/* * Copyright 2010, The Android Open Source Project * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "BaseLayerAndroid.h" #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) #include "ClassTracker.h" #include "GLUtils.h" #include "ShaderProgram.h" #include "SkCanvas.h" #include "TilesManager.h" #include #include #endif // USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) #include #include #undef XLOGC #define XLOGC(...) android_printLog(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "BaseLayerAndroid", __VA_ARGS__) #ifdef DEBUG #undef XLOG #define XLOG(...) android_printLog(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "BaseLayerAndroid", __VA_ARGS__) #else #undef XLOG #define XLOG(...) #endif // DEBUG // TODO: dynamically determine based on DPI #define PREFETCH_SCALE_MODIFIER 0.3 #define PREFETCH_OPACITY 1 #define PREFETCH_X_DIST 0 #define PREFETCH_Y_DIST 1 namespace WebCore { using namespace android; BaseLayerAndroid::BaseLayerAndroid() #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) : m_glWebViewState(0) , m_color(Color::white) , m_scrollState(NotScrolling) #endif { #ifdef DEBUG_COUNT ClassTracker::instance()->increment("BaseLayerAndroid"); #endif } BaseLayerAndroid::~BaseLayerAndroid() { m_content.clear(); #ifdef DEBUG_COUNT ClassTracker::instance()->decrement("BaseLayerAndroid"); #endif } void BaseLayerAndroid::setContent(const PictureSet& src) { #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) // FIXME: We lock here because we do not want // to paint and change the m_content concurrently. // We should instead refactor PictureSet to use // an atomic refcounting scheme and use atomic operations // to swap PictureSets. android::Mutex::Autolock lock(m_drawLock); #endif m_content.set(src); // FIXME: We cannot set the size of the base layer because it will screw up // the matrix used. We need to fix matrix computation for the base layer // and then we can set the size. // setSize(src.width(), src.height()); } void BaseLayerAndroid::drawCanvas(SkCanvas* canvas) { #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) android::Mutex::Autolock lock(m_drawLock); #endif if (!m_content.isEmpty()) m_content.draw(canvas); } #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) void BaseLayerAndroid::prefetchBasePicture(SkRect& viewport, float currentScale, TiledPage* prefetchTiledPage) { SkIRect bounds; float prefetchScale = currentScale * PREFETCH_SCALE_MODIFIER; float invTileWidth = (prefetchScale) / TilesManager::instance()->tileWidth(); float invTileHeight = (prefetchScale) / TilesManager::instance()->tileHeight(); bool goingDown = m_glWebViewState->goingDown(); bool goingLeft = m_glWebViewState->goingLeft(); XLOG("fetch rect %f %f %f %f, scale %f", viewport.fLeft, viewport.fTop, viewport.fRight, viewport.fBottom, scale); bounds.fLeft = static_cast(floorf(viewport.fLeft * invTileWidth)) - PREFETCH_X_DIST; bounds.fTop = static_cast(floorf(viewport.fTop * invTileHeight)) - PREFETCH_Y_DIST; bounds.fRight = static_cast(ceilf(viewport.fRight * invTileWidth)) + PREFETCH_X_DIST; bounds.fBottom = static_cast(ceilf(viewport.fBottom * invTileHeight)) + PREFETCH_Y_DIST; XLOG("prefetch rect %d %d %d %d, scale %f, preparing page %p", bounds.fLeft, bounds.fTop, bounds.fRight, bounds.fBottom, scale * PREFETCH_SCALE, prefetchTiledPage); prefetchTiledPage->setScale(prefetchScale); prefetchTiledPage->updateTileDirtiness(bounds); prefetchTiledPage->prepare(goingDown, goingLeft, bounds, TiledPage::ExpandedBounds); prefetchTiledPage->swapBuffersIfReady(bounds, prefetchScale, TiledPage::SwapWhateverIsReady); prefetchTiledPage->draw(PREFETCH_OPACITY, bounds); } bool BaseLayerAndroid::drawBasePictureInGL(SkRect& viewport, float scale, double currentTime, bool* buffersSwappedPtr) { ZoomManager* zoomManager = m_glWebViewState->zoomManager(); bool goingDown = m_glWebViewState->goingDown(); bool goingLeft = m_glWebViewState->goingLeft(); const SkIRect& viewportTileBounds = m_glWebViewState->viewportTileBounds(); XLOG("drawBasePicture, TX: %d, TY: %d scale %.2f", viewportTileBounds.fLeft, viewportTileBounds.fTop, scale); // Query the resulting state from the zoom manager bool prepareNextTiledPage = zoomManager->needPrepareNextTiledPage(); // Display the current page TiledPage* tiledPage = m_glWebViewState->frontPage(); TiledPage* nextTiledPage = m_glWebViewState->backPage(); tiledPage->setScale(zoomManager->currentScale()); // Let's prepare the page if needed so that it will start painting if (prepareNextTiledPage) { nextTiledPage->setScale(scale); m_glWebViewState->setFutureViewport(viewportTileBounds); m_glWebViewState->lockBaseLayerUpdate(); // ignore dirtiness return value since while zooming we repaint regardless nextTiledPage->updateTileDirtiness(viewportTileBounds); nextTiledPage->prepare(goingDown, goingLeft, viewportTileBounds, TiledPage::VisibleBounds); // Cancel pending paints for the foreground page TilesManager::instance()->removePaintOperationsForPage(tiledPage, false); } // If we fired a request, let's check if it's ready to use if (zoomManager->didFireRequest()) { if (nextTiledPage->swapBuffersIfReady(viewportTileBounds, zoomManager->futureScale(), TiledPage::SwapWholePage)) zoomManager->setReceivedRequest(); // transition to received request state } float transparency = 1; bool doZoomPageSwap = false; // If the page is ready, display it. We do a short transition between // the two pages (current one and future one with the new scale factor) if (zoomManager->didReceivedRequest()) { float nextTiledPageTransparency = 1; zoomManager->processTransition(currentTime, scale, &doZoomPageSwap, &nextTiledPageTransparency, &transparency); nextTiledPage->draw(nextTiledPageTransparency, viewportTileBounds); } const SkIRect& preZoomBounds = m_glWebViewState->preZoomBounds(); // update scrolling state machine by querying glwebviewstate - note that the // NotScrolling state is only set below if (m_glWebViewState->isScrolling()) m_scrollState = Scrolling; else if (m_scrollState == Scrolling) m_scrollState = ScrollingFinishPaint; bool scrolling = m_scrollState != NotScrolling; bool zooming = ZoomManager::kNoScaleRequest != zoomManager->scaleRequestState(); // When we aren't zooming, we should TRY and swap tile buffers if they're // ready. When scrolling, we swap whatever's ready. Otherwise, buffer until // the entire page is ready and then swap. bool buffersSwapped = false; if (!zooming) { TiledPage::SwapMethod swapMethod; if (scrolling) swapMethod = TiledPage::SwapWhateverIsReady; else swapMethod = TiledPage::SwapWholePage; buffersSwapped = tiledPage->swapBuffersIfReady(preZoomBounds, zoomManager->currentScale(), swapMethod); if (buffersSwappedPtr && buffersSwapped) *buffersSwappedPtr = true; if (buffersSwapped) { if (m_scrollState == ScrollingFinishPaint) { m_scrollState = NotScrolling; scrolling = false; } } } if (doZoomPageSwap) { zoomManager->setCurrentScale(scale); m_glWebViewState->swapPages(); if (buffersSwappedPtr) *buffersSwappedPtr = true; } bool needsRedraw = scrolling || zooming || !buffersSwapped; // if we don't expect to redraw, unlock the invals if (!needsRedraw) m_glWebViewState->unlockBaseLayerUpdate(); // if applied invals mark tiles dirty, need to redraw needsRedraw |= tiledPage->updateTileDirtiness(preZoomBounds); if (needsRedraw) { // lock and paint what's needed unless we're zooming, since the new // tiles won't be relevant soon anyway m_glWebViewState->lockBaseLayerUpdate(); if (!zooming) tiledPage->prepare(goingDown, goingLeft, preZoomBounds, TiledPage::ExpandedBounds); } XLOG("scrolling %d, zooming %d, buffersSwapped %d, needsRedraw %d", scrolling, zooming, buffersSwapped, needsRedraw); // prefetch in the nextTiledPage if unused by zooming (even if not scrolling // since we want the tiles to be ready before they're needed) bool usePrefetchPage = !zooming; nextTiledPage->setIsPrefetchPage(usePrefetchPage); if (usePrefetchPage) prefetchBasePicture(viewport, scale, nextTiledPage); tiledPage->draw(transparency, preZoomBounds); return needsRedraw; } #endif // USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) bool BaseLayerAndroid::drawGL(double currentTime, LayerAndroid* compositedRoot, IntRect& viewRect, SkRect& visibleRect, float scale, bool* buffersSwappedPtr) { bool needsRedraw = false; #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) needsRedraw = drawBasePictureInGL(visibleRect, scale, currentTime, buffersSwappedPtr); if (!needsRedraw) m_glWebViewState->resetFrameworkInval(); if (compositedRoot) { TransformationMatrix ident; bool animsRunning = compositedRoot->evaluateAnimations(); if (animsRunning) needsRedraw = true; compositedRoot->updateFixedLayersPositions(visibleRect); FloatRect clip(0, 0, viewRect.width(), viewRect.height()); compositedRoot->updateGLPositionsAndScale( ident, clip, 1, m_glWebViewState->zoomManager()->layersScale()); SkMatrix matrix; matrix.setTranslate(viewRect.x(), viewRect.y()); #ifdef DEBUG compositedRoot->showLayer(0); XLOG("We have %d layers, %d textured", compositedRoot->nbLayers(), compositedRoot->nbTexturedLayers()); #endif // Clean up GL textures for video layer. TilesManager::instance()->videoLayerManager()->deleteUnusedTextures(); compositedRoot->prepare(m_glWebViewState); if (compositedRoot->drawGL(m_glWebViewState, matrix)) { if (TilesManager::instance()->layerTexturesRemain()) { // only try redrawing for layers if layer textures remain, // otherwise we'll repaint without getting anything done needsRedraw = true; } } else if (!animsRunning) m_glWebViewState->resetLayersDirtyArea(); } m_previousVisible = visibleRect; #endif // USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) #ifdef DEBUG ClassTracker::instance()->show(); #endif return needsRedraw; } } // namespace WebCore