/* * Copyright (C) 2006, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (IndentOutdentCommandINCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "IndentOutdentCommand.h" #include "Document.h" #include "Element.h" #include "HTMLBlockquoteElement.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "InsertLineBreakCommand.h" #include "InsertListCommand.h" #include "Range.h" #include "SplitElementCommand.h" #include "TextIterator.h" #include "htmlediting.h" #include "visible_units.h" #include namespace WebCore { using namespace HTMLNames; static String indentBlockquoteString() { DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(String, string, ("webkit-indent-blockquote")); return string; } static PassRefPtr createIndentBlockquoteElement(Document* document) { RefPtr element = new HTMLBlockquoteElement(blockquoteTag, document); element->setAttribute(classAttr, indentBlockquoteString()); element->setAttribute(styleAttr, "margin: 0 0 0 40px; border: none; padding: 0px;"); return element.release(); } static bool isListOrIndentBlockquote(const Node* node) { return node && (node->hasTagName(ulTag) || node->hasTagName(olTag) || node->hasTagName(blockquoteTag)); } IndentOutdentCommand::IndentOutdentCommand(Document* document, EIndentType typeOfAction, int marginInPixels) : CompositeEditCommand(document), m_typeOfAction(typeOfAction), m_marginInPixels(marginInPixels) { } bool IndentOutdentCommand::tryIndentingAsListItem(const VisiblePosition& endOfCurrentParagraph) { // If our selection is not inside a list, bail out. Node* lastNodeInSelectedParagraph = endOfCurrentParagraph.deepEquivalent().node(); RefPtr listNode = enclosingList(lastNodeInSelectedParagraph); if (!listNode) return false; // Find the list item enclosing the current paragraph Element* selectedListItem = static_cast(enclosingBlock(lastNodeInSelectedParagraph)); // FIXME: enclosingBlock shouldn't return the passed in element. See the // comment on the function about how to fix rather than having to adjust here. if (selectedListItem == lastNodeInSelectedParagraph) selectedListItem = static_cast(enclosingBlock(lastNodeInSelectedParagraph->parentNode())); // FIXME: we need to deal with the case where there is no li (malformed HTML) if (!selectedListItem->hasTagName(liTag)) return false; // FIXME: previousElementSibling does not ignore non-rendered content like . Should we? Element* previousList = selectedListItem->previousElementSibling(); Element* nextList = selectedListItem->nextElementSibling(); RefPtr newList = document()->createElement(listNode->tagQName(), false); insertNodeBefore(newList, selectedListItem); moveParagraphWithClones(startOfParagraph(endOfCurrentParagraph), endOfCurrentParagraph, newList.get(), selectedListItem); if (canMergeLists(previousList, newList.get())) mergeIdenticalElements(previousList, newList); if (canMergeLists(newList.get(), nextList)) mergeIdenticalElements(newList, nextList); return true; } void IndentOutdentCommand::indentIntoBlockquote(const VisiblePosition& endOfCurrentParagraph, const VisiblePosition& endOfNextParagraph, RefPtr& targetBlockquote) { Node* enclosingCell = 0; Position start = startOfParagraph(endOfCurrentParagraph).deepEquivalent(); enclosingCell = enclosingNodeOfType(start, &isTableCell); Node* nodeToSplitTo; if (enclosingCell) nodeToSplitTo = enclosingCell; else if (enclosingList(start.node())) nodeToSplitTo = enclosingBlock(start.node()); else nodeToSplitTo = editableRootForPosition(start); RefPtr outerBlock = splitTreeToNode(start.node(), nodeToSplitTo); if (!targetBlockquote) { // Create a new blockquote and insert it as a child of the root editable element. We accomplish // this by splitting all parents of the current paragraph up to that point. targetBlockquote = createIndentBlockquoteElement(document()); insertNodeBefore(targetBlockquote, outerBlock); } moveParagraphWithClones(startOfParagraph(endOfCurrentParagraph), endOfCurrentParagraph, targetBlockquote.get(), outerBlock.get()); // Don't put the next paragraph in the blockquote we just created for this paragraph unless // the next paragraph is in the same cell. if (enclosingCell && enclosingCell != enclosingNodeOfType(endOfNextParagraph.deepEquivalent(), &isTableCell)) targetBlockquote = 0; } void IndentOutdentCommand::indentRegion(const VisiblePosition& startOfSelection, const VisiblePosition& endOfSelection) { // Special case empty unsplittable elements because there's nothing to split // and there's nothing to move. Position start = startOfSelection.deepEquivalent().downstream(); if (isAtUnsplittableElement(start)) { RefPtr blockquote = createIndentBlockquoteElement(document()); insertNodeAt(blockquote, start); RefPtr placeholder = createBreakElement(document()); appendNode(placeholder, blockquote); setEndingSelection(VisibleSelection(Position(placeholder.get(), 0), DOWNSTREAM)); return; } RefPtr blockquoteForNextIndent; VisiblePosition endOfCurrentParagraph = endOfParagraph(startOfSelection); VisiblePosition endAfterSelection = endOfParagraph(endOfParagraph(endOfSelection).next()); while (endOfCurrentParagraph != endAfterSelection) { // Iterate across the selected paragraphs... VisiblePosition endOfNextParagraph = endOfParagraph(endOfCurrentParagraph.next()); if (tryIndentingAsListItem(endOfCurrentParagraph)) blockquoteForNextIndent = 0; else indentIntoBlockquote(endOfCurrentParagraph, endOfNextParagraph, blockquoteForNextIndent); // indentIntoBlockquote could move more than one paragraph if the paragraph // is in a list item or a table. As a result, endAfterSelection could refer to a position // no longer in the document. if (endAfterSelection.isNotNull() && !endAfterSelection.deepEquivalent().node()->inDocument()) break; // Sanity check: Make sure our moveParagraph calls didn't remove endOfNextParagraph.deepEquivalent().node() // If somehow we did, return to prevent crashes. if (endOfNextParagraph.isNotNull() && !endOfNextParagraph.deepEquivalent().node()->inDocument()) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return; } endOfCurrentParagraph = endOfNextParagraph; } } void IndentOutdentCommand::outdentParagraph() { VisiblePosition visibleStartOfParagraph = startOfParagraph(endingSelection().visibleStart()); VisiblePosition visibleEndOfParagraph = endOfParagraph(visibleStartOfParagraph); Node* enclosingNode = enclosingNodeOfType(visibleStartOfParagraph.deepEquivalent(), &isListOrIndentBlockquote); if (!enclosingNode || !enclosingNode->parentNode()->isContentEditable()) // We can't outdent if there is no place to go! return; // Use InsertListCommand to remove the selection from the list if (enclosingNode->hasTagName(olTag)) { applyCommandToComposite(InsertListCommand::create(document(), InsertListCommand::OrderedList)); return; } if (enclosingNode->hasTagName(ulTag)) { applyCommandToComposite(InsertListCommand::create(document(), InsertListCommand::UnorderedList)); return; } // The selection is inside a blockquote i.e. enclosingNode is a blockquote VisiblePosition positionInEnclosingBlock = VisiblePosition(Position(enclosingNode, 0)); VisiblePosition startOfEnclosingBlock = startOfBlock(positionInEnclosingBlock); VisiblePosition lastPositionInEnclosingBlock = VisiblePosition(Position(enclosingNode, enclosingNode->childNodeCount())); VisiblePosition endOfEnclosingBlock = endOfBlock(lastPositionInEnclosingBlock); if (visibleStartOfParagraph == startOfEnclosingBlock && visibleEndOfParagraph == endOfEnclosingBlock) { // The blockquote doesn't contain anything outside the paragraph, so it can be totally removed. Node* splitPoint = enclosingNode->nextSibling(); removeNodePreservingChildren(enclosingNode); // outdentRegion() assumes it is operating on the first paragraph of an enclosing blockquote, but if there are multiply nested blockquotes and we've // just removed one, then this assumption isn't true. By splitting the next containing blockquote after this node, we keep this assumption true if (splitPoint) { if (Node* splitPointParent = splitPoint->parentNode()) { if (splitPointParent->hasTagName(blockquoteTag) && !splitPoint->hasTagName(blockquoteTag) && splitPointParent->parentNode()->isContentEditable()) // We can't outdent if there is no place to go! splitElement(static_cast(splitPointParent), splitPoint); } } updateLayout(); visibleStartOfParagraph = VisiblePosition(visibleStartOfParagraph.deepEquivalent()); visibleEndOfParagraph = VisiblePosition(visibleEndOfParagraph.deepEquivalent()); if (visibleStartOfParagraph.isNotNull() && !isStartOfParagraph(visibleStartOfParagraph)) insertNodeAt(createBreakElement(document()), visibleStartOfParagraph.deepEquivalent()); if (visibleEndOfParagraph.isNotNull() && !isEndOfParagraph(visibleEndOfParagraph)) insertNodeAt(createBreakElement(document()), visibleEndOfParagraph.deepEquivalent()); return; } Node* enclosingBlockFlow = enclosingBlock(visibleStartOfParagraph.deepEquivalent().node()); RefPtr splitBlockquoteNode = enclosingNode; if (enclosingBlockFlow != enclosingNode) splitBlockquoteNode = splitTreeToNode(enclosingBlockFlow, enclosingNode, true); else { // We split the blockquote at where we start outdenting. splitElement(static_cast(enclosingNode), visibleStartOfParagraph.deepEquivalent().node()); } RefPtr placeholder = createBreakElement(document()); insertNodeBefore(placeholder, splitBlockquoteNode); moveParagraph(startOfParagraph(visibleStartOfParagraph), endOfParagraph(visibleEndOfParagraph), VisiblePosition(Position(placeholder.get(), 0)), true); } void IndentOutdentCommand::outdentRegion(const VisiblePosition& startOfSelection, const VisiblePosition& endOfSelection) { VisiblePosition endOfLastParagraph = endOfParagraph(endOfSelection); if (endOfParagraph(startOfSelection) == endOfLastParagraph) { outdentParagraph(); return; } Position originalSelectionEnd = endingSelection().end(); VisiblePosition endOfCurrentParagraph = endOfParagraph(startOfSelection); VisiblePosition endAfterSelection = endOfParagraph(endOfParagraph(endOfSelection).next()); while (endOfCurrentParagraph != endAfterSelection) { VisiblePosition endOfNextParagraph = endOfParagraph(endOfCurrentParagraph.next()); if (endOfCurrentParagraph == endOfLastParagraph) setEndingSelection(VisibleSelection(originalSelectionEnd, DOWNSTREAM)); else setEndingSelection(endOfCurrentParagraph); outdentParagraph(); // outdentParagraph could move more than one paragraph if the paragraph // is in a list item. As a result, endAfterSelection and endOfNextParagraph // could refer to positions no longer in the document. if (endAfterSelection.isNotNull() && !endAfterSelection.deepEquivalent().node()->inDocument()) break; if (endOfNextParagraph.isNotNull() && !endOfNextParagraph.deepEquivalent().node()->inDocument()) { endOfCurrentParagraph = endingSelection().end(); endOfNextParagraph = endOfParagraph(endOfCurrentParagraph.next()); } endOfCurrentParagraph = endOfNextParagraph; } } void IndentOutdentCommand::doApply() { if (endingSelection().isNone()) return; if (!endingSelection().rootEditableElement()) return; VisiblePosition visibleEnd = endingSelection().visibleEnd(); VisiblePosition visibleStart = endingSelection().visibleStart(); // When a selection ends at the start of a paragraph, we rarely paint // the selection gap before that paragraph, because there often is no gap. // In a case like this, it's not obvious to the user that the selection // ends "inside" that paragraph, so it would be confusing if Indent/Outdent // operated on that paragraph. // FIXME: We paint the gap before some paragraphs that are indented with left // margin/padding, but not others. We should make the gap painting more consistent and // then use a left margin/padding rule here. if (visibleEnd != visibleStart && isStartOfParagraph(visibleEnd)) setEndingSelection(VisibleSelection(visibleStart, visibleEnd.previous(true))); VisibleSelection selection = selectionForParagraphIteration(endingSelection()); VisiblePosition startOfSelection = selection.visibleStart(); VisiblePosition endOfSelection = selection.visibleEnd(); int startIndex = indexForVisiblePosition(startOfSelection); int endIndex = indexForVisiblePosition(endOfSelection); ASSERT(!startOfSelection.isNull()); ASSERT(!endOfSelection.isNull()); if (m_typeOfAction == Indent) indentRegion(startOfSelection, endOfSelection); else outdentRegion(startOfSelection, endOfSelection); updateLayout(); RefPtr startRange = TextIterator::rangeFromLocationAndLength(document()->documentElement(), startIndex, 0, true); RefPtr endRange = TextIterator::rangeFromLocationAndLength(document()->documentElement(), endIndex, 0, true); if (startRange && endRange) setEndingSelection(VisibleSelection(startRange->startPosition(), endRange->startPosition(), DOWNSTREAM)); } }