/* * Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "HistoryItem.h" #include "CString.h" #include "CachedPage.h" #include "Document.h" #include "IconDatabase.h" #include "PageCache.h" #include "ResourceRequest.h" #include namespace WebCore { #ifdef ANDROID_HISTORY_CLIENT void (*notifyHistoryItemChanged)(HistoryItem*); #else static void defaultNotifyHistoryItemChanged() { } void (*notifyHistoryItemChanged)() = defaultNotifyHistoryItemChanged; #endif HistoryItem::HistoryItem() : m_lastVisitedTime(0) , m_lastVisitWasHTTPNonGet(false) , m_lastVisitWasFailure(false) , m_isTargetItem(false) , m_visitCount(0) { } HistoryItem::HistoryItem(const String& urlString, const String& title, double time) : m_urlString(urlString) , m_originalURLString(urlString) , m_title(title) , m_lastVisitedTime(time) , m_lastVisitWasHTTPNonGet(false) , m_lastVisitWasFailure(false) , m_isTargetItem(false) , m_visitCount(0) { iconDatabase()->retainIconForPageURL(m_urlString); } HistoryItem::HistoryItem(const String& urlString, const String& title, const String& alternateTitle, double time) : m_urlString(urlString) , m_originalURLString(urlString) , m_title(title) , m_displayTitle(alternateTitle) , m_lastVisitedTime(time) , m_lastVisitWasHTTPNonGet(false) , m_lastVisitWasFailure(false) , m_isTargetItem(false) , m_visitCount(0) { iconDatabase()->retainIconForPageURL(m_urlString); } HistoryItem::HistoryItem(const KURL& url, const String& target, const String& parent, const String& title) : m_urlString(url.string()) , m_originalURLString(url.string()) , m_target(target) , m_parent(parent) , m_title(title) , m_lastVisitedTime(0) , m_lastVisitWasHTTPNonGet(false) , m_lastVisitWasFailure(false) , m_isTargetItem(false) , m_visitCount(0) { iconDatabase()->retainIconForPageURL(m_urlString); } HistoryItem::~HistoryItem() { ASSERT(!m_cachedPage); iconDatabase()->releaseIconForPageURL(m_urlString); } inline HistoryItem::HistoryItem(const HistoryItem& item) : RefCounted() , m_urlString(item.m_urlString) , m_originalURLString(item.m_originalURLString) , m_referrer(item.m_referrer) , m_target(item.m_target) , m_parent(item.m_parent) , m_title(item.m_title) , m_displayTitle(item.m_displayTitle) , m_lastVisitedTime(item.m_lastVisitedTime) , m_lastVisitWasHTTPNonGet(item.m_lastVisitWasHTTPNonGet) , m_scrollPoint(item.m_scrollPoint) , m_lastVisitWasFailure(item.m_lastVisitWasFailure) , m_isTargetItem(item.m_isTargetItem) , m_visitCount(item.m_visitCount) , m_dailyVisitCounts(item.m_dailyVisitCounts) , m_weeklyVisitCounts(item.m_weeklyVisitCounts) , m_formContentType(item.m_formContentType) { ASSERT(!item.m_cachedPage); if (item.m_formData) m_formData = item.m_formData->copy(); unsigned size = item.m_children.size(); m_children.reserveInitialCapacity(size); for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i) m_children.uncheckedAppend(item.m_children[i]->copy()); if (item.m_redirectURLs) m_redirectURLs.set(new Vector(*item.m_redirectURLs)); } PassRefPtr HistoryItem::copy() const { return adoptRef(new HistoryItem(*this)); } const String& HistoryItem::urlString() const { return m_urlString; } // The first URL we loaded to get to where this history item points. Includes both client // and server redirects. const String& HistoryItem::originalURLString() const { return m_originalURLString; } const String& HistoryItem::title() const { return m_title; } const String& HistoryItem::alternateTitle() const { return m_displayTitle; } Image* HistoryItem::icon() const { Image* result = iconDatabase()->iconForPageURL(m_urlString, IntSize(16, 16)); return result ? result : iconDatabase()->defaultIcon(IntSize(16, 16)); } double HistoryItem::lastVisitedTime() const { return m_lastVisitedTime; } KURL HistoryItem::url() const { return KURL(m_urlString); } KURL HistoryItem::originalURL() const { return KURL(m_originalURLString); } const String& HistoryItem::referrer() const { return m_referrer; } const String& HistoryItem::target() const { return m_target; } const String& HistoryItem::parent() const { return m_parent; } void HistoryItem::setAlternateTitle(const String& alternateTitle) { m_displayTitle = alternateTitle; #ifndef ANDROID_HISTORY_CLIENT notifyHistoryItemChanged(); #endif } void HistoryItem::setURLString(const String& urlString) { if (m_urlString != urlString) { iconDatabase()->releaseIconForPageURL(m_urlString); m_urlString = urlString; iconDatabase()->retainIconForPageURL(m_urlString); } #ifdef ANDROID_HISTORY_CLIENT notifyHistoryItemChanged(this); #else notifyHistoryItemChanged(); #endif } void HistoryItem::setURL(const KURL& url) { pageCache()->remove(this); setURLString(url.string()); clearDocumentState(); } void HistoryItem::setOriginalURLString(const String& urlString) { m_originalURLString = urlString; #ifdef ANDROID_HISTORY_CLIENT notifyHistoryItemChanged(this); #else notifyHistoryItemChanged(); #endif } void HistoryItem::setReferrer(const String& referrer) { m_referrer = referrer; #ifdef ANDROID_HISTORY_CLIENT notifyHistoryItemChanged(this); #else notifyHistoryItemChanged(); #endif } void HistoryItem::setTitle(const String& title) { m_title = title; #ifdef ANDROID_HISTORY_CLIENT notifyHistoryItemChanged(this); #else notifyHistoryItemChanged(); #endif } void HistoryItem::setTarget(const String& target) { m_target = target; #ifdef ANDROID_HISTORY_CLIENT notifyHistoryItemChanged(this); #else notifyHistoryItemChanged(); #endif } void HistoryItem::setParent(const String& parent) { m_parent = parent; } static inline int timeToDay(double time) { static const double secondsPerDay = 60 * 60 * 24; return static_cast(ceil(time / secondsPerDay)); } void HistoryItem::padDailyCountsForNewVisit(double time) { if (m_dailyVisitCounts.isEmpty()) m_dailyVisitCounts.prepend(m_visitCount); int daysElapsed = timeToDay(time) - timeToDay(m_lastVisitedTime); if (daysElapsed < 0) daysElapsed = 0; Vector padding; padding.fill(0, daysElapsed); m_dailyVisitCounts.prepend(padding); } static const size_t daysPerWeek = 7; static const size_t maxDailyCounts = 2 * daysPerWeek - 1; static const size_t maxWeeklyCounts = 5; void HistoryItem::collapseDailyVisitsToWeekly() { while (m_dailyVisitCounts.size() > maxDailyCounts) { int oldestWeekTotal = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < daysPerWeek; i++) oldestWeekTotal += m_dailyVisitCounts[m_dailyVisitCounts.size() - daysPerWeek + i]; m_dailyVisitCounts.shrink(m_dailyVisitCounts.size() - daysPerWeek); m_weeklyVisitCounts.prepend(oldestWeekTotal); } if (m_weeklyVisitCounts.size() > maxWeeklyCounts) m_weeklyVisitCounts.shrink(maxWeeklyCounts); } void HistoryItem::recordVisitAtTime(double time, VisitCountBehavior visitCountBehavior) { padDailyCountsForNewVisit(time); m_lastVisitedTime = time; if (visitCountBehavior == IncreaseVisitCount) { ++m_visitCount; ++m_dailyVisitCounts[0]; } collapseDailyVisitsToWeekly(); } void HistoryItem::setLastVisitedTime(double time) { if (m_lastVisitedTime != time) recordVisitAtTime(time); } void HistoryItem::visited(const String& title, double time, VisitCountBehavior visitCountBehavior) { m_title = title; recordVisitAtTime(time, visitCountBehavior); } int HistoryItem::visitCount() const { return m_visitCount; } void HistoryItem::recordInitialVisit() { ASSERT(!m_visitCount); recordVisitAtTime(m_lastVisitedTime); } void HistoryItem::setVisitCount(int count) { m_visitCount = count; } void HistoryItem::adoptVisitCounts(Vector& dailyCounts, Vector& weeklyCounts) { m_dailyVisitCounts.clear(); m_dailyVisitCounts.swap(dailyCounts); m_weeklyVisitCounts.clear(); m_weeklyVisitCounts.swap(weeklyCounts); } const IntPoint& HistoryItem::scrollPoint() const { return m_scrollPoint; } void HistoryItem::setScrollPoint(const IntPoint& point) { m_scrollPoint = point; } void HistoryItem::clearScrollPoint() { m_scrollPoint.setX(0); m_scrollPoint.setY(0); } void HistoryItem::setDocumentState(const Vector& state) { m_documentState = state; #ifdef ANDROID_HISTORY_CLIENT notifyHistoryItemChanged(this); #endif } const Vector& HistoryItem::documentState() const { return m_documentState; } void HistoryItem::clearDocumentState() { m_documentState.clear(); #ifdef ANDROID_HISTORY_CLIENT notifyHistoryItemChanged(this); #endif } bool HistoryItem::isTargetItem() const { return m_isTargetItem; } void HistoryItem::setIsTargetItem(bool flag) { m_isTargetItem = flag; #ifdef ANDROID_HISTORY_CLIENT notifyHistoryItemChanged(this); #endif } void HistoryItem::addChildItem(PassRefPtr child) { ASSERT(!childItemWithTarget(child->target())); m_children.append(child); #ifdef ANDROID_HISTORY_CLIENT notifyHistoryItemChanged(this); #endif } void HistoryItem::setChildItem(PassRefPtr child) { ASSERT(!child->isTargetItem()); unsigned size = m_children.size(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (m_children[i]->target() == child->target()) { child->setIsTargetItem(m_children[i]->isTargetItem()); m_children[i] = child; return; } } m_children.append(child); } HistoryItem* HistoryItem::childItemWithTarget(const String& target) const { unsigned size = m_children.size(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (m_children[i]->target() == target) return m_children[i].get(); } return 0; } // HistoryItem::findTargetItem() should be replaced with a non-recursive method. HistoryItem* HistoryItem::findTargetItem() { if (m_isTargetItem) return this; unsigned size = m_children.size(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (HistoryItem* match = m_children[i]->targetItem()) return match; } return 0; } HistoryItem* HistoryItem::targetItem() { HistoryItem* foundItem = findTargetItem(); return foundItem ? foundItem : this; } const HistoryItemVector& HistoryItem::children() const { return m_children; } bool HistoryItem::hasChildren() const { return !m_children.isEmpty(); } void HistoryItem::clearChildren() { m_children.clear(); } String HistoryItem::formContentType() const { return m_formContentType; } void HistoryItem::setFormInfoFromRequest(const ResourceRequest& request) { m_referrer = request.httpReferrer(); if (equalIgnoringCase(request.httpMethod(), "POST")) { // FIXME: Eventually we have to make this smart enough to handle the case where // we have a stream for the body to handle the "data interspersed with files" feature. m_formData = request.httpBody(); m_formContentType = request.httpContentType(); } else { m_formData = 0; m_formContentType = String(); } #ifdef ANDROID_HISTORY_CLIENT notifyHistoryItemChanged(this); #endif } void HistoryItem::setFormData(PassRefPtr formData) { m_formData = formData; } void HistoryItem::setFormContentType(const String& formContentType) { m_formContentType = formContentType; } FormData* HistoryItem::formData() { return m_formData.get(); } bool HistoryItem::isCurrentDocument(Document* doc) const { // FIXME: We should find a better way to check if this is the current document. return equalIgnoringFragmentIdentifier(url(), doc->url()); } void HistoryItem::mergeAutoCompleteHints(HistoryItem* otherItem) { // FIXME: this is broken - we should be merging the daily counts // somehow. but this is to support API that's not really used in // practice so leave it broken for now. ASSERT(otherItem); if (otherItem != this) m_visitCount += otherItem->m_visitCount; } void HistoryItem::addRedirectURL(const String& url) { if (!m_redirectURLs) m_redirectURLs.set(new Vector); // Our API allows us to store all the URLs in the redirect chain, but for // now we only have a use for the final URL. (*m_redirectURLs).resize(1); (*m_redirectURLs)[0] = url; } Vector* HistoryItem::redirectURLs() const { return m_redirectURLs.get(); } void HistoryItem::setRedirectURLs(PassOwnPtr > redirectURLs) { m_redirectURLs = redirectURLs; } #ifndef NDEBUG int HistoryItem::showTree() const { return showTreeWithIndent(0); } int HistoryItem::showTreeWithIndent(unsigned indentLevel) const { Vector prefix; for (unsigned i = 0; i < indentLevel; ++i) prefix.append(" ", 2); prefix.append("\0", 1); fprintf(stderr, "%s+-%s (%p)\n", prefix.data(), m_urlString.utf8().data(), this); int totalSubItems = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_children.size(); ++i) totalSubItems += m_children[i]->showTreeWithIndent(indentLevel + 1); return totalSubItems + 1; } #endif } // namespace WebCore #ifndef NDEBUG int showTree(const WebCore::HistoryItem* item) { return item->showTree(); } #endif