/* * Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ WebInspector.SourceView = function(resource) { // Set the sourceFrame first since WebInspector.ResourceView will set headersVisible // and our override of headersVisible needs the sourceFrame. this.sourceFrame = new WebInspector.SourceFrame(null, this._addBreakpoint.bind(this)); WebInspector.ResourceView.call(this, resource); resource.addEventListener("finished", this._resourceLoadingFinished, this); this.element.addStyleClass("source"); this._frameNeedsSetup = true; this.contentElement.appendChild(this.sourceFrame.element); var gutterElement = document.createElement("div"); gutterElement.className = "webkit-line-gutter-backdrop"; this.element.appendChild(gutterElement); } WebInspector.SourceView.prototype = { set headersVisible(x) { if (x === this._headersVisible) return; var superSetter = WebInspector.ResourceView.prototype.__lookupSetter__("headersVisible"); if (superSetter) superSetter.call(this, x); this.sourceFrame.autoSizesToFitContentHeight = x; }, show: function(parentElement) { WebInspector.ResourceView.prototype.show.call(this, parentElement); this.setupSourceFrameIfNeeded(); }, hide: function() { WebInspector.View.prototype.hide.call(this); this._currentSearchResultIndex = -1; }, resize: function() { if (this.sourceFrame.autoSizesToFitContentHeight) this.sourceFrame.sizeToFitContentHeight(); }, detach: function() { WebInspector.ResourceView.prototype.detach.call(this); // FIXME: We need to mark the frame for setup on detach because the frame DOM is cleared // when it is removed from the document. Is this a bug? this._frameNeedsSetup = true; this._sourceFrameSetup = false; }, setupSourceFrameIfNeeded: function() { if (!this._frameNeedsSetup) return; this.attach(); delete this._frameNeedsSetup; this.sourceFrame.addEventListener("content loaded", this._contentLoaded, this); InspectorController.addResourceSourceToFrame(this.resource.identifier, this.sourceFrame.element); }, _contentLoaded: function() { delete this._frameNeedsSetup; this.sourceFrame.removeEventListener("content loaded", this._contentLoaded, this); if (this.resource.type === WebInspector.Resource.Type.Script || this.resource.mimeType === 'application/json' || this.resource.mimeType === 'application/javascript' || /\.js(on)?$/.test(this.resource.lastPathComponent) ) { this.sourceFrame.addEventListener("syntax highlighting complete", this._syntaxHighlightingComplete, this); this.sourceFrame.syntaxHighlightJavascript(); } else this._sourceFrameSetupFinished(); }, _resourceLoadingFinished: function(event) { this._frameNeedsSetup = true; this._sourceFrameSetup = false; if (this.visible) this.setupSourceFrameIfNeeded(); this.resource.removeEventListener("finished", this._resourceLoadingFinished, this); }, _addBreakpoint: function(line) { var sourceID = null; var closestStartingLine = 0; var scripts = this.resource.scripts; for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; ++i) { var script = scripts[i]; if (script.startingLine <= line && script.startingLine >= closestStartingLine) { closestStartingLine = script.startingLine; sourceID = script.sourceID; } } if (WebInspector.panels.scripts) { var breakpoint = new WebInspector.Breakpoint(this.resource.url, line, sourceID); WebInspector.panels.scripts.addBreakpoint(breakpoint); } }, // The rest of the methods in this prototype need to be generic enough to work with a ScriptView. // The ScriptView prototype pulls these methods into it's prototype to avoid duplicate code. searchCanceled: function() { this._currentSearchResultIndex = -1; this._searchResults = []; delete this._delayedFindSearchMatches; }, performSearch: function(query, finishedCallback) { // Call searchCanceled since it will reset everything we need before doing a new search. this.searchCanceled(); var lineQueryRegex = /(^|\s)(?:#|line:\s*)(\d+)(\s|$)/i; var lineQueryMatch = query.match(lineQueryRegex); if (lineQueryMatch) { var lineToSearch = parseInt(lineQueryMatch[2]); // If there was a space before and after the line query part, replace with a space. // Otherwise replace with an empty string to eat the prefix or postfix space. var lineQueryReplacement = (lineQueryMatch[1] && lineQueryMatch[3] ? " " : ""); var filterlessQuery = query.replace(lineQueryRegex, lineQueryReplacement); } this._searchFinishedCallback = finishedCallback; function findSearchMatches(query, finishedCallback) { if (isNaN(lineToSearch)) { // Search the whole document since there was no line to search. this._searchResults = (InspectorController.search(this.sourceFrame.element.contentDocument, query) || []); } else { var sourceRow = this.sourceFrame.sourceRow(lineToSearch); if (sourceRow) { if (filterlessQuery) { // There is still a query string, so search for that string in the line. this._searchResults = (InspectorController.search(sourceRow, filterlessQuery) || []); } else { // Match the whole line, since there was no remaining query string to match. var rowRange = this.sourceFrame.element.contentDocument.createRange(); rowRange.selectNodeContents(sourceRow); this._searchResults = [rowRange]; } } // Attempt to search for the whole query, just incase it matches a color like "#333". var wholeQueryMatches = InspectorController.search(this.sourceFrame.element.contentDocument, query); if (wholeQueryMatches) this._searchResults = this._searchResults.concat(wholeQueryMatches); } if (this._searchResults) finishedCallback(this, this._searchResults.length); } if (!this._sourceFrameSetup) { // The search is performed in _sourceFrameSetupFinished by calling _delayedFindSearchMatches. this._delayedFindSearchMatches = findSearchMatches.bind(this, query, finishedCallback); this.setupSourceFrameIfNeeded(); return; } findSearchMatches.call(this, query, finishedCallback); }, jumpToFirstSearchResult: function() { if (!this._searchResults || !this._searchResults.length) return; this._currentSearchResultIndex = 0; this._jumpToSearchResult(this._currentSearchResultIndex); }, jumpToLastSearchResult: function() { if (!this._searchResults || !this._searchResults.length) return; this._currentSearchResultIndex = (this._searchResults.length - 1); this._jumpToSearchResult(this._currentSearchResultIndex); }, jumpToNextSearchResult: function() { if (!this._searchResults || !this._searchResults.length) return; if (++this._currentSearchResultIndex >= this._searchResults.length) this._currentSearchResultIndex = 0; this._jumpToSearchResult(this._currentSearchResultIndex); }, jumpToPreviousSearchResult: function() { if (!this._searchResults || !this._searchResults.length) return; if (--this._currentSearchResultIndex < 0) this._currentSearchResultIndex = (this._searchResults.length - 1); this._jumpToSearchResult(this._currentSearchResultIndex); }, showingFirstSearchResult: function() { return (this._currentSearchResultIndex === 0); }, showingLastSearchResult: function() { return (this._searchResults && this._currentSearchResultIndex === (this._searchResults.length - 1)); }, revealLine: function(lineNumber) { this.setupSourceFrameIfNeeded(); this.sourceFrame.revealLine(lineNumber); }, highlightLine: function(lineNumber) { this.setupSourceFrameIfNeeded(); this.sourceFrame.highlightLine(lineNumber); }, addMessage: function(msg) { this.sourceFrame.addMessage(msg); }, clearMessages: function() { this.sourceFrame.clearMessages(); }, _jumpToSearchResult: function(index) { var foundRange = this._searchResults[index]; if (!foundRange) return; var selection = this.sourceFrame.element.contentWindow.getSelection(); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(foundRange); if (foundRange.startContainer.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded) foundRange.startContainer.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(true); else if (foundRange.startContainer.parentNode) foundRange.startContainer.parentNode.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(true); }, _sourceFrameSetupFinished: function() { this._sourceFrameSetup = true; if (this._delayedFindSearchMatches) { this._delayedFindSearchMatches(); delete this._delayedFindSearchMatches; } }, _syntaxHighlightingComplete: function(event) { this._sourceFrameSetupFinished(); this.sourceFrame.removeEventListener("syntax highlighting complete", null, this); } } WebInspector.SourceView.prototype.__proto__ = WebInspector.ResourceView.prototype;