/* * Copyright (c) 2007, 2008, 2010 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "Font.h" #include "ComplexTextControllerLinux.h" #include "FloatRect.h" #include "GlyphBuffer.h" #include "GraphicsContext.h" #include "HarfbuzzSkia.h" #include "NotImplemented.h" #include "PlatformContextSkia.h" #include "SimpleFontData.h" #include "SkCanvas.h" #include "SkPaint.h" #include "SkTemplates.h" #include "SkTypeface.h" #include "SkUtils.h" #include namespace WebCore { bool Font::canReturnFallbackFontsForComplexText() { return false; } bool Font::canExpandAroundIdeographsInComplexText() { return false; } static bool isCanvasMultiLayered(SkCanvas* canvas) { SkCanvas::LayerIter layerIterator(canvas, false); layerIterator.next(); return !layerIterator.done(); } static void adjustTextRenderMode(SkPaint* paint, PlatformContextSkia* skiaContext) { // Our layers only have a single alpha channel. This means that subpixel // rendered text cannot be compositied correctly when the layer is // collapsed. Therefore, subpixel text is disabled when we are drawing // onto a layer or when the compositor is being used. if (isCanvasMultiLayered(skiaContext->canvas()) || skiaContext->isDrawingToImageBuffer()) paint->setLCDRenderText(false); } void Font::drawGlyphs(GraphicsContext* gc, const SimpleFontData* font, const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer, int from, int numGlyphs, const FloatPoint& point) const { SkASSERT(sizeof(GlyphBufferGlyph) == sizeof(uint16_t)); // compile-time assert const GlyphBufferGlyph* glyphs = glyphBuffer.glyphs(from); SkScalar x = SkFloatToScalar(point.x()); SkScalar y = SkFloatToScalar(point.y()); // FIXME: text rendering speed: // Android has code in their WebCore fork to special case when the // GlyphBuffer has no advances other than the defaults. In that case the // text drawing can proceed faster. However, it's unclear when those // patches may be upstreamed to WebKit so we always use the slower path // here. const GlyphBufferAdvance* adv = glyphBuffer.advances(from); SkAutoSTMalloc<32, SkPoint> storage(numGlyphs), storage2(numGlyphs), storage3(numGlyphs); SkPoint* pos = storage.get(); SkPoint* vPosBegin = storage2.get(); SkPoint* vPosEnd = storage3.get(); bool isVertical = font->orientation() == Vertical; for (int i = 0; i < numGlyphs; i++) { SkScalar myWidth = SkFloatToScalar(adv[i].width()); pos[i].set(x, y); if (isVertical) { vPosBegin[i].set(x + myWidth, y); vPosEnd[i].set(x + myWidth, y - myWidth); } x += myWidth; y += SkFloatToScalar(adv[i].height()); } gc->platformContext()->prepareForSoftwareDraw(); SkCanvas* canvas = gc->platformContext()->canvas(); TextDrawingModeFlags textMode = gc->platformContext()->getTextDrawingMode(); // We draw text up to two times (once for fill, once for stroke). if (textMode & TextModeFill) { SkPaint paint; gc->platformContext()->setupPaintForFilling(&paint); font->platformData().setupPaint(&paint); adjustTextRenderMode(&paint, gc->platformContext()); paint.setTextEncoding(SkPaint::kGlyphID_TextEncoding); paint.setColor(gc->fillColor().rgb()); if (isVertical) { SkPath path; for (int i = 0; i < numGlyphs; ++i) { path.reset(); path.moveTo(vPosBegin[i]); path.lineTo(vPosEnd[i]); canvas->drawTextOnPath(glyphs + i, 2, path, 0, paint); } } else canvas->drawPosText(glyphs, numGlyphs << 1, pos, paint); } if ((textMode & TextModeStroke) && gc->platformContext()->getStrokeStyle() != NoStroke && gc->platformContext()->getStrokeThickness() > 0) { SkPaint paint; gc->platformContext()->setupPaintForStroking(&paint, 0, 0); font->platformData().setupPaint(&paint); adjustTextRenderMode(&paint, gc->platformContext()); paint.setTextEncoding(SkPaint::kGlyphID_TextEncoding); paint.setColor(gc->strokeColor().rgb()); if (textMode & TextModeFill) { // If we also filled, we don't want to draw shadows twice. // See comment in FontChromiumWin.cpp::paintSkiaText() for more details. SkSafeUnref(paint.setLooper(0)); } if (isVertical) { SkPath path; for (int i = 0; i < numGlyphs; ++i) { path.reset(); path.moveTo(vPosBegin[i]); path.lineTo(vPosEnd[i]); canvas->drawTextOnPath(glyphs + i, 2, path, 0, paint); } } else canvas->drawPosText(glyphs, numGlyphs << 1, pos, paint); } } // Harfbuzz uses 26.6 fixed point values for pixel offsets. However, we don't // handle subpixel positioning so this function is used to truncate Harfbuzz // values to a number of pixels. static int truncateFixedPointToInteger(HB_Fixed value) { return value >> 6; } static void setupForTextPainting(SkPaint* paint, SkColor color) { paint->setTextEncoding(SkPaint::kGlyphID_TextEncoding); paint->setColor(color); } void Font::drawComplexText(GraphicsContext* gc, const TextRun& run, const FloatPoint& point, int from, int to) const { if (!run.length()) return; SkCanvas* canvas = gc->platformContext()->canvas(); TextDrawingModeFlags textMode = gc->platformContext()->getTextDrawingMode(); bool fill = textMode & TextModeFill; bool stroke = (textMode & TextModeStroke) && gc->platformContext()->getStrokeStyle() != NoStroke && gc->platformContext()->getStrokeThickness() > 0; if (!fill && !stroke) return; SkPaint strokePaint, fillPaint; if (fill) { gc->platformContext()->setupPaintForFilling(&fillPaint); setupForTextPainting(&fillPaint, gc->fillColor().rgb()); } if (stroke) { gc->platformContext()->setupPaintForStroking(&strokePaint, 0, 0); setupForTextPainting(&strokePaint, gc->strokeColor().rgb()); } ComplexTextController controller(run, point.x(), this); controller.setWordSpacingAdjustment(wordSpacing()); controller.setLetterSpacingAdjustment(letterSpacing()); controller.setPadding(run.expansion()); if (run.rtl()) { // FIXME: this causes us to shape the text twice -- once to compute the width and then again // below when actually rendering. Change ComplexTextController to match platform/mac and // platform/chromium/win by having it store the shaped runs, so we can reuse the results. controller.reset(point.x() + controller.widthOfFullRun()); // We need to set the padding again because ComplexTextController layout consumed the value. // Fixing the above problem would help here too. controller.setPadding(run.expansion()); } while (controller.nextScriptRun()) { if (fill) { controller.fontPlatformDataForScriptRun()->setupPaint(&fillPaint); adjustTextRenderMode(&fillPaint, gc->platformContext()); canvas->drawPosTextH(controller.glyphs(), controller.length() << 1, controller.xPositions(), point.y(), fillPaint); } if (stroke) { controller.fontPlatformDataForScriptRun()->setupPaint(&strokePaint); adjustTextRenderMode(&strokePaint, gc->platformContext()); canvas->drawPosTextH(controller.glyphs(), controller.length() << 1, controller.xPositions(), point.y(), strokePaint); } } } void Font::drawEmphasisMarksForComplexText(GraphicsContext* /* context */, const TextRun& /* run */, const AtomicString& /* mark */, const FloatPoint& /* point */, int /* from */, int /* to */) const { notImplemented(); } float Font::floatWidthForComplexText(const TextRun& run, HashSet* /* fallbackFonts */, GlyphOverflow* /* glyphOverflow */) const { ComplexTextController controller(run, 0, this); controller.setWordSpacingAdjustment(wordSpacing()); controller.setLetterSpacingAdjustment(letterSpacing()); controller.setPadding(run.expansion()); return controller.widthOfFullRun(); } static int glyphIndexForXPositionInScriptRun(const ComplexTextController& controller, int targetX) { // Iterate through the glyphs in logical order, seeing whether targetX falls between the previous // position and halfway through the current glyph. // FIXME: this code probably belongs in ComplexTextController. int lastX = controller.offsetX() - (controller.rtl() ? -controller.width() : controller.width()); for (int glyphIndex = 0; static_cast(glyphIndex) < controller.length(); ++glyphIndex) { int advance = truncateFixedPointToInteger(controller.advances()[glyphIndex]); int nextX = static_cast(controller.xPositions()[glyphIndex]) + advance / 2; if (std::min(nextX, lastX) <= targetX && targetX <= std::max(nextX, lastX)) return glyphIndex; lastX = nextX; } return controller.length() - 1; } // Return the code point index for the given |x| offset into the text run. int Font::offsetForPositionForComplexText(const TextRun& run, float xFloat, bool includePartialGlyphs) const { // FIXME: This truncation is not a problem for HTML, but only affects SVG, which passes floating-point numbers // to Font::offsetForPosition(). Bug http://webkit.org/b/40673 tracks fixing this problem. int targetX = static_cast(xFloat); // (Mac code ignores includePartialGlyphs, and they don't know what it's // supposed to do, so we just ignore it as well.) ComplexTextController controller(run, 0, this); controller.setWordSpacingAdjustment(wordSpacing()); controller.setLetterSpacingAdjustment(letterSpacing()); controller.setPadding(run.expansion()); if (run.rtl()) { // See FIXME in drawComplexText. controller.reset(controller.widthOfFullRun()); controller.setPadding(run.expansion()); } unsigned basePosition = 0; int x = controller.offsetX(); while (controller.nextScriptRun()) { int nextX = controller.offsetX(); if (std::min(x, nextX) <= targetX && targetX <= std::max(x, nextX)) { // The x value in question is within this script run. const int glyphIndex = glyphIndexForXPositionInScriptRun(controller, targetX); // Now that we have a glyph index, we have to turn that into a // code-point index. Because of ligatures, several code-points may // have gone into a single glyph. We iterate over the clusters log // and find the first code-point which contributed to the glyph. // Some shapers (i.e. Khmer) will produce cluster logs which report // that /no/ code points contributed to certain glyphs. Because of // this, we take any code point which contributed to the glyph in // question, or any subsequent glyph. If we run off the end, then // we take the last code point. const unsigned short* log = controller.logClusters(); for (unsigned j = 0; j < controller.numCodePoints(); ++j) { if (log[j] >= glyphIndex) return basePosition + j; } return basePosition + controller.numCodePoints() - 1; } basePosition += controller.numCodePoints(); } return basePosition; } // Return the rectangle for selecting the given range of code-points in the TextRun. FloatRect Font::selectionRectForComplexText(const TextRun& run, const FloatPoint& point, int height, int from, int to) const { int fromX = -1, toX = -1; ComplexTextController controller(run, 0, this); controller.setWordSpacingAdjustment(wordSpacing()); controller.setLetterSpacingAdjustment(letterSpacing()); controller.setPadding(run.expansion()); if (run.rtl()) { // See FIXME in drawComplexText. controller.reset(controller.widthOfFullRun()); controller.setPadding(run.expansion()); } // Iterate through the script runs in logical order, searching for the run covering the positions of interest. while (controller.nextScriptRun() && (fromX == -1 || toX == -1)) { if (fromX == -1 && from >= 0 && static_cast(from) < controller.numCodePoints()) { // |from| is within this script run. So we index the clusters log to // find which glyph this code-point contributed to and find its x // position. int glyph = controller.logClusters()[from]; fromX = controller.xPositions()[glyph]; if (controller.rtl()) fromX += truncateFixedPointToInteger(controller.advances()[glyph]); } else from -= controller.numCodePoints(); if (toX == -1 && to >= 0 && static_cast(to) < controller.numCodePoints()) { int glyph = controller.logClusters()[to]; toX = controller.xPositions()[glyph]; if (controller.rtl()) toX += truncateFixedPointToInteger(controller.advances()[glyph]); } else to -= controller.numCodePoints(); } // The position in question might be just after the text. if (fromX == -1) fromX = controller.offsetX(); if (toX == -1) toX = controller.offsetX(); ASSERT(fromX != -1 && toX != -1); if (fromX < toX) return FloatRect(point.x() + fromX, point.y(), toX - fromX, height); return FloatRect(point.x() + toX, point.y(), fromX - toX, height); } } // namespace WebCore