/* * Copyright 2010, The Android Open Source Project * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "BaseTileTexture.h" #include "BaseTile.h" #include "ClassTracker.h" #include "DeleteTextureOperation.h" #include "GLUtils.h" #include "TilesManager.h" #define LOG_NDEBUG 1 #define LOG_TAG "BaseTileTexture.cpp" #include namespace WebCore { BaseTileTexture::BaseTileTexture(uint32_t w, uint32_t h) : DoubleBufferedTexture(eglGetCurrentContext(), TilesManager::instance()->getSharedTextureMode()) , m_usedLevel(-1) , m_owner(0) , m_delayedReleaseOwner(0) , m_delayedRelease(false) , m_busy(false) { m_size.set(w, h); #ifdef DEBUG_COUNT ClassTracker::instance()->increment("BaseTileTexture"); #endif } BaseTileTexture::~BaseTileTexture() { if (m_sharedTextureMode == EglImageMode) { SharedTexture* textures[3] = { m_textureA, m_textureB, 0 }; destroyTextures(textures); } #ifdef DEBUG_COUNT ClassTracker::instance()->decrement("BaseTileTexture"); #endif } void BaseTileTexture::destroyTextures(SharedTexture** textures) { int x = 0; while (textures[x]) { // We need to delete the source texture and EGLImage in the texture // generation thread. In theory we should be able to delete the EGLImage // from either thread, but it currently throws an error if not deleted // in the same EGLContext from which it was created. textures[x]->lock(); DeleteTextureOperation* operation = new DeleteTextureOperation( textures[x]->getSourceTextureId(), textures[x]->getEGLImage()); textures[x]->unlock(); TilesManager::instance()->scheduleOperation(operation); x++; } } TextureInfo* BaseTileTexture::producerLock() { m_busyLock.lock(); m_busy = true; m_busyLock.unlock(); return DoubleBufferedTexture::producerLock(); } void BaseTileTexture::producerRelease() { DoubleBufferedTexture::producerRelease(); setNotBusy(); } void BaseTileTexture::producerReleaseAndSwap() { DoubleBufferedTexture::producerReleaseAndSwap(); setNotBusy(); } void BaseTileTexture::setNotBusy() { android::Mutex::Autolock lock(m_busyLock); m_busy = false; if (m_delayedRelease) { if (m_owner == m_delayedReleaseOwner) m_owner = 0; m_delayedRelease = false; m_delayedReleaseOwner = 0; } m_busyCond.signal(); } bool BaseTileTexture::busy() { android::Mutex::Autolock lock(m_busyLock); return m_busy; } void BaseTileTexture::producerUpdate(TextureInfo* textureInfo, const SkBitmap& bitmap) { // no need to upload a texture since the bitmap is empty if (!bitmap.width() && !bitmap.height()) { producerRelease(); return; } GLUtils::paintTextureWithBitmap(textureInfo, m_size, bitmap, 0, 0); producerReleaseAndSwap(); } bool BaseTileTexture::acquire(TextureOwner* owner, bool force) { if (m_owner == owner) { if (m_delayedRelease) { m_delayedRelease = false; m_delayedReleaseOwner = 0; } return true; } return setOwner(owner, force); } bool BaseTileTexture::tryAcquire(TextureOwner* owner) { m_busyLock.lock(); if (!m_busy && m_owner && m_owner->state() != owner->state()) { m_busyLock.unlock(); return this->acquire(owner); } m_busyLock.unlock(); return false; } bool BaseTileTexture::setOwner(TextureOwner* owner, bool force) { // if the writable texture is busy (i.e. currently being written to) then we // can't change the owner out from underneath that texture m_busyLock.lock(); while (m_busy && force) m_busyCond.wait(m_busyLock); bool busy = m_busy; m_busyLock.unlock(); if (!busy) { // if we are not busy we can try to remove the texture from the layer; // LayerAndroid::removeTexture() is protected by the same lock as // LayerAndroid::paintBitmapGL(), so either we execute removeTexture() // first and paintBitmapGL() will bail out, or we execute it after, // and paintBitmapGL() will mark the texture as busy before // relinquishing the lock. LayerAndroid::removeTexture() will call // BaseTileTexture::release(), which will then do nothing // if the texture is busy and we then don't return true. bool proceed = true; if (m_owner && m_owner != owner) proceed = m_owner->removeTexture(this); if (proceed) { m_owner = owner; return true; } } return false; } bool BaseTileTexture::release(TextureOwner* owner) { android::Mutex::Autolock lock(m_busyLock); if (m_owner != owner) return false; if (!m_busy) { m_owner = 0; } else { m_delayedRelease = true; m_delayedReleaseOwner = owner; } return true; } void BaseTileTexture::setTile(TextureInfo* info, int x, int y, float scale, unsigned int pictureCount) { TextureTileInfo* textureInfo = m_texturesInfo.get(getWriteableTexture()); if (!textureInfo) { textureInfo = new TextureTileInfo(); } textureInfo->m_x = x; textureInfo->m_y = y; textureInfo->m_scale = scale; textureInfo->m_picture = pictureCount; m_texturesInfo.set(getWriteableTexture(), textureInfo); } bool BaseTileTexture::readyFor(BaseTile* baseTile) { TextureTileInfo* info = m_texturesInfo.get(getReadableTexture()); if (info && (info->m_x == baseTile->x()) && (info->m_y == baseTile->y()) && (info->m_scale == baseTile->scale()) && (info->m_picture == baseTile->lastPaintedPicture())) { return true; } return false; } } // namespace WebCore