/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ WebInspector.TextEditorHighlighter = function(textModel, damageCallback) { this._textModel = textModel; this._tokenizer = WebInspector.SourceTokenizer.Registry.getInstance().getTokenizer("text/html"); this._damageCallback = damageCallback; this._highlightChunkLimit = 1000; this.reset(); } WebInspector.TextEditorHighlighter.prototype = { set mimeType(mimeType) { var tokenizer = WebInspector.SourceTokenizer.Registry.getInstance().getTokenizer(mimeType); if (tokenizer) { this._tokenizer = tokenizer; this._tokenizerConditionStringified = JSON.stringify(this._tokenizer.initialCondition); } }, set highlightChunkLimit(highlightChunkLimit) { this._highlightChunkLimit = highlightChunkLimit; }, reset: function() { this._lastHighlightedLine = 0; this._lastHighlightedColumn = 0; this._tokenizerConditionStringified = JSON.stringify(this._tokenizer.initialCondition); }, highlight: function(endLine, opt_forceRun) { // First check if we have work to do. if (endLine <= this._lastHighlightedLine) return; this._requestedEndLine = endLine; if (this._highlightTimer && !opt_forceRun) { // There is a timer scheduled, it will catch the new job based on the new endLine set. return; } // Do small highlight synchronously. This will provide instant highlight on PageUp / PageDown, gentle scrolling. this._highlightInChunks(endLine); // Schedule tail highlight if necessary. if (this._lastHighlightedLine < endLine) this._highlightTimer = setTimeout(this._highlightInChunks.bind(this, endLine), 100); }, updateHighlight: function(startLine, endLine) { if (this._lastHighlightedLine < startLine) { // Highlighter did not reach this point yet, nothing to update. It will reach it on subsequent timer tick and do the job. return false; } var savedLastHighlightedLine = this._lastHighlightedLine; var savedLastHighlightedColumn = this._lastHighlightedColumn; var savedTokenizerCondition = this._tokenizerConditionStringified; this._lastHighlightedLine = startLine; this._lastHighlightedColumn = 0; // Restore highlighter context taken from the previous line. var attributes = this._textModel.getAttribute(startLine - 1, "highlight") || {}; this._tokenizerConditionStringified = attributes.postConditionStringified || JSON.stringify(this._tokenizer.initialCondition); // Try to update highlight synchronously. this._highlightLines(endLine); if (this._lastHighlightedLine >= this._textModel.linesCount) { // All is done up to the end. return true; } var attributes1 = this._textModel.getAttribute(this._lastHighlightedLine - 1, "highlight") || {}; var attributes2 = this._textModel.getAttribute(this._lastHighlightedLine, "highlight") || {}; if (this._lastHighlightedColumn === 0 && attributes2.preConditionStringified && attributes1.postConditionStringified === attributes2.preConditionStringified) { // Highlighting ended ahead of time. Restore previously saved state, unless we have done more than it was before. if (savedLastHighlightedLine >= this._lastHighlightedLine) { this._lastHighlightedLine = savedLastHighlightedLine; this._lastHighlightedColumn = savedLastHighlightedColumn; this._tokenizerConditionStringified = savedTokenizerCondition; } return true; } else { // If failed to update highlight synchronously, invalidate highlight data for the subsequent lines. if (this._lastHighlightedColumn === 0) this._textModel.removeAttribute(this._lastHighlightedLine, "highlight"); for (var i = this._lastHighlightedLine + 1; i < this._textModel.linesCount; ++i) this._textModel.removeAttribute(i, "highlight"); // Continue highlighting on subsequent timer ticks. this._requestedEndLine = endLine; if (!this._highlightTimer) this._highlightTimer = setTimeout(this._highlightInChunks.bind(this, endLine), 100); return false; } }, _highlightInChunks: function(endLine) { delete this._highlightTimer; // First we always check if we have work to do. Could be that user scrolled back and we can quit. if (this._requestedEndLine <= this._lastHighlightedLine) return; if (this._requestedEndLine !== endLine) { // User keeps updating the job in between of our timer ticks. Just reschedule self, don't eat CPU (they must be scrolling). this._highlightTimer = setTimeout(this._highlightInChunks.bind(this, this._requestedEndLine), 100); return; } // The textModel may have been already updated. if (this._requestedEndLine > this._textModel.linesCount) this._requestedEndLine = this._textModel.linesCount; this._highlightLines(this._requestedEndLine); // Schedule tail highlight if necessary. if (this._lastHighlightedLine < this._requestedEndLine) this._highlightTimer = setTimeout(this._highlightInChunks.bind(this, this._requestedEndLine), 10); }, _highlightLines: function(endLine) { // Tokenizer is stateless and reused across viewers, restore its condition before highlight and save it after. this._tokenizer.condition = JSON.parse(this._tokenizerConditionStringified); var tokensCount = 0; for (var lineNumber = this._lastHighlightedLine; lineNumber < endLine; ++lineNumber) { var line = this._textModel.line(lineNumber); this._tokenizer.line = line; if (this._lastHighlightedColumn === 0) { var attributes = {}; attributes.preConditionStringified = JSON.stringify(this._tokenizer.condition); this._textModel.setAttribute(lineNumber, "highlight", attributes); } else var attributes = this._textModel.getAttribute(lineNumber, "highlight"); // Highlight line. do { var newColumn = this._tokenizer.nextToken(this._lastHighlightedColumn); var tokenType = this._tokenizer.tokenType; if (tokenType) attributes[this._lastHighlightedColumn] = { length: newColumn - this._lastHighlightedColumn, tokenType: tokenType }; this._lastHighlightedColumn = newColumn; if (++tokensCount > this._highlightChunkLimit) break; } while (this._lastHighlightedColumn < line.length); if (this._lastHighlightedColumn < line.length) { // Too much work for single chunk - exit. break; } else { this._lastHighlightedColumn = 0; attributes.postConditionStringified = JSON.stringify(this._tokenizer.condition); var nextAttributes = this._textModel.getAttribute(lineNumber + 1, "highlight") || {}; if (nextAttributes.preConditionStringified === attributes.postConditionStringified) { // Following lines are up to date, no need to re-highlight. ++lineNumber; break; } } } this._damageCallback(this._lastHighlightedLine, lineNumber); this._tokenizerConditionStringified = JSON.stringify(this._tokenizer.condition); this._lastHighlightedLine = lineNumber; } }