/* * Copyright (C) 2006, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "config.h" #include "HitTestResult.h" #include "DocumentMarkerController.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "FrameTree.h" #include "HTMLAnchorElement.h" #include "HTMLVideoElement.h" #include "HTMLImageElement.h" #include "HTMLInputElement.h" #include "HTMLMediaElement.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "HTMLParserIdioms.h" #include "RenderImage.h" #include "RenderInline.h" #include "Scrollbar.h" #include "SelectionController.h" #if ENABLE(SVG) #include "SVGNames.h" #include "XLinkNames.h" #endif #if ENABLE(WML) #include "WMLImageElement.h" #include "WMLNames.h" #endif namespace WebCore { using namespace HTMLNames; HitTestResult::HitTestResult() : m_isOverWidget(false) , m_isRectBased(false) , m_topPadding(0) , m_rightPadding(0) , m_bottomPadding(0) , m_leftPadding(0) { } HitTestResult::HitTestResult(const IntPoint& point) : m_point(point) , m_isOverWidget(false) , m_isRectBased(false) , m_topPadding(0) , m_rightPadding(0) , m_bottomPadding(0) , m_leftPadding(0) { } HitTestResult::HitTestResult(const IntPoint& centerPoint, unsigned topPadding, unsigned rightPadding, unsigned bottomPadding, unsigned leftPadding) : m_point(centerPoint) , m_isOverWidget(false) , m_topPadding(topPadding) , m_rightPadding(rightPadding) , m_bottomPadding(bottomPadding) , m_leftPadding(leftPadding) { // If all padding values passed in are zero then it is not a rect based hit test. m_isRectBased = topPadding || rightPadding || bottomPadding || leftPadding; // Make sure all padding values are clamped to zero if it is not a rect hit test. if (!m_isRectBased) m_topPadding = m_rightPadding = m_bottomPadding = m_leftPadding = 0; } HitTestResult::HitTestResult(const HitTestResult& other) : m_innerNode(other.innerNode()) , m_innerNonSharedNode(other.innerNonSharedNode()) , m_point(other.point()) , m_localPoint(other.localPoint()) , m_innerURLElement(other.URLElement()) , m_scrollbar(other.scrollbar()) , m_isOverWidget(other.isOverWidget()) { // Only copy the padding and NodeSet in case of rect hit test. // Copying the later is rather expensive. if ((m_isRectBased = other.isRectBasedTest())) { m_topPadding = other.m_topPadding; m_rightPadding = other.m_rightPadding; m_bottomPadding = other.m_bottomPadding; m_leftPadding = other.m_leftPadding; } else m_topPadding = m_rightPadding = m_bottomPadding = m_leftPadding = 0; m_rectBasedTestResult = adoptPtr(other.m_rectBasedTestResult ? new NodeSet(*other.m_rectBasedTestResult) : 0); } HitTestResult::~HitTestResult() { } HitTestResult& HitTestResult::operator=(const HitTestResult& other) { m_innerNode = other.innerNode(); m_innerNonSharedNode = other.innerNonSharedNode(); m_point = other.point(); m_localPoint = other.localPoint(); m_innerURLElement = other.URLElement(); m_scrollbar = other.scrollbar(); m_isOverWidget = other.isOverWidget(); // Only copy the padding and NodeSet in case of rect hit test. // Copying the later is rather expensive. if ((m_isRectBased = other.isRectBasedTest())) { m_topPadding = other.m_topPadding; m_rightPadding = other.m_rightPadding; m_bottomPadding = other.m_bottomPadding; m_leftPadding = other.m_leftPadding; } else m_topPadding = m_rightPadding = m_bottomPadding = m_leftPadding = 0; m_rectBasedTestResult = adoptPtr(other.m_rectBasedTestResult ? new NodeSet(*other.m_rectBasedTestResult) : 0); return *this; } void HitTestResult::setToNonShadowAncestor() { Node* node = innerNode(); if (node) node = node->shadowAncestorNode(); setInnerNode(node); node = innerNonSharedNode(); if (node) node = node->shadowAncestorNode(); setInnerNonSharedNode(node); } void HitTestResult::setInnerNode(Node* n) { m_innerNode = n; } void HitTestResult::setInnerNonSharedNode(Node* n) { m_innerNonSharedNode = n; } void HitTestResult::setURLElement(Element* n) { m_innerURLElement = n; } void HitTestResult::setScrollbar(Scrollbar* s) { m_scrollbar = s; } Frame* HitTestResult::targetFrame() const { if (!m_innerURLElement) return 0; Frame* frame = m_innerURLElement->document()->frame(); if (!frame) return 0; return frame->tree()->find(m_innerURLElement->target()); } bool HitTestResult::isSelected() const { if (!m_innerNonSharedNode) return false; Frame* frame = m_innerNonSharedNode->document()->frame(); if (!frame) return false; return frame->selection()->contains(m_point); } String HitTestResult::spellingToolTip(TextDirection& dir) const { dir = LTR; // Return the tool tip string associated with this point, if any. Only markers associated with bad grammar // currently supply strings, but maybe someday markers associated with misspelled words will also. if (!m_innerNonSharedNode) return String(); DocumentMarker* marker = m_innerNonSharedNode->document()->markers()->markerContainingPoint(m_point, DocumentMarker::Grammar); if (!marker) return String(); if (RenderObject* renderer = m_innerNonSharedNode->renderer()) dir = renderer->style()->direction(); return marker->description; } String HitTestResult::replacedString() const { // Return the replaced string associated with this point, if any. This marker is created when a string is autocorrected, // and is used for generating a contextual menu item that allows it to easily be changed back if desired. if (!m_innerNonSharedNode) return String(); DocumentMarker* marker = m_innerNonSharedNode->document()->markers()->markerContainingPoint(m_point, DocumentMarker::Replacement); if (!marker) return String(); return marker->description; } String HitTestResult::title(TextDirection& dir) const { dir = LTR; // Find the title in the nearest enclosing DOM node. // For tags in image maps, walk the tree for the , not the using it. for (Node* titleNode = m_innerNode.get(); titleNode; titleNode = titleNode->parentNode()) { if (titleNode->isElementNode()) { String title = static_cast(titleNode)->title(); if (!title.isEmpty()) { if (RenderObject* renderer = titleNode->renderer()) dir = renderer->style()->direction(); return title; } } } return String(); } String displayString(const String& string, const Node* node) { if (!node) return string; return node->document()->displayStringModifiedByEncoding(string); } String HitTestResult::altDisplayString() const { if (!m_innerNonSharedNode) return String(); if (m_innerNonSharedNode->hasTagName(imgTag)) { HTMLImageElement* image = static_cast(m_innerNonSharedNode.get()); return displayString(image->getAttribute(altAttr), m_innerNonSharedNode.get()); } if (m_innerNonSharedNode->hasTagName(inputTag)) { HTMLInputElement* input = static_cast(m_innerNonSharedNode.get()); return displayString(input->alt(), m_innerNonSharedNode.get()); } #if ENABLE(WML) if (m_innerNonSharedNode->hasTagName(WMLNames::imgTag)) { WMLImageElement* image = static_cast(m_innerNonSharedNode.get()); return displayString(image->altText(), m_innerNonSharedNode.get()); } #endif return String(); } Image* HitTestResult::image() const { if (!m_innerNonSharedNode) return 0; RenderObject* renderer = m_innerNonSharedNode->renderer(); if (renderer && renderer->isImage()) { RenderImage* image = static_cast(renderer); if (image->cachedImage() && !image->cachedImage()->errorOccurred()) return image->cachedImage()->image(); } return 0; } IntRect HitTestResult::imageRect() const { if (!image()) return IntRect(); return m_innerNonSharedNode->renderBox()->absoluteContentQuad().enclosingBoundingBox(); } KURL HitTestResult::absoluteImageURL() const { if (!(m_innerNonSharedNode && m_innerNonSharedNode->document())) return KURL(); if (!(m_innerNonSharedNode->renderer() && m_innerNonSharedNode->renderer()->isImage())) return KURL(); AtomicString urlString; if (m_innerNonSharedNode->hasTagName(embedTag) || m_innerNonSharedNode->hasTagName(imgTag) || m_innerNonSharedNode->hasTagName(inputTag) || m_innerNonSharedNode->hasTagName(objectTag) #if ENABLE(SVG) || m_innerNonSharedNode->hasTagName(SVGNames::imageTag) #endif #if ENABLE(WML) || m_innerNonSharedNode->hasTagName(WMLNames::imgTag) #endif ) { Element* element = static_cast(m_innerNonSharedNode.get()); urlString = element->getAttribute(element->imageSourceAttributeName()); } else return KURL(); return m_innerNonSharedNode->document()->completeURL(stripLeadingAndTrailingHTMLSpaces(urlString)); } KURL HitTestResult::absoluteMediaURL() const { #if ENABLE(VIDEO) if (HTMLMediaElement* mediaElt = mediaElement()) return m_innerNonSharedNode->document()->completeURL(stripLeadingAndTrailingHTMLSpaces(mediaElt->currentSrc())); return KURL(); #else return KURL(); #endif } bool HitTestResult::mediaSupportsFullscreen() const { #if ENABLE(VIDEO) HTMLMediaElement* mediaElt(mediaElement()); return (mediaElt && mediaElt->hasTagName(HTMLNames::videoTag) && mediaElt->supportsFullscreen()); #else return false; #endif } #if ENABLE(VIDEO) HTMLMediaElement* HitTestResult::mediaElement() const { if (!(m_innerNonSharedNode && m_innerNonSharedNode->document())) return 0; if (!(m_innerNonSharedNode->renderer() && m_innerNonSharedNode->renderer()->isMedia())) return 0; if (m_innerNonSharedNode->hasTagName(HTMLNames::videoTag) || m_innerNonSharedNode->hasTagName(HTMLNames::audioTag)) return static_cast(m_innerNonSharedNode.get()); return 0; } #endif void HitTestResult::toggleMediaControlsDisplay() const { #if ENABLE(VIDEO) if (HTMLMediaElement* mediaElt = mediaElement()) mediaElt->setControls(!mediaElt->controls()); #endif } void HitTestResult::toggleMediaLoopPlayback() const { #if ENABLE(VIDEO) if (HTMLMediaElement* mediaElt = mediaElement()) mediaElt->setLoop(!mediaElt->loop()); #endif } void HitTestResult::enterFullscreenForVideo() const { #if ENABLE(VIDEO) HTMLMediaElement* mediaElt(mediaElement()); if (mediaElt && mediaElt->hasTagName(HTMLNames::videoTag)) { HTMLVideoElement* videoElt = static_cast(mediaElt); if (!videoElt->isFullscreen() && mediaElt->supportsFullscreen()) videoElt->enterFullscreen(); } #endif } bool HitTestResult::mediaControlsEnabled() const { #if ENABLE(VIDEO) if (HTMLMediaElement* mediaElt = mediaElement()) return mediaElt->controls(); #endif return false; } bool HitTestResult::mediaLoopEnabled() const { #if ENABLE(VIDEO) if (HTMLMediaElement* mediaElt = mediaElement()) return mediaElt->loop(); #endif return false; } bool HitTestResult::mediaPlaying() const { #if ENABLE(VIDEO) if (HTMLMediaElement* mediaElt = mediaElement()) return !mediaElt->paused(); #endif return false; } void HitTestResult::toggleMediaPlayState() const { #if ENABLE(VIDEO) if (HTMLMediaElement* mediaElt = mediaElement()) mediaElt->togglePlayState(); #endif } bool HitTestResult::mediaHasAudio() const { #if ENABLE(VIDEO) if (HTMLMediaElement* mediaElt = mediaElement()) return mediaElt->hasAudio(); #endif return false; } bool HitTestResult::mediaIsVideo() const { #if ENABLE(VIDEO) if (HTMLMediaElement* mediaElt = mediaElement()) return mediaElt->hasTagName(HTMLNames::videoTag); #endif return false; } bool HitTestResult::mediaMuted() const { #if ENABLE(VIDEO) if (HTMLMediaElement* mediaElt = mediaElement()) return mediaElt->muted(); #endif return false; } void HitTestResult::toggleMediaMuteState() const { #if ENABLE(VIDEO) if (HTMLMediaElement* mediaElt = mediaElement()) mediaElt->setMuted(!mediaElt->muted()); #endif } KURL HitTestResult::absoluteLinkURL() const { if (!(m_innerURLElement && m_innerURLElement->document())) return KURL(); AtomicString urlString; if (m_innerURLElement->hasTagName(aTag) || m_innerURLElement->hasTagName(areaTag) || m_innerURLElement->hasTagName(linkTag)) urlString = m_innerURLElement->getAttribute(hrefAttr); #if ENABLE(SVG) else if (m_innerURLElement->hasTagName(SVGNames::aTag)) urlString = m_innerURLElement->getAttribute(XLinkNames::hrefAttr); #endif #if ENABLE(WML) else if (m_innerURLElement->hasTagName(WMLNames::aTag)) urlString = m_innerURLElement->getAttribute(hrefAttr); #endif else return KURL(); return m_innerURLElement->document()->completeURL(stripLeadingAndTrailingHTMLSpaces(urlString)); } bool HitTestResult::isLiveLink() const { if (!(m_innerURLElement && m_innerURLElement->document())) return false; if (m_innerURLElement->hasTagName(aTag)) return static_cast(m_innerURLElement.get())->isLiveLink(); #if ENABLE(SVG) if (m_innerURLElement->hasTagName(SVGNames::aTag)) return m_innerURLElement->isLink(); #endif #if ENABLE(WML) if (m_innerURLElement->hasTagName(WMLNames::aTag)) return m_innerURLElement->isLink(); #endif return false; } String HitTestResult::titleDisplayString() const { if (!m_innerURLElement) return String(); return displayString(m_innerURLElement->title(), m_innerURLElement.get()); } String HitTestResult::textContent() const { if (!m_innerURLElement) return String(); return m_innerURLElement->textContent(); } // FIXME: This function needs a better name and may belong in a different class. It's not // really isContentEditable(); it's more like needsEditingContextMenu(). In many ways, this // function would make more sense in the ContextMenu class, except that WebElementDictionary // hooks into it. Anyway, we should architect this better. bool HitTestResult::isContentEditable() const { if (!m_innerNonSharedNode) return false; if (m_innerNonSharedNode->hasTagName(textareaTag) || m_innerNonSharedNode->hasTagName(isindexTag)) return true; if (m_innerNonSharedNode->hasTagName(inputTag)) return static_cast(m_innerNonSharedNode.get())->isTextField(); return m_innerNonSharedNode->rendererIsEditable(); } bool HitTestResult::addNodeToRectBasedTestResult(Node* node, int x, int y, const IntRect& rect) { // If it is not a rect-based hit test, this method has to be no-op. // Return false, so the hit test stops. if (!isRectBasedTest()) return false; // If node is null, return true so the hit test can continue. if (!node) return true; node = node->shadowAncestorNode(); mutableRectBasedTestResult().add(node); if (node->renderer()->isInline()) { for (RenderObject* curr = node->renderer()->parent(); curr; curr = curr->parent()) { if (!curr->isRenderInline()) break; // We need to make sure the nodes for culled inlines get included. RenderInline* currInline = toRenderInline(curr); if (currInline->alwaysCreateLineBoxes()) break; if (currInline->visibleToHitTesting() && currInline->node()) mutableRectBasedTestResult().add(currInline->node()->shadowAncestorNode()); } } return !rect.contains(rectForPoint(x, y)); } bool HitTestResult::addNodeToRectBasedTestResult(Node* node, int x, int y, const FloatRect& rect) { // If it is not a rect-based hit test, this method has to be no-op. // Return false, so the hit test stops. if (!isRectBasedTest()) return false; // If node is null, return true so the hit test can continue. if (!node) return true; node = node->shadowAncestorNode(); mutableRectBasedTestResult().add(node); if (node->renderer()->isInline()) { for (RenderObject* curr = node->renderer()->parent(); curr; curr = curr->parent()) { if (!curr->isRenderInline()) break; // We need to make sure the nodes for culled inlines get included. RenderInline* currInline = toRenderInline(curr); if (currInline->alwaysCreateLineBoxes()) break; if (currInline->visibleToHitTesting() && currInline->node()) mutableRectBasedTestResult().add(currInline->node()->shadowAncestorNode()); } } return !rect.contains(rectForPoint(x, y)); } void HitTestResult::append(const HitTestResult& other) { ASSERT(isRectBasedTest() && other.isRectBasedTest()); if (!m_innerNode && other.innerNode()) { m_innerNode = other.innerNode(); m_innerNonSharedNode = other.innerNonSharedNode(); m_localPoint = other.localPoint(); m_innerURLElement = other.URLElement(); m_scrollbar = other.scrollbar(); m_isOverWidget = other.isOverWidget(); } if (other.m_rectBasedTestResult) { NodeSet& set = mutableRectBasedTestResult(); for (NodeSet::const_iterator it = other.m_rectBasedTestResult->begin(), last = other.m_rectBasedTestResult->end(); it != last; ++it) set.add(it->get()); } } IntRect HitTestResult::rectForPoint(const IntPoint& point, unsigned topPadding, unsigned rightPadding, unsigned bottomPadding, unsigned leftPadding) { IntPoint actualPoint(point); actualPoint -= IntSize(leftPadding, topPadding); IntSize actualPadding(leftPadding + rightPadding, topPadding + bottomPadding); // As IntRect is left inclusive and right exclusive (seeing IntRect::contains(x, y)), adding "1". actualPadding += IntSize(1, 1); return IntRect(actualPoint, actualPadding); } const HitTestResult::NodeSet& HitTestResult::rectBasedTestResult() const { if (!m_rectBasedTestResult) m_rectBasedTestResult = adoptPtr(new NodeSet); return *m_rectBasedTestResult; } HitTestResult::NodeSet& HitTestResult::mutableRectBasedTestResult() { if (!m_rectBasedTestResult) m_rectBasedTestResult = adoptPtr(new NodeSet); return *m_rectBasedTestResult; } } // namespace WebCore