/* Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "GraphicsLayerQt.h" #if !defined(QT_NO_GRAPHICSVIEW) #include "CurrentTime.h" #include "FloatRect.h" #include "GraphicsContext.h" #include "Image.h" #include "RefCounted.h" #include "TranslateTransformOperation.h" #include "UnitBezier.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if ENABLE(TILED_BACKING_STORE) #include "TiledBackingStore.h" #include "TiledBackingStoreClient.h" // The minimum width/height for tiling. We use the same value as the Windows implementation. #define GRAPHICS_LAYER_TILING_THRESHOLD 2000 #endif #define QT_DEBUG_RECACHE 0 #define QT_DEBUG_CACHEDUMP 0 #define QT_DEBUG_FPS 0 namespace WebCore { #ifndef QT_NO_GRAPHICSEFFECT class MaskEffectQt : public QGraphicsEffect { public: MaskEffectQt(QObject* parent, QGraphicsItem* maskLayer) : QGraphicsEffect(parent) , m_maskLayer(maskLayer) { } void draw(QPainter* painter) { // This is a modified clone of QGraphicsOpacityEffect. // It's more efficient to do it this way because: // (a) We don't need the QBrush abstraction - we always end up using QGraphicsItem::paint // from the mask layer. // (b) QGraphicsOpacityEffect detaches the pixmap, which is inefficient on OpenGL. const QSize maskSize = sourceBoundingRect().toAlignedRect().size(); if (!maskSize.isValid() || maskSize.isEmpty()) { drawSource(painter); return; } QPixmap maskPixmap(maskSize); // We need to do this so the pixmap would have hasAlpha(). maskPixmap.fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter maskPainter(&maskPixmap); QStyleOptionGraphicsItem option; option.exposedRect = option.rect = maskPixmap.rect(); maskPainter.setRenderHints(painter->renderHints(), true); m_maskLayer->paint(&maskPainter, &option, 0); maskPainter.end(); QPoint offset; QPixmap srcPixmap = sourcePixmap(Qt::LogicalCoordinates, &offset, QGraphicsEffect::NoPad); // We have to use another intermediate pixmap, to make sure the mask applies only to this item // and doesn't modify pixels already painted into this paint-device. QPixmap pixmap(srcPixmap.size()); pixmap.fill(Qt::transparent); if (pixmap.isNull()) return; QPainter pixmapPainter(&pixmap); pixmapPainter.setRenderHints(painter->renderHints()); pixmapPainter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); // We use drawPixmap rather than detaching, because it's more efficient on OpenGL. pixmapPainter.drawPixmap(0, 0, srcPixmap); pixmapPainter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_DestinationIn); pixmapPainter.drawPixmap(0, 0, maskPixmap); pixmapPainter.end(); painter->drawPixmap(offset, pixmap); } QGraphicsItem* m_maskLayer; }; #endif // QT_NO_GRAPHICSEFFECT class GraphicsLayerQtImpl : public QGraphicsObject #if ENABLE(TILED_BACKING_STORE) , public virtual TiledBackingStoreClient #endif { Q_OBJECT public: // This set of flags help us defer which properties of the layer have been // modified by the compositor, so we can know what to look for in the next flush. enum ChangeMask { NoChanges = 0, ParentChange = (1L << 0), ChildrenChange = (1L << 1), MaskLayerChange = (1L << 2), PositionChange = (1L << 3), AnchorPointChange = (1L << 4), SizeChange = (1L << 5), TransformChange = (1L << 6), ContentChange = (1L << 7), ContentsOrientationChange = (1L << 8), OpacityChange = (1L << 9), ContentsRectChange = (1L << 10), Preserves3DChange = (1L << 11), MasksToBoundsChange = (1L << 12), DrawsContentChange = (1L << 13), ContentsOpaqueChange = (1L << 14), BackfaceVisibilityChange = (1L << 15), ChildrenTransformChange = (1L << 16), DisplayChange = (1L << 17), BackgroundColorChange = (1L << 18), DistributesOpacityChange = (1L << 19) }; // The compositor lets us special-case images and colors, so we try to do so. enum StaticContentType { HTMLContentType, PixmapContentType, ColorContentType, MediaContentType, Canvas3DContentType}; const GraphicsLayerQtImpl* rootLayer() const; GraphicsLayerQtImpl(GraphicsLayerQt* newLayer); virtual ~GraphicsLayerQtImpl(); // reimps from QGraphicsItem virtual QPainterPath opaqueArea() const; virtual QRectF boundingRect() const; virtual void paint(QPainter*, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem*, QWidget*); // We manage transforms ourselves because transform-origin acts differently in webkit and in Qt, // and we need it as a fallback in case we encounter an un-invertible matrix. void setBaseTransform(const TransformationMatrix&); void updateTransform(); // let the compositor-API tell us which properties were changed void notifyChange(ChangeMask); // Actual rendering of the web-content into a QPixmap: // We prefer to use our own caching because it gives us a higher level of granularity than // QGraphicsItem cache modes - Sometimes we need to cache the contents even though the item // needs to be updated, e.g. when the background-color is changed. // TODO: investigate if QGraphicsItem caching can be improved to support that out of the box. QPixmap recache(const QRegion&); // Called when the compositor is ready for us to show the changes on screen. // This is called indirectly from ChromeClientQt::setNeedsOneShotDrawingSynchronization // (meaning the sync would happen together with the next draw) or // ChromeClientQt::scheduleCompositingLayerSync (meaning the sync will happen ASAP) void flushChanges(bool recursive = true, bool forceTransformUpdate = false); #if ENABLE(TILED_BACKING_STORE) // reimplementations from TiledBackingStoreClient virtual void tiledBackingStorePaintBegin(); virtual void tiledBackingStorePaint(GraphicsContext*, const IntRect&); virtual void tiledBackingStorePaintEnd(const Vector& paintedArea); virtual IntRect tiledBackingStoreContentsRect(); virtual IntRect tiledBackingStoreVisibleRect(); virtual Color tiledBackingStoreBackgroundColor() const; #endif public slots: // We need to notify the client (ie. the layer compositor) when the animation actually starts. void notifyAnimationStarted(); // We notify WebCore of a layer changed asynchronously; otherwise we end up calling flushChanges too often. void notifySyncRequired(); signals: // Optimization: Avoid using QTimer::singleShot(). void notifyAnimationStartedAsync(); public: GraphicsLayerQt* m_layer; TransformationMatrix m_baseTransform; TransformationMatrix m_transformRelativeToRootLayer; bool m_transformAnimationRunning; bool m_opacityAnimationRunning; bool m_blockNotifySyncRequired; #ifndef QT_NO_GRAPHICSEFFECT QWeakPointer m_maskEffect; #endif struct ContentData { QPixmap pixmap; QRegion regionToUpdate; bool updateAll; QColor contentsBackgroundColor; QColor backgroundColor; QWeakPointer mediaLayer; StaticContentType contentType; float opacity; ContentData() : updateAll(false) , contentType(HTMLContentType) , opacity(1.f) { } }; ContentData m_pendingContent; ContentData m_currentContent; int m_changeMask; #if ENABLE(TILED_BACKING_STORE) TiledBackingStore* m_tiledBackingStore; #endif QSizeF m_size; struct { QPixmapCache::Key key; QSizeF size; } m_backingStore; #ifndef QT_NO_ANIMATION QList > m_animations; #endif QTimer m_suspendTimer; struct State { GraphicsLayer* maskLayer; FloatPoint pos; FloatPoint3D anchorPoint; FloatSize size; TransformationMatrix transform; TransformationMatrix childrenTransform; Color backgroundColor; Color currentColor; GraphicsLayer::CompositingCoordinatesOrientation contentsOrientation; float opacity; QRect contentsRect; bool preserves3D: 1; bool masksToBounds: 1; bool drawsContent: 1; bool contentsOpaque: 1; bool backfaceVisibility: 1; bool distributeOpacity: 1; bool align: 2; State() : maskLayer(0) , opacity(1.f) , preserves3D(false) , masksToBounds(false) , drawsContent(false) , contentsOpaque(false) , backfaceVisibility(false) , distributeOpacity(false) { } } m_state; #if ENABLE(3D_CANVAS) const GraphicsContext3D* m_gc3D; #endif #ifndef QT_NO_ANIMATION friend class AnimationQtBase; #endif }; inline GraphicsLayerQtImpl* toGraphicsLayerQtImpl(QGraphicsItem* item) { ASSERT(item); return qobject_cast(item->toGraphicsObject()); } inline GraphicsLayerQtImpl* toGraphicsLayerQtImpl(QGraphicsObject* item) { return qobject_cast(item); } GraphicsLayerQtImpl::GraphicsLayerQtImpl(GraphicsLayerQt* newLayer) : QGraphicsObject(0) , m_layer(newLayer) , m_transformAnimationRunning(false) , m_opacityAnimationRunning(false) , m_blockNotifySyncRequired(false) , m_changeMask(NoChanges) #if ENABLE(TILED_BACKING_STORE) , m_tiledBackingStore(0) #endif #if ENABLE(3D_CANVAS) , m_gc3D(0) #endif { // We use graphics-view for compositing-only, not for interactivity. setAcceptedMouseButtons(Qt::NoButton); // We need to have the item enabled, or else wheel events are not passed to the parent class // implementation of wheelEvent, where they are ignored and passed to the item below. setEnabled(true); connect(this, SIGNAL(notifyAnimationStartedAsync()), this, SLOT(notifyAnimationStarted()), Qt::QueuedConnection); } GraphicsLayerQtImpl::~GraphicsLayerQtImpl() { // The compositor manages lifecycle of item, so we do not want the graphicsview system to delete // our items automatically. const QList children = childItems(); QList::const_iterator cit; for (cit = children.constBegin(); cit != children.constEnd(); ++cit) { if (QGraphicsItem* item = *cit) { if (scene()) scene()->removeItem(item); item->setParentItem(0); } } #if ENABLE(TILED_BACKING_STORE) delete m_tiledBackingStore; #endif #ifndef QT_NO_ANIMATION // We do, however, own the animations. QList >::iterator it; for (it = m_animations.begin(); it != m_animations.end(); ++it) if (QAbstractAnimation* anim = it->data()) delete anim; #endif } const GraphicsLayerQtImpl* GraphicsLayerQtImpl::rootLayer() const { if (const GraphicsLayerQtImpl* parent = toGraphicsLayerQtImpl(parentObject())) return parent->rootLayer(); return this; } QPixmap GraphicsLayerQtImpl::recache(const QRegion& regionToUpdate) { if (!m_layer->drawsContent() || m_size.isEmpty() || !m_size.isValid()) return QPixmap(); #if ENABLE(TILED_BACKING_STORE) const bool requiresTiling = (m_state.drawsContent && m_currentContent.contentType == HTMLContentType) && (m_size.width() > GRAPHICS_LAYER_TILING_THRESHOLD || m_size.height() > GRAPHICS_LAYER_TILING_THRESHOLD); if (requiresTiling && !m_tiledBackingStore) { m_tiledBackingStore = new TiledBackingStore(this); m_tiledBackingStore->setTileCreationDelay(0); setFlag(ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption, true); } else if (!requiresTiling && m_tiledBackingStore) { delete m_tiledBackingStore; m_tiledBackingStore = 0; setFlag(ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption, false); } if (m_tiledBackingStore) { m_tiledBackingStore->adjustVisibleRect(); const QVector rects = regionToUpdate.rects(); for (int i = 0; i < rects.size(); ++i) m_tiledBackingStore->invalidate(rects[i]); return QPixmap(); } #endif QPixmap pixmap; QRegion region = regionToUpdate; if (QPixmapCache::find(m_backingStore.key, &pixmap)) { if (region.isEmpty()) return pixmap; QPixmapCache::remove(m_backingStore.key); // Remove the reference to the pixmap in the cache to avoid a detach. } { bool erased = false; // If the pixmap is not in the cache or the view has grown since last cached. if (pixmap.isNull() || m_size != m_backingStore.size) { #if QT_DEBUG_RECACHE if (pixmap.isNull()) qDebug() << "CacheMiss" << this << m_size; #endif bool fill = true; QRegion newRegion; QPixmap oldPixmap = pixmap; // If the pixmap is two small to hold the view contents we enlarge, otherwise just use the old (large) pixmap. if (pixmap.width() < m_size.width() || pixmap.height() < m_size.height()) { #if QT_DEBUG_RECACHE qDebug() << "CacheGrow" << this << m_size; #endif pixmap = QPixmap(m_size.toSize()); pixmap.fill(Qt::transparent); newRegion = QRegion(0, 0, m_size.width(), m_size.height()); } #if 1 // Blit the contents of oldPixmap back into the cached pixmap as we are just adding new pixels. if (!oldPixmap.isNull()) { const QRegion cleanRegion = (QRegion(0, 0, m_size.width(), m_size.height()) & QRegion(0, 0, m_backingStore.size.width(), m_backingStore.size.height())) - regionToUpdate; if (!cleanRegion.isEmpty()) { #if QT_DEBUG_RECACHE qDebug() << "CacheBlit" << this << cleanRegion; #endif const QRect cleanBounds(cleanRegion.boundingRect()); QPainter painter(&pixmap); painter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); painter.drawPixmap(cleanBounds.topLeft(), oldPixmap, cleanBounds); newRegion -= cleanRegion; fill = false; // We cannot just fill the pixmap. } oldPixmap = QPixmap(); } #endif region += newRegion; if (fill && !region.isEmpty()) { // Clear the entire pixmap with the background. #if QT_DEBUG_RECACHE qDebug() << "CacheErase" << this << m_size << background; #endif erased = true; pixmap.fill(Qt::transparent); } } region &= QRegion(0, 0, m_size.width(), m_size.height()); // If we have something to draw its time to erase it and render the contents. if (!region.isEmpty()) { #if QT_DEBUG_CACHEDUMP static int recacheCount = 0; ++recacheCount; qDebug() << "**** CACHEDUMP" << recacheCount << this << m_layer << region << m_size; pixmap.save(QString().sprintf("/tmp/%05d_A.png", recacheCount), "PNG"); #endif QPainter painter(&pixmap); GraphicsContext gc(&painter); painter.setClipRegion(region); if (!erased) { // Erase the area in cache that we're drawing into. painter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Clear); painter.fillRect(region.boundingRect(), Qt::transparent); #if QT_DEBUG_CACHEDUMP qDebug() << "**** CACHEDUMP" << recacheCount << this << m_layer << region << m_size; pixmap.save(QString().sprintf("/tmp/%05d_B.png", recacheCount), "PNG"); #endif } // Render the actual contents into the cache. painter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver); m_layer->paintGraphicsLayerContents(gc, region.boundingRect()); painter.end(); #if QT_DEBUG_CACHEDUMP qDebug() << "**** CACHEDUMP" << recacheCount << this << m_layer << region << m_size; pixmap.save(QString().sprintf("/tmp/%05d_C.png", recacheCount), "PNG"); #endif } m_backingStore.size = m_size; // Store the used size of the pixmap. } // Finally insert into the cache and allow a reference there. m_backingStore.key = QPixmapCache::insert(pixmap); return pixmap; } void GraphicsLayerQtImpl::updateTransform() { if (!m_transformAnimationRunning) m_baseTransform = m_layer->transform(); TransformationMatrix localTransform; GraphicsLayerQtImpl* parent = toGraphicsLayerQtImpl(parentObject()); // WebCore has relative-to-size originPoint, where as the QGraphicsView has a pixel originPoint. // Thus, we need to convert here as we have to manage this outselves due to the fact that the // transformOrigin of the graphicsview is imcompatible. const qreal originX = m_state.anchorPoint.x() * m_size.width(); const qreal originY = m_state.anchorPoint.y() * m_size.height(); // We ignore QGraphicsItem::pos completely, and use transforms only, due to the fact that we // have to maintain that ourselves for 3D. localTransform .translate3d(originX + m_state.pos.x(), originY + m_state.pos.y(), m_state.anchorPoint.z()) .multLeft(m_baseTransform) .translate3d(-originX, -originY, -m_state.anchorPoint.z()); // This is the actual 3D transform of this item, with the ancestors' transform baked in. m_transformRelativeToRootLayer = TransformationMatrix(parent ? parent->m_transformRelativeToRootLayer : TransformationMatrix()) .multLeft(localTransform); // Now we have enough information to determine if the layer is facing backwards. if (!m_state.backfaceVisibility && m_transformRelativeToRootLayer.inverse().m33() < 0) { setVisible(false); // No point in making extra calculations for invisible elements. return; } // The item is front-facing or backface-visibility is on. setVisible(true); // Flatten to 2D-space of this item if it doesn't preserve 3D. if (!m_state.preserves3D) { m_transformRelativeToRootLayer.setM13(0); m_transformRelativeToRootLayer.setM23(0); m_transformRelativeToRootLayer.setM31(0); m_transformRelativeToRootLayer.setM32(0); m_transformRelativeToRootLayer.setM33(1); m_transformRelativeToRootLayer.setM34(0); m_transformRelativeToRootLayer.setM43(0); } // Apply perspective for the use of this item's children. Perspective is always applied from the item's // center. if (!m_state.childrenTransform.isIdentity()) { m_transformRelativeToRootLayer .translate(m_size.width() / 2, m_size.height() /2) .multLeft(m_state.childrenTransform) .translate(-m_size.width() / 2, -m_size.height() /2); } bool inverseOk = true; // Use QTransform::inverse to extrapolate the relative transform of this item, based on the parent's // transform relative to the root layer and the desired transform for this item relative to the root layer. const QTransform parentTransform = parent ? parent->itemTransform(rootLayer()) : QTransform(); const QTransform transform2D = QTransform(m_transformRelativeToRootLayer) * parentTransform.inverted(&inverseOk); // In rare cases the transformation cannot be inversed - in that case we don't apply the transformation at // all, otherwise we'd flicker. FIXME: This should be amended when Qt moves to a real 3D scene-graph. if (!inverseOk) return; setTransform(transform2D); const QList children = childItems(); QList::const_iterator it; for (it = children.constBegin(); it != children.constEnd(); ++it) if (GraphicsLayerQtImpl* layer= toGraphicsLayerQtImpl(*it)) layer->updateTransform(); } void GraphicsLayerQtImpl::setBaseTransform(const TransformationMatrix& baseTransform) { m_baseTransform = baseTransform; updateTransform(); } QPainterPath GraphicsLayerQtImpl::opaqueArea() const { QPainterPath painterPath; // We try out best to return the opaque area, maybe it will help graphics-view render less items. if (m_currentContent.backgroundColor.isValid() && m_currentContent.backgroundColor.alpha() == 0xff) painterPath.addRect(boundingRect()); else { if (m_state.contentsOpaque || (m_currentContent.contentType == ColorContentType && m_currentContent.contentsBackgroundColor.alpha() == 0xff) || (m_currentContent.contentType == MediaContentType) || (m_currentContent.contentType == PixmapContentType && !m_currentContent.pixmap.hasAlpha())) { painterPath.addRect(m_state.contentsRect); } } return painterPath; } QRectF GraphicsLayerQtImpl::boundingRect() const { return QRectF(QPointF(0, 0), QSizeF(m_size)); } void GraphicsLayerQtImpl::paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QWidget* widget) { #if ENABLE(TILED_BACKING_STORE) // FIXME: There's currently no Qt API to know if a new region of an item is exposed outside of the paint event. // Suggested for Qt: http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-14877. if (m_tiledBackingStore) m_tiledBackingStore->adjustVisibleRect(); #endif if (m_currentContent.backgroundColor.isValid()) painter->fillRect(option->exposedRect, QColor(m_currentContent.backgroundColor)); switch (m_currentContent.contentType) { case HTMLContentType: if (m_state.drawsContent) { QPixmap backingStore; // We might need to recache, in case we try to paint and the cache was purged (e.g. if it was full). if (!QPixmapCache::find(m_backingStore.key, &backingStore) || backingStore.size() != m_size.toSize()) backingStore = recache(QRegion(m_state.contentsRect)); const QRectF bounds(0, 0, m_backingStore.size.width(), m_backingStore.size.height()); painter->drawPixmap(0, 0, backingStore); } break; case PixmapContentType: painter->drawPixmap(m_state.contentsRect, m_currentContent.pixmap); break; case ColorContentType: painter->fillRect(m_state.contentsRect, m_currentContent.contentsBackgroundColor); break; case MediaContentType: // we don't need to paint anything: we have a QGraphicsItem from the media element break; #if ENABLE(3D_CANVAS) case Canvas3DContentType: m_gc3D->paint(painter, option->rect); break; #endif } } void GraphicsLayerQtImpl::notifySyncRequired() { m_blockNotifySyncRequired = false; if (m_layer->client()) m_layer->client()->notifySyncRequired(m_layer); } void GraphicsLayerQtImpl::notifyChange(ChangeMask changeMask) { m_changeMask |= changeMask; if (m_blockNotifySyncRequired) return; static QMetaMethod syncMethod = staticMetaObject.method(staticMetaObject.indexOfMethod("notifySyncRequired()")); syncMethod.invoke(this, Qt::QueuedConnection); m_blockNotifySyncRequired = true; } void GraphicsLayerQtImpl::flushChanges(bool recursive, bool forceUpdateTransform) { // This is the bulk of the work. understanding what the compositor is trying to achieve, what // graphicsview can do, and trying to find a sane common-ground. if (!m_layer || m_changeMask == NoChanges) goto afterLayerChanges; if (m_changeMask & ParentChange) { // The WebCore compositor manages item ownership. We have to make sure graphicsview doesn't // try to snatch that ownership. if (!m_layer->parent() && !parentItem()) setParentItem(0); else if (m_layer && m_layer->parent() && m_layer->parent()->platformLayer() != parentItem()) setParentItem(m_layer->parent()->platformLayer()); } if (m_changeMask & ChildrenChange) { // We basically do an XOR operation on the list of current children and the list of wanted // children, and remove/add. QSet newChildren; const Vector newChildrenVector = (m_layer->children()); newChildren.reserve(newChildrenVector.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < newChildrenVector.size(); ++i) newChildren.insert(newChildrenVector[i]->platformLayer()); const QSet currentChildren = childItems().toSet(); const QSet childrenToAdd = newChildren - currentChildren; const QSet childrenToRemove = currentChildren - newChildren; QSet::const_iterator it; for (it = childrenToAdd.constBegin(); it != childrenToAdd.constEnd(); ++it) { if (QGraphicsItem* w = *it) w->setParentItem(this); } QSet::const_iterator rit; for (rit = childrenToRemove.constBegin(); rit != childrenToRemove.constEnd(); ++rit) { if (GraphicsLayerQtImpl* w = toGraphicsLayerQtImpl(*rit)) w->setParentItem(0); } // Children are ordered by z-value, let graphicsview know. for (size_t i = 0; i < newChildrenVector.size(); ++i) { if (newChildrenVector[i]->platformLayer()) newChildrenVector[i]->platformLayer()->setZValue(i); } } if (m_changeMask & MaskLayerChange) { // We can't paint here, because we don't know if the mask layer itself is ready... we'll have // to wait till this layer tries to paint. setFlag(ItemClipsChildrenToShape, m_layer->maskLayer() || m_layer->masksToBounds()); #ifndef QT_NO_GRAPHICSEFFECT setGraphicsEffect(0); if (m_layer->maskLayer()) { if (GraphicsLayerQtImpl* mask = toGraphicsLayerQtImpl(m_layer->maskLayer()->platformLayer())) { mask->m_maskEffect = new MaskEffectQt(this, mask); setGraphicsEffect(mask->m_maskEffect.data()); } } #endif } if (m_changeMask & SizeChange) { if (m_layer->size() != m_state.size) { prepareGeometryChange(); m_size = QSizeF(m_layer->size().width(), m_layer->size().height()); } } // FIXME: This is a hack, due to a probable QGraphicsScene bug when rapidly modifying the perspective // but without this line we get graphic artifacts. if ((m_changeMask & ChildrenTransformChange) && m_state.childrenTransform != m_layer->childrenTransform()) if (scene()) scene()->update(); if (m_changeMask & (ChildrenTransformChange | Preserves3DChange | TransformChange | AnchorPointChange | SizeChange | BackfaceVisibilityChange | PositionChange | ParentChange)) { // Due to the differences between the way WebCore handles transforms and the way Qt handles transforms, // all these elements affect the transforms of all the descendants. forceUpdateTransform = true; } if (m_changeMask & (ContentChange | DrawsContentChange | MaskLayerChange)) { switch (m_pendingContent.contentType) { case PixmapContentType: update(); setFlag(ItemHasNoContents, false); break; case MediaContentType: setFlag(ItemHasNoContents, true); m_pendingContent.mediaLayer.data()->setParentItem(this); break; case ColorContentType: if (m_pendingContent.contentType != m_currentContent.contentType || m_pendingContent.contentsBackgroundColor != m_currentContent.contentsBackgroundColor) update(); m_state.drawsContent = false; setFlag(ItemHasNoContents, false); // Only use ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption for HTML content as colors don't gain much from that. setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption, false); break; case HTMLContentType: if (m_pendingContent.contentType != m_currentContent.contentType) update(); if (!m_state.drawsContent && m_layer->drawsContent()) update(); setFlag(ItemHasNoContents, !m_layer->drawsContent()); break; #if ENABLE(3D_CANVAS) case Canvas3DContentType: if (m_pendingContent.contentType != m_currentContent.contentType) update(); setCacheMode(NoCache); setFlag(ItemHasNoContents, false); break; #endif } } if ((m_changeMask & OpacityChange) && m_state.opacity != m_layer->opacity() && !m_opacityAnimationRunning) setOpacity(m_layer->opacity()); if (m_changeMask & ContentsRectChange) { const QRect rect(m_layer->contentsRect()); if (m_state.contentsRect != rect) { m_state.contentsRect = rect; if (m_pendingContent.mediaLayer) { QGraphicsWidget* widget = qobject_cast(m_pendingContent.mediaLayer.data()); if (widget) widget->setGeometry(rect); } update(); } } if ((m_changeMask & MasksToBoundsChange) && m_state.masksToBounds != m_layer->masksToBounds()) { setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemClipsToShape, m_layer->masksToBounds()); setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemClipsChildrenToShape, m_layer->masksToBounds()); } if ((m_changeMask & ContentsOpaqueChange) && m_state.contentsOpaque != m_layer->contentsOpaque()) prepareGeometryChange(); #ifndef QT_NO_GRAPHICSEFFECT if (m_maskEffect) m_maskEffect.data()->update(); else #endif if (m_changeMask & DisplayChange) { #ifndef QT_GRAPHICS_LAYER_NO_RECACHE_ON_DISPLAY_CHANGE // Recache now: all the content is ready and we don't want to wait until the paint event. // We only need to do this for HTML content, there's no point in caching directly composited // content like images or solid rectangles. if (m_pendingContent.contentType == HTMLContentType) recache(m_pendingContent.regionToUpdate); #endif update(m_pendingContent.regionToUpdate.boundingRect()); m_pendingContent.regionToUpdate = QRegion(); } if ((m_changeMask & BackgroundColorChange) && (m_pendingContent.backgroundColor != m_currentContent.backgroundColor)) update(); m_state.maskLayer = m_layer->maskLayer(); m_state.pos = m_layer->position(); m_state.anchorPoint = m_layer->anchorPoint(); m_state.size = m_layer->size(); m_state.transform = m_layer->transform(); m_state.contentsOrientation =m_layer->contentsOrientation(); m_state.opacity = m_layer->opacity(); m_state.contentsRect = m_layer->contentsRect(); m_state.preserves3D = m_layer->preserves3D(); m_state.masksToBounds = m_layer->masksToBounds(); m_state.drawsContent = m_layer->drawsContent(); m_state.contentsOpaque = m_layer->contentsOpaque(); m_state.backfaceVisibility = m_layer->backfaceVisibility(); m_state.childrenTransform = m_layer->childrenTransform(); m_currentContent.pixmap = m_pendingContent.pixmap; m_currentContent.contentType = m_pendingContent.contentType; m_currentContent.mediaLayer = m_pendingContent.mediaLayer; m_currentContent.backgroundColor = m_pendingContent.backgroundColor; m_currentContent.contentsBackgroundColor = m_pendingContent.contentsBackgroundColor; m_pendingContent.regionToUpdate = QRegion(); m_changeMask = NoChanges; afterLayerChanges: if (forceUpdateTransform) updateTransform(); if (!recursive) return; QList children = childItems(); if (m_state.maskLayer) children.append(m_state.maskLayer->platformLayer()); QList::const_iterator it; for (it = children.constBegin(); it != children.constEnd(); ++it) { if (QGraphicsItem* item = *it) { if (GraphicsLayerQtImpl* layer = toGraphicsLayerQtImpl(item)) layer->flushChanges(true, forceUpdateTransform); } } } #if ENABLE(TILED_BACKING_STORE) /* \reimp (TiledBackingStoreClient.h) */ void GraphicsLayerQtImpl::tiledBackingStorePaintBegin() { } /* \reimp (TiledBackingStoreClient.h) */ void GraphicsLayerQtImpl::tiledBackingStorePaint(GraphicsContext* gc, const IntRect& rect) { m_layer->paintGraphicsLayerContents(*gc, rect); } /* \reimp (TiledBackingStoreClient.h) */ void GraphicsLayerQtImpl::tiledBackingStorePaintEnd(const Vector& paintedArea) { for (int i = 0; i < paintedArea.size(); ++i) update(QRectF(paintedArea[i])); } /* \reimp (TiledBackingStoreClient.h) */ IntRect GraphicsLayerQtImpl::tiledBackingStoreContentsRect() { return m_layer->contentsRect(); } /* \reimp (TiledBackingStoreClient.h) */ Color GraphicsLayerQtImpl::tiledBackingStoreBackgroundColor() const { if (m_currentContent.contentType == PixmapContentType && !m_currentContent.pixmap.hasAlphaChannel()) return Color(0, 0, 0); // We return a transparent color so that the tiles initialize with alpha. return Color(0, 0, 0, 0); } IntRect GraphicsLayerQtImpl::tiledBackingStoreVisibleRect() { const QGraphicsView* view = scene()->views().isEmpty() ? 0 : scene()->views().first(); if (!view) return mapFromScene(scene()->sceneRect()).boundingRect().toAlignedRect(); // All we get is the viewport's visible region. We have to map it to the scene and then to item coordinates. return mapFromScene(view->mapToScene(view->viewport()->visibleRegion().boundingRect()).boundingRect()).boundingRect().toAlignedRect(); } #endif void GraphicsLayerQtImpl::notifyAnimationStarted() { // WebCore notifies javascript when the animation starts. Here we're letting it know. m_layer->client()->notifyAnimationStarted(m_layer, /* DOM time */ WTF::currentTime()); } GraphicsLayerQt::GraphicsLayerQt(GraphicsLayerClient* client) : GraphicsLayer(client) , m_impl(PassOwnPtr(new GraphicsLayerQtImpl(this))) { } GraphicsLayerQt::~GraphicsLayerQt() { } // This is the hook for WebCore compositor to know that Qt implements compositing with GraphicsLayerQt. PassOwnPtr GraphicsLayer::create(GraphicsLayerClient* client) { return new GraphicsLayerQt(client); } /* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h): The current size might change, thus we need to update the whole display. */ void GraphicsLayerQt::setNeedsDisplay() { m_impl->m_pendingContent.regionToUpdate = QRegion(QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(size().width(), size().height()))); m_impl->notifyChange(GraphicsLayerQtImpl::DisplayChange); } /* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h) */ void GraphicsLayerQt::setNeedsDisplayInRect(const FloatRect& rect) { m_impl->m_pendingContent.regionToUpdate |= QRectF(rect).toAlignedRect(); m_impl->notifyChange(GraphicsLayerQtImpl::DisplayChange); } void GraphicsLayerQt::setContentsNeedsDisplay() { switch (m_impl->m_pendingContent.contentType) { case GraphicsLayerQtImpl::MediaContentType: if (!m_impl->m_pendingContent.mediaLayer) return; m_impl->m_pendingContent.mediaLayer.data()->update(); break; default: setNeedsDisplay(); break; } } /* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h) */ void GraphicsLayerQt::setName(const String& name) { m_impl->setObjectName(name); GraphicsLayer::setName(name); } /* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h) */ void GraphicsLayerQt::setParent(GraphicsLayer* layer) { m_impl->notifyChange(GraphicsLayerQtImpl::ParentChange); GraphicsLayer::setParent(layer); } /* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h) */ bool GraphicsLayerQt::setChildren(const Vector& children) { m_impl->notifyChange(GraphicsLayerQtImpl::ChildrenChange); return GraphicsLayer::setChildren(children); } /* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h) */ void GraphicsLayerQt::addChild(GraphicsLayer* layer) { m_impl->notifyChange(GraphicsLayerQtImpl::ChildrenChange); GraphicsLayer::addChild(layer); } /* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h) */ void GraphicsLayerQt::addChildAtIndex(GraphicsLayer* layer, int index) { GraphicsLayer::addChildAtIndex(layer, index); m_impl->notifyChange(GraphicsLayerQtImpl::ChildrenChange); } /* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h) */ void GraphicsLayerQt::addChildAbove(GraphicsLayer* layer, GraphicsLayer* sibling) { GraphicsLayer::addChildAbove(layer, sibling); m_impl->notifyChange(GraphicsLayerQtImpl::ChildrenChange); } /* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h) */ void GraphicsLayerQt::addChildBelow(GraphicsLayer* layer, GraphicsLayer* sibling) { GraphicsLayer::addChildBelow(layer, sibling); m_impl->notifyChange(GraphicsLayerQtImpl::ChildrenChange); } /* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h) */ bool GraphicsLayerQt::replaceChild(GraphicsLayer* oldChild, GraphicsLayer* newChild) { if (GraphicsLayer::replaceChild(oldChild, newChild)) { m_impl->notifyChange(GraphicsLayerQtImpl::ChildrenChange); return true; } return false; } /* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h) */ void GraphicsLayerQt::removeFromParent() { if (parent()) m_impl->notifyChange(GraphicsLayerQtImpl::ParentChange); GraphicsLayer::removeFromParent(); } /* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h) */ void GraphicsLayerQt::setMaskLayer(GraphicsLayer* value) { if (value == maskLayer()) return; GraphicsLayer::setMaskLayer(value); m_impl->notifyChange(GraphicsLayerQtImpl::MaskLayerChange); } /* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h) */ void GraphicsLayerQt::setPosition(const FloatPoint& value) { if (value == position()) return; GraphicsLayer::setPosition(value); m_impl->notifyChange(GraphicsLayerQtImpl::PositionChange); } /* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h) */ void GraphicsLayerQt::setAnchorPoint(const FloatPoint3D& value) { if (value == anchorPoint()) return; GraphicsLayer::setAnchorPoint(value); m_impl->notifyChange(GraphicsLayerQtImpl::AnchorPointChange); } /* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h) */ void GraphicsLayerQt::setSize(const FloatSize& value) { if (value == size()) return; GraphicsLayer::setSize(value); m_impl->notifyChange(GraphicsLayerQtImpl::SizeChange); } /* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h) */ void GraphicsLayerQt::setTransform(const TransformationMatrix& value) { if (value == transform()) return; GraphicsLayer::setTransform(value); m_impl->notifyChange(GraphicsLayerQtImpl::TransformChange); } /* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h) */ void GraphicsLayerQt::setChildrenTransform(const TransformationMatrix& value) { if (value == childrenTransform()) return; GraphicsLayer::setChildrenTransform(value); m_impl->notifyChange(GraphicsLayerQtImpl::ChildrenTransformChange); } /* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h) */ void GraphicsLayerQt::setPreserves3D(bool value) { if (value == preserves3D()) return; GraphicsLayer::setPreserves3D(value); m_impl->notifyChange(GraphicsLayerQtImpl::Preserves3DChange); } /* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h) */ void GraphicsLayerQt::setMasksToBounds(bool value) { if (value == masksToBounds()) return; GraphicsLayer::setMasksToBounds(value); m_impl->notifyChange(GraphicsLayerQtImpl::MasksToBoundsChange); } /* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h) */ void GraphicsLayerQt::setDrawsContent(bool value) { if (value == drawsContent()) return; m_impl->notifyChange(GraphicsLayerQtImpl::DrawsContentChange); GraphicsLayer::setDrawsContent(value); } /* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h) */ void GraphicsLayerQt::setBackgroundColor(const Color& value) { if (value == m_impl->m_pendingContent.backgroundColor) return; m_impl->m_pendingContent.backgroundColor = value; GraphicsLayer::setBackgroundColor(value); m_impl->notifyChange(GraphicsLayerQtImpl::BackgroundColorChange); } /* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h) */ void GraphicsLayerQt::clearBackgroundColor() { if (!m_impl->m_pendingContent.backgroundColor.isValid()) return; m_impl->m_pendingContent.backgroundColor = QColor(); GraphicsLayer::clearBackgroundColor(); m_impl->notifyChange(GraphicsLayerQtImpl::BackgroundColorChange); } /* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h) */ void GraphicsLayerQt::setContentsOpaque(bool value) { if (value == contentsOpaque()) return; m_impl->notifyChange(GraphicsLayerQtImpl::ContentsOpaqueChange); GraphicsLayer::setContentsOpaque(value); } /* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h) */ void GraphicsLayerQt::setBackfaceVisibility(bool value) { if (value == backfaceVisibility()) return; GraphicsLayer::setBackfaceVisibility(value); m_impl->notifyChange(GraphicsLayerQtImpl::BackfaceVisibilityChange); } /* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h) */ void GraphicsLayerQt::setOpacity(float value) { if (value == opacity()) return; GraphicsLayer::setOpacity(value); m_impl->notifyChange(GraphicsLayerQtImpl::OpacityChange); } /* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h) */ void GraphicsLayerQt::setContentsRect(const IntRect& value) { if (value == contentsRect()) return; GraphicsLayer::setContentsRect(value); m_impl->notifyChange(GraphicsLayerQtImpl::ContentsRectChange); } /* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h) */ void GraphicsLayerQt::setContentsToImage(Image* image) { m_impl->notifyChange(GraphicsLayerQtImpl::ContentChange); m_impl->m_pendingContent.contentType = GraphicsLayerQtImpl::HTMLContentType; GraphicsLayer::setContentsToImage(image); if (image) { QPixmap* pxm = image->nativeImageForCurrentFrame(); if (pxm) { m_impl->m_pendingContent.pixmap = *pxm; m_impl->m_pendingContent.contentType = GraphicsLayerQtImpl::PixmapContentType; return; } } m_impl->m_pendingContent.pixmap = QPixmap(); } /* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h) */ void GraphicsLayerQt::setContentsBackgroundColor(const Color& color) { m_impl->notifyChange(GraphicsLayerQtImpl::ContentChange); m_impl->m_pendingContent.contentType = GraphicsLayerQtImpl::ColorContentType; m_impl->m_pendingContent.contentsBackgroundColor = QColor(color); GraphicsLayer::setContentsBackgroundColor(color); } #if ENABLE(3D_CANVAS) void GraphicsLayerQt::setContentsToGraphicsContext3D(const GraphicsContext3D* ctx) { if (ctx == m_impl->m_gc3D) return; m_impl->m_pendingContent.contentType = GraphicsLayerQtImpl::Canvas3DContentType; m_impl->m_gc3D = ctx; m_impl->notifyChange(GraphicsLayerQtImpl::ContentChange); } void GraphicsLayerQt::setGraphicsContext3DNeedsDisplay() { setNeedsDisplay(); } #endif void GraphicsLayerQt::setContentsToMedia(PlatformLayer* media) { if (media) { m_impl->m_pendingContent.contentType = GraphicsLayerQtImpl::MediaContentType; m_impl->m_pendingContent.mediaLayer = media->toGraphicsObject(); } else m_impl->m_pendingContent.contentType = GraphicsLayerQtImpl::HTMLContentType; m_impl->notifyChange(GraphicsLayerQtImpl::ContentChange); GraphicsLayer::setContentsToMedia(media); } /* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h) */ void GraphicsLayerQt::setContentsOrientation(CompositingCoordinatesOrientation orientation) { m_impl->notifyChange(GraphicsLayerQtImpl::ContentsOrientationChange); GraphicsLayer::setContentsOrientation(orientation); } /* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h) */ void GraphicsLayerQt::distributeOpacity(float o) { m_impl->notifyChange(GraphicsLayerQtImpl::OpacityChange); m_impl->m_state.distributeOpacity = true; } /* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h) */ float GraphicsLayerQt::accumulatedOpacity() const { return m_impl->effectiveOpacity(); } /* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h) */ void GraphicsLayerQt::syncCompositingState() { m_impl->flushChanges(); GraphicsLayer::syncCompositingState(); } /* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h) */ void GraphicsLayerQt::syncCompositingStateForThisLayerOnly() { // We can't call flushChanges recursively here m_impl->flushChanges(false); GraphicsLayer::syncCompositingStateForThisLayerOnly(); } /* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h) */ PlatformLayer* GraphicsLayerQt::platformLayer() const { return m_impl.get(); } // Now we start dealing with WebCore animations translated to Qt animations template struct KeyframeValueQt { const TimingFunction* timingFunction; T value; }; /* Copied from AnimationBase.cpp */ static inline double solveEpsilon(double duration) { return 1.0 / (200.0 * duration); } static inline double solveCubicBezierFunction(qreal p1x, qreal p1y, qreal p2x, qreal p2y, double t, double duration) { UnitBezier bezier(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y); return bezier.solve(t, solveEpsilon(duration)); } static inline double solveStepsFunction(int numSteps, bool stepAtStart, double t) { if (stepAtStart) return qMin(1.0, (floor(numSteps * t) + 1) / numSteps); return floor(numSteps * t) / numSteps; } static inline qreal applyTimingFunction(const TimingFunction* timingFunction, qreal progress, double duration) { // We want the timing function to be as close as possible to what the web-developer intended, so // we're using the same function used by WebCore when compositing is disabled. Using easing-curves // would probably work for some of the cases, but wouldn't really buy us anything as we'd have to // convert the bezier function back to an easing curve. if (timingFunction->isCubicBezierTimingFunction()) { const CubicBezierTimingFunction* ctf = static_cast(timingFunction); return solveCubicBezierFunction(ctf->x1(), ctf->y1(), ctf->x2(), ctf->y2(), double(progress), double(duration) / 1000); } else if (timingFunction->isStepsTimingFunction()) { const StepsTimingFunction* stf = static_cast(timingFunction); return solveStepsFunction(stf->numberOfSteps(), stf->stepAtStart(), double(progress)); } else return progress; } // Helper functions to safely get a value out of WebCore's AnimationValue*. #ifndef QT_NO_ANIMATION static void webkitAnimationToQtAnimationValue(const AnimationValue* animationValue, TransformOperations& transformOperations) { transformOperations = TransformOperations(); if (!animationValue) return; if (const TransformOperations* ops = static_cast(animationValue)->value()) transformOperations = *ops; } static void webkitAnimationToQtAnimationValue(const AnimationValue* animationValue, qreal& realValue) { realValue = animationValue ? static_cast(animationValue)->value() : 0; } // We put a bit of the functionality in a base class to allow casting and to save some code size. class AnimationQtBase : public QAbstractAnimation { public: AnimationQtBase(GraphicsLayerQtImpl* layer, const KeyframeValueList& values, const IntSize& boxSize, const Animation* anim, const QString & name) : QAbstractAnimation(0) , m_layer(layer) , m_boxSize(boxSize) , m_duration(anim->duration() * 1000) , m_isAlternate(anim->direction() == Animation::AnimationDirectionAlternate) , m_webkitPropertyID(values.property()) , m_webkitAnimation(anim) , m_keyframesName(name) , m_fillsForwards(false) { } virtual void updateState(QAbstractAnimation::State newState, QAbstractAnimation::State oldState) { QAbstractAnimation::updateState(newState, oldState); // For some reason we have do this asynchronously - or the animation won't work. if (newState == Running && oldState == Stopped && m_layer.data()) m_layer.data()->notifyAnimationStartedAsync(); } virtual int duration() const { return m_duration; } QWeakPointer m_layer; IntSize m_boxSize; int m_duration; bool m_isAlternate; AnimatedPropertyID m_webkitPropertyID; // We might need this in case the same animation is added again (i.e. resumed by WebCore). const Animation* m_webkitAnimation; QString m_keyframesName; bool m_fillsForwards; }; // We'd rather have a templatized QAbstractAnimation than QPropertyAnimation / QVariantAnimation; // Since we know the types that we're dealing with, the QObject/QProperty/QVariant abstraction // buys us very little in this case, for too much overhead. template class AnimationQt : public AnimationQtBase { public: AnimationQt(GraphicsLayerQtImpl* layer, const KeyframeValueList& values, const IntSize& boxSize, const Animation* anim, const QString & name) : AnimationQtBase(layer, values, boxSize, anim, name) { // Copying those WebCore structures is not trivial, we have to do it like this. for (size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) { const AnimationValue* animationValue = values.at(i); KeyframeValueQt keyframeValue; if (animationValue->timingFunction()) keyframeValue.timingFunction = animationValue->timingFunction(); else keyframeValue.timingFunction = anim->timingFunction().get(); webkitAnimationToQtAnimationValue(animationValue, keyframeValue.value); m_keyframeValues[animationValue->keyTime()] = keyframeValue; } } protected: // This is the part that differs between animated properties. virtual void applyFrame(const T& fromValue, const T& toValue, qreal progress) = 0; virtual void updateState(QAbstractAnimation::State newState, QAbstractAnimation::State oldState) { #if QT_DEBUG_FPS if (newState == Running && oldState == Stopped) { qDebug("Animation Started!"); m_fps.frames = 0; m_fps.duration.start(); } else if (newState == Stopped && oldState == Running) { const int duration = m_fps.duration.elapsed(); qDebug("Animation Ended! %dms [%f FPS]", duration, (1000 / (((float)duration) / m_fps.frames))); } #endif AnimationQtBase::updateState(newState, oldState); } virtual void updateCurrentTime(int currentTime) { if (!m_layer) return; qreal progress = qreal(currentLoopTime()) / duration(); if (m_isAlternate && currentLoop()%2) progress = 1-progress; if (m_keyframeValues.isEmpty()) return; // Find the current from-to keyframes in our little map. typename QMap >::iterator it = m_keyframeValues.find(progress); // We didn't find an exact match, we try the closest match (lower bound). if (it == m_keyframeValues.end()) it = m_keyframeValues.lowerBound(progress)-1; // We didn't find any match; use the first keyframe. if (it == m_keyframeValues.end()) it = m_keyframeValues.begin(); typename QMap >::iterator it2 = it + 1; if (it2 == m_keyframeValues.end()) it2 = it; const KeyframeValueQt& fromKeyframe = it.value(); const KeyframeValueQt& toKeyframe = it2.value(); const TimingFunction* timingFunc = fromKeyframe.timingFunction; const T& fromValue = fromKeyframe.value; const T& toValue = toKeyframe.value; // Now we have a source keyframe, origin keyframe and a timing function. // We can now process the progress and apply the frame. progress = (!progress || progress == 1 || it.key() == it2.key()) ? progress : applyTimingFunction(timingFunc, (progress - it.key()) / (it2.key() - it.key()), duration()); applyFrame(fromValue, toValue, progress); #if QT_DEBUG_FPS ++m_fps.frames; #endif } QMap > m_keyframeValues; #if QT_DEBUG_FPS struct { QTime duration; int frames; } m_fps; #endif }; class TransformAnimationQt : public AnimationQt { public: TransformAnimationQt(GraphicsLayerQtImpl* layer, const KeyframeValueList& values, const IntSize& boxSize, const Animation* anim, const QString & name) : AnimationQt(layer, values, boxSize, anim, name) { } ~TransformAnimationQt() { if (m_fillsForwards) setCurrentTime(1); } // The idea is that we let WebCore manage the transform operations and Qt just manage the // animation heartbeat and the bottom-line QTransform. We gain performance, not by using // Transform instead of TransformationMatrix, but by proper caching of items that are // expensive for WebCore to render. We want the rest to be as close to WebCore's idea as possible. virtual void applyFrame(const TransformOperations& sourceOperations, const TransformOperations& targetOperations, qreal progress) { TransformationMatrix transformMatrix; bool validTransformLists = true; const int sourceOperationCount = sourceOperations.size(); if (sourceOperationCount) { if (targetOperations.size() != sourceOperationCount) validTransformLists = false; else { for (size_t j = 0; j < sourceOperationCount && validTransformLists; ++j) { if (!sourceOperations.operations()[j]->isSameType(*targetOperations.operations()[j])) validTransformLists = false; } } } if (validTransformLists) { for (size_t i = 0; i < targetOperations.size(); ++i) targetOperations.operations()[i]->blend(sourceOperations.at(i), progress)->apply(transformMatrix, m_boxSize); } else { targetOperations.apply(m_boxSize, transformMatrix); transformMatrix.blend(m_sourceMatrix, progress); } m_layer.data()->m_layer->setTransform(transformMatrix); // We force the actual opacity change, otherwise it would be ignored because of the animation. m_layer.data()->setBaseTransform(transformMatrix); } virtual void updateState(QAbstractAnimation::State newState, QAbstractAnimation::State oldState) { AnimationQt::updateState(newState, oldState); if (!m_layer) return; m_layer.data()->flushChanges(true); // To increase FPS, we use a less accurate caching mechanism while animation is going on // this is a UX choice that should probably be customizable. if (newState == QAbstractAnimation::Running) { m_sourceMatrix = m_layer.data()->m_layer->transform(); m_layer.data()->m_transformAnimationRunning = true; } else if (newState == QAbstractAnimation::Stopped) { // We update the transform back to the default. This already takes fill-modes into account. m_layer.data()->m_transformAnimationRunning = false; if (m_layer && m_layer.data()->m_layer) m_layer.data()->setBaseTransform(m_layer.data()->m_layer->transform()); } } TransformationMatrix m_sourceMatrix; }; class OpacityAnimationQt : public AnimationQt { public: OpacityAnimationQt(GraphicsLayerQtImpl* layer, const KeyframeValueList& values, const IntSize& boxSize, const Animation* anim, const QString& name) : AnimationQt(layer, values, boxSize, anim, name) { } ~OpacityAnimationQt() { if (m_fillsForwards) setCurrentTime(1); } virtual void applyFrame(const qreal& fromValue, const qreal& toValue, qreal progress) { qreal opacity = qBound(qreal(0), fromValue + (toValue - fromValue) * progress, qreal(1)); // FIXME: This is a hack, due to a probable QGraphicsScene bug. // Without this the opacity change doesn't always have immediate effect. if (m_layer.data()->scene() && !m_layer.data()->opacity() && opacity) m_layer.data()->scene()->update(); m_layer.data()->m_layer->setOpacity(opacity); // We force the actual opacity change, otherwise it would be ignored because of the animation. m_layer.data()->setOpacity(opacity); } virtual void updateState(QAbstractAnimation::State newState, QAbstractAnimation::State oldState) { AnimationQt::updateState(newState, oldState); if (m_layer) m_layer.data()->m_opacityAnimationRunning = (newState == QAbstractAnimation::Running); // If stopped, we update the opacity back to the default. This already takes fill-modes into account. if (newState == Stopped) if (m_layer && m_layer.data()->m_layer) m_layer.data()->setOpacity(m_layer.data()->m_layer->opacity()); } }; bool GraphicsLayerQt::addAnimation(const KeyframeValueList& values, const IntSize& boxSize, const Animation* anim, const String& keyframesName, double timeOffset) { if (!anim->duration() || !anim->iterationCount()) return false; AnimationQtBase* newAnim = 0; // Fixed: we might already have the Qt animation object associated with this WebCore::Animation object. QList >::iterator it; for (it = m_impl->m_animations.begin(); it != m_impl->m_animations.end(); ++it) { if (*it) { AnimationQtBase* curAnimation = static_cast(it->data()); if (curAnimation && curAnimation->m_webkitAnimation == anim) newAnim = curAnimation; } } if (!newAnim) { switch (values.property()) { case AnimatedPropertyOpacity: newAnim = new OpacityAnimationQt(m_impl.get(), values, boxSize, anim, keyframesName); break; case AnimatedPropertyWebkitTransform: newAnim = new TransformAnimationQt(m_impl.get(), values, boxSize, anim, keyframesName); break; default: return false; } // We make sure WebCore::Animation and QAnimation are on the same terms. newAnim->setLoopCount(anim->iterationCount()); newAnim->m_fillsForwards = anim->fillsForwards(); m_impl->m_animations.append(QWeakPointer(newAnim)); QObject::connect(&m_impl->m_suspendTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), newAnim, SLOT(resume())); } // Flush now to avoid flicker. m_impl->flushChanges(false); // Qhen fill-mode is backwards/both, we set the value to 0 before the delay takes place. if (anim->fillsBackwards()) newAnim->setCurrentTime(0); newAnim->start(); // We synchronize the animation's clock to WebCore's timeOffset. newAnim->setCurrentTime(timeOffset * 1000); // We don't need to manage the animation object's lifecycle: // WebCore would call removeAnimations when it's time to delete. return true; } void GraphicsLayerQt::removeAnimationsForProperty(AnimatedPropertyID id) { QList >::iterator it; for (it = m_impl->m_animations.begin(); it != m_impl->m_animations.end(); ++it) { if (!(*it)) continue; AnimationQtBase* anim = static_cast(it->data()); if (anim && anim->m_webkitPropertyID == id) { // We need to stop the animation right away, or it might flicker before it's deleted. anim->stop(); anim->deleteLater(); it = m_impl->m_animations.erase(it); --it; } } } void GraphicsLayerQt::removeAnimationsForKeyframes(const String& name) { QList >::iterator it; for (it = m_impl->m_animations.begin(); it != m_impl->m_animations.end(); ++it) { if (!(*it)) continue; AnimationQtBase* anim = static_cast(it->data()); if (anim && anim->m_keyframesName == QString(name)) { // We need to stop the animation right away, or it might flicker before it's deleted. anim->stop(); anim->deleteLater(); it = m_impl->m_animations.erase(it); --it; } } } void GraphicsLayerQt::pauseAnimation(const String& name, double timeOffset) { QList >::iterator it; for (it = m_impl->m_animations.begin(); it != m_impl->m_animations.end(); ++it) { if (!(*it)) continue; AnimationQtBase* anim = static_cast(it->data()); if (anim && anim->m_keyframesName == QString(name)) { // we synchronize the animation's clock to WebCore's timeOffset anim->setCurrentTime(timeOffset * 1000); anim->pause(); } } } void GraphicsLayerQt::suspendAnimations(double time) { if (m_impl->m_suspendTimer.isActive()) { m_impl->m_suspendTimer.stop(); m_impl->m_suspendTimer.start(time * 1000); } else { QList >::iterator it; for (it = m_impl->m_animations.begin(); it != m_impl->m_animations.end(); ++it) { if (QAbstractAnimation* anim = it->data()) anim->pause(); } } } void GraphicsLayerQt::resumeAnimations() { if (m_impl->m_suspendTimer.isActive()) { m_impl->m_suspendTimer.stop(); QList >::iterator it; for (it = m_impl->m_animations.begin(); it != m_impl->m_animations.end(); ++it) { if (QAbstractAnimation* anim = it->data()) anim->resume(); } } } #endif // QT_NO_ANIMATION } #include #endif // QT_NO_GRAPHICSVIEW