/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef PODIntervalTree_h #define PODIntervalTree_h #include "PODArena.h" #include "PODInterval.h" #include "PODRedBlackTree.h" #include #include #include namespace WebCore { #ifndef NDEBUG template struct ValueToString; #endif // An interval tree, which is a form of augmented red-black tree. It // supports efficient (O(lg n)) insertion, removal and querying of // intervals in the tree. template class PODIntervalTree : public PODRedBlackTree > { WTF_MAKE_NONCOPYABLE(PODIntervalTree); public: // Typedef to reduce typing when declaring intervals to be stored in // this tree. typedef PODInterval IntervalType; PODIntervalTree() : PODRedBlackTree() { init(); } explicit PODIntervalTree(PassRefPtr arena) : PODRedBlackTree(arena) { init(); } // Returns all intervals in the tree which overlap the given query // interval. The returned intervals are sorted by increasing low // endpoint. Vector allOverlaps(const IntervalType& interval) const { Vector result; allOverlaps(interval, result); return result; } // Returns all intervals in the tree which overlap the given query // interval. The returned intervals are sorted by increasing low // endpoint. void allOverlaps(const IntervalType& interval, Vector& result) const { // Explicit dereference of "this" required because of // inheritance rules in template classes. searchForOverlapsFrom(this->root(), interval, result); } // Helper to create interval objects. static IntervalType createInterval(const T& low, const T& high, const UserData data = 0) { return IntervalType(low, high, data); } virtual bool checkInvariants() const { if (!PODRedBlackTree::checkInvariants()) return false; if (!this->root()) return true; return checkInvariantsFromNode(this->root(), 0); } private: typedef typename PODRedBlackTree::Node IntervalNode; // Initializes the tree. void init() { // Explicit dereference of "this" required because of // inheritance rules in template classes. this->setNeedsFullOrderingComparisons(true); } // Starting from the given node, adds all overlaps with the given // interval to the result vector. The intervals are sorted by // increasing low endpoint. void searchForOverlapsFrom(IntervalNode* node, const IntervalType& interval, Vector& res) const { if (!node) return; // Because the intervals are sorted by left endpoint, inorder // traversal produces results sorted as desired. // See whether we need to traverse the left subtree. IntervalNode* left = node->left(); if (left // This is phrased this way to avoid the need for operator // <= on type T. && !(left->data().maxHigh() < interval.low())) searchForOverlapsFrom(left, interval, res); // Check for overlap with current node. if (node->data().overlaps(interval)) res.append(node->data()); // See whether we need to traverse the right subtree. // This is phrased this way to avoid the need for operator <= // on type T. if (!(interval.high() < node->data().low())) searchForOverlapsFrom(node->right(), interval, res); } virtual bool updateNode(IntervalNode* node) { // Would use const T&, but need to reassign this reference in this // function. const T* curMax = &node->data().high(); IntervalNode* left = node->left(); if (left) { if (*curMax < left->data().maxHigh()) curMax = &left->data().maxHigh(); } IntervalNode* right = node->right(); if (right) { if (*curMax < right->data().maxHigh()) curMax = &right->data().maxHigh(); } // This is phrased like this to avoid needing operator!= on type T. if (!(*curMax == node->data().maxHigh())) { node->data().setMaxHigh(*curMax); return true; } return false; } bool checkInvariantsFromNode(IntervalNode* node, T* currentMaxValue) const { // These assignments are only done in order to avoid requiring // a default constructor on type T. T leftMaxValue(node->data().maxHigh()); T rightMaxValue(node->data().maxHigh()); IntervalNode* left = node->left(); IntervalNode* right = node->right(); if (left) { if (!checkInvariantsFromNode(left, &leftMaxValue)) return false; } if (right) { if (!checkInvariantsFromNode(right, &rightMaxValue)) return false; } if (!left && !right) { // Base case. if (currentMaxValue) *currentMaxValue = node->data().high(); return (node->data().high() == node->data().maxHigh()); } T localMaxValue(node->data().maxHigh()); if (!left || !right) { if (left) localMaxValue = leftMaxValue; else localMaxValue = rightMaxValue; } else localMaxValue = (leftMaxValue < rightMaxValue) ? rightMaxValue : leftMaxValue; if (localMaxValue < node->data().high()) localMaxValue = node->data().high(); if (!(localMaxValue == node->data().maxHigh())) { #ifndef NDEBUG String localMaxValueString = ValueToString::string(localMaxValue); LOG_ERROR("PODIntervalTree verification failed at node 0x%p: localMaxValue=%s and data=%s", node, localMaxValueString.utf8().data(), node->data().toString().utf8().data()); #endif return false; } if (currentMaxValue) *currentMaxValue = localMaxValue; return true; } }; #ifndef NDEBUG // Support for printing PODIntervals at the PODRedBlackTree level. template struct ValueToString > { static String string(const PODInterval& interval) { return interval.toString(); } }; #endif } // namespace WebCore #endif // PODIntervalTree_h