var DB_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 100; var SEND_XHR_INTERVAL = 100; var BACK_INTERVAL = 100; var CREATE_HEALTH_TABLE = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS health (key VARCHAR(16) PRIMARY KEY);'; var UPDATE_DATA = 'REPLACE INTO health VALUES("health-check-key");'; var db = openDatabaseWithSuffix('bug25710', '1.0', 'LayoutTest for bug 25710', 102400); var backIterations; var xhrFctIntervalId; var backFctIntervalId; var successCheckIntervalId; var dbFctIntervalId; var successes; var databaseUpdates; var stoppedIntervals; function stopIntervals() { stoppedIntervals = true; clearInterval(dbFctIntervalId); clearInterval(xhrFctIntervalId); clearInterval(backFctIntervalId); } function stopTest(message) { if (!stoppedIntervals) stopIntervals(); log(message); if (window.layoutTestController) layoutTestController.notifyDone(); } function updateDatabase() { databaseUpdates++; db.transaction(function(transaction) { transaction.executeSql(UPDATE_DATA, [], function() {}, errorHandler); }, errorHandler, function() { successes++; }); } function checkForSuccess() { if (successes == databaseUpdates) { stopTest('Test Complete, SUCCESS'); clearInterval(successCheckIntervalId); } } function errorHandler(tx, error) { log('DB error, code: ' + error.code + ', msg: ' + error.message); stopTest('Test Complete, FAILED'); } function sendXhr() { xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', location.href, true); xhr.send(''); } function invokeBack() { backIterations--; if (backIterations) { history.back(); } else { stopIntervals(); // Allow a little time for all the database transactions to complete now we've stopped making them. successCheckIntervalId = setInterval(checkForSuccess, 250); // If we don't finish before this time, then we consider the test failed. setTimeout(function() { stopTest('Timed out waiting for transactions to complete. FAILED'); }, 20000); } } function runTest() { // Location changes need to happen outside the onload handler to generate history entries. setTimeout(runTestsInner, 0); } function runTestsInner() { backIterations = 10; consecutiveFailures = 0; successes = 0; databaseUpdates = 0; stoppedIntervals = false; // Create some hashes so we can call history.back(). log('Changing the hash to create history entries.'); for (var i = 0; i < backIterations; i++) { setLocationHash(i); } // Init the database. db.transaction(function(transaction) { transaction.executeSql(CREATE_HEALTH_TABLE, [], function() {}, errorHandler); }, errorHandler, function() { // Give a little for the database to 'warm up' before making xhr requests // and calling history.back(). setTimeout(function() { log('Db is warmed up'); // NOTE: If we don't make any xhr requests, then the test // successfully passes (comment this line out). xhrFctIntervalId = setInterval(sendXhr, SEND_XHR_INTERVAL); backFctIntervalId = setInterval(invokeBack, BACK_INTERVAL); dbFctIntervalId = setInterval(updateDatabase, DB_UPDATE_INTERVAL); }, 500); }); }