description('Test setting the hash attribute of the URL in HTMLAnchorElement.'); var a = document.createElement('a'); debug("Hash value does not start with '#'"); a.href = ""; a.hash = "hash-value"; shouldBe("a.href", "''"); debug("Hash value starts with '#'"); a.href = "file:///path/testurl.html#middle"; a.hash = "#hash_value"; shouldBe("a.href", "'file:///path/testurl.html#hash_value'"); debug("'?' in hash value"); a.href = ""; a.hash = "#hash?value"; shouldBe("a.href", "''"); // The expected behavior should change when character table is updated. // IE8 and Firefox3.5.2 don't consider these characters as illegal. debug("'#' in hash value, and illegal characters in hostname"); a.href = "\"d(){}|~om?ain#com/path/testurl.html#middle"; a.hash = "#hash#value"; shouldBe("a.href", "'\"d(){}|~om?ain#com/path/testurl.html#middle'"); // IE8 converts null to "null", which is not the right thing to do. // Firefox 3.5.2 removes the '#' at the end, and it should per // . debug("Set hash to null"); a.href = ""; a.hash = null; shouldBe("a.href", "''"); // Firefox 3.5.2 removes the '#' at the end, and it should per // . debug("Set hash to empty string"); a.href = ""; a.hash = ""; shouldBe("a.href", "''"); // Firefox 3.5.2 does not allow setting hash to mailto: scheme, and it should. debug("Add hash to mailto: protocol"); a.href = "mailto:e-mail_address@goes_here"; a.hash = "hash-value"; shouldBe("a.href", "'mailto:e-mail_address@goes_here#hash-value'"); // IE8 does not percent-encode spaces in the hash component, but it does that // in the path component. debug("Add hash to file: protocol"); a.href = "file:///some path"; a.hash = "hash value"; shouldBe("a.href", "'file:///some%20path#hash%20value'"); debug("Set hash to '#'"); a.href = ""; a.hash = "#"; shouldBe("a.href", "''"); // Firefox 3.5.2 does not allow setting hash to foo: scheme, and it should. debug("Add hash to non-standard protocol"); try { a.href = "foo:bar"; a.hash = "#hash"; shouldBe("a.href", "'foo:bar#hash'"); } catch(e) { debug("Exception: " + e.description); } var successfullyParsed = true;