/* * Copyright 2010, The Android Open Source Project * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "WebRequest.h" #include "JNIUtility.h" #include "MainThread.h" #include "UrlInterceptResponse.h" #include "WebCoreFrameBridge.h" #include "WebCoreJni.h" #include "WebRequestContext.h" #include "WebResourceRequest.h" #include "WebUrlLoaderClient.h" #include "jni.h" #include #include #include #include extern android::AssetManager* globalAssetManager(); // TODO: // - Finish the file upload. Testcase is mobile buzz // - Add network throttle needed by Android plugins // TODO: Turn off asserts crashing before release // http://b/issue?id=2951985 #undef ASSERT #define ASSERT(assertion, ...) do \ if (!(assertion)) { \ android_printLog(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, __FILE__, __VA_ARGS__); \ } \ while (0) namespace android { namespace { const int kInitialReadBufSize = 32768; const char* kXRequestedWithHeader = "X-Requested-With"; struct RequestPackageName { std::string value; RequestPackageName(); }; RequestPackageName::RequestPackageName() { JNIEnv* env = JSC::Bindings::getJNIEnv(); jclass bridgeClass = env->FindClass("android/webkit/JniUtil"); jmethodID method = env->GetStaticMethodID(bridgeClass, "getPackageName", "()Ljava/lang/String;"); value = jstringToStdString(env, static_cast(env->CallStaticObjectMethod(bridgeClass, method))); env->DeleteLocalRef(bridgeClass); } base::LazyInstance s_packageName(base::LINKER_INITIALIZED); } WebRequest::WebRequest(WebUrlLoaderClient* loader, const WebResourceRequest& webResourceRequest) : m_urlLoader(loader) , m_url(webResourceRequest.url()) , m_userAgent(webResourceRequest.userAgent()) , m_loadState(Created) , m_authRequestCount(0) , m_cacheMode(0) , m_runnableFactory(this) , m_wantToPause(false) , m_isPaused(false) , m_isSync(false) { GURL gurl(m_url); m_request = new net::URLRequest(gurl, this); m_request->SetExtraRequestHeaders(webResourceRequest.requestHeaders()); m_request->SetExtraRequestHeaderByName(kXRequestedWithHeader, s_packageName.Get().value, true); m_request->set_referrer(webResourceRequest.referrer()); m_request->set_method(webResourceRequest.method()); m_request->set_load_flags(webResourceRequest.loadFlags()); } // This is a special URL for Android. Query the Java InputStream // for data and send to WebCore WebRequest::WebRequest(WebUrlLoaderClient* loader, const WebResourceRequest& webResourceRequest, UrlInterceptResponse* intercept) : m_urlLoader(loader) , m_interceptResponse(intercept) , m_url(webResourceRequest.url()) , m_userAgent(webResourceRequest.userAgent()) , m_loadState(Created) , m_authRequestCount(0) , m_cacheMode(0) , m_runnableFactory(this) , m_wantToPause(false) , m_isPaused(false) , m_isSync(false) { } WebRequest::~WebRequest() { ASSERT(m_loadState == Finished, "dtor called on a WebRequest in a different state than finished (%d)", m_loadState); m_loadState = Deleted; } const std::string& WebRequest::getUrl() const { return m_url; } const std::string& WebRequest::getUserAgent() const { return m_userAgent; } #ifdef LOG_REQUESTS namespace { int remaining = 0; } #endif void WebRequest::finish(bool success) { m_runnableFactory.RevokeAll(); ASSERT(m_loadState < Finished, "(%p) called finish on an already finished WebRequest (%d) (%s)", this, m_loadState, m_url.c_str()); if (m_loadState >= Finished) return; #ifdef LOG_REQUESTS time_t finish; time(&finish); finish = finish - m_startTime; struct tm * timeinfo; char buffer[80]; timeinfo = localtime(&finish); strftime(buffer, 80, "Time: %M:%S",timeinfo); android_printLog(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "KM", "(%p) finish (%d) (%s) (%d) (%s)", this, --remaining, buffer, success, m_url.c_str()); #endif // Make sure WebUrlLoaderClient doesn't delete us in the middle of this method. scoped_refptr guard(this); m_loadState = Finished; if (success) { m_urlLoader->maybeCallOnMainThread(NewRunnableMethod( m_urlLoader.get(), &WebUrlLoaderClient::didFinishLoading)); } else { if (m_interceptResponse == NULL) { OwnPtr webResponse(new WebResponse(m_request.get())); m_urlLoader->maybeCallOnMainThread(NewRunnableMethod( m_urlLoader.get(), &WebUrlLoaderClient::didFail, webResponse.release())); } else { OwnPtr webResponse(new WebResponse(m_url, m_interceptResponse->mimeType(), 0, m_interceptResponse->encoding(), m_interceptResponse->status())); m_urlLoader->maybeCallOnMainThread(NewRunnableMethod( m_urlLoader.get(), &WebUrlLoaderClient::didFail, webResponse.release())); } } m_networkBuffer = 0; m_request = 0; m_urlLoader = 0; } void WebRequest::appendFileToUpload(const std::string& filename) { // AppendFileToUpload is only valid before calling start ASSERT(m_loadState == Created, "appendFileToUpload called on a WebRequest not in CREATED state: (%s)", m_url.c_str()); FilePath filePath(filename); m_request->AppendFileToUpload(filePath); } void WebRequest::appendBytesToUpload(WTF::Vector* data) { // AppendBytesToUpload is only valid before calling start ASSERT(m_loadState == Created, "appendBytesToUpload called on a WebRequest not in CREATED state: (%s)", m_url.c_str()); m_request->AppendBytesToUpload(data->data(), data->size()); delete data; } void WebRequest::setRequestContext(WebRequestContext* context) { m_cacheMode = context->getCacheMode(); if (m_request) m_request->set_context(context); } void WebRequest::updateLoadFlags(int& loadFlags) { if (m_cacheMode == 1) { // LOAD_CACHE_ELSE_NETWORK loadFlags |= net::LOAD_PREFERRING_CACHE; loadFlags &= ~net::LOAD_VALIDATE_CACHE; } if (m_cacheMode == 2) // LOAD_NO_CACHE loadFlags |= net::LOAD_BYPASS_CACHE; if (m_cacheMode == 3) // LOAD_CACHE_ONLY loadFlags |= net::LOAD_ONLY_FROM_CACHE; if (m_isSync) loadFlags |= net::LOAD_IGNORE_LIMITS; } void WebRequest::start() { ASSERT(m_loadState == Created, "Start called on a WebRequest not in CREATED state: (%s)", m_url.c_str()); #ifdef LOG_REQUESTS android_printLog(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "KM", "(%p) start (%d) (%s)", this, ++remaining, m_url.c_str()); time(&m_startTime); #endif m_loadState = Started; if (m_interceptResponse != NULL) return handleInterceptedURL(); // Handle data urls before we send it off to the http stack if (m_request->url().SchemeIs("data")) return handleDataURL(m_request->url()); if (m_request->url().SchemeIs("browser")) return handleBrowserURL(m_request->url()); // Update load flags with settings from WebSettings int loadFlags = m_request->load_flags(); updateLoadFlags(loadFlags); m_request->set_load_flags(loadFlags); m_request->Start(); } void WebRequest::cancel() { ASSERT(m_loadState >= Started, "Cancel called on a not started WebRequest: (%s)", m_url.c_str()); ASSERT(m_loadState != Cancelled, "Cancel called on an already cancelled WebRequest: (%s)", m_url.c_str()); // There is a possible race condition between the IO thread finishing the request and // the WebCore thread cancelling it. If the request has already finished, do // nothing to avoid sending duplicate finish messages to WebCore. if (m_loadState > Cancelled) { return; } ASSERT(m_request, "Request set to 0 before it is finished"); m_loadState = Cancelled; m_request->Cancel(); finish(true); } void WebRequest::pauseLoad(bool pause) { ASSERT(m_loadState >= GotData, "PauseLoad in state other than RESPONSE and GOTDATA"); if (pause) { if (!m_isPaused) m_wantToPause = true; } else { m_wantToPause = false; if (m_isPaused) { m_isPaused = false; MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, m_runnableFactory.NewRunnableMethod(&WebRequest::startReading)); } } } void WebRequest::handleInterceptedURL() { m_loadState = Response; const std::string& mime = m_interceptResponse->mimeType(); // Get the MIME type from the URL. "text/html" is a last resort, hopefully overridden. std::string mimeType("text/html"); if (mime == "") { // Get the MIME type from the file extension, if any. FilePath path(m_url); net::GetMimeTypeFromFile(path, &mimeType); } else { // Set from the intercept response. mimeType = mime; } OwnPtr webResponse(new WebResponse(m_url, mimeType, 0, m_interceptResponse->encoding(), m_interceptResponse->status())); m_urlLoader->maybeCallOnMainThread(NewRunnableMethod( m_urlLoader.get(), &WebUrlLoaderClient::didReceiveResponse, webResponse.release())); do { // data is deleted in WebUrlLoaderClient::didReceiveAndroidFileData // data is sent to the webcore thread OwnPtr > data(new std::vector); data->reserve(kInitialReadBufSize); // Read returns false on error and size of 0 on eof. if (!m_interceptResponse->readStream(data.get()) || data->size() == 0) break; m_loadState = GotData; m_urlLoader->maybeCallOnMainThread(NewRunnableMethod( m_urlLoader.get(), &WebUrlLoaderClient::didReceiveAndroidFileData, data.release())); } while (true); finish(m_interceptResponse->status() == 200); } void WebRequest::handleDataURL(GURL url) { OwnPtr data(new std::string); std::string mimeType; std::string charset; if (net::DataURL::Parse(url, &mimeType, &charset, data.get())) { // PopulateURLResponse from chrome implementation // weburlloader_impl.cc m_loadState = Response; OwnPtr webResponse(new WebResponse(url.spec(), mimeType, data->size(), charset, 200)); m_urlLoader->maybeCallOnMainThread(NewRunnableMethod( m_urlLoader.get(), &WebUrlLoaderClient::didReceiveResponse, webResponse.release())); if (!data->empty()) { m_loadState = GotData; m_urlLoader->maybeCallOnMainThread(NewRunnableMethod( m_urlLoader.get(), &WebUrlLoaderClient::didReceiveDataUrl, data.release())); } } else { // handle the failed case } finish(true); } void WebRequest::handleBrowserURL(GURL url) { std::string data("data:text/html;charset=utf-8,"); if (url.spec() == "browser:incognito") { AssetManager* assetManager = globalAssetManager(); Asset* asset = assetManager->open("webkit/incognito_mode_start_page.html", Asset::ACCESS_BUFFER); if (asset) { data.append((const char*)asset->getBuffer(false), asset->getLength()); delete asset; } } GURL dataURL(data.c_str()); handleDataURL(dataURL); } // Called upon a server-initiated redirect. The delegate may call the // request's Cancel method to prevent the redirect from being followed. // Since there may be multiple chained redirects, there may also be more // than one redirect call. // // When this function is called, the request will still contain the // original URL, the destination of the redirect is provided in 'new_url'. // If the delegate does not cancel the request and |*defer_redirect| is // false, then the redirect will be followed, and the request's URL will be // changed to the new URL. Otherwise if the delegate does not cancel the // request and |*defer_redirect| is true, then the redirect will be // followed once FollowDeferredRedirect is called on the URLRequest. // // The caller must set |*defer_redirect| to false, so that delegates do not // need to set it if they are happy with the default behavior of not // deferring redirect. void WebRequest::OnReceivedRedirect(net::URLRequest* newRequest, const GURL& newUrl, bool* deferRedirect) { ASSERT(m_loadState < Response, "Redirect after receiving response"); ASSERT(newRequest && newRequest->status().is_success(), "Invalid redirect"); OwnPtr webResponse(new WebResponse(newRequest)); webResponse->setUrl(newUrl.spec()); m_urlLoader->maybeCallOnMainThread(NewRunnableMethod( m_urlLoader.get(), &WebUrlLoaderClient::willSendRequest, webResponse.release())); // Defer the redirect until followDeferredRedirect() is called. *deferRedirect = true; } // Called when we receive an authentication failure. The delegate should // call request->SetAuth() with the user's credentials once it obtains them, // or request->CancelAuth() to cancel the login and display the error page. // When it does so, the request will be reissued, restarting the sequence // of On* callbacks. void WebRequest::OnAuthRequired(net::URLRequest* request, net::AuthChallengeInfo* authInfo) { ASSERT(m_loadState == Started, "OnAuthRequired called on a WebRequest not in STARTED state (state=%d)", m_loadState); scoped_refptr authInfoPtr(authInfo); bool firstTime = (m_authRequestCount == 0); ++m_authRequestCount; bool suppressDialog = (request->load_flags() & net::LOAD_DO_NOT_PROMPT_FOR_LOGIN); m_urlLoader->maybeCallOnMainThread(NewRunnableMethod( m_urlLoader.get(), &WebUrlLoaderClient::authRequired, authInfoPtr, firstTime, suppressDialog)); } // Called when we received an SSL certificate error. The delegate will provide // the user the options to proceed, cancel, or view certificates. void WebRequest::OnSSLCertificateError(net::URLRequest* request, int cert_error, net::X509Certificate* cert) { scoped_refptr scoped_cert = cert; m_urlLoader->maybeCallOnMainThread(NewRunnableMethod( m_urlLoader.get(), &WebUrlLoaderClient::reportSslCertError, cert_error, scoped_cert)); } void WebRequest::OnCertificateRequested(net::URLRequest* request, net::SSLCertRequestInfo* cert_request_info) { scoped_refptr scoped_cert_request_info = cert_request_info; m_urlLoader->maybeCallOnMainThread(NewRunnableMethod( m_urlLoader.get(), &WebUrlLoaderClient::requestClientCert, scoped_cert_request_info)); } // After calling Start(), the delegate will receive an OnResponseStarted // callback when the request has completed. If an error occurred, the // request->status() will be set. On success, all redirects have been // followed and the final response is beginning to arrive. At this point, // meta data about the response is available, including for example HTTP // response headers if this is a request for a HTTP resource. void WebRequest::OnResponseStarted(net::URLRequest* request) { ASSERT(m_loadState == Started, "Got response after receiving response"); m_loadState = Response; if (request && request->status().is_success()) { OwnPtr webResponse(new WebResponse(request)); m_urlLoader->maybeCallOnMainThread(NewRunnableMethod( m_urlLoader.get(), &WebUrlLoaderClient::didReceiveResponse, webResponse.release())); // Start reading the response startReading(); } else { finish(false); } } void WebRequest::setAuth(const string16& username, const string16& password) { ASSERT(m_loadState == Started, "setAuth called on a WebRequest not in STARTED state (state=%d)", m_loadState); m_request->SetAuth(username, password); } void WebRequest::cancelAuth() { ASSERT(m_loadState == Started, "cancelAuth called on a WebRequest not in STARTED state (state=%d)", m_loadState); m_request->CancelAuth(); } void WebRequest::followDeferredRedirect() { ASSERT(m_loadState < Response, "Redirect after receiving response"); m_request->FollowDeferredRedirect(); } void WebRequest::proceedSslCertError() { m_request->ContinueDespiteLastError(); } void WebRequest::cancelSslCertError(int cert_error) { m_request->SimulateError(cert_error); } void WebRequest::sslClientCert(EVP_PKEY* pkey, scoped_refptr chain) { base::ScopedOpenSSL privateKey(pkey); if (privateKey.get() == NULL || chain.get() == NULL) { m_request->ContinueWithCertificate(NULL); return; } GURL gurl(m_url); net::OpenSSLPrivateKeyStore::GetInstance()->StorePrivateKey(gurl, privateKey.release()); m_request->ContinueWithCertificate(chain.release()); } void WebRequest::startReading() { ASSERT(m_networkBuffer == 0, "startReading called with a nonzero buffer"); ASSERT(m_isPaused == 0, "startReading called in paused state"); ASSERT(m_loadState == Response || m_loadState == GotData, "StartReading in state other than RESPONSE and GOTDATA"); if (m_loadState > GotData) // We have been cancelled between reads return; if (m_wantToPause) { m_isPaused = true; return; } int bytesRead = 0; if (!read(&bytesRead)) { if (m_request && m_request->status().is_io_pending()) return; // Wait for OnReadCompleted() return finish(false); } // bytesRead == 0 indicates finished if (!bytesRead) return finish(true); m_loadState = GotData; // Read ok, forward buffer to webcore m_urlLoader->maybeCallOnMainThread(NewRunnableMethod(m_urlLoader.get(), &WebUrlLoaderClient::didReceiveData, m_networkBuffer, bytesRead)); m_networkBuffer = 0; MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, m_runnableFactory.NewRunnableMethod(&WebRequest::startReading)); } bool WebRequest::read(int* bytesRead) { ASSERT(m_loadState == Response || m_loadState == GotData, "read in state other than RESPONSE and GOTDATA"); ASSERT(m_networkBuffer == 0, "Read called with a nonzero buffer"); // TODO: when asserts work, check that the buffer is 0 here m_networkBuffer = new net::IOBuffer(kInitialReadBufSize); return m_request->Read(m_networkBuffer, kInitialReadBufSize, bytesRead); } // This is called when there is data available // Called when the a Read of the response body is completed after an // IO_PENDING status from a Read() call. // The data read is filled into the buffer which the caller passed // to Read() previously. // // If an error occurred, request->status() will contain the error, // and bytes read will be -1. void WebRequest::OnReadCompleted(net::URLRequest* request, int bytesRead) { ASSERT(m_loadState == Response || m_loadState == GotData, "OnReadCompleted in state other than RESPONSE and GOTDATA"); if (request->status().is_success()) { m_loadState = GotData; m_urlLoader->maybeCallOnMainThread(NewRunnableMethod( m_urlLoader.get(), &WebUrlLoaderClient::didReceiveData, m_networkBuffer, bytesRead)); m_networkBuffer = 0; // Get the rest of the data startReading(); } else { finish(false); } } } // namespace android