/* * Copyright (C) 2006, 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "Element.h" #include "InsertListCommand.h" #include "DocumentFragment.h" #include "htmlediting.h" #include "HTMLElement.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "TextIterator.h" #include "visible_units.h" namespace WebCore { using namespace HTMLNames; static Node* enclosingListChild(Node* node, Node* listNode) { Node* listChild = enclosingListChild(node); while (listChild && enclosingList(listChild) != listNode) listChild = enclosingListChild(listChild->parentNode()); return listChild; } PassRefPtr InsertListCommand::insertList(Document* document, Type type) { RefPtr insertCommand = create(document, type); insertCommand->apply(); return insertCommand->m_listElement; } HTMLElement* InsertListCommand::fixOrphanedListChild(Node* node) { RefPtr listElement = createUnorderedListElement(document()); insertNodeBefore(listElement, node); removeNode(node); appendNode(node, listElement); m_listElement = listElement; return listElement.get(); } PassRefPtr InsertListCommand::mergeWithNeighboringLists(PassRefPtr passedList) { RefPtr list = passedList; Element* previousList = list->previousElementSibling(); if (canMergeLists(previousList, list.get())) mergeIdenticalElements(previousList, list); if (!list || !list->nextElementSibling() || !list->nextElementSibling()->isHTMLElement()) return list.release(); RefPtr nextList = static_cast(list->nextElementSibling()); if (canMergeLists(list.get(), nextList.get())) { mergeIdenticalElements(list, nextList); return nextList.release(); } return list.release(); } bool InsertListCommand::selectionHasListOfType(const VisibleSelection& selection, const QualifiedName& listTag) { VisiblePosition start = selection.visibleStart(); if (!enclosingList(start.deepEquivalent().node())) return false; VisiblePosition end = selection.visibleEnd(); while (start.isNotNull() && start != end) { Element* listNode = enclosingList(start.deepEquivalent().node()); if (!listNode || !listNode->hasTagName(listTag)) return false; start = startOfNextParagraph(start); } return true; } InsertListCommand::InsertListCommand(Document* document, Type type) : CompositeEditCommand(document), m_type(type) { } void InsertListCommand::doApply() { if (!endingSelection().isNonOrphanedCaretOrRange()) return; if (!endingSelection().rootEditableElement()) return; VisiblePosition visibleEnd = endingSelection().visibleEnd(); VisiblePosition visibleStart = endingSelection().visibleStart(); // When a selection ends at the start of a paragraph, we rarely paint // the selection gap before that paragraph, because there often is no gap. // In a case like this, it's not obvious to the user that the selection // ends "inside" that paragraph, so it would be confusing if InsertUn{Ordered}List // operated on that paragraph. // FIXME: We paint the gap before some paragraphs that are indented with left // margin/padding, but not others. We should make the gap painting more consistent and // then use a left margin/padding rule here. if (visibleEnd != visibleStart && isStartOfParagraph(visibleEnd)) setEndingSelection(VisibleSelection(visibleStart, visibleEnd.previous(true))); const QualifiedName& listTag = (m_type == OrderedList) ? olTag : ulTag; if (endingSelection().isRange()) { VisibleSelection selection = selectionForParagraphIteration(endingSelection()); ASSERT(selection.isRange()); VisiblePosition startOfSelection = selection.visibleStart(); VisiblePosition endOfSelection = selection.visibleEnd(); VisiblePosition startOfLastParagraph = startOfParagraph(endOfSelection); if (startOfParagraph(startOfSelection) != startOfLastParagraph) { bool forceCreateList = !selectionHasListOfType(selection, listTag); RefPtr currentSelection = endingSelection().firstRange(); VisiblePosition startOfCurrentParagraph = startOfSelection; while (startOfCurrentParagraph != startOfLastParagraph) { // doApply() may operate on and remove the last paragraph of the selection from the document // if it's in the same list item as startOfCurrentParagraph. Return early to avoid an // infinite loop and because there is no more work to be done. // FIXME(): The endingSelection() may be incorrect here. Compute // the new location of endOfSelection and use it as the end of the new selection. if (!startOfLastParagraph.deepEquivalent().node()->inDocument()) return; setEndingSelection(startOfCurrentParagraph); // Save and restore endOfSelection and startOfLastParagraph when necessary // since moveParagraph and movePragraphWithClones can remove nodes. // FIXME: This is an inefficient way to keep selection alive because indexForVisiblePosition walks from // the beginning of the document to the endOfSelection everytime this code is executed. // But not using index is hard because there are so many ways we can lose selection inside doApplyForSingleParagraph. int indexForEndOfSelection = indexForVisiblePosition(endOfSelection); doApplyForSingleParagraph(forceCreateList, listTag, currentSelection.get()); if (endOfSelection.isNull() || endOfSelection.isOrphan() || startOfLastParagraph.isNull() || startOfLastParagraph.isOrphan()) { RefPtr lastSelectionRange = TextIterator::rangeFromLocationAndLength(document()->documentElement(), indexForEndOfSelection, 0, true); // If lastSelectionRange is null, then some contents have been deleted from the document. // This should never happen and if it did, exit early immediately because we've lost the loop invariant. ASSERT(lastSelectionRange); if (!lastSelectionRange) return; endOfSelection = lastSelectionRange->startPosition(); startOfLastParagraph = startOfParagraph(endOfSelection); } // Fetch the start of the selection after moving the first paragraph, // because moving the paragraph will invalidate the original start. // We'll use the new start to restore the original selection after // we modified all selected paragraphs. if (startOfCurrentParagraph == startOfSelection) startOfSelection = endingSelection().visibleStart(); startOfCurrentParagraph = startOfNextParagraph(endingSelection().visibleStart()); } setEndingSelection(endOfSelection); doApplyForSingleParagraph(forceCreateList, listTag, currentSelection.get()); // Fetch the end of the selection, for the reason mentioned above. endOfSelection = endingSelection().visibleEnd(); setEndingSelection(VisibleSelection(startOfSelection, endOfSelection)); return; } } doApplyForSingleParagraph(false, listTag, endingSelection().firstRange().get()); } void InsertListCommand::doApplyForSingleParagraph(bool forceCreateList, const QualifiedName& listTag, Range* currentSelection) { // FIXME: This will produce unexpected results for a selection that starts just before a // table and ends inside the first cell, selectionForParagraphIteration should probably // be renamed and deployed inside setEndingSelection(). Node* selectionNode = endingSelection().start().node(); Node* listChildNode = enclosingListChild(selectionNode); bool switchListType = false; if (listChildNode) { // Remove the list chlild. RefPtr listNode = enclosingList(listChildNode); if (!listNode) { listNode = fixOrphanedListChild(listChildNode); listNode = mergeWithNeighboringLists(listNode); } if (!listNode->hasTagName(listTag)) // listChildNode will be removed from the list and a list of type m_type will be created. switchListType = true; // If the list is of the desired type, and we are not removing the list, then exit early. if (!switchListType && forceCreateList) return; // If the entire list is selected, then convert the whole list. if (switchListType && isNodeVisiblyContainedWithin(listNode.get(), currentSelection)) { bool rangeStartIsInList = visiblePositionBeforeNode(listNode.get()) == currentSelection->startPosition(); bool rangeEndIsInList = visiblePositionAfterNode(listNode.get()) == currentSelection->endPosition(); RefPtr newList = createHTMLElement(document(), listTag); insertNodeBefore(newList, listNode); Node* firstChildInList = enclosingListChild(VisiblePosition(Position(listNode, 0)).deepEquivalent().node(), listNode.get()); Node* outerBlock = firstChildInList->isBlockFlow() ? firstChildInList : listNode.get(); moveParagraphWithClones(firstPositionInNode(listNode.get()), lastPositionInNode(listNode.get()), newList.get(), outerBlock); // Manually remove listNode because moveParagraphWithClones sometimes leaves it behind in the document. // See the bug 33668 and editing/execCommand/insert-list-orphaned-item-with-nested-lists.html. // FIXME: This might be a bug in moveParagraphWithClones or deleteSelection. if (listNode && listNode->inDocument()) removeNode(listNode); newList = mergeWithNeighboringLists(newList); // Restore the start and the end of current selection if they started inside listNode // because moveParagraphWithClones could have removed them. ExceptionCode ec; if (rangeStartIsInList && newList) currentSelection->setStart(newList, 0, ec); if (rangeEndIsInList && newList) currentSelection->setEnd(newList, lastOffsetInNode(newList.get()), ec); setEndingSelection(VisiblePosition(firstPositionInNode(newList.get()))); return; } unlistifyParagraph(endingSelection().visibleStart(), listNode.get(), listChildNode); } if (!listChildNode || switchListType || forceCreateList) m_listElement = listifyParagraph(endingSelection().visibleStart(), listTag); } void InsertListCommand::unlistifyParagraph(const VisiblePosition& originalStart, HTMLElement* listNode, Node* listChildNode) { Node* nextListChild; Node* previousListChild; VisiblePosition start; VisiblePosition end; if (listChildNode->hasTagName(liTag)) { start = firstDeepEditingPositionForNode(listChildNode); end = lastDeepEditingPositionForNode(listChildNode); nextListChild = listChildNode->nextSibling(); previousListChild = listChildNode->previousSibling(); } else { // A paragraph is visually a list item minus a list marker. The paragraph will be moved. start = startOfParagraph(originalStart); end = endOfParagraph(start); nextListChild = enclosingListChild(end.next().deepEquivalent().node(), listNode); ASSERT(nextListChild != listChildNode); previousListChild = enclosingListChild(start.previous().deepEquivalent().node(), listNode); ASSERT(previousListChild != listChildNode); } // When removing a list, we must always create a placeholder to act as a point of insertion // for the list content being removed. RefPtr placeholder = createBreakElement(document()); RefPtr nodeToInsert = placeholder; // If the content of the list item will be moved into another list, put it in a list item // so that we don't create an orphaned list child. if (enclosingList(listNode)) { nodeToInsert = createListItemElement(document()); appendNode(placeholder, nodeToInsert); } if (nextListChild && previousListChild) { // We want to pull listChildNode out of listNode, and place it before nextListChild // and after previousListChild, so we split listNode and insert it between the two lists. // But to split listNode, we must first split ancestors of listChildNode between it and listNode, // if any exist. // FIXME: We appear to split at nextListChild as opposed to listChildNode so that when we remove // listChildNode below in moveParagraphs, previousListChild will be removed along with it if it is // unrendered. But we ought to remove nextListChild too, if it is unrendered. splitElement(listNode, splitTreeToNode(nextListChild, listNode)); insertNodeBefore(nodeToInsert, listNode); } else if (nextListChild || listChildNode->parentNode() != listNode) { // Just because listChildNode has no previousListChild doesn't mean there isn't any content // in listNode that comes before listChildNode, as listChildNode could have ancestors // between it and listNode. So, we split up to listNode before inserting the placeholder // where we're about to move listChildNode to. if (listChildNode->parentNode() != listNode) splitElement(listNode, splitTreeToNode(listChildNode, listNode).get()); insertNodeBefore(nodeToInsert, listNode); } else insertNodeAfter(nodeToInsert, listNode); VisiblePosition insertionPoint = VisiblePosition(Position(placeholder.get(), 0)); moveParagraphs(start, end, insertionPoint, true); } static Element* adjacentEnclosingList(const VisiblePosition& pos, const VisiblePosition& adjacentPos, const QualifiedName& listTag) { Element* listNode = outermostEnclosingList(adjacentPos.deepEquivalent().node()); if (!listNode) return 0; Node* previousCell = enclosingTableCell(pos.deepEquivalent()); Node* currentCell = enclosingTableCell(adjacentPos.deepEquivalent()); if (!listNode->hasTagName(listTag) || listNode->contains(pos.deepEquivalent().node()) || previousCell != currentCell || enclosingList(listNode) != enclosingList(pos.deepEquivalent().node())) return 0; return listNode; } PassRefPtr InsertListCommand::listifyParagraph(const VisiblePosition& originalStart, const QualifiedName& listTag) { VisiblePosition start = startOfParagraph(originalStart); VisiblePosition end = endOfParagraph(start); if (start.isNull() || end.isNull()) return 0; // Check for adjoining lists. RefPtr listItemElement = createListItemElement(document()); RefPtr placeholder = createBreakElement(document()); appendNode(placeholder, listItemElement); // Place list item into adjoining lists. Element* previousList = adjacentEnclosingList(start.deepEquivalent(), start.previous(true), listTag); Element* nextList = adjacentEnclosingList(start.deepEquivalent(), end.next(true), listTag); RefPtr listElement; if (previousList) appendNode(listItemElement, previousList); else if (nextList) insertNodeAt(listItemElement, Position(nextList, 0)); else { // Create the list. listElement = createHTMLElement(document(), listTag); appendNode(listItemElement, listElement); if (start == end && isBlock(start.deepEquivalent().node())) { // Inserting the list into an empty paragraph that isn't held open // by a br or a '\n', will invalidate start and end. Insert // a placeholder and then recompute start and end. RefPtr placeholder = insertBlockPlaceholder(start.deepEquivalent()); start = VisiblePosition(Position(placeholder.get(), 0)); end = start; } // Insert the list at a position visually equivalent to start of the // paragraph that is being moved into the list. // Try to avoid inserting it somewhere where it will be surrounded by // inline ancestors of start, since it is easier for editing to produce // clean markup when inline elements are pushed down as far as possible. Position insertionPos(start.deepEquivalent().upstream()); // Also avoid the containing list item. Node* listChild = enclosingListChild(insertionPos.node()); if (listChild && listChild->hasTagName(liTag)) insertionPos = positionInParentBeforeNode(listChild); insertNodeAt(listElement, insertionPos); // We inserted the list at the start of the content we're about to move // Update the start of content, so we don't try to move the list into itself. bug 19066 if (insertionPos == start.deepEquivalent()) start = startOfParagraph(originalStart); } moveParagraph(start, end, VisiblePosition(Position(placeholder.get(), 0)), true); if (listElement) return mergeWithNeighboringLists(listElement); if (canMergeLists(previousList, nextList)) mergeIdenticalElements(previousList, nextList); return listElement; } }