/* * Copyright (C) 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "PageCache.h" #include "ApplicationCacheHost.h" #include "BackForwardController.h" #include "MemoryCache.h" #include "CachedPage.h" #include "DOMWindow.h" #include "DeviceMotionController.h" #include "DeviceOrientationController.h" #include "Document.h" #include "DocumentLoader.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "FrameLoader.h" #include "FrameLoaderClient.h" #include "FrameLoaderStateMachine.h" #include "HistoryItem.h" #include "Logging.h" #include "Page.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "SharedWorkerRepository.h" #include "SystemTime.h" #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace WebCore { static const double autoreleaseInterval = 3; #ifndef NDEBUG static String& pageCacheLogPrefix(int indentLevel) { static int previousIndent = -1; DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(String, prefix, ()); if (indentLevel != previousIndent) { previousIndent = indentLevel; prefix.truncate(0); for (int i = 0; i < previousIndent; ++i) prefix += " "; } return prefix; } static void pageCacheLog(const String& prefix, const String& message) { LOG(PageCache, "%s%s", prefix.utf8().data(), message.utf8().data()); } #define PCLOG(...) pageCacheLog(pageCacheLogPrefix(indentLevel), makeString(__VA_ARGS__)) static bool logCanCacheFrameDecision(Frame* frame, int indentLevel) { // Only bother logging for frames that have actually loaded and have content. if (frame->loader()->stateMachine()->creatingInitialEmptyDocument()) return false; KURL currentURL = frame->loader()->documentLoader() ? frame->loader()->documentLoader()->url() : KURL(); if (currentURL.isEmpty()) return false; PCLOG("+---"); KURL newURL = frame->loader()->provisionalDocumentLoader() ? frame->loader()->provisionalDocumentLoader()->url() : KURL(); if (!newURL.isEmpty()) PCLOG(" Determining if frame can be cached navigating from (", currentURL.string(), ") to (", newURL.string(), "):"); else PCLOG(" Determining if subframe with URL (", currentURL.string(), ") can be cached:"); bool cannotCache = false; do { if (!frame->loader()->documentLoader()) { PCLOG(" -There is no DocumentLoader object"); cannotCache = true; break; } if (!frame->loader()->documentLoader()->mainDocumentError().isNull()) { PCLOG(" -Main document has an error"); cannotCache = true; } if (frame->loader()->subframeLoader()->containsPlugins()) { PCLOG(" -Frame contains plugins"); cannotCache = true; } if (frame->document()->url().protocolIs("https")) { PCLOG(" -Frame is HTTPS"); cannotCache = true; } if (frame->domWindow() && frame->domWindow()->hasEventListeners(eventNames().unloadEvent)) { PCLOG(" -Frame has an unload event listener"); cannotCache = true; } #if ENABLE(DATABASE) if (frame->document()->hasOpenDatabases()) { PCLOG(" -Frame has open database handles"); cannotCache = true; } #endif #if ENABLE(SHARED_WORKERS) if (SharedWorkerRepository::hasSharedWorkers(frame->document())) { PCLOG(" -Frame has associated SharedWorkers"); cannotCache = true; } #endif if (frame->document()->usingGeolocation()) { PCLOG(" -Frame uses Geolocation"); cannotCache = true; } if (!frame->loader()->history()->currentItem()) { PCLOG(" -No current history item"); cannotCache = true; } if (frame->loader()->quickRedirectComing()) { PCLOG(" -Quick redirect is coming"); cannotCache = true; } if (frame->loader()->documentLoader()->isLoadingInAPISense()) { PCLOG(" -DocumentLoader is still loading in API sense"); cannotCache = true; } if (frame->loader()->documentLoader()->isStopping()) { PCLOG(" -DocumentLoader is in the middle of stopping"); cannotCache = true; } if (!frame->document()->canSuspendActiveDOMObjects()) { PCLOG(" -The document cannot suspect its active DOM Objects"); cannotCache = true; } #if ENABLE(OFFLINE_WEB_APPLICATIONS) if (!frame->loader()->documentLoader()->applicationCacheHost()->canCacheInPageCache()) { PCLOG(" -The DocumentLoader uses an application cache"); cannotCache = true; } #endif if (!frame->loader()->client()->canCachePage()) { PCLOG(" -The client says this frame cannot be cached"); cannotCache = true; } } while (false); for (Frame* child = frame->tree()->firstChild(); child; child = child->tree()->nextSibling()) if (!logCanCacheFrameDecision(child, indentLevel + 1)) cannotCache = true; PCLOG(cannotCache ? " Frame CANNOT be cached" : " Frame CAN be cached"); PCLOG("+---"); return !cannotCache; } static void logCanCachePageDecision(Page* page) { // Only bother logging for main frames that have actually loaded and have content. if (page->mainFrame()->loader()->stateMachine()->creatingInitialEmptyDocument()) return; KURL currentURL = page->mainFrame()->loader()->documentLoader() ? page->mainFrame()->loader()->documentLoader()->url() : KURL(); if (currentURL.isEmpty()) return; int indentLevel = 0; PCLOG("--------\n Determining if page can be cached:"); bool cannotCache = !logCanCacheFrameDecision(page->mainFrame(), 1); FrameLoadType loadType = page->mainFrame()->loader()->loadType(); if (!page->backForward()->isActive()) { PCLOG(" -The back/forward list is disabled or has 0 capacity"); cannotCache = true; } if (!page->settings()->usesPageCache()) { PCLOG(" -Page settings says b/f cache disabled"); cannotCache = true; } #if ENABLE(DEVICE_ORIENTATION) if (page->deviceMotionController() && page->deviceMotionController()->isActive()) { PCLOG(" -Page is using DeviceMotion"); cannotCache = true; } if (page->deviceOrientationController() && page->deviceOrientationController()->isActive()) { PCLOG(" -Page is using DeviceOrientation"); cannotCache = true; } #endif if (loadType == FrameLoadTypeReload) { PCLOG(" -Load type is: Reload"); cannotCache = true; } if (loadType == FrameLoadTypeReloadFromOrigin) { PCLOG(" -Load type is: Reload from origin"); cannotCache = true; } if (loadType == FrameLoadTypeSame) { PCLOG(" -Load type is: Same"); cannotCache = true; } PCLOG(cannotCache ? " Page CANNOT be cached\n--------" : " Page CAN be cached\n--------"); } #endif PageCache* pageCache() { static PageCache* staticPageCache = new PageCache; return staticPageCache; } PageCache::PageCache() : m_capacity(0) , m_size(0) , m_head(0) , m_tail(0) , m_autoreleaseTimer(this, &PageCache::releaseAutoreleasedPagesNowOrReschedule) { } bool PageCache::canCachePageContainingThisFrame(Frame* frame) { for (Frame* child = frame->tree()->firstChild(); child; child = child->tree()->nextSibling()) { if (!canCachePageContainingThisFrame(child)) return false; } return frame->loader()->documentLoader() && frame->loader()->documentLoader()->mainDocumentError().isNull() // Do not cache error pages (these can be recognized as pages with substitute data or unreachable URLs). && !(frame->loader()->documentLoader()->substituteData().isValid() && !frame->loader()->documentLoader()->substituteData().failingURL().isEmpty()) // FIXME: If we ever change this so that frames with plug-ins will be cached, // we need to make sure that we don't cache frames that have outstanding NPObjects // (objects created by the plug-in). Since there is no way to pause/resume a Netscape plug-in, // they would need to be destroyed and then recreated, and there is no way that we can recreate // the right NPObjects. See for more information. && !frame->loader()->subframeLoader()->containsPlugins() && !frame->document()->url().protocolIs("https") && (!frame->domWindow() || !frame->domWindow()->hasEventListeners(eventNames().unloadEvent)) #if ENABLE(DATABASE) && !frame->document()->hasOpenDatabases() #endif #if ENABLE(SHARED_WORKERS) && !SharedWorkerRepository::hasSharedWorkers(frame->document()) #endif && !frame->document()->usingGeolocation() && frame->loader()->history()->currentItem() && !frame->loader()->quickRedirectComing() && !frame->loader()->documentLoader()->isLoadingInAPISense() && !frame->loader()->documentLoader()->isStopping() && frame->document()->canSuspendActiveDOMObjects() #if ENABLE(OFFLINE_WEB_APPLICATIONS) // FIXME: We should investigating caching frames that have an associated // application cache. tracks that work. && frame->loader()->documentLoader()->applicationCacheHost()->canCacheInPageCache() #endif #if ENABLE(WML) && !frame->document()->containsWMLContent() && !frame->document()->isWMLDocument() #endif && frame->loader()->client()->canCachePage(); } bool PageCache::canCache(Page* page) { if (!page) return false; #ifndef NDEBUG logCanCachePageDecision(page); #endif // Cache the page, if possible. // Don't write to the cache if in the middle of a redirect, since we will want to // store the final page we end up on. // No point writing to the cache on a reload or loadSame, since we will just write // over it again when we leave that page. // FIXME: - We should work out the complexities of caching pages with frames as they // are the most interesting pages on the web, and often those that would benefit the most from caching! FrameLoadType loadType = page->mainFrame()->loader()->loadType(); return canCachePageContainingThisFrame(page->mainFrame()) && page->backForward()->isActive() && page->settings()->usesPageCache() #if ENABLE(DEVICE_ORIENTATION) && !(page->deviceMotionController() && page->deviceMotionController()->isActive()) && !(page->deviceOrientationController() && page->deviceOrientationController()->isActive()) #endif && loadType != FrameLoadTypeReload && loadType != FrameLoadTypeReloadFromOrigin && loadType != FrameLoadTypeSame; } void PageCache::setCapacity(int capacity) { ASSERT(capacity >= 0); m_capacity = max(capacity, 0); prune(); } int PageCache::frameCount() const { int frameCount = 0; for (HistoryItem* current = m_head; current; current = current->m_next) { ++frameCount; ASSERT(current->m_cachedPage); frameCount += current->m_cachedPage ? current->m_cachedPage->cachedMainFrame()->descendantFrameCount() : 0; } return frameCount; } int PageCache::autoreleasedPageCount() const { return m_autoreleaseSet.size(); } void PageCache::add(PassRefPtr prpItem, Page* page) { ASSERT(prpItem); ASSERT(page); ASSERT(canCache(page)); HistoryItem* item = prpItem.releaseRef(); // Balanced in remove(). // Remove stale cache entry if necessary. if (item->m_cachedPage) remove(item); item->m_cachedPage = CachedPage::create(page); addToLRUList(item); ++m_size; prune(); } CachedPage* PageCache::get(HistoryItem* item) { if (!item) return 0; if (CachedPage* cachedPage = item->m_cachedPage.get()) { // FIXME: 1800 should not be hardcoded, it should come from // WebKitBackForwardCacheExpirationIntervalKey in WebKit. // Or we should remove WebKitBackForwardCacheExpirationIntervalKey. if (currentTime() - cachedPage->timeStamp() <= 1800) return cachedPage; LOG(PageCache, "Not restoring page for %s from back/forward cache because cache entry has expired", item->url().string().ascii().data()); pageCache()->remove(item); } return 0; } void PageCache::remove(HistoryItem* item) { // Safely ignore attempts to remove items not in the cache. if (!item || !item->m_cachedPage) return; autorelease(item->m_cachedPage.release()); removeFromLRUList(item); --m_size; item->deref(); // Balanced in add(). } void PageCache::prune() { while (m_size > m_capacity) { ASSERT(m_tail && m_tail->m_cachedPage); remove(m_tail); } } void PageCache::addToLRUList(HistoryItem* item) { item->m_next = m_head; item->m_prev = 0; if (m_head) { ASSERT(m_tail); m_head->m_prev = item; } else { ASSERT(!m_tail); m_tail = item; } m_head = item; } void PageCache::removeFromLRUList(HistoryItem* item) { if (!item->m_next) { ASSERT(item == m_tail); m_tail = item->m_prev; } else { ASSERT(item != m_tail); item->m_next->m_prev = item->m_prev; } if (!item->m_prev) { ASSERT(item == m_head); m_head = item->m_next; } else { ASSERT(item != m_head); item->m_prev->m_next = item->m_next; } } void PageCache::releaseAutoreleasedPagesNowOrReschedule(Timer* timer) { double loadDelta = currentTime() - FrameLoader::timeOfLastCompletedLoad(); float userDelta = userIdleTime(); // FIXME: This limit of 42 risks growing the page cache far beyond its nominal capacity. if ((userDelta < 0.5 || loadDelta < 1.25) && m_autoreleaseSet.size() < 42) { LOG(PageCache, "WebCorePageCache: Postponing releaseAutoreleasedPagesNowOrReschedule() - %f since last load, %f since last input, %i objects pending release", loadDelta, userDelta, m_autoreleaseSet.size()); timer->startOneShot(autoreleaseInterval); return; } LOG(PageCache, "WebCorePageCache: Releasing page caches - %f seconds since last load, %f since last input, %i objects pending release", loadDelta, userDelta, m_autoreleaseSet.size()); releaseAutoreleasedPagesNow(); } void PageCache::releaseAutoreleasedPagesNow() { m_autoreleaseTimer.stop(); // Postpone dead pruning until all our resources have gone dead. memoryCache()->setPruneEnabled(false); CachedPageSet tmp; tmp.swap(m_autoreleaseSet); CachedPageSet::iterator end = tmp.end(); for (CachedPageSet::iterator it = tmp.begin(); it != end; ++it) (*it)->destroy(); // Now do the prune. memoryCache()->setPruneEnabled(true); memoryCache()->prune(); } void PageCache::autorelease(PassRefPtr page) { ASSERT(page); ASSERT(!m_autoreleaseSet.contains(page.get())); m_autoreleaseSet.add(page); if (!m_autoreleaseTimer.isActive()) m_autoreleaseTimer.startOneShot(autoreleaseInterval); } } // namespace WebCore