# These are all values accepted for CSS2. # # WARNING: # -------- # # The Values are sorted according to the properties they belong to, # and have to be in the same order as the enums in RenderStyle.h. # # If not, the optimizations in the cssparser and style selector will fail, # and produce incorrect results. # inherit initial # # CSS_PROP_OUTLINE_STYLE # CSS_PROP_BORDER_TOP_STYLE # CSS_PROP_BORDER_BOTTOM_STYLE # CSS_PROP_BORDER_LEFT_STYLE none hidden inset groove ridge outset dotted dashed solid double # # CSS_PROP_FONT: # caption icon menu message-box small-caption -webkit-mini-control -webkit-small-control -webkit-control status-bar # # CSS_PROP_FONT_STYLE: # #normal italic oblique # The following is only allowed in @font-face: all # # CSS_PROP_FONT_VARIANT: # #normal small-caps # # CSS_PROP_FONT_WEIGHT: # normal bold bolder lighter 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 # # CSS_PROP_FONT_SIZE: # xx-small x-small small medium large x-large xx-large -webkit-xxx-large smaller larger # # CSS_PROP_FONT_STRETCH: # #normal wider narrower ultra-condensed extra-condensed condensed semi-condensed semi-expanded expanded extra-expanded ultra-expanded # # CSS_PROP_GENERIC_FONT_FAMILY: # serif sans-serif cursive fantasy monospace -webkit-body # # # CSS_PROP_*_COLOR # aqua black blue fuchsia gray green lime maroon navy olive orange purple red silver teal white yellow transparent -webkit-link -webkit-activelink activeborder activecaption appworkspace background buttonface buttonhighlight buttonshadow buttontext captiontext graytext highlight highlighttext inactiveborder inactivecaption inactivecaptiontext infobackground infotext match menutext scrollbar threeddarkshadow threedface threedhighlight threedlightshadow threedshadow window windowframe windowtext -webkit-focus-ring-color currentcolor # # colors in non strict mode grey -webkit-text # # CSS_PROP_BACKGROUND_REPEAT: # repeat repeat-x repeat-y no-repeat # round # space # # CSS_PROP__WEBKIT_BACKGROUND_COMPOSITE: # clear copy source-over source-in source-out source-atop destination-over destination-in destination-out destination-atop xor plus-darker # highlight plus-lighter # # CSS_PROP_VERTICAL_ALIGN: # baseline middle sub super text-top text-bottom top bottom # HTML alignment MIDDLE has no corresponding CSS alignment -webkit-baseline-middle # # CSS_PROP_TEXT_ALIGN: # -webkit-auto left right center justify -webkit-left -webkit-right -webkit-center # # CSS_PROP_LIST_STYLE_POSITION: # outside inside # # CSS_PROP_LIST_STYLE_TYPE: # disc circle square decimal decimal-leading-zero lower-roman upper-roman lower-greek lower-alpha lower-latin upper-alpha upper-latin hebrew armenian georgian cjk-ideographic hiragana katakana hiragana-iroha katakana-iroha #none # # CSS_PROP_DISPLAY: # inline block list-item run-in compact inline-block table inline-table table-row-group table-header-group table-footer-group table-row table-column-group table-column table-cell table-caption -webkit-box -webkit-inline-box -wap-marquee #none # # CSS_PROP_CURSOR: # auto crosshair default pointer move vertical-text cell context-menu alias # copy progress no-drop not-allowed -webkit-zoom-in -webkit-zoom-out e-resize ne-resize nw-resize n-resize se-resize sw-resize s-resize w-resize ew-resize ns-resize nesw-resize nwse-resize col-resize row-resize text wait help all-scroll -webkit-grab -webkit-grabbing # none # # CSS_PROP_DIRECTION: # ltr rtl # # CSS_PROP_TEXT_TRANSFORM: # capitalize uppercase lowercase #none # # CSS_PROP_VISIBILITY: # visible #hidden collapse # # Unordered rest # above absolute always avoid below bidi-override blink both close-quote crop cross embed fixed hand hide higher invert landscape level line-through local loud lower -webkit-marquee mix no-close-quote no-open-quote nowrap open-quote overlay overline portrait pre pre-line pre-wrap relative scroll separate show static thick thin underline -webkit-nowrap # CSS3 Values # CSS_PROP_BOX_ALIGN stretch start end #center #baseline # CSS_PROP_BOX_DIRECTION # normal reverse # CSS_PROP_BOX_ORIENT horizontal vertical inline-axis block-axis # CSS_PROP_BOX_PACK # start # end # center # justify # CSS_PROP_BOX_LINES single multiple # CSS_PROP_MARQUEE_DIRECTION forwards backwards ahead # reverse # left # right up down # auto # CSS_PROP_MARQUEE_SPEED slow # normal fast # CSS_PROP_MARQUEE_REPETITION infinite # CSS_PROP_MARQUEE_STYLE # none slide # scroll alternate # # CSS_PROP__KHTML_USER_MODIFY # read-only read-write read-write-plaintext-only # # CSS_PROP__KHTML_USER_DRAG # element # # CSS_PROP__KHTML_USER_SELECT # ignore # # CSS_PROP_WIDTH/MIN_WIDTH/MAX_WIDTH # intrinsic min-intrinsic # # CSS_PROP_TEXT_OVERFLOW # clip ellipsis # # CSS_PROP__KHTML_MARGIN_COLLAPSE # # collapse # separate discard # # CSS_PROP_TEXT_*_COLOR # dot-dash dot-dot-dash wave # # CSS_PROP_TEXT_*_MODE # continuous skip-white-space # # CSS_PROP_WORD_BREAK # break-all # # CSS_PROP_WORD_WRAP # break-word # # CSS_PROP__KHTML_NBSP_MODE # space # # CSS_PROP__KHTML_LINE_BREAK # after-white-space # # CSS_PROP__KHTML_APPEARANCE # checkbox radio push-button square-button button button-bevel default-button list-button listbox listitem media-fullscreen-button media-mute-button media-play-button media-seek-back-button media-seek-forward-button media-rewind-button media-return-to-realtime-button media-toggle-closed-captions-button media-slider media-sliderthumb media-volume-slider-container media-volume-slider media-volume-sliderthumb media-controls-background media-current-time-display media-time-remaining-display menulist menulist-button menulist-text menulist-textfield slider-horizontal slider-vertical sliderthumb-horizontal sliderthumb-vertical caret searchfield searchfield-decoration searchfield-results-decoration searchfield-results-button searchfield-cancel-button textfield textarea caps-lock-indicator # # CSS_PROP_BORDER_IMAGE # # stretch # repeat round # # CSS_PROP_BACKGROUND_CLIP/ORIGIN # # border/content/padding are deprecated and ultimately will only apply to the -webkit- form of these properties. # border-box/content-box/padding-box should be used instead. # border border-box content content-box padding padding-box # # background-size # contain cover # # CSS_PROP__KHTML_RTL_ORDERING # logical visual # # CSS_PROP__WEBKIT_BORDER_FIT # lines # # CSS_PROP__WEBKIT_ANIMATION_DIRECTION # # alternate # # CSS_PROP__WEBKIT_ANIMATION_ITERATION_COUNT # # infinite # # CSS_PROP__WEBKIT_ANIMATION_PLAY_STATE # running paused # # CSS_PROP__WEBKIT_TRANSFORM_STYLE # flat preserve-3d # # CSS_PROP__WEBKIT_TRANSITION_TIMING_FUNCTION # CSS_PROP__WEBKIT_ANIMATION_TIMING_FUNCTION # ease linear ease-in ease-out ease-in-out # # CSS_PROP_ZOOM # document reset # # CSS_PROP_POINTER_EVENTS # visiblePainted visibleFill visibleStroke #visible painted fill stroke #all #none # # -webkit-font-smoothing # # auto # none antialiased subpixel-antialiased # text-rendering #auto optimizeSpeed optimizeLegibility geometricPrecision # -webkit-color-correction #default sRGB