/* * Copyright 2010, The Android Open Source Project * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "DoubleBufferedTexture.h" #include "ClassTracker.h" #include "GLUtils.h" #define LOG_NDEBUG 1 #define LOG_TAG "DoubleBufferedTexture.cpp" #include namespace WebCore { DoubleBufferedTexture::DoubleBufferedTexture(EGLContext sharedContext, SharedTextureMode mode) { m_sharedTextureMode = mode; m_textureA = new SharedTexture(m_sharedTextureMode); if (m_sharedTextureMode == EglImageMode) m_textureB = new SharedTexture(m_sharedTextureMode); else m_textureB = 0; m_display = eglGetCurrentDisplay(); m_pContext = EGL_NO_CONTEXT; m_cContext = sharedContext; m_writeableTexture = m_textureA; m_lockedConsumerTexture = GL_NO_TEXTURE; m_supportsEGLImage = GLUtils::isEGLImageSupported(); #ifdef DEBUG_COUNT ClassTracker::instance()->increment("DoubleBufferedTexture"); #endif } DoubleBufferedTexture::~DoubleBufferedTexture() { #ifdef DEBUG_COUNT ClassTracker::instance()->decrement("DoubleBufferedTexture"); #endif delete m_textureA; delete m_textureB; } SharedTexture* DoubleBufferedTexture::getWriteableTexture() { if (m_sharedTextureMode == SurfaceTextureMode) return m_textureA; return reinterpret_cast( android_atomic_release_load((int32_t*)&m_writeableTexture)); } SharedTexture* DoubleBufferedTexture::getReadableTexture() { if (m_sharedTextureMode == SurfaceTextureMode) return m_textureA; return (getWriteableTexture() != m_textureA) ? m_textureA : m_textureB; } EGLContext DoubleBufferedTexture::producerAcquireContext() { if (m_pContext != EGL_NO_CONTEXT) { LOGV("AquireContext has previously generated a context.\n"); return m_pContext; } // check to see if a context already exists on this thread EGLContext context = eglGetCurrentContext(); // if no context exists then create one if (context == EGL_NO_CONTEXT) { EGLContext sharedContext = m_supportsEGLImage ? EGL_NO_CONTEXT : m_cContext; context = GLUtils::createBackgroundContext(sharedContext); } if (context == EGL_NO_CONTEXT) { LOGE("eglCreateContext failed"); return EGL_NO_CONTEXT; } // initialize the producer's textures m_textureA->lock(); if (m_sharedTextureMode == EglImageMode) m_textureB->lock(); m_textureA->initSourceTexture(); LOGV("Initialized Textures A (%d)", m_textureA->getSourceTextureId()); if (m_sharedTextureMode == EglImageMode) { m_textureB->initSourceTexture(); LOGV("Initialized Textures B (%d)", m_textureB->getSourceTextureId()); } m_textureA->unlock(); if (m_sharedTextureMode == EglImageMode) m_textureB->unlock(); m_pContext = context; return context; } // For MediaTexture only void DoubleBufferedTexture::producerDeleteTextures() { m_textureA->lock(); if (m_sharedTextureMode == EglImageMode) m_textureB->lock(); LOGV("Deleting Producer Textures A (%d)", m_textureA->getSourceTextureId()); m_textureA->deleteSourceTexture(); if (m_sharedTextureMode == EglImageMode){ LOGV("Deleting Producer Textures B (%d)", m_textureB->getSourceTextureId()); m_textureB->deleteSourceTexture(); } m_textureA->unlock(); if (m_sharedTextureMode == EglImageMode) m_textureB->unlock(); } // For MediaTexture only void DoubleBufferedTexture::consumerDeleteTextures() { m_textureA->lock(); if (m_sharedTextureMode == EglImageMode) m_textureB->lock(); LOGV("Deleting Consumer Textures A (%d)", m_textureA->getTargetTextureId()); m_textureA->deleteTargetTexture(); if (m_sharedTextureMode == EglImageMode) { LOGV("Deleting Consumer Textures B (%d)", m_textureB->getTargetTextureId()); m_textureB->deleteTargetTexture(); } m_textureA->unlock(); if (m_sharedTextureMode == EglImageMode) m_textureB->unlock(); } TextureInfo* DoubleBufferedTexture::producerLock() { SharedTexture* sharedTex = getWriteableTexture(); LOGV("Acquiring P Lock (%d)", sharedTex->getSourceTextureId()); TextureInfo* texInfo = sharedTex->lockSource(); LOGV("Acquired P Lock"); return texInfo; } void DoubleBufferedTexture::producerRelease() { // get the writable texture and unlock it SharedTexture* sharedTex = getWriteableTexture(); LOGV("Releasing P Lock (%d)", sharedTex->getSourceTextureId()); sharedTex->releaseSource(); LOGV("Released P Lock (%d)", sharedTex->getSourceTextureId()); } void DoubleBufferedTexture::producerReleaseAndSwap() { producerRelease(); if (m_sharedTextureMode == EglImageMode) { // swap the front and back buffers using an atomic op for the memory barrier android_atomic_acquire_store((int32_t)getReadableTexture(), (int32_t*)&m_writeableTexture); } } TextureInfo* DoubleBufferedTexture::consumerLock() { SharedTexture* sharedTex = getReadableTexture(); LOGV("Acquiring C Lock (%d)", sharedTex->getSourceTextureId()); m_lockedConsumerTexture = sharedTex; TextureInfo* texInfo = sharedTex->lockTarget(); LOGV("Acquired C Lock"); if (!texInfo) LOGV("Released C Lock (Empty)"); return texInfo; } void DoubleBufferedTexture::consumerRelease() { // we must check to see what texture the consumer had locked since the // producer may have swapped out the readable buffer SharedTexture* sharedTex = m_lockedConsumerTexture; sharedTex->releaseTarget(); LOGV("Released C Lock (%d)", sharedTex->getSourceTextureId()); } } // namespace WebCore