// // Copyright (c) 2002-2010 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // #ifndef _PARSER_HELPER_INCLUDED_ #define _PARSER_HELPER_INCLUDED_ #include "compiler/ExtensionBehavior.h" #include "compiler/localintermediate.h" #include "compiler/ShHandle.h" #include "compiler/SymbolTable.h" struct TMatrixFields { bool wholeRow; bool wholeCol; int row; int col; }; struct TPragma { TPragma(bool o, bool d) : optimize(o), debug(d) { } bool optimize; bool debug; TPragmaTable pragmaTable; }; // // The following are extra variables needed during parsing, grouped together so // they can be passed to the parser without needing a global. // struct TParseContext { TParseContext(TSymbolTable& symt, const TExtensionBehavior& ext, TIntermediate& interm, ShShaderType type, ShShaderSpec spec, TInfoSink& is) : intermediate(interm), symbolTable(symt), extensionBehavior(ext), infoSink(is), shaderType(type), shaderSpec(spec), treeRoot(0), recoveredFromError(false), numErrors(0), lexAfterType(false), loopNestingLevel(0), inTypeParen(false), scanner(NULL), contextPragma(true, false) { } TIntermediate& intermediate; // to hold and build a parse tree TSymbolTable& symbolTable; // symbol table that goes with the language currently being parsed TExtensionBehavior extensionBehavior; // mapping between supported extensions and current behavior. TInfoSink& infoSink; ShShaderType shaderType; // vertex or fragment language (future: pack or unpack) ShShaderSpec shaderSpec; // The language specification compiler conforms to - GLES2 or WebGL. TIntermNode* treeRoot; // root of parse tree being created bool recoveredFromError; // true if a parse error has occurred, but we continue to parse int numErrors; bool lexAfterType; // true if we've recognized a type, so can only be looking for an identifier int loopNestingLevel; // 0 if outside all loops bool inTypeParen; // true if in parentheses, looking only for an identifier const TType* currentFunctionType; // the return type of the function that's currently being parsed bool functionReturnsValue; // true if a non-void function has a return void error(TSourceLoc loc, const char *reason, const char* token, const char* extraInfoFormat, ...); void warning(TSourceLoc loc, const char* reason, const char* token, const char* extraInfoFormat, ...); bool reservedErrorCheck(int line, const TString& identifier); void recover(); bool parseVectorFields(const TString&, int vecSize, TVectorFields&, int line); bool parseMatrixFields(const TString&, int matSize, TMatrixFields&, int line); void assignError(int line, const char* op, TString left, TString right); void unaryOpError(int line, const char* op, TString operand); void binaryOpError(int line, const char* op, TString left, TString right); bool precisionErrorCheck(int line, TPrecision precision, TBasicType type); bool lValueErrorCheck(int line, const char* op, TIntermTyped*); bool constErrorCheck(TIntermTyped* node); bool integerErrorCheck(TIntermTyped* node, const char* token); bool globalErrorCheck(int line, bool global, const char* token); bool constructorErrorCheck(int line, TIntermNode*, TFunction&, TOperator, TType*); bool arraySizeErrorCheck(int line, TIntermTyped* expr, int& size); bool arrayQualifierErrorCheck(int line, TPublicType type); bool arrayTypeErrorCheck(int line, TPublicType type); bool arrayErrorCheck(int line, TString& identifier, TPublicType type, TVariable*& variable); bool voidErrorCheck(int, const TString&, const TPublicType&); bool boolErrorCheck(int, const TIntermTyped*); bool boolErrorCheck(int, const TPublicType&); bool samplerErrorCheck(int line, const TPublicType& pType, const char* reason); bool structQualifierErrorCheck(int line, const TPublicType& pType); bool parameterSamplerErrorCheck(int line, TQualifier qualifier, const TType& type); bool containsSampler(TType& type); bool nonInitConstErrorCheck(int line, TString& identifier, TPublicType& type); bool nonInitErrorCheck(int line, TString& identifier, TPublicType& type); bool paramErrorCheck(int line, TQualifier qualifier, TQualifier paramQualifier, TType* type); bool extensionErrorCheck(int line, const TString&); const TFunction* findFunction(int line, TFunction* pfnCall, bool *builtIn = 0); bool executeInitializer(TSourceLoc line, TString& identifier, TPublicType& pType, TIntermTyped* initializer, TIntermNode*& intermNode, TVariable* variable = 0); bool areAllChildConst(TIntermAggregate* aggrNode); TIntermTyped* addConstructor(TIntermNode*, const TType*, TOperator, TFunction*, TSourceLoc); TIntermTyped* foldConstConstructor(TIntermAggregate* aggrNode, const TType& type); TIntermTyped* constructStruct(TIntermNode*, TType*, int, TSourceLoc, bool subset); TIntermTyped* constructBuiltIn(const TType*, TOperator, TIntermNode*, TSourceLoc, bool subset); TIntermTyped* addConstVectorNode(TVectorFields&, TIntermTyped*, TSourceLoc); TIntermTyped* addConstMatrixNode(int , TIntermTyped*, TSourceLoc); TIntermTyped* addConstArrayNode(int index, TIntermTyped* node, TSourceLoc line); TIntermTyped* addConstStruct(TString& , TIntermTyped*, TSourceLoc); bool arraySetMaxSize(TIntermSymbol*, TType*, int, bool, TSourceLoc); void* scanner; struct TPragma contextPragma; TString HashErrMsg; bool AfterEOF; }; int PaParseStrings(int count, const char* const string[], const int length[], TParseContext* context); typedef TParseContext* TParseContextPointer; extern TParseContextPointer& GetGlobalParseContext(); #define GlobalParseContext GetGlobalParseContext() typedef struct TThreadParseContextRec { TParseContext *lpGlobalParseContext; } TThreadParseContext; #endif // _PARSER_HELPER_INCLUDED_