/* * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2007 Justin Haygood (jhaygood@reaktix.com) * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef IconDatabase_h #define IconDatabase_h #include "IconDatabaseBase.h" #include "Timer.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if ENABLE(ICONDATABASE) #include "SQLiteDatabase.h" #include #endif // ENABLE(ICONDATABASE) namespace WebCore { class DocumentLoader; class Image; class IntSize; class IconDatabaseClient; class IconRecord; class IconSnapshot; class KURL; class PageURLRecord; class PageURLSnapshot; class SharedBuffer; #if ENABLE(ICONDATABASE) class SQLTransaction; #endif #if !ENABLE(ICONDATABASE) // For builds with IconDatabase disabled, they'll just use a default derivation of IconDatabaseBase. Which does nothing. class IconDatabase : public IconDatabaseBase { public: static void delayDatabaseCleanup() { } static String defaultDatabaseFilename() { return "WebpageIcons.db"; } }; #else class IconDatabase : public IconDatabaseBase { WTF_MAKE_FAST_ALLOCATED; // *** Main Thread Only *** public: static PassOwnPtr create() { return new IconDatabase; } ~IconDatabase(); virtual void setClient(IconDatabaseClient*); virtual bool open(const String& directory, const String& filename); virtual void close(); virtual void removeAllIcons(); void readIconForPageURLFromDisk(const String&); virtual Image* defaultIcon(const IntSize&); virtual void retainIconForPageURL(const String&); virtual void releaseIconForPageURL(const String&); virtual void setIconDataForIconURL(PassRefPtr data, const String&); virtual void setIconURLForPageURL(const String& iconURL, const String& pageURL); virtual Image* synchronousIconForPageURL(const String&, const IntSize&); virtual String synchronousIconURLForPageURL(const String&); virtual bool synchronousIconDataKnownForIconURL(const String&); virtual IconLoadDecision synchronousLoadDecisionForIconURL(const String&, DocumentLoader*); virtual void setEnabled(bool); virtual bool isEnabled() const; virtual void setPrivateBrowsingEnabled(bool flag); bool isPrivateBrowsingEnabled() const; static void delayDatabaseCleanup(); static void allowDatabaseCleanup(); static void checkIntegrityBeforeOpening(); // Support for WebCoreStatistics in WebKit virtual size_t pageURLMappingCount(); virtual size_t retainedPageURLCount(); virtual size_t iconRecordCount(); virtual size_t iconRecordCountWithData(); private: IconDatabase(); friend IconDatabaseBase& iconDatabase(); static void notifyPendingLoadDecisionsOnMainThread(void*); void notifyPendingLoadDecisions(); void wakeSyncThread(); void scheduleOrDeferSyncTimer(); void syncTimerFired(Timer*); Timer m_syncTimer; ThreadIdentifier m_syncThread; bool m_syncThreadRunning; HashSet > m_loadersPendingDecision; RefPtr m_defaultIconRecord; // *** Any Thread *** public: virtual bool isOpen() const; virtual String databasePath() const; static String defaultDatabaseFilename(); private: PassRefPtr getOrCreateIconRecord(const String& iconURL); PageURLRecord* getOrCreatePageURLRecord(const String& pageURL); bool m_isEnabled; bool m_privateBrowsingEnabled; mutable Mutex m_syncLock; ThreadCondition m_syncCondition; String m_databaseDirectory; // Holding m_syncLock is required when accessing m_completeDatabasePath String m_completeDatabasePath; bool m_threadTerminationRequested; bool m_removeIconsRequested; bool m_iconURLImportComplete; bool m_disabledSuddenTerminationForSyncThread; Mutex m_urlAndIconLock; // Holding m_urlAndIconLock is required when accessing any of the following data structures or the objects they contain HashMap m_iconURLToRecordMap; HashMap m_pageURLToRecordMap; HashSet m_retainedPageURLs; Mutex m_pendingSyncLock; // Holding m_pendingSyncLock is required when accessing any of the following data structures HashMap m_pageURLsPendingSync; HashMap m_iconsPendingSync; Mutex m_pendingReadingLock; // Holding m_pendingSyncLock is required when accessing any of the following data structures - when dealing with IconRecord*s, holding m_urlAndIconLock is also required HashSet m_pageURLsPendingImport; HashSet m_pageURLsInterestedInIcons; HashSet m_iconsPendingReading; // *** Sync Thread Only *** public: // Should be used only on the sync thread and only by the Safari 2 Icons import procedure virtual void importIconURLForPageURL(const String& iconURL, const String& pageURL); virtual void importIconDataForIconURL(PassRefPtr data, const String& iconURL); virtual bool shouldStopThreadActivity() const; private: static void* iconDatabaseSyncThreadStart(void *); void* iconDatabaseSyncThread(); // The following block of methods are called exclusively by the sync thread to manage i/o to and from the database // Each method should periodically monitor m_threadTerminationRequested when it makes sense to return early on shutdown void performOpenInitialization(); bool checkIntegrity(); void performURLImport(); void* syncThreadMainLoop(); bool readFromDatabase(); bool writeToDatabase(); void pruneUnretainedIcons(); void checkForDanglingPageURLs(bool pruneIfFound); void removeAllIconsOnThread(); void deleteAllPreparedStatements(); void* cleanupSyncThread(); // Record (on disk) whether or not Safari 2-style icons were imported (once per dataabse) bool imported(); void setImported(bool); bool wasExcludedFromBackup(); void setWasExcludedFromBackup(); bool m_initialPruningComplete; void setIconURLForPageURLInSQLDatabase(const String&, const String&); void setIconIDForPageURLInSQLDatabase(int64_t, const String&); void removePageURLFromSQLDatabase(const String& pageURL); int64_t getIconIDForIconURLFromSQLDatabase(const String& iconURL); int64_t addIconURLToSQLDatabase(const String&); PassRefPtr getImageDataForIconURLFromSQLDatabase(const String& iconURL); void removeIconFromSQLDatabase(const String& iconURL); void writeIconSnapshotToSQLDatabase(const IconSnapshot&); // Methods to dispatch client callbacks on the main thread void dispatchDidImportIconURLForPageURLOnMainThread(const String&); void dispatchDidImportIconDataForPageURLOnMainThread(const String&); void dispatchDidRemoveAllIconsOnMainThread(); void dispatchDidFinishURLImportOnMainThread(); // The client is set by the main thread before the thread starts, and from then on is only used by the sync thread IconDatabaseClient* m_client; SQLiteDatabase m_syncDB; // Track whether the "Safari 2" import is complete and/or set in the database bool m_imported; bool m_isImportedSet; OwnPtr m_setIconIDForPageURLStatement; OwnPtr m_removePageURLStatement; OwnPtr m_getIconIDForIconURLStatement; OwnPtr m_getImageDataForIconURLStatement; OwnPtr m_addIconToIconInfoStatement; OwnPtr m_addIconToIconDataStatement; OwnPtr m_getImageDataStatement; OwnPtr m_deletePageURLsForIconURLStatement; OwnPtr m_deleteIconFromIconInfoStatement; OwnPtr m_deleteIconFromIconDataStatement; OwnPtr m_updateIconInfoStatement; OwnPtr m_updateIconDataStatement; OwnPtr m_setIconInfoStatement; OwnPtr m_setIconDataStatement; }; #endif // !ENABLE(ICONDATABASE) } // namespace WebCore #endif // IconDatabase_h