/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ // Generate js file as follows: // // re2c -isc WebCore/inspector/front-end/SourceCSSTokenizer.re2js \ // | sed 's|^yy\([^:]*\)*\:|case \1:|' \ // | sed 's|[*]cursor[+][+]|this._charAt(cursor++)|' \ // | sed 's|[[*][+][+]cursor|this._charAt(++cursor)|' \ // | sed 's|[*]cursor|this._charAt(cursor)|' \ // | sed 's|yych = \*\([^;]*\)|yych = this._charAt\1|' \ // | sed 's|goto case \([^;]*\)|{ gotoCase = \1; continue; }|' \ // | sed 's|unsigned\ int|var|' \ // | sed 's|var\ yych|case 1: var yych|' WebInspector.SourceCSSTokenizer = function() { WebInspector.SourceTokenizer.call(this); this._propertyKeywords = WebInspector.cssNameCompletions.keySet(); this._valueKeywords = [ "above", "absolute", "activeborder", "activecaption", "afar", "after-white-space", "ahead", "alias", "all", "all-scroll", "alternate", "always","amharic", "amharic-abegede", "antialiased", "appworkspace", "aqua", "arabic-indic", "armenian", "asterisks", "auto", "avoid", "background", "backwards", "baseline", "below", "bidi-override", "binary", "bengali", "black", "blink", "block", "block-axis", "blue", "bold", "bolder", "border", "border-box", "both", "bottom", "break-all", "break-word", "button", "button-bevel", "buttonface", "buttonhighlight", "buttonshadow", "buttontext", "cambodian", "capitalize", "caps-lock-indicator", "caption", "captiontext", "caret", "cell", "center", "checkbox", "circle", "cjk-earthly-branch", "cjk-heavenly-stem", "cjk-ideographic", "clear", "clip", "close-quote", "col-resize", "collapse", "compact", "condensed", "contain", "content", "content-box", "context-menu", "continuous", "copy", "cover", "crop", "cross", "crosshair", "currentcolor", "cursive", "dashed", "decimal", "decimal-leading-zero", "default", "default-button", "destination-atop", "destination-in", "destination-out", "destination-over", "devanagari", "disc", "discard", "document", "dot-dash", "dot-dot-dash", "dotted", "double", "down", "e-resize", "ease", "ease-in", "ease-in-out", "ease-out", "element", "ellipsis", "embed", "end", "ethiopic", "ethiopic-abegede", "ethiopic-abegede-am-et", "ethiopic-abegede-gez", "ethiopic-abegede-ti-er", "ethiopic-abegede-ti-et", "ethiopic-halehame-aa-er", "ethiopic-halehame-aa-et", "ethiopic-halehame-am-et", "ethiopic-halehame-gez", "ethiopic-halehame-om-et", "ethiopic-halehame-sid-et", "ethiopic-halehame-so-et", "ethiopic-halehame-ti-er", "ethiopic-halehame-ti-et", "ethiopic-halehame-tig", "ew-resize", "expanded", "extra-condensed", 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"lower-roman", "lowercase", "ltr", "malayalam", "maroon", "match", "media-controls-background", "media-current-time-display", "media-fullscreen-button", "media-mute-button", "media-play-button", "media-return-to-realtime-button", "media-rewind-button", "media-seek-back-button", "media-seek-forward-button", "media-slider", "media-sliderthumb", "media-time-remaining-display", "media-volume-slider", "media-volume-slider-container", "media-volume-sliderthumb", "medium", "menu", "menulist", "menulist-button", "menulist-text", "menulist-textfield", "menutext", "message-box", "middle", "min-intrinsic", "mix", "mongolian", "monospace", "move", "multiple", "myanmar", "n-resize", "narrower", "navy", "ne-resize", "nesw-resize", "no-close-quote", "no-drop", "no-open-quote", "no-repeat", "none", "normal", "not-allowed", "nowrap", "ns-resize", "nw-resize", "nwse-resize", "oblique", "octal", "olive", "open-quote", "optimizeLegibility", "optimizeSpeed", "orange", "oriya", "oromo", "outset", "outside", "overlay", "overline", "padding", "padding-box", "painted", "paused", "persian", "plus-darker", "plus-lighter", "pointer", "portrait", "pre", "pre-line", "pre-wrap", "preserve-3d", "progress", "purple", "push-button", "radio", "read-only", "read-write", "read-write-plaintext-only", "red", "relative", "repeat", "repeat-x", "repeat-y", "reset", "reverse", "rgb", "rgba", "ridge", "right", "round", "row-resize", "rtl", "run-in", "running", "s-resize", "sans-serif", "scroll", "scrollbar", "se-resize", "searchfield", "searchfield-cancel-button", "searchfield-decoration", "searchfield-results-button", "searchfield-results-decoration", "semi-condensed", "semi-expanded", "separate", "serif", "show", "sidama", "silver", "single", "skip-white-space", "slide", "slider-horizontal", "slider-vertical", "sliderthumb-horizontal", "sliderthumb-vertical", "slow", "small", "small-caps", "small-caption", "smaller", "solid", "somali", "source-atop", "source-in", "source-out", "source-over", "space", "square", "square-button", "start", "static", "status-bar", "stretch", "stroke", "sub", "subpixel-antialiased", "super", "sw-resize", "table", "table-caption", "table-cell", "table-column", "table-column-group", "table-footer-group", "table-header-group", "table-row", "table-row-group", "teal", "telugu", "text", "text-bottom", "text-top", "textarea", "textfield", "thai", "thick", "thin", "threeddarkshadow", "threedface", "threedhighlight", "threedlightshadow", "threedshadow", "tibetan", "tigre", "tigrinya-er", "tigrinya-er-abegede", "tigrinya-et", "tigrinya-et-abegede", "to", "top", "transparent", "ultra-condensed", "ultra-expanded", "underline", "up", "upper-alpha", "upper-armenian", "upper-greek", "upper-hexadecimal", "upper-latin", "upper-norwegian", "upper-roman", "uppercase", "urdu", "url", "vertical", "vertical-text", "visible", "visibleFill", "visiblePainted", "visibleStroke", "visual", "w-resize", "wait", "wave", "white", "wider", "window", "windowframe", "windowtext", "x-large", "x-small", "xor", "xx-large", "xx-small", "yellow", "-wap-marquee", "-webkit-activelink", "-webkit-auto", "-webkit-baseline-middle", "-webkit-body", "-webkit-box", "-webkit-center", "-webkit-control", "-webkit-focus-ring-color", "-webkit-grab", "-webkit-grabbing", "-webkit-gradient", "-webkit-inline-box", "-webkit-left", "-webkit-link", "-webkit-marquee", "-webkit-mini-control", "-webkit-nowrap", "-webkit-right", "-webkit-small-control", "-webkit-text", "-webkit-xxx-large", "-webkit-zoom-in", "-webkit-zoom-out", ].keySet(); this._mediaTypes = ["all", "aural", "braille", "embossed", "handheld", "import", "print", "projection", "screen", "tty", "tv"].keySet(); this._lexConditions = { INITIAL: 0, COMMENT: 1, DSTRING: 2, SSTRING: 3 }; this._parseConditions = { INITIAL: 0, PROPERTY: 1, PROPERTY_VALUE: 2, AT_RULE: 3 }; this.case_INITIAL = 1000; this.case_COMMENT = 1002; this.case_DSTRING = 1003; this.case_SSTRING = 1004; this.initialCondition = { lexCondition: this._lexConditions.INITIAL, parseCondition: this._parseConditions.INITIAL } } WebInspector.SourceCSSTokenizer.prototype = { _stringToken: function(cursor, stringEnds) { if (this._isPropertyValue()) this.tokenType = "css-string"; else this.tokenType = null; return cursor; }, _isPropertyValue: function() { return this._condition.parseCondition === this._parseConditions.PROPERTY_VALUE || this._condition.parseCondition === this._parseConditions.AT_RULE; }, nextToken: function(cursor) { var cursorOnEnter = cursor; var gotoCase = 1; while (1) { switch (gotoCase) // Following comment is replaced with generated state machine. /*!re2c re2c:define:YYCTYPE = "var"; re2c:define:YYCURSOR = cursor; re2c:define:YYGETCONDITION = "this.getLexCondition"; re2c:define:YYSETCONDITION = "this.setLexCondition"; re2c:condprefix = "case this.case_"; re2c:condenumprefix = "this._lexConditions."; re2c:yyfill:enable = 0; re2c:labelprefix = "case "; re2c:indent:top = 2; re2c:indent:string = " "; CommentContent = ([^*\r\n] | ("*"+[^/*]))*; Comment = "/*" CommentContent "*"+ "/"; CommentStart = "/*" CommentContent [\r\n]; CommentEnd = CommentContent "*"+ "/"; OpenCurlyBracket = "{"; CloseCurlyBracket = "}"; Colon = ":"; Semicolon = ";"; NumericLiteral = "-"? ([0-9]+ | [0-9]* "." [0-9]+) ("em" | "rem" | "__qem" | "ex" | "px" | "cm" | "mm" | "in" | "pt" | "pc" | "deg" | "rad" | "grad" | "turn" | "ms" | "s" | "Hz" | "kHz" | "%")?; Identifier = [@!_\-$0-9a-zA-Z\[\]='"/]+; DoubleStringContent = ([^\r\n\"\\] | "\\" ['"\\bfnrtv])*; SingleStringContent = ([^\r\n\'\\] | "\\" ['"\\bfnrtv])*; StringLiteral = "\"" DoubleStringContent "\"" | "'" SingleStringContent "'"; DoubleStringStart = "\"" DoubleStringContent "\\" [\r\n]; DoubleStringEnd = DoubleStringContent "\""; SingleStringStart = "'" SingleStringContent "\\" [\r\n]; SingleStringEnd = SingleStringContent "'"; Comment { this.tokenType = "css-comment"; return cursor; } CommentStart => COMMENT { this.tokenType = "css-comment"; return cursor; } CommentContent => COMMENT { this.tokenType = "css-comment"; return cursor; } CommentEnd => INITIAL { this.tokenType = "css-comment"; return cursor; } StringLiteral { return this._stringToken(cursor, true); } DoubleStringStart => DSTRING { return this._stringToken(cursor); } DoubleStringContent => DSTRING { return this._stringToken(cursor); } DoubleStringEnd => INITIAL { return this._stringToken(cursor, true); } SingleStringStart => SSTRING { return this._stringToken(cursor); } SingleStringContent => SSTRING { return this._stringToken(cursor); } SingleStringEnd => INITIAL { return this._stringToken(cursor, true); } OpenCurlyBracket { this.tokenType = null; if (this._condition.parseCondition === this._parseConditions.AT_RULE) this._condition.parseCondition = this._parseConditions.INITIAL; else this._condition.parseCondition = this._parseConditions.PROPERTY; return cursor; } CloseCurlyBracket { this.tokenType = null; this._condition.parseCondition = this._parseConditions.INITIAL; return cursor; } Colon { this.tokenType = null; if (this._condition.parseCondition === this._parseConditions.PROPERTY) this._condition.parseCondition = this._parseConditions.PROPERTY_VALUE; return cursor; } Semicolon { this.tokenType = null; if (this._condition.parseCondition === this._parseConditions.AT_RULE) this._condition.parseCondition = this._parseConditions.INITIAL; else this._condition.parseCondition = this._parseConditions.PROPERTY; return cursor; } NumericLiteral { if (this._isPropertyValue()) this.tokenType = "css-number"; else this.tokenType = null; return cursor; } Identifier { var token = this._line.substring(cursorOnEnter, cursor); if (this._condition.parseCondition === this._parseConditions.INITIAL) { if (token === "@import" || token === "@media") { this.tokenType = "css-at-rule"; this._condition.parseCondition = this._parseConditions.AT_RULE; } else if (token.indexOf("@") === 0) this.tokenType = "css-at-rule"; else this.tokenType = "css-selector"; } else if (this._condition.parseCondition === this._parseConditions.AT_RULE && token in this._mediaTypes) this.tokenType = "css-keyword"; else if (this._condition.parseCondition === this._parseConditions.PROPERTY && token in this._propertyKeywords) this.tokenType = "css-property"; else if (this._isPropertyValue() && token in this._valueKeywords) this.tokenType = "css-keyword"; else if (token === "!important") this.tokenType = "css-important"; else this.tokenType = null; return cursor; } <*> [^] { this.tokenType = null; return cursor; } */ } } } WebInspector.SourceCSSTokenizer.prototype.__proto__ = WebInspector.SourceTokenizer.prototype;