/* * Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef InspectorController_h #define InspectorController_h #include "Console.h" #include "Cookie.h" #include "InspectorDOMAgent.h" #include "PlatformString.h" #include "ScriptArray.h" #include "ScriptBreakpoint.h" #include "ScriptObject.h" #include "ScriptProfile.h" #include "ScriptState.h" #include "ScriptValue.h" #include "StringHash.h" #include "Timer.h" #include #include #include #include #include #if ENABLE(JAVASCRIPT_DEBUGGER) #include "ScriptDebugListener.h" #endif namespace WebCore { class CachedResource; class ConsoleMessage; class Database; class Document; class DocumentLoader; class Element; class GraphicsContext; class HitTestResult; class InjectedScript; class InjectedScriptHost; class InspectorBackend; class InspectorBackendDispatcher; class InspectorClient; class InspectorCSSStore; class InspectorDOMStorageResource; class InspectorDatabaseResource; class InspectorFrontend; class InspectorFrontendClient; class InspectorResource; class InspectorTimelineAgent; class InspectorValue; class InspectorWorkerResource; class KURL; class Node; class Page; class RemoteInspectorFrontend; class ResourceRequest; class ResourceResponse; class ResourceError; class ScriptCallStack; class ScriptString; class SharedBuffer; class Storage; class StorageArea; #if ENABLE(OFFLINE_WEB_APPLICATIONS) class InspectorApplicationCacheAgent; #endif class InspectorController #if ENABLE(JAVASCRIPT_DEBUGGER) : ScriptDebugListener, public Noncopyable #else : public Noncopyable #endif { public: typedef HashMap > ResourcesMap; typedef HashMap, ResourcesMap*> FrameResourcesMap; typedef HashMap > DatabaseResourcesMap; typedef HashMap > DOMStorageResourcesMap; typedef enum { AuditsPanel, CurrentPanel, ConsolePanel, ElementsPanel, ResourcesPanel, ScriptsPanel, TimelinePanel, ProfilesPanel, StoragePanel } SpecialPanels; InspectorController(Page*, InspectorClient*); ~InspectorController(); InspectorBackend* inspectorBackend() { return m_inspectorBackend.get(); } InspectorBackendDispatcher* inspectorBackendDispatcher() { return m_inspectorBackendDispatcher.get(); } InjectedScriptHost* injectedScriptHost() { return m_injectedScriptHost.get(); } void inspectedPageDestroyed(); bool enabled() const; Page* inspectedPage() const { return m_inspectedPage; } void reloadPage(); String setting(const String& key) const; void setSetting(const String& key, const String& value); void saveApplicationSettings(const String& settings); void saveSessionSettings(const String&); void inspect(Node*); void highlight(Node*); void hideHighlight(); void highlightDOMNode(long nodeId); void hideDOMNodeHighlight() { hideHighlight(); } void show(); void showPanel(SpecialPanels); void close(); // We are in transition from JS transport via webInspector to native // transport via InspectorClient. After migration, webInspector parameter should // be removed. void connectFrontend(const ScriptObject& webInspector); void disconnectFrontend(); void addMessageToConsole(MessageSource, MessageType, MessageLevel, ScriptCallStack*, const String& message = String()); void addMessageToConsole(MessageSource, MessageType, MessageLevel, const String& message, unsigned lineNumber, const String& sourceID); void clearConsoleMessages(); const Vector >& consoleMessages() const { return m_consoleMessages; } bool searchingForNodeInPage() const { return m_searchingForNode; } void mouseDidMoveOverElement(const HitTestResult&, unsigned modifierFlags); void handleMousePress(); void setInspectorFrontendClient(PassOwnPtr client); bool hasInspectorFrontendClient() const { return m_inspectorFrontendClient; } void inspectedWindowScriptObjectCleared(Frame*); bool windowVisible(); void didCommitLoad(DocumentLoader*); void frameDetachedFromParent(Frame*); void didLoadResourceFromMemoryCache(DocumentLoader*, const CachedResource*); void identifierForInitialRequest(unsigned long identifier, DocumentLoader*, const ResourceRequest&); void willSendRequest(unsigned long identifier, ResourceRequest&, const ResourceResponse& redirectResponse); void didReceiveResponse(unsigned long identifier, const ResourceResponse&); void didReceiveContentLength(unsigned long identifier, int lengthReceived); void didFinishLoading(unsigned long identifier); void didFailLoading(unsigned long identifier, const ResourceError&); void resourceRetrievedByXMLHttpRequest(unsigned long identifier, const ScriptString& sourceString, const String& url, const String& sendURL, unsigned sendLineNumber); void scriptImported(unsigned long identifier, const String& sourceString); void enableResourceTracking(bool always = false, bool reload = true); void disableResourceTracking(bool always = false); bool resourceTrackingEnabled() const { return m_resourceTrackingEnabled; } void ensureSettingsLoaded(); void startTimelineProfiler(); void stopTimelineProfiler(); InspectorTimelineAgent* timelineAgent() { return m_timelineAgent.get(); } void getCookies(long callId); void deleteCookie(const String& cookieName, const String& domain); #if ENABLE(OFFLINE_WEB_APPLICATIONS) InspectorApplicationCacheAgent* applicationCacheAgent() { return m_applicationCacheAgent.get(); } #endif void mainResourceFiredLoadEvent(DocumentLoader*, const KURL&); void mainResourceFiredDOMContentEvent(DocumentLoader*, const KURL&); void didInsertDOMNode(Node*); void didRemoveDOMNode(Node*); void didModifyDOMAttr(Element*); #if ENABLE(WORKERS) enum WorkerAction { WorkerCreated, WorkerDestroyed }; void postWorkerNotificationToFrontend(const InspectorWorkerResource&, WorkerAction); void didCreateWorker(intptr_t, const String& url, bool isSharedWorker); void didDestroyWorker(intptr_t); #endif #if ENABLE(DATABASE) void didOpenDatabase(Database*, const String& domain, const String& name, const String& version); #endif #if ENABLE(DOM_STORAGE) void didUseDOMStorage(StorageArea* storageArea, bool isLocalStorage, Frame* frame); void selectDOMStorage(Storage* storage); void getDOMStorageEntries(long callId, long storageId); void setDOMStorageItem(long callId, long storageId, const String& key, const String& value); void removeDOMStorageItem(long callId, long storageId, const String& key); #endif const ResourcesMap& resources() const { return m_resources; } InspectorResource* resourceForURL(const String& url); InspectorFrontend* inspectorFrontend() { return m_frontend.get(); } RemoteInspectorFrontend* remoteInspectorFrontend() { return m_remoteFrontend.get(); } void drawNodeHighlight(GraphicsContext&) const; void count(const String& title, unsigned lineNumber, const String& sourceID); void startTiming(const String& title); bool stopTiming(const String& title, double& elapsed); void startGroup(MessageSource source, ScriptCallStack* callFrame, bool collapsed = false); void endGroup(MessageSource source, unsigned lineNumber, const String& sourceURL); void markTimeline(const String& message); #if ENABLE(JAVASCRIPT_DEBUGGER) void addProfile(PassRefPtr, unsigned lineNumber, const String& sourceURL); void addProfileFinishedMessageToConsole(PassRefPtr, unsigned lineNumber, const String& sourceURL); void addStartProfilingMessageToConsole(const String& title, unsigned lineNumber, const String& sourceURL); void removeProfile(unsigned); void clearProfiles(); bool isRecordingUserInitiatedProfile() const { return m_recordingUserInitiatedProfile; } String getCurrentUserInitiatedProfileName(bool incrementProfileNumber); void startUserInitiatedProfiling(Timer* = 0); void stopUserInitiatedProfiling(); void startProfiling() { startUserInitiatedProfiling(); } void stopProfiling() { stopUserInitiatedProfiling(); } void enableProfiler(bool always = false, bool skipRecompile = false); void disableProfiler(bool always = false); bool profilerEnabled() const { return enabled() && m_profilerEnabled; } void takeHeapSnapshot(); void enableDebugger(); void disableDebugger(bool always = false); bool debuggerEnabled() const { return m_debuggerEnabled; } void editScriptSource(long callId, const String& sourceID, const String& newContent); void getScriptSource(long callId, const String& sourceID); void resume(); void setPauseOnExceptionsState(long pauseState); PassRefPtr currentCallFrames(); virtual void didParseSource(const String& sourceID, const String& url, const String& data, int firstLine, ScriptWorldType); virtual void failedToParseSource(const String& url, const String& data, int firstLine, int errorLine, const String& errorMessage); virtual void didPause(ScriptState*); virtual void didContinue(); #endif void evaluateForTestInFrontend(long callId, const String& script); InjectedScript injectedScriptForNodeId(long id); void addScriptToEvaluateOnLoad(const String& source); void removeAllScriptsToEvaluateOnLoad(); static const String& inspectorStartsAttachedSettingName(); private: static const String& frontendSettingsSettingName(); friend class InspectorBackend; friend class InjectedScriptHost; void populateScriptObjects(); void unbindAllResources(); // Following are used from InspectorBackend and internally. void setSearchingForNode(bool enabled); void enableSearchingForNode() { setSearchingForNode(true); } void disableSearchingForNode() { setSearchingForNode(false); } void setMonitoringXHR(bool enabled); void enableMonitoringXHR() { setMonitoringXHR(true); } void disableMonitoringXHR() { setMonitoringXHR(false); } void storeLastActivePanel(const String& panelName); InspectorDOMAgent* domAgent() { return m_domAgent.get(); } void releaseFrontendLifetimeAgents(); #if ENABLE(JAVASCRIPT_DEBUGGER) void setBreakpoint(long callId, const String& sourceID, unsigned lineNumber, bool enabled, const String& condition); void removeBreakpoint(const String& sourceID, unsigned lineNumber); typedef HashMap > ProfilesMap; void startUserInitiatedProfilingSoon(); void toggleRecordButton(bool); void enableDebuggerFromFrontend(bool always); void getProfileHeaders(long callId); void getProfile(long callId, unsigned uid); ScriptObject createProfileHeader(const ScriptProfile& profile); #endif #if ENABLE(DATABASE) void selectDatabase(Database* database); Database* databaseForId(long databaseId); #endif #if ENABLE(DOM_STORAGE) InspectorDOMStorageResource* getDOMStorageResourceForId(long storageId); #endif ScriptObject buildObjectForCookie(const Cookie&); ScriptArray buildArrayForCookies(ListHashSet&); void focusNode(); void addConsoleMessage(ScriptState*, PassOwnPtr); void addResource(InspectorResource*); void removeResource(InspectorResource*); InspectorResource* getTrackedResource(unsigned long identifier); void getResourceContent(long callId, unsigned long identifier); void pruneResources(ResourcesMap*, DocumentLoader* loaderToKeep = 0); void removeAllResources(ResourcesMap* map) { pruneResources(map); } bool isMainResourceLoader(DocumentLoader* loader, const KURL& requestUrl); SpecialPanels specialPanelForJSName(const String& panelName); void didEvaluateForTestInFrontend(long callId, const String& jsonResult); #if ENABLE(JAVASCRIPT_DEBUGGER) String breakpointsSettingKey(); void loadBreakpoints(); void saveBreakpoints(); #endif Page* m_inspectedPage; InspectorClient* m_client; OwnPtr m_inspectorFrontendClient; bool m_openingFrontend; OwnPtr m_frontend; OwnPtr m_remoteFrontend; RefPtr m_domAgent; OwnPtr m_cssStore; OwnPtr m_timelineAgent; #if ENABLE(OFFLINE_WEB_APPLICATIONS) OwnPtr m_applicationCacheAgent; #endif RefPtr m_nodeToFocus; RefPtr m_mainResource; ResourcesMap m_resources; HashSet m_knownResources; FrameResourcesMap m_frameResources; Vector > m_consoleMessages; unsigned m_expiredConsoleMessageCount; HashMap m_times; HashMap m_counts; #if ENABLE(DATABASE) DatabaseResourcesMap m_databaseResources; #endif #if ENABLE(DOM_STORAGE) DOMStorageResourcesMap m_domStorageResources; #endif SpecialPanels m_showAfterVisible; RefPtr m_highlightedNode; #if ENABLE(INSPECTOR) RefPtr m_sessionSettings; #endif unsigned m_groupLevel; bool m_searchingForNode; bool m_monitoringXHR; ConsoleMessage* m_previousMessage; bool m_resourceTrackingEnabled; bool m_settingsLoaded; RefPtr m_inspectorBackend; OwnPtr m_inspectorBackendDispatcher; RefPtr m_injectedScriptHost; typedef HashMap Settings; mutable Settings m_settings; Vector > m_pendingEvaluateTestCommands; Vector m_scriptsToEvaluateOnLoad; #if ENABLE(JAVASCRIPT_DEBUGGER) bool m_debuggerEnabled; bool m_attachDebuggerWhenShown; ScriptState* m_pausedScriptState; HashMap m_sourceIDToURL; HashMap m_scriptIDToContent; HashMap m_stickyBreakpoints; HashMap m_breakpointsMapping; bool m_breakpointsLoaded; bool m_profilerEnabled; bool m_recordingUserInitiatedProfile; int m_currentUserInitiatedProfileNumber; unsigned m_nextUserInitiatedProfileNumber; Timer m_startProfiling; ProfilesMap m_profiles; #endif #if ENABLE(WORKERS) typedef HashMap > WorkersMap; WorkersMap m_workers; #endif }; inline void InspectorController::didInsertDOMNode(Node* node) { #if ENABLE(INSPECTOR) if (m_domAgent) m_domAgent->didInsertDOMNode(node); #endif } inline void InspectorController::didRemoveDOMNode(Node* node) { #if ENABLE(INSPECTOR) if (m_domAgent) m_domAgent->didRemoveDOMNode(node); #endif } inline void InspectorController::didModifyDOMAttr(Element* element) { #if ENABLE(INSPECTOR) if (m_domAgent) m_domAgent->didModifyDOMAttr(element); #endif } } // namespace WebCore #endif // !defined(InspectorController_h)