/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ WebInspector.TimelineOverviewPane = function(categories) { this.element = document.createElement("div"); this.element.id = "timeline-overview-panel"; this._categories = categories; this._overviewSidebarElement = document.createElement("div"); this._overviewSidebarElement.id = "timeline-overview-sidebar"; this.element.appendChild(this._overviewSidebarElement); var overviewTreeElement = document.createElement("ol"); overviewTreeElement.className = "sidebar-tree"; this._overviewSidebarElement.appendChild(overviewTreeElement); var sidebarTree = new TreeOutline(overviewTreeElement); var categoriesTreeElement = new WebInspector.SidebarSectionTreeElement(WebInspector.UIString("TIMELINES"), {}, true); categoriesTreeElement.expanded = true; sidebarTree.appendChild(categoriesTreeElement); for (var categoryName in this._categories) { var category = this._categories[categoryName]; categoriesTreeElement.appendChild(new WebInspector.TimelineCategoryTreeElement(category, this._onCheckboxClicked.bind(this, category))); } this._overviewGrid = new WebInspector.TimelineGrid(); this._overviewGrid.element.id = "timeline-overview-grid"; this._overviewGrid.itemsGraphsElement.id = "timeline-overview-graphs"; this.element.appendChild(this._overviewGrid.element); this._categoryGraphs = {}; var i = 0; for (var category in this._categories) { var categoryGraph = new WebInspector.TimelineCategoryGraph(this._categories[category], i++ % 2); this._categoryGraphs[category] = categoryGraph; this._overviewGrid.itemsGraphsElement.appendChild(categoryGraph.graphElement); } this._overviewGrid.setScrollAndDividerTop(0, 0); this._overviewWindowElement = document.createElement("div"); this._overviewWindowElement.id = "timeline-overview-window"; this._overviewWindowElement.addEventListener("mousedown", this._dragWindow.bind(this), false); this._overviewGrid.element.appendChild(this._overviewWindowElement); this._leftResizeElement = document.createElement("div"); this._leftResizeElement.className = "timeline-window-resizer"; this._leftResizeElement.style.left = 0; this._overviewGrid.element.appendChild(this._leftResizeElement); this._leftResizeElement.addEventListener("mousedown", this._resizeWindow.bind(this, this._leftResizeElement), false); this._rightResizeElement = document.createElement("div"); this._rightResizeElement.className = "timeline-window-resizer timeline-window-resizer-right"; this._rightResizeElement.style.right = 0; this._overviewGrid.element.appendChild(this._rightResizeElement); this._rightResizeElement.addEventListener("mousedown", this._resizeWindow.bind(this, this._rightResizeElement), false); this._overviewCalculator = new WebInspector.TimelineOverviewCalculator(); var separatorElement = document.createElement("div"); separatorElement.id = "timeline-overview-separator"; this.element.appendChild(separatorElement); this.windowLeft = 0.0; this.windowRight = 1.0; } WebInspector.TimelineOverviewPane.prototype = { _onCheckboxClicked: function (category, event) { if (event.target.checked) category.hidden = false; else category.hidden = true; this._categoryGraphs[category.name].dimmed = !event.target.checked; this.dispatchEventToListeners("filter changed"); }, update: function(records) { // Clear summary bars. var timelines = {}; for (var category in this._categories) { timelines[category] = []; this._categoryGraphs[category].clearChunks(); } function forAllRecords(recordsArray, callback) { if (!recordsArray) return; for (var i = 0; i < recordsArray.length; ++i) { callback(recordsArray[i]); forAllRecords(recordsArray[i].children, callback); } } // Create sparse arrays with 101 cells each to fill with chunks for a given category. this._overviewCalculator.reset(); forAllRecords(records, this._overviewCalculator.updateBoundaries.bind(this._overviewCalculator)); function markTimeline(record) { var percentages = this._overviewCalculator.computeBarGraphPercentages(record); var end = Math.round(percentages.end); var categoryName = record.category.name; for (var j = Math.round(percentages.start); j <= end; ++j) timelines[categoryName][j] = true; } forAllRecords(records, markTimeline.bind(this)); // Convert sparse arrays to continuous segments, render graphs for each. for (var category in this._categories) { var timeline = timelines[category]; window.timelineSaved = timeline; var chunkStart = -1; for (var j = 0; j < 101; ++j) { if (timeline[j]) { if (chunkStart === -1) chunkStart = j; } else { if (chunkStart !== -1) { this._categoryGraphs[category].addChunk(chunkStart, j); chunkStart = -1; } } } if (chunkStart !== -1) { this._categoryGraphs[category].addChunk(chunkStart, 100); chunkStart = -1; } } this._overviewGrid.updateDividers(true, this._overviewCalculator); }, setSidebarWidth: function(width) { this._overviewSidebarElement.style.width = width + "px"; }, updateMainViewWidth: function(width) { this._overviewGrid.element.style.left = width + "px"; }, reset: function() { this.windowLeft = 0.0; this.windowRight = 1.0; this._setWindowPosition(0, this._overviewGrid.element.clientWidth); this._overviewCalculator.reset(); this._overviewGrid.updateDividers(true, this._overviewCalculator); }, _resizeWindow: function(resizeElement, event) { WebInspector.elementDragStart(resizeElement, this._windowResizeDragging.bind(this, resizeElement), this._endWindowDragging.bind(this), event, "col-resize"); }, _windowResizeDragging: function(resizeElement, event) { if (resizeElement === this._leftResizeElement) this._resizeWindowLeft(event.pageX - this._overviewGrid.element.offsetLeft); else this._resizeWindowRight(event.pageX - this._overviewGrid.element.offsetLeft); event.preventDefault(); }, _dragWindow: function(event) { WebInspector.elementDragStart(this._overviewWindowElement, this._windowDragging.bind(this, event.pageX, this._leftResizeElement.offsetLeft, this._rightResizeElement.offsetLeft), this._endWindowDragging.bind(this), event, "ew-resize"); }, _windowDragging: function(startX, windowLeft, windowRight, event) { var delta = event.pageX - startX; var start = windowLeft + delta; var end = windowRight + delta; var windowSize = windowRight - windowLeft; if (start < 0) { start = 0; end = windowSize; } if (end > this._overviewGrid.element.clientWidth) { end = this._overviewGrid.element.clientWidth; start = end - windowSize; } this._setWindowPosition(start, end); event.preventDefault(); }, _resizeWindowLeft: function(start) { // Glue to edge. if (start < 10) start = 0; this._setWindowPosition(start, null); }, _resizeWindowRight: function(end) { // Glue to edge. if (end > this._overviewGrid.element.clientWidth - 10) end = this._overviewGrid.element.clientWidth; this._setWindowPosition(null, end); }, _setWindowPosition: function(start, end) { if (typeof start === "number") { if (start > this._rightResizeElement.offsetLeft - 4) start = this._rightResizeElement.offsetLeft - 4; this.windowLeft = start / this._overviewGrid.element.clientWidth; this._leftResizeElement.style.left = this.windowLeft * 100 + "%"; this._overviewWindowElement.style.left = this.windowLeft * 100 + "%"; } if (typeof end === "number") { if (end < this._leftResizeElement.offsetLeft + 12) end = this._leftResizeElement.offsetLeft + 12; this.windowRight = end / this._overviewGrid.element.clientWidth; this._rightResizeElement.style.left = this.windowRight * 100 + "%"; } this._overviewWindowElement.style.width = (this.windowRight - this.windowLeft) * 100 + "%"; this.dispatchEventToListeners("window changed"); }, _endWindowDragging: function(event) { WebInspector.elementDragEnd(event); } } WebInspector.TimelineOverviewPane.prototype.__proto__ = WebInspector.Object.prototype; WebInspector.TimelineOverviewCalculator = function() { this._uiString = WebInspector.UIString.bind(WebInspector); } WebInspector.TimelineOverviewCalculator.prototype = { computeBarGraphPercentages: function(record) { var start = (record.startTime - this.minimumBoundary) / this.boundarySpan * 100; var end = (record.endTime - this.minimumBoundary) / this.boundarySpan * 100; return {start: start, end: end}; }, reset: function() { delete this.minimumBoundary; delete this.maximumBoundary; }, updateBoundaries: function(record) { if (typeof this.minimumBoundary === "undefined" || record.startTime < this.minimumBoundary) { this.minimumBoundary = record.startTime; return true; } if (typeof this.maximumBoundary === "undefined" || record.endTime > this.maximumBoundary) { this.maximumBoundary = record.endTime; return true; } return false; }, get boundarySpan() { return this.maximumBoundary - this.minimumBoundary; }, formatValue: function(value) { return Number.secondsToString(value, this._uiString); } } WebInspector.TimelineCategoryTreeElement = function(category, onCheckboxClicked) { this._category = category; this._onCheckboxClicked = onCheckboxClicked; // Pass an empty title, the title gets made later in onattach. TreeElement.call(this, "", null, false); } WebInspector.TimelineCategoryTreeElement.prototype = { onattach: function() { this.listItemElement.removeChildren(); this.listItemElement.addStyleClass("timeline-category-tree-item"); this.listItemElement.addStyleClass("timeline-category-" + this._category.name); var label = document.createElement("label"); var checkElement = document.createElement("input"); checkElement.type = "checkbox"; checkElement.className = "timeline-category-checkbox"; checkElement.checked = true; checkElement.addEventListener("click", this._onCheckboxClicked); label.appendChild(checkElement); var typeElement = document.createElement("span"); typeElement.className = "type"; typeElement.textContent = this._category.title; label.appendChild(typeElement); this.listItemElement.appendChild(label); } } WebInspector.TimelineCategoryTreeElement.prototype.__proto__ = TreeElement.prototype; WebInspector.TimelineCategoryGraph = function(category, isEven) { this._category = category; this._graphElement = document.createElement("div"); this._graphElement.className = "timeline-graph-side timeline-overview-graph-side" + (isEven ? " even" : ""); this._barAreaElement = document.createElement("div"); this._barAreaElement.className = "timeline-graph-bar-area timeline-category-" + category.name; this._graphElement.appendChild(this._barAreaElement); } WebInspector.TimelineCategoryGraph.prototype = { get graphElement() { return this._graphElement; }, addChunk: function(start, end) { var chunk = document.createElement("div"); chunk.className = "timeline-graph-bar"; this._barAreaElement.appendChild(chunk); chunk.style.setProperty("left", start + "%"); chunk.style.setProperty("width", (end - start) + "%"); }, clearChunks: function() { this._barAreaElement.removeChildren(); }, set dimmed(dimmed) { if (dimmed) this._barAreaElement.removeStyleClass("timeline-category-" + this._category.name); else this._barAreaElement.addStyleClass("timeline-category-" + this._category.name); } }