateMath.cpp \ wtf/dtoa.cpp \ wtf/FastMalloc.cpp \ wtf/HashTable.cpp \ wtf/MD5.cpp \ wtf/MainThread.cpp \ wtf/qt/MainThreadQt.cpp \ wtf/qt/StringQt.cpp \ wtf/qt/ThreadingQt.cpp \ wtf/PageAllocation.cpp \ wtf/RandomNumber.cpp \ wtf/RefCountedLeakCounter.cpp \ wtf/ThreadingNone.cpp \ wtf/Threading.cpp \ wtf/TypeTraits.cpp \ wtf/WTFThreadData.cpp \ wtf/text/AtomicString.cpp \ wtf/text/CString.cpp \ wtf/text/StringImpl.cpp \ wtf/text/StringStatics.cpp \ wtf/text/WTFString.cpp \ wtf/unicode/CollatorDefault.cpp \ wtf/unicode/icu/CollatorICU.cpp \ wtf/unicode/UTF8.cpp \ yarr/RegexCompiler.cpp \ yarr/RegexInterpreter.cpp \ yarr/RegexJIT.cpp # Generated files, simply list them for JavaScriptCore !contains(DEFINES, USE_SYSTEM_MALLOC) { SOURCES += wtf/TCSystemAlloc.cpp } # Disable C++0x mode in JSC for those who enabled it in their Qt's mkspec *-g++*:QMAKE_CXXFLAGS -= -std=c++0x -std=gnu++0x