/* * Copyright (C) 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "DrawingAreaImpl.h" #include "DrawingAreaProxyMessages.h" #include "LayerTreeContext.h" #include "ShareableBitmap.h" #include "UpdateInfo.h" #include "WebPage.h" #include "WebPageCreationParameters.h" #include "WebProcess.h" #include #include #include #if !PLATFORM(MAC) && !PLATFORM(WIN) #error "This drawing area is not ready for use by other ports yet." #endif using namespace WebCore; namespace WebKit { PassOwnPtr DrawingAreaImpl::create(WebPage* webPage, const WebPageCreationParameters& parameters) { return adoptPtr(new DrawingAreaImpl(webPage, parameters)); } DrawingAreaImpl::~DrawingAreaImpl() { if (m_layerTreeHost) m_layerTreeHost->invalidate(); } DrawingAreaImpl::DrawingAreaImpl(WebPage* webPage, const WebPageCreationParameters& parameters) : DrawingArea(DrawingAreaTypeImpl, webPage) , m_backingStoreStateID(0) , m_inUpdateBackingStoreState(false) , m_shouldSendDidUpdateBackingStoreState(false) , m_isWaitingForDidUpdate(false) , m_isPaintingSuspended(!parameters.isVisible) , m_alwaysUseCompositing(false) , m_displayTimer(WebProcess::shared().runLoop(), this, &DrawingAreaImpl::display) , m_exitCompositingTimer(WebProcess::shared().runLoop(), this, &DrawingAreaImpl::exitAcceleratedCompositingMode) { if (webPage->corePage()->settings()->acceleratedDrawingEnabled()) m_alwaysUseCompositing = true; if (m_alwaysUseCompositing) enterAcceleratedCompositingMode(0); } void DrawingAreaImpl::setNeedsDisplay(const IntRect& rect) { IntRect dirtyRect = rect; dirtyRect.intersect(m_webPage->bounds()); if (dirtyRect.isEmpty()) return; if (m_layerTreeHost) { ASSERT(m_dirtyRegion.isEmpty()); m_layerTreeHost->setNonCompositedContentsNeedDisplay(dirtyRect); return; } m_dirtyRegion.unite(dirtyRect); scheduleDisplay(); } void DrawingAreaImpl::scroll(const IntRect& scrollRect, const IntSize& scrollOffset) { if (m_layerTreeHost) { ASSERT(m_scrollRect.isEmpty()); ASSERT(m_scrollOffset.isEmpty()); ASSERT(m_dirtyRegion.isEmpty()); m_layerTreeHost->scrollNonCompositedContents(scrollRect, scrollOffset); return; } if (!m_scrollRect.isEmpty() && scrollRect != m_scrollRect) { unsigned scrollArea = scrollRect.width() * scrollRect.height(); unsigned currentScrollArea = m_scrollRect.width() * m_scrollRect.height(); if (currentScrollArea >= scrollArea) { // The rect being scrolled is at least as large as the rect we'd like to scroll. // Go ahead and just invalidate the scroll rect. setNeedsDisplay(scrollRect); return; } // Just repaint the entire current scroll rect, we'll scroll the new rect instead. setNeedsDisplay(m_scrollRect); m_scrollRect = IntRect(); m_scrollOffset = IntSize(); } // Get the part of the dirty region that is in the scroll rect. Region dirtyRegionInScrollRect = intersect(scrollRect, m_dirtyRegion); if (!dirtyRegionInScrollRect.isEmpty()) { // There are parts of the dirty region that are inside the scroll rect. // We need to subtract them from the region, move them and re-add them. m_dirtyRegion.subtract(scrollRect); // Move the dirty parts. Region movedDirtyRegionInScrollRect = intersect(translate(dirtyRegionInScrollRect, scrollOffset), scrollRect); // And add them back. m_dirtyRegion.unite(movedDirtyRegionInScrollRect); } // Compute the scroll repaint region. Region scrollRepaintRegion = subtract(scrollRect, translate(scrollRect, scrollOffset)); m_dirtyRegion.unite(scrollRepaintRegion); m_scrollRect = scrollRect; m_scrollOffset += scrollOffset; } void DrawingAreaImpl::forceRepaint() { setNeedsDisplay(m_webPage->bounds()); m_webPage->layoutIfNeeded(); if (m_layerTreeHost) { m_layerTreeHost->forceRepaint(); return; } m_isWaitingForDidUpdate = false; display(); } void DrawingAreaImpl::didInstallPageOverlay() { if (m_layerTreeHost) m_layerTreeHost->didInstallPageOverlay(); } void DrawingAreaImpl::didUninstallPageOverlay() { if (m_layerTreeHost) m_layerTreeHost->didUninstallPageOverlay(); setNeedsDisplay(m_webPage->bounds()); } void DrawingAreaImpl::setPageOverlayNeedsDisplay(const IntRect& rect) { if (m_layerTreeHost) { m_layerTreeHost->setPageOverlayNeedsDisplay(rect); return; } setNeedsDisplay(rect); } void DrawingAreaImpl::layerHostDidFlushLayers() { ASSERT(m_layerTreeHost); m_layerTreeHost->forceRepaint(); if (m_shouldSendDidUpdateBackingStoreState) { sendDidUpdateBackingStoreState(); return; } if (!m_layerTreeHost) return; m_webPage->send(Messages::DrawingAreaProxy::EnterAcceleratedCompositingMode(m_backingStoreStateID, m_layerTreeHost->layerTreeContext())); } void DrawingAreaImpl::setRootCompositingLayer(GraphicsLayer* graphicsLayer) { if (graphicsLayer) { if (!m_layerTreeHost) { // We're actually entering accelerated compositing mode. enterAcceleratedCompositingMode(graphicsLayer); } else { m_exitCompositingTimer.stop(); // We're already in accelerated compositing mode, but the root compositing layer changed. m_layerTreeHost->setRootCompositingLayer(graphicsLayer); } } else { if (m_layerTreeHost) { m_layerTreeHost->setRootCompositingLayer(0); if (!m_alwaysUseCompositing) { // We'll exit accelerated compositing mode on a timer, to avoid re-entering // compositing code via display() and layout. // If we're leaving compositing mode because of a setSize, it is safe to // exit accelerated compositing mode right away. if (m_inUpdateBackingStoreState) exitAcceleratedCompositingMode(); else exitAcceleratedCompositingModeSoon(); } } } } void DrawingAreaImpl::scheduleCompositingLayerSync() { if (!m_layerTreeHost) return; m_layerTreeHost->scheduleLayerFlush(); } void DrawingAreaImpl::syncCompositingLayers() { } void DrawingAreaImpl::didReceiveMessage(CoreIPC::Connection*, CoreIPC::MessageID, CoreIPC::ArgumentDecoder*) { } void DrawingAreaImpl::updateBackingStoreState(uint64_t stateID, bool respondImmediately, const WebCore::IntSize& size, const WebCore::IntSize& scrollOffset) { ASSERT(!m_inUpdateBackingStoreState); m_inUpdateBackingStoreState = true; ASSERT_ARG(stateID, stateID >= m_backingStoreStateID); if (stateID != m_backingStoreStateID) { m_backingStoreStateID = stateID; m_shouldSendDidUpdateBackingStoreState = true; m_webPage->setSize(size); m_webPage->layoutIfNeeded(); m_webPage->scrollMainFrameIfNotAtMaxScrollPosition(scrollOffset); if (m_layerTreeHost) m_layerTreeHost->sizeDidChange(size); else m_dirtyRegion = m_webPage->bounds(); } else { ASSERT(size == m_webPage->size()); if (!m_shouldSendDidUpdateBackingStoreState) { // We've already sent a DidUpdateBackingStoreState message for this state. We have nothing more to do. m_inUpdateBackingStoreState = false; return; } } // The UI process has updated to a new backing store state. Any Update messages we sent before // this point will be ignored. We wait to set this to false until after updating the page's // size so that any displays triggered by the relayout will be ignored. If we're supposed to // respond to the UpdateBackingStoreState message immediately, we'll do a display anyway in // sendDidUpdateBackingStoreState; otherwise we shouldn't do one right now. m_isWaitingForDidUpdate = false; if (respondImmediately) sendDidUpdateBackingStoreState(); m_inUpdateBackingStoreState = false; } void DrawingAreaImpl::sendDidUpdateBackingStoreState() { ASSERT(!m_isWaitingForDidUpdate); ASSERT(m_shouldSendDidUpdateBackingStoreState); m_shouldSendDidUpdateBackingStoreState = false; UpdateInfo updateInfo; LayerTreeContext layerTreeContext; if (!m_isPaintingSuspended && !m_layerTreeHost) display(updateInfo); if (m_isPaintingSuspended || m_layerTreeHost) { updateInfo.viewSize = m_webPage->size(); if (m_layerTreeHost) { layerTreeContext = m_layerTreeHost->layerTreeContext(); // We don't want the layer tree host to notify after the next scheduled // layer flush because that might end up sending an EnterAcceleratedCompositingMode // message back to the UI process, but the updated layer tree context // will be sent back in the DidUpdateBackingStoreState message. m_layerTreeHost->setShouldNotifyAfterNextScheduledLayerFlush(false); } } m_webPage->send(Messages::DrawingAreaProxy::DidUpdateBackingStoreState(m_backingStoreStateID, updateInfo, layerTreeContext)); } void DrawingAreaImpl::didUpdate() { // We might get didUpdate messages from the UI process even after we've // entered accelerated compositing mode. Ignore them. if (m_layerTreeHost) return; m_isWaitingForDidUpdate = false; // Display if needed. display(); } void DrawingAreaImpl::suspendPainting() { ASSERT(!m_isPaintingSuspended); m_isPaintingSuspended = true; m_displayTimer.stop(); } void DrawingAreaImpl::resumePainting() { ASSERT(m_isPaintingSuspended); m_isPaintingSuspended = false; // FIXME: We shouldn't always repaint everything here. setNeedsDisplay(m_webPage->bounds()); } void DrawingAreaImpl::enterAcceleratedCompositingMode(GraphicsLayer* graphicsLayer) { m_exitCompositingTimer.stop(); ASSERT(!m_layerTreeHost); m_layerTreeHost = LayerTreeHost::create(m_webPage); if (!m_inUpdateBackingStoreState) m_layerTreeHost->setShouldNotifyAfterNextScheduledLayerFlush(true); m_layerTreeHost->setRootCompositingLayer(graphicsLayer); // Non-composited content will now be handled exclusively by the layer tree host. m_dirtyRegion = Region(); m_scrollRect = IntRect(); m_scrollOffset = IntSize(); m_displayTimer.stop(); m_isWaitingForDidUpdate = false; } void DrawingAreaImpl::exitAcceleratedCompositingMode() { if (m_alwaysUseCompositing) return; m_exitCompositingTimer.stop(); ASSERT(m_layerTreeHost); m_layerTreeHost->invalidate(); m_layerTreeHost = nullptr; m_dirtyRegion = m_webPage->bounds(); if (m_inUpdateBackingStoreState) return; if (m_shouldSendDidUpdateBackingStoreState) { sendDidUpdateBackingStoreState(); return; } UpdateInfo updateInfo; if (m_isPaintingSuspended) updateInfo.viewSize = m_webPage->size(); else display(updateInfo); // Send along a complete update of the page so we can paint the contents right after we exit the // accelerated compositing mode, eliminiating flicker. m_webPage->send(Messages::DrawingAreaProxy::ExitAcceleratedCompositingMode(m_backingStoreStateID, updateInfo)); } void DrawingAreaImpl::exitAcceleratedCompositingModeSoon() { if (m_exitCompositingTimer.isActive()) return; m_exitCompositingTimer.startOneShot(0); } void DrawingAreaImpl::scheduleDisplay() { if (m_isWaitingForDidUpdate) return; if (m_isPaintingSuspended) return; if (m_dirtyRegion.isEmpty()) return; if (m_displayTimer.isActive()) return; m_displayTimer.startOneShot(0); } void DrawingAreaImpl::display() { ASSERT(!m_layerTreeHost); ASSERT(!m_isWaitingForDidUpdate); ASSERT(!m_inUpdateBackingStoreState); if (m_isPaintingSuspended) return; if (m_dirtyRegion.isEmpty()) return; if (m_shouldSendDidUpdateBackingStoreState) { sendDidUpdateBackingStoreState(); return; } UpdateInfo updateInfo; display(updateInfo); if (m_layerTreeHost) { // The call to update caused layout which turned on accelerated compositing. // Don't send an Update message in this case. return; } m_webPage->send(Messages::DrawingAreaProxy::Update(m_backingStoreStateID, updateInfo)); m_isWaitingForDidUpdate = true; } static bool shouldPaintBoundsRect(const IntRect& bounds, const Vector& rects) { const size_t rectThreshold = 10; const float wastedSpaceThreshold = 0.75f; if (rects.size() <= 1 || rects.size() > rectThreshold) return true; // Attempt to guess whether or not we should use the region bounds rect or the individual rects. // We do this by computing the percentage of "wasted space" in the bounds. If that wasted space // is too large, then we will do individual rect painting instead. unsigned boundsArea = bounds.width() * bounds.height(); unsigned rectsArea = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < rects.size(); ++i) rectsArea += rects[i].width() * rects[i].height(); float wastedSpace = 1 - (rectsArea / boundsArea); return wastedSpace <= wastedSpaceThreshold; } void DrawingAreaImpl::display(UpdateInfo& updateInfo) { ASSERT(!m_isPaintingSuspended); ASSERT(!m_layerTreeHost); ASSERT(!m_webPage->size().isEmpty()); // FIXME: It would be better if we could avoid painting altogether when there is a custom representation. if (m_webPage->mainFrameHasCustomRepresentation()) return; m_webPage->layoutIfNeeded(); // The layout may have put the page into accelerated compositing mode, in which case the // LayerTreeHost is now in charge of displaying. if (m_layerTreeHost) return; IntRect bounds = m_dirtyRegion.bounds(); ASSERT(m_webPage->bounds().contains(bounds)); RefPtr bitmap = ShareableBitmap::createShareable(bounds.size()); if (!bitmap->createHandle(updateInfo.bitmapHandle)) return; Vector rects = m_dirtyRegion.rects(); if (shouldPaintBoundsRect(bounds, rects)) { rects.clear(); rects.append(bounds); } updateInfo.scrollRect = m_scrollRect; updateInfo.scrollOffset = m_scrollOffset; m_dirtyRegion = Region(); m_scrollRect = IntRect(); m_scrollOffset = IntSize(); OwnPtr graphicsContext = bitmap->createGraphicsContext(); updateInfo.viewSize = m_webPage->size(); updateInfo.updateRectBounds = bounds; graphicsContext->translate(-bounds.x(), -bounds.y()); for (size_t i = 0; i < rects.size(); ++i) { m_webPage->drawRect(*graphicsContext, rects[i]); if (m_webPage->hasPageOverlay()) m_webPage->drawPageOverlay(*graphicsContext, rects[i]); updateInfo.updateRects.append(rects[i]); } // Layout can trigger more calls to setNeedsDisplay and we don't want to process them // until the UI process has painted the update, so we stop the timer here. m_displayTimer.stop(); } } // namespace WebKit