/* * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * 2009 Torch Mobile Inc. All rights reserved. (http://www.torchmobile.com/) * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "RenderListBox.h" #include "AXObjectCache.h" #include "CSSStyleSelector.h" #include "Document.h" #include "EventHandler.h" #include "EventQueue.h" #include "FocusController.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "FrameView.h" #include "GraphicsContext.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "HitTestResult.h" #include "NodeRenderStyle.h" #include "OptionGroupElement.h" #include "OptionElement.h" #include "Page.h" #include "PaintInfo.h" #include "RenderLayer.h" #include "RenderScrollbar.h" #include "RenderTheme.h" #include "RenderView.h" #include "Scrollbar.h" #include "ScrollbarTheme.h" #include "SelectElement.h" #include "SelectionController.h" #include "TextRun.h" #include using namespace std; namespace WebCore { using namespace HTMLNames; const int rowSpacing = 1; const int optionsSpacingHorizontal = 2; const int minSize = 4; const int maxDefaultSize = 10; // FIXME: This hardcoded baselineAdjustment is what we used to do for the old // widget, but I'm not sure this is right for the new control. const int baselineAdjustment = 7; RenderListBox::RenderListBox(Element* element) : RenderBlock(element) , m_optionsChanged(true) , m_scrollToRevealSelectionAfterLayout(false) , m_inAutoscroll(false) , m_optionsWidth(0) , m_indexOffset(0) { if (Page* page = frame()->page()) { m_page = page; m_page->addScrollableArea(this); } } RenderListBox::~RenderListBox() { setHasVerticalScrollbar(false); if (m_page) m_page->removeScrollableArea(this); } void RenderListBox::updateFromElement() { if (m_optionsChanged) { const Vector& listItems = toSelectElement(static_cast(node()))->listItems(); int size = numItems(); float width = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { Element* element = listItems[i]; String text; Font itemFont = style()->font(); if (OptionElement* optionElement = toOptionElement(element)) text = optionElement->textIndentedToRespectGroupLabel(); else if (OptionGroupElement* optionGroupElement = toOptionGroupElement(element)) { text = optionGroupElement->groupLabelText(); FontDescription d = itemFont.fontDescription(); d.setWeight(d.bolderWeight()); itemFont = Font(d, itemFont.letterSpacing(), itemFont.wordSpacing()); itemFont.update(document()->styleSelector()->fontSelector()); } if (!text.isEmpty()) { float textWidth = itemFont.width(TextRun(text.impl(), false, 0, 0, TextRun::AllowTrailingExpansion, false, false)); width = max(width, textWidth); } } m_optionsWidth = static_cast(ceilf(width)); m_optionsChanged = false; setHasVerticalScrollbar(true); setNeedsLayoutAndPrefWidthsRecalc(); } } void RenderListBox::selectionChanged() { repaint(); if (!m_inAutoscroll) { if (m_optionsChanged || needsLayout()) m_scrollToRevealSelectionAfterLayout = true; else scrollToRevealSelection(); } if (AXObjectCache::accessibilityEnabled()) document()->axObjectCache()->selectedChildrenChanged(this); } void RenderListBox::layout() { RenderBlock::layout(); if (m_scrollToRevealSelectionAfterLayout) { view()->disableLayoutState(); scrollToRevealSelection(); view()->enableLayoutState(); } } void RenderListBox::scrollToRevealSelection() { SelectElement* select = toSelectElement(static_cast(node())); m_scrollToRevealSelectionAfterLayout = false; int firstIndex = select->activeSelectionStartListIndex(); if (firstIndex >= 0 && !listIndexIsVisible(select->activeSelectionEndListIndex())) scrollToRevealElementAtListIndex(firstIndex); } void RenderListBox::computePreferredLogicalWidths() { ASSERT(!m_optionsChanged); m_minPreferredLogicalWidth = 0; m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth = 0; if (style()->width().isFixed() && style()->width().value() > 0) m_minPreferredLogicalWidth = m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth = computeContentBoxLogicalWidth(style()->width().value()); else { m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth = m_optionsWidth + 2 * optionsSpacingHorizontal; if (m_vBar) m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth += m_vBar->width(); } if (style()->minWidth().isFixed() && style()->minWidth().value() > 0) { m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth = max(m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth, computeContentBoxLogicalWidth(style()->minWidth().value())); m_minPreferredLogicalWidth = max(m_minPreferredLogicalWidth, computeContentBoxLogicalWidth(style()->minWidth().value())); } else if (style()->width().isPercent() || (style()->width().isAuto() && style()->height().isPercent())) m_minPreferredLogicalWidth = 0; else m_minPreferredLogicalWidth = m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth; if (style()->maxWidth().isFixed() && style()->maxWidth().value() != undefinedLength) { m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth = min(m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth, computeContentBoxLogicalWidth(style()->maxWidth().value())); m_minPreferredLogicalWidth = min(m_minPreferredLogicalWidth, computeContentBoxLogicalWidth(style()->maxWidth().value())); } int toAdd = borderAndPaddingWidth(); m_minPreferredLogicalWidth += toAdd; m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth += toAdd; setPreferredLogicalWidthsDirty(false); } int RenderListBox::size() const { int specifiedSize = toSelectElement(static_cast(node()))->size(); if (specifiedSize > 1) return max(minSize, specifiedSize); return min(max(minSize, numItems()), maxDefaultSize); } int RenderListBox::numVisibleItems() const { // Only count fully visible rows. But don't return 0 even if only part of a row shows. return max(1, (contentHeight() + rowSpacing) / itemHeight()); } int RenderListBox::numItems() const { return toSelectElement(static_cast(node()))->listItems().size(); } int RenderListBox::listHeight() const { return itemHeight() * numItems() - rowSpacing; } void RenderListBox::computeLogicalHeight() { int toAdd = borderAndPaddingHeight(); int itemHeight = RenderListBox::itemHeight(); setHeight(itemHeight * size() - rowSpacing + toAdd); RenderBlock::computeLogicalHeight(); if (m_vBar) { bool enabled = numVisibleItems() < numItems(); m_vBar->setEnabled(enabled); m_vBar->setSteps(1, min(1, numVisibleItems() - 1), itemHeight); m_vBar->setProportion(numVisibleItems(), numItems()); if (!enabled) m_indexOffset = 0; } } int RenderListBox::baselinePosition(FontBaseline baselineType, bool firstLine, LineDirectionMode lineDirection, LinePositionMode linePositionMode) const { return RenderBox::baselinePosition(baselineType, firstLine, lineDirection, linePositionMode) - baselineAdjustment; } IntRect RenderListBox::itemBoundingBoxRect(int tx, int ty, int index) { return IntRect(tx + borderLeft() + paddingLeft(), ty + borderTop() + paddingTop() + itemHeight() * (index - m_indexOffset), contentWidth(), itemHeight()); } void RenderListBox::paintObject(PaintInfo& paintInfo, int tx, int ty) { if (style()->visibility() != VISIBLE) return; int listItemsSize = numItems(); if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground) { int index = m_indexOffset; while (index < listItemsSize && index <= m_indexOffset + numVisibleItems()) { paintItemForeground(paintInfo, tx, ty, index); index++; } } // Paint the children. RenderBlock::paintObject(paintInfo, tx, ty); if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseBlockBackground) paintScrollbar(paintInfo, tx, ty); else if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseChildBlockBackground || paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseChildBlockBackgrounds) { int index = m_indexOffset; while (index < listItemsSize && index <= m_indexOffset + numVisibleItems()) { paintItemBackground(paintInfo, tx, ty, index); index++; } } } void RenderListBox::addFocusRingRects(Vector& rects, int tx, int ty) { if (!isSpatialNavigationEnabled(frame())) return RenderBlock::addFocusRingRects(rects, tx, ty); SelectElement* select = toSelectElement(static_cast(node())); // Focus the last selected item. int selectedItem = select->activeSelectionEndListIndex(); if (selectedItem >= 0) { rects.append(itemBoundingBoxRect(tx, ty, selectedItem)); return; } // No selected items, find the first non-disabled item. int size = numItems(); const Vector& listItems = select->listItems(); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { OptionElement* optionElement = toOptionElement(listItems[i]); if (optionElement && !optionElement->disabled()) { rects.append(itemBoundingBoxRect(tx, ty, i)); return; } } } void RenderListBox::paintScrollbar(PaintInfo& paintInfo, int tx, int ty) { if (m_vBar) { IntRect scrollRect(tx + width() - borderRight() - m_vBar->width(), ty + borderTop(), m_vBar->width(), height() - (borderTop() + borderBottom())); m_vBar->setFrameRect(scrollRect); m_vBar->paint(paintInfo.context, paintInfo.rect); } } static IntSize itemOffsetForAlignment(TextRun textRun, RenderStyle* itemStyle, Font itemFont, IntRect itemBoudingBox) { ETextAlign actualAlignment = itemStyle->textAlign(); // FIXME: Firefox doesn't respect JUSTIFY. Should we? if (actualAlignment == TAAUTO || actualAlignment == JUSTIFY) actualAlignment = itemStyle->isLeftToRightDirection() ? LEFT : RIGHT; IntSize offset = IntSize(0, itemFont.fontMetrics().ascent()); if (actualAlignment == RIGHT || actualAlignment == WEBKIT_RIGHT) { float textWidth = itemFont.width(textRun); offset.setWidth(itemBoudingBox.width() - textWidth - optionsSpacingHorizontal); } else if (actualAlignment == CENTER || actualAlignment == WEBKIT_CENTER) { float textWidth = itemFont.width(textRun); offset.setWidth((itemBoudingBox.width() - textWidth) / 2); } else offset.setWidth(optionsSpacingHorizontal); return offset; } void RenderListBox::paintItemForeground(PaintInfo& paintInfo, int tx, int ty, int listIndex) { SelectElement* select = toSelectElement(static_cast(node())); const Vector& listItems = select->listItems(); Element* element = listItems[listIndex]; OptionElement* optionElement = toOptionElement(element); RenderStyle* itemStyle = element->renderStyle(); if (!itemStyle) itemStyle = style(); if (itemStyle->visibility() == HIDDEN) return; String itemText; if (optionElement) itemText = optionElement->textIndentedToRespectGroupLabel(); else if (OptionGroupElement* optionGroupElement = toOptionGroupElement(element)) itemText = optionGroupElement->groupLabelText(); Color textColor = element->renderStyle() ? element->renderStyle()->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyColor) : style()->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyColor); if (optionElement && optionElement->selected()) { if (frame()->selection()->isFocusedAndActive() && document()->focusedNode() == node()) textColor = theme()->activeListBoxSelectionForegroundColor(); // Honor the foreground color for disabled items else if (!element->disabled()) textColor = theme()->inactiveListBoxSelectionForegroundColor(); } ColorSpace colorSpace = itemStyle->colorSpace(); paintInfo.context->setFillColor(textColor, colorSpace); unsigned length = itemText.length(); const UChar* string = itemText.characters(); TextRun textRun(string, length, false, 0, 0, TextRun::AllowTrailingExpansion, !itemStyle->isLeftToRightDirection(), itemStyle->unicodeBidi() == Override); Font itemFont = style()->font(); IntRect r = itemBoundingBoxRect(tx, ty, listIndex); r.move(itemOffsetForAlignment(textRun, itemStyle, itemFont, r)); if (isOptionGroupElement(element)) { FontDescription d = itemFont.fontDescription(); d.setWeight(d.bolderWeight()); itemFont = Font(d, itemFont.letterSpacing(), itemFont.wordSpacing()); itemFont.update(document()->styleSelector()->fontSelector()); } // Draw the item text if (itemStyle->visibility() != HIDDEN) paintInfo.context->drawBidiText(itemFont, textRun, r.location()); } void RenderListBox::paintItemBackground(PaintInfo& paintInfo, int tx, int ty, int listIndex) { SelectElement* select = toSelectElement(static_cast(node())); const Vector& listItems = select->listItems(); Element* element = listItems[listIndex]; OptionElement* optionElement = toOptionElement(element); Color backColor; if (optionElement && optionElement->selected()) { if (frame()->selection()->isFocusedAndActive() && document()->focusedNode() == node()) backColor = theme()->activeListBoxSelectionBackgroundColor(); else backColor = theme()->inactiveListBoxSelectionBackgroundColor(); } else backColor = element->renderStyle() ? element->renderStyle()->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor) : style()->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor); // Draw the background for this list box item if (!element->renderStyle() || element->renderStyle()->visibility() != HIDDEN) { ColorSpace colorSpace = element->renderStyle() ? element->renderStyle()->colorSpace() : style()->colorSpace(); IntRect itemRect = itemBoundingBoxRect(tx, ty, listIndex); itemRect.intersect(controlClipRect(tx, ty)); paintInfo.context->fillRect(itemRect, backColor, colorSpace); } } bool RenderListBox::isPointInOverflowControl(HitTestResult& result, int _x, int _y, int _tx, int _ty) { if (!m_vBar) return false; IntRect vertRect(_tx + width() - borderRight() - m_vBar->width(), _ty + borderTop(), m_vBar->width(), height() - borderTop() - borderBottom()); if (vertRect.contains(_x, _y)) { result.setScrollbar(m_vBar.get()); return true; } return false; } int RenderListBox::listIndexAtOffset(int offsetX, int offsetY) { if (!numItems()) return -1; if (offsetY < borderTop() + paddingTop() || offsetY > height() - paddingBottom() - borderBottom()) return -1; int scrollbarWidth = m_vBar ? m_vBar->width() : 0; if (offsetX < borderLeft() + paddingLeft() || offsetX > width() - borderRight() - paddingRight() - scrollbarWidth) return -1; int newOffset = (offsetY - borderTop() - paddingTop()) / itemHeight() + m_indexOffset; return newOffset < numItems() ? newOffset : -1; } void RenderListBox::panScroll(const IntPoint& panStartMousePosition) { const int maxSpeed = 20; const int iconRadius = 7; const int speedReducer = 4; // FIXME: This doesn't work correctly with transforms. FloatPoint absOffset = localToAbsolute(); IntPoint currentMousePosition = frame()->eventHandler()->currentMousePosition(); // We need to check if the current mouse position is out of the window. When the mouse is out of the window, the position is incoherent static IntPoint previousMousePosition; if (currentMousePosition.y() < 0) currentMousePosition = previousMousePosition; else previousMousePosition = currentMousePosition; int yDelta = currentMousePosition.y() - panStartMousePosition.y(); // If the point is too far from the center we limit the speed yDelta = max(min(yDelta, maxSpeed), -maxSpeed); if (abs(yDelta) < iconRadius) // at the center we let the space for the icon return; if (yDelta > 0) //offsetY = view()->viewHeight(); absOffset.move(0, listHeight()); else if (yDelta < 0) yDelta--; // Let's attenuate the speed yDelta /= speedReducer; IntPoint scrollPoint(0, 0); scrollPoint.setY(absOffset.y() + yDelta); int newOffset = scrollToward(scrollPoint); if (newOffset < 0) return; m_inAutoscroll = true; SelectElement* select = toSelectElement(static_cast(node())); select->updateListBoxSelection(!select->multiple()); m_inAutoscroll = false; } int RenderListBox::scrollToward(const IntPoint& destination) { // FIXME: This doesn't work correctly with transforms. FloatPoint absPos = localToAbsolute(); int offsetX = destination.x() - absPos.x(); int offsetY = destination.y() - absPos.y(); int rows = numVisibleItems(); int offset = m_indexOffset; if (offsetY < borderTop() + paddingTop() && scrollToRevealElementAtListIndex(offset - 1)) return offset - 1; if (offsetY > height() - paddingBottom() - borderBottom() && scrollToRevealElementAtListIndex(offset + rows)) return offset + rows - 1; return listIndexAtOffset(offsetX, offsetY); } void RenderListBox::autoscroll() { IntPoint pos = frame()->view()->windowToContents(frame()->eventHandler()->currentMousePosition()); int endIndex = scrollToward(pos); if (endIndex >= 0) { SelectElement* select = toSelectElement(static_cast(node())); m_inAutoscroll = true; if (!select->multiple()) select->setActiveSelectionAnchorIndex(endIndex); select->setActiveSelectionEndIndex(endIndex); select->updateListBoxSelection(!select->multiple()); m_inAutoscroll = false; } } void RenderListBox::stopAutoscroll() { toSelectElement(static_cast(node()))->listBoxOnChange(); } bool RenderListBox::scrollToRevealElementAtListIndex(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= numItems() || listIndexIsVisible(index)) return false; int newOffset; if (index < m_indexOffset) newOffset = index; else newOffset = index - numVisibleItems() + 1; ScrollableArea::scrollToYOffsetWithoutAnimation(newOffset); return true; } bool RenderListBox::listIndexIsVisible(int index) { return index >= m_indexOffset && index < m_indexOffset + numVisibleItems(); } bool RenderListBox::scroll(ScrollDirection direction, ScrollGranularity granularity, float multiplier, Node**) { return ScrollableArea::scroll(direction, granularity, multiplier); } bool RenderListBox::logicalScroll(ScrollLogicalDirection direction, ScrollGranularity granularity, float multiplier, Node**) { return ScrollableArea::scroll(logicalToPhysical(direction, style()->isHorizontalWritingMode(), style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()), granularity, multiplier); } void RenderListBox::valueChanged(unsigned listIndex) { Element* element = static_cast(node()); SelectElement* select = toSelectElement(element); select->setSelectedIndex(select->listToOptionIndex(listIndex)); element->dispatchFormControlChangeEvent(); } int RenderListBox::scrollSize(ScrollbarOrientation orientation) const { return ((orientation == VerticalScrollbar) && m_vBar) ? (m_vBar->totalSize() - m_vBar->visibleSize()) : 0; } int RenderListBox::scrollPosition(Scrollbar*) const { return m_indexOffset; } void RenderListBox::setScrollOffset(const IntPoint& offset) { scrollTo(offset.y()); } void RenderListBox::scrollTo(int newOffset) { if (newOffset == m_indexOffset) return; m_indexOffset = newOffset; repaint(); node()->document()->eventQueue()->enqueueScrollEvent(node(), EventQueue::ScrollEventElementTarget); } int RenderListBox::itemHeight() const { return style()->fontMetrics().height() + rowSpacing; } int RenderListBox::verticalScrollbarWidth() const { return m_vBar && !m_vBar->isOverlayScrollbar() ? m_vBar->width() : 0; } // FIXME: We ignore padding in the vertical direction as far as these values are concerned, since that's // how the control currently paints. int RenderListBox::scrollWidth() const { // There is no horizontal scrolling allowed. return clientWidth(); } int RenderListBox::scrollHeight() const { return max(clientHeight(), listHeight()); } int RenderListBox::scrollLeft() const { return 0; } void RenderListBox::setScrollLeft(int) { } int RenderListBox::scrollTop() const { return m_indexOffset * itemHeight(); } void RenderListBox::setScrollTop(int newTop) { // Determine an index and scroll to it. int index = newTop / itemHeight(); if (index < 0 || index >= numItems() || index == m_indexOffset) return; ScrollableArea::scrollToYOffsetWithoutAnimation(index); } bool RenderListBox::nodeAtPoint(const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result, int x, int y, int tx, int ty, HitTestAction hitTestAction) { if (!RenderBlock::nodeAtPoint(request, result, x, y, tx, ty, hitTestAction)) return false; const Vector& listItems = toSelectElement(static_cast(node()))->listItems(); int size = numItems(); tx += this->x(); ty += this->y(); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (itemBoundingBoxRect(tx, ty, i).contains(x, y)) { if (Element* node = listItems[i]) { result.setInnerNode(node); if (!result.innerNonSharedNode()) result.setInnerNonSharedNode(node); result.setLocalPoint(IntPoint(x - tx, y - ty)); break; } } } return true; } IntRect RenderListBox::controlClipRect(int tx, int ty) const { IntRect clipRect = contentBoxRect(); clipRect.move(tx, ty); return clipRect; } bool RenderListBox::isActive() const { Page* page = frame()->page(); return page && page->focusController()->isActive(); } void RenderListBox::invalidateScrollbarRect(Scrollbar* scrollbar, const IntRect& rect) { IntRect scrollRect = rect; scrollRect.move(width() - borderRight() - scrollbar->width(), borderTop()); repaintRectangle(scrollRect); } IntRect RenderListBox::convertFromScrollbarToContainingView(const Scrollbar* scrollbar, const IntRect& scrollbarRect) const { RenderView* view = this->view(); if (!view) return scrollbarRect; IntRect rect = scrollbarRect; int scrollbarLeft = width() - borderRight() - scrollbar->width(); int scrollbarTop = borderTop(); rect.move(scrollbarLeft, scrollbarTop); return view->frameView()->convertFromRenderer(this, rect); } IntRect RenderListBox::convertFromContainingViewToScrollbar(const Scrollbar* scrollbar, const IntRect& parentRect) const { RenderView* view = this->view(); if (!view) return parentRect; IntRect rect = view->frameView()->convertToRenderer(this, parentRect); int scrollbarLeft = width() - borderRight() - scrollbar->width(); int scrollbarTop = borderTop(); rect.move(-scrollbarLeft, -scrollbarTop); return rect; } IntPoint RenderListBox::convertFromScrollbarToContainingView(const Scrollbar* scrollbar, const IntPoint& scrollbarPoint) const { RenderView* view = this->view(); if (!view) return scrollbarPoint; IntPoint point = scrollbarPoint; int scrollbarLeft = width() - borderRight() - scrollbar->width(); int scrollbarTop = borderTop(); point.move(scrollbarLeft, scrollbarTop); return view->frameView()->convertFromRenderer(this, point); } IntPoint RenderListBox::convertFromContainingViewToScrollbar(const Scrollbar* scrollbar, const IntPoint& parentPoint) const { RenderView* view = this->view(); if (!view) return parentPoint; IntPoint point = view->frameView()->convertToRenderer(this, parentPoint); int scrollbarLeft = width() - borderRight() - scrollbar->width(); int scrollbarTop = borderTop(); point.move(-scrollbarLeft, -scrollbarTop); return point; } IntSize RenderListBox::contentsSize() const { return IntSize(scrollWidth(), scrollHeight()); } int RenderListBox::visibleHeight() const { return height(); } int RenderListBox::visibleWidth() const { return width(); } IntPoint RenderListBox::currentMousePosition() const { RenderView* view = this->view(); if (!view) return IntPoint(); return view->frameView()->currentMousePosition(); } bool RenderListBox::shouldSuspendScrollAnimations() const { RenderView* view = this->view(); if (!view) return true; return view->frameView()->shouldSuspendScrollAnimations(); } PassRefPtr RenderListBox::createScrollbar() { RefPtr widget; bool hasCustomScrollbarStyle = style()->hasPseudoStyle(SCROLLBAR); if (hasCustomScrollbarStyle) widget = RenderScrollbar::createCustomScrollbar(this, VerticalScrollbar, this); else { widget = Scrollbar::createNativeScrollbar(this, VerticalScrollbar, theme()->scrollbarControlSizeForPart(ListboxPart)); didAddVerticalScrollbar(widget.get()); } document()->view()->addChild(widget.get()); return widget.release(); } void RenderListBox::destroyScrollbar() { if (!m_vBar) return; if (!m_vBar->isCustomScrollbar()) ScrollableArea::willRemoveVerticalScrollbar(m_vBar.get()); m_vBar->removeFromParent(); m_vBar->disconnectFromScrollableArea(); m_vBar = 0; } void RenderListBox::setHasVerticalScrollbar(bool hasScrollbar) { if (hasScrollbar == (m_vBar != 0)) return; if (hasScrollbar) m_vBar = createScrollbar(); else destroyScrollbar(); if (m_vBar) m_vBar->styleChanged(); #if ENABLE(DASHBOARD_SUPPORT) // Force an update since we know the scrollbars have changed things. if (document()->hasDashboardRegions()) document()->setDashboardRegionsDirty(true); #endif } } // namespace WebCore