/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) #include "AudioBus.h" #include "VectorMath.h" #include #include #include #include #include namespace WebCore { using namespace VectorMath; AudioBus::AudioBus(unsigned numberOfChannels, size_t length, bool allocate) : m_length(length) , m_busGain(1.0) , m_isFirstTime(true) , m_sampleRate(0.0) { m_channels.reserveInitialCapacity(numberOfChannels); for (unsigned i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; ++i) { PassOwnPtr channel = allocate ? adoptPtr(new AudioChannel(length)) : adoptPtr(new AudioChannel(0, length)); m_channels.append(channel); } m_layout = LayoutCanonical; // for now this is the only layout we define } void AudioBus::setChannelMemory(unsigned channelIndex, float* storage, size_t length) { if (channelIndex < m_channels.size()) { channel(channelIndex)->set(storage, length); m_length = length; // FIXME: verify that this length matches all the other channel lengths } } void AudioBus::zero() { for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_channels.size(); ++i) m_channels[i]->zero(); } AudioChannel* AudioBus::channelByType(unsigned channelType) { // For now we only support canonical channel layouts... if (m_layout != LayoutCanonical) return 0; switch (numberOfChannels()) { case 1: // mono if (channelType == ChannelMono || channelType == ChannelLeft) return channel(0); return 0; case 2: // stereo switch (channelType) { case ChannelLeft: return channel(0); case ChannelRight: return channel(1); default: return 0; } case 4: // quad switch (channelType) { case ChannelLeft: return channel(0); case ChannelRight: return channel(1); case ChannelSurroundLeft: return channel(2); case ChannelSurroundRight: return channel(3); default: return 0; } case 5: // 5.0 switch (channelType) { case ChannelLeft: return channel(0); case ChannelRight: return channel(1); case ChannelCenter: return channel(2); case ChannelSurroundLeft: return channel(3); case ChannelSurroundRight: return channel(4); default: return 0; } case 6: // 5.1 switch (channelType) { case ChannelLeft: return channel(0); case ChannelRight: return channel(1); case ChannelCenter: return channel(2); case ChannelLFE: return channel(3); case ChannelSurroundLeft: return channel(4); case ChannelSurroundRight: return channel(5); default: return 0; } } ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return 0; } // Returns true if the channel count and frame-size match. bool AudioBus::topologyMatches(const AudioBus& bus) const { if (numberOfChannels() != bus.numberOfChannels()) return false; // channel mismatch // Make sure source bus has enough frames. if (length() > bus.length()) return false; // frame-size mismatch return true; } PassOwnPtr AudioBus::createBufferFromRange(AudioBus* sourceBuffer, unsigned startFrame, unsigned endFrame) { size_t numberOfSourceFrames = sourceBuffer->length(); unsigned numberOfChannels = sourceBuffer->numberOfChannels(); // Sanity checking bool isRangeSafe = startFrame < endFrame && endFrame <= numberOfSourceFrames; ASSERT(isRangeSafe); if (!isRangeSafe) return 0; size_t rangeLength = endFrame - startFrame; OwnPtr audioBus = adoptPtr(new AudioBus(numberOfChannels, rangeLength)); audioBus->setSampleRate(sourceBuffer->sampleRate()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; ++i) audioBus->channel(i)->copyFromRange(sourceBuffer->channel(i), startFrame, endFrame); return audioBus.release(); } float AudioBus::maxAbsValue() const { float max = 0.0f; for (unsigned i = 0; i < numberOfChannels(); ++i) { const AudioChannel* channel = this->channel(i); max = std::max(max, channel->maxAbsValue()); } return max; } void AudioBus::normalize() { float max = maxAbsValue(); if (max) scale(1.0f / max); } void AudioBus::scale(double scale) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < numberOfChannels(); ++i) channel(i)->scale(scale); } // Just copies the samples from the source bus to this one. // This is just a simple copy if the number of channels match, otherwise a mixup or mixdown is done. // For now, we just support a mixup from mono -> stereo. void AudioBus::copyFrom(const AudioBus& sourceBus) { if (&sourceBus == this) return; if (numberOfChannels() == sourceBus.numberOfChannels()) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < numberOfChannels(); ++i) channel(i)->copyFrom(sourceBus.channel(i)); } else if (numberOfChannels() == 2 && sourceBus.numberOfChannels() == 1) { // Handle mono -> stereo case (for now simply copy mono channel into both left and right) // FIXME: Really we should apply an equal-power scaling factor here, since we're effectively panning center... const AudioChannel* sourceChannel = sourceBus.channel(0); channel(0)->copyFrom(sourceChannel); channel(1)->copyFrom(sourceChannel); } else { // Case not handled ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } } void AudioBus::sumFrom(const AudioBus &sourceBus) { if (numberOfChannels() == sourceBus.numberOfChannels()) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < numberOfChannels(); ++i) channel(i)->sumFrom(sourceBus.channel(i)); } else if (numberOfChannels() == 2 && sourceBus.numberOfChannels() == 1) { // Handle mono -> stereo case (for now simply sum mono channel into both left and right) // FIXME: Really we should apply an equal-power scaling factor here, since we're effectively panning center... const AudioChannel* sourceChannel = sourceBus.channel(0); channel(0)->sumFrom(sourceChannel); channel(1)->sumFrom(sourceChannel); } else { // Case not handled ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } } void AudioBus::processWithGainFromMonoStereo(const AudioBus &sourceBus, double* lastMixGain, double targetGain, bool sumToBus) { // We don't want to suddenly change the gain from mixing one time slice to the next, // so we "de-zipper" by slowly changing the gain each sample-frame until we've achieved the target gain. // FIXME: optimize this method (SSE, etc.) // FIXME: Need fast path here when gain has converged on targetGain. In this case, de-zippering is no longer needed. // FIXME: Need fast path when this==sourceBus && lastMixGain==targetGain==1.0 && sumToBus==false (this is a NOP) // Take master bus gain into account as well as the targetGain. double totalDesiredGain = m_busGain * targetGain; // First time, snap directly to totalDesiredGain. double gain = m_isFirstTime ? totalDesiredGain : *lastMixGain; m_isFirstTime = false; int numberOfSourceChannels = sourceBus.numberOfChannels(); int numberOfDestinationChannels = numberOfChannels(); AudioBus& sourceBusSafe = const_cast(sourceBus); const float* sourceL = sourceBusSafe.channelByType(ChannelLeft)->data(); const float* sourceR = numberOfSourceChannels > 1 ? sourceBusSafe.channelByType(ChannelRight)->data() : 0; float* destinationL = channelByType(ChannelLeft)->data(); float* destinationR = numberOfDestinationChannels > 1 ? channelByType(ChannelRight)->data() : 0; const double DezipperRate = 0.005; int framesToProcess = length(); if (sumToBus) { // Sum to our bus if (sourceR && destinationR) { // Stereo while (framesToProcess--) { float sampleL = *sourceL++; float sampleR = *sourceR++; *destinationL++ += static_cast(gain * sampleL); *destinationR++ += static_cast(gain * sampleR); // Slowly change gain to desired gain. gain += (totalDesiredGain - gain) * DezipperRate; } } else if (destinationR) { // Mono -> stereo (mix equally into L and R) // FIXME: Really we should apply an equal-power scaling factor here, since we're effectively panning center... while (framesToProcess--) { float sample = *sourceL++; *destinationL++ += static_cast(gain * sample); *destinationR++ += static_cast(gain * sample); // Slowly change gain to desired gain. gain += (totalDesiredGain - gain) * DezipperRate; } } else { // Mono while (framesToProcess--) { float sampleL = *sourceL++; *destinationL++ += static_cast(gain * sampleL); // Slowly change gain to desired gain. gain += (totalDesiredGain - gain) * DezipperRate; } } } else { // Process directly (without summing) to our bus if (sourceR && destinationR) { // Stereo while (framesToProcess--) { float sampleL = *sourceL++; float sampleR = *sourceR++; *destinationL++ = static_cast(gain * sampleL); *destinationR++ = static_cast(gain * sampleR); // Slowly change gain to desired gain. gain += (totalDesiredGain - gain) * DezipperRate; } } else if (destinationR) { // Mono -> stereo (mix equally into L and R) // FIXME: Really we should apply an equal-power scaling factor here, since we're effectively panning center... while (framesToProcess--) { float sample = *sourceL++; *destinationL++ = static_cast(gain * sample); *destinationR++ = static_cast(gain * sample); // Slowly change gain to desired gain. gain += (totalDesiredGain - gain) * DezipperRate; } } else { // Mono while (framesToProcess--) { float sampleL = *sourceL++; *destinationL++ = static_cast(gain * sampleL); // Slowly change gain to desired gain. gain += (totalDesiredGain - gain) * DezipperRate; } } } // Save the target gain as the starting point for next time around. *lastMixGain = gain; } void AudioBus::processWithGainFrom(const AudioBus &sourceBus, double* lastMixGain, double targetGain, bool sumToBus) { // Make sure we're summing from same type of bus. // We *are* able to sum from mono -> stereo if (sourceBus.numberOfChannels() != 1 && !topologyMatches(sourceBus)) return; // Dispatch for different channel layouts switch (numberOfChannels()) { case 1: // mono case 2: // stereo processWithGainFromMonoStereo(sourceBus, lastMixGain, targetGain, sumToBus); break; case 4: // FIXME: implement quad case 5: // FIXME: implement 5.0 default: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); break; } } void AudioBus::copyWithGainFrom(const AudioBus &sourceBus, double* lastMixGain, double targetGain) { processWithGainFrom(sourceBus, lastMixGain, targetGain, false); } void AudioBus::sumWithGainFrom(const AudioBus &sourceBus, double* lastMixGain, double targetGain) { processWithGainFrom(sourceBus, lastMixGain, targetGain, true); } } // WebCore #endif // ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO)