#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. # Copyright (C) 2009, Julien Chaffraix # Copyright (C) 2009 Torch Mobile Inc. All rights reserved. (http://www.torchmobile.com/) # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of # its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. use strict; use Config; use Getopt::Long; use File::Path; use IO::File; use InFilesParser; use Switch; my $printFactory = 0; my $printWrapperFactory = 0; my $printWrapperFactoryV8 = 0; my $tagsFile = ""; my $attrsFile = ""; my $outputDir = "."; my %tags = (); my %attrs = (); my %parameters = (); my $extraDefines = 0; my $preprocessor = "/usr/bin/gcc -E -P -x c++"; GetOptions( 'tags=s' => \$tagsFile, 'attrs=s' => \$attrsFile, 'factory' => \$printFactory, 'outputDir=s' => \$outputDir, 'extraDefines=s' => \$extraDefines, 'preprocessor=s' => \$preprocessor, 'wrapperFactory' => \$printWrapperFactory, 'wrapperFactoryV8' => \$printWrapperFactoryV8 ); die "You must specify at least one of --tags or --attrs " unless (length($tagsFile) || length($attrsFile)); readNames($tagsFile, "tags") if length($tagsFile); readNames($attrsFile, "attrs") if length($attrsFile); die "You must specify a namespace (e.g. SVG) for Names.h" unless $parameters{namespace}; die "You must specify a namespaceURI (e.g. http://www.w3.org/2000/svg)" unless $parameters{namespaceURI}; $parameters{namespacePrefix} = $parameters{namespace} unless $parameters{namespacePrefix}; mkpath($outputDir); my $namesBasePath = "$outputDir/$parameters{namespace}Names"; my $factoryBasePath = "$outputDir/$parameters{namespace}ElementFactory"; my $wrapperFactoryFileName = "$parameters{namespace}ElementWrapperFactory"; printNamesHeaderFile("$namesBasePath.h"); printNamesCppFile("$namesBasePath.cpp"); if ($printFactory) { printFactoryCppFile("$factoryBasePath.cpp"); printFactoryHeaderFile("$factoryBasePath.h"); } die "You cannot specify both --wrapperFactory and --wrapperFactoryV8" if $printWrapperFactory && $printWrapperFactoryV8; my $wrapperFactoryType = ""; if ($printWrapperFactory) { $wrapperFactoryType = "JS"; } elsif ($printWrapperFactoryV8) { $wrapperFactoryType = "V8"; } if ($wrapperFactoryType) { printWrapperFactoryCppFile($outputDir, $wrapperFactoryType, $wrapperFactoryFileName); printWrapperFactoryHeaderFile($outputDir, $wrapperFactoryType, $wrapperFactoryFileName); } ### Hash initialization sub defaultTagPropertyHash { return ( 'constructorNeedsCreatedByParser' => 0, 'constructorNeedsFormElement' => 0, 'createWithNew' => 0, 'interfaceName' => defaultInterfaceName($_[0]), # By default, the JSInterfaceName is the same as the interfaceName. 'JSInterfaceName' => defaultInterfaceName($_[0]), 'mapToTagName' => '', 'wrapperOnlyIfMediaIsAvailable' => 0, 'conditional' => 0 ); } sub defaultParametersHash { return ( 'namespace' => '', 'namespacePrefix' => '', 'namespaceURI' => '', 'guardFactoryWith' => '', 'tagsNullNamespace' => 0, 'attrsNullNamespace' => 0 ); } sub defaultInterfaceName { die "No namespace found" if !$parameters{namespace}; return $parameters{namespace} . upperCaseName($_[0]) . "Element" } ### Parsing handlers sub tagsHandler { my ($tag, $property, $value) = @_; $tag =~ s/-/_/g; # Initialize default property values. $tags{$tag} = { defaultTagPropertyHash($tag) } if !defined($tags{$tag}); if ($property) { die "Unknown property $property for tag $tag\n" if !defined($tags{$tag}{$property}); # The code relies on JSInterfaceName deriving from interfaceName to check for custom JSInterfaceName. # So override JSInterfaceName if it was not already set. $tags{$tag}{JSInterfaceName} = $value if $property eq "interfaceName" && $tags{$tag}{JSInterfaceName} eq $tags{$tag}{interfaceName}; $tags{$tag}{$property} = $value; } } sub attrsHandler { my ($attr, $property, $value) = @_; $attr =~ s/-/_/g; # Initialize default properties' values. $attrs{$attr} = {} if !defined($attrs{$attr}); if ($property) { die "Unknown property $property for attribute $attr\n" if !defined($attrs{$attr}{$property}); $attrs{$attr}{$property} = $value; } } sub parametersHandler { my ($parameter, $value) = @_; # Initialize default properties' values. %parameters = defaultParametersHash() if !(keys %parameters); die "Unknown parameter $parameter for tags/attrs\n" if !defined($parameters{$parameter}); $parameters{$parameter} = $value; } ## Support routines sub readNames { my ($namesFile, $type) = @_; my $names = new IO::File; if ($extraDefines eq 0) { open($names, $preprocessor . " " . $namesFile . "|") or die "Failed to open file: $namesFile"; } else { open($names, $preprocessor . " -D" . join(" -D", split(" ", $extraDefines)) . " " . $namesFile . "|") or die "Failed to open file: $namesFile"; } # Store hashes keys count to know if some insertion occured. my $tagsCount = keys %tags; my $attrsCount = keys %attrs; my $InParser = InFilesParser->new(); switch ($type) { case "tags" { $InParser->parse($names, \¶metersHandler, \&tagsHandler); } case "attrs" { $InParser->parse($names, \¶metersHandler, \&attrsHandler); } else { die "Do not know how to parse $type"; } } close($names); die "Failed to read names from file: $namesFile" if ((keys %tags == $tagsCount) && (keys %attrs == $attrsCount)); } sub printMacros { my ($F, $macro, $suffix, $namesRef) = @_; my %names = %$namesRef; for my $name (sort keys %$namesRef) { print F "$macro $name","$suffix;\n"; } } sub usesDefaultWrapper { my $tagName = shift; return $tagName eq $parameters{namespace} . "Element"; } # Build a direct mapping from the tags to the Element to create, excluding # Element that have not constructor. sub buildConstructorMap { my %tagConstructorMap = (); for my $tagName (keys %tags) { my $interfaceName = $tags{$tagName}{interfaceName}; next if (usesDefaultWrapper($interfaceName)); if ($tags{$tagName}{mapToTagName}) { die "Cannot handle multiple mapToTagName for $tagName\n" if $tags{$tags{$tagName}{mapToTagName}}{mapToTagName}; $interfaceName = $tags{ $tags{$tagName}{mapToTagName} }{interfaceName}; } # Chop the string to keep the interesting part. $interfaceName =~ s/$parameters{namespace}(.*)Element/$1/; $tagConstructorMap{$tagName} = lc($interfaceName); } return %tagConstructorMap; } # Helper method that print the constructor's signature avoiding # unneeded arguments. sub printConstructorSignature { my ($F, $tagName, $constructorName, $constructorTagName) = @_; print F "static PassRefPtr<$parameters{namespace}Element> ${constructorName}Constructor(const QualifiedName& $constructorTagName, Document* document"; if ($parameters{namespace} eq "HTML") { print F ", HTMLFormElement*"; print F " formElement" if $tags{$tagName}{constructorNeedsFormElement}; } print F ", bool"; print F " createdByParser" if $tags{$tagName}{constructorNeedsCreatedByParser}; print F ")\n{\n"; } # Helper method to dump the constructor interior and call the # Element constructor with the right arguments. # The variable names should be kept in sync with the previous method. sub printConstructorInterior { my ($F, $tagName, $interfaceName, $constructorTagName) = @_; # Handle media elements. if ($tags{$tagName}{wrapperOnlyIfMediaIsAvailable}) { print F <$headerPath"; printLicenseHeader($F); print F "#ifndef DOM_$parameters{namespace}NAMES_H\n"; print F "#define DOM_$parameters{namespace}NAMES_H\n\n"; print F "#include \"QualifiedName.h\"\n\n"; print F "namespace WebCore {\n\n namespace $parameters{namespace}Names {\n\n"; my $lowerNamespace = lc($parameters{namespacePrefix}); print F "#ifndef DOM_$parameters{namespace}NAMES_HIDE_GLOBALS\n"; print F "// Namespace\n"; print F "extern const WebCore::AtomicString ${lowerNamespace}NamespaceURI;\n\n"; if (keys %tags) { print F "// Tags\n"; printMacros($F, "extern const WebCore::QualifiedName", "Tag", \%tags); } if (keys %attrs) { print F "// Attributes\n"; printMacros($F, "extern const WebCore::QualifiedName", "Attr", \%attrs); } print F "#endif\n\n"; if (keys %tags) { print F "WebCore::QualifiedName** get$parameters{namespace}Tags(size_t* size);\n"; } if (keys %attrs) { print F "WebCore::QualifiedName** get$parameters{namespace}Attrs(size_t* size);\n"; } print F "\nvoid init();\n\n"; print F "} }\n\n"; print F "#endif\n\n"; close F; } sub printNamesCppFile { my $cppPath = shift; my $F; open F, ">$cppPath"; printLicenseHeader($F); my $lowerNamespace = lc($parameters{namespacePrefix}); print F "#include \"config.h\"\n"; print F "#ifdef SKIP_STATIC_CONSTRUCTORS_ON_GCC\n"; print F "#define DOM_$parameters{namespace}NAMES_HIDE_GLOBALS 1\n"; print F "#else\n"; print F "#define QNAME_DEFAULT_CONSTRUCTOR 1\n"; print F "#endif\n\n"; print F "#include \"$parameters{namespace}Names.h\"\n\n"; print F "#include \"StaticConstructors.h\"\n"; print F "namespace WebCore {\n\n namespace $parameters{namespace}Names { using namespace WebCore; DEFINE_GLOBAL(AtomicString, ${lowerNamespace}NamespaceURI, \"$parameters{namespaceURI}\") "; if (keys %tags) { print F "// Tags\n"; for my $name (sort keys %tags) { print F "DEFINE_GLOBAL(QualifiedName, ", $name, "Tag, nullAtom, \"$name\", ${lowerNamespace}NamespaceURI);\n"; } print F "\n\nWebCore::QualifiedName** get$parameters{namespace}Tags(size_t* size)\n"; print F "{\n static WebCore::QualifiedName* $parameters{namespace}Tags[] = {\n"; for my $name (sort keys %tags) { print F " (WebCore::QualifiedName*)&${name}Tag,\n"; } print F " };\n"; print F " *size = ", scalar(keys %tags), ";\n"; print F " return $parameters{namespace}Tags;\n"; print F "}\n"; } if (keys %attrs) { print F "\n// Attributes\n"; for my $name (sort keys %attrs) { print F "DEFINE_GLOBAL(QualifiedName, ", $name, "Attr, nullAtom, \"$name\", ${lowerNamespace}NamespaceURI);\n"; } print F "\n\nWebCore::QualifiedName** get$parameters{namespace}Attrs(size_t* size)\n"; print F "{\n static WebCore::QualifiedName* $parameters{namespace}Attr[] = {\n"; for my $name (sort keys %attrs) { print F " (WebCore::QualifiedName*)&${name}Attr,\n"; } print F " };\n"; print F " *size = ", scalar(keys %attrs), ";\n"; print F " return $parameters{namespace}Attr;\n"; print F "}\n"; } print F "\nvoid init() { static bool initialized = false; if (initialized) return; initialized = true; // Use placement new to initialize the globals. AtomicString::init(); "; print(F " AtomicString ${lowerNamespace}NS(\"$parameters{namespaceURI}\");\n\n"); print(F " // Namespace\n"); print(F " new ((void*)&${lowerNamespace}NamespaceURI) AtomicString(${lowerNamespace}NS);\n\n"); if (keys %tags) { my $tagsNamespace = $parameters{tagsNullNamespace} ? "nullAtom" : "${lowerNamespace}NS"; printDefinitions($F, \%tags, "tags", $tagsNamespace); } if (keys %attrs) { my $attrsNamespace = $parameters{attrsNullNamespace} ? "nullAtom" : "${lowerNamespace}NS"; printDefinitions($F, \%attrs, "attributes", $attrsNamespace); } print F "}\n\n} }\n\n"; close F; } sub printJSElementIncludes { my $F = shift; my $wrapperFactoryType = shift; my %tagsSeen; for my $tagName (sort keys %tags) { my $JSInterfaceName = $tags{$tagName}{JSInterfaceName}; next if defined($tagsSeen{$JSInterfaceName}) || usesDefaultJSWrapper($tagName); $tagsSeen{$JSInterfaceName} = 1; print F "#include \"${wrapperFactoryType}${JSInterfaceName}.h\"\n"; } } sub printElementIncludes { my $F = shift; my %tagsSeen; for my $tagName (sort keys %tags) { my $interfaceName = $tags{$tagName}{interfaceName}; next if defined($tagsSeen{$interfaceName}); $tagsSeen{$interfaceName} = 1; print F "#include \"${interfaceName}.h\"\n"; } } sub printDefinitions { my ($F, $namesRef, $type, $namespaceURI) = @_; my $singularType = substr($type, 0, -1); my $shortType = substr($singularType, 0, 4); my $shortCamelType = ucfirst($shortType); my $shortUpperType = uc($shortType); print F " // " . ucfirst($type) . "\n"; for my $name (sort keys %$namesRef) { my $realName = $name; $realName =~ s/_/-/g; print F " new ((void*)&$name","${shortCamelType}) QualifiedName(nullAtom, \"$realName\", $namespaceURI);\n"; } } ## ElementFactory routines sub printFactoryCppFile { my $cppPath = shift; my $F; open F, ">$cppPath"; printLicenseHeader($F); print F < #if ENABLE(DASHBOARD_SUPPORT) #include "Document.h" #include "Settings.h" #endif namespace WebCore { using namespace $parameters{namespace}Names; END ; print F "typedef PassRefPtr<$parameters{namespace}Element> (*ConstructorFunction)(const QualifiedName&, Document*"; print F ", HTMLFormElement*" if $parameters{namespace} eq "HTML"; print F ", bool createdByParser);\n"; print F < FunctionMap; static FunctionMap* gFunctionMap = 0; END ; my %tagConstructorMap = buildConstructorMap(); printConstructors($F, \%tagConstructorMap); print F "#if $parameters{guardFactoryWith}\n" if $parameters{guardFactoryWith}; print F <set(tag.localName().impl(), func); } static void createFunctionMap() { ASSERT(!gFunctionMap); // Create the table. gFunctionMap = new FunctionMap; // Populate it with constructor functions. END ; printFunctionInits($F, \%tagConstructorMap); print F "}\n"; print F "#endif\n" if $parameters{guardFactoryWith}; print F "\nPassRefPtr<$parameters{namespace}Element> $parameters{namespace}ElementFactory::create$parameters{namespace}Element(const QualifiedName& qName, Document* document"; print F ", HTMLFormElement* formElement" if $parameters{namespace} eq "HTML"; print F ", bool createdByParser)\n{\n"; print F "#if $parameters{guardFactoryWith}\n" if $parameters{guardFactoryWith}; print F <settings(); if (settings && settings->usesDashboardBackwardCompatibilityMode()) return 0; #endif END ; } print F <get(qName.localName().impl())) END ; if ($parameters{namespace} eq "HTML") { print F " return function(qName, document, formElement, createdByParser);\n"; } else { print F " return function(qName, document, createdByParser);\n"; } print F " return $parameters{namespace}Element::create(qName, document);\n"; if ($parameters{guardFactoryWith}) { print F <$headerPath"; printLicenseHeader($F); print F< namespace WebCore { class Element; class Document; class QualifiedName; class AtomicString; } namespace WebCore { class $parameters{namespace}Element; END ; print F " class HTMLFormElement;\n" if $parameters{namespace} eq "HTML"; print F< createElement(const WebCore::QualifiedName&, WebCore::Document*, bool createdByParser = true); END ; print F " static PassRefPtr<$parameters{namespace}Element> create$parameters{namespace}Element(const WebCore::QualifiedName&, WebCore::Document*"; print F ", HTMLFormElement* = 0" if $parameters{namespace} eq "HTML"; print F ", bool /*createdByParser*/ = true);\n"; printf F< element) { if (!MediaPlayer::isAvailable()) return CREATE_DOM_NODE_WRAPPER(exec, globalObject, $parameters{namespace}Element, element.get()); return CREATE_DOM_NODE_WRAPPER(exec, globalObject, ${JSInterfaceName}, element.get()); } END ; } else { print F < element) { return CREATE_DOM_NODE_WRAPPER(exec, globalObject, ${JSInterfaceName}, element.get()); } END ; } } elsif ($wrapperFactoryType eq "V8") { print F < create${JSInterfaceName}Wrapper($parameters{namespace}Element* element) { return toV8(static_cast<${JSInterfaceName}*>(element)); } END ; } if ($conditional) { print F "#endif\n\n"; } } } sub printWrapperFactoryCppFile { my $outputDir = shift; my $wrapperFactoryType = shift; my $wrapperFactoryFileName = shift; my $F; open F, ">" . $outputDir . "/" . $wrapperFactoryType . $wrapperFactoryFileName . ".cpp"; printLicenseHeader($F); print F "#include \"config.h\"\n\n"; print F "#if $parameters{guardFactoryWith}\n\n" if $parameters{guardFactoryWith}; print F "#include \"$wrapperFactoryType$parameters{namespace}ElementWrapperFactory.h\"\n"; printJSElementIncludes($F, $wrapperFactoryType); print F "\n#include \"$parameters{namespace}Names.h\"\n\n"; printElementIncludes($F); print F "\n#include \n\n"; if ($wrapperFactoryType eq "JS") { print F < END ; } print F <); END ; } elsif ($wrapperFactoryType eq "V8") { print F < (*Create$parameters{namespace}ElementWrapperFunction)($parameters{namespace}Element*); END ; } printWrapperFunctions($F, $wrapperFactoryType); if ($wrapperFactoryType eq "JS") { print F < element) { typedef HashMap FunctionMap; DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(FunctionMap, map, ()); if (map.isEmpty()) { END ; } elsif ($wrapperFactoryType eq "V8") { print F < createV8$parameters{namespace}Wrapper($parameters{namespace}Element* element, bool forceNewObject) { typedef HashMap FunctionMap; DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(FunctionMap, map, ()); if (map.isEmpty()) { END ; } for my $tag (sort keys %tags) { # Do not add the name to the map if it does not have a JS wrapper constructor or uses the default wrapper. next if usesDefaultJSWrapper($tag, \%tags); my $conditional = $tags{$tag}{conditional}; if ($conditional) { my $conditionalString = "ENABLE(" . join(") && ENABLE(", split(/&/, $conditional)) . ")"; print F "#if ${conditionalString}\n"; } my $ucTag = $tags{$tag}{JSInterfaceName}; print F " map.set(${tag}Tag.localName().impl(), create${ucTag}Wrapper);\n"; if ($conditional) { print F "#endif\n"; } } print F <localName().impl()); if (createWrapperFunction) END ; if ($wrapperFactoryType eq "JS") { print F <" . $outputDir . "/" . $wrapperFactoryType . $wrapperFactoryFileName . ".h"; printLicenseHeader($F); print F "#ifndef $wrapperFactoryType$parameters{namespace}ElementWrapperFactory_h\n"; print F "#define $wrapperFactoryType$parameters{namespace}ElementWrapperFactory_h\n\n"; print F "#if $parameters{guardFactoryWith}\n" if $parameters{guardFactoryWith}; if ($wrapperFactoryType eq "JS") { print F < namespace JSC { class ExecState; } namespace WebCore { class JSNode; class JSDOMGlobalObject; class $parameters{namespace}Element; JSNode* createJS$parameters{namespace}Wrapper(JSC::ExecState*, JSDOMGlobalObject*, PassRefPtr<$parameters{namespace}Element>); } END ; } elsif ($wrapperFactoryType eq "V8") { print F < namespace WebCore { class $parameters{namespace}Element; v8::Handle createV8$parameters{namespace}Wrapper($parameters{namespace}Element*, bool); } END ; } print F "#endif // $parameters{guardFactoryWith}\n\n" if $parameters{guardFactoryWith}; print F "#endif // $wrapperFactoryType$parameters{namespace}ElementWrapperFactory_h\n"; close F; }