/* Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef QNetworkReplyHandler_h #define QNetworkReplyHandler_h #include #include #include #include "FormData.h" #include "QtMIMETypeSniffer.h" QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE class QFile; class QNetworkReply; QT_END_NAMESPACE namespace WebCore { class ResourceHandle; class ResourceRequest; class ResourceResponse; class QNetworkReplyHandler; class QNetworkReplyHandlerCallQueue { public: QNetworkReplyHandlerCallQueue(QNetworkReplyHandler*, bool deferSignals); bool deferSignals() const { return m_deferSignals; } void setDeferSignals(bool); typedef void (QNetworkReplyHandler::*EnqueuedCall)(); void push(EnqueuedCall method); void clear() { m_enqueuedCalls.clear(); } void lock(); void unlock(); private: QNetworkReplyHandler* m_replyHandler; int m_locks; bool m_deferSignals; bool m_flushing; QList m_enqueuedCalls; void flush(); }; class QNetworkReplyWrapper : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: QNetworkReplyWrapper(QNetworkReplyHandlerCallQueue*, QNetworkReply*, bool sniffMIMETypes, QObject* parent = 0); ~QNetworkReplyWrapper(); QNetworkReply* reply() const { return m_reply; } QNetworkReply* release(); void synchronousLoad() { receiveMetaData(); } QUrl redirectionTargetUrl() const { return m_redirectionTargetUrl; } QString encoding() const { return m_encoding; } QString advertisedMIMEType() const { return m_advertisedMIMEType; } QString mimeType() const { return m_sniffedMIMEType.isEmpty() ? m_advertisedMIMEType : m_sniffedMIMEType; } bool responseContainsData() const { return m_responseContainsData; } bool wasRedirected() const { return m_redirectionTargetUrl.isValid(); } private Q_SLOTS: void receiveMetaData(); void didReceiveFinished(); void didReceiveReadyRead(); void receiveSniffedMIMEType(); private: void resetConnections(); void emitMetaDataChanged(); QNetworkReply* m_reply; QUrl m_redirectionTargetUrl; QString m_encoding; QNetworkReplyHandlerCallQueue* m_queue; bool m_responseContainsData; QString m_advertisedMIMEType; QString m_sniffedMIMEType; OwnPtr m_sniffer; bool m_sniffMIMETypes; }; class QNetworkReplyHandler : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: enum LoadType { AsynchronousLoad, SynchronousLoad }; QNetworkReplyHandler(ResourceHandle*, LoadType, bool deferred = false); void setLoadingDeferred(bool deferred) { m_queue.setDeferSignals(deferred); } QNetworkReply* reply() const { return m_replyWrapper ? m_replyWrapper->reply() : 0; } void abort(); QNetworkReply* release(); void finish(); void forwardData(); void sendResponseIfNeeded(); private slots: void uploadProgress(qint64 bytesSent, qint64 bytesTotal); private: void start(); String httpMethod() const; void redirect(ResourceResponse&, const QUrl&); bool wasAborted() const { return !m_resourceHandle; } QNetworkReply* sendNetworkRequest(QNetworkAccessManager*, const ResourceRequest&); OwnPtr m_replyWrapper; ResourceHandle* m_resourceHandle; LoadType m_loadType; QNetworkAccessManager::Operation m_method; QNetworkRequest m_request; // defer state holding int m_redirectionTries; QNetworkReplyHandlerCallQueue m_queue; }; // Self destructing QIODevice for FormData // For QNetworkAccessManager::put we will have to gurantee that the // QIODevice is valid as long finished() of the QNetworkReply has not // been emitted. With the presence of QNetworkReplyHandler::release I do // not want to gurantee this. class FormDataIODevice : public QIODevice { Q_OBJECT public: FormDataIODevice(FormData*); ~FormDataIODevice(); bool isSequential() const; qint64 getFormDataSize() const { return m_fileSize + m_dataSize; } protected: qint64 readData(char*, qint64); qint64 writeData(const char*, qint64); private: void moveToNextElement(); qint64 computeSize(); void openFileForCurrentElement(); private: Vector m_formElements; QFile* m_currentFile; qint64 m_currentDelta; qint64 m_fileSize; qint64 m_dataSize; }; } #endif // QNetworkReplyHandler_h