/* * Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #if ENABLE(FTPDIR) #include "FTPDirectoryDocument.h" #include "CharacterNames.h" #include "HTMLDocumentParser.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "HTMLTableElement.h" #include "LocalizedStrings.h" #include "Logging.h" #include "FTPDirectoryParser.h" #include "SegmentedString.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "SharedBuffer.h" #include "Text.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace WebCore { using namespace HTMLNames; class FTPDirectoryDocumentParser : public HTMLDocumentParser { public: static PassRefPtr create(HTMLDocument* document) { return adoptRef(new FTPDirectoryDocumentParser(document)); } virtual void append(const SegmentedString&); virtual void finish(); virtual bool isWaitingForScripts() const { return false; } inline void checkBuffer(int len = 10) { if ((m_dest - m_buffer) > m_size - len) { // Enlarge buffer int newSize = max(m_size * 2, m_size + len); int oldOffset = m_dest - m_buffer; m_buffer = static_cast(fastRealloc(m_buffer, newSize * sizeof(UChar))); m_dest = m_buffer + oldOffset; m_size = newSize; } } private: FTPDirectoryDocumentParser(HTMLDocument*); // The parser will attempt to load the document template specified via the preference // Failing that, it will fall back and create the basic document which will have a minimal // table for presenting the FTP directory in a useful manner bool loadDocumentTemplate(); void createBasicDocument(); void parseAndAppendOneLine(const String&); void appendEntry(const String& name, const String& size, const String& date, bool isDirectory); PassRefPtr createTDForFilename(const String&); RefPtr m_tableElement; bool m_skipLF; bool m_parsedTemplate; int m_size; UChar* m_buffer; UChar* m_dest; String m_carryOver; ListState m_listState; }; FTPDirectoryDocumentParser::FTPDirectoryDocumentParser(HTMLDocument* document) : HTMLDocumentParser(document, false) , m_skipLF(false) , m_parsedTemplate(false) , m_size(254) , m_buffer(static_cast(fastMalloc(sizeof(UChar) * m_size))) , m_dest(m_buffer) { } void FTPDirectoryDocumentParser::appendEntry(const String& filename, const String& size, const String& date, bool isDirectory) { ExceptionCode ec; RefPtr rowElement = m_tableElement->insertRow(-1, ec); rowElement->setAttribute("class", "ftpDirectoryEntryRow", ec); RefPtr element = document()->createElement(tdTag, false); element->appendChild(Text::create(document(), String(&noBreakSpace, 1)), ec); if (isDirectory) element->setAttribute("class", "ftpDirectoryIcon ftpDirectoryTypeDirectory", ec); else element->setAttribute("class", "ftpDirectoryIcon ftpDirectoryTypeFile", ec); rowElement->appendChild(element, ec); element = createTDForFilename(filename); element->setAttribute("class", "ftpDirectoryFileName", ec); rowElement->appendChild(element, ec); element = document()->createElement(tdTag, false); element->appendChild(Text::create(document(), date), ec); element->setAttribute("class", "ftpDirectoryFileDate", ec); rowElement->appendChild(element, ec); element = document()->createElement(tdTag, false); element->appendChild(Text::create(document(), size), ec); element->setAttribute("class", "ftpDirectoryFileSize", ec); rowElement->appendChild(element, ec); } PassRefPtr FTPDirectoryDocumentParser::createTDForFilename(const String& filename) { ExceptionCode ec; String fullURL = document()->baseURL().string(); if (fullURL[fullURL.length() - 1] == '/') fullURL.append(filename); else fullURL.append("/" + filename); RefPtr anchorElement = document()->createElement(aTag, false); anchorElement->setAttribute("href", fullURL, ec); anchorElement->appendChild(Text::create(document(), filename), ec); RefPtr tdElement = document()->createElement(tdTag, false); tdElement->appendChild(anchorElement, ec); return tdElement.release(); } static String processFilesizeString(const String& size, bool isDirectory) { if (isDirectory) return "--"; bool valid; int64_t bytes = size.toUInt64(&valid); if (!valid) return unknownFileSizeText(); if (bytes < 1000000) return String::format("%.2f KB", static_cast(bytes)/1000); if (bytes < 1000000000) return String::format("%.2f MB", static_cast(bytes)/1000000); return String::format("%.2f GB", static_cast(bytes)/1000000000); } static bool wasLastDayOfMonth(int year, int month, int day) { static int lastDays[] = { 31, 0, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }; if (month < 0 || month > 11) return false; if (month == 2) { if (year % 4 == 0 && (year % 100 || year % 400 == 0)) { if (day == 29) return true; return false; } if (day == 28) return true; return false; } return lastDays[month] == day; } static String processFileDateString(const FTPTime& fileTime) { // FIXME: Need to localize this string? String timeOfDay; if (!(fileTime.tm_hour == 0 && fileTime.tm_min == 0 && fileTime.tm_sec == 0)) { int hour = fileTime.tm_hour; ASSERT(hour >= 0 && hour < 24); if (hour < 12) { if (hour == 0) hour = 12; timeOfDay = String::format(", %i:%02i AM", hour, fileTime.tm_min); } else { hour = hour - 12; if (hour == 0) hour = 12; timeOfDay = String::format(", %i:%02i PM", hour, fileTime.tm_min); } } // If it was today or yesterday, lets just do that - but we have to compare to the current time struct tm now; time_t now_t = time(NULL); getLocalTime(&now_t, &now); // localtime does "year = current year - 1900", compensate for that for readability and comparison purposes now.tm_year += 1900; if (fileTime.tm_year == now.tm_year) { if (fileTime.tm_mon == now.tm_mon) { if (fileTime.tm_mday == now.tm_mday) return "Today" + timeOfDay; if (fileTime.tm_mday == now.tm_mday - 1) return "Yesterday" + timeOfDay; } if (now.tm_mday == 1 && (now.tm_mon == fileTime.tm_mon + 1 || (now.tm_mon == 0 && fileTime.tm_mon == 11)) && wasLastDayOfMonth(fileTime.tm_year, fileTime.tm_mon, fileTime.tm_mday)) return "Yesterday" + timeOfDay; } if (fileTime.tm_year == now.tm_year - 1 && fileTime.tm_mon == 12 && fileTime.tm_mday == 31 && now.tm_mon == 1 && now.tm_mday == 1) return "Yesterday" + timeOfDay; static const char* months[] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", "???" }; int month = fileTime.tm_mon; if (month < 0 || month > 11) month = 12; String dateString; if (fileTime.tm_year > -1) dateString = makeString(months[month], ' ', String::number(fileTime.tm_mday), ", ", String::number(fileTime.tm_year)); else dateString = makeString(months[month], ' ', String::number(fileTime.tm_mday), ", ", String::number(now.tm_year)); return dateString + timeOfDay; } void FTPDirectoryDocumentParser::parseAndAppendOneLine(const String& inputLine) { ListResult result; CString latin1Input = inputLine.latin1(); FTPEntryType typeResult = parseOneFTPLine(latin1Input.data(), m_listState, result); // FTPMiscEntry is a comment or usage statistic which we don't care about, and junk is invalid data - bail in these 2 cases if (typeResult == FTPMiscEntry || typeResult == FTPJunkEntry) return; String filename(result.filename, result.filenameLength); if (result.type == FTPDirectoryEntry) { filename.append("/"); // We have no interest in linking to "current directory" if (filename == "./") return; } LOG(FTP, "Appending entry - %s, %s", filename.ascii().data(), result.fileSize.ascii().data()); appendEntry(filename, processFilesizeString(result.fileSize, result.type == FTPDirectoryEntry), processFileDateString(result.modifiedTime), result.type == FTPDirectoryEntry); } static inline PassRefPtr createTemplateDocumentData(Settings* settings) { RefPtr buffer = 0; if (settings) buffer = SharedBuffer::createWithContentsOfFile(settings->ftpDirectoryTemplatePath()); if (buffer) LOG(FTP, "Loaded FTPDirectoryTemplate of length %i\n", buffer->size()); return buffer.release(); } bool FTPDirectoryDocumentParser::loadDocumentTemplate() { DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(RefPtr, templateDocumentData, (createTemplateDocumentData(document()->settings()))); // FIXME: Instead of storing the data, we'd rather actually parse the template data into the template Document once, // store that document, then "copy" it whenever we get an FTP directory listing. There are complexities with this // approach that make it worth putting this off. if (!templateDocumentData) { LOG_ERROR("Could not load templateData"); return false; } HTMLDocumentParser::insert(String(templateDocumentData->data(), templateDocumentData->size())); RefPtr tableElement = document()->getElementById("ftpDirectoryTable"); if (!tableElement) LOG_ERROR("Unable to find element by id \"ftpDirectoryTable\" in the template document."); else if (!tableElement->hasTagName(tableTag)) LOG_ERROR("Element of id \"ftpDirectoryTable\" is not a table element"); else m_tableElement = static_cast(tableElement.get()); // Bail if we found the table element if (m_tableElement) return true; // Otherwise create one manually tableElement = document()->createElement(tableTag, false); m_tableElement = static_cast(tableElement.get()); ExceptionCode ec; m_tableElement->setAttribute("id", "ftpDirectoryTable", ec); // If we didn't find the table element, lets try to append our own to the body // If that fails for some reason, cram it on the end of the document as a last // ditch effort if (Element* body = document()->body()) body->appendChild(m_tableElement, ec); else document()->appendChild(m_tableElement, ec); return true; } void FTPDirectoryDocumentParser::createBasicDocument() { LOG(FTP, "Creating a basic FTP document structure as no template was loaded"); // FIXME: Make this "basic document" more acceptable RefPtr bodyElement = document()->createElement(bodyTag, false); ExceptionCode ec; document()->appendChild(bodyElement, ec); RefPtr tableElement = document()->createElement(tableTag, false); m_tableElement = static_cast(tableElement.get()); m_tableElement->setAttribute("id", "ftpDirectoryTable", ec); bodyElement->appendChild(m_tableElement, ec); } void FTPDirectoryDocumentParser::append(const SegmentedString& source) { // Make sure we have the table element to append to by loading the template set in the pref, or // creating a very basic document with the appropriate table if (!m_tableElement) { if (!loadDocumentTemplate()) createBasicDocument(); ASSERT(m_tableElement); } bool foundNewLine = false; m_dest = m_buffer; SegmentedString str = source; while (!str.isEmpty()) { UChar c = *str; if (c == '\r') { *m_dest++ = '\n'; foundNewLine = true; // possibly skip an LF in the case of an CRLF sequence m_skipLF = true; } else if (c == '\n') { if (!m_skipLF) *m_dest++ = c; else m_skipLF = false; } else { *m_dest++ = c; m_skipLF = false; } str.advance(); // Maybe enlarge the buffer checkBuffer(); } if (!foundNewLine) { m_dest = m_buffer; return; } UChar* start = m_buffer; UChar* cursor = start; while (cursor < m_dest) { if (*cursor == '\n') { m_carryOver.append(String(start, cursor - start)); LOG(FTP, "%s", m_carryOver.ascii().data()); parseAndAppendOneLine(m_carryOver); m_carryOver = String(); start = ++cursor; } else cursor++; } // Copy the partial line we have left to the carryover buffer if (cursor - start > 1) m_carryOver.append(String(start, cursor - start - 1)); } void FTPDirectoryDocumentParser::finish() { // Possible the last line in the listing had no newline, so try to parse it now if (!m_carryOver.isEmpty()) { parseAndAppendOneLine(m_carryOver); m_carryOver = String(); } m_tableElement = 0; fastFree(m_buffer); HTMLDocumentParser::finish(); } FTPDirectoryDocument::FTPDirectoryDocument(Frame* frame, const KURL& url) : HTMLDocument(frame, url) { #ifndef NDEBUG LogFTP.state = WTFLogChannelOn; #endif } PassRefPtr FTPDirectoryDocument::createParser() { return FTPDirectoryDocumentParser::create(this); } } #endif // ENABLE(FTPDIR)