The following language features are not covered: Operators: >>>= ^= %= in prefix -- >>= delete void instanceof statements: with switch core language feaures: getters / setters closure data access heavy use of first-class functions Builtins: Number.toFixed Number.toExponential Number.toPrecision RegExp.exec RegExp custom properties Function.apply parseInt parseFloat escape unescape decodeURI encodeURI Date.toDateString Date.toTimeString Date.getUTCFullYear Date.getUTCMonth Date.getUTCDate Date.getUTCDay Date.getUTCSeconds Date.getMilliseconds Date.getUTCMilliseconds Date.set* Math.E Math.LN2 Math.LN10 Math.LOG2E Math.LOG10E Math.SQRT1_2 Math.SQRT2 Math.acos Math.asin Math.atan Math.atan2 Math.exp Math.min Math.tan Object.hasOwnProperty Object.propertyIsEnumerable Object.isPrototypeOf Array.concat Array.join Array.pop Array.push Array.reverse Array.shift Array.slice Array.sort Array.splice Array.unshift Array.every Array.forEach Array.some Array.indexOf Array.lastIndexOf Array.filter