/* Copyright (C) 2007 Krzysztof Kowalczyk Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Nikolas Zimmermann 2004, 2005, 2006 Rob Buis 2005, 2007 Apple Inc. All Rights reserved. 2007 Alp Toker 2008 Dirk Schulze 2011 Igalia S.L. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License aint with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "Path.h" #include "AffineTransform.h" #include "CairoPath.h" #include "FloatRect.h" #include "GraphicsContext.h" #include "OwnPtrCairo.h" #include "PlatformString.h" #include "StrokeStyleApplier.h" #include #include #include namespace WebCore { Path::Path() : m_path(new CairoPath()) { } Path::~Path() { delete m_path; } Path::Path(const Path& other) : m_path(new CairoPath()) { cairo_t* cr = platformPath()->context(); OwnPtr p(cairo_copy_path(other.platformPath()->context())); cairo_append_path(cr, p.get()); } Path& Path::operator=(const Path& other) { if (&other == this) return *this; clear(); cairo_t* cr = platformPath()->context(); OwnPtr p(cairo_copy_path(other.platformPath()->context())); cairo_append_path(cr, p.get()); return *this; } void Path::clear() { cairo_t* cr = platformPath()->context(); cairo_new_path(cr); } bool Path::isEmpty() const { return !cairo_has_current_point(platformPath()->context()); } bool Path::hasCurrentPoint() const { return !isEmpty(); } FloatPoint Path::currentPoint() const { // FIXME: Is this the correct way? double x; double y; cairo_get_current_point(platformPath()->context(), &x, &y); return FloatPoint(x, y); } void Path::translate(const FloatSize& p) { cairo_t* cr = platformPath()->context(); cairo_translate(cr, -p.width(), -p.height()); } void Path::moveTo(const FloatPoint& p) { cairo_t* cr = platformPath()->context(); cairo_move_to(cr, p.x(), p.y()); } void Path::addLineTo(const FloatPoint& p) { cairo_t* cr = platformPath()->context(); cairo_line_to(cr, p.x(), p.y()); } void Path::addRect(const FloatRect& rect) { cairo_t* cr = platformPath()->context(); cairo_rectangle(cr, rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height()); } /* * inspired by libsvg-cairo */ void Path::addQuadCurveTo(const FloatPoint& controlPoint, const FloatPoint& point) { cairo_t* cr = platformPath()->context(); double x, y; double x1 = controlPoint.x(); double y1 = controlPoint.y(); double x2 = point.x(); double y2 = point.y(); cairo_get_current_point(cr, &x, &y); cairo_curve_to(cr, x + 2.0 / 3.0 * (x1 - x), y + 2.0 / 3.0 * (y1 - y), x2 + 2.0 / 3.0 * (x1 - x2), y2 + 2.0 / 3.0 * (y1 - y2), x2, y2); } void Path::addBezierCurveTo(const FloatPoint& controlPoint1, const FloatPoint& controlPoint2, const FloatPoint& controlPoint3) { cairo_t* cr = platformPath()->context(); cairo_curve_to(cr, controlPoint1.x(), controlPoint1.y(), controlPoint2.x(), controlPoint2.y(), controlPoint3.x(), controlPoint3.y()); } void Path::addArc(const FloatPoint& p, float r, float startAngle, float endAngle, bool anticlockwise) { // http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16449 // cairo_arc() functions hang or crash when passed inf as radius or start/end angle if (!isfinite(r) || !isfinite(startAngle) || !isfinite(endAngle)) return; cairo_t* cr = platformPath()->context(); float sweep = endAngle - startAngle; const float twoPI = 2 * piFloat; if ((sweep <= -twoPI || sweep >= twoPI) && ((anticlockwise && (endAngle < startAngle)) || (!anticlockwise && (startAngle < endAngle)))) { if (anticlockwise) cairo_arc_negative(cr, p.x(), p.y(), r, startAngle, startAngle - twoPI); else cairo_arc(cr, p.x(), p.y(), r, startAngle, startAngle + twoPI); cairo_new_sub_path(cr); cairo_arc(cr, p.x(), p.y(), r, endAngle, endAngle); } else { if (anticlockwise) cairo_arc_negative(cr, p.x(), p.y(), r, startAngle, endAngle); else cairo_arc(cr, p.x(), p.y(), r, startAngle, endAngle); } } void Path::addArcTo(const FloatPoint& p1, const FloatPoint& p2, float radius) { if (isEmpty()) return; cairo_t* cr = platformPath()->context(); double x0, y0; cairo_get_current_point(cr, &x0, &y0); FloatPoint p0(x0, y0); if ((p1.x() == p0.x() && p1.y() == p0.y()) || (p1.x() == p2.x() && p1.y() == p2.y()) || radius == 0.f) { cairo_line_to(cr, p1.x(), p1.y()); return; } FloatPoint p1p0((p0.x() - p1.x()),(p0.y() - p1.y())); FloatPoint p1p2((p2.x() - p1.x()),(p2.y() - p1.y())); float p1p0_length = sqrtf(p1p0.x() * p1p0.x() + p1p0.y() * p1p0.y()); float p1p2_length = sqrtf(p1p2.x() * p1p2.x() + p1p2.y() * p1p2.y()); double cos_phi = (p1p0.x() * p1p2.x() + p1p0.y() * p1p2.y()) / (p1p0_length * p1p2_length); // all points on a line logic if (cos_phi == -1) { cairo_line_to(cr, p1.x(), p1.y()); return; } if (cos_phi == 1) { // add infinite far away point unsigned int max_length = 65535; double factor_max = max_length / p1p0_length; FloatPoint ep((p0.x() + factor_max * p1p0.x()), (p0.y() + factor_max * p1p0.y())); cairo_line_to(cr, ep.x(), ep.y()); return; } float tangent = radius / tan(acos(cos_phi) / 2); float factor_p1p0 = tangent / p1p0_length; FloatPoint t_p1p0((p1.x() + factor_p1p0 * p1p0.x()), (p1.y() + factor_p1p0 * p1p0.y())); FloatPoint orth_p1p0(p1p0.y(), -p1p0.x()); float orth_p1p0_length = sqrt(orth_p1p0.x() * orth_p1p0.x() + orth_p1p0.y() * orth_p1p0.y()); float factor_ra = radius / orth_p1p0_length; // angle between orth_p1p0 and p1p2 to get the right vector orthographic to p1p0 double cos_alpha = (orth_p1p0.x() * p1p2.x() + orth_p1p0.y() * p1p2.y()) / (orth_p1p0_length * p1p2_length); if (cos_alpha < 0.f) orth_p1p0 = FloatPoint(-orth_p1p0.x(), -orth_p1p0.y()); FloatPoint p((t_p1p0.x() + factor_ra * orth_p1p0.x()), (t_p1p0.y() + factor_ra * orth_p1p0.y())); // calculate angles for addArc orth_p1p0 = FloatPoint(-orth_p1p0.x(), -orth_p1p0.y()); float sa = acos(orth_p1p0.x() / orth_p1p0_length); if (orth_p1p0.y() < 0.f) sa = 2 * piDouble - sa; // anticlockwise logic bool anticlockwise = false; float factor_p1p2 = tangent / p1p2_length; FloatPoint t_p1p2((p1.x() + factor_p1p2 * p1p2.x()), (p1.y() + factor_p1p2 * p1p2.y())); FloatPoint orth_p1p2((t_p1p2.x() - p.x()),(t_p1p2.y() - p.y())); float orth_p1p2_length = sqrtf(orth_p1p2.x() * orth_p1p2.x() + orth_p1p2.y() * orth_p1p2.y()); float ea = acos(orth_p1p2.x() / orth_p1p2_length); if (orth_p1p2.y() < 0) ea = 2 * piDouble - ea; if ((sa > ea) && ((sa - ea) < piDouble)) anticlockwise = true; if ((sa < ea) && ((ea - sa) > piDouble)) anticlockwise = true; cairo_line_to(cr, t_p1p0.x(), t_p1p0.y()); addArc(p, radius, sa, ea, anticlockwise); } void Path::addEllipse(const FloatRect& rect) { cairo_t* cr = platformPath()->context(); cairo_save(cr); float yRadius = .5 * rect.height(); float xRadius = .5 * rect.width(); cairo_translate(cr, rect.x() + xRadius, rect.y() + yRadius); cairo_scale(cr, xRadius, yRadius); cairo_arc(cr, 0., 0., 1., 0., 2 * piDouble); cairo_restore(cr); } void Path::closeSubpath() { cairo_t* cr = platformPath()->context(); cairo_close_path(cr); } FloatRect Path::boundingRect() const { cairo_t* cr = platformPath()->context(); double x0, x1, y0, y1; cairo_path_extents(cr, &x0, &y0, &x1, &y1); return FloatRect(x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0); } FloatRect Path::strokeBoundingRect(StrokeStyleApplier* applier) { cairo_t* cr = platformPath()->context(); if (applier) { GraphicsContext gc(cr); applier->strokeStyle(&gc); } double x0, x1, y0, y1; cairo_stroke_extents(cr, &x0, &y0, &x1, &y1); return FloatRect(x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0); } bool Path::contains(const FloatPoint& point, WindRule rule) const { if (!isfinite(point.x()) || !isfinite(point.y())) return false; cairo_t* cr = platformPath()->context(); cairo_fill_rule_t cur = cairo_get_fill_rule(cr); cairo_set_fill_rule(cr, rule == RULE_EVENODD ? CAIRO_FILL_RULE_EVEN_ODD : CAIRO_FILL_RULE_WINDING); bool contains = cairo_in_fill(cr, point.x(), point.y()); cairo_set_fill_rule(cr, cur); return contains; } bool Path::strokeContains(StrokeStyleApplier* applier, const FloatPoint& point) const { ASSERT(applier); cairo_t* cr = platformPath()->context(); GraphicsContext gc(cr); applier->strokeStyle(&gc); return cairo_in_stroke(cr, point.x(), point.y()); } void Path::apply(void* info, PathApplierFunction function) const { cairo_t* cr = platformPath()->context(); OwnPtr path(cairo_copy_path(cr)); cairo_path_data_t* data; PathElement pelement; FloatPoint points[3]; pelement.points = points; for (int i = 0; i < path->num_data; i += path->data[i].header.length) { data = &path->data[i]; switch (data->header.type) { case CAIRO_PATH_MOVE_TO: pelement.type = PathElementMoveToPoint; pelement.points[0] = FloatPoint(data[1].point.x,data[1].point.y); function(info, &pelement); break; case CAIRO_PATH_LINE_TO: pelement.type = PathElementAddLineToPoint; pelement.points[0] = FloatPoint(data[1].point.x,data[1].point.y); function(info, &pelement); break; case CAIRO_PATH_CURVE_TO: pelement.type = PathElementAddCurveToPoint; pelement.points[0] = FloatPoint(data[1].point.x,data[1].point.y); pelement.points[1] = FloatPoint(data[2].point.x,data[2].point.y); pelement.points[2] = FloatPoint(data[3].point.x,data[3].point.y); function(info, &pelement); break; case CAIRO_PATH_CLOSE_PATH: pelement.type = PathElementCloseSubpath; function(info, &pelement); break; } } } void Path::transform(const AffineTransform& trans) { cairo_t* cr = platformPath()->context(); cairo_matrix_t c_matrix = cairo_matrix_t(trans); cairo_matrix_invert(&c_matrix); cairo_transform(cr, &c_matrix); } } // namespace WebCore