/* * Copyright 2007, The Android Open Source Project * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #define LOG_TAG "WebCore" #include "config.h" #include "FrameLoaderClientAndroid.h" #include "BackForwardList.h" #include "CachedFrame.h" #include "CachedFramePlatformDataAndroid.h" #include "Chrome.h" #include "ChromeClientAndroid.h" #include "DOMImplementation.h" #include "Document.h" #include "DocumentLoader.h" #include "EditorClientAndroid.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "FrameLoader.h" #include "FrameNetworkingContextAndroid.h" #include "FrameTree.h" #include "FrameView.h" #include "GraphicsContext.h" #include "HTMLFrameOwnerElement.h" #include "HTMLPlugInElement.h" #include "HistoryItem.h" #include "IconDatabase.h" #include "MIMETypeRegistry.h" #include "NotImplemented.h" #include "PackageNotifier.h" #include "Page.h" #include "PlatformBridge.h" #include "PlatformGraphicsContext.h" #include "PlatformString.h" #include "PluginDatabase.h" #include "PluginView.h" #include "PluginViewBase.h" #include "ProgressTracker.h" #include "RenderPart.h" #include "RenderView.h" #include "RenderWidget.h" #include "ResourceError.h" #include "ResourceHandle.h" #include "ResourceHandleInternal.h" #include "SelectionController.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "SkCanvas.h" #include "SkRect.h" #include "TextEncoding.h" #include "WebCoreFrameBridge.h" #include "WebCoreResourceLoader.h" #include "WebHistory.h" #include "WebIconDatabase.h" #include "WebFrameView.h" #include "WebViewClientError.h" #include "WebViewCore.h" #include "autofill/WebAutofill.h" #include "android_graphics.h" #include #include #define verifiedOk() // Verified that we don't need to implement this. extern android::AssetManager* globalAssetManager(); namespace android { static const int EXTRA_LAYOUT_DELAY = 1000; FrameLoaderClientAndroid::FrameLoaderClientAndroid(WebFrame* webframe) : m_frame(NULL) , m_webFrame(webframe) , m_manualLoader(NULL) , m_hasSentResponseToPlugin(false) , m_onDemandPluginsEnabled(false) , m_didReceiveServerRedirect(false) { Retain(m_webFrame); } FrameLoaderClientAndroid* FrameLoaderClientAndroid::get(const WebCore::Frame* frame) { return static_cast (frame->loader()->client()); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::frameLoaderDestroyed() { registerForIconNotification(false); m_frame = 0; Release(m_webFrame); delete this; } bool FrameLoaderClientAndroid::hasWebView() const { // FIXME, // there is one web view per page, or top frame. // as android's view is created from Java side, it is always there. return true; } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::makeRepresentation(DocumentLoader*) { m_onDemandPluginsEnabled = false; // don't use representation verifiedOk(); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::forceLayout() { ASSERT(m_frame); m_frame->view()->forceLayout(); // FIXME, should we adjust view size here? m_frame->view()->adjustViewSize(); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::forceLayoutForNonHTML() { notImplemented(); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::setCopiesOnScroll() { // this is a hint about whether we need to force redraws, or can // just copy the scrolled content. Since we always force a redraw // anyways, we can ignore this call. verifiedOk(); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::detachedFromParent2() { // FIXME, ready to detach frame from view } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::detachedFromParent3() { // FIXME, ready to release view notImplemented(); } // This function is responsible for associating the "id" with a given // subresource load. The following functions that accept an "id" are // called for each subresource, so they should not be dispatched to the m_frame. void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::assignIdentifierToInitialRequest(unsigned long id, DocumentLoader*, const ResourceRequest&) { notImplemented(); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchWillSendRequest(DocumentLoader*, unsigned long id, ResourceRequest&, const ResourceResponse&) { notImplemented(); } bool FrameLoaderClientAndroid::shouldUseCredentialStorage(DocumentLoader*, unsigned long identifier) { notImplemented(); return false; } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDidReceiveAuthenticationChallenge(DocumentLoader*, unsigned long id, const AuthenticationChallenge&) { notImplemented(); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDidCancelAuthenticationChallenge(DocumentLoader*, unsigned long id, const AuthenticationChallenge&) { notImplemented(); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDidReceiveResponse(DocumentLoader*, unsigned long id, const ResourceResponse&) { notImplemented(); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDidReceiveContentLength(DocumentLoader*, unsigned long id, int lengthReceived) { notImplemented(); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDidFinishLoading(DocumentLoader*, unsigned long id) { notImplemented(); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDidFailLoading(DocumentLoader* docLoader, unsigned long id, const ResourceError&) { notImplemented(); } bool FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDidLoadResourceFromMemoryCache(DocumentLoader*, const ResourceRequest&, const ResourceResponse&, int length) { notImplemented(); return false; } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDidHandleOnloadEvents() { } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDidReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoad() { ASSERT(!m_didReceiveServerRedirect); m_didReceiveServerRedirect = true; } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDidCancelClientRedirect() { notImplemented(); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchWillPerformClientRedirect(const KURL&, double interval, double fireDate) { notImplemented(); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDidChangeLocationWithinPage() { notImplemented(); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDidPushStateWithinPage() { notImplemented(); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDidReplaceStateWithinPage() { notImplemented(); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDidPopStateWithinPage() { notImplemented(); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchWillClose() { notImplemented(); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDidReceiveIcon() { ASSERT(m_frame); if (m_frame->tree() && m_frame->tree()->parent()) return; WTF::String url(m_frame->document()->url().string()); // Try to obtain the icon image. // FIXME: This method should not be used from outside WebCore and will be removed. // http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/81484 WebCore::Image* icon = WebCore::iconDatabase().synchronousIconForPageURL(url, WebCore::IntSize(16, 16)); // If the request fails, try the original request url. if (!icon) { DocumentLoader* docLoader = m_frame->loader()->activeDocumentLoader(); KURL originalURL = docLoader->originalRequest().url(); // FIXME: This method should not be used from outside WebCore and will be removed. // http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/81484 icon = WebCore::iconDatabase().synchronousIconForPageURL(originalURL, WebCore::IntSize(16, 16)); } // There is a bug in webkit where cancelling an icon load is treated as a // failure. When this is fixed, we can ASSERT again that we have an icon. if (icon) { ALOGV("Received icon (%p) for %s", icon, url.utf8().data()); m_webFrame->didReceiveIcon(icon); } else { ALOGV("Icon data for %s unavailable, registering for notification...", url.utf8().data()); registerForIconNotification(); } } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDidReceiveTouchIconURL(const String& url, bool precomposed) { ASSERT(m_frame); // Do not report sub frame touch icons if (m_frame->tree() && m_frame->tree()->parent()) return; m_webFrame->didReceiveTouchIconURL(url, precomposed); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDidStartProvisionalLoad() { notImplemented(); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDidReceiveTitle(const StringWithDirection& title) { ASSERT(m_frame); // Used to check for FrameLoadTypeStandard but we only want to send the title for // the top frame and not sub-frames. // FIXME: Use direction of title. if (!m_frame->tree() || !m_frame->tree()->parent()) { m_webFrame->setTitle(title.string()); } } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDidCommitLoad() { #if ENABLE(WEB_AUTOFILL) if (m_frame == m_frame->page()->mainFrame()) { EditorClientAndroid* editorC = static_cast(m_frame->page()->editorClient()); WebAutofill* autoFill = editorC->getAutofill(); autoFill->reset(); } #endif verifiedOk(); } static void loadDataIntoFrame(Frame* frame, KURL baseUrl, const String& url, const String& data) { if (baseUrl.isEmpty()) { baseUrl = blankURL(); } ResourceRequest request(baseUrl); CString cstr = data.utf8(); RefPtr buf = WebCore::SharedBuffer::create(cstr.data(), cstr.length()); SubstituteData subData(buf, String("text/html"), String("utf-8"), KURL(KURL(), url)); frame->loader()->load(request, subData, false); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDidFailProvisionalLoad(const ResourceError& error) { ASSERT(m_frame); // Ignore ErrorInterrupted since it is due to a policy interruption. This // is caused by a decision to download the main resource rather than // display it. if (error.errorCode() == InternalErrorInterrupted || error.errorCode() == InternalErrorCancelled) { // If we decided to download the main resource or if the user cancelled // it, make sure we report that the load is done. didFinishLoad(); return; } AssetManager* am = globalAssetManager(); // Check to see if the error code was not generated internally WebCore::PlatformBridge::rawResId id = WebCore::PlatformBridge::NoDomain; if ((error.errorCode() == ErrorFile || error.errorCode() == ErrorFileNotFound) && (!error.localizedDescription().isEmpty())) { id = WebCore::PlatformBridge::LoadError; } String filename = m_webFrame->getRawResourceFilename(id); if (filename.isEmpty()) return; // Grab the error page from the asset manager Asset* a = am->openNonAsset( filename.utf8().data(), Asset::ACCESS_BUFFER); if (!a) return; // Take the failing url and encode html entities so javascript urls are not // executed. CString failingUrl = error.failingURL().utf8(); WTF::Vector url; int len = failingUrl.length(); const char* data = failingUrl.data(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { char c = data[i]; if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9')) url.append(c); else { char buf[16]; int res = sprintf(buf, "&#%d;", c); buf[res] = 0; url.append(buf, res); } } // Vector sets up its data buffer lazilly, so if failingUrl is the empty // string, the data buffer will be null. This will result in sanitizedUrl // being null, and the string substitution below will be a no-op. // FIXME: Ideally we'd always have a non-empty URL, or at least improve the // wording of the error page in this case. See http://b/5293782. String sanitizedUrl = url.data() ? String(url.data(), url.size()) : ""; // Replace all occurances of %s with the failing url. String s = UTF8Encoding().decode((const char*)a->getBuffer(false), a->getLength()); s = s.replace("%s", sanitizedUrl); // Replace all occurances of %e with the error text s = s.replace("%e", error.localizedDescription()); // Create the request and the substitute data and tell the FrameLoader to // load with the replacement data. // use KURL(const char*) as KURL(const String& url) can trigger ASSERT for // invalidate URL string. loadDataIntoFrame(m_frame, KURL(ParsedURLString, data), error.failingURL(), s); // Delete the asset. delete a; // Report that the load is finished, since it failed. didFinishLoad(); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDidFailLoad(const ResourceError&) { // called when page is completed with error didFinishLoad(); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDidFinishDocumentLoad() { // called when finishedParsing notImplemented(); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDidFinishLoad() { didFinishLoad(); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDidFirstLayout() { ASSERT(m_frame); // set EXTRA_LAYOUT_DELAY if the loader is not completed yet if (!m_frame->loader()->isComplete()) m_frame->document()->setExtraLayoutDelay(EXTRA_LAYOUT_DELAY); // we need to do this here instead of dispatchDidFirstVisuallyNonEmptyLayout // so that about:blank will update the screen. if (!m_frame->tree()->parent()) { // Only need to notify Java side for the top frame WebViewCore::getWebViewCore(m_frame->view())->didFirstLayout(); } } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDidFirstVisuallyNonEmptyLayout() { notImplemented(); } Frame* FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchCreatePage(const NavigationAction&) { ASSERT(m_frame); #ifdef ANDROID_MULTIPLE_WINDOWS if (m_frame->settings() && m_frame->settings()->supportMultipleWindows()) // Always a user gesture since window.open maps to // ChromeClientAndroid::createWindow return m_webFrame->createWindow(false, true); else #endif // If the client doesn't support multiple windows, just replace the // current frame's contents. return m_frame; } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchShow() { ASSERT(m_frame); m_frame->view()->invalidate(); } static bool TreatAsAttachment(const String& content_disposition) { // Some broken sites just send // Content-Disposition: ; filename="file" // screen those out here. if (content_disposition.startsWith(";")) return false; if (content_disposition.startsWith("inline", false)) return false; // Some broken sites just send // Content-Disposition: filename="file" // without a disposition token... screen those out. if (content_disposition.startsWith("filename", false)) return false; // Also in use is Content-Disposition: name="file" if (content_disposition.startsWith("name", false)) return false; // We have a content-disposition of "attachment" or unknown. // RFC 2183, section 2.8 says that an unknown disposition // value should be treated as "attachment" return true; } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDecidePolicyForResponse(FramePolicyFunction func, const ResourceResponse& response, const ResourceRequest& request) { ASSERT(m_frame); ASSERT(func); if (!func) return; PolicyChecker* policy = m_frame->loader()->policyChecker(); if (request.isNull()) { (policy->*func)(PolicyIgnore); return; } // Default to Use (display internally). PolicyAction action = PolicyUse; // Check if we should Download instead. const String& content_disposition = response.httpHeaderField("Content-Disposition"); if (!content_disposition.isEmpty() && TreatAsAttachment(content_disposition)) { // Server wants to override our normal policy. // Check to see if we are a sub frame (main frame has no owner element) if (m_frame->ownerElement() != 0) action = PolicyIgnore; else action = PolicyDownload; (policy->*func)(action); return; } // Ask if it can be handled internally. if (!canShowMIMEType(response.mimeType())) { // Check to see if we are a sub frame (main frame has no owner element) if (m_frame->ownerElement() != 0) action = PolicyIgnore; else action = PolicyDownload; (policy->*func)(action); return; } // A status code of 204 indicates no content change. Ignore the result. WebCore::DocumentLoader* docLoader = m_frame->loader()->activeDocumentLoader(); if (docLoader->response().httpStatusCode() == 204) action = PolicyIgnore; (policy->*func)(action); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDecidePolicyForNewWindowAction(FramePolicyFunction func, const NavigationAction& action, const ResourceRequest& request, PassRefPtr formState, const String& frameName) { ASSERT(m_frame); ASSERT(func); if (!func) return; if (request.isNull()) { (m_frame->loader()->policyChecker()->*func)(PolicyIgnore); return; } if (action.type() == NavigationTypeFormSubmitted || action.type() == NavigationTypeFormResubmitted) m_frame->loader()->resetMultipleFormSubmissionProtection(); // If we get to this point it means that a link has a target that was not // found by the frame tree. Instead of creating a new frame, return the // current frame in dispatchCreatePage. if (canHandleRequest(request)) (m_frame->loader()->policyChecker()->*func)(PolicyUse); else (m_frame->loader()->policyChecker()->*func)(PolicyIgnore); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::cancelPolicyCheck() { notImplemented(); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchUnableToImplementPolicy(const ResourceError&) { notImplemented(); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDecidePolicyForNavigationAction(FramePolicyFunction func, const NavigationAction& action, const ResourceRequest& request, PassRefPtr formState) { ASSERT(m_frame); ASSERT(func); if (!func) return; if (request.isNull()) { (m_frame->loader()->policyChecker()->*func)(PolicyIgnore); return; } // Reset multiple form submission protection. If this is a resubmission, we check with the // user and reset the protection if they choose to resubmit the form (see WebCoreFrameBridge.cpp) if (action.type() == NavigationTypeFormSubmitted) m_frame->loader()->resetMultipleFormSubmissionProtection(); if (action.type() == NavigationTypeFormResubmitted) { m_webFrame->decidePolicyForFormResubmission(func); return; } else (m_frame->loader()->policyChecker()->*func)(PolicyUse); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchWillSubmitForm(FramePolicyFunction func, PassRefPtr) { ASSERT(m_frame); ASSERT(func); (m_frame->loader()->policyChecker()->*func)(PolicyUse); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchWillSendSubmitEvent(HTMLFormElement* form) { if (m_webFrame->shouldSaveFormData()) m_webFrame->saveFormData(form); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDidLoadMainResource(DocumentLoader*) { notImplemented(); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::revertToProvisionalState(DocumentLoader*) { notImplemented(); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::setMainDocumentError(DocumentLoader* docLoader, const ResourceError& error) { ASSERT(m_frame); if (m_manualLoader) { m_manualLoader->didFail(error); m_manualLoader = NULL; m_hasSentResponseToPlugin = false; } else { if (!error.isNull() && error.errorCode() >= InternalErrorLast && error.errorCode() != ERROR_OK) m_webFrame->reportError(error.errorCode(), error.localizedDescription(), error.failingURL()); } } // This function is called right before the progress is updated. void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::willChangeEstimatedProgress() { verifiedOk(); } // This function is called after the progress has been updated. The bad part // about this is that when a page is completed, this function is called after // the progress has been reset to 0. void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::didChangeEstimatedProgress() { verifiedOk(); } // This will give us the initial estimate when the page first starts to load. void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::postProgressStartedNotification() { ASSERT(m_frame); if (m_frame->page()) m_webFrame->setProgress(m_frame->page()->progress()->estimatedProgress()); } // This will give us any updated progress including the final progress. void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::postProgressEstimateChangedNotification() { ASSERT(m_frame); if (m_frame->page()) m_webFrame->setProgress(m_frame->page()->progress()->estimatedProgress()); } // This is just a notification that the progress has finished. Don't call // setProgress(1) because postProgressEstimateChangedNotification will do so. void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::postProgressFinishedNotification() { WebViewCore* core = WebViewCore::getWebViewCore(m_frame->view()); if (!m_frame->tree()->parent()) { // only need to notify Java for the top frame core->notifyProgressFinished(); } // notify plugins that the frame has loaded core->notifyPluginsOnFrameLoad(m_frame); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::setMainFrameDocumentReady(bool) { // this is only interesting once we provide an external API for the DOM notImplemented(); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::startDownload(const ResourceRequest&) { notImplemented(); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::willChangeTitle(DocumentLoader*) { verifiedOk(); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::didChangeTitle(DocumentLoader* loader) { verifiedOk(); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::finishedLoading(DocumentLoader* docLoader) { // Telling the frame we received some data and passing 0 as the data is our // way to get work done that is normally done when the first bit of data is // received, even for the case of a document with no data (like about:blank) if (!m_manualLoader) { committedLoad(docLoader, 0, 0); return; } m_manualLoader->didFinishLoading(); m_manualLoader = NULL; m_hasSentResponseToPlugin = false; } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::updateGlobalHistory() { ASSERT(m_frame); DocumentLoader* docLoader = m_frame->loader()->documentLoader(); ASSERT(docLoader); // Code copied from FrameLoader.cpp:createHistoryItem // Only add this URL to the database if it is a valid page if (docLoader->unreachableURL().isEmpty() && docLoader->response().httpStatusCode() < 400) { m_webFrame->updateVisitedHistory(docLoader->urlForHistory(), false); if (!docLoader->serverRedirectSourceForHistory().isNull()) m_webFrame->updateVisitedHistory(KURL(ParsedURLString, docLoader->serverRedirectDestinationForHistory()), false); } } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::updateGlobalHistoryRedirectLinks() { // Note, do we need to do anything where there is no HistoryItem? If we call // updateGlobalHistory(), we will add bunch of "data:xxx" urls for gmail.com // which is not what we want. Opt to do nothing now. } bool FrameLoaderClientAndroid::shouldGoToHistoryItem(HistoryItem* item) const { // hmmm, seems like we might do a more thoughtful check ASSERT(m_frame); return item != NULL; } bool FrameLoaderClientAndroid::shouldStopLoadingForHistoryItem(HistoryItem* item) const { return true; } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::didDisplayInsecureContent() { notImplemented(); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::didRunInsecureContent(SecurityOrigin*, const KURL&) { notImplemented(); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::committedLoad(DocumentLoader* loader, const char* data, int length) { if (!m_manualLoader) loader->commitData(data, length); // commit data may have created a manual plugin loader if (m_manualLoader) { if (!m_hasSentResponseToPlugin) { m_manualLoader->didReceiveResponse(loader->response()); // Failure could cause the main document to have an error causing // the manual loader to be reset. if (!m_manualLoader) return; m_hasSentResponseToPlugin = true; } m_manualLoader->didReceiveData(data, length); } } ResourceError FrameLoaderClientAndroid::cancelledError(const ResourceRequest& request) { return ResourceError(String(), InternalErrorCancelled, request.url(), String()); } ResourceError FrameLoaderClientAndroid::cannotShowURLError(const ResourceRequest& request) { return ResourceError(String(), InternalErrorCannotShowUrl, request.url(), String()); } ResourceError FrameLoaderClientAndroid::interruptForPolicyChangeError(const ResourceRequest& request) { return ResourceError(String(), InternalErrorInterrupted, request.url(), String()); } ResourceError FrameLoaderClientAndroid::cannotShowMIMETypeError(const ResourceResponse& request) { return ResourceError(String(), InternalErrorCannotShowMimeType, request.url(), String()); } ResourceError FrameLoaderClientAndroid::fileDoesNotExistError(const ResourceResponse& request) { return ResourceError(String(), InternalErrorFileDoesNotExist, request.url(), String()); } ResourceError FrameLoaderClientAndroid::pluginWillHandleLoadError(const ResourceResponse& request) { return ResourceError(String(), InternalErrorPluginWillHandleLoadError, request.url(), String()); } bool FrameLoaderClientAndroid::shouldFallBack(const ResourceError&) { notImplemented(); return false; } bool FrameLoaderClientAndroid::canHandleRequest(const ResourceRequest& request) const { // This is called by WebCore to determine if this load can be handled by the // WebView. In general, we delegate to the WebFrame, which may ask the // embedding application whether it wishes to hijack the load. However, we // don't allow this if the load is ... // - An intrapage navigation // - An iframe with a HTTP or HTTPS scheme URL bool canHandle = WebCore::equalIgnoringFragmentIdentifier(request.url(), m_frame->document()->url()) || (request.url().protocol().startsWith("http", false) && m_frame->tree() && m_frame->tree()->parent()) || m_webFrame->canHandleRequest(request); // If this is a server-side redirect and the WebView will handle loading it, // notify the WebFrame, which may notify the embedding application that // we're loading a new URL. if (m_didReceiveServerRedirect && canHandle) m_webFrame->loadStarted(m_frame); m_didReceiveServerRedirect = false; return canHandle; } bool FrameLoaderClientAndroid::canShowMIMEType(const String& mimeType) const { // FIXME: This looks like it has to do with whether or not a type can be // shown "internally" (i.e. inside the browser) regardless of whether // or not the browser is doing the rendering, e.g. a full page plugin. if (MIMETypeRegistry::isSupportedImageResourceMIMEType(mimeType) || MIMETypeRegistry::isSupportedNonImageMIMEType(mimeType) || MIMETypeRegistry::isSupportedJavaScriptMIMEType(mimeType) || (m_frame && m_frame->settings() && m_frame->settings()->arePluginsEnabled() && PluginDatabase::installedPlugins()->isMIMETypeRegistered( mimeType)) || (DOMImplementation::isTextMIMEType(mimeType) && !mimeType.startsWith("text/vnd")) || DOMImplementation::isXMLMIMEType(mimeType)) return true; return false; } bool FrameLoaderClientAndroid::canShowMIMETypeAsHTML(const String& mimeType) const { return false; } bool FrameLoaderClientAndroid::representationExistsForURLScheme(const String&) const { // don't use representation verifiedOk(); return false; } String FrameLoaderClientAndroid::generatedMIMETypeForURLScheme(const String& URLScheme) const { // FIXME, copy from Apple's port String mimetype("x-apple-web-kit/"); mimetype.append(URLScheme.lower()); return mimetype; } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::frameLoadCompleted() { // copied from Apple port, without this back with sub-frame will trigger ASSERT ASSERT(m_frame); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::saveViewStateToItem(HistoryItem* item) { ASSERT(m_frame); ASSERT(item); // store the current scale (only) for the top frame if (!m_frame->tree()->parent()) { // We should have added a bridge when the child item was added to its // parent. AndroidWebHistoryBridge* bridge = item->bridge(); ASSERT(bridge); WebViewCore* webViewCore = WebViewCore::getWebViewCore(m_frame->view()); bridge->setScale(webViewCore->scale()); bridge->setTextWrapScale(webViewCore->textWrapScale()); } WebCore::notifyHistoryItemChanged(item); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::restoreViewState() { WebViewCore* webViewCore = WebViewCore::getWebViewCore(m_frame->view()); HistoryItem* item = m_frame->loader()->history()->currentItem(); AndroidWebHistoryBridge* bridge = item->bridge(); // restore the scale (only) for the top frame if (!m_frame->tree()->parent()) { webViewCore->restoreScale(bridge->scale(), bridge->textWrapScale()); } } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDidAddBackForwardItem(HistoryItem* item) const { ASSERT(m_frame); m_webFrame->addHistoryItem(item); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDidRemoveBackForwardItem(HistoryItem* item) const { ASSERT(m_frame); m_webFrame->removeHistoryItem(0); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDidChangeBackForwardIndex() const { ASSERT(m_frame); BackForwardList* list = m_frame->page()->backForwardList(); ASSERT(list); m_webFrame->updateHistoryIndex(list->backListCount()); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::provisionalLoadStarted() { ASSERT(m_frame); m_webFrame->loadStarted(m_frame); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::didFinishLoad() { ASSERT(m_frame); m_frame->document()->setExtraLayoutDelay(0); m_webFrame->didFinishLoad(m_frame); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::prepareForDataSourceReplacement() { verifiedOk(); } PassRefPtr FrameLoaderClientAndroid::createDocumentLoader( const ResourceRequest& request, const SubstituteData& data) { RefPtr loader = DocumentLoader::create(request, data); return loader.release(); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::setTitle(const StringWithDirection& title, const KURL& url) { // Not needed. dispatchDidReceiveTitle is called immediately after this. // url is used to update the Apple port history items. verifiedOk(); } String FrameLoaderClientAndroid::userAgent(const KURL& u) { return m_webFrame->userAgentForURL(&u); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::savePlatformDataToCachedFrame(WebCore::CachedFrame* cachedFrame) { CachedFramePlatformDataAndroid* platformData = new CachedFramePlatformDataAndroid(m_frame->settings()); cachedFrame->setCachedFramePlatformData(platformData); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::transitionToCommittedFromCachedFrame(WebCore::CachedFrame* cachedFrame) { CachedFramePlatformDataAndroid* platformData = reinterpret_cast(cachedFrame->cachedFramePlatformData()); #ifdef ANDROID_META_SUPPORT platformData->restoreMetadata(m_frame->settings()); #endif #if ENABLE(ANDROID_OVERFLOW_SCROLL) #else WebViewCore* webViewCore = WebViewCore::getWebViewCore(m_frame->view()); webViewCore->clearContent(); #endif m_webFrame->transitionToCommitted(m_frame); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::transitionToCommittedForNewPage() { ASSERT(m_frame); #ifdef ANDROID_META_SUPPORT // reset metadata settings for the main frame as they are not preserved cross page if (m_frame == m_frame->page()->mainFrame() && m_frame->settings()) m_frame->settings()->resetMetadataSettings(); #endif // Save the old WebViewCore before creating a new FrameView. There is one // WebViewCore per page. Each frame, including the main frame and sub frame, // has a 1:1 FrameView and WebFrameView. WebViewCore* webViewCore = WebViewCore::getWebViewCore(m_frame->view()); Retain(webViewCore); // Save the old WebFrameView's bounds and apply them to the new WebFrameView WebFrameView* oldWebFrameView = static_cast (m_frame->view()->platformWidget()); IntRect bounds = oldWebFrameView->getBounds(); IntRect visBounds = oldWebFrameView->getVisibleBounds(); IntRect windowBounds = oldWebFrameView->getWindowBounds(); WebCore::FrameView* oldFrameView = oldWebFrameView->view(); const float oldZoomFactor = oldFrameView->frame()->textZoomFactor(); m_frame->createView(bounds.size(), oldFrameView->baseBackgroundColor(), oldFrameView->isTransparent(), oldFrameView->fixedLayoutSize(), oldFrameView->useFixedLayout()); if (oldZoomFactor != 1.0f && oldZoomFactor != m_frame->textZoomFactor()) { m_frame->setTextZoomFactor(oldZoomFactor); } // Create a new WebFrameView for the new FrameView WebFrameView* newFrameView = new WebFrameView(m_frame->view(), webViewCore); #if ENABLE(ANDROID_OVERFLOW_SCROLL) #else webViewCore->clearContent(); #endif newFrameView->setLocation(bounds.x(), bounds.y()); newFrameView->setSize(bounds.width(), bounds.height()); newFrameView->setVisibleSize(visBounds.width(), visBounds.height()); newFrameView->setWindowBounds(windowBounds.x(), windowBounds.y(), windowBounds.width(), windowBounds.height()); // newFrameView attaches itself to FrameView which Retains the reference, so // call Release for newFrameView Release(newFrameView); // WebFrameView Retains webViewCore, so call Release for webViewCore Release(webViewCore); m_webFrame->transitionToCommitted(m_frame); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDidBecomeFrameset(bool) { } bool FrameLoaderClientAndroid::canCachePage() const { return true; } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::download(ResourceHandle* handle, const ResourceRequest&, const ResourceRequest&, const ResourceResponse&) { // Get the C++ side of the load listener and tell it to handle the download handle->getInternal()->m_loader->downloadFile(); } WTF::PassRefPtr FrameLoaderClientAndroid::createFrame(const KURL& url, const String& name, HTMLFrameOwnerElement* ownerElement, const String& referrer, bool allowsScrolling, int marginWidth, int marginHeight) { Frame* parent = ownerElement->document()->frame(); FrameLoaderClientAndroid* loaderC = new FrameLoaderClientAndroid(m_webFrame); RefPtr pFrame = Frame::create(parent->page(), ownerElement, loaderC); Frame* newFrame = pFrame.get(); loaderC->setFrame(newFrame); // Append the subframe to the parent and set the name of the subframe. The name must be set after // appending the child so that the name becomes unique. parent->tree()->appendChild(newFrame); newFrame->tree()->setName(name); // Create a new FrameView and WebFrameView for the child frame to draw into. RefPtr frameView = FrameView::create(newFrame); WebFrameView* webFrameView = new WebFrameView(frameView.get(), WebViewCore::getWebViewCore(parent->view())); // frameView Retains webFrameView, so call Release for webFrameView Release(webFrameView); // Attach the frameView to the newFrame. newFrame->setView(frameView); newFrame->init(); newFrame->selection()->setFocused(true); ALOGV("::WebCore:: createSubFrame returning %p", newFrame); // The creation of the frame may have run arbitrary JavaScript that removed it from the page already. if (!pFrame->page()) return 0; parent->loader()->loadURLIntoChildFrame(url, referrer, pFrame.get()); // onLoad may cuase the frame to be removed from the document. Allow the RefPtr to delete the child frame. if (!pFrame->tree()->parent()) return NULL; return pFrame.release(); } // YouTube flash url path starts with /v/ static const char slash_v_slash[] = { '/', 'v', '/' }; static const char slash_e_slash[] = { '/', 'e', '/' }; static bool isValidYouTubeVideo(const String& path) { if (!charactersAreAllASCII(path.characters(), path.length())) return false; unsigned int len = path.length(); if (len <= sizeof(slash_v_slash)) // check for more than just /v/ return false; CString str = path.lower().utf8(); const char* data = str.data(); // Youtube flash url can start with /v/ or /e/ if (memcmp(data, slash_v_slash, sizeof(slash_v_slash)) != 0) if (memcmp(data, slash_e_slash, sizeof(slash_e_slash)) != 0) return false; // Start after /v/ for (unsigned int i = sizeof(slash_v_slash); i < len; i++) { char c = data[i]; // Check for alpha-numeric characters only. if (WTF::isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) || c == '_' || c == '-') continue; // The url can have more parameters such as &hl=en after the video id. // Once we start seeing extra parameters we can return true. return c == '&' && i > sizeof(slash_v_slash); } return true; } static bool isYouTubeUrl(const KURL& url, const String& mimeType) { String host = url.host(); bool youtube = host.endsWith("youtube.com") || host.endsWith("youtube-nocookie.com"); return youtube && isValidYouTubeVideo(url.path()) && equalIgnoringCase(mimeType, "application/x-shockwave-flash"); } static bool isYouTubeInstalled() { return WebCore::packageNotifier().isPackageInstalled("com.google.android.youtube"); } // Use PluginViewBase rather than an Android specific sub class as we do not require any // Android specific functionality; this just renders a placeholder which will later // activate the real plugin. class PluginToggleWidget : public PluginViewBase { public: PluginToggleWidget(Frame* parent, const IntSize& size, HTMLPlugInElement* elem, const KURL& url, const WTF::Vector& paramNames, const WTF::Vector& paramValues, const String& mimeType, bool loadManually) : PluginViewBase(0) , m_parent(parent) , m_size(size) , m_element(elem) , m_url(url) , m_paramNames(paramNames) , m_paramValues(paramValues) , m_mimeType(mimeType) , m_loadManually(loadManually) { resize(size); } virtual void paint(GraphicsContext* ctx, const IntRect& rect) { // Most of this code is copied from PluginView::paintMissingPluginIcon // with slight modification. static RefPtr image; if (!image) { image = Image::loadPlatformResource("togglePlugin"); } IntRect imageRect(x(), y(), image->width(), image->height()); int xOffset = (width() - imageRect.width()) >> 1; int yOffset = (height() - imageRect.height()) >> 1; imageRect.move(xOffset, yOffset); if (!rect.intersects(imageRect)) return; // FIXME: We need to clip similarly to paintMissingPluginIcon but it is // way screwed up right now. It has something to do with how we tell // webkit the scroll position and it causes the placeholder to get // clipped very badly. http://b/issue?id=2533303 ctx->save(); ctx->clip(frameRect()); ctx->setFillColor(Color::white, ColorSpaceDeviceRGB); ctx->fillRect(frameRect()); if (frameRect().contains(imageRect)) { // Leave a 2 pixel padding. const int pixelWidth = 2; IntRect innerRect = frameRect(); innerRect.inflate(-pixelWidth); // Draw a 2 pixel light gray border. ctx->setStrokeColor(Color::lightGray, ColorSpaceDeviceRGB); ctx->strokeRect(innerRect, pixelWidth); } // Draw the image in the center ctx->drawImage(image.get(), ColorSpaceDeviceRGB, imageRect.location()); ctx->restore(); } virtual void handleEvent(Event* event) { if (event->type() != eventNames().clickEvent) return; Frame* frame = m_parent->page()->mainFrame(); while (frame) { RenderView* view = frame->contentRenderer(); const HashSet widgets = view->widgets(); HashSet::const_iterator it = widgets.begin(); HashSet::const_iterator end = widgets.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { Widget* widget = (*it)->widget(); // PluginWidget is used only with PluginToggleWidget if (widget && widget->isPluginViewBase()) { PluginToggleWidget* ptw = static_cast(widget); ptw->swapPlugin(*it); } } frame = frame->tree()->traverseNext(); } } void swapPlugin(RenderWidget* renderer) { typedef FrameLoaderClientAndroid FLCA; FLCA* client = static_cast(m_parent->loader()->client()); client->enableOnDemandPlugins(); WTF::PassRefPtr prpWidget = PluginView::create(m_parent.get(), m_size, m_element, m_url, m_paramNames, m_paramValues, m_mimeType, m_loadManually); RefPtr myProtector(this); prpWidget->focusPluginElement(); renderer->setWidget(prpWidget); } private: void invalidateRect(const IntRect& rect) { } RefPtr m_parent; IntSize m_size; HTMLPlugInElement* m_element; KURL m_url; WTF::Vector m_paramNames; WTF::Vector m_paramValues; String m_mimeType; bool m_loadManually; }; WTF::PassRefPtr FrameLoaderClientAndroid::createPlugin( const IntSize& size, HTMLPlugInElement* element, const KURL& url, const WTF::Vector& names, const WTF::Vector& values, const String& mimeType, bool loadManually) { WTF::PassRefPtr prpWidget = 0; #ifdef ANDROID_PLUGINS // This is copied from PluginView.cpp. We need to determine if a plugin // will be found before doing some of the work in PluginView. String mimeTypeCopy = mimeType; PluginPackage* plugin = PluginDatabase::installedPlugins()->findPlugin(url, mimeTypeCopy); if (!plugin && PluginDatabase::installedPlugins()->refresh()) { mimeTypeCopy = mimeType; plugin = PluginDatabase::installedPlugins()->findPlugin(url, mimeTypeCopy); } Settings* settings = m_frame->settings(); // Do the placeholder if plugins are on-demand and there is a plugin for the // given mime type. if (settings && settings->arePluginsOnDemand() && plugin && !m_onDemandPluginsEnabled) { return adoptRef(new PluginToggleWidget(m_frame, size, element, url, names, values, mimeType, loadManually)); } prpWidget = PluginView::create(m_frame, size, element, url, names, values, mimeType, loadManually); // Return the plugin if it was loaded successfully. Otherwise, fallback to // the youtube placeholder if possible. No need to check prpWidget as // PluginView::create will create a PluginView for missing plugins. // Note: this check really only checks if the plugin was found and not if // the plugin was loaded. if (prpWidget->status() == PluginStatusLoadedSuccessfully) return prpWidget; #endif // Create an iframe for youtube urls. if (isYouTubeUrl(url, mimeType) && isYouTubeInstalled()) { WTF::RefPtr frame = createFrame(blankURL(), String(), element, String(), false, 0, 0); if (frame) { // grab everything after /v/ String videoId = url.path().substring(sizeof(slash_v_slash)); // Extract just the video id unsigned videoIdEnd = 0; for (; videoIdEnd < videoId.length(); videoIdEnd++) { if (videoId[videoIdEnd] == '&') { videoId = videoId.left(videoIdEnd); break; } } AssetManager* am = globalAssetManager(); Asset* a = am->open("webkit/youtube.html", Asset::ACCESS_BUFFER); if (!a) return NULL; String s = String((const char*)a->getBuffer(false), a->getLength()); s = s.replace("VIDEO_ID", videoId); delete a; loadDataIntoFrame(frame.get(), KURL(ParsedURLString, "file:///android_asset/webkit/"), String(), s); // Transfer ownership to a local refptr. WTF::RefPtr widget(frame->view()); return widget.release(); } } return prpWidget; } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::redirectDataToPlugin(Widget* pluginWidget) { // Do not redirect data if the Widget is our plugin placeholder. if (pluginWidget->isPluginView()) { m_manualLoader = static_cast(pluginWidget); } } WTF::PassRefPtr FrameLoaderClientAndroid::createJavaAppletWidget(const IntSize&, HTMLAppletElement*, const KURL& baseURL, const WTF::Vector& paramNames, const WTF::Vector& paramValues) { // don't support widget yet notImplemented(); return 0; } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::didTransferChildFrameToNewDocument(WebCore::Page*) { ASSERT(m_frame); // m_webFrame points to the WebFrame for the page that our frame previously // belonged to. If the frame now belongs to a new page, we need to update // m_webFrame to point to the WebFrame for the new page. Page* newPage = m_frame->page(); if (newPage != m_webFrame->page()) { ChromeClientAndroid* chromeClient = static_cast(newPage->chrome()->client()); Release(m_webFrame); m_webFrame = chromeClient->webFrame(); Retain(m_webFrame); } } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::transferLoadingResourceFromPage(unsigned long, DocumentLoader*, const ResourceRequest&, Page*) { notImplemented(); } // This function is used by the element to determine the type of // the contents and work out if it can render it. ObjectContentType FrameLoaderClientAndroid::objectContentType(const KURL& url, const String& mimeType, bool shouldPreferPlugInsForImages) { return FrameLoader::defaultObjectContentType(url, mimeType, shouldPreferPlugInsForImages); } // This function allows the application to set the correct CSS media // style. Android could use it to set the media style 'handheld'. Safari // may use it to set the media style to 'print' when the user wants to print // a particular web page. String FrameLoaderClientAndroid::overrideMediaType() const { notImplemented(); return String(); } // This function is used to re-attach Javascript<->native code classes. void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDidClearWindowObjectInWorld(DOMWrapperWorld* world) { if (world != mainThreadNormalWorld()) return; ASSERT(m_frame); ALOGV("::WebCore:: windowObjectCleared called on frame %p for %s\n", m_frame, m_frame->document()->url().string().ascii().data()); m_webFrame->windowObjectCleared(m_frame); } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::documentElementAvailable() { } // functions new to Jun-07 tip of tree merge: ResourceError FrameLoaderClientAndroid::blockedError(ResourceRequest const& request) { return ResourceError(String(), InternalErrorFileDoesNotExist, String(), String()); } // functions new to Nov-07 tip of tree merge: void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::didPerformFirstNavigation() const { // This seems to be just a notification that the UI can listen to, to // know if the user has performed first navigation action. // It is called from // void FrameLoader::addBackForwardItemClippedAtTarget(bool doClip) // "Navigation" here means a transition from one page to another that // ends up in the back/forward list. } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::registerForIconNotification(bool listen) { if (listen) WebIconDatabase::RegisterForIconNotification(this); else WebIconDatabase::UnregisterForIconNotification(this); } // This is the WebIconDatabaseClient method for receiving a notification when we // get the icon for the page. void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::didAddIconForPageUrl(const String& pageUrl) { // This call must happen before dispatchDidReceiveIcon since that method // may register for icon notifications again since the icon data may have // to be read from disk. registerForIconNotification(false); KURL u(ParsedURLString, pageUrl); if (equalIgnoringFragmentIdentifier(u, m_frame->document()->url())) { dispatchDidReceiveIcon(); } } void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDidChangeIcons() { notImplemented(); } PassRefPtr FrameLoaderClientAndroid::createNetworkingContext() { return FrameNetworkingContextAndroid::create(getFrame()); } }