/* * Copyright 2010, The Android Open Source Project * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #define LOG_TAG "Tile" #define LOG_NDEBUG 1 #include "config.h" #include "Tile.h" #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) #include "AndroidLog.h" #include "GLUtils.h" #include "RasterRenderer.h" #include "TextureInfo.h" #include "TileTexture.h" #include "TilesManager.h" // If the dirty portion of a tile exceeds this ratio, fully repaint. // Lower values give fewer partial repaints, thus fewer front-to-back // texture copies (cost will vary by device). It's a tradeoff between // the rasterization cost and the FBO texture recopy cost when using // GPU for the transfer queue. #define MAX_INVAL_AREA 0.6 namespace WebCore { Tile::Tile(bool isLayerTile) : m_x(-1) , m_y(-1) , m_frontTexture(0) , m_backTexture(0) , m_scale(1) , m_dirty(true) , m_repaintPending(false) , m_fullRepaint(true) , m_isLayerTile(isLayerTile) , m_drawCount(0) , m_state(Unpainted) { #ifdef DEBUG_COUNT ClassTracker::instance()->increment("Tile"); #endif m_renderer = BaseRenderer::createRenderer(); } Tile::~Tile() { if (m_backTexture) m_backTexture->release(this); if (m_frontTexture) m_frontTexture->release(this); delete m_renderer; #ifdef DEBUG_COUNT ClassTracker::instance()->decrement("Tile"); #endif } // All the following functions must be called from the main GL thread. void Tile::setContents(int x, int y, float scale, bool isExpandedPrefetchTile) { // TODO: investigate whether below check/discard is necessary if ((m_x != x) || (m_y != y) || (m_scale != scale)) { // neither texture is relevant discardTextures(); } android::AutoMutex lock(m_atomicSync); m_x = x; m_y = y; m_scale = scale; m_drawCount = TilesManager::instance()->getDrawGLCount(); if (isExpandedPrefetchTile) m_drawCount--; // deprioritize expanded painting region } void Tile::reserveTexture() { TileTexture* texture = TilesManager::instance()->getAvailableTexture(this); android::AutoMutex lock(m_atomicSync); if (texture && m_backTexture != texture) { ALOGV("tile %p reserving texture %p, back was %p (front %p)", this, texture, m_backTexture, m_frontTexture); m_state = Unpainted; m_backTexture = texture; } if (m_state == UpToDate) { ALOGV("moving tile %p to unpainted, since it reserved while up to date", this); m_dirty = true; m_state = Unpainted; } } bool Tile::removeTexture(TileTexture* texture) { ALOGV("%p removeTexture %p, back %p front %p", this, texture, m_backTexture, m_frontTexture); // We update atomically, so paintBitmap() can see the correct value android::AutoMutex lock(m_atomicSync); if (m_frontTexture == texture) { if (m_state == UpToDate) { ALOGV("front texture removed, state was UpToDate, now becoming unpainted, bt is %p", m_backTexture); m_state = Unpainted; } m_frontTexture = 0; } if (m_backTexture == texture) { m_state = Unpainted; m_backTexture = 0; } // mark dirty regardless of which texture was taken - the back texture may // have been ready to swap m_dirty = true; return true; } void Tile::markAsDirty(const SkRegion& dirtyArea) { if (dirtyArea.isEmpty()) return; android::AutoMutex lock(m_atomicSync); m_dirtyArea.op(dirtyArea, SkRegion::kUnion_Op); // Check if we actually intersect with the area bool intersect = false; SkRegion::Iterator cliperator(dirtyArea); SkRect realTileRect; SkRect dirtyRect; while (!cliperator.done()) { dirtyRect.set(cliperator.rect()); if (intersectWithRect(m_x, m_y, TilesManager::tileWidth(), TilesManager::tileHeight(), m_scale, dirtyRect, realTileRect)) { intersect = true; break; } cliperator.next(); } if (!intersect) return; m_dirty = true; if (m_state == UpToDate) { // We only mark a tile as unpainted in 'markAsDirty' if its status is // UpToDate: marking dirty means we need to repaint, but don't stop the // current paint m_state = Unpainted; } else if (m_state != Unpainted) { // TODO: fix it so that they can paint while deferring the markAsDirty // call (or block updates) ALOGV("Warning: tried to mark tile %p at %d, %d islayertile %d as dirty, state %d", this, m_x, m_y, isLayerTile(), m_state); // prefetch tiles can be marked dirty while in the process of painting, // due to not using an update lock. force them to fail validate step. m_state = Unpainted; } } bool Tile::isDirty() { android::AutoMutex lock(m_atomicSync); return m_dirty; } bool Tile::isRepaintPending() { android::AutoMutex lock(m_atomicSync); return m_repaintPending; } void Tile::setRepaintPending(bool pending) { android::AutoMutex lock(m_atomicSync); m_repaintPending = pending; } bool Tile::drawGL(float opacity, const SkRect& rect, float scale, const TransformationMatrix* transform) { if (m_x < 0 || m_y < 0 || m_scale != scale) return false; // No need to mutex protect reads of m_backTexture as it is only written to by // the consumer thread. if (!m_frontTexture) return false; m_frontTexture->drawGL(isLayerTile(), rect, opacity, transform); return true; } bool Tile::isTileReady() { // Return true if the tile's most recently drawn texture is up to date android::AutoMutex lock(m_atomicSync); TileTexture * texture = (m_state == ReadyToSwap) ? m_backTexture : m_frontTexture; if (!texture) return false; if (texture->owner() != this) return false; if (m_dirty) return false; if (m_state != ReadyToSwap && m_state != UpToDate) return false; return true; } bool Tile::intersectWithRect(int x, int y, int tileWidth, int tileHeight, float scale, const SkRect& dirtyRect, SkRect& realTileRect) { // compute the rect to corresponds to pixels realTileRect.fLeft = x * tileWidth; realTileRect.fTop = y * tileHeight; realTileRect.fRight = realTileRect.fLeft + tileWidth; realTileRect.fBottom = realTileRect.fTop + tileHeight; // scale the dirtyRect for intersect computation. SkRect realDirtyRect = SkRect::MakeWH(dirtyRect.width() * scale, dirtyRect.height() * scale); realDirtyRect.offset(dirtyRect.fLeft * scale, dirtyRect.fTop * scale); if (!realTileRect.intersect(realDirtyRect)) return false; return true; } bool Tile::isTileVisible(const IntRect& viewTileBounds) { return (m_x >= viewTileBounds.x() && m_x < viewTileBounds.x() + viewTileBounds.width() && m_y >= viewTileBounds.y() && m_y < viewTileBounds.y() + viewTileBounds.height()); } // This is called from the texture generation thread void Tile::paintBitmap(TilePainter* painter) { // We acquire the values below atomically. This ensures that we are reading // values correctly across cores. Further, once we have these values they // can be updated by other threads without consequence. m_atomicSync.lock(); bool dirty = m_dirty; TileTexture* texture = m_backTexture; SkRegion dirtyArea = m_dirtyArea; float scale = m_scale; const int x = m_x; const int y = m_y; if (!dirty || !texture) { m_atomicSync.unlock(); return; } if (m_state != Unpainted) { ALOGV("Warning: started painting tile %p, but was at state %d, ft %p bt %p", this, m_state, m_frontTexture, m_backTexture); } m_state = PaintingStarted; TextureInfo* textureInfo = texture->getTextureInfo(); m_atomicSync.unlock(); // at this point we can safely check the ownership (if the texture got // transferred to another Tile under us) if (texture->owner() != this) { return; } // swap out the renderer if necessary BaseRenderer::swapRendererIfNeeded(m_renderer); // setup the common renderInfo fields; TileRenderInfo renderInfo; renderInfo.x = x; renderInfo.y = y; renderInfo.scale = scale; renderInfo.tileSize = texture->getSize(); renderInfo.tilePainter = painter; renderInfo.baseTile = this; renderInfo.textureInfo = textureInfo; const float tileWidth = renderInfo.tileSize.width(); const float tileHeight = renderInfo.tileSize.height(); SkRegion::Iterator cliperator(dirtyArea); bool fullRepaint = false; if (m_fullRepaint || textureInfo->m_width != tileWidth || textureInfo->m_height != tileHeight) { fullRepaint = true; } // For now, only do full repaint fullRepaint = true; if (!fullRepaint) { // compute the partial inval area SkIRect totalRect; totalRect.set(0, 0, 0, 0); float tileSurface = tileWidth * tileHeight; float tileSurfaceCap = MAX_INVAL_AREA * tileSurface; // We join all the invals in the same tile for now while (!fullRepaint && !cliperator.done()) { SkRect realTileRect; SkRect dirtyRect; dirtyRect.set(cliperator.rect()); bool intersect = intersectWithRect(x, y, tileWidth, tileHeight, scale, dirtyRect, realTileRect); if (intersect) { // initialize finalRealRect to the rounded values of realTileRect SkIRect finalRealRect; realTileRect.roundOut(&finalRealRect); // stash the int values of the current width and height const int iWidth = finalRealRect.width(); const int iHeight = finalRealRect.height(); if (iWidth == tileWidth || iHeight == tileHeight) { fullRepaint = true; break; } // translate the rect into tile space coordinates finalRealRect.fLeft = finalRealRect.fLeft % static_cast(tileWidth); finalRealRect.fTop = finalRealRect.fTop % static_cast(tileHeight); finalRealRect.fRight = finalRealRect.fLeft + iWidth; finalRealRect.fBottom = finalRealRect.fTop + iHeight; totalRect.join(finalRealRect); float repaintSurface = totalRect.width() * totalRect.height(); if (repaintSurface > tileSurfaceCap) { fullRepaint = true; break; } } cliperator.next(); } if (!fullRepaint) { renderInfo.invalRect = &totalRect; m_renderer->renderTiledContent(renderInfo); } } // Do a full repaint if needed if (fullRepaint) { renderInfo.invalRect = 0; m_renderer->renderTiledContent(renderInfo); } m_atomicSync.lock(); if (texture == m_backTexture) { // set the fullrepaint flags m_fullRepaint = false; // The various checks to see if we are still dirty... m_dirty = false; if (m_scale != scale) m_dirty = true; if (fullRepaint) m_dirtyArea.setEmpty(); else m_dirtyArea.op(dirtyArea, SkRegion::kDifference_Op); if (!m_dirtyArea.isEmpty()) m_dirty = true; ALOGV("painted tile %p (%d, %d), texture %p, dirty=%d", this, x, y, texture, m_dirty); validatePaint(); } else { ALOGV("tile %p no longer owns texture %p, m_state %d. ft %p bt %p", this, texture, m_state, m_frontTexture, m_backTexture); } m_atomicSync.unlock(); } void Tile::discardTextures() { android::AutoMutex lock(m_atomicSync); ALOGV("%p discarding bt %p, ft %p", this, m_backTexture, m_frontTexture); if (m_frontTexture) { m_frontTexture->release(this); m_frontTexture = 0; } if (m_backTexture) { m_backTexture->release(this); m_backTexture = 0; } m_dirtyArea.setEmpty(); m_fullRepaint = true; m_dirty = true; m_state = Unpainted; } void Tile::discardBackTexture() { android::AutoMutex lock(m_atomicSync); if (m_backTexture) { m_backTexture->release(this); m_backTexture = 0; } m_state = Unpainted; m_dirty = true; } bool Tile::swapTexturesIfNeeded() { android::AutoMutex lock(m_atomicSync); if (m_state == ReadyToSwap) { // discard old texture and swap the new one in its place if (m_frontTexture) m_frontTexture->release(this); m_frontTexture = m_backTexture; m_backTexture = 0; m_state = UpToDate; ALOGV("display texture for %p at %d, %d front is now %p, back is %p", this, m_x, m_y, m_frontTexture, m_backTexture); return true; } return false; } void Tile::backTextureTransfer() { android::AutoMutex lock(m_atomicSync); if (m_state == PaintingStarted) m_state = TransferredUnvalidated; else if (m_state == ValidatedUntransferred) m_state = ReadyToSwap; else { // shouldn't have transferred a tile in any other state, log ALOGV("Note: transferred tile %p at %d %d, state wasn't paintingstarted or validated: %d", this, m_x, m_y, m_state); } } void Tile::backTextureTransferFail() { // transfer failed for some reason, mark dirty so it will (repaint and) be // retransferred. android::AutoMutex lock(m_atomicSync); m_state = Unpainted; m_dirty = true; // whether validatePaint is called before or after, it won't do anything } void Tile::validatePaint() { // ONLY CALL while m_atomicSync is locked (at the end of paintBitmap()) if (!m_dirty) { // since after the paint, the tile isn't dirty, 'validate' it - this // may happed before or after the transfer queue operation. Only // when both have happened, mark as 'ReadyToSwap' if (m_state == PaintingStarted) m_state = ValidatedUntransferred; else if (m_state == TransferredUnvalidated) { // When the backTexture has been marked pureColor, we will skip the // transfer and marked as ReadyToSwap, in this case, we don't want // to reset m_dirty bit to true. m_state = ReadyToSwap; } else { ALOGV("Note: validated tile %p at %d %d, state wasn't paintingstarted or transferred %d", this, m_x, m_y, m_state); // failed transferring, in which case mark dirty (since // paintBitmap() may have cleared m_dirty) m_dirty = true; } if (m_deferredDirty) { ALOGV("Note: deferred dirty flag set, possibly a missed paint on tile %p", this); m_deferredDirty = false; } } else { ALOGV("Note: paint was unsuccessful."); m_state = Unpainted; } } } // namespace WebCore #endif // USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING)