# WebKit2 - Qt4 build info QT += network # Use a config-specific target to prevent parallel builds file clashes on Mac mac: CONFIG(debug, debug|release): WEBKIT2_TARGET = webkit2d else: WEBKIT2_TARGET = webkit2 # Output in WebKit2/ CONFIG(debug, debug|release) : WEBKIT2_DESTDIR = debug else: WEBKIT2_DESTDIR = release defineTest(_addWebKit2Lib_common) { pathToWebKit2Output = $$ARGS/$$WEBKIT2_DESTDIR QMAKE_LIBDIR += $$pathToWebKit2Output POST_TARGETDEPS += $${pathToWebKit2Output}$${QMAKE_DIR_SEP}lib$${WEBKIT2_TARGET}.a # The following line is to prevent qmake from adding webkit2 to libQtWebKit's prl dependencies. CONFIG -= explicitlib export(QMAKE_LIBDIR) export(POST_TARGETDEPS) export(CONFIG) return(true) } defineTest(addWebKit2Lib) { _addWebKit2Lib_common($$ARGS) LIBS += -l$$WEBKIT2_TARGET export(LIBS) return(true) } defineTest(addWebKit2LibWholeArchive) { _addWebKit2Lib_common($$ARGS) # -whole-archive makes all objects, even if unreferenced, included in the linked target. mac: LIBS += -Wl,-all_load -l$$WEBKIT2_TARGET else: LIBS += -Wl,-whole-archive -l$$WEBKIT2_TARGET -Wl,-no-whole-archive export(LIBS) return(true) }