var div = document.createElement("div"); = "touchtarget"; = "100px"; = "100px"; = "blue"; var lastEvent = null; var touchEventsReceived = 0; var EXPECTED_TOUCH_EVENTS_TOTAL = 3; function touchEventCallback() { if (window.eventSender) { lastEvent = event; verifyTouch(touchEventsReceived++); } else { debug(event.type); } if (window.layoutTestController && touchEventsReceived == EXPECTED_TOUCH_EVENTS_TOTAL) { // If we've got here, we can safely say we were successfully parsed :) We need to // call the isSucccessfullyParsed function to output the correct TEST COMPLETE // footer message. successfullyParsed = true; isSuccessfullyParsed(); layoutTestController.notifyDone(); } } div.addEventListener("touchstart", touchEventCallback, false); div.addEventListener("touchmove", touchEventCallback, false); div.addEventListener("touchend", touchEventCallback, false); document.body.insertBefore(div, document.body.firstChild); function verifyTouchEvent(type, totalTouchCount, changedTouchCount, targetTouchCount) { shouldBeEqualToString("lastEvent.type", type); shouldBe("lastEvent.touches.length", totalTouchCount.toString()); shouldBe("lastEvent.changedTouches.length", changedTouchCount.toString()); shouldBe("lastEvent.targetTouches.length", targetTouchCount.toString()); shouldBe("lastEvent.pageX", "0"); shouldBe("lastEvent.pageY", "0"); } function verifyTouchPoint(list, point, x, y, id) { shouldBe("lastEvent." + list + "[" + point + "].pageX", x.toString()); shouldBe("lastEvent." + list + "[" + point + "].pageY", y.toString()); shouldBe("lastEvent." + list + "[" + point + "].clientX", x.toString()); shouldBe("lastEvent." + list + "[" + point + "].clientY", y.toString()); shouldBe("lastEvent." + list + "[" + point + "].identifier", id.toString()); } function verifyTouch(which) { switch (which) { case 0: verifyTouchEvent("touchstart", 2, 2, 2); verifyTouchPoint("touches", 0, 10, 10, 0); verifyTouchPoint("touches", 1, 20, 30, 1); verifyTouchPoint("changedTouches", 0, 10, 10, 0); verifyTouchPoint("changedTouches", 1, 20, 30, 1); verifyTouchPoint("targetTouches", 0, 10, 10, 0); verifyTouchPoint("targetTouches", 1, 20, 30, 1); break; case 1: verifyTouchEvent("touchmove", 2, 2, 2); verifyTouchPoint("touches", 0, 15, 15, 0); verifyTouchPoint("touches", 1, 25, 35, 1); verifyTouchPoint("changedTouches", 0, 15, 15, 0); verifyTouchPoint("changedTouches", 1, 25, 35, 1); verifyTouchPoint("targetTouches", 0, 15, 15, 0); verifyTouchPoint("targetTouches", 1, 25, 35, 1); break; case 2: verifyTouchEvent("touchend", 0, 2, 0); verifyTouchPoint("changedTouches", 0, 15, 15, 0); verifyTouchPoint("changedTouches", 1, 25, 35, 1); break; default: testFailed("Wrong number of touch events! (" + which + ")"); } } function multiTouchSequence() { eventSender.addTouchPoint(10, 10); eventSender.addTouchPoint(20, 30); eventSender.touchStart(); eventSender.updateTouchPoint(0, 15, 15); eventSender.updateTouchPoint(1, 25, 35); eventSender.touchMove(); eventSender.releaseTouchPoint(0); eventSender.releaseTouchPoint(1); eventSender.touchEnd(); } if (window.eventSender) { description("This tests basic multi touch event support. This is a limited version of test basic-multi-touch-events.html that avoids the situation where one touch point is released while another is maintained."); lastEvent = null; eventSender.clearTouchPoints(); multiTouchSequence(); } else { debug("This test requires DumpRenderTree. Tap on the blue rect to log.") } var successfullyParsed = true;