/* * Copyright (C) 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "CSSGradientValue.h" #include "CSSValueKeywords.h" #include "CSSStyleSelector.h" #include "GeneratedImage.h" #include "Gradient.h" #include "Image.h" #include "IntSize.h" #include "IntSizeHash.h" #include "NodeRenderStyle.h" #include "PlatformString.h" #include "RenderObject.h" using namespace std; namespace WebCore { Image* CSSGradientValue::image(RenderObject* renderer, const IntSize& size) { ASSERT(m_clients.contains(renderer)); // Need to look up our size. Create a string of width*height to use as a hash key. // FIXME: hashing based only on size is not sufficient. Color stops may use context-sensitive units (like em) // that should force the color stop positions to be recomputed. Image* result = getImage(renderer, size); if (result) return result; if (size.isEmpty()) return 0; // We need to create an image. RefPtr newImage = GeneratedImage::create(createGradient(renderer, size), size); result = newImage.get(); putImage(size, newImage.release()); return result; } // Should only ever be called for deprecated gradients. static inline bool compareStops(const CSSGradientColorStop& a, const CSSGradientColorStop& b) { double aVal = a.m_position->getDoubleValue(CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); double bVal = b.m_position->getDoubleValue(CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); return aVal < bVal; } void CSSGradientValue::sortStopsIfNeeded() { ASSERT(m_deprecatedType); if (!m_stopsSorted) { if (m_stops.size()) std::stable_sort(m_stops.begin(), m_stops.end(), compareStops); m_stopsSorted = true; } } static inline int blend(int from, int to, float progress) { return int(from + (to - from) * progress); } static inline Color blend(const Color& from, const Color& to, float progress) { // FIXME: when we interpolate gradients using premultiplied colors, this should also do premultiplication. return Color(blend(from.red(), to.red(), progress), blend(from.green(), to.green(), progress), blend(from.blue(), to.blue(), progress), blend(from.alpha(), to.alpha(), progress)); } struct GradientStop { Color color; float offset; bool specified; GradientStop() : offset(0) , specified(false) { } }; void CSSGradientValue::addStops(Gradient* gradient, RenderObject* renderer, RenderStyle* rootStyle, float maxLengthForRepeat) { RenderStyle* style = renderer->style(); if (m_deprecatedType) { sortStopsIfNeeded(); // We have to resolve colors. for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_stops.size(); i++) { const CSSGradientColorStop& stop = m_stops[i]; Color color = renderer->document()->styleSelector()->getColorFromPrimitiveValue(stop.m_color.get()); float offset; if (stop.m_position->primitiveType() == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE) offset = stop.m_position->getFloatValue(CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE) / 100; else offset = stop.m_position->getFloatValue(CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); gradient->addColorStop(offset, color); } // The back end already sorted the stops. gradient->setStopsSorted(true); return; } size_t numStops = m_stops.size(); Vector stops(numStops); float gradientLength = 0; bool computedGradientLength = false; FloatPoint gradientStart = gradient->p0(); FloatPoint gradientEnd; if (isLinearGradient()) gradientEnd = gradient->p1(); else if (isRadialGradient()) gradientEnd = gradientStart + FloatSize(gradient->endRadius(), 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < numStops; ++i) { const CSSGradientColorStop& stop = m_stops[i]; stops[i].color = renderer->document()->styleSelector()->getColorFromPrimitiveValue(stop.m_color.get()); if (stop.m_position) { int type = stop.m_position->primitiveType(); if (type == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE) stops[i].offset = stop.m_position->getFloatValue(CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE) / 100; else if (CSSPrimitiveValue::isUnitTypeLength(type)) { float length = stop.m_position->computeLengthFloat(style, rootStyle, style->effectiveZoom()); if (!computedGradientLength) { FloatSize gradientSize(gradientStart - gradientEnd); gradientLength = gradientSize.diagonalLength(); } stops[i].offset = (gradientLength > 0) ? length / gradientLength : 0; } else { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); stops[i].offset = 0; } stops[i].specified = true; } else { // If the first color-stop does not have a position, its position defaults to 0%. // If the last color-stop does not have a position, its position defaults to 100%. if (!i) { stops[i].offset = 0; stops[i].specified = true; } else if (numStops > 1 && i == numStops - 1) { stops[i].offset = 1; stops[i].specified = true; } } // If a color-stop has a position that is less than the specified position of any // color-stop before it in the list, its position is changed to be equal to the // largest specified position of any color-stop before it. if (stops[i].specified && i > 0) { size_t prevSpecifiedIndex; for (prevSpecifiedIndex = i - 1; prevSpecifiedIndex; --prevSpecifiedIndex) { if (stops[prevSpecifiedIndex].specified) break; } if (stops[i].offset < stops[prevSpecifiedIndex].offset) stops[i].offset = stops[prevSpecifiedIndex].offset; } } ASSERT(stops[0].specified && stops[numStops - 1].specified); // If any color-stop still does not have a position, then, for each run of adjacent // color-stops without positions, set their positions so that they are evenly spaced // between the preceding and following color-stops with positions. if (numStops > 2) { size_t unspecifiedRunStart = 0; bool inUnspecifiedRun = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < numStops; ++i) { if (!stops[i].specified && !inUnspecifiedRun) { unspecifiedRunStart = i; inUnspecifiedRun = true; } else if (stops[i].specified && inUnspecifiedRun) { size_t unspecifiedRunEnd = i; if (unspecifiedRunStart < unspecifiedRunEnd) { float lastSpecifiedOffset = stops[unspecifiedRunStart - 1].offset; float nextSpecifiedOffset = stops[unspecifiedRunEnd].offset; float delta = (nextSpecifiedOffset - lastSpecifiedOffset) / (unspecifiedRunEnd - unspecifiedRunStart + 1); for (size_t j = unspecifiedRunStart; j < unspecifiedRunEnd; ++j) stops[j].offset = lastSpecifiedOffset + (j - unspecifiedRunStart + 1) * delta; } inUnspecifiedRun = false; } } } // If the gradient is repeating, repeat the color stops. // We can't just push this logic down into the platform-specific Gradient code, // because we have to know the extent of the gradient, and possible move the end points. if (m_repeating && numStops > 1) { float maxExtent = 1; // Radial gradients may need to extend further than the endpoints, because they have // to repeat out to the corners of the box. if (isRadialGradient()) { if (!computedGradientLength) { FloatSize gradientSize(gradientStart - gradientEnd); gradientLength = gradientSize.diagonalLength(); } if (maxLengthForRepeat > gradientLength) maxExtent = maxLengthForRepeat / gradientLength; } size_t originalNumStops = numStops; size_t originalFirstStopIndex = 0; // Work backwards from the first, adding stops until we get one before 0. float firstOffset = stops[0].offset; if (firstOffset > 0) { float currOffset = firstOffset; size_t srcStopOrdinal = originalNumStops - 1; while (true) { GradientStop newStop = stops[originalFirstStopIndex + srcStopOrdinal]; newStop.offset = currOffset; stops.prepend(newStop); ++originalFirstStopIndex; if (currOffset < 0) break; if (srcStopOrdinal) currOffset -= stops[originalFirstStopIndex + srcStopOrdinal].offset - stops[originalFirstStopIndex + srcStopOrdinal - 1].offset; srcStopOrdinal = (srcStopOrdinal + originalNumStops - 1) % originalNumStops; } } // Work forwards from the end, adding stops until we get one after 1. float lastOffset = stops[stops.size() - 1].offset; if (lastOffset < maxExtent) { float currOffset = lastOffset; size_t srcStopOrdinal = 0; while (true) { GradientStop newStop = stops[srcStopOrdinal]; newStop.offset = currOffset; stops.append(newStop); if (currOffset > maxExtent) break; if (srcStopOrdinal < originalNumStops - 1) currOffset += stops[originalFirstStopIndex + srcStopOrdinal + 1].offset - stops[originalFirstStopIndex + srcStopOrdinal].offset; srcStopOrdinal = (srcStopOrdinal + 1) % originalNumStops; } } } numStops = stops.size(); // If the gradient goes outside the 0-1 range, normalize it by moving the endpoints, and adjusting the stops. if (numStops > 1 && (stops[0].offset < 0 || stops[numStops - 1].offset > 1)) { if (isLinearGradient()) { float firstOffset = stops[0].offset; float lastOffset = stops[numStops - 1].offset; float scale = lastOffset - firstOffset; for (size_t i = 0; i < numStops; ++i) stops[i].offset = (stops[i].offset - firstOffset) / scale; FloatPoint p0 = gradient->p0(); FloatPoint p1 = gradient->p1(); gradient->setP0(FloatPoint(p0.x() + firstOffset * (p1.x() - p0.x()), p0.y() + firstOffset * (p1.y() - p0.y()))); gradient->setP1(FloatPoint(p1.x() + (lastOffset - 1) * (p1.x() - p0.x()), p1.y() + (lastOffset - 1) * (p1.y() - p0.y()))); } else if (isRadialGradient()) { // Rather than scaling the points < 0, we truncate them, so only scale according to the largest point. float firstOffset = 0; float lastOffset = stops[numStops - 1].offset; float scale = lastOffset - firstOffset; // Reset points below 0 to the first visible color. size_t firstZeroOrGreaterIndex = numStops; for (size_t i = 0; i < numStops; ++i) { if (stops[i].offset >= 0) { firstZeroOrGreaterIndex = i; break; } } if (firstZeroOrGreaterIndex > 0) { if (firstZeroOrGreaterIndex < numStops && stops[firstZeroOrGreaterIndex].offset > 0) { float prevOffset = stops[firstZeroOrGreaterIndex - 1].offset; float nextOffset = stops[firstZeroOrGreaterIndex].offset; float interStopProportion = -prevOffset / (nextOffset - prevOffset); Color blendedColor = blend(stops[firstZeroOrGreaterIndex - 1].color, stops[firstZeroOrGreaterIndex].color, interStopProportion); // Clamp the positions to 0 and set the color. for (size_t i = 0; i < firstZeroOrGreaterIndex; ++i) { stops[i].offset = 0; stops[i].color = blendedColor; } } else { // All stops are below 0; just clamp them. for (size_t i = 0; i < firstZeroOrGreaterIndex; ++i) stops[i].offset = 0; } } for (size_t i = 0; i < numStops; ++i) stops[i].offset /= scale; gradient->setStartRadius(gradient->startRadius() * scale); gradient->setEndRadius(gradient->endRadius() * scale); } } for (unsigned i = 0; i < numStops; i++) gradient->addColorStop(stops[i].offset, stops[i].color); gradient->setStopsSorted(true); } static float positionFromValue(CSSPrimitiveValue* value, RenderStyle* style, RenderStyle* rootStyle, const IntSize& size, bool isHorizontal) { float zoomFactor = style->effectiveZoom(); switch (value->primitiveType()) { case CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER: return value->getFloatValue() * zoomFactor; case CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE: return value->getFloatValue() / 100.f * (isHorizontal ? size.width() : size.height()); case CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT: switch (value->getIdent()) { case CSSValueTop: ASSERT(!isHorizontal); return 0; case CSSValueLeft: ASSERT(isHorizontal); return 0; case CSSValueBottom: ASSERT(!isHorizontal); return size.height(); case CSSValueRight: ASSERT(isHorizontal); return size.width(); } default: return value->computeLengthFloat(style, rootStyle, zoomFactor); } } FloatPoint CSSGradientValue::computeEndPoint(CSSPrimitiveValue* first, CSSPrimitiveValue* second, RenderStyle* style, RenderStyle* rootStyle, const IntSize& size) { FloatPoint result; if (first) result.setX(positionFromValue(first, style, rootStyle, size, true)); if (second) result.setY(positionFromValue(second, style, rootStyle, size, false)); return result; } String CSSLinearGradientValue::cssText() const { String result; if (m_deprecatedType) { result = "-webkit-gradient(linear, "; result += m_firstX->cssText() + " "; result += m_firstY->cssText() + ", "; result += m_secondX->cssText() + " "; result += m_secondY->cssText(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_stops.size(); i++) { const CSSGradientColorStop& stop = m_stops[i]; result += ", "; if (stop.m_position->getDoubleValue(CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER) == 0) result += "from(" + stop.m_color->cssText() + ")"; else if (stop.m_position->getDoubleValue(CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER) == 1) result += "to(" + stop.m_color->cssText() + ")"; else result += "color-stop(" + String::number(stop.m_position->getDoubleValue(CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)) + ", " + stop.m_color->cssText() + ")"; } } else { result = m_repeating ? "-webkit-repeating-linear-gradient(" : "-webkit-linear-gradient("; if (m_angle) result += m_angle->cssText(); else { if (m_firstX && m_firstY) result += m_firstX->cssText() + " " + m_firstY->cssText(); else if (m_firstX || m_firstY) { if (m_firstX) result += m_firstX->cssText(); if (m_firstY) result += m_firstY->cssText(); } } for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_stops.size(); i++) { const CSSGradientColorStop& stop = m_stops[i]; result += ", "; result += stop.m_color->cssText(); if (stop.m_position) result += " " + stop.m_position->cssText(); } } result += ")"; return result; } // Compute the endpoints so that a gradient of the given angle covers a box of the given size. static void endPointsFromAngle(float angleDeg, const IntSize& size, FloatPoint& firstPoint, FloatPoint& secondPoint) { angleDeg = fmodf(angleDeg, 360); if (angleDeg < 0) angleDeg += 360; if (!angleDeg) { firstPoint.set(0, 0); secondPoint.set(size.width(), 0); return; } if (angleDeg == 90) { firstPoint.set(0, size.height()); secondPoint.set(0, 0); return; } if (angleDeg == 180) { firstPoint.set(size.width(), 0); secondPoint.set(0, 0); return; } float slope = tan(deg2rad(angleDeg)); // We find the endpoint by computing the intersection of the line formed by the slope, // and a line perpendicular to it that intersects the corner. float perpendicularSlope = -1 / slope; // Compute start corner relative to center. float halfHeight = size.height() / 2; float halfWidth = size.width() / 2; FloatPoint endCorner; if (angleDeg < 90) endCorner.set(halfWidth, halfHeight); else if (angleDeg < 180) endCorner.set(-halfWidth, halfHeight); else if (angleDeg < 270) endCorner.set(-halfWidth, -halfHeight); else endCorner.set(halfWidth, -halfHeight); // Compute c (of y = mx + c) using the corner point. float c = endCorner.y() - perpendicularSlope * endCorner.x(); float endX = c / (slope - perpendicularSlope); float endY = perpendicularSlope * endX + c; // We computed the end point, so set the second point, flipping the Y to account for angles going anticlockwise. secondPoint.set(halfWidth + endX, size.height() - (halfHeight + endY)); // Reflect around the center for the start point. firstPoint.set(size.width() - secondPoint.x(), size.height() - secondPoint.y()); } PassRefPtr CSSLinearGradientValue::createGradient(RenderObject* renderer, const IntSize& size) { ASSERT(!size.isEmpty()); RenderStyle* rootStyle = renderer->document()->documentElement()->renderStyle(); FloatPoint firstPoint; FloatPoint secondPoint; if (m_angle) { float angle = m_angle->getFloatValue(CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_DEG); endPointsFromAngle(angle, size, firstPoint, secondPoint); } else { firstPoint = computeEndPoint(m_firstX.get(), m_firstY.get(), renderer->style(), rootStyle, size); if (m_secondX || m_secondY) secondPoint = computeEndPoint(m_secondX.get(), m_secondY.get(), renderer->style(), rootStyle, size); else { if (m_firstX) secondPoint.setX(size.width() - firstPoint.x()); if (m_firstY) secondPoint.setY(size.height() - firstPoint.y()); } } RefPtr gradient = Gradient::create(firstPoint, secondPoint); // Now add the stops. addStops(gradient.get(), renderer, rootStyle, 1); return gradient.release(); } String CSSRadialGradientValue::cssText() const { String result; if (m_deprecatedType) { result = "-webkit-gradient(radial, "; result += m_firstX->cssText() + " "; result += m_firstY->cssText() + ", "; result += m_firstRadius->cssText() + ", "; result += m_secondX->cssText() + " "; result += m_secondY->cssText(); result += ", "; result += m_secondRadius->cssText(); // FIXME: share? for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_stops.size(); i++) { const CSSGradientColorStop& stop = m_stops[i]; result += ", "; if (stop.m_position->getDoubleValue(CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER) == 0) result += "from(" + stop.m_color->cssText() + ")"; else if (stop.m_position->getDoubleValue(CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER) == 1) result += "to(" + stop.m_color->cssText() + ")"; else result += "color-stop(" + String::number(stop.m_position->getDoubleValue(CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)) + ", " + stop.m_color->cssText() + ")"; } } else { result = m_repeating ? "-webkit-repeating-radial-gradient(" : "-webkit-radial-gradient("; if (m_firstX && m_firstY) { result += m_firstX->cssText() + " " + m_firstY->cssText(); } else if (m_firstX) result += m_firstX->cssText(); else if (m_firstY) result += m_firstY->cssText(); else result += "center"; if (m_shape || m_sizingBehavior) { result += ", "; if (m_shape) result += m_shape->cssText() + " "; else result += "ellipse "; if (m_sizingBehavior) result += m_sizingBehavior->cssText(); else result += "cover"; } else if (m_endHorizontalSize && m_endVerticalSize) { result += ", "; result += m_endHorizontalSize->cssText() + " " + m_endVerticalSize->cssText(); } for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_stops.size(); i++) { const CSSGradientColorStop& stop = m_stops[i]; result += ", "; result += stop.m_color->cssText(); if (stop.m_position) result += " " + stop.m_position->cssText(); } } result += ")"; return result; } float CSSRadialGradientValue::resolveRadius(CSSPrimitiveValue* radius, RenderStyle* style, RenderStyle* rootStyle, float* widthOrHeight) { float zoomFactor = style->effectiveZoom(); float result = 0; if (radius->primitiveType() == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER) // Can the radius be a percentage? result = radius->getFloatValue() * zoomFactor; else if (widthOrHeight && radius->primitiveType() == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE) result = *widthOrHeight * radius->getFloatValue() / 100; else result = radius->computeLengthFloat(style, rootStyle, zoomFactor); return result; } static float distanceToClosestCorner(const FloatPoint& p, const FloatSize& size, FloatPoint& corner) { FloatPoint topLeft; float topLeftDistance = FloatSize(p - topLeft).diagonalLength(); FloatPoint topRight(size.width(), 0); float topRightDistance = FloatSize(p - topRight).diagonalLength(); FloatPoint bottomLeft(0, size.height()); float bottomLeftDistance = FloatSize(p - bottomLeft).diagonalLength(); FloatPoint bottomRight(size.width(), size.height()); float bottomRightDistance = FloatSize(p - bottomRight).diagonalLength(); corner = topLeft; float minDistance = topLeftDistance; if (topRightDistance < minDistance) { minDistance = topRightDistance; corner = topRight; } if (bottomLeftDistance < minDistance) { minDistance = bottomLeftDistance; corner = bottomLeft; } if (bottomRightDistance < minDistance) { minDistance = bottomRightDistance; corner = bottomRight; } return minDistance; } static float distanceToFarthestCorner(const FloatPoint& p, const FloatSize& size, FloatPoint& corner) { FloatPoint topLeft; float topLeftDistance = FloatSize(p - topLeft).diagonalLength(); FloatPoint topRight(size.width(), 0); float topRightDistance = FloatSize(p - topRight).diagonalLength(); FloatPoint bottomLeft(0, size.height()); float bottomLeftDistance = FloatSize(p - bottomLeft).diagonalLength(); FloatPoint bottomRight(size.width(), size.height()); float bottomRightDistance = FloatSize(p - bottomRight).diagonalLength(); corner = topLeft; float maxDistance = topLeftDistance; if (topRightDistance > maxDistance) { maxDistance = topRightDistance; corner = topRight; } if (bottomLeftDistance > maxDistance) { maxDistance = bottomLeftDistance; corner = bottomLeft; } if (bottomRightDistance > maxDistance) { maxDistance = bottomRightDistance; corner = bottomRight; } return maxDistance; } // Compute horizontal radius of ellipse with center at 0,0 which passes through p, and has // width/height given by aspectRatio. static inline float horizontalEllipseRadius(const FloatSize& p, float aspectRatio) { // x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 = 1 // a/b = aspectRatio, b = a/aspectRatio // a = sqrt(x^2 + y^2/(1/r^2)) return sqrtf(p.width() * p.width() + (p.height() * p.height()) / (1 / (aspectRatio * aspectRatio))); } // FIXME: share code with the linear version PassRefPtr CSSRadialGradientValue::createGradient(RenderObject* renderer, const IntSize& size) { ASSERT(!size.isEmpty()); RenderStyle* rootStyle = renderer->document()->documentElement()->renderStyle(); FloatPoint firstPoint = computeEndPoint(m_firstX.get(), m_firstY.get(), renderer->style(), rootStyle, size); if (!m_firstX) firstPoint.setX(size.width() / 2); if (!m_firstY) firstPoint.setY(size.height() / 2); FloatPoint secondPoint = computeEndPoint(m_secondX.get(), m_secondY.get(), renderer->style(), rootStyle, size); if (!m_secondX) secondPoint.setX(size.width() / 2); if (!m_secondY) secondPoint.setY(size.height() / 2); float firstRadius = 0; if (m_firstRadius) firstRadius = resolveRadius(m_firstRadius.get(), renderer->style(), rootStyle); float secondRadius = 0; float aspectRatio = 1; // width / height. if (m_secondRadius) secondRadius = resolveRadius(m_secondRadius.get(), renderer->style(), rootStyle); else if (m_endHorizontalSize || m_endVerticalSize) { float width = size.width(); float height = size.height(); secondRadius = resolveRadius(m_endHorizontalSize.get(), renderer->style(), rootStyle, &width); aspectRatio = secondRadius / resolveRadius(m_endVerticalSize.get(), renderer->style(), rootStyle, &height); } else { enum GradientShape { Circle, Ellipse }; GradientShape shape = Ellipse; if (m_shape && m_shape->primitiveType() == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT && m_shape->getIdent() == CSSValueCircle) shape = Circle; enum GradientFill { ClosestSide, ClosestCorner, FarthestSide, FarthestCorner }; GradientFill fill = FarthestCorner; if (m_sizingBehavior && m_sizingBehavior->primitiveType() == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT) { switch (m_sizingBehavior->getIdent()) { case CSSValueContain: case CSSValueClosestSide: fill = ClosestSide; break; case CSSValueClosestCorner: fill = ClosestCorner; break; case CSSValueFarthestSide: fill = FarthestSide; break; case CSSValueCover: case CSSValueFarthestCorner: fill = FarthestCorner; break; } } // Now compute the end radii based on the second point, shape and fill. // Horizontal switch (fill) { case ClosestSide: { float xDist = min(secondPoint.x(), size.width() - secondPoint.x()); float yDist = min(secondPoint.y(), size.height() - secondPoint.y()); if (shape == Circle) { float smaller = min(xDist, yDist); xDist = smaller; yDist = smaller; } secondRadius = xDist; aspectRatio = xDist / yDist; break; } case FarthestSide: { float xDist = max(secondPoint.x(), size.width() - secondPoint.x()); float yDist = max(secondPoint.y(), size.height() - secondPoint.y()); if (shape == Circle) { float larger = max(xDist, yDist); xDist = larger; yDist = larger; } secondRadius = xDist; aspectRatio = xDist / yDist; break; } case ClosestCorner: { FloatPoint corner; float distance = distanceToClosestCorner(secondPoint, size, corner); if (shape == Circle) secondRadius = distance; else { // If is ellipse, the gradient-shape has the same ratio of width to height // that it would if closest-side or farthest-side were specified, as appropriate. float xDist = min(secondPoint.x(), size.width() - secondPoint.x()); float yDist = min(secondPoint.y(), size.height() - secondPoint.y()); secondRadius = horizontalEllipseRadius(corner - secondPoint, xDist / yDist); aspectRatio = xDist / yDist; } break; } case FarthestCorner: { FloatPoint corner; float distance = distanceToFarthestCorner(secondPoint, size, corner); if (shape == Circle) secondRadius = distance; else { // If is ellipse, the gradient-shape has the same ratio of width to height // that it would if closest-side or farthest-side were specified, as appropriate. float xDist = max(secondPoint.x(), size.width() - secondPoint.x()); float yDist = max(secondPoint.y(), size.height() - secondPoint.y()); secondRadius = horizontalEllipseRadius(corner - secondPoint, xDist / yDist); aspectRatio = xDist / yDist; } break; } } } RefPtr gradient = Gradient::create(firstPoint, firstRadius, secondPoint, secondRadius, aspectRatio); // addStops() only uses maxExtent for repeating gradients. float maxExtent = 0; if (m_repeating) { FloatPoint corner; maxExtent = distanceToFarthestCorner(secondPoint, size, corner); } // Now add the stops. addStops(gradient.get(), renderer, rootStyle, maxExtent); return gradient.release(); } } // namespace WebCore