/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "FindController.h" #include "ShareableBitmap.h" #include "WKPage.h" #include "WebCoreArgumentCoders.h" #include "WebPage.h" #include "WebPageProxyMessages.h" #include "WebProcess.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace WebCore; namespace WebKit { static WebCore::FindOptions core(FindOptions options) { return (options & FindOptionsCaseInsensitive ? CaseInsensitive : 0) | (options & FindOptionsAtWordStarts ? AtWordStarts : 0) | (options & FindOptionsTreatMedialCapitalAsWordStart ? TreatMedialCapitalAsWordStart : 0) | (options & FindOptionsBackwards ? Backwards : 0) | (options & FindOptionsWrapAround ? WrapAround : 0); } FindController::FindController(WebPage* webPage) : m_webPage(webPage) , m_findPageOverlay(0) , m_isShowingFindIndicator(false) { } FindController::~FindController() { } void FindController::countStringMatches(const String& string, FindOptions options, unsigned maxMatchCount) { unsigned matchCount = m_webPage->corePage()->markAllMatchesForText(string, core(options), false, maxMatchCount); m_webPage->corePage()->unmarkAllTextMatches(); m_webPage->send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DidCountStringMatches(string, matchCount)); } static Frame* frameWithSelection(Page* page) { for (Frame* frame = page->mainFrame(); frame; frame = frame->tree()->traverseNext()) { if (frame->selection()->isRange()) return frame; } return 0; } void FindController::findString(const String& string, FindOptions options, unsigned maxMatchCount) { m_webPage->corePage()->unmarkAllTextMatches(); bool found = m_webPage->corePage()->findString(string, core(options)); Frame* selectedFrame = frameWithSelection(m_webPage->corePage()); bool shouldShowOverlay = false; if (!found) { // Clear the selection. if (selectedFrame) selectedFrame->selection()->clear(); hideFindIndicator(); m_webPage->send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DidFailToFindString(string)); } else { shouldShowOverlay = options & FindOptionsShowOverlay; if (shouldShowOverlay) { unsigned matchCount = m_webPage->corePage()->markAllMatchesForText(string, core(options), false, maxMatchCount + 1); // Check if we have more matches than allowed. if (matchCount > maxMatchCount) { shouldShowOverlay = false; matchCount = static_cast(kWKMoreThanMaximumMatchCount); } m_webPage->send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DidFindString(string, matchCount)); } if (!(options & FindOptionsShowFindIndicator) || !updateFindIndicator(selectedFrame, shouldShowOverlay)) { // Either we shouldn't show the find indicator, or we couldn't update it. hideFindIndicator(); } } if (!shouldShowOverlay) { if (m_findPageOverlay) { // Get rid of the overlay. m_webPage->uninstallPageOverlay(m_findPageOverlay); } ASSERT(!m_findPageOverlay); return; } if (!m_findPageOverlay) { RefPtr findPageOverlay = PageOverlay::create(this); m_findPageOverlay = findPageOverlay.get(); m_webPage->installPageOverlay(findPageOverlay.release()); } else { // The page overlay needs to be repainted. m_findPageOverlay->setNeedsDisplay(); } } void FindController::hideFindUI() { if (m_findPageOverlay) m_webPage->uninstallPageOverlay(m_findPageOverlay); hideFindIndicator(); } bool FindController::updateFindIndicator(Frame* selectedFrame, bool isShowingOverlay) { if (!selectedFrame) return false; // We want the selection rect in window coordinates. IntRect selectionRectInWindowCoordinates = selectedFrame->view()->contentsToWindow(enclosingIntRect(selectedFrame->selection()->bounds())); Vector textRects; selectedFrame->selection()->getClippedVisibleTextRectangles(textRects); // Create a backing store and paint the find indicator text into it. RefPtr findIndicatorTextBackingStore = ShareableBitmap::createShareable(selectionRectInWindowCoordinates.size()); OwnPtr graphicsContext = findIndicatorTextBackingStore->createGraphicsContext(); graphicsContext->translate(-selectionRectInWindowCoordinates.x(), -selectionRectInWindowCoordinates.y()); selectedFrame->view()->setPaintBehavior(PaintBehaviorSelectionOnly | PaintBehaviorForceBlackText | PaintBehaviorFlattenCompositingLayers); selectedFrame->document()->updateLayout(); graphicsContext->clip(selectionRectInWindowCoordinates); selectedFrame->view()->paint(graphicsContext.get(), selectionRectInWindowCoordinates); selectedFrame->view()->setPaintBehavior(PaintBehaviorNormal); SharedMemory::Handle handle; if (!findIndicatorTextBackingStore->createHandle(handle)) return false; // We want the text rects in selection rect coordinates. Vector textRectsInSelectionRectCoordinates; for (size_t i = 0; i < textRects.size(); ++i) { IntRect textRectInSelectionRectCoordinates = selectedFrame->view()->contentsToWindow(enclosingIntRect(textRects[i])); textRectInSelectionRectCoordinates.move(-selectionRectInWindowCoordinates.x(), -selectionRectInWindowCoordinates.y()); textRectsInSelectionRectCoordinates.append(textRectInSelectionRectCoordinates); } m_webPage->send(Messages::WebPageProxy::SetFindIndicator(selectionRectInWindowCoordinates, textRectsInSelectionRectCoordinates, handle, !isShowingOverlay)); m_isShowingFindIndicator = true; return true; } void FindController::hideFindIndicator() { if (!m_isShowingFindIndicator) return; SharedMemory::Handle handle; m_webPage->send(Messages::WebPageProxy::SetFindIndicator(FloatRect(), Vector(), handle, false)); m_isShowingFindIndicator = false; } Vector FindController::rectsForTextMatches() { Vector rects; for (Frame* frame = m_webPage->corePage()->mainFrame(); frame; frame = frame->tree()->traverseNext()) { Document* document = frame->document(); if (!document) continue; IntRect visibleRect = frame->view()->visibleContentRect(); Vector frameRects = document->markers()->renderedRectsForMarkers(DocumentMarker::TextMatch); IntPoint frameOffset(-frame->view()->scrollOffset().width(), -frame->view()->scrollOffset().height()); frameOffset = frame->view()->convertToContainingWindow(frameOffset); for (Vector::iterator it = frameRects.begin(), end = frameRects.end(); it != end; ++it) { it->intersect(visibleRect); it->move(frameOffset.x(), frameOffset.y()); rects.append(*it); } } return rects; } void FindController::pageOverlayDestroyed(PageOverlay*) { } void FindController::willMoveToWebPage(PageOverlay*, WebPage* webPage) { if (webPage) return; // The page overlay is moving away from the web page, reset it. ASSERT(m_findPageOverlay); m_findPageOverlay = 0; } void FindController::didMoveToWebPage(PageOverlay*, WebPage*) { } static const float shadowOffsetX = 0.0; static const float shadowOffsetY = 1.0; static const float shadowBlurRadius = 2.0; static const float whiteFrameThickness = 1.0; static const int overlayBackgroundRed = 25; static const int overlayBackgroundGreen = 25; static const int overlayBackgroundBlue = 25; static const int overlayBackgroundAlpha = 63; static Color overlayBackgroundColor() { return Color(overlayBackgroundRed, overlayBackgroundGreen, overlayBackgroundBlue, overlayBackgroundAlpha); } void FindController::drawRect(PageOverlay*, GraphicsContext& graphicsContext, const IntRect& dirtyRect) { Vector rects = rectsForTextMatches(); ASSERT(!rects.isEmpty()); // Draw the background. graphicsContext.fillRect(dirtyRect, overlayBackgroundColor(), ColorSpaceSRGB); graphicsContext.save(); graphicsContext.setShadow(FloatSize(shadowOffsetX, shadowOffsetY), shadowBlurRadius, Color::black, ColorSpaceSRGB); graphicsContext.setFillColor(Color::white, ColorSpaceSRGB); // Draw white frames around the holes. for (size_t i = 0; i < rects.size(); ++i) { IntRect whiteFrameRect = rects[i]; whiteFrameRect.inflate(1); graphicsContext.fillRect(whiteFrameRect); } graphicsContext.restore(); graphicsContext.setFillColor(Color::transparent, ColorSpaceSRGB); // Clear out the holes. for (size_t i = 0; i < rects.size(); ++i) graphicsContext.fillRect(rects[i]); } bool FindController::mouseEvent(PageOverlay* pageOverlay, const WebMouseEvent& mouseEvent) { // If we get a mouse down event inside the page overlay we should hide the find UI. if (mouseEvent.type() == WebEvent::MouseDown) { // Dismiss the overlay. hideFindUI(); } return false; } } // namespace WebKit