2011-03-03 Hayato Ito Reviewed by Mihai Parparita. [NRWT] Clear output image file used by DumpRenderTree to make sure the previous image should not be used in the ChromiumDriver. Also make sure that output image from the ChromiumDriver should be '' (empty string) if a test crashes for consistency with the WebKitDriver implementation. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55746 * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/chromium.py: 2011-03-07 Zan Dobersek Reviewed by Martin Robinson. [Gtk] fast/js/navigator-language.html fails locally https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55880 Add LANG variable to the clean environment when running old-run-webkit-tests script. * Scripts/old-run-webkit-tests: 2011-03-07 Tony Chang Reviewed by Mihai Parparita. [Chromium] Find .checksum files without .pngs and vice-versa https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55236 * Scripts/find-mismatched-layout-test-results: Added. A script for finding mismatched results. 2011-03-07 Chris Fleizach Reviewed by Beth Dakin. AX: WK1 needs to use the ScrollView attachment for AXScrollArea, WK2 should not use this element. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55706 The rootElement in DRT should point to the scroll view. In WK1, that will be the parent of the rootObject. * DumpRenderTree/mac/AccessibilityControllerMac.mm: (AccessibilityController::focusedElement): Remove FIXME comment about caching the focusedElement. In fact, we shouldn't cache this because it could change at any time. (AccessibilityController::rootElement): 2011-03-07 Sam Weinig Reviewed by Anders Carlsson. Add unableToImplementPolicy callback for WebKit2 policy client https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55884 * MiniBrowser/mac/BrowserWindowController.m: (-[BrowserWindowController awakeFromNib]): Update policy client initialization struct for new member. 2011-03-07 Sam Weinig Reviewed by Anders Carlsson. Replace WebKit2's decidePolicyForMIMEType with decidePolicyForResponse https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55827 * MiniBrowser/mac/BrowserWindowController.m: (decidePolicyForResponse): (-[BrowserWindowController awakeFromNib]): * TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKit2/PageLoadBasic.cpp: (TestWebKitAPI::decidePolicyForResponse): (TestWebKitAPI::TEST): Update tools for new name. 2011-03-06 Daniel Bates Reviewed by Eric Seidel and David Kilzer. Fix misspelled word in build-webkit's checkForJavaSDK() and sort forward declarations https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55503 Fix misspelled word "Dowloads" [sic] in the message printed to standard output in checkForJavaSDK(). Also, remove extraneous space in function prototype for unlinkZeroFiles. * Scripts/build-webkit: 2011-03-05 Brian Weinstein Reviewed by Sam Weinig. Fix Web Process crashes caused by https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=53919. * WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/InjectedBundlePage.cpp: (WTR::InjectedBundlePage::willSendRequestForFrame): Retain the WKURLRequestRef returned by willSendRequestForFrame. The API expects a retained reference to the URL request. 2011-03-05 Ilya Sherman Reviewed by Darin Adler. HTMLInputElement::setValue() should schedule change event when the element is focused In service of https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=42716 https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=53160 * DumpRenderTree/LayoutTestController.cpp: (setValueForUserCallback): (LayoutTestController::staticFunctions): * DumpRenderTree/LayoutTestController.h: * DumpRenderTree/gtk/LayoutTestControllerGtk.cpp: (LayoutTestController::setValueForUser): Stubbed out; need real implementation. * DumpRenderTree/mac/LayoutTestControllerMac.mm: (LayoutTestController::setValueForUser): Expose HTMLInputElement::setValueForUser() to tests * DumpRenderTree/qt/LayoutTestControllerQt.cpp: (LayoutTestController::setValueForUser): Stubbed out; need real implementation. * DumpRenderTree/win/LayoutTestControllerWin.cpp: (LayoutTestController::setValueForUser): Stubbed out; need real implementation. * DumpRenderTree/wx/LayoutTestControllerWx.cpp: (LayoutTestController::setValueForUser): Stubbed out; need real implementation. 2011-03-04 Mark Rowe Reviewed by Alexey Proskuryakov. DumpRenderTree is crashing with GuardMalloc GuardMalloc does not expect the memory containing its malloc_zone_t to ever be read-only. * DumpRenderTree/mac/CheckedMalloc.cpp: (protectionOfRegion): Retrieve the protection flags for the VM region containing the given address. (makeLargeMallocFailSilently): Save the initial protection flags, temporarily make the region writeable, and then restore the initial protection flags when we're done. 2011-03-04 Evan Martin Reviewed by Tony Chang. [gdb] pretty-print KURL in gdb https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55788 * gdb/webkit.py: extend the pretty-printers to print WTF::CString and KURLGooglePrivate. As always, "p/r" can be used to sidestep pretty-printing. 2011-03-03 Timothy Hatcher Update the tests that use WKPageRunJavaScriptInMainFrame use the WKSerializedScriptValueRef. Reviewed by Darin Adler. * TestWebKitAPI/JavaScriptTest.cpp: (TestWebKitAPI::javaScriptCallback): * TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKit2/EvaluateJavaScript.cpp: (TestWebKitAPI::didRunJavaScript): * TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKit2/PageLoadDidChangeLocationWithinPageForFrame.cpp: (TestWebKitAPI::nullJavaScriptCallback): * TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKit2/PreventEmptyUserAgent.cpp: (TestWebKitAPI::didRunJavaScript): 2011-03-03 Timothy Hatcher Make run-api-tests show failed if a test fails. https://webkit.org/b/55725 Reviewed by Sam Weinig. * Scripts/run-api-tests: (runTest): Remove "my" from the nested $result assignment so the check outside the condition sees the real result. 2011-03-02 MORITA Hajime Reviewed by Kent Tamura. [Chromium][DRT] WebTask should use webkit_support::TaskAdaptor https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55434 Changed WebTask to be a subclass of webkit_support::TaskAdaptor and passed the object webkit_support::PostDelayedTask directly. Note that the change keeps postTask() as is because it has a semantics taht webkit_support::PostDelayedTask() has; It jumps to the main thread. * DumpRenderTree/chromium/Task.cpp: (postDelayedTask): * DumpRenderTree/chromium/Task.h: (WebTask::Run): 2011-03-03 Mahesh Kulkarni Reviewed by Kenneth Rohde Christiansen. [QT] Implement mock client-based geolocation for layout testing https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54334 Implement testing for Client-Based geolocation for QtWebkit. * DumpRenderTree/qt/DumpRenderTreeQt.cpp: (WebCore::DumpRenderTree::DumpRenderTree): * DumpRenderTree/qt/LayoutTestControllerQt.cpp: (LayoutTestController::reset): (LayoutTestController::setGeolocationPermission): (LayoutTestController::setMockGeolocationError): (LayoutTestController::setMockGeolocationPosition): 2011-03-03 Sheriff Bot Unreviewed, rolling out r80237. http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/80237 https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55714 Windows bots aren't ready to be core (Requested by aroben on #webkit). * Scripts/webkitpy/common/net/buildbot/buildbot.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/common/net/buildbot/buildbot_unittest.py: 2011-03-03 Mihai Parparita Reviewed by Tony Chang. NRWT: AttributeError: TestRunner2 instance has no attribute '_cancel_workers' https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55694 Fixes for interruptions in NRWT: - Make TestRunInterruptedException be pickleable correctly (the base Exception class defines a __reduce__ that does not include the reason) - Fix ordering of returned arguments from TestRunner2._run_tests (interrupted and keyboard_interrupted were reversed) - Fix cancel_workers callsites (was using old name). - In handle_exception re-raise actual exception instance that was thrown * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/test_runner.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/test_runner2.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/worker.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/run_webkit_tests_unittest.py: 2011-03-03 Qi Zhang Unreviewed. Adding myself as a committer. * Scripts/webkitpy/common/config/committers.py: 2011-03-03 Tony Gentilcore Reviewed by Mihai Parparita. Teach sheriffbot to answer whois commands https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55687 * Scripts/webkitpy/tool/bot/irc_command.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/tool/bot/irc_command_unittest.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/tool/bot/sheriffircbot_unittest.py: 2011-03-03 Victoria Kirst Reviewed by Eric Carlson. Enable media tests in chromium-gpu/test_expectations https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=53608 Add media folder to the list of GPU test paths. * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/chromium_gpu.py: 2011-03-03 Adam Roben Work around a bug in KURL's parsing of Windows-style absolute file: URLs Fixes Many tests fail in WebKit2 mode on Windows due to incorrect parsing of absolute Windows-style file: URLs Reviewed by Tim Hatcher. * WebKitTestRunner/TestInvocation.cpp: (WTR::createWKURL): Add a "localhost" host to file: URLs we create to work around . 2011-03-03 Tony Chang Reviewed by Dimitri Glazkov. [chromium] Run kill-old-processes on the chromium-win bot too https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55630 * BuildSlaveSupport/build.webkit.org-config/master.cfg: * BuildSlaveSupport/win/kill-old-processes: Add wdiff.exe to the kill list. 2011-03-03 Carlos Garcia Campos Reviewed by Martin Robinson. [GTK] DRT needs implementation of EventSender.scheduleAsynchronousClick https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=53960 * DumpRenderTree/gtk/EventSender.cpp: (sendClick): (scheduleAsynchronousClickCallback): 2011-03-03 Adam Roben Look for Windows-style paths when checking whether a test is an Inspector test WTR part of All inspector tests time out or crash on Windows 7 Release (WebKit2 Tests) Reviewed by Darin Adler. * WebKitTestRunner/TestInvocation.cpp: (WTR::shouldOpenWebInspector): Also look for backslashes, since that's what we'll get on Windows. 2011-03-03 Adam Roben Make Windows 7 Release (Tests) a core builder We can probably make Windows XP Debug (Tests) a core builder, too, but we should probably give it a few more days of greenness first. Fixes Windows 7 Release (Tests) should be a core builder Reviewed by Andreas Kling. * Scripts/webkitpy/common/net/buildbot/buildbot.py: (BuildBot): Added a regexp to match Windows 7 Release (Tests). * Scripts/webkitpy/common/net/buildbot/buildbot_unittest.py: (BuildBotTest): Updated the list of builders to match the current list on build.webkit.org. Updated the core regexps to match the buildbot module. Updated the expected results to match the current set of core builders. 2011-03-03 Benjamin Poulain Reviewed by Andreas Kling. Adding myself as a reviewer. * Scripts/webkitpy/common/config/committers.py: 2011-03-03 Lukasz Slachciak Reviewed by Xan Lopez. [GTK] Extended application cache database API and added unit tests file. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55335 * DumpRenderTree/gtk/LayoutTestControllerGtk.cpp: removed external declaration of webkit_application_cache_set_maximum_size due to API exposal. 2011-03-02 Ojan Vafai Reviewed by Adam Barth. make webkit-patch upload work for security bugs https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55655 The problem is that we shell out to prepare-ChangeLog, which does not authenticate with bugzilla. All it needs from bugzilla is the bug title though. We just pass it through from webkit-patch instead. * Scripts/prepare-ChangeLog: * Scripts/webkitpy/common/net/bugzilla/bug.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/tool/steps/preparechangelog.py: 2011-03-01 Ojan Vafai Reviewed by Tony Chang. [test-dashboard] make gtest JSON match layout-tests JSON https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55556 http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/80090 stopped converting time_ms to t. Make this code match. * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/json_results_generator.py: 2011-03-02 Dirk Pranke Reviewed by Tony Chang. NRWT - implement Linux Hardy 64-bit port support. This involves adding support for non-'x86' architectures and updating the "deduplicate_tests" script to correctly understand that port.name() is not always equal to basename(port.baseline_path()). This change introduces two new port names: 'chromium-linux-x86' and 'chromium-linux-x86_64'. Using the prior 'chromium-linux' flag will cause the code to determine which one to use at runtime, just like we currently do with 'chromium-win'. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55535 * Scripts/webkitpy/common/system/executive_mock.py: Handle 'return_stderr' keyword arg to run_command() * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/deduplicate_tests.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/deduplicate_tests_unittest.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/base.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/chromium_linux.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/chromium_linux_unittest.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/factory.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/google_chrome.py: 2011-03-02 Kevin Ollivier [wx] Build fix, make sure we put the wxWebKit dylib in the right directory and update symlinks accordingly. * wx/packaging/build-mac-installer.py: 2011-03-02 Sheriff Bot Unreviewed, rolling out r80139. http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/80139 https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55620 failing and crashing tests on Snow Leopard bot (Requested by mihaip1 on #webkit). * DumpRenderTree/LayoutTestController.cpp: (LayoutTestController::staticFunctions): * DumpRenderTree/LayoutTestController.h: * DumpRenderTree/chromium/LayoutTestController.cpp: (LayoutTestController::LayoutTestController): * DumpRenderTree/chromium/LayoutTestController.h: * DumpRenderTree/gtk/LayoutTestControllerGtk.cpp: * DumpRenderTree/mac/LayoutTestControllerMac.mm: * DumpRenderTree/mac/UIDelegate.h: * DumpRenderTree/mac/UIDelegate.mm: * DumpRenderTree/qt/LayoutTestControllerQt.cpp: * DumpRenderTree/qt/LayoutTestControllerQt.h: * DumpRenderTree/win/LayoutTestControllerWin.cpp: * DumpRenderTree/wx/LayoutTestControllerWx.cpp: 2011-03-02 Adam Roben Wait for force a paint in WebKitTestRunner until we're actually ready to dump the output This matches DumpRenderTree on Windows. Fixes REGRESSION (r79863): Lots of dom/html/level2/html/HTMLFrameElement*.html tests crashing in FrameView::paintOverhangAreas in WebKit2 Reviewed by Beth Dakin. * WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/InjectedBundlePage.cpp: (WTR::InjectedBundlePage::dump): Moved code to force a paint here... (WTR::InjectedBundlePage::didFinishLoadForFrame): ...from here. 2011-03-02 Daniel Cheng Reviewed by David Levin. Add feature define for data transfer items https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55510 * Scripts/build-webkit: 2011-03-02 Adam Roben Look in the new-to-SnowLeopard location for crash logs on SnowLeopard and newer ReportCrash saves logs to ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter on Leopard, but to ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports on SnowLeopard. old-run-webkit-tests was only looking in the former location, but was getting lucky on some SnowLeopard machines because symlinks were being created there pointing into DiagnosticReports. For machines without these symlinks, crash logs were not getting captured. Fixes old-run-webkit-tests doesn't capture crash logs on some SnowLeopard machines Reviewed by Eric Seidel. * Scripts/old-run-webkit-tests: (captureSavedCrashLog): Look in ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports on SnowLeopard and newer. 2011-03-02 Adam Roben Don't try to capture crash logs on platforms that haven't implemented that feature Fixes Use of uninitialized value in numeric lt (<) at Tools/Scripts/old-run-webkit-tests line 1778 seen on Qt bots after a crash Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro. * Scripts/old-run-webkit-tests: (captureSavedCrashLog): Bail if we don't have a crash log glob. (findNewestFileMatchingGlob): Fix a buggy test for when no paths match the glob. This isn't strictly required to fix bug 55504, but seems worthwhile. 2011-01-26 John Knottenbelt Reviewed by Dmitry Titov. Detach Geolocation from Frame when Page destroyed. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=52877 Extend the layout test controller to expose the number of pending geolocation requests, so that we can test that the requests have been cancelled on page close. * DumpRenderTree/LayoutTestController.cpp: (numberOfPendingGeolocationPermissionRequestsCallback): (LayoutTestController::staticFunctions): * DumpRenderTree/LayoutTestController.h: * DumpRenderTree/chromium/LayoutTestController.cpp: (LayoutTestController::LayoutTestController): (LayoutTestController::numberOfPendingGeolocationPermissionRequests): * DumpRenderTree/chromium/LayoutTestController.h: * DumpRenderTree/gtk/LayoutTestControllerGtk.cpp: (LayoutTestController::numberOfPendingGeolocationPermissionRequests): * DumpRenderTree/mac/LayoutTestControllerMac.mm: (LayoutTestController::numberOfPendingGeolocationPermissionRequests): * DumpRenderTree/mac/UIDelegate.h: * DumpRenderTree/mac/UIDelegate.mm: (-[UIDelegate numberOfPendingGeolocationPermissionRequests]): * DumpRenderTree/qt/LayoutTestControllerQt.cpp: (LayoutTestController::numberOfPendingGeolocationPermissionRequests): * DumpRenderTree/qt/LayoutTestControllerQt.h: * DumpRenderTree/win/LayoutTestControllerWin.cpp: (LayoutTestController::numberOfPendingGeolocationPermissionRequests): * DumpRenderTree/wx/LayoutTestControllerWx.cpp: (LayoutTestController::numberOfPendingGeolocationPermissionRequests): 2011-03-01 Kent Tamura Reviewed by Dimitri Glazkov. Assertion fails when a form validation bubble appears https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55550 Test: fast/forms/interactive-validation-attach-assertion.html * DumpRenderTree/chromium/WebPreferences.cpp: (WebPreferences::applyTo): Enable the interactive validation feature by default. This matches to Chromium browser. 2011-03-01 Gyuyoung Kim Reviewed by Kent Tamura. Remove efl port style exception of Webcore/JavaScriptCore https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55549 WebCore and JavaScriptCore need to adhere WebKit coding style. * Scripts/webkitpy/style/checker.py: 2011-03-01 Tony Chang Reviewed by Ojan Vafai. [chromium] clean up temp files on chromium-mac builder too https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55525 * BuildSlaveSupport/chromium/remove-crash-logs: 2011-02-28 Ojan Vafai Reviewed by Tony Chang. wrap json in a function call to afford cross-domain loading https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55353 Also delete the code that compacts the JSON. It turns out this breaks the rebaseline tool and is probably a premature optimization anyways. * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/json_results_generator.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/test_runner.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/run_webkit_tests.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/tool/commands/rebaselineserver.py: 2011-03-01 Sheriff Bot Unreviewed, rolling out r80079. http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/80079 https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55547 "Broke the Win debug build?" (Requested by dcheng on #webkit). * Scripts/build-webkit: 2011-03-01 Mark Rowe Reviewed by Sam Weinig. Update verification scripts to handle WebKit2. * Scripts/check-for-global-initializers: Skip object files that use RefCountedLeakChecker. * Scripts/check-for-inappropriate-files-in-framework: Add some inappropriate file types for WebKit2. 2011-03-01 Daniel Cheng Reviewed by David Levin. Add feature define for data transfer items https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55510 * Scripts/build-webkit: 2011-02-23 Joseph Pecoraro Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher. All Console Messages should be passed to ChromeClients. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54926 Update DumpRenderTree's UIDelegate to use the new console message delegate. * DumpRenderTree/mac/UIDelegate.mm: (-[UIDelegate webView:addMessageToConsole:withSource:]): 2011-03-01 Dirk Pranke Reviewed by Adam Barth. Tragically, we stopped running the python unit tests on Chromium Win just as I was getting them to be green. This patch turns them back on. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55521 * BuildSlaveSupport/build.webkit.org-config/master.cfg: 2011-03-01 Dirk Pranke Reviewed by Adam Roben. Disable webkitpy.common.system.executive_unittest.ExecutiveTest.\ test_kill_all fails on win until it can be properly triaged. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54790 * Scripts/webkitpy/common/system/executive_unittest.py: 2011-03-01 Helder Correia Unreviewed. Add myself to committers.py. * Scripts/webkitpy/common/config/committers.py: 2011-03-01 Adam Roben Give up if a crash log for the web process is taking too long to be saved on Windows This should keep the bots from getting stuck while waiting for a crash log, if writing a crash log ever hangs or the UI process for some reason doesn't notice it's finished. Fixes WebKitTestRunner can hang forever waiting for a crash log to be saved for the web process Reviewed by Steve Falkenburg. * WebKitTestRunner/win/TestControllerWin.cpp: (WTR::runRunLoopUntil): Moved code to run the run loop here here from platformRunUntil. Generalized the code slightly to handle the optional object to wait on. (WTR::TestController::platformRunUntil): Use the new runRunLoopUntil function, and also use it (with a timeout) when waiting for a crash log for the web process to be saved. This will prevent us from waiting forever. 2011-03-01 Adam Roben Give WebKitLauncherWin's PDB file a name different from WebKit's WebKitLauncherWin (which builds WebKit.exe) and WebKit (which builds WebKit.dll) were fighting over the same PDB file, meaning that one of them was going to lose and not have symbols. WebKitLauncherWin's PDB file is now named WebKitLauncherWin.pdb. Fixes Crashes in WebKit.dll have bad backtraces for some test runs (due to missing symbols) Reviewed by David Kilzer. * WebKitLauncherWin/WebKitLauncherWinCommon.vsprops: Use the project name, "WebKitLauncherWin", instead of the target name, "WebKit", when naming the PDB file. 2011-03-01 Adam Roben Count web process crashes toward the --exit-after-n-crashes-or-timeouts limit Fixes Web process crashes aren't counted toward the --exit-after-n-crashes-or-timeouts limit Reviewed by David Kilzer. * Scripts/old-run-webkit-tests: (stopRunningTestsEarlyIfNeeded): Include web process crashes in the computation, and print the number of tests that caused the web process to crash when exiting early. 2011-03-01 Adam Roben Save a crash log when the web process crashes On Windows, WebKitTestRunner now detects when the web process is crashing and waits to exit until it has finished crashing, which guarantees that the crash log will have had time to be saved, too. On Mac, we always wait until ReportCrash has exited before capturing the crash log, so all we have to do is choose the right crash log out of the CrashReporter directory. Fixes When the web process crashes and a crash log is being saved, WebKitTestRunner thinks the web process has become unresponsive Reviewed by Sam Weinig. * Scripts/old-run-webkit-tests: (testCrashedOrTimedOut): Don't kill WebKitTestRunner when the web process crashes. It will kill itself. On Windows, this will cause us to wait until the crash log has been saved. On Mac, it should have no effect. Capture saved crash logs for web process crashes, too. (captureSavedCrashLog): Added $webProcessCrashed argument. On Mac, look for WebProces_*.crash files when the web process crashes. * WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/InjectedBundle.cpp: (WTR::InjectedBundle::initialize): Added an initializationUserData argument. Updated for initializePlatformDefaults -> platformInitialize rename. Pass the initializationUserData along to platformInitialize. * WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/InjectedBundle.h: See above. * WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/InjectedBundleMain.cpp: (WKBundleInitialize): Pass along the initializationUserData to the InjectedBundle. * WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/mac/InjectedBundleMac.mm: (WTR::InjectedBundle::platformInitialize): * WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/qt/InjectedBundleQt.cpp: (WTR::InjectedBundle::platformInitialize): Updated function signature. * WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/win/InjectedBundleWin.cpp: (WTR::exceptionFilter): Added. Tells the UI process we're crashing by signaling the webProcessCrashingEvent, then lets the crash continue as normal. (WTR::InjectedBundle::platformInitialize): Hook up exceptionFilter. Retrieve the name of the event we should use to tell the UI process we're crashing from the initializationUserData, and get a handle to that event. * WebKitTestRunner/TestController.cpp: (WTR::TestController::TestController): Initialize new members. (WTR::TestController::processDidCrash): Removed unnecessary WKPageRef argument. Changed to only print the "#CRASHED - WebProcess" message once, since this can be called more than once when a crash log is being saved on Windows. Exit right away if specified. (This is the default.) * WebKitTestRunner/TestController.h: Added new members. * WebKitTestRunner/win/TestControllerWin.cpp: (WTR::TestController::platformInitialize): Set up the event the web process will use to tell us it's crashing. (WTR::TestController::platformRunUntil): Pass MWMO_INPUTAVAILABLE to ::MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx so we'll process messages that have already been seen by ::PeekMessage. (This is unrelated to the bug fix.) Notice when the webProcessCrashingEvent has been signaled. When this happens, print the "#CRASHED - WebProcess" message right away so the test harness will know the web process has crashed and not try to kill us, then wait for the web process to finish crashing so a crash log will have time to be saved. (WTR::toWK): Simple hepler function. (WTR::TestController::platformInitializeContext): Pass along the name of the event the web process should use to tell us it is crashing in the context's initialization user data. 2011-03-01 Dimitri Glazkov Reviewed by Tony Gentilcore. Move the checks to exclude Python/Perl tests for Chromium Win build to the right place. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55476 Chromium Win uses BuildAndTestFactory, not TestFactory. * BuildSlaveSupport/build.webkit.org-config/master.cfg: Moved to the right place. 2011-03-01 Adam Roben Test that the WebKit2 responsiveness timer doesn't fire too early Test for RunLoop::Timer fires 1000x too early on Windows Reviewed by Anders Carlsson. * TestWebKitAPI/PlatformUtilities.h: Added sleep(). * TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKit2/ResponsivenessTimerDoesntFireEarly.cpp: Added. (TestWebKitAPI::didReceiveMessageFromInjectedBundle): (TestWebKitAPI::didFinishLoadForFrame): (TestWebKitAPI::processDidBecomeUnresponsive): (TestWebKitAPI::setInjectedBundleClient): (TestWebKitAPI::setPageLoaderClient): Simple helper functions. (TestWebKitAPI::TEST): Load an HTML file to make sure the web process is initialized. Then tell the web process to pause and press the spacebar key. The spacebar keypress should cause the responsiveness timer to start, but the web process should unpause before it has a chance to fire. Run until the web process has unpaused, and assert that the timer didn't fire. * TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKit2/ResponsivenessTimerDoesntFireEarly_Bundle.cpp: Added. (TestWebKitAPI::ResponsivenessTimerDoesntFireEarlyTest::ResponsivenessTimerDoesntFireEarlyTest): Call up to the base class. (TestWebKitAPI::ResponsivenessTimerDoesntFireEarlyTest::didReceiveMessage): When asked to pause, sleep for 0.5 seconds, then send back a message saying we paused. * TestWebKitAPI/mac/PlatformUtilitiesMac.mm: (TestWebKitAPI::Util::sleep): Added. Calls through to usleep. * TestWebKitAPI/win/PlatformUtilitiesWin.cpp: (TestWebKitAPI::Util::sleep): Added. Calls through to ::Sleep. * TestWebKitAPI/TestWebKitAPI.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: * TestWebKitAPI/win/TestWebKitAPI.vcproj: * TestWebKitAPI/win/TestWebKitAPIInjectedBundle.vcproj: Added new files. 2011-03-01 Andras Becsi Reviewed by Csaba Osztrogonác. [Qt] Clean up the project files and move common options to WebKit.pri. * WebKitTestRunner/qt/WebKitTestRunner.pro: Deduplicate. 2011-03-01 Adam Roben Skip another multiprocessing test on Windows It is sometimes failing (and may be leaving child Python processes around). tracks the failure. * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/manager_worker_broker_unittest.py: (FuncitonTests.test_get__processes): Skip this test on Windows. 2011-03-01 Ilya Tikhonovsky Reviewed by Pavel Feldman. Web Inspector: reduce inspector tests flakiness. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55401 * DumpRenderTree/chromium/TestShell.cpp: (TestShell::runFileTest): * DumpRenderTree/chromium/WebPreferences.cpp: (WebPreferences::reset): 2011-02-28 Mihai Parparita Reviewed by James Robinson. NRWT should still upload results when it exits early due to too many failures https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55432 Only keyboard interrupts should prevent results from being uploaded. * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/test_runner.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/run_webkit_tests_unittest.py: 2011-02-28 Alice Liu Reviewed by Adam Roben and Gavin Barraclough. Test for https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54898 InjectedBundleNodeHandle dies too early in WKBundleHitTestResultGetNodeHandle. * TestWebKitAPI/InjectedBundleController.h: (TestWebKitAPI::InjectedBundleController::bundle): * TestWebKitAPI/PlatformWebView.h: * TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKit2/HitTestResultNodeHandle.cpp: Added. (TestWebKitAPI::didFinishLoadForFrame): (TestWebKitAPI::didReceiveMessageFromInjectedBundle): (TestWebKitAPI::setPageLoaderClient): (TestWebKitAPI::TEST): * TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKit2/HitTestResultNodeHandle_Bundle.cpp: Added. (TestWebKitAPI::HitTestResultNodeHandleTest::HitTestResultNodeHandleTest): (TestWebKitAPI::HitTestResultNodeHandleTest::getContextMenuFromDefaultMenu): (TestWebKitAPI::HitTestResultNodeHandleTest::didCreatePage): * TestWebKitAPI/mac/PlatformWebViewMac.mm: (TestWebKitAPI::PlatformWebView::simulateRightClick): * TestWebKitAPI/win/PlatformWebViewWin.cpp: (TestWebKitAPI::PlatformWebView::simulateRightClick): Added files to: * TestWebKitAPI/TestWebKitAPI.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: * TestWebKitAPI/win/TestWebKitAPI.vcproj: * TestWebKitAPI/win/TestWebKitAPIInjectedBundle.vcproj: 2011-02-28 Adam Roben Start running InjectedBundle API tests on Windows A new project, TestWebKitAPIInjectedBundle, builds the injected bundle DLL. Fixes run-api-tests doesn't run injected bundle tests on Windows Reviewed by Darin Adler. * TestWebKitAPI/Configurations/TestWebKitAPIDebug.vsprops: Added. * TestWebKitAPI/Configurations/TestWebKitAPIDebugAll.vsprops: Added. * TestWebKitAPI/Configurations/TestWebKitAPIDebugCairoCFLite.vsprops: Added. * TestWebKitAPI/Configurations/TestWebKitAPIRelease.vsprops: Added. * TestWebKitAPI/Configurations/TestWebKitAPIReleaseCairoCFLite.vsprops: Added. These are just extracted from TestWebKitAPI.vcproj. * TestWebKitAPI/Configurations/TestWebKitAPIInjectedBundleCommon.vsprops: Added. Just sets up the DLL's filename. * TestWebKitAPI/win/PlatformUtilitiesWin.cpp: Fixed DLL name. (TestWebKitAPI::Util::createInjectedBundlePath): Changed to use kCFAllocatorNull instead of 0 (== kCFAllocatorDefault) so that CF won't try to deallocate our C string. * TestWebKitAPI/win/TestWebKitAPI.sln: Added TestWebKitAPIInjectedBundle. Removed the bogus "all" configuration. * TestWebKitAPI/win/TestWebKitAPI.vcproj: Changed to use the new .vsprops files. Added injected bundle tests. Let VS resort things. * TestWebKitAPI/win/TestWebKitAPIInjectedBundle.vcproj: Copied from Tools/TestWebKitAPI/win/TestWebKitAPI.vcproj. 2011-02-28 Adam Roben Add a test for the paint rect passed via WM_PAINT to windowless plugins Test for REGRESSION (r79040): WebKit2: Large portions of pages with plugins paint black Reviewed by Anders Carlsson. * DumpRenderTree/TestNetscapePlugIn/PluginTest.cpp: (PluginTest::NPP_HandleEvent): * DumpRenderTree/TestNetscapePlugIn/PluginTest.h: Added NPP_HandleEvent. Just returns 0 at this level. * DumpRenderTree/TestNetscapePlugIn/Tests/win/WindowlessPaintRectCoordinates.cpp: Added. (WindowlessPaintRectCoordinates::WindowlessPaintRectCoordinates): Call up to the base class. (WindowlessPaintRectCoordinates::NPP_New): Mark ourselves as windowless. (WindowlessPaintRectCoordinates::NPP_HandleEvent): Check that the paint rect passed via WM_PAINT has the expected coordinates. * DumpRenderTree/TestNetscapePlugIn/main.cpp: (NPP_HandleEvent): Give the PluginTest a chance to handle the event before doing anything else. * DumpRenderTree/TestNetscapePlugIn/win/TestNetscapePlugin.vcproj: Added new file, let VS resort things. * WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/InjectedBundlePage.cpp: (WTR::InjectedBundlePage::didFinishLoadForFrame): Added a call to WKBundlePageForceRepaint. This is roughly equivalent to the call to -[WebView displayIfNeeded] in -[FrameLoadDelegate webView:didFinishLoadForFrame:] in DumpRenderTree. * WebKitTestRunner/win/PlatformWebViewWin.cpp: (WTR::PlatformWebView::PlatformWebView): Tell the WKView it's in a window so that plugins can start running. 2011-02-28 Adam Roben Tell MiniBrowser's WKViews that they're in a window Fixes Plugins don't work in MiniBrowser on Windows Reviewed by Anders Carlsson. * MiniBrowser/win/BrowserView.cpp: (BrowserView::create): Call WKViewSetIsInWindow after creating the view. 2011-02-28 Alexis Menard Reviewed by Csaba Osztrogonác. The new QML tests require QML_IMPORT_PATH variable to be set in order to load the proper plugin. * Scripts/run-qtwebkit-tests: 2011-02-28 Joone Hur Unreviewed, fix spelling mistake. hardware-accelated => hardware-accelerated. * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/run_webkit_tests.py: 2011-02-28 Kristian Amlie Reviewed by Andreas Kling. Made sure that the build-webkit --qmake argument is always respected. Previously, it would be respected during the build, but not during the early feature detection. The build would also fail if qmake was not in your path, even if you specified --qmake with a valid qmake binary. [Qt] WebKit patches required to work with a modularized version of Qt https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=53916 * Scripts/build-webkit: * Scripts/webkitdirs.pm: 2011-02-27 Ojan Vafai Fix failing tests from http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/79837. * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/printing.py: This was just a mistake that would break if someone tried printing with this configuration. * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/printing_unittest.py: Method signature changed. Didn't notice that this method was being calling in a unittest. 2011-02-24 Hayato Ito Reviewed by Eric Seidel. [NRWT] Remove test_types/* classes. This is the last patch in the series of efforts which tried to remove test_types classes. A single_test_runner module will take over responsibilities of test_type classes. From this patch, we won't display statistics per test_type even if a '--verbose' option is given. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55123 * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/single_test_runner.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/test_results.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/test_results_unittest.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/test_runner.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/worker_mixin.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/test_types/__init__.py: Removed. * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/test_types/image_diff.py: Removed. * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/test_types/test_type_base.py: Removed. * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/test_types/test_type_base_unittest.py: Removed. * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/test_types/text_diff.py: Removed. 2011-02-25 Ojan Vafai Reviewed by Tony Chang. Change results.json format to the one used by unexpected_results.json https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=52267 Also add runtimes in milliseconds to the JSON and make the output format more compact. Named the file full_results.json to avoid conflicting with the results.json file the test-results server currently serves up. * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/json_layout_results_generator.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/json_results_generator.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/json_results_generator_unittest.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/printing.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/result_summary.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/test_runner.py: 2011-02-27 Adam Roben Followup fix to r79827 * DumpRenderTree/win/UIDelegate.cpp: (UIDelegate::webViewAddMessageToConsole): Replaced call to urlSuitableForTestResult with lastPathComponent. This matches what we did here before r79827, and matches Mac. 2011-02-27 Dan Bernstein Reviewed by Adam Roben. Make bisect-builds print a trac link for the regression range https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55331 * Scripts/bisect-builds: 2011-02-27 Adam Roben Use iswalpha instead of isalpha when dealing with wchar_ts in EditingDelegate Fixes Crash beneath EditingDelegate::checkSpellingOfString when running fast/forms/input-text-maxlength.html or fast/forms/input-text-paste-maxlength.html on Windows with full page heap enabled Reviewed by Anders Carlsson. * DumpRenderTree/win/EditingDelegate.cpp: (indexOfFirstWordCharacter): (wordLength): Use iswalpha instead of isalpha, since TCHAR is really just wchar_t. 2011-02-27 Adam Roben Make ResourceLoadDelegate print URLs relative to the main resource on Windows This matches Mac. (In fact, the code was ported from Mac!) Fixes URLs printed by ResourceLoadDelegate on Windows don't match Mac Reviewed by Anders Carlsson. * DumpRenderTree/win/DumpRenderTree.cpp: (substringFromIndex): Added. Emulates -[NSString substringFromIndex:]. (urlSuitableForTestResult): Ported code from -[NSURL(DRTExtras) _drt_descriptionSuitableForTestResult]. (cfStringRefToWString): Moved here from LayoutTestControllerWin.cpp. * DumpRenderTree/win/DumpRenderTreeWin.h: Added declaration of cfStringRefToWString. * DumpRenderTree/win/LayoutTestControllerWin.cpp: Moved cfStringRefToWString to DumpRenderTree.cpp. 2011-02-27 Adam Roben Change the order of Chang Shu's email addresses so the first one is their Bugzilla username This makes Bugzilla autocompletion work correctly. * Scripts/webkitpy/common/config/committers.py: 2011-02-27 Patrick Gansterer Reviewed by Andreas Kling. [Qt] fast/loader/user-stylesheet-fast-path.html fails https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=50911 * DumpRenderTree/qt/LayoutTestControllerQt.cpp: (LayoutTestController::setUserStyleSheetLocation): Use QUrl::fromEncoded since the passed string is already encoded. 2011-02-27 Adam Roben Ensure $testResultsDirectory is an absolute path before setting up Windows crash log saving Windows 7 (and maybe Vista?) launches the post-mortem debugger with a working directory that is different from old-run-webkit-test's. Because of this, the path to the crash log file (which is relative to $testResultsDirectory) must be an absolute path. See the bug for more details. Fixes Crash logs aren't saved on Windows 7 when a relative --results-directory path is used (like on the test slaves) Reviewed by Dan Bernstein. * Scripts/old-run-webkit-tests: Moved the call to setUpWindowsCrashLogSaving after we've made $testResultsDirectory an absolute path. 2011-02-26 Dominic Mazzoni Reviewed by Adam Barth. m_dumpAccessibilityNotifications should be initialized. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54874 * DumpRenderTree/chromium/AccessibilityController.cpp: (AccessibilityController::AccessibilityController): 2011-02-26 Vsevolod Vlasov Reviewed by Pavel Feldman. DumpRenderTree should reset frame opener between tests. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54874 Added clearOpener() calls between tests. Some tests are using window.open() to change current window location. This changes window.opener property whose nullity is checked before showing xml viewer. * DumpRenderTree/chromium/TestShell.cpp: (TestShell::resetTestController): * DumpRenderTree/gtk/DumpRenderTree.cpp: (resetDefaultsToConsistentValues): * DumpRenderTree/mac/DumpRenderTree.mm: (resetWebViewToConsistentStateBeforeTesting): * DumpRenderTree/qt/DumpRenderTreeQt.cpp: (WebCore::DumpRenderTree::resetToConsistentStateBeforeTesting): * DumpRenderTree/win/DumpRenderTree.cpp: (resetWebViewToConsistentStateBeforeTesting): * WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/InjectedBundlePage.cpp: (WTR::InjectedBundlePage::reset): 2011-02-26 Yael Aharon Reviewed by Andreas Kling. [Qt] Fix the focus in MiniBrowser. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55288 Give focus to the web view when a load starts. * MiniBrowser/qt/BrowserWindow.cpp: (BrowserWindow::urlChanged): 2011-02-26 Gyuyoung Kim Reviewed by Adam Barth. [EFL] Add coding style exceptions for EFL port https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54733 The EFL APIs use EFL naming style, which includes both lower-cased and camel-cased, underscore-sparated values. But, style checking rule have found parameter_name errors in efl directories so far. * Scripts/webkitpy/style/checker.py: Add prameter_name rule's exception and efl directories. 2011-02-26 David Levin Reviewed by Darin Adler. check-webkit-style should check for spaces after periods in comments https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55253 * Scripts/webkitpy/style/checkers/cpp.py: Added the check. * Scripts/webkitpy/style/checkers/cpp_unittest.py: Added tests and fixed the name of one related test. 2011-02-26 Kenneth Rohde Christiansen Reviewed by Andreas Kling. Make it possible to test the targetdensity-dpi support https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55142 Test the viewport meta tag feature targetdensity-dpi by adding extra arguments to dumpConfigurationForViewport Add the new arguments to the shared header and all implementation. * DumpRenderTree/LayoutTestController.cpp: (dumpConfigurationForViewportCallback): * DumpRenderTree/LayoutTestController.h: * DumpRenderTree/gtk/LayoutTestControllerGtk.cpp: (LayoutTestController::dumpConfigurationForViewport): * DumpRenderTree/mac/LayoutTestControllerMac.mm: (LayoutTestController::dumpConfigurationForViewport): * DumpRenderTree/win/LayoutTestControllerWin.cpp: (LayoutTestController::dumpConfigurationForViewport): * DumpRenderTree/wx/LayoutTestControllerWx.cpp: (LayoutTestController::dumpConfigurationForViewport): * DumpRenderTree/qt/LayoutTestControllerQt.cpp: (LayoutTestController::dumpConfigurationForViewport): * DumpRenderTree/qt/LayoutTestControllerQt.h: 2011-02-26 Sheriff Bot Unreviewed, rolling out r79764. http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/79764 https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55295 "broke Chromium builds" (Requested by rniwa on #webkit). * DumpRenderTree/chromium/TestShell.cpp: (TestShell::resetTestController): * DumpRenderTree/gtk/DumpRenderTree.cpp: (resetDefaultsToConsistentValues): * DumpRenderTree/mac/DumpRenderTree.mm: (resetWebViewToConsistentStateBeforeTesting): * DumpRenderTree/qt/DumpRenderTreeQt.cpp: (WebCore::DumpRenderTree::resetToConsistentStateBeforeTesting): * DumpRenderTree/win/DumpRenderTree.cpp: (resetWebViewToConsistentStateBeforeTesting): * WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/InjectedBundlePage.cpp: (WTR::InjectedBundlePage::reset): 2011-02-26 Yongjun Zhang Reviewed by David Kilzer. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=48781 Add a resource load delegate method to query if WebCore should paint the default broken image for failed images. Add a new resource load client method (shouldPaintBrokenImage). WebKit client can decide if WebCore should paint the default broken image when an image fails to load or decode. * DumpRenderTree/LayoutTestController.cpp: (LayoutTestController::LayoutTestController): (setShouldPaintBrokenImageCallback): (LayoutTestController::staticFunctions): (LayoutTestController::setShouldPaintBrokenImage): * DumpRenderTree/LayoutTestController.h: (LayoutTestController::shouldPaintBrokenImage): * DumpRenderTree/mac/ResourceLoadDelegate.mm: (-[ResourceLoadDelegate webView:shouldPaintBrokenImageForURL:]): 2011-02-26 Vsevolod Vlasov Reviewed by Pavel Feldman. DumpRenderTree should reset frame opener between tests. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54874 Added clearOpener() calls between tests. Some tests are using window.open() to change current window location. This changes window.opener property whose nullity is checked before showing xml viewer. * DumpRenderTree/chromium/TestShell.cpp: (TestShell::resetTestController): * DumpRenderTree/gtk/DumpRenderTree.cpp: (resetDefaultsToConsistentValues): * DumpRenderTree/mac/DumpRenderTree.mm: (resetWebViewToConsistentStateBeforeTesting): * DumpRenderTree/qt/DumpRenderTreeQt.cpp: (WebCore::DumpRenderTree::resetToConsistentStateBeforeTesting): * DumpRenderTree/win/DumpRenderTree.cpp: (resetWebViewToConsistentStateBeforeTesting): * WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/InjectedBundlePage.cpp: (WTR::InjectedBundlePage::reset): 2011-02-25 Lukasz Slachciak Reviewed by Kenneth Rohde Christiansen. [EFL] Added EWebLauncher command line option to turn on/off frame flattening https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54809 * EWebLauncher/main.c: Handling -f option added. (on_key_down): (browserCreate): (main): 2011-02-25 Sheriff Bot Unreviewed, rolling out r79324. http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/79324 https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55260 Leopard Debug is once again running out of address space while linking (Requested by aroben on #webkit). * Scripts/webkitpy/common/net/buildbot/buildbot.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/common/net/buildbot/buildbot_unittest.py: 2011-02-25 Tony Chang Reviewed by James Robinson. Clean up temp files left by crashing DRTs on chromium-win https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55182 * BuildSlaveSupport/build.webkit.org-config/master.cfg: * BuildSlaveSupport/chromium/remove-crash-logs: Added. 2011-02-25 Adam Roben Double-check that modifying the registry worked On Windows Vista/7 with UAC enabled, regtool will fail to modify the registry, but it will still return a successful exit code. So we double-check here that the value we tried to write to the registry was really written. Fixes old-run-webkit-tests falsely claims to be saving crash logs on Windows Vista/7 Reviewed by Darin Adler. * Scripts/old-run-webkit-tests: (writeRegistryString): After trying to write the string value, check that it was really written. 2011-02-25 Adam Roben Set the 32-bit post-mortem debugger on 64-bit OSes The post-mortem debugger is controlled by some registry values in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug. On 64-bit OSes, you can either set the values in that key, which will be used for 64-bit apps, or in the equivalent key under Wow6432Node, which will be used for 32-bit apps. Since DumpRenderTree and WebKitTestRunner are 32-bit, we want to use the latter location. Fixes old-run-webkit-tests sets the post-mortem debugger for 64-bit apps, but should set it for 32-bit apps instead Reviewed by Darin Adler. * Scripts/old-run-webkit-tests: (readRegistryString): (writeRegistryString): Pass --wow32 to regtool so it will get/set values beneath Wow6432Node, which is where Windows looks for the post-mortem debugger values when a 32-bit app crashes on a 64-bit OS. Passing --wow32 on a 32-bit OS will not have any effect. 2011-02-25 Adam Roben Clean up code to set up crash log saving on Windows Fixes old-run-webkit-test's Windows registry code is ugly Reviewed by David Kilzer. * Scripts/old-run-webkit-tests: (readRegistryString): (writeRegistryString): Moved code to read strings from and write strings to the registry here... (setUpWindowsCrashLogSaving): ...from here. 2011-02-25 Adam Roben Work around Cygwin's crash-suppression behavior Cygwin calls ::SetErrorMode(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS), which any processes it launches will inherit. This is bad for testing/debugging, as it causes the post-mortem debugger not to be invoked. (Cygwin does this because it makes crashes more UNIX-y.) We reset the error mode when our test apps launch to work around Cygwin's behavior. Fixes Test apps crash silently (without invoking post-mortem debugger) when launched from Cygwin 1.7 Reviewed by Darin Adler. * DumpRenderTree/win/DumpRenderTree.cpp: (main): * TestWebKitAPI/win/main.cpp: (main): * WebKitAPITest/main.cpp: (main): * WebKitTestRunner/win/TestControllerWin.cpp: (WTR::TestController::platformInitialize): Call ::SetErrorMode(0) to undo Cygwin's folly. 2011-02-24 Jocelyn Turcotte Reviewed by Andreas Kling. [Qt] Revert the support for QNAM affined to a different thread. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55149 Qt 4.8 will have QNAM use its own thread internally by default, no need to keep this complexity in WebKit. This mainly reverts: http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/73710 http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/73712 * QtTestBrowser/launcherwindow.cpp: (LauncherWindow::~LauncherWindow): (LauncherWindow::initializeView): (LauncherWindow::createChrome): * QtTestBrowser/launcherwindow.h: (WindowOptions::WindowOptions): * QtTestBrowser/webpage.cpp: (WebPage::WebPage): * QtTestBrowser/webpage.h: 2011-02-24 Adam Barth Reviewed by Eric Seidel. Add a script for creating gypi files https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55113 This is a trivial script to create gypi files from the source code in the current directory. * Scripts/make-gypi: Added. 2011-02-24 Sheriff Bot Unreviewed, rolling out r79628. http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/79628 https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55195 "broke chromium win tests" (Requested by dpranke on #webkit). * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/chromium_win.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/chromium_win_unittest.py: 2011-02-24 Dirk Pranke Reviewed by Mihai Parparita. rebaseline-chromium-webkit-tests can't handle GPU variants https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55002 * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/chromium_gpu.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/rebaseline_chromium_webkit_tests.py: 2011-02-24 Dirk Pranke Reviewed by Mihai Parparita. nrwt: log command used to start web server to --verbose https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55188 * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/apache_http_server.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/http_server.py: 2011-02-24 Victoria Kirst Reviewed by Mihai Parparita. [chromium] Move media-file.js and video-test.js back to media/ for UILayoutTests https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55089 This adds an alias into the media/ directory so that http/tests/media tests can access the media resources when running in an httpd process. * Scripts/webkitperl/httpd.pm: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/apache_http_server.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/http_server.py: 2011-02-24 Dirk Pranke Reviewed by Mihai Parparita. nrwt: enable multiple processes by default on Chromium Win. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55163 * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/chromium_win.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/chromium_win_unittest.py: 2011-02-24 Sam Weinig Attempt to fix Qt. * WebKitTestRunner/TestInvocation.cpp: 2011-02-24 James Robinson Unreviewed, rolling out r79598. http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/79598 https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55089 Appears to be causing trouble with httpd on windows * Scripts/webkitperl/httpd.pm: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/apache_http_server.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/http_server.py: 2011-02-24 Sam Weinig Reviewed by Darin Adler. Add basic pixel testing support to WebKitTestRunner https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55161 * Scripts/old-run-webkit-tests: Don't print color space information when using WebKitTestRunner since we don't need to change the screen. * WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/InjectedBundle.cpp: (WTR::InjectedBundle::initialize): Add call to initializePlatformDefaults. (WTR::InjectedBundle::done): Return a dictionary on completion with both the text output and pixel dump override. * WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/InjectedBundle.h: Add declaration for initializePlatformDefaults. * WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/LayoutTestController.cpp: (WTR::LayoutTestController::LayoutTestController): (WTR::LayoutTestController::dumpAsText): * WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/LayoutTestController.h: (WTR::LayoutTestController::shouldDumpPixels): Make setting dumpAsText override the dump pixels preference. * WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/mac/InjectedBundleMac.mm: Added. (WTR::InjectedBundle::initializePlatformDefaults): Set platform defaults matching DumpRenderTree. * WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/qt/InjectedBundleQt.cpp: Added. (WTR::InjectedBundle::initializePlatformDefaults): * WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/win/InjectedBundleWin.cpp: Added. (WTR::InjectedBundle::initializePlatformDefaults): Add stubs for initializePlatformDefaults. * WebKitTestRunner/TestController.cpp: (WTR::TestController::runTest): (WTR::TestController::runTestingServerLoop): (WTR::TestController::run): Parse expected pixel results out of stdin and setup the invocation with it. * WebKitTestRunner/TestInvocation.cpp: (WTR::TestInvocation::TestInvocation): Initialize new members. (WTR::TestInvocation::~TestInvocation): (WTR::TestInvocation::setIsPixelTest): (WTR::sizeWebViewForCurrentTest): (WTR::TestInvocation::invoke): (WTR::TestInvocation::dump): (WTR::TestInvocation::didReceiveMessageFromInjectedBundle): * WebKitTestRunner/TestInvocation.h: Dump pixels in addition to text by calling dumpPixelsAndCompareWithExpected. * WebKitTestRunner/mac/PlatformWebViewMac.mm: (WTR::PlatformWebView::PlatformWebView): Use -[NSColorSpace genericRGBColorSpace] instead of the main screen color space. * WebKitTestRunner/mac/TestInvocationMac.mm: Added. (WTR::createCGContextFromPlatformView): (WTR::computeMD5HashStringForContext): (WTR::dumpBitmap): (WTR::forceRepaintFunction): (WTR::TestInvocation::dumpPixelsAndCompareWithExpected): Add mac specific pixel dumping support. Right now, we always pull pixels from the window server. * WebKitTestRunner/WebKitTestRunner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: * WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/qt/InjectedBundle.pro: * WebKitTestRunner/qt/WebKitTestRunner.pro: * WebKitTestRunner/win/InjectedBundle.vcproj: * WebKitTestRunner/win/WebKitTestRunner.vcproj: Add new files. 2011-02-24 Chang Shu Reviewed by Kenneth Rohde Christiansen. [Qt] Launch MiniBrowser if the test run is WebKit2. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55145 * Scripts/old-run-webkit-tests: * Scripts/run-launcher: * Scripts/webkitdirs.pm: 2011-02-24 Victoria Kirst Reviewed by Mihai Parparita. [chromium] Move media-file.js and video-test.js back to media/ for UILayoutTests https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55089 This adds an alias into the media/ directory so that http/tests/media tests can access the media resources when running in an httpd process. * Scripts/webkitperl/httpd.pm: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/apache_http_server.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/http_server.py: 2011-02-24 Andrew Wilson Unreviewed, rolling out r79570. http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/79570 https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54874 Breaks chromium build because glue/mocks/mock_web_frame.h/cc was not updated * DumpRenderTree/chromium/TestShell.cpp: (TestShell::resetTestController): * DumpRenderTree/gtk/DumpRenderTree.cpp: (resetDefaultsToConsistentValues): * DumpRenderTree/mac/DumpRenderTree.mm: (resetWebViewToConsistentStateBeforeTesting): * DumpRenderTree/qt/DumpRenderTreeQt.cpp: (WebCore::DumpRenderTree::resetToConsistentStateBeforeTesting): * DumpRenderTree/win/DumpRenderTree.cpp: (resetWebViewToConsistentStateBeforeTesting): * WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/InjectedBundlePage.cpp: (WTR::InjectedBundlePage::reset): 2011-02-24 Mahesh Kulkarni Reviewed by Laszlo Gombos. [Qt] add android 2.2 user agent to QtTestBrowser https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55085 Credit to Forrest Hodgkins to find right user-agent which works for youtube. * QtTestBrowser/useragentlist.txt: 2011-02-24 Adam Roben Change FrameLoadDelegate to support any number of delegates with delayed work to process This makes our behavior match Mac more closely, and allows us to remove an incorrect assertion that was firing during some tests. (The assertion was claiming that there was never more than one delegate with delayed work to process, but that was not the case.) Fixes Assertion failure in FrameLoadDelegate::locationChangeDone when running http/tests/navigation/back-twice-without-commit.html Reviewed by Eric Carlson. * DumpRenderTree/win/FrameLoadDelegate.cpp: (delegatesWithDelayedWork): Added. Returns all FrameLoadDelegates that have delayed work to process. A single delegate may appear in this Vector more than once (just as, on Mac, a single delegate may have multiple performSelector requests). (processWorkTimer): Pass the HWND to ::KillTimer, for pedantic brownie points. Added an assertion that the timer firing is the shared process work timer. Instead of using the single, global "delegate waiting for timer" delegate, give all delegates that have delayed work to process a chance to process their work. (FrameLoadDelegate::locationChangeDone): If we don't already have an active timer for processing delayed work, create one. Then add ourselves to the delegatesWithDelayedWork Vector so our processWork function will be called when the timer fires. 2011-02-24 Vsevolod Vlasov Reviewed by Alexey Proskuryakov. DumpRenderTree should reset frame opener between tests. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54874 Added clearOpener() calls between tests. Some tests are using window.open() to change current window location. This changes window.opener property whose nullity is checked before showing xml viewer. * DumpRenderTree/chromium/TestShell.cpp: (TestShell::resetTestController): * DumpRenderTree/gtk/DumpRenderTree.cpp: (resetDefaultsToConsistentValues): * DumpRenderTree/mac/DumpRenderTree.mm: (resetWebViewToConsistentStateBeforeTesting): * DumpRenderTree/qt/DumpRenderTreeQt.cpp: (WebCore::DumpRenderTree::resetToConsistentStateBeforeTesting): * DumpRenderTree/win/DumpRenderTree.cpp: (resetWebViewToConsistentStateBeforeTesting): * WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/InjectedBundlePage.cpp: (WTR::InjectedBundlePage::reset): 2011-02-24 Adam Roben Don't trigger Windows builds for changes to WebCore.exp.in or the top-level GNUmakefile.am Fixes Windows builders should not have built r79343 or r79440, but did Reviewed by Anders Carlsson. * Scripts/webkitpy/common/config/build.py: (_should_file_trigger_build): Loosened the pattern for GNUmakefile.am to include the top-level GNUmakefile.am, and loosened the pattern for .exp files to include WebCore.exp.in. * Scripts/webkitpy/common/config/build_unittest.py: (ShouldBuildTest): Added some more tests. 2011-02-24 Andras Becsi Reviewed by Laszlo Gombos. [Qt] MinGW build fails to link https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55050 Prepend the libraries of subcomponents instead of appending them to fix the library order according to the dependency of the libraries * WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/qt/InjectedBundle.pro: * WebKitTestRunner/qt/WebKitTestRunner.pro: 2011-02-24 Gabor Loki Reviewed by Csaba Osztrogonác. [Qt] Remove ARMv5 Release buildbot. Remove ARMv5 Release buildbot, because there is very little difference between ARMv5 and ARMv7 Release bots, and there is also very little interest in ARMv5 build slave (compared to ARMv7). * BuildSlaveSupport/build.webkit.org-config/config.json: * Scripts/webkitpy/common/net/buildbot/buildbot_unittest.py: 2011-02-22 Ojan Vafai Reviewed by Tony Chang. fix revision number finding when creating git patches https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55024 HEAD~n does not walk merge commits correctly. git log however does. * Scripts/webkitpy/common/checkout/scm.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/common/checkout/scm_unittest.py: 2011-02-23 Kenneth Russell Unreviewed, rolling out r79387. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54885 Reapply the code changes from r79038 since they weren't the root cause of the test timeouts. * DumpRenderTree/chromium/WebViewHost.cpp: (WebViewHost::reset): 2011-02-23 Siddharth Mathur Reviewed by Laszlo Gombos. [Qt] Make sure Symbian binary UIDs are unique * MiniBrowser/qt/MiniBrowser.pro: Resolve the UID collision with QtTestBrowser.pro by changing the UID. 2011-02-23 Patrick Gansterer Reviewed by Darin Adler. Rename PLATFORM(CF) to USE(CF) https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=53540 * DumpRenderTree/config.h: 2011-02-23 Dirk Pranke Reviewed by Ojan Vafai. nrwt: turn on multiprocessing on chromium_linux, clean up unit tests for worker model defaults https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55016 * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/base.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/chromium_linux.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/chromium_linux_unittest.py: Added. * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/chromium_mac.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/chromium_mac_unittest.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/chromium_win_unittest.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/mac.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/mac_unittest.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/mock_drt_unittest.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/port_testcase.py: 2011-02-23 Tony Chang Reviewed by Kent Tamura. [chromium] DumpRenderTree --check-layout-test-sys-deps leaks 4 temp dirs https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55004 * DumpRenderTree/chromium/DumpRenderTree.cpp: (WebKitSupportTestEnvironment::WebKitSupportTestEnvironment): (WebKitSupportTestEnvironment::~WebKitSupportTestEnvironment): (main): Use a C++ object to ensure that TearDownTestEnvironment gets called when --check-layout-test-sys-deps is called 2011-02-23 Gopal Raghavan Reviewed by Anders Carlsson. [Qt] [Qt] check webkit style fails in qt/tests https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54998 check-webkit-style was complaining about missing config.h in WebKit/qt/test/qdeclarativewebview. This patch was originally part of 50222. Reviewer suggested to split and create a separate patch for checker. * Scripts/webkitpy/style/checker.py: 2011-02-22 Vsevolod Vlasov Reviewed by Pavel Feldman. DumpRenderTree should dump as text if test path contains "dumpAsText/" https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54873 * DumpRenderTree/chromium/LayoutTestController.h: (LayoutTestController::setShouldDumpAsText): (LayoutTestController::setShouldGeneratePixelResults): * DumpRenderTree/chromium/TestShell.cpp: (TestShell::runFileTest): * DumpRenderTree/gtk/DumpRenderTree.cpp: (shouldDumpAsText): (dump): (runTest): * DumpRenderTree/mac/DumpRenderTree.mm: (shouldDumpAsText): (runTest): * DumpRenderTree/qt/DumpRenderTreeQt.cpp: (WebCore::isDumpAsTextTest): (WebCore::DumpRenderTree::open): * DumpRenderTree/win/DumpRenderTree.cpp: (shouldDumpAsText): (runTest): * WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/InjectedBundlePage.cpp: (WTR::InjectedBundlePage::dump): 2011-02-22 Kenneth Russell Reviewed by James Robinson. Many tests started timing out on the chrome mac canaries around r79035 https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54885 Revert the code changes, but not the Chromium DEPS roll, from r79038 to see whether this clears up the timing-out tests. Was not able to reproduce the timeouts locally with a Release mode build of DRT (on Snow Leopard). * DumpRenderTree/chromium/WebViewHost.cpp: (WebViewHost::reset): 2011-02-22 Dirk Pranke Reviewed by James Robinson. nrwt: --platform chromium-gpu doesn't work with --worker-model=processes https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55009 * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/chromium_gpu.py: 2011-02-18 Mihai Parparita Reviewed by Ojan Vafai. Default to 500 for --exit-after-n-failures https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54773 Make 500 the default value for --exit-after-n-failures (ORWT bots already default to this as of r75726). Similarly, change the default for --exit-after-n-crashes-or-timeouts to 20. * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/run_webkit_tests.py: 2011-02-02 Martin Robinson Reviewed by Xan Lopez. [GTK] DRT needs an implementation of LayoutTestController.setSelectTrailingWhitespace https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=53603 Add support for LayoutTestController.setSelectTrailingWhitespace by calling through to DumpRenderTreeSupportGtk for this functionality. * DumpRenderTree/gtk/DumpRenderTree.cpp: (resetDefaultsToConsistentValues): Always call LayoutTestController.setSelectTrailingWhitespace to false when reseting values between tests. * DumpRenderTree/gtk/LayoutTestControllerGtk.cpp: (LayoutTestController::setSelectTrailingWhitespaceEnabled): Call LayoutTestController.setSelectTrailingWhitespace with the appropriate value. 2011-02-22 Adam Roben Don't trigger a Windows build when the top-level ChangeLog changes r79320 is an example of a change that shouldn't have built on Windows, but did, because of this bug. Fixes Windows bots build when top-level ChangeLog changes, but shouldn't Reviewed by Anders Carlsson. * Scripts/webkitpy/common/config/build.py: (_should_file_trigger_build): Modified the ChangeLog pattern to match the top-level ChangeLog, and re-sorted it in the list. * Scripts/webkitpy/common/config/build_unittest.py: (ShouldBuildTest): Added a test that ChangeLogs don't trigger builds. 2011-02-22 Sheriff Bot Unreviewed, rolling out r78691. http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/78691 https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54956 Leopard Debug is successfully building again (Requested by aroben on #webkit). * Scripts/webkitpy/common/net/buildbot/buildbot.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/common/net/buildbot/buildbot_unittest.py: 2011-02-22 Ilya Tikhonovsky Reviewed by Pavel Feldman. Web Inspector: flakyness of inspector tests. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54729 As far as we have the protocol with sequence numbers we can simplify test harness support and drop out chomium specific methods. * DumpRenderTree/DumpRenderTree.gypi: * DumpRenderTree/chromium/DRTDevToolsAgent.cpp: (DRTDevToolsAgent::sendMessageToInspectorFrontend): (DRTDevToolsAgent::runtimePropertyChanged): (DRTDevToolsAgent::asyncCall): (DRTDevToolsAgent::call): * DumpRenderTree/chromium/DRTDevToolsAgent.h: * DumpRenderTree/chromium/DRTDevToolsCallArgs.cpp: Removed. * DumpRenderTree/chromium/DRTDevToolsCallArgs.h: Removed. * DumpRenderTree/chromium/DRTDevToolsClient.cpp: (DRTDevToolsClient::sendMessageToBackend): (DRTDevToolsClient::asyncCall): (DRTDevToolsClient::call): * DumpRenderTree/chromium/DRTDevToolsClient.h: 2011-02-22 Andras Becsi Reviewed by Laszlo Gombos. [Qt] Redesign the build system https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=51339 Part 2. Build WebCore as a static library, compile the WebKit API and WebKit2 API in a final step and link to WebKit2, WebCore and JSC libraries to fix linking issues resulting from stripped away symbols. * WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/qt/InjectedBundle.pro: Remove superfluous includepaths. 2011-02-21 Lukasz Slachciak Reviewed by Antonio Gomes. [EFL] Restored spatial navigation option in EWebLauncher since #18662 bug is closed https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54806 * EWebLauncher/main.c: (on_key_down): calling ewk_view_setting_spatial_navigation_set when "F12" pressed added. 2011-02-21 Dirk Pranke Reviewed by Kent Tamura. nrwt: revert behavior on 10.5 to "old-threads". It's possible that r79062 has introduced a bunch of flakiness, although I can't explain why right now. This change should restore the old behavior, and then we can look at the build logs to see if the tests stop timing out or being flaky. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54925 * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/chromium_mac.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/chromium_mac_unittest.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/mac.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/mac_unittest.py: 2011-02-21 Dirk Pranke Reviewed by Dimitri Glazkov. nrwt: fix typo causing us to try and repeatedly shut down the servers https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54904 * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/worker_mixin.py: 2011-02-21 Alejandro G. Castro Reviewed by Csaba Osztrogonác. REGRESSION(r79157): plugins/get-url-with-javascript-destroying-plugin.html make the next test crash https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54863 * GNUmakefile.am: 2011-02-20 Dirk Pranke Reviewed by Ojan Vafai. test-webkitpy: stop skipping a bunch of tests on win32 https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54788 * Scripts/webkitpy/common/net/testoutputset_unittest.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/test/main.py: 2011-02-20 Dirk Pranke Reviewed by Ojan Vafai. Fix various bugs related to handling of dir separators and real vs. fake filesystems that were causing test-webkitpy to fail tests on win32. These bugs have a variety of causes but are lumped together because they should be easy to review. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54700 * Scripts/webkitpy/common/net/testoutput.py: Here we were using os.path.sep but not escaping it prior to using in a regexp, which caused bad things on win32. * Scripts/webkitpy/common/net/testoutput_unittest.py: Same here. * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/chromium_unittest.py: Here we were using the native filesystem instead of the mock filesystem, making some tests unnecessarily platform dependent. Also we weren't setting the default configuration for the TestChromiumWinPort. * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/update_webgl_conformance_tests.py: Here we *shouldn't* use os.path.join(), just so the code becomes less platform dependent. * Scripts/webkitpy/style/checker.py: Here we should be using os.path.sep instead of "/"; the tests require the native filesystem. * Scripts/webkitpy/style/checkers/cpp_unittest.py: Here the underlying code is using os.path.sep, so we probably should as well. * Scripts/webkitpy/style/test_expectations_unittest.py: Here we should be using the filesystem hanging of the port object (which is the mocked filesystem) rather than the native one. 2011-02-20 Anders Carlsson Reviewed by Maciej Stachowiak. Crash when a plug-in requests a javascript: url that destroys the plug-in https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54837 Add new plug-in test. * DumpRenderTree/DumpRenderTree.gypi: * DumpRenderTree/DumpRenderTree.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: * DumpRenderTree/TestNetscapePlugIn/PluginTest.cpp: (PluginTest::NPN_GetURL): * DumpRenderTree/TestNetscapePlugIn/PluginTest.h: * DumpRenderTree/TestNetscapePlugIn/Tests/GetURLWithJavaScriptURLDestroyingPlugin.cpp: Added. (GetURLWithJavaScriptURLDestroyingPlugin::GetURLWithJavaScriptURLDestroyingPlugin): (GetURLWithJavaScriptURLDestroyingPlugin::NPP_New): * DumpRenderTree/TestNetscapePlugIn/win/TestNetscapePlugin.vcproj: * DumpRenderTree/qt/TestNetscapePlugin/TestNetscapePlugin.pro: 2011-02-19 Patrick Gansterer Reviewed by Andreas Kling. Make WinCE a core builder https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54801 * Scripts/webkitpy/common/net/buildbot/buildbot.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/common/net/buildbot/buildbot_unittest.py: 2011-02-19 Lukasz Slachciak Reviewed by Andreas Kling. Fixed problem with launching EWebLauncher with "run-launcher --efl". Incorrect path referring to non-existing .libs directory ws set. https://webkit.org/b/54778 * Scripts/webkitdirs.pm: 2011-02-18 David Levin Reviewed by Eric Seidel. check-webkit-style: Misses brace style error when the line with the { has a } in it. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54769 * Scripts/webkitpy/style/checkers/cpp.py: Fixed the check for the close brace to only look after the last open brace, so that the open brace in this line "} else {" will still be able to trigger the error. * Scripts/webkitpy/style/checkers/cpp_unittest.py: Added related unit tests. 2011-02-18 Zan Dobersek Reviewed by Martin Robinson. [Gtk] Re-enable meter tag support https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54762 Meter tag is supported on the Gtk port, enable it by default. * Scripts/build-webkit: 2011-02-18 David Levin Reviewed by Eric Seidel. check-webkit-style falsely complains about WebKitGTK+ public headers https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54650 * Scripts/webkitpy/style/checker.py: Add some exceptions for the gtk files. * Scripts/webkitpy/style/checkers/cpp.py: Restrict the checks for WEBKIT_API to the chromium directory (and improved the checks slightly). * Scripts/webkitpy/style/checkers/cpp_unittest.py: Added corresponding tests. 2011-02-18 Dirk Pranke Reviewed by James Robinson. new-run-webkit-tests: enable multiple processes by default on mac. This change removes the artificial restrictions we placed on the # of child processes we used with the old threading model, and switches to the new message-based model and multiple processes, where available. If multiple processes are not available (Leopard / Python 2.5), then we use the 'inline' model instead of the 'old-threads' model on the 'mac' port or one process on the 'chromium-mac' port. We need additional testing to see if the new 'threads' model works reliably and is worth supporting, or if we should just live with things being slightly slow. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54596 * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/chromium_mac.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/chromium_mac_unittest.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/mac.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/mac_unittest.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/run_webkit_tests_unittest.py: 2011-02-18 Andrew Wilson Unreviewed, rolling out r79047. http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/79047 https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54596 Broke canary bots - please watch the canaries the next time you land this * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/chromium_mac.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/mac.py: 2011-02-18 Emil A Eklund Reviewed by Darin Adler. Crash in EventHandler::sendContextMenuEventForKey https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54495 Add support for the context menu key (VK_APPS) to EventSender for platforms that support the key. * DumpRenderTree/chromium/EventSender.cpp: (EventSender::keyDown): * DumpRenderTree/gtk/EventSender.cpp: (keyDownCallback): * DumpRenderTree/qt/EventSenderQt.cpp: (EventSender::keyDown): * DumpRenderTree/win/EventSender.cpp: (keyDownCallback): 2011-02-18 Dirk Pranke Reviewed by Ojan Vafai. new-run-webkit-tests: enable multiple processes by default on mac https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54596 * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/chromium_mac.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/mac.py: 2011-02-18 Dirk Pranke Reviewed by Adam Roben. Skip pretty patch unit tests if ruby isn't installed. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54699 * Scripts/webkitpy/common/prettypatch_unittest.py: 2011-02-18 Dirk Pranke Reviewed by Adam Roben. Skip mac.test_skipped_file_paths() when running on win32; the test has hardcoded '/' directory separators and since it's a port-specific test and we have coverage on other ports it's not worth it to make the test more generic. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54698 * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/mac_unittest.py: 2011-02-18 Dirk Pranke Reviewed by Adam Roben. Fix webkitpy.layout_tests.port.config_unittest to work on Win32. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54703 * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/config_unittest.py: 2011-02-18 Dirk Pranke Reviewed by Adam Roben. Change the default port we're mocking out on win32 when we run mock_drt_unittest. Normally we'd default to the port-specific default, but that would be "win", which doesn't currently work. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54708 * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/mock_drt_unittest.py: 2011-02-18 Kenneth Russell Reviewed by James Robinson. [chromium] Clean up initialization of minimum timer interval https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54772 Use new GetForegroundTabTimerInterval function in webkit_support to reset the minimum timer interval before each test. * DumpRenderTree/chromium/WebViewHost.cpp: (WebViewHost::reset): 2011-02-18 Dirk Pranke Reviewed by Adam Roben. r78494 fixed the chromium_win unittest failing under win32, but not cygwin. This fixes cygwin as well. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54652 * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/chromium_win.py: 2011-02-18 Dirk Pranke Reviewed by Ojan Vafai, Mihai Parparita. new-run-webkit-tests: r78522 made it impossible to create a 'chromium-win' or 'chromium-mac' port; they would always get the version tacked on to the end. It turns out that we actually need to be able to create these ports in order for rebaseline-chromium-webkit-tests to work correctly given the broken coverage of our layout bots. As soon as we get SL and Win 7 bots running reliably on the canaries, we can get rid of this change. Note that we only need to change the chromium_mac and win ports because linux doesn't yet use versions and that script doesn't work with non-chromium ports. Also, this change fixes a bug where we were using "platform/chromium-win-win7" and "platform/chromium-mac-snowleopard" as the baseline dirs for Win 7 and SL; we should've been using the generic directories instead since they are the newest versions of the os's. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54691 * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/chromium_mac.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/chromium_mac_unittest.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/chromium_win.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/chromium_win_unittest.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/rebaseline_chromium_webkit_tests.py: 2011-02-16 MORITA Hajime Reviewed by Kent Tamura. [Chromium][DRT] some PostDelayedTask() accesses possibly dangling this pointer. http://webkit.org/b/53899 Replaced static invocation wrappers with MethodTask objects, which are removed on WebViewHost destructor. * DumpRenderTree/chromium/WebViewHost.cpp: (WebViewHost::requestCheckingOfText): (WebViewHost::scheduleAnimation): (WebViewHost::closeWidgetSoon): * DumpRenderTree/chromium/WebViewHost.h: (WebViewHost::HostMethodTask::HostMethodTask): (WebViewHost::HostMethodTask::runIfValid): (WebViewHost::taskList): 2011-02-07 Hayato Ito Reviewed by Ojan Vafai. Get rid of code which writes test results from test_type's compare_output() method. Writing test results now happens in single_test_runner, using newly introduced test_result_writer module. Subsequent patches will eliminate test_type/* classes. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=53908 * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/single_test_runner.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/test_result_writer.py: Added. * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/test_types/image_diff.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/test_types/test_type_base.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/test_types/text_diff.py: 2011-02-17 Dirk Pranke Reviewed by Adam Roben. Add blacklist of remaining webkitpy/* modules that fail on Win32, so that test-webkitpy will at least run cleanly. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54709 * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/test/main.py: 2011-02-17 Simon Fraser Reviewed by Sam Weinig. Set a preference to ensure that scrollbars are in a predictable state for DRT. * DumpRenderTree/mac/DumpRenderTree.mm: (resetDefaultsToConsistentValues): 2011-02-17 Dirk Pranke Reviewed by Adam Roben. test-webkitpy doesn't work with the multiprocessing module on win32 or cygwin, so we skip it for now. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54520 * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/manager_worker_broker_unittest.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/run_webkit_tests_unittest.py: 2011-02-17 Dirk Pranke Reviewed by Adam Roben. Fix version, baseline_search_path for chromium-win-win7. Also fix chromium_win_unittests, and fix port_testcase.make_port() to correctly use the options passed into it and only set results_directory() if necessary. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54652 * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/chromium_win.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/chromium_win_unittest.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/port_testcase.py: 2011-02-17 Dirk Pranke Reviewed by Ojan Vafai. Fix a hang in new-run-webkit-tests when run with --dry-run --worker-model=processes https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54595 * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/test_runner2.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/run_webkit_tests_unittest.py: 2011-02-17 Kevin Ollivier [wx] Build fixes after recent changes. * DumpRenderTree/wx/LayoutTestControllerWx.cpp: (LayoutTestController::setMinimumTimerInterval): * wx/build/settings.py: 2011-02-17 Csaba Osztrogonác Reviewed by Andreas Kling. [Qt] ImageDiff sometimes hangs https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54641 * DumpRenderTree/qt/ImageDiff.cpp: Clear actualImage and baselineImage after all comparison. (main): 2011-02-17 Peter Varga Reviewed by Csaba Osztrogonác. The run-sunspider --v8-suite doesn't work https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54660 * Scripts/run-sunspider: 2011-02-17 Gabor Rapcsanyi Reviewed by Csaba Osztrogonác. [NRWT] Fix environment setup on Qt port. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54549 * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/qt.py: 2011-02-16 Yael Aharon Reviewed by Andreas Kling. [Qt] Enable tiled backing store by default in MiniBrowser. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54581 Instead of a flag to turn it on, a new flag is defined to turn tiled backing store off. * MiniBrowser/qt/MiniBrowserApplication.cpp: (MiniBrowserApplication::handleUserOptions): * MiniBrowser/qt/MiniBrowserApplication.h: (WindowOptions::WindowOptions): 2011-02-16 Eric Seidel Reviewed by Mihai Parparita. flaky test archive uploads are always 22 bytes long https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54593 Speculative fix for the 22-bytes bug. * Scripts/webkitpy/tool/bot/flakytestreporter.py: 2011-02-16 Anna Cavender Reviewed by Mihai Parparita. http/tests/media should be served over HTTP (not from local file) https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54028 Removed special file:// treatment of http/tests/media * Scripts/old-run-webkit-tests: * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/base.py: 2011-02-16 Mihai Parparita Reviewed by Ojan Vafai. ChangeLog.parse_latest_entry_from_file does not handle rolled over ChangeLogs https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54609 r78737 rolled over ChangeLogs, and webkit-patch complains when landing patches such as this one that are the first to add an entry to the ChangeLog (since they don't see a second date line to know where the entry ends). * Scripts/webkitpy/common/checkout/changelog.py: * Scripts/webkitpy/common/checkout/changelog_unittest.py: == Rolled over to ChangeLog-2011-02-16 ==