/* * Copyright (C) 2003, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Torch Mobile, Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef GraphicsContext_h #define GraphicsContext_h #include "ColorSpace.h" #include "DashArray.h" #include "FloatRect.h" #include "Gradient.h" #include "Image.h" #include "Path.h" #include "Pattern.h" #include #include #if USE(CG) typedef struct CGContext PlatformGraphicsContext; #elif USE(CAIRO) namespace WebCore { class ContextShadow; class PlatformContextCairo; } typedef WebCore::PlatformContextCairo PlatformGraphicsContext; #elif PLATFORM(OPENVG) namespace WebCore { class SurfaceOpenVG; } typedef class WebCore::SurfaceOpenVG PlatformGraphicsContext; #elif PLATFORM(QT) #include namespace WebCore { class ContextShadow; } typedef QPainter PlatformGraphicsContext; #elif PLATFORM(WX) class wxGCDC; class wxWindowDC; // wxGraphicsContext allows us to support Path, etc. // but on some platforms, e.g. Linux, it requires fairly // new software. #if USE(WXGC) // On OS X, wxGCDC is just a typedef for wxDC, so use wxDC explicitly to make // the linker happy. #ifdef __APPLE__ class wxDC; typedef wxDC PlatformGraphicsContext; #else typedef wxGCDC PlatformGraphicsContext; #endif #else typedef wxWindowDC PlatformGraphicsContext; #endif #elif USE(SKIA) #if PLATFORM(ANDROID) namespace WebCore { class PlatformGraphicsContext; } class SkPaint; struct SkPoint; #else namespace WebCore { class PlatformContextSkia; } typedef WebCore::PlatformContextSkia PlatformGraphicsContext; #endif #elif PLATFORM(HAIKU) class BView; typedef BView PlatformGraphicsContext; struct pattern; #elif OS(WINCE) typedef struct HDC__ PlatformGraphicsContext; #else typedef void PlatformGraphicsContext; #endif #if PLATFORM(WIN) #include "DIBPixelData.h" typedef struct HDC__* HDC; #if !USE(CG) // UInt8 is defined in CoreFoundation/CFBase.h typedef unsigned char UInt8; #endif #endif #if PLATFORM(QT) && defined(Q_WS_WIN) #include #endif namespace WebCore { #if OS(WINCE) && !PLATFORM(QT) class SharedBitmap; class SimpleFontData; class GlyphBuffer; #endif const int cMisspellingLineThickness = 3; const int cMisspellingLinePatternWidth = 4; const int cMisspellingLinePatternGapWidth = 1; class AffineTransform; class DrawingBuffer; class Font; class Generator; class GraphicsContextPlatformPrivate; class ImageBuffer; class IntRect; class RoundedIntRect; class KURL; class SharedGraphicsContext3D; class TextRun; enum TextDrawingMode { TextModeInvisible = 0, TextModeFill = 1 << 0, TextModeStroke = 1 << 1, TextModeClip = 1 << 2 }; typedef unsigned TextDrawingModeFlags; enum StrokeStyle { NoStroke, SolidStroke, DottedStroke, DashedStroke }; enum InterpolationQuality { InterpolationDefault, InterpolationNone, InterpolationLow, InterpolationMedium, InterpolationHigh }; struct GraphicsContextState { GraphicsContextState() : strokeThickness(0) , shadowBlur(0) #if USE(CAIRO) , globalAlpha(1) #endif , textDrawingMode(TextModeFill) , strokeColor(Color::black) , fillColor(Color::black) , strokeStyle(SolidStroke) , fillRule(RULE_NONZERO) , strokeColorSpace(ColorSpaceDeviceRGB) , fillColorSpace(ColorSpaceDeviceRGB) , shadowColorSpace(ColorSpaceDeviceRGB) , compositeOperator(CompositeSourceOver) , shouldAntialias(true) , shouldSmoothFonts(true) , paintingDisabled(false) , shadowsIgnoreTransforms(false) #if USE(CG) // Core Graphics incorrectly renders shadows with radius > 8px (), // but we need to preserve this buggy behavior for canvas and -webkit-box-shadow. , shadowsUseLegacyRadius(false) #endif { } RefPtr strokeGradient; RefPtr strokePattern; RefPtr fillGradient; RefPtr fillPattern; FloatSize shadowOffset; float strokeThickness; float shadowBlur; #if USE(CAIRO) float globalAlpha; #endif TextDrawingModeFlags textDrawingMode; Color strokeColor; Color fillColor; Color shadowColor; StrokeStyle strokeStyle; WindRule fillRule; ColorSpace strokeColorSpace; ColorSpace fillColorSpace; ColorSpace shadowColorSpace; CompositeOperator compositeOperator; bool shouldAntialias : 1; bool shouldSmoothFonts : 1; bool paintingDisabled : 1; bool shadowsIgnoreTransforms : 1; #if USE(CG) bool shadowsUseLegacyRadius : 1; #endif }; class GraphicsContext { WTF_MAKE_NONCOPYABLE(GraphicsContext); WTF_MAKE_FAST_ALLOCATED; public: GraphicsContext(PlatformGraphicsContext*); ~GraphicsContext(); #if !OS(WINCE) || PLATFORM(QT) PlatformGraphicsContext* platformContext() const; #endif float strokeThickness() const; void setStrokeThickness(float); StrokeStyle strokeStyle() const; void setStrokeStyle(StrokeStyle); Color strokeColor() const; ColorSpace strokeColorSpace() const; void setStrokeColor(const Color&, ColorSpace); void setStrokePattern(PassRefPtr); Pattern* strokePattern() const; void setStrokeGradient(PassRefPtr); Gradient* strokeGradient() const; WindRule fillRule() const; void setFillRule(WindRule); Color fillColor() const; ColorSpace fillColorSpace() const; void setFillColor(const Color&, ColorSpace); void setFillPattern(PassRefPtr); Pattern* fillPattern() const; void setFillGradient(PassRefPtr); Gradient* fillGradient() const; void setShadowsIgnoreTransforms(bool); bool shadowsIgnoreTransforms() const; void setShouldAntialias(bool); bool shouldAntialias() const; void setShouldSmoothFonts(bool); bool shouldSmoothFonts() const; const GraphicsContextState& state() const; #if USE(CG) void applyStrokePattern(); void applyFillPattern(); void drawPath(const Path&); // Allow font smoothing (LCD antialiasing). Not part of the graphics state. void setAllowsFontSmoothing(bool); void setIsCALayerContext(bool); bool isCALayerContext() const; void setIsAcceleratedContext(bool); bool isAcceleratedContext() const; #endif #if PLATFORM(ANDROID) // initialize a paint for bitmaps void setupBitmapPaint(SkPaint*); // initialize a paint for filling void setupFillPaint(SkPaint*); // initialize a paint for stroking void setupStrokePaint(SkPaint*); // initialize a paint for a shadow, or if false is returned, the // parameters are left untouched bool setupShadowPaint(SkPaint* paint, SkPoint* offset); // returns true if there is a valid (non-transparent) fill color bool willFill() const; // returns true if there is a valid (non-transparent) stroke color bool willStroke() const; // may return NULL, since we lazily allocate the path. This is the path // that is drawn by drawPath() const SkPath* getCurrPath() const; /** platform-specific factory method to return a bitmap graphicscontext, called by when we need to draw offscreen. Caller is responsible for deleting the context. Use drawOffscreenContext() to draw the context's image onto another graphics context. */ static GraphicsContext* createOffscreenContext(int width, int height); #endif void save(); void restore(); // These draw methods will do both stroking and filling. // FIXME: ...except drawRect(), which fills properly but always strokes // using a 1-pixel stroke inset from the rect borders (of the correct // stroke color). void drawRect(const IntRect&); void drawLine(const IntPoint&, const IntPoint&); void drawEllipse(const IntRect&); void drawConvexPolygon(size_t numPoints, const FloatPoint*, bool shouldAntialias = false); void fillPath(const Path&); void strokePath(const Path&); // Arc drawing (used by border-radius in CSS) just supports stroking at the moment. void strokeArc(const IntRect&, int startAngle, int angleSpan); void fillRect(const FloatRect&); void fillRect(const FloatRect&, const Color&, ColorSpace); void fillRect(const FloatRect&, Generator&); void fillRoundedRect(const IntRect&, const IntSize& topLeft, const IntSize& topRight, const IntSize& bottomLeft, const IntSize& bottomRight, const Color&, ColorSpace); void fillRoundedRect(const RoundedIntRect&, const Color&, ColorSpace); void fillRectWithRoundedHole(const IntRect&, const RoundedIntRect& roundedHoleRect, const Color&, ColorSpace); void clearRect(const FloatRect&); void strokeRect(const FloatRect&, float lineWidth); void drawImage(Image*, ColorSpace styleColorSpace, const IntPoint&, CompositeOperator = CompositeSourceOver); void drawImage(Image*, ColorSpace styleColorSpace, const IntRect&, CompositeOperator = CompositeSourceOver, bool useLowQualityScale = false); void drawImage(Image*, ColorSpace styleColorSpace, const IntPoint& destPoint, const IntRect& srcRect, CompositeOperator = CompositeSourceOver); void drawImage(Image*, ColorSpace styleColorSpace, const IntRect& destRect, const IntRect& srcRect, CompositeOperator = CompositeSourceOver, bool useLowQualityScale = false); void drawImage(Image*, ColorSpace styleColorSpace, const FloatRect& destRect, const FloatRect& srcRect = FloatRect(0, 0, -1, -1), CompositeOperator = CompositeSourceOver, bool useLowQualityScale = false); void drawTiledImage(Image*, ColorSpace styleColorSpace, const IntRect& destRect, const IntPoint& srcPoint, const IntSize& tileSize, CompositeOperator = CompositeSourceOver, bool useLowQualityScale = false); void drawTiledImage(Image*, ColorSpace styleColorSpace, const IntRect& destRect, const IntRect& srcRect, Image::TileRule hRule = Image::StretchTile, Image::TileRule vRule = Image::StretchTile, CompositeOperator = CompositeSourceOver, bool useLowQualityScale = false); void drawImageBuffer(ImageBuffer*, ColorSpace styleColorSpace, const IntPoint&, CompositeOperator = CompositeSourceOver); void drawImageBuffer(ImageBuffer*, ColorSpace styleColorSpace, const IntRect&, CompositeOperator = CompositeSourceOver, bool useLowQualityScale = false); void drawImageBuffer(ImageBuffer*, ColorSpace styleColorSpace, const IntPoint& destPoint, const IntRect& srcRect, CompositeOperator = CompositeSourceOver); void drawImageBuffer(ImageBuffer*, ColorSpace styleColorSpace, const IntRect& destRect, const IntRect& srcRect, CompositeOperator = CompositeSourceOver, bool useLowQualityScale = false); void drawImageBuffer(ImageBuffer*, ColorSpace styleColorSpace, const FloatRect& destRect, const FloatRect& srcRect = FloatRect(0, 0, -1, -1), CompositeOperator = CompositeSourceOver, bool useLowQualityScale = false); void setImageInterpolationQuality(InterpolationQuality); InterpolationQuality imageInterpolationQuality() const; void clip(const IntRect&); void clip(const FloatRect&); void addRoundedRectClip(const RoundedIntRect&); void addInnerRoundedRectClip(const IntRect&, int thickness); void clipOut(const IntRect&); void clipOutRoundedRect(const RoundedIntRect&); void clipPath(const Path&, WindRule); void clipConvexPolygon(size_t numPoints, const FloatPoint*, bool antialias = true); void clipToImageBuffer(ImageBuffer*, const FloatRect&); IntRect clipBounds() const; TextDrawingModeFlags textDrawingMode() const; void setTextDrawingMode(TextDrawingModeFlags); void drawText(const Font&, const TextRun&, const FloatPoint&, int from = 0, int to = -1); void drawEmphasisMarks(const Font&, const TextRun& , const AtomicString& mark, const FloatPoint&, int from = 0, int to = -1); void drawBidiText(const Font&, const TextRun&, const FloatPoint&); #if PLATFORM(ANDROID) void drawHighlightForText(const Font&, const TextRun&, const FloatPoint&, int h, const Color& backgroundColor, ColorSpace, int from = 0, int to = -1, bool isActive = true); #else void drawHighlightForText(const Font&, const TextRun&, const FloatPoint&, int h, const Color& backgroundColor, ColorSpace, int from = 0, int to = -1); #endif enum RoundingMode { RoundAllSides, RoundOriginAndDimensions }; FloatRect roundToDevicePixels(const FloatRect&, RoundingMode = RoundAllSides); void drawLineForText(const FloatPoint&, float width, bool printing); enum TextCheckingLineStyle { TextCheckingSpellingLineStyle, TextCheckingGrammarLineStyle, TextCheckingReplacementLineStyle }; void drawLineForTextChecking(const FloatPoint&, float width, TextCheckingLineStyle); bool paintingDisabled() const; void setPaintingDisabled(bool); bool updatingControlTints() const; void setUpdatingControlTints(bool); void beginTransparencyLayer(float opacity); void endTransparencyLayer(); bool hasShadow() const; void setShadow(const FloatSize&, float blur, const Color&, ColorSpace); // Legacy shadow blur radius is used for canvas, and -webkit-box-shadow. // It has different treatment of radii > 8px. void setLegacyShadow(const FloatSize&, float blur, const Color&, ColorSpace); bool getShadow(FloatSize&, float&, Color&, ColorSpace&) const; void clearShadow(); void drawFocusRing(const Vector&, int width, int offset, const Color&); void drawFocusRing(const Path&, int width, int offset, const Color&); void setLineCap(LineCap); void setLineDash(const DashArray&, float dashOffset); void setLineJoin(LineJoin); void setMiterLimit(float); void setAlpha(float); #if USE(CAIRO) float getAlpha(); #endif void setCompositeOperation(CompositeOperator); CompositeOperator compositeOperation() const; void clip(const Path&); // This clip function is used only by code. It allows // implementations to handle clipping on the canvas differently since // the discipline is different. void canvasClip(const Path&); void clipOut(const Path&); void scale(const FloatSize&); void rotate(float angleInRadians); void translate(const FloatSize& size) { translate(size.width(), size.height()); } void translate(float x, float y); void setURLForRect(const KURL&, const IntRect&); void concatCTM(const AffineTransform&); void setCTM(const AffineTransform&); AffineTransform getCTM() const; #if OS(WINCE) && !PLATFORM(QT) void setBitmap(PassRefPtr); const AffineTransform& affineTransform() const; AffineTransform& affineTransform(); void resetAffineTransform(); void fillRect(const FloatRect&, const Gradient*); void drawText(const SimpleFontData* fontData, const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer, int from, int numGlyphs, const FloatPoint& point); void drawFrameControl(const IntRect& rect, unsigned type, unsigned state); void drawFocusRect(const IntRect& rect); void paintTextField(const IntRect& rect, unsigned state); void drawBitmap(SharedBitmap*, const IntRect& dstRect, const IntRect& srcRect, ColorSpace styleColorSpace, CompositeOperator compositeOp); void drawBitmapPattern(SharedBitmap*, const FloatRect& tileRectIn, const AffineTransform& patternTransform, const FloatPoint& phase, ColorSpace styleColorSpace, CompositeOperator op, const FloatRect& destRect, const IntSize& origSourceSize); void drawIcon(HICON icon, const IntRect& dstRect, UINT flags); HDC getWindowsContext(const IntRect&, bool supportAlphaBlend = false, bool mayCreateBitmap = true); // The passed in rect is used to create a bitmap for compositing inside transparency layers. void releaseWindowsContext(HDC, const IntRect&, bool supportAlphaBlend = false, bool mayCreateBitmap = true); // The passed in HDC should be the one handed back by getWindowsContext. void drawRoundCorner(bool newClip, RECT clipRect, RECT rectWin, HDC dc, int width, int height); #elif PLATFORM(WIN) GraphicsContext(HDC, bool hasAlpha = false); // FIXME: To be removed. bool inTransparencyLayer() const; HDC getWindowsContext(const IntRect&, bool supportAlphaBlend = true, bool mayCreateBitmap = true); // The passed in rect is used to create a bitmap for compositing inside transparency layers. void releaseWindowsContext(HDC, const IntRect&, bool supportAlphaBlend = true, bool mayCreateBitmap = true); // The passed in HDC should be the one handed back by getWindowsContext. // When set to true, child windows should be rendered into this context // rather than allowing them just to render to the screen. Defaults to // false. // FIXME: This is a layering violation. GraphicsContext shouldn't know // what a "window" is. It would be much more appropriate for this flag // to be passed as a parameter alongside the GraphicsContext, but doing // that would require lots of changes in cross-platform code that we // aren't sure we want to make. void setShouldIncludeChildWindows(bool); bool shouldIncludeChildWindows() const; class WindowsBitmap { WTF_MAKE_NONCOPYABLE(WindowsBitmap); public: WindowsBitmap(HDC, IntSize); ~WindowsBitmap(); HDC hdc() const { return m_hdc; } UInt8* buffer() const { return m_pixelData.buffer(); } unsigned bufferLength() const { return m_pixelData.bufferLength(); } const IntSize& size() const { return m_pixelData.size(); } unsigned bytesPerRow() const { return m_pixelData.bytesPerRow(); } unsigned short bitsPerPixel() const { return m_pixelData.bitsPerPixel(); } const DIBPixelData& windowsDIB() const { return m_pixelData; } private: HDC m_hdc; HBITMAP m_bitmap; DIBPixelData m_pixelData; }; WindowsBitmap* createWindowsBitmap(IntSize); // The bitmap should be non-premultiplied. void drawWindowsBitmap(WindowsBitmap*, const IntPoint&); #endif #if (PLATFORM(QT) && defined(Q_WS_WIN)) || (PLATFORM(WX) && OS(WINDOWS)) HDC getWindowsContext(const IntRect&, bool supportAlphaBlend = true, bool mayCreateBitmap = true); void releaseWindowsContext(HDC, const IntRect&, bool supportAlphaBlend = true, bool mayCreateBitmap = true); bool shouldIncludeChildWindows() const { return false; } #endif #if PLATFORM(WX) bool inTransparencyLayer() const { return false; } #endif #if PLATFORM(QT) bool inTransparencyLayer() const; void pushTransparencyLayerInternal(const QRect &rect, qreal opacity, QPixmap& alphaMask); void takeOwnershipOfPlatformContext(); #endif #if PLATFORM(QT) || USE(CAIRO) ContextShadow* contextShadow(); #endif #if USE(CAIRO) GraphicsContext(cairo_t*); #endif #if PLATFORM(GTK) void setGdkExposeEvent(GdkEventExpose*); GdkWindow* gdkWindow() const; GdkEventExpose* gdkExposeEvent() const; #endif #if PLATFORM(HAIKU) pattern getHaikuStrokeStyle(); #endif void setSharedGraphicsContext3D(SharedGraphicsContext3D*, DrawingBuffer*, const IntSize&); void syncSoftwareCanvas(); void markDirtyRect(const IntRect&); // Hints that a portion of the backing store is dirty. private: void platformInit(PlatformGraphicsContext*); void platformDestroy(); #if PLATFORM(WIN) && !OS(WINCE) void platformInit(HDC, bool hasAlpha = false); #endif void savePlatformState(); void restorePlatformState(); void setPlatformTextDrawingMode(TextDrawingModeFlags); void setPlatformFont(const Font& font); void setPlatformStrokeColor(const Color&, ColorSpace); void setPlatformStrokeStyle(StrokeStyle); void setPlatformStrokeThickness(float); void setPlatformStrokeGradient(Gradient*); void setPlatformStrokePattern(Pattern*); void setPlatformFillColor(const Color&, ColorSpace); void setPlatformFillGradient(Gradient*); void setPlatformFillPattern(Pattern*); void setPlatformShouldAntialias(bool); void setPlatformShouldSmoothFonts(bool); void setPlatformShadow(const FloatSize&, float blur, const Color&, ColorSpace); void clearPlatformShadow(); void setPlatformCompositeOperation(CompositeOperator); static void adjustLineToPixelBoundaries(FloatPoint& p1, FloatPoint& p2, float strokeWidth, StrokeStyle); GraphicsContextPlatformPrivate* m_data; GraphicsContextState m_state; Vector m_stack; bool m_updatingControlTints; }; } // namespace WebCore #endif // GraphicsContext_h