createDocument tests modeled after createElementNS tests from mozilla which were attached to webkit bug 16833 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". PASS document.implementation.createDocument().toString() is "[object Document]" PASS document.implementation.createDocument("").toString() is "[object Document]" PASS createDocument(, , null) PASS createDocument(null, , null) FAIL createDocument(, null, null) FAIL createDocument(null, null, null) FAIL createDocument(null, "", null) FAIL createDocument("", null, null) FAIL createDocument("", "", null) PASS createDocument(null, "
", null); threw INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR PASS createDocument(null, "0div", null); threw INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR PASS createDocument(null, "di v", null); threw INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR PASS createDocument(null, "di", null); threw INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR PASS createDocument("", "0div", null); threw INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR PASS createDocument("", "di