%pure_parser %{ /* * Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Harri Porten (porten@kde.org) * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2007 Eric Seidel * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ #include "config.h" #include "JSObject.h" #include "JSString.h" #include "Lexer.h" #include "NodeConstructors.h" #include "NodeInfo.h" #include #include #include #define YYMALLOC fastMalloc #define YYFREE fastFree #define YYMAXDEPTH 10000 #define YYENABLE_NLS 0 // Default values for bison. #define YYDEBUG 0 // Set to 1 to debug a parse error. #define jscyydebug 0 // Set to 1 to debug a parse error. #if !OS(DARWIN) // Avoid triggering warnings in older bison by not setting this on the Darwin platform. // FIXME: Is this still needed? #define YYERROR_VERBOSE #endif int jscyyerror(const char*); static inline bool allowAutomaticSemicolon(JSC::Lexer&, int); #define GLOBAL_DATA static_cast(globalPtr) #define AUTO_SEMICOLON do { if (!allowAutomaticSemicolon(*GLOBAL_DATA->lexer, yychar)) YYABORT; } while (0) using namespace JSC; using namespace std; static ExpressionNode* makeAssignNode(JSGlobalData*, ExpressionNode* left, Operator, ExpressionNode* right, bool leftHasAssignments, bool rightHasAssignments, int start, int divot, int end); static ExpressionNode* makePrefixNode(JSGlobalData*, ExpressionNode*, Operator, int start, int divot, int end); static ExpressionNode* makePostfixNode(JSGlobalData*, ExpressionNode*, Operator, int start, int divot, int end); static PropertyNode* makeGetterOrSetterPropertyNode(JSGlobalData*, const Identifier& getOrSet, const Identifier& name, ParameterNode*, FunctionBodyNode*, const SourceCode&); static ExpressionNodeInfo makeFunctionCallNode(JSGlobalData*, ExpressionNodeInfo function, ArgumentsNodeInfo, int start, int divot, int end); static ExpressionNode* makeTypeOfNode(JSGlobalData*, ExpressionNode*); static ExpressionNode* makeDeleteNode(JSGlobalData*, ExpressionNode*, int start, int divot, int end); static ExpressionNode* makeNegateNode(JSGlobalData*, ExpressionNode*); static NumberNode* makeNumberNode(JSGlobalData*, double); static ExpressionNode* makeBitwiseNotNode(JSGlobalData*, ExpressionNode*); static ExpressionNode* makeMultNode(JSGlobalData*, ExpressionNode* left, ExpressionNode* right, bool rightHasAssignments); static ExpressionNode* makeDivNode(JSGlobalData*, ExpressionNode* left, ExpressionNode* right, bool rightHasAssignments); static ExpressionNode* makeAddNode(JSGlobalData*, ExpressionNode* left, ExpressionNode* right, bool rightHasAssignments); static ExpressionNode* makeSubNode(JSGlobalData*, ExpressionNode* left, ExpressionNode* right, bool rightHasAssignments); static ExpressionNode* makeLeftShiftNode(JSGlobalData*, ExpressionNode* left, ExpressionNode* right, bool rightHasAssignments); static ExpressionNode* makeRightShiftNode(JSGlobalData*, ExpressionNode* left, ExpressionNode* right, bool rightHasAssignments); static StatementNode* makeVarStatementNode(JSGlobalData*, ExpressionNode*); static ExpressionNode* combineCommaNodes(JSGlobalData*, ExpressionNode* list, ExpressionNode* init); #if COMPILER(MSVC) #pragma warning(disable: 4065) #pragma warning(disable: 4244) #pragma warning(disable: 4702) #endif #define YYPARSE_PARAM globalPtr #define YYLEX_PARAM globalPtr template inline NodeDeclarationInfo createNodeDeclarationInfo(T node, ParserArenaData* varDecls, ParserArenaData* funcDecls, CodeFeatures info, int numConstants) { ASSERT((info & ~AllFeatures) == 0); NodeDeclarationInfo result = { node, varDecls, funcDecls, info, numConstants }; return result; } template inline NodeInfo createNodeInfo(T node, CodeFeatures info, int numConstants) { ASSERT((info & ~AllFeatures) == 0); NodeInfo result = { node, info, numConstants }; return result; } template inline T mergeDeclarationLists(T decls1, T decls2) { // decls1 or both are null if (!decls1) return decls2; // only decls1 is non-null if (!decls2) return decls1; // Both are non-null decls1->data.append(decls2->data); // Manually release as much as possible from the now-defunct declaration lists // to avoid accumulating so many unused heap allocated vectors. decls2->data.clear(); return decls1; } static inline void appendToVarDeclarationList(JSGlobalData* globalData, ParserArenaData*& varDecls, const Identifier& ident, unsigned attrs) { if (!varDecls) varDecls = new (globalData) ParserArenaData; varDecls->data.append(make_pair(&ident, attrs)); } static inline void appendToVarDeclarationList(JSGlobalData* globalData, ParserArenaData*& varDecls, ConstDeclNode* decl) { unsigned attrs = DeclarationStacks::IsConstant; if (decl->hasInitializer()) attrs |= DeclarationStacks::HasInitializer; appendToVarDeclarationList(globalData, varDecls, decl->ident(), attrs); } %} %union { int intValue; double doubleValue; const Identifier* ident; // expression subtrees ExpressionNodeInfo expressionNode; FuncDeclNodeInfo funcDeclNode; PropertyNodeInfo propertyNode; ArgumentsNodeInfo argumentsNode; ConstDeclNodeInfo constDeclNode; CaseBlockNodeInfo caseBlockNode; CaseClauseNodeInfo caseClauseNode; FuncExprNodeInfo funcExprNode; // statement nodes StatementNodeInfo statementNode; FunctionBodyNode* functionBodyNode; ProgramNode* programNode; SourceElementsInfo sourceElements; PropertyListInfo propertyList; ArgumentListInfo argumentList; VarDeclListInfo varDeclList; ConstDeclListInfo constDeclList; ClauseListInfo clauseList; ElementListInfo elementList; ParameterListInfo parameterList; Operator op; } %{ template inline void setStatementLocation(StatementNode* statement, const T& start, const T& end) { statement->setLoc(start.first_line, end.last_line); } static inline void setExceptionLocation(ThrowableExpressionData* node, unsigned start, unsigned divot, unsigned end) { node->setExceptionSourceCode(divot, divot - start, end - divot); } %} %start Program /* literals */ %token NULLTOKEN TRUETOKEN FALSETOKEN /* keywords */ %token BREAK CASE DEFAULT FOR NEW VAR CONSTTOKEN CONTINUE %token FUNCTION RETURN VOIDTOKEN DELETETOKEN %token IF THISTOKEN DO WHILE INTOKEN INSTANCEOF TYPEOF %token SWITCH WITH RESERVED %token THROW TRY CATCH FINALLY %token DEBUGGER /* give an if without an else higher precedence than an else to resolve the ambiguity */ %nonassoc IF_WITHOUT_ELSE %nonassoc ELSE /* punctuators */ %token EQEQ NE /* == and != */ %token STREQ STRNEQ /* === and !== */ %token LE GE /* < and > */ %token OR AND /* || and && */ %token PLUSPLUS MINUSMINUS /* ++ and -- */ %token LSHIFT /* << */ %token RSHIFT URSHIFT /* >> and >>> */ %token PLUSEQUAL MINUSEQUAL /* += and -= */ %token MULTEQUAL DIVEQUAL /* *= and /= */ %token LSHIFTEQUAL /* <<= */ %token RSHIFTEQUAL URSHIFTEQUAL /* >>= and >>>= */ %token ANDEQUAL MODEQUAL /* &= and %= */ %token XOREQUAL OREQUAL /* ^= and |= */ %token OPENBRACE /* { (with char offset) */ %token CLOSEBRACE /* } (with char offset) */ /* terminal types */ %token NUMBER %token IDENT STRING /* automatically inserted semicolon */ %token AUTOPLUSPLUS AUTOMINUSMINUS /* non-terminal types */ %type Literal ArrayLiteral %type PrimaryExpr PrimaryExprNoBrace %type MemberExpr MemberExprNoBF /* BF => brace or function */ %type NewExpr NewExprNoBF %type CallExpr CallExprNoBF %type LeftHandSideExpr LeftHandSideExprNoBF %type PostfixExpr PostfixExprNoBF %type UnaryExpr UnaryExprNoBF UnaryExprCommon %type MultiplicativeExpr MultiplicativeExprNoBF %type AdditiveExpr AdditiveExprNoBF %type ShiftExpr ShiftExprNoBF %type RelationalExpr RelationalExprNoIn RelationalExprNoBF %type EqualityExpr EqualityExprNoIn EqualityExprNoBF %type BitwiseANDExpr BitwiseANDExprNoIn BitwiseANDExprNoBF %type BitwiseXORExpr BitwiseXORExprNoIn BitwiseXORExprNoBF %type BitwiseORExpr BitwiseORExprNoIn BitwiseORExprNoBF %type LogicalANDExpr LogicalANDExprNoIn LogicalANDExprNoBF %type LogicalORExpr LogicalORExprNoIn LogicalORExprNoBF %type ConditionalExpr ConditionalExprNoIn ConditionalExprNoBF %type AssignmentExpr AssignmentExprNoIn AssignmentExprNoBF %type Expr ExprNoIn ExprNoBF %type ExprOpt ExprNoInOpt %type Statement Block %type VariableStatement ConstStatement EmptyStatement ExprStatement %type IfStatement IterationStatement ContinueStatement %type BreakStatement ReturnStatement WithStatement %type SwitchStatement LabelledStatement %type ThrowStatement TryStatement %type DebuggerStatement %type Initializer InitializerNoIn %type FunctionDeclaration %type FunctionExpr %type FunctionBody %type SourceElements %type FormalParameterList %type AssignmentOperator %type Arguments %type ArgumentList %type VariableDeclarationList VariableDeclarationListNoIn %type ConstDeclarationList %type ConstDeclaration %type CaseBlock %type CaseClause DefaultClause %type CaseClauses CaseClausesOpt %type Elision ElisionOpt %type ElementList %type Property %type PropertyList %% // FIXME: There are currently two versions of the grammar in this file, the normal one, and the NoNodes version used for // lazy recompilation of FunctionBodyNodes. We should move to generating the two versions from a script to avoid bugs. // In the mean time, make sure to make any changes to the grammar in both versions. Literal: NULLTOKEN { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) NullNode(GLOBAL_DATA), 0, 1); } | TRUETOKEN { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) BooleanNode(GLOBAL_DATA, true), 0, 1); } | FALSETOKEN { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) BooleanNode(GLOBAL_DATA, false), 0, 1); } | NUMBER { $$ = createNodeInfo(makeNumberNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1), 0, 1); } | STRING { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) StringNode(GLOBAL_DATA, *$1), 0, 1); } | '/' /* regexp */ { Lexer& l = *GLOBAL_DATA->lexer; const Identifier* pattern; const Identifier* flags; if (!l.scanRegExp(pattern, flags)) YYABORT; RegExpNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) RegExpNode(GLOBAL_DATA, *pattern, *flags); int size = pattern->size() + 2; // + 2 for the two /'s setExceptionLocation(node, @1.first_column, @1.first_column + size, @1.first_column + size); $$ = createNodeInfo(node, 0, 0); } | DIVEQUAL /* regexp with /= */ { Lexer& l = *GLOBAL_DATA->lexer; const Identifier* pattern; const Identifier* flags; if (!l.scanRegExp(pattern, flags, '=')) YYABORT; RegExpNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) RegExpNode(GLOBAL_DATA, *pattern, *flags); int size = pattern->size() + 2; // + 2 for the two /'s setExceptionLocation(node, @1.first_column, @1.first_column + size, @1.first_column + size); $$ = createNodeInfo(node, 0, 0); } ; Property: IDENT ':' AssignmentExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) PropertyNode(GLOBAL_DATA, *$1, $3.m_node, PropertyNode::Constant), $3.m_features, $3.m_numConstants); } | STRING ':' AssignmentExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) PropertyNode(GLOBAL_DATA, *$1, $3.m_node, PropertyNode::Constant), $3.m_features, $3.m_numConstants); } | NUMBER ':' AssignmentExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) PropertyNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1, $3.m_node, PropertyNode::Constant), $3.m_features, $3.m_numConstants); } | IDENT IDENT '(' ')' OPENBRACE FunctionBody CLOSEBRACE { $$ = createNodeInfo(makeGetterOrSetterPropertyNode(GLOBAL_DATA, *$1, *$2, 0, $6, GLOBAL_DATA->lexer->sourceCode($5, $7, @5.first_line)), ClosureFeature, 0); setStatementLocation($6, @5, @7); if (!$$.m_node) YYABORT; } | IDENT IDENT '(' FormalParameterList ')' OPENBRACE FunctionBody CLOSEBRACE { $$ = createNodeInfo(makeGetterOrSetterPropertyNode(GLOBAL_DATA, *$1, *$2, $4.m_node.head, $7, GLOBAL_DATA->lexer->sourceCode($6, $8, @6.first_line)), $4.m_features | ClosureFeature, 0); if ($4.m_features & ArgumentsFeature) $7->setUsesArguments(); setStatementLocation($7, @6, @8); if (!$$.m_node) YYABORT; } ; PropertyList: Property { $$.m_node.head = new (GLOBAL_DATA) PropertyListNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node); $$.m_node.tail = $$.m_node.head; $$.m_features = $1.m_features; $$.m_numConstants = $1.m_numConstants; } | PropertyList ',' Property { $$.m_node.head = $1.m_node.head; $$.m_node.tail = new (GLOBAL_DATA) PropertyListNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $3.m_node, $1.m_node.tail); $$.m_features = $1.m_features | $3.m_features; $$.m_numConstants = $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants; } ; PrimaryExpr: PrimaryExprNoBrace | OPENBRACE CLOSEBRACE { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) ObjectLiteralNode(GLOBAL_DATA), 0, 0); } | OPENBRACE PropertyList CLOSEBRACE { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) ObjectLiteralNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node.head), $2.m_features, $2.m_numConstants); } /* allow extra comma, see http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5939 */ | OPENBRACE PropertyList ',' CLOSEBRACE { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) ObjectLiteralNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node.head), $2.m_features, $2.m_numConstants); } ; PrimaryExprNoBrace: THISTOKEN { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) ThisNode(GLOBAL_DATA), ThisFeature, 0); } | Literal | ArrayLiteral | IDENT { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) ResolveNode(GLOBAL_DATA, *$1, @1.first_column), (*$1 == GLOBAL_DATA->propertyNames->arguments) ? ArgumentsFeature : 0, 0); } | '(' Expr ')' { $$ = $2; } ; ArrayLiteral: '[' ElisionOpt ']' { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) ArrayNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2), 0, $2 ? 1 : 0); } | '[' ElementList ']' { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) ArrayNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node.head), $2.m_features, $2.m_numConstants); } | '[' ElementList ',' ElisionOpt ']' { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) ArrayNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $4, $2.m_node.head), $2.m_features, $4 ? $2.m_numConstants + 1 : $2.m_numConstants); } ; ElementList: ElisionOpt AssignmentExpr { $$.m_node.head = new (GLOBAL_DATA) ElementNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1, $2.m_node); $$.m_node.tail = $$.m_node.head; $$.m_features = $2.m_features; $$.m_numConstants = $2.m_numConstants; } | ElementList ',' ElisionOpt AssignmentExpr { $$.m_node.head = $1.m_node.head; $$.m_node.tail = new (GLOBAL_DATA) ElementNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node.tail, $3, $4.m_node); $$.m_features = $1.m_features | $4.m_features; $$.m_numConstants = $1.m_numConstants + $4.m_numConstants; } ; ElisionOpt: /* nothing */ { $$ = 0; } | Elision ; Elision: ',' { $$ = 1; } | Elision ',' { $$ = $1 + 1; } ; MemberExpr: PrimaryExpr | FunctionExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo($1.m_node, $1.m_features, $1.m_numConstants); } | MemberExpr '[' Expr ']' { BracketAccessorNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) BracketAccessorNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature); setExceptionLocation(node, @1.first_column, @1.last_column, @4.last_column); $$ = createNodeInfo(node, $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | MemberExpr '.' IDENT { DotAccessorNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) DotAccessorNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, *$3); setExceptionLocation(node, @1.first_column, @1.last_column, @3.last_column); $$ = createNodeInfo(node, $1.m_features, $1.m_numConstants); } | NEW MemberExpr Arguments { NewExprNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) NewExprNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node, $3.m_node); setExceptionLocation(node, @1.first_column, @2.last_column, @3.last_column); $$ = createNodeInfo(node, $2.m_features | $3.m_features, $2.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } ; MemberExprNoBF: PrimaryExprNoBrace | MemberExprNoBF '[' Expr ']' { BracketAccessorNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) BracketAccessorNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature); setExceptionLocation(node, @1.first_column, @1.last_column, @4.last_column); $$ = createNodeInfo(node, $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | MemberExprNoBF '.' IDENT { DotAccessorNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) DotAccessorNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, *$3); setExceptionLocation(node, @1.first_column, @1.last_column, @3.last_column); $$ = createNodeInfo(node, $1.m_features, $1.m_numConstants); } | NEW MemberExpr Arguments { NewExprNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) NewExprNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node, $3.m_node); setExceptionLocation(node, @1.first_column, @2.last_column, @3.last_column); $$ = createNodeInfo(node, $2.m_features | $3.m_features, $2.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } ; NewExpr: MemberExpr | NEW NewExpr { NewExprNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) NewExprNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node); setExceptionLocation(node, @1.first_column, @2.last_column, @2.last_column); $$ = createNodeInfo(node, $2.m_features, $2.m_numConstants); } ; NewExprNoBF: MemberExprNoBF | NEW NewExpr { NewExprNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) NewExprNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node); setExceptionLocation(node, @1.first_column, @2.last_column, @2.last_column); $$ = createNodeInfo(node, $2.m_features, $2.m_numConstants); } ; CallExpr: MemberExpr Arguments { $$ = makeFunctionCallNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1, $2, @1.first_column, @1.last_column, @2.last_column); } | CallExpr Arguments { $$ = makeFunctionCallNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1, $2, @1.first_column, @1.last_column, @2.last_column); } | CallExpr '[' Expr ']' { BracketAccessorNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) BracketAccessorNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature); setExceptionLocation(node, @1.first_column, @1.last_column, @4.last_column); $$ = createNodeInfo(node, $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | CallExpr '.' IDENT { DotAccessorNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) DotAccessorNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, *$3); setExceptionLocation(node, @1.first_column, @1.last_column, @3.last_column); $$ = createNodeInfo(node, $1.m_features, $1.m_numConstants); } ; CallExprNoBF: MemberExprNoBF Arguments { $$ = makeFunctionCallNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1, $2, @1.first_column, @1.last_column, @2.last_column); } | CallExprNoBF Arguments { $$ = makeFunctionCallNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1, $2, @1.first_column, @1.last_column, @2.last_column); } | CallExprNoBF '[' Expr ']' { BracketAccessorNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) BracketAccessorNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature); setExceptionLocation(node, @1.first_column, @1.last_column, @4.last_column); $$ = createNodeInfo(node, $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | CallExprNoBF '.' IDENT { DotAccessorNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) DotAccessorNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, *$3); setExceptionLocation(node, @1.first_column, @1.last_column, @3.last_column); $$ = createNodeInfo(node, $1.m_features, $1.m_numConstants); } ; Arguments: '(' ')' { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) ArgumentsNode(GLOBAL_DATA), 0, 0); } | '(' ArgumentList ')' { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) ArgumentsNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node.head), $2.m_features, $2.m_numConstants); } ; ArgumentList: AssignmentExpr { $$.m_node.head = new (GLOBAL_DATA) ArgumentListNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node); $$.m_node.tail = $$.m_node.head; $$.m_features = $1.m_features; $$.m_numConstants = $1.m_numConstants; } | ArgumentList ',' AssignmentExpr { $$.m_node.head = $1.m_node.head; $$.m_node.tail = new (GLOBAL_DATA) ArgumentListNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node.tail, $3.m_node); $$.m_features = $1.m_features | $3.m_features; $$.m_numConstants = $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants; } ; LeftHandSideExpr: NewExpr | CallExpr ; LeftHandSideExprNoBF: NewExprNoBF | CallExprNoBF ; PostfixExpr: LeftHandSideExpr | LeftHandSideExpr PLUSPLUS { $$ = createNodeInfo(makePostfixNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, OpPlusPlus, @1.first_column, @1.last_column, @2.last_column), $1.m_features | AssignFeature, $1.m_numConstants); } | LeftHandSideExpr MINUSMINUS { $$ = createNodeInfo(makePostfixNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, OpMinusMinus, @1.first_column, @1.last_column, @2.last_column), $1.m_features | AssignFeature, $1.m_numConstants); } ; PostfixExprNoBF: LeftHandSideExprNoBF | LeftHandSideExprNoBF PLUSPLUS { $$ = createNodeInfo(makePostfixNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, OpPlusPlus, @1.first_column, @1.last_column, @2.last_column), $1.m_features | AssignFeature, $1.m_numConstants); } | LeftHandSideExprNoBF MINUSMINUS { $$ = createNodeInfo(makePostfixNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, OpMinusMinus, @1.first_column, @1.last_column, @2.last_column), $1.m_features | AssignFeature, $1.m_numConstants); } ; UnaryExprCommon: DELETETOKEN UnaryExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(makeDeleteNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node, @1.first_column, @2.last_column, @2.last_column), $2.m_features, $2.m_numConstants); } | VOIDTOKEN UnaryExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) VoidNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node), $2.m_features, $2.m_numConstants + 1); } | TYPEOF UnaryExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(makeTypeOfNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node), $2.m_features, $2.m_numConstants); } | PLUSPLUS UnaryExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(makePrefixNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node, OpPlusPlus, @1.first_column, @2.first_column + 1, @2.last_column), $2.m_features | AssignFeature, $2.m_numConstants); } | AUTOPLUSPLUS UnaryExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(makePrefixNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node, OpPlusPlus, @1.first_column, @2.first_column + 1, @2.last_column), $2.m_features | AssignFeature, $2.m_numConstants); } | MINUSMINUS UnaryExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(makePrefixNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node, OpMinusMinus, @1.first_column, @2.first_column + 1, @2.last_column), $2.m_features | AssignFeature, $2.m_numConstants); } | AUTOMINUSMINUS UnaryExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(makePrefixNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node, OpMinusMinus, @1.first_column, @2.first_column + 1, @2.last_column), $2.m_features | AssignFeature, $2.m_numConstants); } | '+' UnaryExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) UnaryPlusNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node), $2.m_features, $2.m_numConstants); } | '-' UnaryExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(makeNegateNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node), $2.m_features, $2.m_numConstants); } | '~' UnaryExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(makeBitwiseNotNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node), $2.m_features, $2.m_numConstants); } | '!' UnaryExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) LogicalNotNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node), $2.m_features, $2.m_numConstants); } UnaryExpr: PostfixExpr | UnaryExprCommon ; UnaryExprNoBF: PostfixExprNoBF | UnaryExprCommon ; MultiplicativeExpr: UnaryExpr | MultiplicativeExpr '*' UnaryExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(makeMultNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | MultiplicativeExpr '/' UnaryExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(makeDivNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | MultiplicativeExpr '%' UnaryExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) ModNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } ; MultiplicativeExprNoBF: UnaryExprNoBF | MultiplicativeExprNoBF '*' UnaryExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(makeMultNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | MultiplicativeExprNoBF '/' UnaryExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(makeDivNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | MultiplicativeExprNoBF '%' UnaryExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) ModNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } ; AdditiveExpr: MultiplicativeExpr | AdditiveExpr '+' MultiplicativeExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(makeAddNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | AdditiveExpr '-' MultiplicativeExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(makeSubNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } ; AdditiveExprNoBF: MultiplicativeExprNoBF | AdditiveExprNoBF '+' MultiplicativeExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(makeAddNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | AdditiveExprNoBF '-' MultiplicativeExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(makeSubNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } ; ShiftExpr: AdditiveExpr | ShiftExpr LSHIFT AdditiveExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(makeLeftShiftNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | ShiftExpr RSHIFT AdditiveExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(makeRightShiftNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | ShiftExpr URSHIFT AdditiveExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) UnsignedRightShiftNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } ; ShiftExprNoBF: AdditiveExprNoBF | ShiftExprNoBF LSHIFT AdditiveExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(makeLeftShiftNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | ShiftExprNoBF RSHIFT AdditiveExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(makeRightShiftNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | ShiftExprNoBF URSHIFT AdditiveExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) UnsignedRightShiftNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } ; RelationalExpr: ShiftExpr | RelationalExpr '<' ShiftExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) LessNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | RelationalExpr '>' ShiftExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) GreaterNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | RelationalExpr LE ShiftExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) LessEqNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | RelationalExpr GE ShiftExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) GreaterEqNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | RelationalExpr INSTANCEOF ShiftExpr { InstanceOfNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) InstanceOfNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature); setExceptionLocation(node, @1.first_column, @3.first_column, @3.last_column); $$ = createNodeInfo(node, $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | RelationalExpr INTOKEN ShiftExpr { InNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) InNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature); setExceptionLocation(node, @1.first_column, @3.first_column, @3.last_column); $$ = createNodeInfo(node, $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } ; RelationalExprNoIn: ShiftExpr | RelationalExprNoIn '<' ShiftExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) LessNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | RelationalExprNoIn '>' ShiftExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) GreaterNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | RelationalExprNoIn LE ShiftExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) LessEqNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | RelationalExprNoIn GE ShiftExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) GreaterEqNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | RelationalExprNoIn INSTANCEOF ShiftExpr { InstanceOfNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) InstanceOfNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature); setExceptionLocation(node, @1.first_column, @3.first_column, @3.last_column); $$ = createNodeInfo(node, $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } ; RelationalExprNoBF: ShiftExprNoBF | RelationalExprNoBF '<' ShiftExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) LessNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | RelationalExprNoBF '>' ShiftExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) GreaterNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | RelationalExprNoBF LE ShiftExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) LessEqNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | RelationalExprNoBF GE ShiftExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) GreaterEqNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | RelationalExprNoBF INSTANCEOF ShiftExpr { InstanceOfNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) InstanceOfNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature); setExceptionLocation(node, @1.first_column, @3.first_column, @3.last_column); $$ = createNodeInfo(node, $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | RelationalExprNoBF INTOKEN ShiftExpr { InNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) InNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature); setExceptionLocation(node, @1.first_column, @3.first_column, @3.last_column); $$ = createNodeInfo(node, $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } ; EqualityExpr: RelationalExpr | EqualityExpr EQEQ RelationalExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) EqualNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | EqualityExpr NE RelationalExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) NotEqualNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | EqualityExpr STREQ RelationalExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) StrictEqualNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | EqualityExpr STRNEQ RelationalExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) NotStrictEqualNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } ; EqualityExprNoIn: RelationalExprNoIn | EqualityExprNoIn EQEQ RelationalExprNoIn { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) EqualNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | EqualityExprNoIn NE RelationalExprNoIn { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) NotEqualNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | EqualityExprNoIn STREQ RelationalExprNoIn { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) StrictEqualNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | EqualityExprNoIn STRNEQ RelationalExprNoIn { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) NotStrictEqualNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } ; EqualityExprNoBF: RelationalExprNoBF | EqualityExprNoBF EQEQ RelationalExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) EqualNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | EqualityExprNoBF NE RelationalExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) NotEqualNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | EqualityExprNoBF STREQ RelationalExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) StrictEqualNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } | EqualityExprNoBF STRNEQ RelationalExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) NotStrictEqualNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } ; BitwiseANDExpr: EqualityExpr | BitwiseANDExpr '&' EqualityExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) BitAndNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } ; BitwiseANDExprNoIn: EqualityExprNoIn | BitwiseANDExprNoIn '&' EqualityExprNoIn { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) BitAndNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } ; BitwiseANDExprNoBF: EqualityExprNoBF | BitwiseANDExprNoBF '&' EqualityExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) BitAndNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } ; BitwiseXORExpr: BitwiseANDExpr | BitwiseXORExpr '^' BitwiseANDExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) BitXOrNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } ; BitwiseXORExprNoIn: BitwiseANDExprNoIn | BitwiseXORExprNoIn '^' BitwiseANDExprNoIn { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) BitXOrNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } ; BitwiseXORExprNoBF: BitwiseANDExprNoBF | BitwiseXORExprNoBF '^' BitwiseANDExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) BitXOrNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } ; BitwiseORExpr: BitwiseXORExpr | BitwiseORExpr '|' BitwiseXORExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) BitOrNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } ; BitwiseORExprNoIn: BitwiseXORExprNoIn | BitwiseORExprNoIn '|' BitwiseXORExprNoIn { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) BitOrNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } ; BitwiseORExprNoBF: BitwiseXORExprNoBF | BitwiseORExprNoBF '|' BitwiseXORExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) BitOrNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $3.m_features & AssignFeature), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } ; LogicalANDExpr: BitwiseORExpr | LogicalANDExpr AND BitwiseORExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) LogicalOpNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, OpLogicalAnd), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } ; LogicalANDExprNoIn: BitwiseORExprNoIn | LogicalANDExprNoIn AND BitwiseORExprNoIn { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) LogicalOpNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, OpLogicalAnd), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } ; LogicalANDExprNoBF: BitwiseORExprNoBF | LogicalANDExprNoBF AND BitwiseORExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) LogicalOpNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, OpLogicalAnd), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } ; LogicalORExpr: LogicalANDExpr | LogicalORExpr OR LogicalANDExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) LogicalOpNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, OpLogicalOr), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } ; LogicalORExprNoIn: LogicalANDExprNoIn | LogicalORExprNoIn OR LogicalANDExprNoIn { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) LogicalOpNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, OpLogicalOr), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } ; LogicalORExprNoBF: LogicalANDExprNoBF | LogicalORExprNoBF OR LogicalANDExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) LogicalOpNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, OpLogicalOr), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } ; ConditionalExpr: LogicalORExpr | LogicalORExpr '?' AssignmentExpr ':' AssignmentExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) ConditionalNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $5.m_node), $1.m_features | $3.m_features | $5.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants + $5.m_numConstants); } ; ConditionalExprNoIn: LogicalORExprNoIn | LogicalORExprNoIn '?' AssignmentExprNoIn ':' AssignmentExprNoIn { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) ConditionalNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $5.m_node), $1.m_features | $3.m_features | $5.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants + $5.m_numConstants); } ; ConditionalExprNoBF: LogicalORExprNoBF | LogicalORExprNoBF '?' AssignmentExpr ':' AssignmentExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) ConditionalNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node, $5.m_node), $1.m_features | $3.m_features | $5.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants + $5.m_numConstants); } ; AssignmentExpr: ConditionalExpr | LeftHandSideExpr AssignmentOperator AssignmentExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(makeAssignNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $2, $3.m_node, $1.m_features & AssignFeature, $3.m_features & AssignFeature, @1.first_column, @2.first_column + 1, @3.last_column), $1.m_features | $3.m_features | AssignFeature, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } ; AssignmentExprNoIn: ConditionalExprNoIn | LeftHandSideExpr AssignmentOperator AssignmentExprNoIn { $$ = createNodeInfo(makeAssignNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $2, $3.m_node, $1.m_features & AssignFeature, $3.m_features & AssignFeature, @1.first_column, @2.first_column + 1, @3.last_column), $1.m_features | $3.m_features | AssignFeature, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } ; AssignmentExprNoBF: ConditionalExprNoBF | LeftHandSideExprNoBF AssignmentOperator AssignmentExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(makeAssignNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $2, $3.m_node, $1.m_features & AssignFeature, $3.m_features & AssignFeature, @1.first_column, @2.first_column + 1, @3.last_column), $1.m_features | $3.m_features | AssignFeature, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } ; AssignmentOperator: '=' { $$ = OpEqual; } | PLUSEQUAL { $$ = OpPlusEq; } | MINUSEQUAL { $$ = OpMinusEq; } | MULTEQUAL { $$ = OpMultEq; } | DIVEQUAL { $$ = OpDivEq; } | LSHIFTEQUAL { $$ = OpLShift; } | RSHIFTEQUAL { $$ = OpRShift; } | URSHIFTEQUAL { $$ = OpURShift; } | ANDEQUAL { $$ = OpAndEq; } | XOREQUAL { $$ = OpXOrEq; } | OREQUAL { $$ = OpOrEq; } | MODEQUAL { $$ = OpModEq; } ; Expr: AssignmentExpr | Expr ',' AssignmentExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(combineCommaNodes(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } ; ExprNoIn: AssignmentExprNoIn | ExprNoIn ',' AssignmentExprNoIn { $$ = createNodeInfo(combineCommaNodes(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } ; ExprNoBF: AssignmentExprNoBF | ExprNoBF ',' AssignmentExpr { $$ = createNodeInfo(combineCommaNodes(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, $3.m_node), $1.m_features | $3.m_features, $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants); } ; Statement: Block | VariableStatement | ConstStatement | FunctionDeclaration | EmptyStatement | ExprStatement | IfStatement | IterationStatement | ContinueStatement | BreakStatement | ReturnStatement | WithStatement | SwitchStatement | LabelledStatement | ThrowStatement | TryStatement | DebuggerStatement ; Block: OPENBRACE CLOSEBRACE { $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) BlockNode(GLOBAL_DATA, 0), 0, 0, 0, 0); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @2); } | OPENBRACE SourceElements CLOSEBRACE { $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) BlockNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node), $2.m_varDeclarations, $2.m_funcDeclarations, $2.m_features, $2.m_numConstants); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @3); } ; VariableStatement: VAR VariableDeclarationList ';' { $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(makeVarStatementNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node), $2.m_varDeclarations, $2.m_funcDeclarations, $2.m_features, $2.m_numConstants); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @3); } | VAR VariableDeclarationList error { $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(makeVarStatementNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node), $2.m_varDeclarations, $2.m_funcDeclarations, $2.m_features, $2.m_numConstants); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @2); AUTO_SEMICOLON; } ; VariableDeclarationList: IDENT { $$.m_node = 0; $$.m_varDeclarations = new (GLOBAL_DATA) ParserArenaData; appendToVarDeclarationList(GLOBAL_DATA, $$.m_varDeclarations, *$1, 0); $$.m_funcDeclarations = 0; $$.m_features = (*$1 == GLOBAL_DATA->propertyNames->arguments) ? ArgumentsFeature : 0; $$.m_numConstants = 0; } | IDENT Initializer { AssignResolveNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) AssignResolveNode(GLOBAL_DATA, *$1, $2.m_node, $2.m_features & AssignFeature); setExceptionLocation(node, @1.first_column, @2.first_column + 1, @2.last_column); $$.m_node = node; $$.m_varDeclarations = new (GLOBAL_DATA) ParserArenaData; appendToVarDeclarationList(GLOBAL_DATA, $$.m_varDeclarations, *$1, DeclarationStacks::HasInitializer); $$.m_funcDeclarations = 0; $$.m_features = ((*$1 == GLOBAL_DATA->propertyNames->arguments) ? ArgumentsFeature : 0) | $2.m_features; $$.m_numConstants = $2.m_numConstants; } | VariableDeclarationList ',' IDENT { $$.m_node = $1.m_node; $$.m_varDeclarations = $1.m_varDeclarations; appendToVarDeclarationList(GLOBAL_DATA, $$.m_varDeclarations, *$3, 0); $$.m_funcDeclarations = 0; $$.m_features = $1.m_features | ((*$3 == GLOBAL_DATA->propertyNames->arguments) ? ArgumentsFeature : 0); $$.m_numConstants = $1.m_numConstants; } | VariableDeclarationList ',' IDENT Initializer { AssignResolveNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) AssignResolveNode(GLOBAL_DATA, *$3, $4.m_node, $4.m_features & AssignFeature); setExceptionLocation(node, @3.first_column, @4.first_column + 1, @4.last_column); $$.m_node = combineCommaNodes(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, node); $$.m_varDeclarations = $1.m_varDeclarations; appendToVarDeclarationList(GLOBAL_DATA, $$.m_varDeclarations, *$3, DeclarationStacks::HasInitializer); $$.m_funcDeclarations = 0; $$.m_features = $1.m_features | ((*$3 == GLOBAL_DATA->propertyNames->arguments) ? ArgumentsFeature : 0) | $4.m_features; $$.m_numConstants = $1.m_numConstants + $4.m_numConstants; } ; VariableDeclarationListNoIn: IDENT { $$.m_node = 0; $$.m_varDeclarations = new (GLOBAL_DATA) ParserArenaData; appendToVarDeclarationList(GLOBAL_DATA, $$.m_varDeclarations, *$1, 0); $$.m_funcDeclarations = 0; $$.m_features = (*$1 == GLOBAL_DATA->propertyNames->arguments) ? ArgumentsFeature : 0; $$.m_numConstants = 0; } | IDENT InitializerNoIn { AssignResolveNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) AssignResolveNode(GLOBAL_DATA, *$1, $2.m_node, $2.m_features & AssignFeature); setExceptionLocation(node, @1.first_column, @2.first_column + 1, @2.last_column); $$.m_node = node; $$.m_varDeclarations = new (GLOBAL_DATA) ParserArenaData; appendToVarDeclarationList(GLOBAL_DATA, $$.m_varDeclarations, *$1, DeclarationStacks::HasInitializer); $$.m_funcDeclarations = 0; $$.m_features = ((*$1 == GLOBAL_DATA->propertyNames->arguments) ? ArgumentsFeature : 0) | $2.m_features; $$.m_numConstants = $2.m_numConstants; } | VariableDeclarationListNoIn ',' IDENT { $$.m_node = $1.m_node; $$.m_varDeclarations = $1.m_varDeclarations; appendToVarDeclarationList(GLOBAL_DATA, $$.m_varDeclarations, *$3, 0); $$.m_funcDeclarations = 0; $$.m_features = $1.m_features | ((*$3 == GLOBAL_DATA->propertyNames->arguments) ? ArgumentsFeature : 0); $$.m_numConstants = $1.m_numConstants; } | VariableDeclarationListNoIn ',' IDENT InitializerNoIn { AssignResolveNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) AssignResolveNode(GLOBAL_DATA, *$3, $4.m_node, $4.m_features & AssignFeature); setExceptionLocation(node, @3.first_column, @4.first_column + 1, @4.last_column); $$.m_node = combineCommaNodes(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node, node); $$.m_varDeclarations = $1.m_varDeclarations; appendToVarDeclarationList(GLOBAL_DATA, $$.m_varDeclarations, *$3, DeclarationStacks::HasInitializer); $$.m_funcDeclarations = 0; $$.m_features = $1.m_features | ((*$3 == GLOBAL_DATA->propertyNames->arguments) ? ArgumentsFeature : 0) | $4.m_features; $$.m_numConstants = $1.m_numConstants + $4.m_numConstants; } ; ConstStatement: CONSTTOKEN ConstDeclarationList ';' { $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) ConstStatementNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node.head), $2.m_varDeclarations, $2.m_funcDeclarations, $2.m_features, $2.m_numConstants); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @3); } | CONSTTOKEN ConstDeclarationList error { $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) ConstStatementNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node.head), $2.m_varDeclarations, $2.m_funcDeclarations, $2.m_features, $2.m_numConstants); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @2); AUTO_SEMICOLON; } ; ConstDeclarationList: ConstDeclaration { $$.m_node.head = $1.m_node; $$.m_node.tail = $$.m_node.head; $$.m_varDeclarations = new (GLOBAL_DATA) ParserArenaData; appendToVarDeclarationList(GLOBAL_DATA, $$.m_varDeclarations, $1.m_node); $$.m_funcDeclarations = 0; $$.m_features = $1.m_features; $$.m_numConstants = $1.m_numConstants; } | ConstDeclarationList ',' ConstDeclaration { $$.m_node.head = $1.m_node.head; $1.m_node.tail->m_next = $3.m_node; $$.m_node.tail = $3.m_node; $$.m_varDeclarations = $1.m_varDeclarations; appendToVarDeclarationList(GLOBAL_DATA, $$.m_varDeclarations, $3.m_node); $$.m_funcDeclarations = 0; $$.m_features = $1.m_features | $3.m_features; $$.m_numConstants = $1.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants; } ; ConstDeclaration: IDENT { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) ConstDeclNode(GLOBAL_DATA, *$1, 0), (*$1 == GLOBAL_DATA->propertyNames->arguments) ? ArgumentsFeature : 0, 0); } | IDENT Initializer { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) ConstDeclNode(GLOBAL_DATA, *$1, $2.m_node), ((*$1 == GLOBAL_DATA->propertyNames->arguments) ? ArgumentsFeature : 0) | $2.m_features, $2.m_numConstants); } ; Initializer: '=' AssignmentExpr { $$ = $2; } ; InitializerNoIn: '=' AssignmentExprNoIn { $$ = $2; } ; EmptyStatement: ';' { $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) EmptyStatementNode(GLOBAL_DATA), 0, 0, 0, 0); } ; ExprStatement: ExprNoBF ';' { $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) ExprStatementNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node), 0, 0, $1.m_features, $1.m_numConstants); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @2); } | ExprNoBF error { $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) ExprStatementNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node), 0, 0, $1.m_features, $1.m_numConstants); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @1); AUTO_SEMICOLON; } ; IfStatement: IF '(' Expr ')' Statement %prec IF_WITHOUT_ELSE { $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) IfNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $3.m_node, $5.m_node), $5.m_varDeclarations, $5.m_funcDeclarations, $3.m_features | $5.m_features, $3.m_numConstants + $5.m_numConstants); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @4); } | IF '(' Expr ')' Statement ELSE Statement { $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) IfElseNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $3.m_node, $5.m_node, $7.m_node), mergeDeclarationLists($5.m_varDeclarations, $7.m_varDeclarations), mergeDeclarationLists($5.m_funcDeclarations, $7.m_funcDeclarations), $3.m_features | $5.m_features | $7.m_features, $3.m_numConstants + $5.m_numConstants + $7.m_numConstants); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @4); } ; IterationStatement: DO Statement WHILE '(' Expr ')' ';' { $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) DoWhileNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node, $5.m_node), $2.m_varDeclarations, $2.m_funcDeclarations, $2.m_features | $5.m_features, $2.m_numConstants + $5.m_numConstants); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @3); } | DO Statement WHILE '(' Expr ')' error { $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) DoWhileNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node, $5.m_node), $2.m_varDeclarations, $2.m_funcDeclarations, $2.m_features | $5.m_features, $2.m_numConstants + $5.m_numConstants); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @3); } // Always performs automatic semicolon insertion. | WHILE '(' Expr ')' Statement { $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) WhileNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $3.m_node, $5.m_node), $5.m_varDeclarations, $5.m_funcDeclarations, $3.m_features | $5.m_features, $3.m_numConstants + $5.m_numConstants); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @4); } | FOR '(' ExprNoInOpt ';' ExprOpt ';' ExprOpt ')' Statement { $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) ForNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $3.m_node, $5.m_node, $7.m_node, $9.m_node, false), $9.m_varDeclarations, $9.m_funcDeclarations, $3.m_features | $5.m_features | $7.m_features | $9.m_features, $3.m_numConstants + $5.m_numConstants + $7.m_numConstants + $9.m_numConstants); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @8); } | FOR '(' VAR VariableDeclarationListNoIn ';' ExprOpt ';' ExprOpt ')' Statement { $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) ForNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $4.m_node, $6.m_node, $8.m_node, $10.m_node, true), mergeDeclarationLists($4.m_varDeclarations, $10.m_varDeclarations), mergeDeclarationLists($4.m_funcDeclarations, $10.m_funcDeclarations), $4.m_features | $6.m_features | $8.m_features | $10.m_features, $4.m_numConstants + $6.m_numConstants + $8.m_numConstants + $10.m_numConstants); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @9); } | FOR '(' LeftHandSideExpr INTOKEN Expr ')' Statement { ForInNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) ForInNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $3.m_node, $5.m_node, $7.m_node); setExceptionLocation(node, @3.first_column, @3.last_column, @5.last_column); $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(node, $7.m_varDeclarations, $7.m_funcDeclarations, $3.m_features | $5.m_features | $7.m_features, $3.m_numConstants + $5.m_numConstants + $7.m_numConstants); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @6); } | FOR '(' VAR IDENT INTOKEN Expr ')' Statement { ForInNode *forIn = new (GLOBAL_DATA) ForInNode(GLOBAL_DATA, *$4, 0, $6.m_node, $8.m_node, @5.first_column, @5.first_column - @4.first_column, @6.last_column - @5.first_column); setExceptionLocation(forIn, @4.first_column, @5.first_column + 1, @6.last_column); appendToVarDeclarationList(GLOBAL_DATA, $8.m_varDeclarations, *$4, DeclarationStacks::HasInitializer); $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(forIn, $8.m_varDeclarations, $8.m_funcDeclarations, ((*$4 == GLOBAL_DATA->propertyNames->arguments) ? ArgumentsFeature : 0) | $6.m_features | $8.m_features, $6.m_numConstants + $8.m_numConstants); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @7); } | FOR '(' VAR IDENT InitializerNoIn INTOKEN Expr ')' Statement { ForInNode *forIn = new (GLOBAL_DATA) ForInNode(GLOBAL_DATA, *$4, $5.m_node, $7.m_node, $9.m_node, @5.first_column, @5.first_column - @4.first_column, @5.last_column - @5.first_column); setExceptionLocation(forIn, @4.first_column, @6.first_column + 1, @7.last_column); appendToVarDeclarationList(GLOBAL_DATA, $9.m_varDeclarations, *$4, DeclarationStacks::HasInitializer); $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(forIn, $9.m_varDeclarations, $9.m_funcDeclarations, ((*$4 == GLOBAL_DATA->propertyNames->arguments) ? ArgumentsFeature : 0) | $5.m_features | $7.m_features | $9.m_features, $5.m_numConstants + $7.m_numConstants + $9.m_numConstants); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @8); } ; ExprOpt: /* nothing */ { $$ = createNodeInfo(0, 0, 0); } | Expr ; ExprNoInOpt: /* nothing */ { $$ = createNodeInfo(0, 0, 0); } | ExprNoIn ; ContinueStatement: CONTINUE ';' { ContinueNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) ContinueNode(GLOBAL_DATA); setExceptionLocation(node, @1.first_column, @1.last_column, @1.last_column); $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(node, 0, 0, 0, 0); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @2); } | CONTINUE error { ContinueNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) ContinueNode(GLOBAL_DATA); setExceptionLocation(node, @1.first_column, @1.last_column, @1.last_column); $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(node, 0, 0, 0, 0); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @1); AUTO_SEMICOLON; } | CONTINUE IDENT ';' { ContinueNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) ContinueNode(GLOBAL_DATA, *$2); setExceptionLocation(node, @1.first_column, @2.last_column, @2.last_column); $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(node, 0, 0, 0, 0); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @3); } | CONTINUE IDENT error { ContinueNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) ContinueNode(GLOBAL_DATA, *$2); setExceptionLocation(node, @1.first_column, @2.last_column, @2.last_column); $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(node, 0, 0, 0, 0); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @2); AUTO_SEMICOLON; } ; BreakStatement: BREAK ';' { BreakNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) BreakNode(GLOBAL_DATA); setExceptionLocation(node, @1.first_column, @1.last_column, @1.last_column); $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(node, 0, 0, 0, 0); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @2); } | BREAK error { BreakNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) BreakNode(GLOBAL_DATA); setExceptionLocation(node, @1.first_column, @1.last_column, @1.last_column); $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) BreakNode(GLOBAL_DATA), 0, 0, 0, 0); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @1); AUTO_SEMICOLON; } | BREAK IDENT ';' { BreakNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) BreakNode(GLOBAL_DATA, *$2); setExceptionLocation(node, @1.first_column, @2.last_column, @2.last_column); $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(node, 0, 0, 0, 0); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @3); } | BREAK IDENT error { BreakNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) BreakNode(GLOBAL_DATA, *$2); setExceptionLocation(node, @1.first_column, @2.last_column, @2.last_column); $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) BreakNode(GLOBAL_DATA, *$2), 0, 0, 0, 0); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @2); AUTO_SEMICOLON; } ; ReturnStatement: RETURN ';' { ReturnNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) ReturnNode(GLOBAL_DATA, 0); setExceptionLocation(node, @1.first_column, @1.last_column, @1.last_column); $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(node, 0, 0, 0, 0); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @2); } | RETURN error { ReturnNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) ReturnNode(GLOBAL_DATA, 0); setExceptionLocation(node, @1.first_column, @1.last_column, @1.last_column); $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(node, 0, 0, 0, 0); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @1); AUTO_SEMICOLON; } | RETURN Expr ';' { ReturnNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) ReturnNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node); setExceptionLocation(node, @1.first_column, @2.last_column, @2.last_column); $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(node, 0, 0, $2.m_features, $2.m_numConstants); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @3); } | RETURN Expr error { ReturnNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) ReturnNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node); setExceptionLocation(node, @1.first_column, @2.last_column, @2.last_column); $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(node, 0, 0, $2.m_features, $2.m_numConstants); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @2); AUTO_SEMICOLON; } ; WithStatement: WITH '(' Expr ')' Statement { $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) WithNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $3.m_node, $5.m_node, @3.last_column, @3.last_column - @3.first_column), $5.m_varDeclarations, $5.m_funcDeclarations, $3.m_features | $5.m_features | WithFeature, $3.m_numConstants + $5.m_numConstants); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @4); } ; SwitchStatement: SWITCH '(' Expr ')' CaseBlock { $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) SwitchNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $3.m_node, $5.m_node), $5.m_varDeclarations, $5.m_funcDeclarations, $3.m_features | $5.m_features, $3.m_numConstants + $5.m_numConstants); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @4); } ; CaseBlock: OPENBRACE CaseClausesOpt CLOSEBRACE { $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) CaseBlockNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node.head, 0, 0), $2.m_varDeclarations, $2.m_funcDeclarations, $2.m_features, $2.m_numConstants); } | OPENBRACE CaseClausesOpt DefaultClause CaseClausesOpt CLOSEBRACE { $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) CaseBlockNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node.head, $3.m_node, $4.m_node.head), mergeDeclarationLists(mergeDeclarationLists($2.m_varDeclarations, $3.m_varDeclarations), $4.m_varDeclarations), mergeDeclarationLists(mergeDeclarationLists($2.m_funcDeclarations, $3.m_funcDeclarations), $4.m_funcDeclarations), $2.m_features | $3.m_features | $4.m_features, $2.m_numConstants + $3.m_numConstants + $4.m_numConstants); } ; CaseClausesOpt: /* nothing */ { $$.m_node.head = 0; $$.m_node.tail = 0; $$.m_varDeclarations = 0; $$.m_funcDeclarations = 0; $$.m_features = 0; $$.m_numConstants = 0; } | CaseClauses ; CaseClauses: CaseClause { $$.m_node.head = new (GLOBAL_DATA) ClauseListNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node); $$.m_node.tail = $$.m_node.head; $$.m_varDeclarations = $1.m_varDeclarations; $$.m_funcDeclarations = $1.m_funcDeclarations; $$.m_features = $1.m_features; $$.m_numConstants = $1.m_numConstants; } | CaseClauses CaseClause { $$.m_node.head = $1.m_node.head; $$.m_node.tail = new (GLOBAL_DATA) ClauseListNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node.tail, $2.m_node); $$.m_varDeclarations = mergeDeclarationLists($1.m_varDeclarations, $2.m_varDeclarations); $$.m_funcDeclarations = mergeDeclarationLists($1.m_funcDeclarations, $2.m_funcDeclarations); $$.m_features = $1.m_features | $2.m_features; $$.m_numConstants = $1.m_numConstants + $2.m_numConstants; } ; CaseClause: CASE Expr ':' { $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) CaseClauseNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node), 0, 0, $2.m_features, $2.m_numConstants); } | CASE Expr ':' SourceElements { $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) CaseClauseNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node, $4.m_node), $4.m_varDeclarations, $4.m_funcDeclarations, $2.m_features | $4.m_features, $2.m_numConstants + $4.m_numConstants); } ; DefaultClause: DEFAULT ':' { $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) CaseClauseNode(GLOBAL_DATA, 0), 0, 0, 0, 0); } | DEFAULT ':' SourceElements { $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) CaseClauseNode(GLOBAL_DATA, 0, $3.m_node), $3.m_varDeclarations, $3.m_funcDeclarations, $3.m_features, $3.m_numConstants); } ; LabelledStatement: IDENT ':' Statement { LabelNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) LabelNode(GLOBAL_DATA, *$1, $3.m_node); setExceptionLocation(node, @1.first_column, @2.last_column, @2.last_column); $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(node, $3.m_varDeclarations, $3.m_funcDeclarations, $3.m_features, $3.m_numConstants); } ; ThrowStatement: THROW Expr ';' { ThrowNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) ThrowNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node); setExceptionLocation(node, @1.first_column, @2.last_column, @2.last_column); $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(node, 0, 0, $2.m_features, $2.m_numConstants); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @2); } | THROW Expr error { ThrowNode* node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) ThrowNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node); setExceptionLocation(node, @1.first_column, @2.last_column, @2.last_column); $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(node, 0, 0, $2.m_features, $2.m_numConstants); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @2); AUTO_SEMICOLON; } ; TryStatement: TRY Block FINALLY Block { $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) TryNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node, GLOBAL_DATA->propertyNames->nullIdentifier, false, 0, $4.m_node), mergeDeclarationLists($2.m_varDeclarations, $4.m_varDeclarations), mergeDeclarationLists($2.m_funcDeclarations, $4.m_funcDeclarations), $2.m_features | $4.m_features, $2.m_numConstants + $4.m_numConstants); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @2); } | TRY Block CATCH '(' IDENT ')' Block { $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) TryNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node, *$5, ($7.m_features & EvalFeature) != 0, $7.m_node, 0), mergeDeclarationLists($2.m_varDeclarations, $7.m_varDeclarations), mergeDeclarationLists($2.m_funcDeclarations, $7.m_funcDeclarations), $2.m_features | $7.m_features | CatchFeature, $2.m_numConstants + $7.m_numConstants); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @2); } | TRY Block CATCH '(' IDENT ')' Block FINALLY Block { $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) TryNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $2.m_node, *$5, ($7.m_features & EvalFeature) != 0, $7.m_node, $9.m_node), mergeDeclarationLists(mergeDeclarationLists($2.m_varDeclarations, $7.m_varDeclarations), $9.m_varDeclarations), mergeDeclarationLists(mergeDeclarationLists($2.m_funcDeclarations, $7.m_funcDeclarations), $9.m_funcDeclarations), $2.m_features | $7.m_features | $9.m_features | CatchFeature, $2.m_numConstants + $7.m_numConstants + $9.m_numConstants); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @2); } ; DebuggerStatement: DEBUGGER ';' { $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) DebuggerStatementNode(GLOBAL_DATA), 0, 0, 0, 0); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @2); } | DEBUGGER error { $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) DebuggerStatementNode(GLOBAL_DATA), 0, 0, 0, 0); setStatementLocation($$.m_node, @1, @1); AUTO_SEMICOLON; } ; FunctionDeclaration: FUNCTION IDENT '(' ')' OPENBRACE FunctionBody CLOSEBRACE { $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) FuncDeclNode(GLOBAL_DATA, *$2, $6, GLOBAL_DATA->lexer->sourceCode($5, $7, @5.first_line)), 0, new (GLOBAL_DATA) ParserArenaData, ((*$2 == GLOBAL_DATA->propertyNames->arguments) ? ArgumentsFeature : 0) | ClosureFeature, 0); setStatementLocation($6, @5, @7); $$.m_funcDeclarations->data.append(static_cast($$.m_node)->body()); } | FUNCTION IDENT '(' FormalParameterList ')' OPENBRACE FunctionBody CLOSEBRACE { $$ = createNodeDeclarationInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) FuncDeclNode(GLOBAL_DATA, *$2, $7, GLOBAL_DATA->lexer->sourceCode($6, $8, @6.first_line), $4.m_node.head), 0, new (GLOBAL_DATA) ParserArenaData, ((*$2 == GLOBAL_DATA->propertyNames->arguments) ? ArgumentsFeature : 0) | $4.m_features | ClosureFeature, 0); if ($4.m_features & ArgumentsFeature) $7->setUsesArguments(); setStatementLocation($7, @6, @8); $$.m_funcDeclarations->data.append(static_cast($$.m_node)->body()); } ; FunctionExpr: FUNCTION '(' ')' OPENBRACE FunctionBody CLOSEBRACE { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) FuncExprNode(GLOBAL_DATA, GLOBAL_DATA->propertyNames->nullIdentifier, $5, GLOBAL_DATA->lexer->sourceCode($4, $6, @4.first_line)), ClosureFeature, 0); setStatementLocation($5, @4, @6); } | FUNCTION '(' FormalParameterList ')' OPENBRACE FunctionBody CLOSEBRACE { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) FuncExprNode(GLOBAL_DATA, GLOBAL_DATA->propertyNames->nullIdentifier, $6, GLOBAL_DATA->lexer->sourceCode($5, $7, @5.first_line), $3.m_node.head), $3.m_features | ClosureFeature, 0); if ($3.m_features & ArgumentsFeature) $6->setUsesArguments(); setStatementLocation($6, @5, @7); } | FUNCTION IDENT '(' ')' OPENBRACE FunctionBody CLOSEBRACE { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) FuncExprNode(GLOBAL_DATA, *$2, $6, GLOBAL_DATA->lexer->sourceCode($5, $7, @5.first_line)), ClosureFeature, 0); setStatementLocation($6, @5, @7); } | FUNCTION IDENT '(' FormalParameterList ')' OPENBRACE FunctionBody CLOSEBRACE { $$ = createNodeInfo(new (GLOBAL_DATA) FuncExprNode(GLOBAL_DATA, *$2, $7, GLOBAL_DATA->lexer->sourceCode($6, $8, @6.first_line), $4.m_node.head), $4.m_features | ClosureFeature, 0); if ($4.m_features & ArgumentsFeature) $7->setUsesArguments(); setStatementLocation($7, @6, @8); } ; FormalParameterList: IDENT { $$.m_node.head = new (GLOBAL_DATA) ParameterNode(GLOBAL_DATA, *$1); $$.m_features = (*$1 == GLOBAL_DATA->propertyNames->arguments) ? ArgumentsFeature : 0; $$.m_node.tail = $$.m_node.head; } | FormalParameterList ',' IDENT { $$.m_node.head = $1.m_node.head; $$.m_features = $1.m_features | ((*$3 == GLOBAL_DATA->propertyNames->arguments) ? ArgumentsFeature : 0); $$.m_node.tail = new (GLOBAL_DATA) ParameterNode(GLOBAL_DATA, $1.m_node.tail, *$3); } ; FunctionBody: /* not in spec */ { $$ = FunctionBodyNode::create(GLOBAL_DATA); } | SourceElements_NoNode { $$ = FunctionBodyNode::create(GLOBAL_DATA); } ; Program: /* not in spec */ { GLOBAL_DATA->parser->didFinishParsing(new (GLOBAL_DATA) SourceElements(GLOBAL_DATA), 0, 0, NoFeatures, @0.last_line, 0); } | SourceElements { GLOBAL_DATA->parser->didFinishParsing($1.m_node, $1.m_varDeclarations, $1.m_funcDeclarations, $1.m_features, @1.last_line, $1.m_numConstants); } ; SourceElements: Statement { $$.m_node = new (GLOBAL_DATA) SourceElements(GLOBAL_DATA); $$.m_node->append($1.m_node); $$.m_varDeclarations = $1.m_varDeclarations; $$.m_funcDeclarations = $1.m_funcDeclarations; $$.m_features = $1.m_features; $$.m_numConstants = $1.m_numConstants; } | SourceElements Statement { $$.m_node->append($2.m_node); $$.m_varDeclarations = mergeDeclarationLists($1.m_varDeclarations, $2.m_varDeclarations); $$.m_funcDeclarations = mergeDeclarationLists($1.m_funcDeclarations, $2.m_funcDeclarations); $$.m_features = $1.m_features | $2.m_features; $$.m_numConstants = $1.m_numConstants + $2.m_numConstants; } ; // Start NoNodes Literal_NoNode: NULLTOKEN | TRUETOKEN | FALSETOKEN | NUMBER { } | STRING { } | '/' /* regexp */ { if (!GLOBAL_DATA->lexer->skipRegExp()) YYABORT; } | DIVEQUAL /* regexp with /= */ { if (!GLOBAL_DATA->lexer->skipRegExp()) YYABORT; } ; Property_NoNode: IDENT ':' AssignmentExpr_NoNode { } | STRING ':' AssignmentExpr_NoNode { } | NUMBER ':' AssignmentExpr_NoNode { } | IDENT IDENT '(' ')' OPENBRACE FunctionBody_NoNode CLOSEBRACE { if (*$1 != "get" && *$1 != "set") YYABORT; } | IDENT IDENT '(' FormalParameterList_NoNode ')' OPENBRACE FunctionBody_NoNode CLOSEBRACE { if (*$1 != "get" && *$1 != "set") YYABORT; } ; PropertyList_NoNode: Property_NoNode | PropertyList_NoNode ',' Property_NoNode ; PrimaryExpr_NoNode: PrimaryExprNoBrace_NoNode | OPENBRACE CLOSEBRACE { } | OPENBRACE PropertyList_NoNode CLOSEBRACE { } /* allow extra comma, see http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5939 */ | OPENBRACE PropertyList_NoNode ',' CLOSEBRACE { } ; PrimaryExprNoBrace_NoNode: THISTOKEN | Literal_NoNode | ArrayLiteral_NoNode | IDENT { } | '(' Expr_NoNode ')' ; ArrayLiteral_NoNode: '[' ElisionOpt_NoNode ']' | '[' ElementList_NoNode ']' | '[' ElementList_NoNode ',' ElisionOpt_NoNode ']' ; ElementList_NoNode: ElisionOpt_NoNode AssignmentExpr_NoNode | ElementList_NoNode ',' ElisionOpt_NoNode AssignmentExpr_NoNode ; ElisionOpt_NoNode: /* nothing */ | Elision_NoNode ; Elision_NoNode: ',' | Elision_NoNode ',' ; MemberExpr_NoNode: PrimaryExpr_NoNode | FunctionExpr_NoNode | MemberExpr_NoNode '[' Expr_NoNode ']' | MemberExpr_NoNode '.' IDENT | NEW MemberExpr_NoNode Arguments_NoNode ; MemberExprNoBF_NoNode: PrimaryExprNoBrace_NoNode | MemberExprNoBF_NoNode '[' Expr_NoNode ']' | MemberExprNoBF_NoNode '.' IDENT | NEW MemberExpr_NoNode Arguments_NoNode ; NewExpr_NoNode: MemberExpr_NoNode | NEW NewExpr_NoNode ; NewExprNoBF_NoNode: MemberExprNoBF_NoNode | NEW NewExpr_NoNode ; CallExpr_NoNode: MemberExpr_NoNode Arguments_NoNode | CallExpr_NoNode Arguments_NoNode | CallExpr_NoNode '[' Expr_NoNode ']' | CallExpr_NoNode '.' IDENT ; CallExprNoBF_NoNode: MemberExprNoBF_NoNode Arguments_NoNode | CallExprNoBF_NoNode Arguments_NoNode | CallExprNoBF_NoNode '[' Expr_NoNode ']' | CallExprNoBF_NoNode '.' IDENT ; Arguments_NoNode: '(' ')' | '(' ArgumentList_NoNode ')' ; ArgumentList_NoNode: AssignmentExpr_NoNode | ArgumentList_NoNode ',' AssignmentExpr_NoNode ; LeftHandSideExpr_NoNode: NewExpr_NoNode | CallExpr_NoNode ; LeftHandSideExprNoBF_NoNode: NewExprNoBF_NoNode | CallExprNoBF_NoNode ; PostfixExpr_NoNode: LeftHandSideExpr_NoNode | LeftHandSideExpr_NoNode PLUSPLUS | LeftHandSideExpr_NoNode MINUSMINUS ; PostfixExprNoBF_NoNode: LeftHandSideExprNoBF_NoNode | LeftHandSideExprNoBF_NoNode PLUSPLUS | LeftHandSideExprNoBF_NoNode MINUSMINUS ; UnaryExprCommon_NoNode: DELETETOKEN UnaryExpr_NoNode | VOIDTOKEN UnaryExpr_NoNode | TYPEOF UnaryExpr_NoNode | PLUSPLUS UnaryExpr_NoNode | AUTOPLUSPLUS UnaryExpr_NoNode | MINUSMINUS UnaryExpr_NoNode | AUTOMINUSMINUS UnaryExpr_NoNode | '+' UnaryExpr_NoNode | '-' UnaryExpr_NoNode | '~' UnaryExpr_NoNode | '!' UnaryExpr_NoNode UnaryExpr_NoNode: PostfixExpr_NoNode | UnaryExprCommon_NoNode ; UnaryExprNoBF_NoNode: PostfixExprNoBF_NoNode | UnaryExprCommon_NoNode ; MultiplicativeExpr_NoNode: UnaryExpr_NoNode | MultiplicativeExpr_NoNode '*' UnaryExpr_NoNode | MultiplicativeExpr_NoNode '/' UnaryExpr_NoNode | MultiplicativeExpr_NoNode '%' UnaryExpr_NoNode ; MultiplicativeExprNoBF_NoNode: UnaryExprNoBF_NoNode | MultiplicativeExprNoBF_NoNode '*' UnaryExpr_NoNode | MultiplicativeExprNoBF_NoNode '/' UnaryExpr_NoNode | MultiplicativeExprNoBF_NoNode '%' UnaryExpr_NoNode ; AdditiveExpr_NoNode: MultiplicativeExpr_NoNode | AdditiveExpr_NoNode '+' MultiplicativeExpr_NoNode | AdditiveExpr_NoNode '-' MultiplicativeExpr_NoNode ; AdditiveExprNoBF_NoNode: MultiplicativeExprNoBF_NoNode | AdditiveExprNoBF_NoNode '+' MultiplicativeExpr_NoNode | AdditiveExprNoBF_NoNode '-' MultiplicativeExpr_NoNode ; ShiftExpr_NoNode: AdditiveExpr_NoNode | ShiftExpr_NoNode LSHIFT AdditiveExpr_NoNode | ShiftExpr_NoNode RSHIFT AdditiveExpr_NoNode | ShiftExpr_NoNode URSHIFT AdditiveExpr_NoNode ; ShiftExprNoBF_NoNode: AdditiveExprNoBF_NoNode | ShiftExprNoBF_NoNode LSHIFT AdditiveExpr_NoNode | ShiftExprNoBF_NoNode RSHIFT AdditiveExpr_NoNode | ShiftExprNoBF_NoNode URSHIFT AdditiveExpr_NoNode ; RelationalExpr_NoNode: ShiftExpr_NoNode | RelationalExpr_NoNode '<' ShiftExpr_NoNode | RelationalExpr_NoNode '>' ShiftExpr_NoNode | RelationalExpr_NoNode LE ShiftExpr_NoNode | RelationalExpr_NoNode GE ShiftExpr_NoNode | RelationalExpr_NoNode INSTANCEOF ShiftExpr_NoNode | RelationalExpr_NoNode INTOKEN ShiftExpr_NoNode ; RelationalExprNoIn_NoNode: ShiftExpr_NoNode | RelationalExprNoIn_NoNode '<' ShiftExpr_NoNode | RelationalExprNoIn_NoNode '>' ShiftExpr_NoNode | RelationalExprNoIn_NoNode LE ShiftExpr_NoNode | RelationalExprNoIn_NoNode GE ShiftExpr_NoNode | RelationalExprNoIn_NoNode INSTANCEOF ShiftExpr_NoNode ; RelationalExprNoBF_NoNode: ShiftExprNoBF_NoNode | RelationalExprNoBF_NoNode '<' ShiftExpr_NoNode | RelationalExprNoBF_NoNode '>' ShiftExpr_NoNode | RelationalExprNoBF_NoNode LE ShiftExpr_NoNode | RelationalExprNoBF_NoNode GE ShiftExpr_NoNode | RelationalExprNoBF_NoNode INSTANCEOF ShiftExpr_NoNode | RelationalExprNoBF_NoNode INTOKEN ShiftExpr_NoNode ; EqualityExpr_NoNode: RelationalExpr_NoNode | EqualityExpr_NoNode EQEQ RelationalExpr_NoNode | EqualityExpr_NoNode NE RelationalExpr_NoNode | EqualityExpr_NoNode STREQ RelationalExpr_NoNode | EqualityExpr_NoNode STRNEQ RelationalExpr_NoNode ; EqualityExprNoIn_NoNode: RelationalExprNoIn_NoNode | EqualityExprNoIn_NoNode EQEQ RelationalExprNoIn_NoNode | EqualityExprNoIn_NoNode NE RelationalExprNoIn_NoNode | EqualityExprNoIn_NoNode STREQ RelationalExprNoIn_NoNode | EqualityExprNoIn_NoNode STRNEQ RelationalExprNoIn_NoNode ; EqualityExprNoBF_NoNode: RelationalExprNoBF_NoNode | EqualityExprNoBF_NoNode EQEQ RelationalExpr_NoNode | EqualityExprNoBF_NoNode NE RelationalExpr_NoNode | EqualityExprNoBF_NoNode STREQ RelationalExpr_NoNode | EqualityExprNoBF_NoNode STRNEQ RelationalExpr_NoNode ; BitwiseANDExpr_NoNode: EqualityExpr_NoNode | BitwiseANDExpr_NoNode '&' EqualityExpr_NoNode ; BitwiseANDExprNoIn_NoNode: EqualityExprNoIn_NoNode | BitwiseANDExprNoIn_NoNode '&' EqualityExprNoIn_NoNode ; BitwiseANDExprNoBF_NoNode: EqualityExprNoBF_NoNode | BitwiseANDExprNoBF_NoNode '&' EqualityExpr_NoNode ; BitwiseXORExpr_NoNode: BitwiseANDExpr_NoNode | BitwiseXORExpr_NoNode '^' BitwiseANDExpr_NoNode ; BitwiseXORExprNoIn_NoNode: BitwiseANDExprNoIn_NoNode | BitwiseXORExprNoIn_NoNode '^' BitwiseANDExprNoIn_NoNode ; BitwiseXORExprNoBF_NoNode: BitwiseANDExprNoBF_NoNode | BitwiseXORExprNoBF_NoNode '^' BitwiseANDExpr_NoNode ; BitwiseORExpr_NoNode: BitwiseXORExpr_NoNode | BitwiseORExpr_NoNode '|' BitwiseXORExpr_NoNode ; BitwiseORExprNoIn_NoNode: BitwiseXORExprNoIn_NoNode | BitwiseORExprNoIn_NoNode '|' BitwiseXORExprNoIn_NoNode ; BitwiseORExprNoBF_NoNode: BitwiseXORExprNoBF_NoNode | BitwiseORExprNoBF_NoNode '|' BitwiseXORExpr_NoNode ; LogicalANDExpr_NoNode: BitwiseORExpr_NoNode | LogicalANDExpr_NoNode AND BitwiseORExpr_NoNode ; LogicalANDExprNoIn_NoNode: BitwiseORExprNoIn_NoNode | LogicalANDExprNoIn_NoNode AND BitwiseORExprNoIn_NoNode ; LogicalANDExprNoBF_NoNode: BitwiseORExprNoBF_NoNode | LogicalANDExprNoBF_NoNode AND BitwiseORExpr_NoNode ; LogicalORExpr_NoNode: LogicalANDExpr_NoNode | LogicalORExpr_NoNode OR LogicalANDExpr_NoNode ; LogicalORExprNoIn_NoNode: LogicalANDExprNoIn_NoNode | LogicalORExprNoIn_NoNode OR LogicalANDExprNoIn_NoNode ; LogicalORExprNoBF_NoNode: LogicalANDExprNoBF_NoNode | LogicalORExprNoBF_NoNode OR LogicalANDExpr_NoNode ; ConditionalExpr_NoNode: LogicalORExpr_NoNode | LogicalORExpr_NoNode '?' AssignmentExpr_NoNode ':' AssignmentExpr_NoNode ; ConditionalExprNoIn_NoNode: LogicalORExprNoIn_NoNode | LogicalORExprNoIn_NoNode '?' AssignmentExprNoIn_NoNode ':' AssignmentExprNoIn_NoNode ; ConditionalExprNoBF_NoNode: LogicalORExprNoBF_NoNode | LogicalORExprNoBF_NoNode '?' AssignmentExpr_NoNode ':' AssignmentExpr_NoNode ; AssignmentExpr_NoNode: ConditionalExpr_NoNode | LeftHandSideExpr_NoNode AssignmentOperator_NoNode AssignmentExpr_NoNode ; AssignmentExprNoIn_NoNode: ConditionalExprNoIn_NoNode | LeftHandSideExpr_NoNode AssignmentOperator_NoNode AssignmentExprNoIn_NoNode ; AssignmentExprNoBF_NoNode: ConditionalExprNoBF_NoNode | LeftHandSideExprNoBF_NoNode AssignmentOperator_NoNode AssignmentExpr_NoNode ; AssignmentOperator_NoNode: '=' | PLUSEQUAL | MINUSEQUAL | MULTEQUAL | DIVEQUAL | LSHIFTEQUAL | RSHIFTEQUAL | URSHIFTEQUAL | ANDEQUAL | XOREQUAL | OREQUAL | MODEQUAL ; Expr_NoNode: AssignmentExpr_NoNode | Expr_NoNode ',' AssignmentExpr_NoNode ; ExprNoIn_NoNode: AssignmentExprNoIn_NoNode | ExprNoIn_NoNode ',' AssignmentExprNoIn_NoNode ; ExprNoBF_NoNode: AssignmentExprNoBF_NoNode | ExprNoBF_NoNode ',' AssignmentExpr_NoNode ; Statement_NoNode: Block_NoNode | VariableStatement_NoNode | ConstStatement_NoNode | FunctionDeclaration_NoNode | EmptyStatement_NoNode | ExprStatement_NoNode | IfStatement_NoNode | IterationStatement_NoNode | ContinueStatement_NoNode | BreakStatement_NoNode | ReturnStatement_NoNode | WithStatement_NoNode | SwitchStatement_NoNode | LabelledStatement_NoNode | ThrowStatement_NoNode | TryStatement_NoNode | DebuggerStatement_NoNode ; Block_NoNode: OPENBRACE CLOSEBRACE { } | OPENBRACE SourceElements_NoNode CLOSEBRACE { } ; VariableStatement_NoNode: VAR VariableDeclarationList_NoNode ';' | VAR VariableDeclarationList_NoNode error { AUTO_SEMICOLON; } ; VariableDeclarationList_NoNode: IDENT { } | IDENT Initializer_NoNode { } | VariableDeclarationList_NoNode ',' IDENT | VariableDeclarationList_NoNode ',' IDENT Initializer_NoNode ; VariableDeclarationListNoIn_NoNode: IDENT { } | IDENT InitializerNoIn_NoNode { } | VariableDeclarationListNoIn_NoNode ',' IDENT | VariableDeclarationListNoIn_NoNode ',' IDENT InitializerNoIn_NoNode ; ConstStatement_NoNode: CONSTTOKEN ConstDeclarationList_NoNode ';' | CONSTTOKEN ConstDeclarationList_NoNode error { AUTO_SEMICOLON; } ; ConstDeclarationList_NoNode: ConstDeclaration_NoNode | ConstDeclarationList_NoNode ',' ConstDeclaration_NoNode ; ConstDeclaration_NoNode: IDENT { } | IDENT Initializer_NoNode { } ; Initializer_NoNode: '=' AssignmentExpr_NoNode ; InitializerNoIn_NoNode: '=' AssignmentExprNoIn_NoNode ; EmptyStatement_NoNode: ';' ; ExprStatement_NoNode: ExprNoBF_NoNode ';' | ExprNoBF_NoNode error { AUTO_SEMICOLON; } ; IfStatement_NoNode: IF '(' Expr_NoNode ')' Statement_NoNode %prec IF_WITHOUT_ELSE | IF '(' Expr_NoNode ')' Statement_NoNode ELSE Statement_NoNode ; IterationStatement_NoNode: DO Statement_NoNode WHILE '(' Expr_NoNode ')' ';' | DO Statement_NoNode WHILE '(' Expr_NoNode ')' error // Always performs automatic semicolon insertion | WHILE '(' Expr_NoNode ')' Statement_NoNode | FOR '(' ExprNoInOpt_NoNode ';' ExprOpt_NoNode ';' ExprOpt_NoNode ')' Statement_NoNode | FOR '(' VAR VariableDeclarationListNoIn_NoNode ';' ExprOpt_NoNode ';' ExprOpt_NoNode ')' Statement_NoNode | FOR '(' LeftHandSideExpr_NoNode INTOKEN Expr_NoNode ')' Statement_NoNode | FOR '(' VAR IDENT INTOKEN Expr_NoNode ')' Statement_NoNode | FOR '(' VAR IDENT InitializerNoIn_NoNode INTOKEN Expr_NoNode ')' Statement_NoNode ; ExprOpt_NoNode: /* nothing */ | Expr_NoNode ; ExprNoInOpt_NoNode: /* nothing */ | ExprNoIn_NoNode ; ContinueStatement_NoNode: CONTINUE ';' | CONTINUE error { AUTO_SEMICOLON; } | CONTINUE IDENT ';' | CONTINUE IDENT error { AUTO_SEMICOLON; } ; BreakStatement_NoNode: BREAK ';' | BREAK error { AUTO_SEMICOLON; } | BREAK IDENT ';' | BREAK IDENT error { AUTO_SEMICOLON; } ; ReturnStatement_NoNode: RETURN ';' | RETURN error { AUTO_SEMICOLON; } | RETURN Expr_NoNode ';' | RETURN Expr_NoNode error { AUTO_SEMICOLON; } ; WithStatement_NoNode: WITH '(' Expr_NoNode ')' Statement_NoNode ; SwitchStatement_NoNode: SWITCH '(' Expr_NoNode ')' CaseBlock_NoNode ; CaseBlock_NoNode: OPENBRACE CaseClausesOpt_NoNode CLOSEBRACE { } | OPENBRACE CaseClausesOpt_NoNode DefaultClause_NoNode CaseClausesOpt_NoNode CLOSEBRACE { } ; CaseClausesOpt_NoNode: /* nothing */ | CaseClauses_NoNode ; CaseClauses_NoNode: CaseClause_NoNode | CaseClauses_NoNode CaseClause_NoNode ; CaseClause_NoNode: CASE Expr_NoNode ':' | CASE Expr_NoNode ':' SourceElements_NoNode ; DefaultClause_NoNode: DEFAULT ':' | DEFAULT ':' SourceElements_NoNode ; LabelledStatement_NoNode: IDENT ':' Statement_NoNode { } ; ThrowStatement_NoNode: THROW Expr_NoNode ';' | THROW Expr_NoNode error { AUTO_SEMICOLON; } ; TryStatement_NoNode: TRY Block_NoNode FINALLY Block_NoNode | TRY Block_NoNode CATCH '(' IDENT ')' Block_NoNode | TRY Block_NoNode CATCH '(' IDENT ')' Block_NoNode FINALLY Block_NoNode ; DebuggerStatement_NoNode: DEBUGGER ';' | DEBUGGER error { AUTO_SEMICOLON; } ; FunctionDeclaration_NoNode: FUNCTION IDENT '(' ')' OPENBRACE FunctionBody_NoNode CLOSEBRACE | FUNCTION IDENT '(' FormalParameterList_NoNode ')' OPENBRACE FunctionBody_NoNode CLOSEBRACE ; FunctionExpr_NoNode: FUNCTION '(' ')' OPENBRACE FunctionBody_NoNode CLOSEBRACE | FUNCTION '(' FormalParameterList_NoNode ')' OPENBRACE FunctionBody_NoNode CLOSEBRACE | FUNCTION IDENT '(' ')' OPENBRACE FunctionBody_NoNode CLOSEBRACE | FUNCTION IDENT '(' FormalParameterList_NoNode ')' OPENBRACE FunctionBody_NoNode CLOSEBRACE ; FormalParameterList_NoNode: IDENT { } | FormalParameterList_NoNode ',' IDENT ; FunctionBody_NoNode: /* not in spec */ | SourceElements_NoNode ; SourceElements_NoNode: Statement_NoNode | SourceElements_NoNode Statement_NoNode ; // End NoNodes %% #undef GLOBAL_DATA static ExpressionNode* makeAssignNode(JSGlobalData* globalData, ExpressionNode* loc, Operator op, ExpressionNode* expr, bool locHasAssignments, bool exprHasAssignments, int start, int divot, int end) { if (!loc->isLocation()) return new (globalData) AssignErrorNode(globalData, loc, op, expr, divot, divot - start, end - divot); if (loc->isResolveNode()) { ResolveNode* resolve = static_cast(loc); if (op == OpEqual) { AssignResolveNode* node = new (globalData) AssignResolveNode(globalData, resolve->identifier(), expr, exprHasAssignments); setExceptionLocation(node, start, divot, end); return node; } else return new (globalData) ReadModifyResolveNode(globalData, resolve->identifier(), op, expr, exprHasAssignments, divot, divot - start, end - divot); } if (loc->isBracketAccessorNode()) { BracketAccessorNode* bracket = static_cast(loc); if (op == OpEqual) return new (globalData) AssignBracketNode(globalData, bracket->base(), bracket->subscript(), expr, locHasAssignments, exprHasAssignments, bracket->divot(), bracket->divot() - start, end - bracket->divot()); else { ReadModifyBracketNode* node = new (globalData) ReadModifyBracketNode(globalData, bracket->base(), bracket->subscript(), op, expr, locHasAssignments, exprHasAssignments, divot, divot - start, end - divot); node->setSubexpressionInfo(bracket->divot(), bracket->endOffset()); return node; } } ASSERT(loc->isDotAccessorNode()); DotAccessorNode* dot = static_cast(loc); if (op == OpEqual) return new (globalData) AssignDotNode(globalData, dot->base(), dot->identifier(), expr, exprHasAssignments, dot->divot(), dot->divot() - start, end - dot->divot()); ReadModifyDotNode* node = new (globalData) ReadModifyDotNode(globalData, dot->base(), dot->identifier(), op, expr, exprHasAssignments, divot, divot - start, end - divot); node->setSubexpressionInfo(dot->divot(), dot->endOffset()); return node; } static ExpressionNode* makePrefixNode(JSGlobalData* globalData, ExpressionNode* expr, Operator op, int start, int divot, int end) { if (!expr->isLocation()) return new (globalData) PrefixErrorNode(globalData, expr, op, divot, divot - start, end - divot); if (expr->isResolveNode()) { ResolveNode* resolve = static_cast(expr); return new (globalData) PrefixResolveNode(globalData, resolve->identifier(), op, divot, divot - start, end - divot); } if (expr->isBracketAccessorNode()) { BracketAccessorNode* bracket = static_cast(expr); PrefixBracketNode* node = new (globalData) PrefixBracketNode(globalData, bracket->base(), bracket->subscript(), op, divot, divot - start, end - divot); node->setSubexpressionInfo(bracket->divot(), bracket->startOffset()); return node; } ASSERT(expr->isDotAccessorNode()); DotAccessorNode* dot = static_cast(expr); PrefixDotNode* node = new (globalData) PrefixDotNode(globalData, dot->base(), dot->identifier(), op, divot, divot - start, end - divot); node->setSubexpressionInfo(dot->divot(), dot->startOffset()); return node; } static ExpressionNode* makePostfixNode(JSGlobalData* globalData, ExpressionNode* expr, Operator op, int start, int divot, int end) { if (!expr->isLocation()) return new (globalData) PostfixErrorNode(globalData, expr, op, divot, divot - start, end - divot); if (expr->isResolveNode()) { ResolveNode* resolve = static_cast(expr); return new (globalData) PostfixResolveNode(globalData, resolve->identifier(), op, divot, divot - start, end - divot); } if (expr->isBracketAccessorNode()) { BracketAccessorNode* bracket = static_cast(expr); PostfixBracketNode* node = new (globalData) PostfixBracketNode(globalData, bracket->base(), bracket->subscript(), op, divot, divot - start, end - divot); node->setSubexpressionInfo(bracket->divot(), bracket->endOffset()); return node; } ASSERT(expr->isDotAccessorNode()); DotAccessorNode* dot = static_cast(expr); PostfixDotNode* node = new (globalData) PostfixDotNode(globalData, dot->base(), dot->identifier(), op, divot, divot - start, end - divot); node->setSubexpressionInfo(dot->divot(), dot->endOffset()); return node; } static ExpressionNodeInfo makeFunctionCallNode(JSGlobalData* globalData, ExpressionNodeInfo func, ArgumentsNodeInfo args, int start, int divot, int end) { CodeFeatures features = func.m_features | args.m_features; int numConstants = func.m_numConstants + args.m_numConstants; if (!func.m_node->isLocation()) return createNodeInfo(new (globalData) FunctionCallValueNode(globalData, func.m_node, args.m_node, divot, divot - start, end - divot), features, numConstants); if (func.m_node->isResolveNode()) { ResolveNode* resolve = static_cast(func.m_node); const Identifier& identifier = resolve->identifier(); if (identifier == globalData->propertyNames->eval) return createNodeInfo(new (globalData) EvalFunctionCallNode(globalData, args.m_node, divot, divot - start, end - divot), EvalFeature | features, numConstants); return createNodeInfo(new (globalData) FunctionCallResolveNode(globalData, identifier, args.m_node, divot, divot - start, end - divot), features, numConstants); } if (func.m_node->isBracketAccessorNode()) { BracketAccessorNode* bracket = static_cast(func.m_node); FunctionCallBracketNode* node = new (globalData) FunctionCallBracketNode(globalData, bracket->base(), bracket->subscript(), args.m_node, divot, divot - start, end - divot); node->setSubexpressionInfo(bracket->divot(), bracket->endOffset()); return createNodeInfo(node, features, numConstants); } ASSERT(func.m_node->isDotAccessorNode()); DotAccessorNode* dot = static_cast(func.m_node); FunctionCallDotNode* node; if (dot->identifier() == globalData->propertyNames->call) node = new (globalData) CallFunctionCallDotNode(globalData, dot->base(), dot->identifier(), args.m_node, divot, divot - start, end - divot); else if (dot->identifier() == globalData->propertyNames->apply) node = new (globalData) ApplyFunctionCallDotNode(globalData, dot->base(), dot->identifier(), args.m_node, divot, divot - start, end - divot); else node = new (globalData) FunctionCallDotNode(globalData, dot->base(), dot->identifier(), args.m_node, divot, divot - start, end - divot); node->setSubexpressionInfo(dot->divot(), dot->endOffset()); return createNodeInfo(node, features, numConstants); } static ExpressionNode* makeTypeOfNode(JSGlobalData* globalData, ExpressionNode* expr) { if (expr->isResolveNode()) { ResolveNode* resolve = static_cast(expr); return new (globalData) TypeOfResolveNode(globalData, resolve->identifier()); } return new (globalData) TypeOfValueNode(globalData, expr); } static ExpressionNode* makeDeleteNode(JSGlobalData* globalData, ExpressionNode* expr, int start, int divot, int end) { if (!expr->isLocation()) return new (globalData) DeleteValueNode(globalData, expr); if (expr->isResolveNode()) { ResolveNode* resolve = static_cast(expr); return new (globalData) DeleteResolveNode(globalData, resolve->identifier(), divot, divot - start, end - divot); } if (expr->isBracketAccessorNode()) { BracketAccessorNode* bracket = static_cast(expr); return new (globalData) DeleteBracketNode(globalData, bracket->base(), bracket->subscript(), divot, divot - start, end - divot); } ASSERT(expr->isDotAccessorNode()); DotAccessorNode* dot = static_cast(expr); return new (globalData) DeleteDotNode(globalData, dot->base(), dot->identifier(), divot, divot - start, end - divot); } static PropertyNode* makeGetterOrSetterPropertyNode(JSGlobalData* globalData, const Identifier& getOrSet, const Identifier& name, ParameterNode* params, FunctionBodyNode* body, const SourceCode& source) { PropertyNode::Type type; if (getOrSet == "get") type = PropertyNode::Getter; else if (getOrSet == "set") type = PropertyNode::Setter; else return 0; return new (globalData) PropertyNode(globalData, name, new (globalData) FuncExprNode(globalData, globalData->propertyNames->nullIdentifier, body, source, params), type); } static ExpressionNode* makeNegateNode(JSGlobalData* globalData, ExpressionNode* n) { if (n->isNumber()) { NumberNode* numberNode = static_cast(n); numberNode->setValue(-numberNode->value()); return numberNode; } return new (globalData) NegateNode(globalData, n); } static NumberNode* makeNumberNode(JSGlobalData* globalData, double d) { return new (globalData) NumberNode(globalData, d); } static ExpressionNode* makeBitwiseNotNode(JSGlobalData* globalData, ExpressionNode* expr) { if (expr->isNumber()) return makeNumberNode(globalData, ~toInt32(static_cast(expr)->value())); return new (globalData) BitwiseNotNode(globalData, expr); } static ExpressionNode* makeMultNode(JSGlobalData* globalData, ExpressionNode* expr1, ExpressionNode* expr2, bool rightHasAssignments) { expr1 = expr1->stripUnaryPlus(); expr2 = expr2->stripUnaryPlus(); if (expr1->isNumber() && expr2->isNumber()) return makeNumberNode(globalData, static_cast(expr1)->value() * static_cast(expr2)->value()); if (expr1->isNumber() && static_cast(expr1)->value() == 1) return new (globalData) UnaryPlusNode(globalData, expr2); if (expr2->isNumber() && static_cast(expr2)->value() == 1) return new (globalData) UnaryPlusNode(globalData, expr1); return new (globalData) MultNode(globalData, expr1, expr2, rightHasAssignments); } static ExpressionNode* makeDivNode(JSGlobalData* globalData, ExpressionNode* expr1, ExpressionNode* expr2, bool rightHasAssignments) { expr1 = expr1->stripUnaryPlus(); expr2 = expr2->stripUnaryPlus(); if (expr1->isNumber() && expr2->isNumber()) return makeNumberNode(globalData, static_cast(expr1)->value() / static_cast(expr2)->value()); return new (globalData) DivNode(globalData, expr1, expr2, rightHasAssignments); } static ExpressionNode* makeAddNode(JSGlobalData* globalData, ExpressionNode* expr1, ExpressionNode* expr2, bool rightHasAssignments) { if (expr1->isNumber() && expr2->isNumber()) return makeNumberNode(globalData, static_cast(expr1)->value() + static_cast(expr2)->value()); return new (globalData) AddNode(globalData, expr1, expr2, rightHasAssignments); } static ExpressionNode* makeSubNode(JSGlobalData* globalData, ExpressionNode* expr1, ExpressionNode* expr2, bool rightHasAssignments) { expr1 = expr1->stripUnaryPlus(); expr2 = expr2->stripUnaryPlus(); if (expr1->isNumber() && expr2->isNumber()) return makeNumberNode(globalData, static_cast(expr1)->value() - static_cast(expr2)->value()); return new (globalData) SubNode(globalData, expr1, expr2, rightHasAssignments); } static ExpressionNode* makeLeftShiftNode(JSGlobalData* globalData, ExpressionNode* expr1, ExpressionNode* expr2, bool rightHasAssignments) { if (expr1->isNumber() && expr2->isNumber()) return makeNumberNode(globalData, toInt32(static_cast(expr1)->value()) << (toUInt32(static_cast(expr2)->value()) & 0x1f)); return new (globalData) LeftShiftNode(globalData, expr1, expr2, rightHasAssignments); } static ExpressionNode* makeRightShiftNode(JSGlobalData* globalData, ExpressionNode* expr1, ExpressionNode* expr2, bool rightHasAssignments) { if (expr1->isNumber() && expr2->isNumber()) return makeNumberNode(globalData, toInt32(static_cast(expr1)->value()) >> (toUInt32(static_cast(expr2)->value()) & 0x1f)); return new (globalData) RightShiftNode(globalData, expr1, expr2, rightHasAssignments); } // Called by yyparse on error. int yyerror(const char*) { return 1; } // May we automatically insert a semicolon? static bool allowAutomaticSemicolon(Lexer& lexer, int yychar) { return yychar == CLOSEBRACE || yychar == 0 || lexer.prevTerminator(); } static ExpressionNode* combineCommaNodes(JSGlobalData* globalData, ExpressionNode* list, ExpressionNode* init) { if (!list) return init; if (list->isCommaNode()) { static_cast(list)->append(init); return list; } return new (globalData) CommaNode(globalData, list, init); } // We turn variable declarations into either assignments or empty // statements (which later get stripped out), because the actual // declaration work is hoisted up to the start of the function body static StatementNode* makeVarStatementNode(JSGlobalData* globalData, ExpressionNode* expr) { if (!expr) return new (globalData) EmptyStatementNode(globalData); return new (globalData) VarStatementNode(globalData, expr); }