/* * Copyright (C) 2008 Alp Toker * Copyright (C) 2008 Xan Lopez * Copyright (C) 2008, 2010 Collabora Ltd. * Copyright (C) 2009 Holger Hans Peter Freyther * Copyright (C) 2009 Gustavo Noronha Silva * Copyright (C) 2009 Christian Dywan * Copyright (C) 2009 Igalia S.L. * Copyright (C) 2009 John Kjellberg * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "ResourceHandle.h" #include "Base64.h" #include "CString.h" #include "ChromeClient.h" #include "CookieJarSoup.h" #include "CachedResourceLoader.h" #include "FileSystem.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "GOwnPtrSoup.h" #include "HTTPParsers.h" #include "Logging.h" #include "MIMETypeRegistry.h" #include "NotImplemented.h" #include "Page.h" #include "ResourceError.h" #include "ResourceHandleClient.h" #include "ResourceHandleInternal.h" #include "ResourceResponse.h" #include "SharedBuffer.h" #include "TextEncoding.h" #include #include #include #include #define LIBSOUP_USE_UNSTABLE_REQUEST_API #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace WebCore { #define READ_BUFFER_SIZE 8192 class WebCoreSynchronousLoader : public ResourceHandleClient { WTF_MAKE_NONCOPYABLE(WebCoreSynchronousLoader); public: WebCoreSynchronousLoader(ResourceError&, ResourceResponse &, Vector&); ~WebCoreSynchronousLoader(); virtual void didReceiveResponse(ResourceHandle*, const ResourceResponse&); virtual void didReceiveData(ResourceHandle*, const char*, int, int lengthReceived); virtual void didFinishLoading(ResourceHandle*, double /*finishTime*/); virtual void didFail(ResourceHandle*, const ResourceError&); void run(); private: ResourceError& m_error; ResourceResponse& m_response; Vector& m_data; bool m_finished; GMainLoop* m_mainLoop; }; WebCoreSynchronousLoader::WebCoreSynchronousLoader(ResourceError& error, ResourceResponse& response, Vector& data) : m_error(error) , m_response(response) , m_data(data) , m_finished(false) { m_mainLoop = g_main_loop_new(0, false); } WebCoreSynchronousLoader::~WebCoreSynchronousLoader() { g_main_loop_unref(m_mainLoop); } void WebCoreSynchronousLoader::didReceiveResponse(ResourceHandle*, const ResourceResponse& response) { m_response = response; } void WebCoreSynchronousLoader::didReceiveData(ResourceHandle*, const char* data, int length, int) { m_data.append(data, length); } void WebCoreSynchronousLoader::didFinishLoading(ResourceHandle*, double) { g_main_loop_quit(m_mainLoop); m_finished = true; } void WebCoreSynchronousLoader::didFail(ResourceHandle* handle, const ResourceError& error) { m_error = error; didFinishLoading(handle, 0); } void WebCoreSynchronousLoader::run() { if (!m_finished) g_main_loop_run(m_mainLoop); } static void cleanupSoupRequestOperation(ResourceHandle*, bool isDestroying); static void sendRequestCallback(GObject*, GAsyncResult*, gpointer); static void readCallback(GObject*, GAsyncResult*, gpointer); static void closeCallback(GObject*, GAsyncResult*, gpointer); static bool startNonHTTPRequest(ResourceHandle*, KURL); ResourceHandleInternal::~ResourceHandleInternal() { if (m_soupRequest) g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(m_soupRequest.get()), "webkit-resource", 0); if (m_idleHandler) { g_source_remove(m_idleHandler); m_idleHandler = 0; } } ResourceHandle::~ResourceHandle() { cleanupSoupRequestOperation(this, true); } static void ensureSessionIsInitialized(SoupSession* session) { // Values taken from http://stevesouders.com/ua/index.php following // the rule "Do What Every Other Modern Browser Is Doing". They seem // to significantly improve page loading time compared to soup's // default values. static const int maxConnections = 60; static const int maxConnectionsPerHost = 6; if (g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(session), "webkit-init")) return; SoupCookieJar* jar = SOUP_COOKIE_JAR(soup_session_get_feature(session, SOUP_TYPE_COOKIE_JAR)); if (!jar) soup_session_add_feature(session, SOUP_SESSION_FEATURE(defaultCookieJar())); else setDefaultCookieJar(jar); if (!soup_session_get_feature(session, SOUP_TYPE_LOGGER) && LogNetwork.state == WTFLogChannelOn) { SoupLogger* logger = soup_logger_new(static_cast(SOUP_LOGGER_LOG_BODY), -1); soup_session_add_feature(session, SOUP_SESSION_FEATURE(logger)); g_object_unref(logger); } if (!soup_session_get_feature(session, SOUP_TYPE_REQUESTER)) { SoupRequester* requester = soup_requester_new(); soup_session_add_feature(session, SOUP_SESSION_FEATURE(requester)); g_object_unref(requester); } g_object_set(session, SOUP_SESSION_MAX_CONNS, maxConnections, SOUP_SESSION_MAX_CONNS_PER_HOST, maxConnectionsPerHost, NULL); g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(session), "webkit-init", reinterpret_cast(0xdeadbeef)); } void ResourceHandle::prepareForURL(const KURL &url) { GOwnPtr soupURI(soup_uri_new(url.prettyURL().utf8().data())); if (!soupURI) return; soup_session_prepare_for_uri(ResourceHandle::defaultSession(), soupURI.get()); } // All other kinds of redirections, except for the *304* status code // (SOUP_STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED) which needs to be fed into WebCore, will be // handled by soup directly. static gboolean statusWillBeHandledBySoup(guint statusCode) { if (SOUP_STATUS_IS_TRANSPORT_ERROR(statusCode) || (SOUP_STATUS_IS_REDIRECTION(statusCode) && (statusCode != SOUP_STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED)) || (statusCode == SOUP_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED)) return true; return false; } static void fillResponseFromMessage(SoupMessage* msg, ResourceResponse* response) { response->updateFromSoupMessage(msg); } // Called each time the message is going to be sent again except the first time. // It's used mostly to let webkit know about redirects. static void restartedCallback(SoupMessage* msg, gpointer data) { ResourceHandle* handle = static_cast(data); if (!handle) return; ResourceHandleInternal* d = handle->getInternal(); if (d->m_cancelled) return; GOwnPtr uri(soup_uri_to_string(soup_message_get_uri(msg), false)); String location = String::fromUTF8(uri.get()); KURL newURL = KURL(handle->firstRequest().url(), location); ResourceRequest request = handle->firstRequest(); ResourceResponse response; request.setURL(newURL); request.setHTTPMethod(msg->method); fillResponseFromMessage(msg, &response); // Should not set Referer after a redirect from a secure resource to non-secure one. if (!request.url().protocolIs("https") && protocolIs(request.httpReferrer(), "https")) { request.clearHTTPReferrer(); soup_message_headers_remove(msg->request_headers, "Referer"); } if (d->client()) d->client()->willSendRequest(handle, request, response); if (d->m_cancelled) return; // Update the first party in case the base URL changed with the redirect String firstPartyString = request.firstPartyForCookies().string(); if (!firstPartyString.isEmpty()) { GOwnPtr firstParty(soup_uri_new(firstPartyString.utf8().data())); soup_message_set_first_party(d->m_soupMessage.get(), firstParty.get()); } } static void contentSniffedCallback(SoupMessage*, const char*, GHashTable*, gpointer); static void gotHeadersCallback(SoupMessage* msg, gpointer data) { // For 401, we will accumulate the resource body, and only use it // in case authentication with the soup feature doesn't happen. // For 302 we accumulate the body too because it could be used by // some servers to redirect with a clunky http-equiv=REFRESH if (statusWillBeHandledBySoup(msg->status_code)) { soup_message_body_set_accumulate(msg->response_body, TRUE); return; } // For all the other responses, we handle each chunk ourselves, // and we don't need msg->response_body to contain all of the data // we got, when we finish downloading. soup_message_body_set_accumulate(msg->response_body, FALSE); RefPtr handle = static_cast(data); // The content-sniffed callback will handle the response if WebCore // require us to sniff. if (!handle || statusWillBeHandledBySoup(msg->status_code)) return; if (handle->shouldContentSniff()) { // Avoid MIME type sniffing if the response comes back as 304 Not Modified. if (msg->status_code == SOUP_STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED) { soup_message_disable_feature(msg, SOUP_TYPE_CONTENT_SNIFFER); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(msg, reinterpret_cast(contentSniffedCallback), handle.get()); } else return; } ResourceHandleInternal* d = handle->getInternal(); if (d->m_cancelled) return; ResourceHandleClient* client = handle->client(); if (!client) return; ASSERT(d->m_response.isNull()); fillResponseFromMessage(msg, &d->m_response); client->didReceiveResponse(handle.get(), d->m_response); } static void wroteBodyDataCallback(SoupMessage*, SoupBuffer* buffer, gpointer data) { RefPtr handle = static_cast(data); if (!handle) return; ASSERT(buffer); ResourceHandleInternal* internal = handle->getInternal(); internal->m_bodyDataSent += buffer->length; if (internal->m_cancelled) return; ResourceHandleClient* client = handle->client(); if (!client) return; client->didSendData(handle.get(), internal->m_bodyDataSent, internal->m_bodySize); } // This callback will not be called if the content sniffer is disabled in startHTTPRequest. static void contentSniffedCallback(SoupMessage* msg, const char* sniffedType, GHashTable *params, gpointer data) { if (sniffedType) { const char* officialType = soup_message_headers_get_one(msg->response_headers, "Content-Type"); if (!officialType || strcmp(officialType, sniffedType)) soup_message_headers_set_content_type(msg->response_headers, sniffedType, params); } if (statusWillBeHandledBySoup(msg->status_code)) return; RefPtr handle = static_cast(data); if (!handle) return; ResourceHandleInternal* d = handle->getInternal(); if (d->m_cancelled) return; ResourceHandleClient* client = handle->client(); if (!client) return; ASSERT(d->m_response.isNull()); fillResponseFromMessage(msg, &d->m_response); client->didReceiveResponse(handle.get(), d->m_response); } static void gotChunkCallback(SoupMessage* msg, SoupBuffer* chunk, gpointer data) { if (statusWillBeHandledBySoup(msg->status_code)) return; RefPtr handle = static_cast(data); if (!handle) return; ResourceHandleInternal* d = handle->getInternal(); if (d->m_cancelled) return; ResourceHandleClient* client = handle->client(); if (!client) return; ASSERT(!d->m_response.isNull()); // FIXME: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19793 // -1 means we do not provide any data about transfer size to inspector so it would use // Content-Length headers or content size to show transfer size. client->didReceiveData(handle.get(), chunk->data, chunk->length, -1); } static SoupSession* createSoupSession() { return soup_session_async_new(); } static void cleanupSoupRequestOperation(ResourceHandle* handle, bool isDestroying = false) { ResourceHandleInternal* d = handle->getInternal(); if (d->m_soupRequest) { g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(d->m_soupRequest.get()), "webkit-resource", 0); d->m_soupRequest.clear(); } if (d->m_inputStream) { g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(d->m_inputStream.get()), "webkit-resource", 0); d->m_inputStream.clear(); } d->m_cancellable.clear(); if (d->m_soupMessage) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched(d->m_soupMessage.get(), G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA, 0, 0, 0, 0, handle); d->m_soupMessage.clear(); } if (d->m_buffer) { g_slice_free1(READ_BUFFER_SIZE, d->m_buffer); d->m_buffer = 0; } if (!isDestroying) handle->deref(); } static void sendRequestCallback(GObject* source, GAsyncResult* res, gpointer userData) { RefPtr handle = static_cast(g_object_get_data(source, "webkit-resource")); if (!handle) return; ResourceHandleInternal* d = handle->getInternal(); ResourceHandleClient* client = handle->client(); if (d->m_gotChunkHandler) { // No need to call gotChunkHandler anymore. Received data will // be reported by readCallback if (g_signal_handler_is_connected(d->m_soupMessage.get(), d->m_gotChunkHandler)) g_signal_handler_disconnect(d->m_soupMessage.get(), d->m_gotChunkHandler); } if (d->m_cancelled || !client) { cleanupSoupRequestOperation(handle.get()); return; } GOwnPtr error; GInputStream* in = soup_request_send_finish(d->m_soupRequest.get(), res, &error.outPtr()); if (error) { SoupMessage* soupMsg = d->m_soupMessage.get(); gboolean isTransportError = d->m_soupMessage && SOUP_STATUS_IS_TRANSPORT_ERROR(soupMsg->status_code); if (isTransportError || (error->domain == G_IO_ERROR)) { SoupURI* uri = soup_request_get_uri(d->m_soupRequest.get()); GOwnPtr uriStr(soup_uri_to_string(uri, false)); gint errorCode = isTransportError ? static_cast(soupMsg->status_code) : error->code; const gchar* errorMsg = isTransportError ? soupMsg->reason_phrase : error->message; const gchar* quarkStr = isTransportError ? g_quark_to_string(SOUP_HTTP_ERROR) : g_quark_to_string(G_IO_ERROR); ResourceError resourceError(quarkStr, errorCode, uriStr.get(), String::fromUTF8(errorMsg)); cleanupSoupRequestOperation(handle.get()); client->didFail(handle.get(), resourceError); return; } if (d->m_soupMessage && statusWillBeHandledBySoup(d->m_soupMessage->status_code)) { ASSERT(d->m_response.isNull()); fillResponseFromMessage(soupMsg, &d->m_response); client->didReceiveResponse(handle.get(), d->m_response); // WebCore might have cancelled the job in the while. We // must check for response_body->length and not // response_body->data as libsoup always creates the // SoupBuffer for the body even if the length is 0 if (!d->m_cancelled && soupMsg->response_body->length) client->didReceiveData(handle.get(), soupMsg->response_body->data, soupMsg->response_body->length, soupMsg->response_body->length); } // didReceiveData above might have cancelled it if (d->m_cancelled || !client) { cleanupSoupRequestOperation(handle.get()); return; } client->didFinishLoading(handle.get(), 0); return; } if (d->m_cancelled) { cleanupSoupRequestOperation(handle.get()); return; } d->m_inputStream = adoptGRef(in); d->m_buffer = static_cast(g_slice_alloc0(READ_BUFFER_SIZE)); // readCallback needs it g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(d->m_inputStream.get()), "webkit-resource", handle.get()); // If not using SoupMessage we need to call didReceiveResponse now. // (This will change later when SoupRequest supports content sniffing.) if (!d->m_soupMessage) { d->m_response.setURL(handle->firstRequest().url()); const gchar* contentType = soup_request_get_content_type(d->m_soupRequest.get()); d->m_response.setMimeType(extractMIMETypeFromMediaType(contentType)); d->m_response.setTextEncodingName(extractCharsetFromMediaType(contentType)); d->m_response.setExpectedContentLength(soup_request_get_content_length(d->m_soupRequest.get())); client->didReceiveResponse(handle.get(), d->m_response); if (d->m_cancelled) { cleanupSoupRequestOperation(handle.get()); return; } } if (d->m_defersLoading) soup_session_pause_message(handle->defaultSession(), d->m_soupMessage.get()); g_input_stream_read_async(d->m_inputStream.get(), d->m_buffer, READ_BUFFER_SIZE, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, d->m_cancellable.get(), readCallback, 0); } static bool addFormElementsToSoupMessage(SoupMessage* message, const char* contentType, FormData* httpBody, unsigned long& totalBodySize) { size_t numElements = httpBody->elements().size(); if (numElements < 2) { // No file upload is the most common case. Vector body; httpBody->flatten(body); totalBodySize = body.size(); soup_message_set_request(message, contentType, SOUP_MEMORY_COPY, body.data(), body.size()); return true; } // We have more than one element to upload, and some may be large files, // which we will want to mmap instead of copying into memory soup_message_body_set_accumulate(message->request_body, FALSE); for (size_t i = 0; i < numElements; i++) { const FormDataElement& element = httpBody->elements()[i]; if (element.m_type == FormDataElement::data) { totalBodySize += element.m_data.size(); soup_message_body_append(message->request_body, SOUP_MEMORY_TEMPORARY, element.m_data.data(), element.m_data.size()); continue; } // This technique is inspired by libsoup's simple-httpd test. GOwnPtr error; CString fileName = fileSystemRepresentation(element.m_filename); GMappedFile* fileMapping = g_mapped_file_new(fileName.data(), false, &error.outPtr()); if (error) return false; gsize mappedFileSize = g_mapped_file_get_length(fileMapping); totalBodySize += mappedFileSize; SoupBuffer* soupBuffer = soup_buffer_new_with_owner(g_mapped_file_get_contents(fileMapping), mappedFileSize, fileMapping, reinterpret_cast(g_mapped_file_unref)); soup_message_body_append_buffer(message->request_body, soupBuffer); soup_buffer_free(soupBuffer); } return true; } static bool startHTTPRequest(ResourceHandle* handle) { ASSERT(handle); SoupSession* session = handle->defaultSession(); ensureSessionIsInitialized(session); SoupRequester* requester = SOUP_REQUESTER(soup_session_get_feature(session, SOUP_TYPE_REQUESTER)); ResourceHandleInternal* d = handle->getInternal(); ResourceRequest request(handle->firstRequest()); KURL url(request.url()); url.removeFragmentIdentifier(); request.setURL(url); GOwnPtr error; d->m_soupRequest = adoptGRef(soup_requester_request(requester, url.string().utf8().data(), &error.outPtr())); if (error) { d->m_soupRequest = 0; return false; } g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(d->m_soupRequest.get()), "webkit-resource", handle); d->m_soupMessage = adoptGRef(soup_request_http_get_message(SOUP_REQUEST_HTTP(d->m_soupRequest.get()))); if (!d->m_soupMessage) return false; SoupMessage* soupMessage = d->m_soupMessage.get(); request.updateSoupMessage(soupMessage); if (!handle->shouldContentSniff()) soup_message_disable_feature(soupMessage, SOUP_TYPE_CONTENT_SNIFFER); else g_signal_connect(soupMessage, "content-sniffed", G_CALLBACK(contentSniffedCallback), handle); g_signal_connect(soupMessage, "restarted", G_CALLBACK(restartedCallback), handle); g_signal_connect(soupMessage, "got-headers", G_CALLBACK(gotHeadersCallback), handle); g_signal_connect(soupMessage, "wrote-body-data", G_CALLBACK(wroteBodyDataCallback), handle); d->m_gotChunkHandler = g_signal_connect(soupMessage, "got-chunk", G_CALLBACK(gotChunkCallback), handle); String firstPartyString = request.firstPartyForCookies().string(); if (!firstPartyString.isEmpty()) { GOwnPtr firstParty(soup_uri_new(firstPartyString.utf8().data())); soup_message_set_first_party(soupMessage, firstParty.get()); } FormData* httpBody = d->m_firstRequest.httpBody(); CString contentType = d->m_firstRequest.httpContentType().utf8().data(); if (httpBody && !httpBody->isEmpty() && !addFormElementsToSoupMessage(soupMessage, contentType.data(), httpBody, d->m_bodySize)) { // We failed to prepare the body data, so just fail this load. g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched(soupMessage, G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA, 0, 0, 0, 0, handle); d->m_soupMessage.clear(); return false; } // balanced by a deref() in cleanupSoupRequestOperation, which should always run handle->ref(); // Make sure we have an Accept header for subresources; some sites // want this to serve some of their subresources if (!soup_message_headers_get_one(soupMessage->request_headers, "Accept")) soup_message_headers_append(soupMessage->request_headers, "Accept", "*/*"); // Send the request only if it's not been explicitely deferred. if (!d->m_defersLoading) { d->m_cancellable = adoptGRef(g_cancellable_new()); soup_request_send_async(d->m_soupRequest.get(), d->m_cancellable.get(), sendRequestCallback, 0); } return true; } bool ResourceHandle::start(NetworkingContext* context) { ASSERT(!d->m_soupMessage); // The frame could be null if the ResourceHandle is not associated to any // Frame, e.g. if we are downloading a file. // If the frame is not null but the page is null this must be an attempted // load from an unload handler, so let's just block it. // If both the frame and the page are not null the context is valid. if (context && !context->isValid()) return false; if (!(d->m_user.isEmpty() || d->m_pass.isEmpty())) { // If credentials were specified for this request, add them to the url, // so that they will be passed to NetworkRequest. KURL urlWithCredentials(firstRequest().url()); urlWithCredentials.setUser(d->m_user); urlWithCredentials.setPass(d->m_pass); d->m_firstRequest.setURL(urlWithCredentials); } KURL url = firstRequest().url(); String urlString = url.string(); String protocol = url.protocol(); // Used to set the authentication dialog toplevel; may be NULL d->m_context = context; if (equalIgnoringCase(protocol, "http") || equalIgnoringCase(protocol, "https")) { if (startHTTPRequest(this)) return true; } if (startNonHTTPRequest(this, url)) return true; // Error must not be reported immediately this->scheduleFailure(InvalidURLFailure); return true; } void ResourceHandle::cancel() { d->m_cancelled = true; if (d->m_soupMessage) soup_session_cancel_message(defaultSession(), d->m_soupMessage.get(), SOUP_STATUS_CANCELLED); else if (d->m_cancellable) g_cancellable_cancel(d->m_cancellable.get()); } PassRefPtr ResourceHandle::bufferedData() { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return 0; } bool ResourceHandle::supportsBufferedData() { return false; } void ResourceHandle::platformSetDefersLoading(bool defersLoading) { // Initial implementation of this method was required for bug #44157. if (d->m_cancelled) return; if (!defersLoading && !d->m_cancellable && d->m_soupRequest.get()) { d->m_cancellable = adoptGRef(g_cancellable_new()); soup_request_send_async(d->m_soupRequest.get(), d->m_cancellable.get(), sendRequestCallback, 0); return; } // Only supported for http(s) transfers. Something similar would // probably be needed for data transfers done with GIO. if (!d->m_soupMessage) return; SoupMessage* soupMessage = d->m_soupMessage.get(); if (soupMessage->status_code != SOUP_STATUS_NONE) return; if (defersLoading) soup_session_pause_message(defaultSession(), soupMessage); else soup_session_unpause_message(defaultSession(), soupMessage); } bool ResourceHandle::loadsBlocked() { return false; } bool ResourceHandle::willLoadFromCache(ResourceRequest&, Frame*) { // Not having this function means that we'll ask the user about re-posting a form // even when we go back to a page that's still in the cache. notImplemented(); return false; } void ResourceHandle::loadResourceSynchronously(NetworkingContext* context, const ResourceRequest& request, StoredCredentials /*storedCredentials*/, ResourceError& error, ResourceResponse& response, Vector& data) { WebCoreSynchronousLoader syncLoader(error, response, data); RefPtr handle = create(context, request, &syncLoader, false /*defersLoading*/, false /*shouldContentSniff*/); if (!handle) return; // If the request has already failed, do not run the main loop, or else we'll block indefinitely. if (handle->d->m_scheduledFailureType != NoFailure) return; syncLoader.run(); } static void closeCallback(GObject* source, GAsyncResult* res, gpointer) { RefPtr handle = static_cast(g_object_get_data(source, "webkit-resource")); if (!handle) return; ResourceHandleInternal* d = handle->getInternal(); g_input_stream_close_finish(d->m_inputStream.get(), res, 0); cleanupSoupRequestOperation(handle.get()); } static void readCallback(GObject* source, GAsyncResult* asyncResult, gpointer data) { RefPtr handle = static_cast(g_object_get_data(source, "webkit-resource")); if (!handle) return; bool convertToUTF16 = static_cast(data); ResourceHandleInternal* d = handle->getInternal(); ResourceHandleClient* client = handle->client(); if (d->m_cancelled || !client) { cleanupSoupRequestOperation(handle.get()); return; } GOwnPtr error; gssize bytesRead = g_input_stream_read_finish(d->m_inputStream.get(), asyncResult, &error.outPtr()); if (error) { SoupURI* uri = soup_request_get_uri(d->m_soupRequest.get()); GOwnPtr uriStr(soup_uri_to_string(uri, false)); ResourceError resourceError(g_quark_to_string(G_IO_ERROR), error->code, uriStr.get(), error ? String::fromUTF8(error->message) : String()); cleanupSoupRequestOperation(handle.get()); client->didFail(handle.get(), resourceError); return; } if (!bytesRead) { // Finish the load. We do not wait for the stream to // close. Instead we better notify WebCore as soon as possible client->didFinishLoading(handle.get(), 0); g_input_stream_close_async(d->m_inputStream.get(), G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0, closeCallback, 0); return; } // It's mandatory to have sent a response before sending data ASSERT(!d->m_response.isNull()); if (G_LIKELY(!convertToUTF16)) client->didReceiveData(handle.get(), d->m_buffer, bytesRead, bytesRead); else { // We have to convert it to UTF-16 due to limitations in KURL String data = String::fromUTF8(d->m_buffer, bytesRead); client->didReceiveData(handle.get(), reinterpret_cast(data.characters()), data.length() * sizeof(UChar), bytesRead); } // didReceiveData may cancel the load, which may release the last reference. if (d->m_cancelled || !client) { cleanupSoupRequestOperation(handle.get()); return; } g_input_stream_read_async(d->m_inputStream.get(), d->m_buffer, READ_BUFFER_SIZE, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, d->m_cancellable.get(), readCallback, data); } static bool startNonHTTPRequest(ResourceHandle* handle, KURL url) { ASSERT(handle); if (handle->firstRequest().httpMethod() != "GET" && handle->firstRequest().httpMethod() != "POST") return false; SoupSession* session = handle->defaultSession(); ensureSessionIsInitialized(session); SoupRequester* requester = SOUP_REQUESTER(soup_session_get_feature(session, SOUP_TYPE_REQUESTER)); ResourceHandleInternal* d = handle->getInternal(); CString urlStr = url.string().utf8(); GOwnPtr error; d->m_soupRequest = adoptGRef(soup_requester_request(requester, urlStr.data(), &error.outPtr())); if (error) { d->m_soupRequest = 0; return false; } g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(d->m_soupRequest.get()), "webkit-resource", handle); // balanced by a deref() in cleanupSoupRequestOperation, which should always run handle->ref(); d->m_cancellable = adoptGRef(g_cancellable_new()); soup_request_send_async(d->m_soupRequest.get(), d->m_cancellable.get(), sendRequestCallback, 0); return true; } SoupSession* ResourceHandle::defaultSession() { static SoupSession* session = createSoupSession(); return session; } }